import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as sig
import library as lib

#                             Load and Trim Data
# Since we want coherent data, grab x,y and z seismic channels.
# Add these to random noise and inject a 22 Hz line
fs, dur = 128, 512
wits = lib.stream_data(1253370524, channels, dur=dur, fsup=fs, ifo='H1')
for chan in range(wits.shape[0]):
    wits[chan, :] -= np.mean(wits[chan, :])

fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 1, sharex=False, sharey=False, figsize=(8, 7.5))
f, xpsd = sig.welch(wits[0, :], fs=fs)
_, ypsd = sig.welch(wits[1, :], fs=fs)
_, zpsd = sig.welch(wits[2, :], fs=fs)

ff, xy = sig.coherence(wits[0, :], wits[1, :], fs=fs)
ff, xz = sig.coherence(wits[0, :], wits[2, :], fs=fs)
ff, yz = sig.coherence(wits[1, :], wits[2, :], fs=fs)

ax[0].semilogy(f, xpsd, label='$\hat{x}$')
ax[0].semilogy(f, ypsd, label='$\hat{y}$')
ax[0].semilogy(f, zpsd, label='$\hat{z}$')
asc_chans = [

fs_fast, fs_slow, dur = 512, 16, 2048
st = 1242457832
et = st + dur

if not os.path.isfile('darm.mat'):
    darm = lib.stream_data(st, [darm_chan], fs=fs_fast, dur=dur)
    darm = darm.reshape(darm.shape[1])
    sio.savemat('darm.mat', mdict={'data': darm})
    darm = sio.loadmat('darm.mat')['data']
    darm = darm.reshape(darm.shape[1])

low, high = 56, 64
darm = lib.butter_filter(darm, low=low, high=high, fs=fs_fast)

if not os.path.isfile('pem.mat'):
    pem = lib.stream_data(st, [pem_chan], fs=fs_fast, dur=dur)
    pem = pem.reshape(pem.shape[1])
    sio.savemat('pem.mat', mdict={'data': pem})
    pem = sio.loadmat('pem.mat')['data']

fast_chans_list = [


# get the slow, modulating witnesses
print('getting slow channels')
if os.path.isfile('48Hz_slow_chans.mat'):
    slow_chans = sio.loadmat('48Hz_slow_chans.mat')['data']
    slow_chans = lib.stream_data(st, slow_chans_list, dur=dur, fs=fs_slow)
    sio.savemat('48Hz_slow_chans.mat', mdict={'data': slow_chans})
slow_chans = sig.resample(slow_chans, fs_fast * dur, axis=-1)

# get the witnesses to the 48.5Hz line
print('getting fast channels')
if os.path.isfile('48Hz_fast_chans.mat'):
    fast_chans = sio.loadmat('48Hz_fast_chans.mat')['data']
    fast_chans = lib.stream_data(st, fast_chans_list, dur=dur, fs=fs_fast)
    sio.savemat('48Hz_fast_chans.mat', mdict={'data': fast_chans})

# get darm (DELTAL_EXTERNAL), and bandpass
print('getting darm')
if os.path.isfile('48Hz_darm.mat'):
    darm = sio.loadmat('48Hz_darm.mat')['data']
文件: coherence.py 项目: nd70/witspec
for ix, ss in enumerate(subsystems):
    ss_channels = [cs for cs in channel_list.get(ss,'channels').split('\n') if len(cs) > 1]
    for ss_chan in ss_channels:
        channel_data.append([x for x in ss_chan.split(' ') if len(x) > 1])
channel_data = np.array(channel_data)

# get the timeseries data. can fetch 400 channels at once
# we may have more channels than that, so we loop
print('Collecting data')
fs_up = min([int(x) for x in channel_data[:, 1]])
max_chans = 400
iters = int(channel_data.shape[0] / max_chans) + 1
ts = []
for i in range(iters):
    timeseries = lib.stream_data(channel_data[i * max_chans:(i + 1) * max_chans, 0],
                                 fs_up      = fs_up,
                                 duration   = duration,
                                 start_time = start_time)

timeseries = np.hstack(([np.array(ts[i]) for i in range(len(ts))]))

# calculate the coherences: abs(Pxy)**2/(Pxx*Pyy)
coherence_results = {}
for ix in range(1, timeseries.shape[1]):
    f, Cxy = sig.coherence(timeseries[:,0], timeseries[:,ix], fs=fs_up)
    df = f[1] - f[0]
    coherence_results[channel_data[ix, 0]] = Cxy

# Make some plots