def process_message(data): """ @keyword `.*tr-*8r.*` @summary who is the team traitor? @see _find the *tr8r*_ """ # IF ALL CHECKS PASS SEND JOB TO DB if 'text' in data: text = data['text'] else: text = '' if check_channel(data['channel']) and check_text(".*tr-*8r.*", text): import requests url = "" payload = dict( token=token, channel=data['channel'], as_user=True, attachments=json.dumps([{ "color": "#36a64f", "title": "TR-8R", "image_url": "" }])) r =, data=payload) if r.status_code != 200: print r.status_code, r.text
def process_message(data): """ @keyword *channel bomb:* `^kevin.*channel bomb.*` @summary send a channel bomb to really get peoples attention. @see *channel bomb:* _*kevin* send a giant *channel bomb* right now_ """ # IF ALL CHECKS PASS SEND JOB TO DB if 'text' in data: text = data['text'] else: text = '' if check_channel(data['channel']) and check_text("^kevin.*channel bomb.*", text): import requests url = "" payload = dict(token=token, name='bomb', channel=data['channel'], timestamp=data['ts']) r =, data=payload) if r.status_code != 200: print r.status_code, r.text bomb_count = randint(2, 10) lie_count = randint(2, 100) outputs.append([data['channel'], "Armed {} bombs".format(lie_count)]) guid = uuid.uuid4().hex[0:10] conn = sqlite3.connect('kevin.db') with conn: conn.execute( "INSERT INTO JOBS (channel, name, parms, status) VALUES (?, 'channel_bomb', ?, 0)", (data['channel'], "{},{}".format(guid, bomb_count))) conn.execute( "INSERT INTO BOMBS (bomb_id, disarm_id, status) VALUES (?, 0, 0)", (guid, )) conn.commit()
def process_message(data): """ @keyword *close ticket:* `^kevin.*close.*ticket.*PC-\d+` @summary tired of those pesky prod change tickets just sitting in pending, in progress or open? Then ask kevin to close them @see *close ticket:* _*kevin* can you please just *close* the silly *ticket* *PC-1234*_ """ # IF ALL CHECKS PASS SEND JOB TO DB if 'text' in data: text = data['text'] else: text = '' if check_channel(data['channel']) and check_text( "^kevin.*close.*ticket.*PC-\d+", text): # EXTRACT TICKET FROM STATMENT comp = re.compile("(PC-\d+)") result = comp.findall(text) if len(result) != 1: print "DIDNT FIND MATCH" outputs.append([data['channel'], "DIDNT FIND MATNC"]) else: conn = sqlite3.connect('kevin.db') with conn: conn.execute( "INSERT INTO JOBS (channel, name, parms, status) VALUES (?, 'close_ticket', ?, 0)", (data['channel'], '{}'.format(result[0]))) conn.commit() outputs.append( [data['channel'], "SQUAAAAWWKKK {}".format(result[0])])
def process_message(data): """ @keyword *add channel:* `^kevin.*add.*channel` @summary this will add the channel to kevin's listed channels she's allowed to post in. Command only works from an admin @see *add channel:* _*kevin* I want you to *add* this *channel*_ """ if 'subtype' in data and data['subtype'] == 'message_changed': text = data['message']['text'] if 'user' in data['message']: user = data['message']['user'] elif 'text' in data: text = data['text'] if 'user' in data: user = data['user'] else: text = '' user = '' reg_ex = "^kevin.*add.*channel" if check_text(reg_ex, text) and user == 'U03ADBTJ9': # LOAD YAML CONFIG AND ADD CHANNEL config = yaml.load(file('rtmbot.conf', 'r')) config['CHANNELS'].add(data['channel'].encode('ascii')) yaml.dump(config, file('rtmbot.conf', 'w')) # DUMP IT IN THE DB AS WELL SO CHANGES TAKE IMMEDIATE EFFECT conn = sqlite3.connect('kevin.db') with conn: conn.execute("INSERT INTO CHANNELS (channel) VALUES (?) ", (data['channel'].encode('ascii'), )) conn.commit() # PRINT TO THE CHANNEL SO THAT ONE KNOWS THE JOB WORKED outputs.append( [data['channel'], "SQUAAAAWWKKK!\n{}".format(config['CHANNELS'])])
def process_message(data): """ @keyword *send the bombs:* `^kevin.*squawk @ \a*` @summary send a channel bomb directly at someone, in case the group channel bombs where not enough @see *send the bombs:* _*kevin* I need you to *squawk @ matts* to find out if he's at lagoon with colinm_ """ # IF ALL CHECKS PASS SEND JOB TO DB if 'text' in data: text = data['text'] else: text = '' if check_channel(data['channel']) and check_text("^kevin.*squawk @ \a*", text): culprit_id = data['user'] culprit = get_culprit_name(culprit_id) url = "" payload = dict(token=token) r =, data=payload) if r.status_code != 200: print r.status_code, r.text members = r.json()['members'] pos = text.find("@") + 1 user_name = text[pos:].strip() user_id = None for member in members: if member['name'] == user_name: user_id = member['id'] if user_id is None: print 'User not found' else: open_message(user_id, culprit)
def process_message(data): """ @keyword *aks kevin a question:* `^kevin.*\?` @summary Ask kevin anything you like, and she will try and find an answer for you, or a link for it @see *ask kevin a question:* _*kevin what is the average air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?*_ """ if 'subtype' in data and data['subtype'] == 'message_changed': text = data['message']['text'] elif 'text' in data: text = data['text'] else: text = '' reg_ex = "^kevin.*\?" bad_ex = [ "^kevin.*version.*service", "^kevin.*service.*version", "^kevin.*result.*/[\w\d ]+/[\w\d /.]+/[\w\d/. ]+", "^kevin.*add.*channel", "^kevin.*witness me.*" ] # CHECK ALL THE KNOWN REGEX, CANNOT MATCH ANY OF THESE SO WE DON'T WOLFRAMFOR NO REASON match = False for reg in bad_ex: if check_text(reg, text): match = True break if check_channel(data['channel']): if check_text(reg_ex, text) and not match: # SEND JOB TO DB conn = sqlite3.connect('kevin.db') with conn: conn.execute( "INSERT INTO JOBS (channel, name, parms, status) VALUES (?, 'wolfram', ?, 0)", (data['channel'], text)) conn.commit() outputs.append([data['channel'], "SQUAAAAWWKKK?"]) elif (text.startswith('kevin') or text.startswith('kevin')) and not match: time.sleep(0.5) outputs.append([data['channel'], "*SQUAAAAWWKKK!*"])
def process_message(data): """ @keyword *disarm bomb:* `^kevin for great justice` @summary to disarm a channel bomb, you must do so for great justice. @see *disarm bomb:* _*kevin for great justice*_ """ # IF ALL CHECKS PASS SEND JOB TO DB if 'text' in data: text = data['text'] else: text = '' print data if check_channel(data['channel']) and check_text( "^kevin for great justice", text): print "DISARMING BOMB" conn = sqlite3.connect('kevin.db') with conn: conn.execute( "INSERT INTO JOBS (channel, name, parms, status) VALUES (?, 'disarm_bomb', '', 0)", (data['channel'], )) conn.commit()
def process_message(data): """ *kevin* _[]_ *quotes* _[]_ *star_wars:{x}* _[]_ This will set the quote type and quote rate in the config, accepts (star_wars, mad_max) _*kevin* I want you to set the *quotes* to *star_wars:2* """ if 'subtype' in data and data['subtype'] == 'message_changed': text = data['message']['text'] if 'user' in data['message']['user']: user = data['message']['user'] elif 'text' in data: text = data['text'] if 'user' in data: user = data['user'] else: text = '' user = '' reg_ex = "^kevin.*quotes.*(star_wars|mad_max):\d" if check_text(reg_ex, text): # LOAD YAML CONFIG config = yaml.load(file('rtmbot.conf', 'r')) # GET QUOTE TYPE AND LEVEL ret = re.findall("^kevin.*quotes.*(star_wars|mad_max):(\d)", text, re.IGNORECASE) if len(ret) > 0: quote_type = ret[0][0] quote_rate = ret[0][1] config['QUOTES'] = quote_type config['QUOTE_RATE'] = quote_rate yaml.dump(config, file('rtmbot.conf', 'w')) # DUMP IT IN THE DB AS WELL SO CHANGES TAKE IMMEDIATE EFFECT conn = sqlite3.connect('kevin.db') with conn: conn.execute("INSERT INTO CHANNELS (channel) VALUES (?) ", (data['channel'].encode('ascii'), )) conn.commit() # PRINT TO THE CHANNEL SO THAT ONE KNOWS THE JOB WORKED outputs.append( [data['channel'], "SQUAAAAWWKKK!\n{}".format(config['CHANNELS'])])
def process_message(data): """ @keyword *giphy post:* `^kevin.*post.*[picture|gif|image] of (.*)` @summary ever want kevin to post a funny gif, now you can tell him to. @see_*kevin* could you *post* a *picture* *of* *Nicholas Cage*_ """ # IF ALL CHECKS PASS SEND JOB TO DB if 'text' in data: text = data['text'] else: text = '' if check_channel(data['channel']) and check_text( "^kevin.*post.*[picture|gif|image] of .*", text): pos = text.find("of") + 2 image_name = text[pos:].strip() image_tag = image_name.replace(" ", "+") import requests giphy_url = "{}".format( image_tag) r = requests.get(giphy_url) if r.status_code == 200: image_data = r.json()['data'] if not image_data: outputs.append([data['channel'], "*SQUAAAAWWKKK! NOT FOUND!*"]) else: image_url = image_data['image_url'] url = "" payload = dict(token=token, channel=data['channel'], as_user=True, attachments=json.dumps([{ "color": "#36a64f", "title": image_name, "image_url": image_url }])) r =, data=payload) if r.status_code != 200: print r.status_code, r.text
def process_message(data): """ @keyword *prod change:* `^kevin.*prod change*(\\n|\|){2}` *kevin* _[]_ *prod change* _[]_ * _|[user]|[summary title]|[|more details]_ @summary instead of switching context to jira just to make a silly change to ST2, have kevin make the prod change @see *prod change:* _*kevin* create *prod change* ticket *|steve|Rolling Latest PHP Core to ST2 """ # IF ALL CHECKS PASS SEND JOB TO DB if 'text' in data: text = data['text'].encode('ascii', 'ignore') else: text = '' if check_channel(data['channel']) and check_text("^kevin.*prod change.*", text): # EXTRACT TICKET DATA FROM STATEMENT print "Prod CHange" n_text = text.split("\n") p_text = text.split("|") if len(n_text) >= 3 or len(p_text) >= 3: # ASSIGN THE TEXT split_text = p_text if len(p_text) >= 3 else n_text # user_id = data['user'] # user_name = get_culprit_name(user_id) user_name = split_text[1] summary = "{} - {}".format(user_name, split_text[2]) # desc = "\n".join(split_text[3:]) conn = sqlite3.connect('kevin.db') with conn: conn.execute( "INSERT INTO JOBS (channel, name, parms, status) VALUES (?, 'prod_change', ?, 0)", (data['channel'], '{}|{}'.format(user_name, summary))) conn.commit() outputs.append([data['channel'], 'Summary: {}'.format(summary)]) else: print "NOT ENOUGH FIELDS: {}".format(text) outputs.append([ data['channel'], "SQUAAAWWKK Not enough Fields for Prod change" ])
def process_message(data): # IF ALL CHECKS PASS SEND JOB TO DB if 'text' in data: text = data['text'] else: text = '' if check_channel(data['channel']) and check_text("^kevin help", text): commands = '' examples = '' count = 0 results = '' help_commands = "{}) *kevin help*\n\n" \ "{}) *kevin help examples*\n\n" \ "{}) *kevin help verbose*\n\n".format(count+1, count+2, count+3) count += 3 directory = os.getcwd() for plugin in glob.glob(directory + '/plugins/*'): sys.path.insert(0, plugin) sys.path.insert(0, directory + "/plugins/") for plugin in glob.glob(directory + '/plugins/*.py') + glob.glob(directory + "/plugins/*/*.py"): name = plugin.split('/')[-1][:-3] module = __import__(name) # print module.__name__ if hasattr(module, 'process_message'): # print module.process_message.__doc__ doc_string = module.process_message.__doc__ doc_dict = help_builder(doc_string) if len(doc_dict) > 0: count += 1 results += "{count}) {keyword}\n{summary}\n{see}\n\n".format(count=count, **doc_dict) commands += "{count}) {keyword}\n\n".format(count=count, keyword=doc_dict['keyword']) examples += "{count} {see}\n\n".format(count=count, see=doc_dict['see']) if 'example' in text: outputs.append([data['channel'], help_commands + examples]) elif 'verbose' in text: outputs.append([data['channel'], help_commands + results]) else: outputs.append([data['channel'], help_commands + commands])
def process_message(data): """ @keyword *cage bomb:* `^(?i)kevin .*teach ([a-zA-Z]+) .*cage.*` @summary ever want to make sure your buddy knows more about Nicolas Cage? Kevin can teach them! @see *cage bomb:* _*kevin* please *teach* *colinm* about the great Nicolas *Cage*_ """ # IF ALL CHECKS PASS SEND JOB TO DB if 'text' in data: text = data['text'] else: text = '' if check_channel(data['channel']) and check_text( "^(?i)kevin .*teach ([a-zA-Z]+) .*cage.*", text): import requests culprit_id = data['user'] culprit = get_culprit_name(culprit_id) url = "" payload = dict(token=token) r =, data=payload, verify=False) if r.status_code != 200: print r.status_code, r.text members = r.json()['members'] user_name = re.findall("^(?i)kevin.*teach ([a-zA-Z]+) .*cage.*", text)[0] user_id = None for member in members: if member['name'] == user_name: user_id = member['id'] if user_id is None: print 'User not found' else: open_message(user_id, culprit)