def save(self): save_path = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, "Save as", self.DEFAULT_TFRECORDS_SAVE_DIR, "TFRecords (*.tfrecords)") save_path = os.path.splitext(save_path[0])[0] if not save_path: return config_file = save_path + ".pkl" pbtxt_text = self.pbtxt_text.text() if pbtxt_text and os.path.isfile(pbtxt_text): self.pbtxt_path = pbtxt_text else: self.pbtxt_path = save_path + '.pbtxt' label_list = self.get_label_list() with open(self.pbtxt_path, 'w') as f: for index, label in enumerate(label_list): f.writelines("item {\n id: %s\n name: \'%s\'\n}\n\n\n" % (index + 1, label)) itemsTextList = [str(self.list.item(i).text().split(self.DELIMITER)[0]) for i in range(self.list.count())] valid_items = 0 dataset_configs = [] for item in itemsTextList: path = str(item) if os.path.exists(path): annotation_path = self.get_roi_annotation_dir(path) roi = DatasetDetailsDialog.getROIfromAnnotationsPath(annotation_path) if roi is None: roi = [-1, -1, -1, -1] else: roi = [roi['xmin'], roi['ymin'], roi['xmax'], roi['ymax']] frames_list_path = os.path.join(annotation_path, '.frames_lists.pkl') if os.path.exists(frames_list_path): frames_list = set() frames_list_rules = _pickle.load(open(frames_list_path, 'rb')) for start_frame, end_frame, interval in frames_list_rules: frames_list.update(list(range(start_frame, end_frame + 1, interval))) frames_list = sorted(list(frames_list)) else: frames_reader = get_frames_reader(path) frames_list = list(range(0, frames_reader.num_frames, 1)) del frames_reader bbox_source_filter = [] if self.use_ground_truth_bboxes.isChecked(): bbox_source_filter += ["ground_truth"] if self.use_detection_bboxes.isChecked(): bbox_source_filter += ["object_detector"] if self.use_tracking_bboxes.isChecked(): bbox_source_filter += ["tracker"] dataset_configs.append(dict( frames_source=path, annotation_source=annotation_path, annotation_type='pascal_voc', label_map_file=self.pbtxt_path, mot_class_name='object', frames_list=frames_list, bbox_source_filter=bbox_source_filter, roi=roi, )) valid_items += 1 _pickle.dump(dataset_configs, open(config_file, 'wb')) if valid_items: self.save_path = save_path self.call_program(config_file, save_path + '.tfrecords')
def add_files(self): path = os.path.expanduser('~') opened_files = QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames(self, 'Add files', path, 'Video files (*)') for file in opened_files[0]: frames_reader = get_frames_reader(file) if frames_reader.num_frames > 0: self.addItem(file) del frames_reader
def add_dirs(self): path = os.path.expanduser('~') opened_directory = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self, 'Add Directory', path, QFileDialog.ShowDirsOnly | QFileDialog.DontResolveSymlinks) frames_reader = get_frames_reader(opened_directory) if frames_reader.num_frames > 0: self.addItem(opened_directory) del frames_reader
def edit_dataset(self): selected_dataset = self.list.currentItem().text().split(self.DELIMITER)[0] self.currently_editing_dataset = selected_dataset self.currently_editing_index = self.list.currentRow() frames_reader = get_frames_reader(selected_dataset) num_frames = frames_reader.num_frames del frames_reader dataset_frame_selection_dialog = \ DatasetDetailsDialog(parent=self, parent_window=self, num_frames=num_frames, dataset_path=selected_dataset)
def patchTracking(self, request=None, img_path=''): request_path = request["path"] request_roi = request["roi"] id_number = request['id_number'] # init_frame_id = request["frame_number"] init_frame_id = 0 init_bbox = request["bbox"] label = request['label'] request_port = request["port"] if request_path != self.current_path: self.frames_reader = get_frames_reader( request_path, save_as_bin=self.params.save_as_bin) if request_roi is not None: self.frames_reader.setROI(request_roi) self.current_path = request_path n_frames = self.frames_reader.num_frames if self.params.end_frame_id >= init_frame_id: end_frame_id = self.params.end_frame_id else: end_frame_id = n_frames - 1 for frame_id in range(init_frame_id, end_frame_id + 1): try: curr_frame = self.frames_reader.get_frame(frame_id) except IOError as e: print('{}'.format(e)) break if request_port is not None: self.send(curr_frame, init_bbox, label, request_path, frame_id, id_number, request_port) # self.single_object_tracking_results.append(tracking_result) sys.stdout.write('Closing tracker...\n') sys.stdout.flush()
def saveMasks(seq_path, xml_path, out_mask_size, out_border, fixed_ar, save_raw_mask, show_img, out_root_path='', save_test=1, save_train=1, frames_reader=None, masks_per_seq=0, enable_out_suffix=1, train_fnames=None, test_fnames=None, map_to_bbox=0, out_img_dir='', enable_xml_annotations=0, allow_skipping_images=0): global _pause, _exit if not xml_path or not os.path.isdir(xml_path): raise IOError( 'Folder containing the loaded boxes does not exist: {}'.format( xml_path)) files = glob.glob(os.path.join(xml_path, '*.xml')) n_files = len(files) if n_files == 0: raise IOError('No loaded boxes found') if frames_reader is None: frames_reader = get_frames_reader(seq_path, save_as_bin=False) min_dim = max_dim = 0 out_w, out_h = out_mask_size print('out_mask_size: {}'.format(out_mask_size)) if out_w == -1 and out_h == -1: out_w = out_h = 0 if out_w == -1: max_dim = out_h elif out_h == -1: min_dim = out_w if fixed_ar: print('Using fixed aspect ratio: {}'.format(fixed_ar)) print('out_border: {}'.format(out_border)) def getint(fn): basename = os.path.basename(fn) num = re.sub("\D", "", basename) try: return int(num) except: return 0 if len(files) > 0: files = sorted(files, key=getint) print('Loading annotations from {:d} files'.format(n_files)) file_id = 0 n_boxes = 0 seq_root_dir = os.path.dirname(seq_path) seq_name = os.path.basename(seq_path) if not out_root_path: out_root_path = os.path.join(seq_root_dir, 'masks') if not enable_out_suffix: out_seq_name = seq_name else: if map_to_bbox: out_seq_name = '{}_mapped'.format(seq_name) else: out_seq_name = '{}_{}x{}'.format(seq_name, out_w, out_h) if fixed_ar: out_seq_name = '{}_ar_{}'.format(out_seq_name, fixed_ar) else: out_seq_name = '{}_{}'.format(out_seq_name, out_border) out_seq_name = out_seq_name.replace('.', 'p') train_root_path = os.path.join(out_root_path, out_seq_name) if not save_test and not save_train: raise AssertionError('Either save_test or save_train must be on') # print('Saving output sequences to {}'.format(out_root_path)) if save_train: out_img_root_path = train_root_path if out_img_dir: out_img_root_path = os.path.join(out_img_root_path, out_img_dir) out_mask_root_path = os.path.join(train_root_path, 'labels') print('Saving training mask sequence to {}'.format(train_root_path)) if not os.path.isdir(out_img_root_path): os.makedirs(out_img_root_path) if not os.path.isdir(out_mask_root_path): os.makedirs(out_mask_root_path) if enable_xml_annotations: out_xml_path = os.path.join(out_img_root_path, 'annotations') print('Saving xml_annotations to {}'.format(out_xml_path)) if not os.path.isdir(out_xml_path): os.makedirs(out_xml_path) if save_test: out_test_seq_name = out_seq_name + '_test' test_img_root_path = os.path.join(out_root_path, out_test_seq_name) print('Saving unlabeled testing mask sequence to {}'.format( test_img_root_path)) if not os.path.isdir(test_img_root_path): os.makedirs(test_img_root_path) win_name = 'patch and mask' disable_resizing = 0 scale_x = scale_y = 1.0 if out_w == 0 and out_h == 0: print('Resizing disabled') disable_resizing = 1 csv_raw = [] test_csv_raw = [] n_files = len(files) if save_raw_mask: print('Saving raw labels') mask_pix_val = (1, 1, 1) else: mask_pix_val = (255, 255, 255) n_masks = 0 _train_fnames = [] _test_fnames = [] _exit_seq = 0 disp_img = None for file_id, file in enumerate(files): xml_reader = PascalVocReader(file) filename = os.path.basename(xml_reader.filename) filename_no_ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] # file_id = int(re.sub("\D", "", filename)) # print('filename: {}'.format(filename)) # print('file_id: {}'.format(file_id)) img = frames_reader.get_frame_by_name(filename, convert_to_rgb=0) if img is None: print('image {} could not be read'.format(filename)) continue img_h, img_w = img.shape[:2] mask_img = None shapes = xml_reader.getShapes() n_shapes = len(shapes) if n_shapes > 1: print('{} boxes found for {} in {}'.format(n_shapes, filename, file)) obj_id = 0 img_written = 0 for shape in shapes: label, points, _, _, difficult, bbox_source, id_number, score, mask, mask_img = shape if not mask: if not save_test: continue xmin, ymin = points[0] xmax, ymax = points[2] img_root_path = test_img_root_path else: if not save_train: continue mask_pts_list = Shape.getContourPts(mask, verbose=0) mask_pts = np.asarray(mask_pts_list) xmin, ymin = np.min(mask_pts, axis=0).astype(np.int32) xmax, ymax = np.max(mask_pts, axis=0).astype(np.int32) img_root_path = out_img_root_path if fixed_ar: w, h = xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin src_ar = float(w) / float(h) if fixed_ar > src_ar: border_x = int((h * fixed_ar - w) / 2.0) border_y = 0 else: border_y = int((w / fixed_ar - h) / 2.0) border_x = 0 else: border_x = border_y = out_border # start_row, start_col = max(0, ymin - border_y), max(0, xmin - border_x) # end_row, end_col = min(img_h - 1, ymax + border_y), min(img_w - 1, xmax + border_x) start_row, start_col = ymin - border_y, xmin - border_x end_row, end_col = ymax + border_y, xmax + border_x if start_row < 0 or start_col < 0 or end_row >= img_h or end_col >= img_w: msg = 'Invalid border {} for box {} in image {} of size {}'.format( [border_x, border_y], [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax], filename, [img_w, img_h]) if allow_skipping_images: print('\n' + msg + '\n') continue else: raise AssertionError(msg) if mask: n_masks += 1 w, h = end_col - start_col, end_row - start_row patch_img = img[start_row:end_row, start_col:end_col, :] if not disable_resizing: if max_dim > 0: if w > h: out_w = max_dim out_h = 0 else: out_h = max_dim out_w = 0 elif min_dim > 0: if w < h: out_w = min_dim out_h = 0 else: out_h = min_dim out_w = 0 else: out_w, out_h = out_mask_size scale_x = float(out_w) / float(w) scale_y = float(out_h) / float(h) if scale_x == 0: scale_x = scale_y out_w = int(w * scale_x) elif scale_y == 0: scale_y = scale_x out_h = int(h * scale_y) try: patch_img = cv2.resize(patch_img, (out_w, out_h)) # print('patch_img: {}'.format(patch_img.shape)) except cv2.error as e: print('patch_img: {}'.format(patch_img.shape)) print('out_size: {}, {}'.format(start_row, start_col)) print('out_size: {}, {}'.format(end_row, end_col)) print('out_size: {}, {}'.format(out_w, out_h)) raise cv2.error(e) else: out_w, out_h = w, h _label = label if id_number is None: id_number = -1 if id_number > 0: _label = '{}_{}'.format(_label, id_number) if enable_out_suffix: out_fname = '{}_{}_{}'.format(filename_no_ext, obj_id, label) else: out_fname = filename_no_ext _xmin, _ymin = int((xmin - start_col) * scale_x), int( (ymin - start_row) * scale_y) _xmax, _ymax = int((xmax - start_col) * scale_x), int( (ymax - start_row) * scale_y) if map_to_bbox: if not img_written: img_written = 1 out_img_path = os.path.join(img_root_path, filename) cv2.imwrite(out_img_path, img) if enable_xml_annotations: imageShape = [xml_reader.height, xml_reader.width, 3] xml_writer = PascalVocWriter(out_xml_path, filename, imageShape) if mask: if enable_xml_annotations: bndbox = [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] xml_writer.addBndBox(bndbox[0], bndbox[1], bndbox[2], bndbox[3], label, difficult, bbox_source, id_number, score, mask, mask_img) raw_data = { 'target_id': int(id_number), 'filename': filename, 'width': img_w, 'height': img_h, 'class': label, 'xmin': xmin, 'ymin': ymin, 'xmax': xmax, 'ymax': ymax } if show_img: cv2.rectangle(img, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (0, 255, 0), 2) disp_img = img else: img_out_fname = out_fname + '.jpg' if mask: out_img_path = os.path.join(img_root_path, img_out_fname) cv2.imwrite(out_img_path, patch_img) if enable_xml_annotations: n_mask = len(mask) _mask = [] for i in range(n_mask): _mask.append([(mask[i][0] - start_col) * scale_x, (mask[i][1] - start_row) * scale_y, mask[i][2]]) imageShape = [xml_reader.height, xml_reader.width, 3] xml_writer = PascalVocWriter(out_xml_path, xml_reader.filename, imageShape) bndbox = [_xmin, _ymin, _xmax, _ymax] xml_writer.addBndBox(_xmin, _ymin, _xmax, _ymax, label, difficult, bbox_source, id_number, score, _mask) raw_data = { 'target_id': int(id_number), 'filename': img_out_fname, 'width': out_w, 'height': out_h, 'class': label, 'xmin': _xmin, 'ymin': _ymin, 'xmax': _xmax, 'ymax': _ymax } if show_img: cv2.rectangle(patch_img, (_xmin, _ymin), (_xmax, _ymax), (0, 255, 0), 2) disp_img = patch_img if mask: if mask_img is None: mask_img = np.zeros_like(img) # print('border_x: {}'.format(border_x)) # print('border_y: {}'.format(border_y)) # print('scale_x: {}'.format(scale_x)) # print('scale_y: {}'.format(scale_y)) # # print('xmin: {}'.format(xmin)) # print('ymin: {}'.format(ymin)) mask_pts = [[(x - xmin + border_x) * scale_x, (y - ymin + border_y) * scale_y] for x, y in mask_pts] curr_mask = np.zeros_like(patch_img, dtype=np.uint8) # print('mask_img: {}'.format(mask_img.shape)) mask_out_fname = out_fname + '.png' # np.savetxt('mask_seq_mask_pts.txt', mask_pts, fmt='%.6f') curr_mask = cv2.fillPoly( curr_mask, np.array([ mask_pts, ], dtype=np.int32), mask_pix_val) # print('min: {} max: {}'.format( # np.min(mask_img.flatten()), # np.max(mask_img.flatten())) # ) if map_to_bbox: mask_img = map_mask_to_bbox( (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax), curr_mask, fixed_ar, out_border, mask_img.shape, mask_img) else: mask_img = curr_mask out_mask_path = os.path.join(out_mask_root_path, mask_out_fname) cv2.imwrite(out_mask_path, mask_img) _train_fnames.append((out_img_path, out_mask_path)) if show_img: disp_mask_img = mask_img.copy() if save_raw_mask: disp_mask_img[disp_mask_img > 0] = 255 blended_img = np.asarray( Image.blend(Image.fromarray(patch_img), Image.fromarray(disp_mask_img), 0.5)) disp_img = np.concatenate( (disp_img, disp_mask_img, blended_img), axis=1) csv_raw.append(raw_data) else: test_csv_raw.append(raw_data) if not map_to_bbox: _test_fnames.append(out_img_path) if show_img and not map_to_bbox: # if _pause: # print('frame {} :: {}'.format(file_id, filename)) cv2.imshow(win_name, disp_img) k = cv2.waitKey(1 - _pause) if k == ord('q'): _exit = 1 break elif k == 27: _exit_seq = 1 break elif k == 32: _pause = 1 - _pause obj_id += 1 if map_to_bbox and img is not None: out_img_path = os.path.join(out_img_root_path, filename) if save_train and mask_img is not None: mask_out_fname = filename_no_ext + '.png' out_mask_path = os.path.join(out_mask_root_path, mask_out_fname) cv2.imwrite(out_mask_path, mask_img) if enable_xml_annotations: out_xml_file = os.path.join(out_xml_path, os.path.basename(file)) _train_fnames.append((out_img_path, out_mask_path)) if show_img: disp_mask_img = mask_img if save_raw_mask: disp_mask_img[disp_mask_img > 0] = 255 blended_img = np.asarray( Image.blend(Image.fromarray(img), Image.fromarray(disp_mask_img), 0.5)) disp_img = np.concatenate( (disp_img, disp_mask_img, blended_img), axis=1) elif save_test: out_img_path = os.path.join(test_img_root_path, filename) if out_img_path in _test_fnames: raise IOError( 'Duplicate out_img_path: {}'.format(out_img_path)) _test_fnames.append(out_img_path) if show_img and disp_img is not None: cv2.imshow(win_name, disp_img) k = cv2.waitKey(1 - _pause) if k == ord('q'): _exit = 1 break elif k == 27: break elif k == 32: _pause = 1 - _pause if _exit: break sys.stdout.write( '\rDone {:d}/{:d} files {:s} ({:d} masks found)'.format( file_id + 1, n_files, filename, n_masks)) sys.stdout.flush() if masks_per_seq > 0 and n_masks >= masks_per_seq: break sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush() if not _exit_seq and save_train and n_masks == 0: raise IOError('\nNo masks found for {}\n'.format(seq_path)) train_csv_path = test_csv_path = '' if csv_raw: print('Saved {} labeled files in training sequence'.format( len(csv_raw))) train_csv_path = os.path.join(out_img_root_path, 'annotations.csv') pd.DataFrame(csv_raw).to_csv(train_csv_path) if test_csv_raw: print('Saved {} unlabeled files in test sequence'.format( len(test_csv_raw))) test_csv_path = os.path.join(test_img_root_path, 'annotations.csv') pd.DataFrame(test_csv_raw).to_csv(test_csv_path) if show_img: cv2.destroyWindow(win_name) if save_train and train_fnames is not None: train_fnames[ out_seq_name] = _train_fnames, train_root_path, csv_raw, train_csv_path if save_test and test_fnames is not None: test_fnames[ out_test_seq_name] = _test_fnames, test_img_root_path, test_csv_raw, test_csv_path return n_masks
def visualize(vis_params, logger, img_path, csv_path, class_dict, init_frame_id=0, n_frames=0, request_roi=None, generator_mode=0, enable_masks=0, label='', only_boxes=0, crop_size=()): """ :param vis_params: :param logger: :param img_path: :param csv_path: :param class_dict: :param init_frame_id: :param n_frames: :param request_roi: :param generator_mode: :return: """ global _pause, _quit save_fname_templ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(img_path))[0] # csv_path = os.path.join(img_path, 'annotations.csv') df = pd.read_csv(csv_path) frames_reader = get_frames_reader(img_path, save_as_bin=False) if request_roi is not None: frames_reader.setROI(request_roi) class_labels = dict((v, k) for k, v in class_dict.items()) if generator_mode: = 0 = 0 visualizer = Visualizer(vis_params, logger, class_labels) init_frame = frames_reader.get_frame(init_frame_id) height, width, _ = init_frame.shape frame_size = width, height visualizer.initialize(save_fname_templ, frame_size, _pause) if n_frames <= 0: n_frames = frames_reader.num_frames print('Reading {:d} images from {:s}...'.format(n_frames, img_path)) for frame_id in range(init_frame_id, n_frames): try: curr_frame = frames_reader.get_frame(frame_id) except IOError as e: print('{}'.format(e)) break if only_boxes: curr_frame = np.zeros_like(curr_frame) file_path = frames_reader.get_file_path() if file_path is None: print('Visualization is only supported on image sequence data') return filename = os.path.basename(file_path) multiple_instance = df.loc[df['filename'] == filename] # Total # of object instances in a file n_bboxes = len(multiple_instance.index) # Remove from df (avoids duplication) df = df.drop(multiple_instance.index[:n_bboxes]) frame_data = [] masks = [] generic_target_id = -1 if enable_masks: filename = os.path.basename(file_path) xml_path = os.path.join(img_path, 'annotations', os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.xml') if not os.path.isfile(xml_path): print('{} :: annotations xml file not found: {}'.format( filename, xml_path)) continue xml_reader = PascalVocReader(xml_path) shapes = xml_reader.getShapes() n_shapes = len(shapes) if n_shapes != n_bboxes: raise IOError( 'Mismatch between n_bboxes in xml: {} and csv: {}'.format( n_shapes, n_bboxes)) for box_id in range(n_bboxes): bbox = multiple_instance.iloc[box_id] try: target_id = bbox['target_id'] except KeyError: target_id = generic_target_id generic_target_id -= 1 xmin = bbox.loc['xmin'] ymin = bbox.loc['ymin'] xmax = bbox.loc['xmax'] ymax = bbox.loc['ymax'] class_name = bbox.loc['class'] try: class_id = class_dict[str(class_name)] except KeyError: print('Ignoring annotation with invalid class: {}'.format( class_name)) continue width = xmax - xmin height = ymax - ymin curr_frame_data = [ frame_id, target_id, xmin, ymin, width, height, class_id ] if enable_masks: mask = shapes[box_id][-2] if mask is not None: _contour_pts = Shape.getContourPts(mask) masks.append(_contour_pts) frame_data.append(curr_frame_data) frame_data = np.asarray(frame_data) res = visualizer.update(frame_id, curr_frame, frame_data, masks, label, crop_size) if generator_mode: yield res # elif not res: # break _quit = visualizer._quit _pause = visualizer._pause visualizer.close() frames_reader.close()
def visualize(self, request): request_path = request["path"] csv_path = request["csv_path"] class_dict = request["class_dict"] request_roi = request["roi"] init_frame_id = request["frame_number"] save_fname_templ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(request_path))[0] df = pd.read_csv(csv_path) if request_path != self.current_path: self.frames_reader = get_frames_reader( request_path, save_as_bin=self.params.save_as_bin) if request_roi is not None: self.frames_reader.setROI(request_roi) self.current_path = request_path class_labels = dict((v, k) for k, v in class_dict.items()) # print(' ', visualizer = Visualizer(self.params.visualizer, self.logger, class_labels) init_frame = self.frames_reader.get_frame(init_frame_id) height, width, _ = init_frame.shape frame_size = width, height visualizer.initialize(save_fname_templ, frame_size) n_frames = self.frames_reader.num_frames for frame_id in range(init_frame_id, n_frames): try: curr_frame = self.frames_reader.get_frame(frame_id) except IOError as e: print('{}'.format(e)) break file_path = self.frames_reader.get_file_path() if file_path is None: print('Visualization is only supported on image sequence data') return filename = os.path.basename(file_path) multiple_instance = df.loc[df['filename'] == filename] # Total # of object instances in a file no_instances = len(multiple_instance.index) # Remove from df (avoids duplication) df = df.drop(multiple_instance.index[:no_instances]) frame_data = [] for instance in range(0, len(multiple_instance.index)): target_id = multiple_instance.iloc[instance].loc['target_id'] xmin = multiple_instance.iloc[instance].loc['xmin'] ymin = multiple_instance.iloc[instance].loc['ymin'] xmax = multiple_instance.iloc[instance].loc['xmax'] ymax = multiple_instance.iloc[instance].loc['ymax'] class_name = multiple_instance.iloc[instance].loc['class'] class_id = class_dict[class_name] width = xmax - xmin height = ymax - ymin frame_data.append( [frame_id, target_id, xmin, ymin, width, height, class_id]) frame_data = np.asarray(frame_data) if not visualizer.update(frame_id, curr_frame, frame_data): break visualizer.close()
def patchTracking(self, request=None, img_path=''): if self.params.mode == 2: sys.stdout.write('@@@ Starting tracker\n') sys.stdout.flush() cmd_args = sys.argv[1:] else: if request is not None: cmd_args = request['cmd_args'] else: cmd_args = '' self.parseParams(self.parser, cmd_args) if request is not None: request_path = request["path"] request_roi = request["roi"] id_number = request['id_number'] init_frame_id = request["frame_number"] init_bbox = request["bbox"] init_bbox_list = [ int(init_bbox['xmin']), int(init_bbox['ymin']), int(init_bbox['xmax']), int(init_bbox['ymax']), ] label = request['label'] request_port = request["port"] else: request_path = img_path if img_path else self.params.img_path request_roi = str2list(self.params.roi) id_number = self.params.id_number init_frame_id = self.params.init_frame_id if self.params.init_bbox: init_bbox_list = str2list(self.params.init_bbox) init_bbox = { 'xmin': init_bbox_list[0], 'ymin': init_bbox_list[1], 'xmax': init_bbox_list[2], 'ymax': init_bbox_list[3], } else: init_bbox = {} label = request_port = None gt_available = 0 if request_path != self.current_path: self.frames_reader = get_frames_reader(request_path, save_as_bin=self.params.save_as_bin) if request_roi is not None: self.frames_reader.setROI(request_roi) self.current_path = request_path if not init_bbox: csv_path = os.path.join(request_path, 'annotations.csv') print('Reading annotations from {}'.format(csv_path)) import pandas as pd df_gt = pd.read_csv(csv_path) _ = self.frames_reader.get_frame(init_frame_id) file_path = self.frames_reader.get_file_path() filename = os.path.basename(file_path) multiple_instance = df_gt.loc[df_gt['filename'] == filename] bbox = multiple_instance.iloc[0] xmin = bbox.loc['xmin'] ymin = bbox.loc['ymin'] xmax = bbox.loc['xmax'] ymax = bbox.loc['ymax'] init_bbox = { 'xmin': xmin, 'ymin': ymin, 'xmax': xmax, 'ymax': ymax, } gt_available = 1 show_only = (self.params.mode == 1) tracker = PatchTracker(self.params.patch_tracker, self.logger, id_number, label, show_only=show_only) if not tracker.is_created: return init_frame = self.frames_reader.get_frame(init_frame_id) tracker.initialize(init_frame, init_bbox) if not tracker.is_initialized: self.logger.error('Tracker initialization was unsuccessful') return n_frames = self.frames_reader.num_frames if self.params.end_frame_id >= init_frame_id: end_frame_id = self.params.end_frame_id else: end_frame_id = n_frames - 1 if self.params.mode == 1: if self.client is None: self.connectToExecutionServer() # print('init_bbox_list: ', init_bbox_list) remote_bbox = list2str(init_bbox_list) remote_img_path = os.path.join(self.params.remote_img_root_path, os.path.basename(request_path)) cd_command = 'cd {:s}'.format(self.params.remote_path) exec_command = 'python3 --mode=2 ' \ '--cfg={:s} --img_path={:s} --id_number={:d} ' \ '--init_frame_id={:d} --init_bbox={:s}' \ ' --patch_tracker.tracker_type={:d}' \ ' --patch_tracker.cv_tracker_type={:d}' \ '' \ '' \ '\n'.format( self.params.remote_cfg, remote_img_path, id_number, init_frame_id, remote_bbox, self.params.patch_tracker.tracker_type, self.params.patch_tracker.cv_tracker_type, ) # command = '{} && {}'.format(cd_command, exec_command) # if request_roi is not None: # remote_roi = list2str(request_roi) # command = '{:s} {:s}'.format(command, remote_roi) # print('Running:\n{:s}'.format(exec_command)) curr_corners = np.zeros((2, 4), dtype=np.float64) # channel = self.client.invoke_shell(width=1000, height=3000) # _stdout = channel.makefile() + '\n') # channel.send("sudo -s\n'''\n") # channel.send("'''" + '\n') + '\n') # channel.send('exit' + '\n') # s = channel.recv(4096) # print(s) # client.close() # sys.exit() # _stdin, _stdout, _stderr = client.exec_command(command) # channel = # print(_stdout.readlines()) # while not # if # print( pid = None tracking_started = 0 wait_start_time = tracking_start_time = time.clock() while not if not wait_time = time.clock() - wait_start_time # sys.stdout.write('Waiting for stdout for {:f} secs\n'.format(wait_time)) # sys.stdout.flush() if wait_time > self.params.wait_timeout: print('Waiting time threshold exceeded') break continue wait_start_time = time.clock() # sys.stdout.write('\n') # sys.stdout.flush() # remote_output = channel.recv(45).decode("utf-8") remote_output = self._stdout.readline().replace("^C", "") # print('remote_output: ', remote_output) if remote_output.startswith('@@@'): tracking_started = 1 continue if not remote_output.startswith('###'): sys.stdout.write(remote_output) sys.stdout.flush() continue if not tracking_started: continue # sys.stdout.write(remote_output) # sys.stdout.flush() result_list = remote_output.strip().split() # print('remote_output: ', remote_output) # print('result_list: ', result_list) if len(result_list) != 8: print('remote_output: ', remote_output) print('result_list: ', result_list) raise SystemError('Invalid output from the remote server') pid = int(result_list[1]) frame_id = int(result_list[2]) xmin = int(result_list[3]) ymin = int(result_list[4]) xmax = int(result_list[5]) ymax = int(result_list[6]) remote_fps = float(result_list[7]) curr_corners[:, 0] = (xmin, ymin) curr_corners[:, 1] = (xmax, ymin) curr_corners[:, 2] = (xmax, ymax) curr_corners[:, 3] = (xmin, ymax) try: curr_frame = self.frames_reader.get_frame(frame_id) except IOError as e: print('{}'.format(e)) break end_time = time.clock() fps = 1.0 / (end_time - tracking_start_time), curr_corners, frame_id, fps, remote_fps) out_bbox = dict( xmin=xmin, ymin=ymin, xmax=xmax, ymax=ymax, ) self.send(curr_frame, out_bbox, label, request_path, frame_id, id_number, request_port) tracking_start_time = end_time if frame_id > end_frame_id or tracker.is_terminated: # exit_client = paramiko.SSHClient() # exit_client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy) # exit_client.connect(self.params.hostname, username=self.params.username, # password=self.params.password) # _stdin, _stdout, _stderr = exit_client.exec_command() # exit_client.close() # # # #'exit' + '\n') # channel_closed = 1 # channel.close() #'pkill -P {:d}\n'.format(pid)) break # while not channel.recv_ready(): # sys.stdout.write('\rwaiting') # sys.stdout.flush() # continue tracker.close() if pid is not None:'pkill -P {:d}\n'.format(pid)) # self.flushChannel() # p = multiprocessing.Process(target=self.flushChannel) # p.start() # # Wait for 1 second or until process finishes # p.join(self.params.flush_timeout) # if p.is_alive(): # p.terminate() # p.join() print('\ndone execution') # _stdout.close() # _stderr.close() # channel.send('exit' + '\n') # # client.close() return # init_frame = self.frames_reader.get_frame(init_frame_id) # init_file_path = self.frames_reader.get_file_path() # try: # self.runTracker(tracker, init_frame_id) # except KeyboardInterrupt: # pass #'Tracking target {:d} in sequence with {:d} frames ' # 'starting from frame {:d}'.format( # id_numbers[0], n_frames, init_frame_id + 1)) save_path = '' if self.params.save_dir: file_path = self.frames_reader.get_file_path() save_path = os.path.join('log', self.params.save_dir, os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(file_path))) if not os.path.isdir(save_path): os.makedirs(save_path) save_csv_path = os.path.join(save_path, 'annotations.csv') print('Saving results csv to {}'.format(save_csv_path)) if self.params.track_init_frame: start_frame_id = init_frame_id else: start_frame_id = init_frame_id + 1 csv_raw = [] if label is None: label = 'generic' for frame_id in range(start_frame_id, end_frame_id + 1): try: curr_frame = self.frames_reader.get_frame(frame_id) except IOError as e: print('{}'.format(e)) break file_path = self.frames_reader.get_file_path() filename = os.path.basename(file_path) gt_bbox = None if gt_available: multiple_instance = df_gt.loc[df_gt['filename'] == filename] bbox = multiple_instance.iloc[0] xmin = bbox.loc['xmin'] ymin = bbox.loc['ymin'] xmax = bbox.loc['xmax'] ymax = bbox.loc['ymax'] label = bbox.loc['class'] gt_bbox = { 'xmin': xmin, 'ymin': ymin, 'xmax': xmax, 'ymax': ymax, } try: fps = tracker.update(curr_frame, frame_id, gt_bbox=gt_bbox) except KeyboardInterrupt: break if tracker.out_bbox is None: # self.logger.error('Tracker update was unsuccessful') break if save_path: if tracker.curr_mask_cropped is not None: mask_filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.png' save_mask_path = os.path.join(save_path, mask_filename) curr_mask_norm = (tracker.curr_mask_cropped * 255.0).astype(np.uint8) cv2.imwrite(save_mask_path, curr_mask_norm) mask_filename_bin = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.npy' save_mask_path_bin = os.path.join(save_path, mask_filename_bin), tracker.curr_mask_cropped) if self.params.save_csv: orig_height, orig_width = curr_frame.shape[:2] xmin = tracker.out_bbox['xmin'] xmax = tracker.out_bbox['xmax'] ymin = tracker.out_bbox['ymin'] ymax = tracker.out_bbox['ymax'] raw_data = { 'filename': filename, 'width': orig_width, 'height': orig_height, 'class': label, 'xmin': int(xmin), 'ymin': int(ymin), 'xmax': int(xmax), 'ymax': int(ymax), 'confidence': tracker.score } csv_raw.append(raw_data) if self.params.mode == 2 and not sys.stdout.write('### {:d} {:d} {:d} {:d} {:d} {:d} {:5.2f}\n'.format(, frame_id, tracker.out_bbox['xmin'], tracker.out_bbox['ymin'], tracker.out_bbox['xmax'], tracker.out_bbox['ymax'], fps )) sys.stdout.flush() continue if request_port is not None: mask = os.path.abspath(save_mask_path_bin) # if tracker.curr_mask_cropped is not None: # # mask = np.expand_dims(tracker.curr_mask, axis=0).tolist() # mask = tracker.curr_mask_cropped.tolist() # else: # mask = None self.send(curr_frame, tracker.out_bbox, label, request_path, frame_id, id_number, request_port, masks=mask) # self.single_object_tracking_results.append(tracking_result) if tracker.is_terminated: break sys.stdout.write('Closing tracker...\n') sys.stdout.flush() tracker.close() if save_path and self.params.save_csv: df = pd.DataFrame(csv_raw) df.to_csv(save_csv_path)