def cli(input_path, output_path, dry_run): """ Convert a YAML course into a JSON course. """ settings = Settings(dry_run=dry_run, ) course = load_course(input_path) ensure_output_directory(output_path, settings) export_course(output_path, course, settings)
def test_load_course_output_matches_value(fs): fixture_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname( __file__), 'fixtures', "fake_course") fs.add_real_directory(fixture_path) result = load_course(fixture_path) assert result.target_language == Language( name="French", code="fr" ) assert result.source_language == Language( name="English", code="en") assert result.license == License(name='CC BY 3.0', full_name='CC BY 3.0', link='') assert result.dictionary == [ DictionaryItem("the man", ["l'homme"], False), DictionaryItem("l'homme", ["the man"], True), DictionaryItem("the woman", ["la femme"], False), DictionaryItem("la femme", ["the woman"], True), ] assert len(result.modules) == 1 assert result.modules[0].title == "Basics" assert len(result.modules[0].skills) == 1 assert result.modules[0].skills[0] == Skill( name="Hello", id=4, image_set=["people1", "woman1", "man1"], phrases=result.modules[0].skills[0].phrases, words=result.modules[0].skills[0].words, ) assert result.modules[0].skills[0].phrases == [ Phrase( in_target_language=['La femme dit bonjour', 'la femme dit salut'], in_source_language=['The woman says hello', 'The woman says hi']), Phrase( in_target_language=["L'homme dit bonjour", "L'homme dit salut"], in_source_language=['The man says hello', 'The man says hi'])] assert result.modules[0].skills[0].words == [ Word( in_target_language=["l'homme"], in_source_language=['the man'], pictures=['man1', 'man2', 'man3'] ), Word( in_target_language=['la femme', 'la dame'], in_source_language=['the woman', 'the female'], pictures=None ) ] assert result.special_characters == [ 'Ç', 'é', 'â', 'ê', 'î', 'ô', 'û', 'à', 'è', 'ù', 'ë', 'ï', 'ü' ]
def test_loaded_yaml_is_exported_to_correct_json(fs, snapshot): fixture_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname( __file__), 'fixtures', "fake_course") fs.add_real_directory(fixture_path) fs.create_dir("output") course = load_course(fixture_path) export_course("./output", course) files = glob.glob("./output/**/*") data = { fname: read_json_file(fname) for fname in files } fs.pause() # Write snapshots to the real fs, not the fake snapshot.assert_match(data)
def call_function(self): self.create_fake_course_meta(self.fake_path, **{ **self.fake_values, }) self.result = load_course(self.fake_path)