def main(): rospy.init_node('nmea_topic_serial_reader') nmea_pub = rospy.Publisher("nmea_sentence", Sentence, queue_size=1) serial_port = rospy.get_param('~port', '/dev/ttyUSB0') serial_baud = rospy.get_param('~baud', 4800) # Get the frame_id frame_id = RosNMEADriver.get_frame_id() try: GPS = serial.Serial(port=serial_port, baudrate=serial_baud, timeout=2) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): data = GPS.readline().strip() sentence = Sentence() sentence.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() sentence.header.frame_id = frame_id sentence.sentence = data nmea_pub.publish(sentence) except rospy.ROSInterruptException: GPS.close() # Close GPS serial port
def main(): rospy.init_node('nmea_serial_driver') context = pyudev.Context() serial_port = "/dev/ttyUSB0" for device in context.list_devices(subsystem='tty'): if 'ID_VENDOR' in device and device[ 'ID_VENDOR'] == 'Prolific_Technology_Inc.': serial_port = device['DEVNAME'] serial_baud = rospy.get_param('~baud', 4800) frame_id = RosNMEADriver.get_frame_id() try: GPS = serial.Serial(port=serial_port, baudrate=serial_baud, timeout=2) try: driver = RosNMEADriver() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): data = GPS.readline().strip() try: driver.add_sentence(data, frame_id) except ValueError as e: rospy.logwarn( "Value error, likely due to missing fields in the NMEA message. " "Error was: %s. Please report this issue at " ", including a bag file with the NMEA " "sentences that caused it." % e) except (rospy.ROSInterruptException, serial.serialutil.SerialException): GPS.close() # Close GPS serial port except serial.SerialException as ex: rospy.logfatal( "Could not open serial port: I/O error({0}): {1}".format( ex.errno, ex.strerror))
def main(): rospy.init_node('nmea_socket_driver') try: local_ip = rospy.get_param('~ip', '') local_port = rospy.get_param('~port', 10110) buffer_size = rospy.get_param('~buffer_size', 4096) timeout = rospy.get_param('~timeout_sec', 2) except KeyError as e: rospy.logerr("Parameter %s not found" % e) sys.exit(1) frame_id = RosNMEADriver.get_frame_id() driver = RosNMEADriver() # Connection-loop: connect and keep receiving. If receiving fails, # reconnect while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: # Create a socket socket_ = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # Bind the socket to the port socket_.bind((local_ip, local_port)) # Set timeout socket_.settimeout(timeout) except socket.error as exc: rospy.logerr( "Caught exception socket.error when setting up socket: %s" % exc) sys.exit(1) # recv-loop: When we're connected, keep receiving stuff until that # fails while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: data, remote_address = socket_.recvfrom(buffer_size) # strip the data data_list = data.strip().split("\n") for data in data_list: try: driver.add_sentence(data, frame_id) except ValueError as e: rospy.logwarn( "Value error, likely due to missing fields in the NMEA message. " "Error was: %s. Please report this issue at " ", including a bag file with the NMEA " "sentences that caused it." % e) except socket.error as exc: rospy.logerr( "Caught exception socket.error during recvfrom: %s" % exc) socket_.close() # This will break out of the recv-loop so we start another # iteration of the connection-loop break socket_.close() # Close socket
import rospy from nmea_msgs.msg import Sentence from libnmea_navsat_driver.driver import RosNMEADriver if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('nmea_topic_serial_reader') nmea_pub = rospy.Publisher("nmea_sentence", Sentence, queue_size=1) serial_port = rospy.get_param('~port','/dev/ttyUSB0') serial_baud = rospy.get_param('~baud',4800) # Get the frame_id frame_id = RosNMEADriver.get_frame_id() try: GPS = serial.Serial(port=serial_port, baudrate=serial_baud, timeout=2) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): data = GPS.readline().strip() sentence = Sentence() sentence.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() sentence.header.frame_id = frame_id sentence.sentence = data nmea_pub.publish(sentence) except rospy.ROSInterruptException: GPS.close() #Close GPS serial port
def main(): """Create and run the nmea_serial_driver ROS node. Creates a ROS NMEA Driver and feeds it NMEA sentence strings from a serial device. :ROS Parameters: - ~port (str) Path of the serial device to open. - ~baud (int) Baud rate to configure the serial device. - ~logging (bool) Activates logging of raw data. - ~logging_path (str) Logging path. - ~playback (bool) Activates playback of raw data instead of reading from device. - ~playback_path (str) Playback path. - ~chunk_size (int) Maximum size in bytes to be read at once, reads that much or until buffer is empty. - ~driver_rate (int) Rate of the driver im Hz. Low rates reduce system load. Too low rates might lead to a growing queue of unprocessed data. """ rospy.init_node('nmea_serial_driver') serial_port = rospy.get_param('~port', '/dev/ttyUSB0') serial_baud = rospy.get_param('~baud', 4800) frame_id = RosNMEADriver.get_frame_id() logging = rospy.get_param('~logging', False) logging_path = rospy.get_param('~logging_path', path.expanduser("~")) playback = rospy.get_param('~playback', False) playback_path = rospy.get_param('~playback_path', '') chunk_size = rospy.get_param('~chunk_size', 1024) driver_rate = rospy.get_param('~driver_rate', 100) # get binary message definitions ubx_message_definition_file = ( rospkg.RosPack().get_path("nmea_navsat_driver") + "/src/libnmea_navsat_driver/ubx_messages.yaml") with open(ubx_message_definition_file, 'r') as stream: ubx_message_definitions = yaml.safe_load(stream) if logging: try: log = open( path.join( logging_path, 'gnss_log_' + frame_id + '_' + str(strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')) + '.log'), 'ab') except IOError: rospy.logwarn("Failed to access logging path.") logging = False try: if not playback: GPS = serial.Serial(port=serial_port, baudrate=serial_baud, timeout=0, rtscts=1) else: GPS = open(playback_path, "r") try: driver = RosNMEADriver() cache = b'' startup_delay_expired = False while not rospy.is_shutdown(): data = timestamp = rospy.get_rostime() if playback: # Publishing data before subscribers have a chance to connect leads to non-reproducible behavior. # Therefore wait for a second after creating the publishers. if startup_delay_expired is False: rospy.sleep(1) startup_delay_expired = True if data == b'': rospy.loginfo( "End of file reached, shutting down nmea_navsat_driver." ) rospy.signal_shutdown("End of file reached") try: cache = extract_sentences(cache + data, ubx_message_definitions, driver, frame_id, timestamp=timestamp) rospy.sleep(1. / driver_rate) except ValueError as e: rospy.logwarn( "Value error, likely due to missing fields in the NMEA message. " "Error was: %s. Please report this issue at " ", including a bag file with the NMEA " "sentences that caused it." % e) if logging: log.write(data) except (rospy.ROSInterruptException, serial.serialutil.SerialException): GPS.close() # Close GPS serial port except serial.SerialException as ex: rospy.logfatal( "Could not open serial port: I/O error({0}): {1}".format( ex.errno, ex.strerror))