def commitFunction(self): if unicode(self.RFunctionParam_object) == '': return injection = [] inj = ','.join(injection) self.R(self.Rvariables['na.omit'] + '<-na.omit(object=' + unicode(self.RFunctionParam_object) + ',' + inj + ')', wantType='NoConversion') thisdataclass = self.R('class(' + self.Rvariables['na.omit'] + ')') if type(thisdataclass ) == list: #this is a special R type so just send as generic self.rSend("id3", elif type(thisdataclass) == str: if thisdataclass == 'numeric': # we have a numeric vector as the object newData = redRRVector(data=self.Rvariables['na.omit']) newData.dictAttrs = self.rSend("id2", newData) self.status.setText( _('Data sent through the R Vector channel')) elif thisdataclass == 'character': #we have a character vector as the object newData = redRRVector(data=self.Rvariables['na.omit']) newData.dictAttrs = self.rSend("id2", newData) self.status.setText( _('Data sent through the R Vector channel')) elif thisdataclass == 'data.frame': # the object is a data.frame newData = redRRDataFrame(data=self.Rvariables['na.omit']) newData.dictAttrs = self.rSend("id0", newData) self.status.setText( _('Data sent through the R Data Frame channel')) elif thisdataclass == 'matrix': # the object is a matrix newData = rmat.RMatrix(data=self.Rvariables['na.omit']) newData.dictAttrs = self.rSend("id0", newData) self.status.setText( _('Data sent through the R Data Frame channel')) elif thisdataclass == 'list': # the object is a list newData = redRRList(data=self.Rvariables['na.omit']) newData.dictAttrs = self.rSend("id1", newData) self.status.setText(_('Data sent through the R List channel')) else: # the data is of a non-normal type send anyway as generic newData = redRRVariable(data=self.Rvariables['na.omit']) newData.dictAttrs = self.rSend("id3", newData) self.status.setText( _('Data sent through the R Object channel')) else: newData = redRRVariable(data=self.Rvariables['na.omit']) newData.dictAttrs = self.rSend("id3", newData) self.status.setText(_('Data sent through the R Object channel'))
def commitFunction(self, userClick=True): if not userClick and _( 'Commit on Input') not in self.autoCommit.getChecked(): return if unicode(self.RFunctionParam_x) == '': self.status.setText(_('No data')) return injection = [] if self.function.getChecked() == _('Row Names'): function = 'rownames' else: function = 'colnames' if unicode(self.RFunctionParamprefix_lineEdit.text()) != '': string = 'prefix="' + unicode( self.RFunctionParamprefix_lineEdit.text()) + '"' injection.append(string) if unicode(self.doNullButton.getChecked()): string = 'do.NULL=' + unicode(self.doNullButton.getChecked()) injection.append(string) inj = ','.join(injection) self.R(self.Rvariables['rownames'] + '<-' + function + '(x=' + unicode(self.RFunctionParam_x) + ',' + inj + ')', wantType='NoConversion') newData = redRRVector(data=self.Rvariables["rownames"]) self.rSend("id0", newData)
def identify(self, kill=True): if self.plotdata == '': return ## needs to be rewritten for Red-R 1.85 which uses rpy3. no interactivity with graphics. self.R(self.Rvariables['hclust'] + '<-hclust(dist(t(' + self.plotdata + ')))') ## now there is a plot the user must select the number of groups or the height at which to make the slices. print unicode(self.groupOrHeight.getChecked()) if unicode(self.groupOrHeight.getChecked()) == 'Groups': inj = 'k = ' + unicode(self.groupOrHeightSpin.value()) else: inj = 'h = ' + unicode(self.groupOrHeightSpin.value()) self.R(self.Rvariables['heatsubset'] + '<-cutree(' + self.Rvariables['hclust'] + ', ' + inj + ')') self.gview1.plotMultiple( query=self.Rvariables['hclust'] + ',col = %s' % self.Rvariables['heatsubset'], layers=[ 'rect.hclust(%s, %s, cluster = %s, which = 1:%s, border = 2:(%s + 1))' % (self.Rvariables['hclust'], inj, self.Rvariables['heatsubset'], self.groupOrHeightSpin.value(), self.groupOrHeightSpin.value()) ]) newData = redRRVector(data='as.vector(' + self.Rvariables['heatsubset'] + ')', parent=self.Rvariables['heatsubset']) self.rSend("id1", newData)
def sendThis(self): if unicode(self.command.textCursor().selectedText()) != '': text = unicode(self.command.textCursor().selectedText()) else: self.sendStatus.setText(_('No object Selected')) return thisdataclass = self.R('class(' + unicode(text) + ')') thisdata = unicode(text) # use upclassing to convert to signals class if thisdataclass.__class__.__name__ == 'list': #this is a special R type so just send as generic newData = redRRVariable(data=unicode(text)) self.rSend("id3", newData) elif thisdataclass.__class__.__name__ == 'str': if thisdataclass in ['numeric', 'character', 'logical' ]: # we have a numeric vector as the object newData = redRRVector(data=unicode(text)) self.rSend("id2", newData) self.sendStatus.setText( thisdata + _(' sent through the R Vector channel')) elif thisdataclass in ['data.frame']: newData = redRRDataFrame(data=unicode(text)) self.rSend("id0", newData) self.sendStatus.setText( thisdata + _(' sent through the R Data Frame channel')) elif thisdataclass in ['matrix']: newData = redRRMatrix(data=unicode(text)) self.rSend("id4", newData) self.sendStatus.setText(thisdata + _(' sent through the Matrix channel')) elif thisdataclass == 'list': # the object is a list for i in range(self.R('length(' + text + ')')): if self.R('class(%s[[%s]])' % (text, i), silent=True) not in [ 'numeric', 'character', 'real', 'complex', 'factor' ]: newData = ral.RArbitraryList(data=self.sendThis) self.status.setText( _('Data sent through the R Arbitrary List channel') ) self.rSend('ral', newData) return newData = redRRList(data=unicode(text)) self.rSend("id1", newData) self.sendStatus.setText(thisdata + _(' sent through the R List channel')) else: # the data is of a non-normal type send anyway as generic newData = redRRVariable(data=unicode(text)) self.rSend("id3", newData) self.sendStatus.setText( thisdata + _(' sent through the R Object channel')) else: newData = redRRVariable(data=unicode(text)) self.rSend("id3", newData) self.sendStatus.setText(thisdata + ' sent through the R Object channel')
def commitFunction(self): if self.dataA and self.dataB: h = self.R('intersect(names(' + self.dataA + '), names(' + self.dataB + '))', wantType='list') else: return if self.colA.selectedItems(): nameA = self.colA.selectedItems()[0].text() else: nameA = None if self.colB.selectedItems(): nameB = self.colB.selectedItems()[0].text() else: nameB = None if self.type.getChecked() == _('Intersect'): func = 'intersect' elif self.type.getChecked() == _('Union'): func = 'union' elif self.type.getChecked() == _('Set Difference'): func = 'setdiff' elif self.type.getChecked() == _('Set Equal'): func = 'setequal' else: return if nameA and nameB: self.R(self.Rvariables['intersect'] + '<-%s(y=%s[["%s"]],x=%s[["%s"]])' % (func, self.dataA, nameA, self.dataB, nameB), wantType='NoConversion') elif len(h) == 1: self.R(self.Rvariables['intersect'] + '<-%s(y=%s[["%s"]],x=%s[["%s"]])' % (func, self.dataA, h[0], self.dataB, h[0]), wantType='NoConversion') else: return if self.type.getChecked() == _('Set Equal'): eq = self.R(self.Rvariables['intersect']) if eq: self.resultInfo.setPlainText('%s is equal to %s' % (nameA, nameB)) else: self.resultInfo.setPlainText('%s is not equal to %s' % (nameA, nameB)) else: newData = redRRVector(data=self.Rvariables["intersect"]) self.rSend("id0", newData)
def commitFunction(self): # START COLLECTION THE R PARAMETERS THAT WILL CREATE THE R CODE TO EXECUTE dist = unicode(self.methodButtons.currentId()) self.injection = self.collectParameters() # combine all the parameters in the a string inj = ','.join(self.injection) # make the R call. The results will be saved in the 'cor' variable we declared earlier self.R('%s <- %s(%s,%s)' % (self.Rvariables['distri'], dist, self.count.value(),inj), wantType = 'NoConversion') # create a new signal of type RMatrix and load the results newData = redRRVector(data = '%s' % self.Rvariables["distri"]) # send the signal forward self.rSend("id0", newData)
def sendSelection(self): #print self.names.selectedItems()[0] if == None: self.status.setText('No data to process') return name = unicode(self.names.row(self.names.currentItem()) + 1) self.Rvariables['listelement'] = + '[[' + name + ']]' # use signals converter in OWWidget to convert to the signals class myclass = self.R('class(' + self.Rvariables['listelement'] + ')') print myclass if myclass == 'data.frame': newData = redRRDataFrame(data=self.Rvariables['listelement'], parent=self.Rvariables['listelement']) self.rSend("id0", newData) #self.infoa.setText('Sent Data Frame') slot = 'Data Frame' elif myclass == 'list': newData = redRRList(data=self.Rvariables['listelement']) self.rSend("id2", newData) #self.infoa.setText('Sent List') slot = 'List' elif myclass in [ 'vector', 'character', 'factor', 'logical', 'numeric', 'integer', ['POSIXt', 'POSIXct'] ]: newData = redRRVector(data=self.Rvariables['listelement']) self.rSend("id1", newData) #self.infoa.setText('Sent Vector') slot = 'Vector' elif myclass in ['matrix']: newData = redRRMatrix(data=self.Rvariables['listelement']) self.rSend("id4", newData) #self.infoa.setText('Sent Matrix') slot = 'Matrix' else: newData = redRRVariable(data=self.Rvariables['listelement']) self.rSend("id3", newData) slot = 'R Variable' self.infoa.setText( _('Sent %(NAME)s as %(SLOT)s') % { 'NAME': name, 'SLOT': slot })
def commitFunction(self): if unicode(self.RFunctionParam_y) == '': self.status.setText(_('No Y data exists')) return if unicode(self.RFunctionParam_x) == '': self.status.setText(_('No X data exists')) return self.R(self.Rvariables['intersect'] + '<-intersect(y=' + unicode(self.RFunctionParam_y) + ',x=' + unicode(self.RFunctionParam_x) + ')', wantType='NoConversion') self.R('txt<-capture.output(' + self.Rvariables['intersect'] + ')', wantType='NoConversion') self.RoutputWindow.clear() tmp = self.R('paste(txt, collapse =" \n")') self.RoutputWindow.insertHtml( _('<br><br><pre>Shared elements between your inputs:\n') + unicode(tmp) + '</pre>') newData = redRRVector(data=self.Rvariables["intersect"]) self.rSend("id0", newData)
def commitFunction(self): if unicode(self.RFunctionParam_x) == '': self.status.setText(_('No Data to Split')) return if unicode(self.RFunctionParamsplit_lineEdit.text()) == '': self.status.setText(_('No string to split on')) return injection = [] if unicode(self.RFunctionParamfixed_radioButtons.getChecked()) == _( 'Yes'): string = 'fixed=TRUE' injection.append(string) else: string = 'fixed=FALSE' injection.append(string) if unicode(self.RFunctionParamextended_radiButtons.getChecked()) == _( 'Yes'): string = 'extended=TRUE' injection.append(string) else: string = 'extended=FALSE' injection.append(string) if unicode(self.RFunctionParamsplit_lineEdit.text()) != '': string = 'split=' + unicode( self.RFunctionParamsplit_lineEdit.text()) + '' injection.append(string) if unicode( self.RFunctionParamperl_radioButtons.getChecked()) == _('Yes'): string = 'perl=TRUE' injection.append(string) else: string = 'perl=FALSE' injection.append(string) inj = ','.join(injection) self.R(self.Rvariables['strsplit'] + '<-strsplit(x= as.character(' + unicode(self.RFunctionParam_x) + ') ,' + inj + ')', wantType='NoConversion') newData = redRRList( data=self.Rvariables["strsplit"] ) # moment of variable creation, no preexisting data set. To pass forward the data that was received in the input uncomment the next line. #newData.copyAllOptinoalData( ## note, if you plan to uncomment this please uncomment the call to set in the process statemtn of the data whose attributes you plan to send forward. self.rSend("id0", newData) if unicode(self.RFunctionParamunlist_radioButtons.getChecked()) == _( 'Send list and vector'): newData = redRRVector(data='unlist(' + self.Rvariables['strsplit'] + ')') self.rSend("id1", newData) ## convert to a data frame self.R(""" for(i in 1:length(%s)){ if(length(%s[[i]]) == 0){ %s[[i]] = c('','') } } """ % (self.Rvariables['strsplit'], self.Rvariables['strsplit'], self.Rvariables['strsplit']), wantType='NoConversion', silent=True) self.R(self.Rvariables['dataframe'] + '<-t(data.frame(' + self.Rvariables['strsplit'] + '))', wantType='NoConversion') newDataFrame = redRDataFrame(data=self.Rvariables['dataframe'], parent=self.Rvariables['dataframe'], checkVal=False) self.rSend('dataframe', newDataFrame)