return features sF_loss = get_features(styleV, resnet) cF_loss = get_features(contentV, resnet) tF = get_features(transfer, resnet) loss, styleLoss, contentLoss = criterion(tF, sF_loss, cF_loss) # backward & optimization loss.backward() optimizer.step() print( 'Iteration: [%d/%d] Loss: %.4f contentLoss: %.4f styleLoss: %.4f Learng Rate is %.6f' % (opt.niter, iteration, loss, contentLoss, styleLoss, optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'])) adjust_learning_rate(optimizer, iteration) if ((iteration) % opt.log_interval == 0): transfer = transfer.clamp(0, 1) concat =, style, transfer.cpu()), dim=0) vutils.save_image(concat, '%s/%d.png' % (opt.outf, iteration), normalize=True, scale_each=True, nrow=opt.batchSize) if (iteration > 0 and (iteration) % opt.save_interval == 0):, '%s/%s_resnet_softmax_imagenet.pth' % (opt.outf, opt.layer))
else: feature, transmatrix = matrix(cF, sF) transfer = dec(feature) sF_loss = vgg5(styleV) cF_loss = vgg5(contentV) tF = vgg5(transfer) loss, styleLoss, contentLoss = criterion(tF, sF_loss, cF_loss) # backward & optimization loss.backward() optimizer.step() print( 'Iteration: [%d/%d] Loss: %.4f contentLoss: %.4f styleLoss: %.4f Learng Rate is %.6f' % (opt.niter, iteration, loss, contentLoss, styleLoss, optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'])) adjust_learning_rate(optimizer, iteration) if ((iteration) % opt.log_interval == 0): transfer = transfer.clamp(0, 1) concat =, style,, dim=0) vutils.save_image(concat, '%s/%d.png' % (opt.outf, iteration), normalize=True, scale_each=True, nrow=opt.batchSize) if (iteration > 0 and (iteration) % opt.save_interval == 0):, '%s/%s.pth' % (opt.outf, opt.layer))
if str(name) in layers3: features[layers3[str(name)]] = x for name, layer in enumerate(model.layer4): x = layer(x) if str(name) in layers4: features[layers4[str(name)]] = x return features sF_loss = get_features(styleV, resnet) cF_loss = get_features(contentV, resnet) tF = get_features(transfer, resnet) loss,styleLoss,contentLoss = criterion(tF,sF_loss,cF_loss) # backward & optimization loss.backward() optimizer.step() print('Iteration: [%d/%d] Loss: %.4f contentLoss: %.4f styleLoss: %.4f Learng Rate is %.6f'% (opt.niter,iteration,loss,contentLoss,styleLoss,optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'])) adjust_learning_rate(optimizer,iteration) if((iteration) % opt.log_interval == 0): transfer = transfer.clamp(0,1) concat =,style,transfer.cpu()),dim=0) vutils.save_image(concat,'%s/%d.png'%(opt.outf,iteration),normalize=True,scale_each=True,nrow=opt.batchSize) if(iteration > 0 and (iteration) % opt.save_interval == 0):, '%s/%s_resnet_random.pth' % (opt.outf,opt.layer))