def __write_step(self, heat_maps, epoch, cur_graph): with tf.Session(graph=cur_graph) as s: summary =, feed_dict={ self.image_tensor: self.input_images_3d, self.output_tensor: heat_maps, self.target_tensor: self.target_images, self.mask_tensor: get_image_with_mask(self.input_images_3d, heat_maps) })[0] self.tb_manager.write_step(summary, epoch)
if __name__ == '__main__': # pls specify the name of the image, (png, jpg) image_name = "hands.png" dataset_path = resources_path("hands_bounding_dataset", "network_test") png_path = resources_path("gui", image_name) model_path = models_path('deployment', 'transfer_mobilenet.h5') read_from_png = True preprocessing = True height = 224 width = 224 if read_from_png: images = load(png_path, force_format=(height, width, 3)) print("Saturation mean: {}".format(np.mean( rgb2hsv(images[0])[:, :, 1]))) print("Value mean: {}".format(np.mean(images[0, :, :, 2]))) print("Hue mean: {}".format(np.mean(images[0, :, :, 0]))) hsv2rgb(images[0]) if preprocessing: images_ = preprocess_input(images * 255) # Build up the model model = km.load_model(model_path, custom_objects={'relu6': relu6}) # Testing the model getting some outputs net_out = model.predict(images_ if preprocessing else images) imgs = get_image_with_mask(images, net_out) u.showimage(imgs[0] / 255)
# Build up the model model1 = km.load_model(model1_save_path) images_ = attach_heat_map(images_, model1) model2 = km.load_model(model2_save_path) images_ = attach_heat_map(images_, model2) model = km.load_model(model3_save_path) # Testing the model getting some outputs net_out = model.predict(images_) net_out = net_out.clip(max=1) images = (images - np.mean(images)) / np.var(images) k = 0.15 imgs = get_image_with_mask(images, net_out) for idx in range(len(images)): min = np.min(imgs[idx]) max = np.max(imgs[idx]) u.showimage((imgs[idx] - min) / (max - min)) u.showimages( u.get_crops_from_heatmap(images[idx], np.squeeze(net_out[idx]), 4, 4, enlarge=0.5, accept_crop_minimum_dimension_pixels=100)) send_to_telegram = False if send_to_telegram: send_image_from_array(get_image_with_mask(images[0], net_out))
# Plan the processing needed before providing inputs and outputs for training and validation data_processing_plan = ProcessingPlan(augmenter=Augmenter().shift_hue(augmentation_prob) .shift_sat(augmentation_prob) .shift_val(augmentation_prob), regularizer=Regularizer().normalize() if normalize else None, keyset={IN(0)}) # Today we just need to augment one input... model1 = train_model(model_generator=lambda: normalized_convs(input_shape=np.shape(generator.train()[0][IN(0)])[1:], dropout_rate=drate, weight_decay=weight_decay, activation=lambda: K.layers.LeakyReLU(alpha=leaky_slope)), dataset_manager=generator, loss={OUT(0): lambda x, y: prop_heatmap_penalized_fp_loss(x, y, white_priority=white_priority, delta=delta) }, learning_rate=learning_rate, patience=patience, data_processing_plan=data_processing_plan, tb_path="heat_maps/", tb_plots={'plain_input': lambda feed: feed[IN(0)], 'plain_target': lambda feed: feed[OUT(0)], 'plain_output': lambda feed: feed[NET_OUT(0)], 'combined_mask': lambda feed: get_image_with_mask(feed[IN(0)], feed[NET_OUT(0)]), 'crops': crop_sprite}, model_name=model, model_path=croppers_path(), epochs=epochs, enable_telegram_log=True)
fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v') # Be sure to use the lower case out = cv2.VideoWriter('output.mp4', fourcc, 5.0, (width, height)) recording = False i_time = time.time() count = 0 while cap.isOpened(): l_time = time.time() count += 1 ret, frame = if ret: frame = cv2.flip(frame, 1) frame_ = preprocess_frame(frame) mask = net.predict(frame_)[0] frame = np.array(get_image_with_mask(frame, mask) / 255) # write the flipped frame if recording: out.write(frame) cv2.imshow('frame', frame) if (cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF) == ord('r'): print("Recording..." if not recording else "Stop Recording.") recording = not recording if (cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF) == ord('q'): # Hit `q` to exit break else: break
def train_model(model_generator, dataset_manager: DatasetManager, loss, tb_path=None, tb_plots=None, model_name=None, model_path=None, data_processing_plan: ProcessingPlan = None, learning_rate=1e-3, epochs=50, patience=-1, additional_callbacks=None, enable_telegram_log=False, class_weight=None): """ Train a model with all kinds of log services and optimizations we could come up with. Clears completely the session at each call to have separated training sessions of different models :param model_generator: a function returning an instance of the model to be trained :param dataset_manager: the DatasetManager providing access to data. See the DatasetManager doc for more :param loss: the loss function to be used. Must conform to the keras convention for losses: - must accept two arguments: 1) y_true: the ground truth 2) y_pred: the network prediction - must return a value to be minimized :param tb_path: the path for the tensorboard logging. Avoids tensorboard logging if None. if a model_name is specified, this is appended to the tb_path automatically. :param tb_plots: dictionary of {name: function} to specify what images should be plotted. name: the name suffix in the tensorboard view function: a callable that takes one argument feed: feed: a dictionary containing all the entries of the network using naming conventions. Available keys: IN(.) all network inputs OUT(.) all network target outputs NET_OUT(.) all network corresponding real outputs any extra key in the data_sequence will be added to feed as well. :param model_name: the model name used for saving checkpoints and the final model on file. :param model_type: a specification of the type of the model to decide its standard destination directory :param data_processing_plan: the processing specification to be applied before feeding data to the network. See ProcessingPlan doc for more. :param learning_rate: The learning rate to use on Adam. :param epochs: The maximum number of epochs to perform. :param patience: The early stopping patience. If None, disables early stopping. :param additional_callbacks: Any additional callbacks to add to the fitting functoin :param enable_telegram_log: if True, enables telegram notifications at start and end of training :return: The train model, if early stopping is active this is the best model selected. """ K.backend.clear_session() train_data = dataset_manager.train() valid_data = dataset_manager.valid() model = model_generator() if model_name is None or model_path is None: checkpoint_path = None h5model_path = None else: if tb_path is not None: tb_path = os.path.join(tb_path, model_name) checkpoint_path = os.path.join(model_path, model_name + ".ckp") h5model_path = os.path.join(model_path, model_name + ".h5") log("Model:", level=COMMENTARY) model.summary(print_fn=lambda s: log(s, level=COMMENTARY)) callbacks = [] if checkpoint_path is not None: log("Adding callback for checkpoint...", level=COMMENTARY) callbacks.append( kc.ModelCheckpoint(filepath=checkpoint_path, monitor='val_loss', verbose=1, save_best_only=True, mode='min', period=1)) if patience > 0: log("Adding callback for early stopping...", level=COMMENTARY) callbacks.append( kc.EarlyStopping(patience=patience, verbose=1, monitor='val_loss', mode='min', min_delta=2e-4)) if tb_path is not None: TBManager.set_path(tb_path) log("Setting up tensorboard...", level=COMMENTARY) log("Clearing tensorboard files...", level=COMMENTARY) TBManager.clear_data() log("Adding tensorboard callbacks...", level=COMMENTARY) callbacks.append(ScalarWriter()) if tb_plots is not None: callbacks.append( ImageWriter(data_sequence=train_data, image_generators=tb_plots, name='train', max_items=10)) callbacks.append( ImageWriter(data_sequence=valid_data, image_generators=tb_plots, name='validation', max_items=10)) if additional_callbacks is not None: callbacks += additional_callbacks # Training tools optimizer = ko.adam(lr=learning_rate) log("Compiling model...", level=COMMENTARY) model.compile(optimizer=optimizer, loss=loss, metrics=['accuracy']) if enable_telegram_log: log('Fitting model...', level=COMMENTARY) # Notification for telegram try: tele.notify_training_starting( model_name=model_name, training_samples=len(train_data) * dataset_manager.batch_size, validation_samples=len(valid_data) * dataset_manager.batch_size, tensorboard= " if active") except Exception: traceback.print_exc() history = model.fit_generator( generator=BatchGenerator(data_sequence=train_data, process_plan=data_processing_plan), epochs=epochs, verbose=1, callbacks=callbacks, validation_data=BatchGenerator(data_sequence=valid_data, process_plan=data_processing_plan), class_weight=class_weight) if h5model_path is not None: log("Saving H5 model...", level=COMMENTARY) model = model_generator() model.load_weights(checkpoint_path) os.remove(checkpoint_path) log("Training completed!", level=COMMENTARY) if enable_telegram_log: log('Fitting completed!', level=COMMENTARY) loss_ = "{:.5f}".format(history.history['loss'][-1]) valid_loss = "{:.5f}".format(history.history['val_loss'][-1]) if 'acc' in history.history.keys(): accuracy = "{:.2f}%".format(100 * history.history['acc'][-1]) else: accuracy = "not available" if 'val_acc' in history.history.keys(): valid_accuracy = "{:.2f}%".format(100 * history.history['val_acc'][-1]) else: valid_accuracy = "not available" try: tele.notify_training_end( model_name=model_name, final_loss=str(loss_), final_validation_loss=str(valid_loss), final_accuracy=str(accuracy), final_validation_accuracy=str(valid_accuracy)) if model_path == croppers_path(): tele.send_message(message="Training samples:") img = train_data[0][IN(0)] * 255 map_ = model.predict(img) tele.send_image_from_array( get_image_with_mask(img[0:5], map_[0:5])) tele.send_message(message="Validation samples:") img = valid_data[0][IN(0)] * 255 map_ = model.predict(img) tele.send_image_from_array( get_image_with_mask(img[0:5], map_[0:5])) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() return model