def setUp(self, yelp_extractor=YelpExtractor()):
        # Usage:
        #       Constructor for TestYelpExtractor. Used for setting the yelp extractor
        # Arguments:
        #       yelp_extractor (object) : an object of our YelpExtractor class

        self.yelp_extractor = yelp_extractor
    def setup_libraries(self):
        # Usage:
        #       The request object is an HTTPResponse object in Django. It is able to be used
        #       like an dictionary to get http parameters, such as ?num_samples=X&facebook_Group=Y.
        #       We will try to get num_samples, facebook_group, and pusher_uuid. Otherwise
        #       we will raise a SuspiciousOperation if it fails. Afterwards get data from the facebook
        #       group, and then train our model, then use our model to determine sentiment of users.
        # Arguments:
        #       yelp_extractor      (YelpExtractor)      : a yelp data extractor that can extract yelp data
        #       facebook_extractor  (FacebookExtractor)  : a facebook extractor that can extract facebook data
        #       logistic_classifier (LogisticRegression) : a logistic regression class that can compute sentiment of a user
        # Return:
        #       None

        # Setup our Libraries
        self.yelp_extractor = YelpExtractor()
        self.facebook_extractor = FacebookExtractor()
        self.logistic_classifier = LogisticClassifier()