    def cacheEpisodeList(self, id):
        # Cache filename
        cacheFileName = Globals().nsCacheFilePrefix + str( id )

        # Get the data
        parser = TvRage()
        epList = parser.getEpisodeList( id )

        if not epList:
            return False    # In case something went wrong during parsing...

        showEpList = {}
        showEpList['fetch_time']   = int( datetime.utcnow().strftime("%s") ) # Timestamp (UTC)
        showEpList['episode_list'] = epList

        # Open the file for writing
        tools.msgDebug("Writing cache file %s..." % cacheFileName, __name__)
        fp = open( cacheFileName, "wb" )
        cPickle.dump( showEpList, fp, cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL )

        # At this point we suppose everything hopefully went well
        return True