 def get(self):
     p = Page()
     p2 = Page2()
     info = input()
     info.__make = self.request.GET['make']
     info.model = self.request.GET['model']
     info.year = self.request.GET['year']
     info.body_style = self.request.GET['bds']
     info.vin = self.request.GET['vin']
     info.miles = self.request.GET['miles']
def get_seat_ids() -> list:
    seat_ids = []

    for boarding_pass in input():
        seat_info = decode_boarding_pass(boarding_pass)


    return seat_ids
def get_passports() -> list:
    # Iterate over input file and read passports (each passport is spread across an arbitrary number of consecutive lines)
    # Return passports as lists of attributes

    fields = []
    for line in input():
        if line == '':
            # Line is empty, return fields for current passport and reset field list for next passport
            yield fields
            fields = []
            # Line has fields, split them (by space) and add them to field list for current passport
            fields += line.split()
    # Return last passport (no new line at end of input)
    yield fields
def find_double_sum(target_sum):
    # Find 2 numbers in the input that sum to `target_sum`

    # For each number in the input, calculate the theoretical matching number
    # and check if it is in the input, tracked through the `seen_nums` dictionary

    # Tracking dictionary
    seen_nums = {}

    # Read ints from input
    for num in input(is_ints=True):
        needed_number = target_sum - num
        if needed_number in seen_nums:
            # Matching number found in dictionary
            return [num, needed_number]
            # Add number to dictionary so it can be found if its match is later in the input
            seen_nums[num] = True

    # No matches found in input
    return []
def find_triple_sum(target_sum):
    # Find 3 numbers in the input that sum to `target_sum`

    # Sort the input list, then iterate over the list. At each iteration, initialize
    # two pointers at each end of the remaining range (one at the number after the
    # current number, and one at the end of the list). Move the pointers towards each
    # other, comparing the sum at each step. Once the pointers meet, move on to the
    # next overall iteration.

    # Load input numbers into a sorted array
    nums = list(input(is_ints=True))

    # Overall iteration
    for pointer_main in range(len(nums) - 2):
        pointer_left = pointer_main + 1
        pointer_right = len(nums) - 1

        # Stay on the current step of the overall iteration until the left and right pointers meet
        while pointer_left < pointer_right:
            test_sum = nums[pointer_main] + nums[pointer_left] + nums[

            if test_sum == target_sum:
                # Match found
                return [
                    nums[pointer_main], nums[pointer_left], nums[pointer_right]
            elif test_sum > target_sum:
                # Too large, move right pointer to the previous (smaller) number
                pointer_right -= 1
            elif test_sum < target_sum:
                # Too small, move left pointer to the next (larger) number
                pointer_left += 1

    # No matches found in input
    return []
# Part 2
# Count trees at 5 different angles, and multiply the result

angles = [
    # (right, down)
    (1, 1),
    (3, 1),  # Angle for part 1
    (5, 1),
    (7, 1),
    (1, 2)

# Initialize results array
results = [0] * len(angles)

for line_index, line in enumerate(input()):
    for angle_index, angle in enumerate(angles):
        if (line_index % angle[1] ==
                0  # Only consider every nth line, indicated by the "down" component of the angle
                # On each line, the current position is the "real" line index (found by dividing the line index by the "down" component of the angle)
                # times the "right" component of the angle. Modulo by the length of the line to simulate the infinite repetitions to the right.
                # Trees are indicated by '#'
                line[int(line_index / angle[1] * angle[0]) % len(line)
                     ] == '#'):
            results[angle_index] += 1

print('Part 1 trees:', results[1])

print('Part 2 trees for each angle:', results)
def check_policy_part_2(indicator: tuple, test_letter: str, password: str):
    # Return True if `test_letter` appears in `password` in exactly one of the two positions indicated by `indicator` (1-indexed)
    position_matches = sum(1 for position in range(2)
                           if password[indicator[position] - 1] == test_letter)
    return position_matches == 1

def parse_line(input: str):
    # Extract `indicator`, `test_letter`, and `password` from a line
    # `indicator` is always a pair of numbers, the usage of which is different in parts 1 and 2

    # Example:
    # Raw: 1-3 a: abcde
    # indicator: (1, 3)
    # test_letter: 'a'
    # password: '******'

    m = re.match(r'(\d+)-(\d+) ([a-z]): ([a-z]+)', input)
    return {
        'password': m.group(4),
        'test_letter': m.group(3),
        'indicator': tuple(map(int, m.group(1, 2)))

print('Part 1 matches:',
      sum(1 for line in input() if check_policy_part_1(**parse_line(line))))

print('Part 2 matches:',
      sum(1 for line in input() if check_policy_part_2(**parse_line(line))))