def __init__(self, messagelogger): self.messagelogger = messagelogger try: self.base_output_folder = None self.last_server_submitted_to = None self.BlastServices = [] self.BlastServers = {} self.samples_and_inputs = {} self.samples_and_databases = {} self.samples_and_algorithms = {} self.batchSize = 500 self.list_splits = {} self.list_jobs = {} self.list_jobs_submitted = {} self.list_jobs_completed = {} self.serverLoads = {} self.performance = Performance() self.list_jobs_submitted_file = 'list_jobs_submitted.txt' self.pending_job = None self.displaylen = 0 self.migrationMatrix = {} self.messagelogger.write("OK: Blast Broker initialized!\n") except: self.messagelogger.write( "ERROR: Failed to initialize Blast Broker!\n") sys.exit(0) return None
def __init__(self, messagelogger): self.messagelogger= messagelogger try: self.base_output_folder = None self.last_server_submitted_to = None self.BlastServices=[] self.BlastServers={} self.samples_and_inputs = {} self.samples_and_databases = {} self.samples_and_algorithms= {} self.batchSize =500 self.list_splits = {} self.list_jobs = {} self.list_jobs_submitted = {} self.list_jobs_completed = {} self.serverLoads = {} self.performance = Performance() self.list_jobs_submitted_file = 'list_jobs_submitted.txt' self.pending_job = None self.displaylen = 0 self.migrationMatrix = {} self.messagelogger.write("OK: Blast Broker initialized!\n") except: self.messagelogger.write("ERROR: Failed to initialize Blast Broker!\n") sys.exit(0) return None
def __init__(self, gridParams): self.user = None self.service = None self.walltime= None self.remoteActiveFiles = {} self.remoteActiveFolders= {} self.remoteFormattedDBs = {} self.serverUp = False self.isaws=False self.awsparams={} self.remote_home_dir = '~' self.working_directory='~' self.base_output_folder= None self.max_parallel_jobs = 4 self.os = 'mac' self.bits = 'bit64' self.type ='ordinary' self.sub_string = "" self.performance = Performance() self.A =1 self.B =1 self.C =1 self.D =1 try: for key, value in gridParams.iteritems(): setattr(self, key, value) except: print "ERROR : in creating BlastService" pass if not self.user: self.messagelogger.write("ERROR: User for Grid service not specified\n") sys.exit(0) if not self.server: self.messagelogger.write("ERROR: Service for Grid service not specified\n") sys.exit(0) self.Folders = [ 'MetaPathways', 'MetaPathways/databases', 'MetaPathways/executables', 'MetaPathways/samples', \ 'MetaPathways/samples/.qstatdir'] self.Files = { 'blastp': [ 'executables' + PATHDELIM + self.os + PATHDELIM + self.bit, 'MetaPathways/executables/'], 'blastn': [ 'executables' + PATHDELIM + self.os + PATHDELIM + self.bit, 'MetaPathways/executables/'],\ 'lastal': [ 'executables' + PATHDELIM + self.os + PATHDELIM + self.bit, 'MetaPathways/executables/'],\ 'lastdb': [ 'executables' + PATHDELIM + self.os + PATHDELIM + self.bit, 'MetaPathways/executables/'],\ 'makeblastdb': [ 'executables' + PATHDELIM + self.os + PATHDELIM + self.bit, 'MetaPathways/executables/'],\ '': [ 'libs' + PATHDELIM + 'python_scripts', ''] }
class BlastBroker: sample_name = None fastaFile = None database = None blastType = None batchSize = None working_directory = None gridParams = None x = 0 y = 0 # base_output_folder = None # BlastServices=[] # BlastServers={} # samples_and_inputs = {} # samples_and_databases = {} # samples_and_algorithms= {} # batchSize =500 # # # list_splits = {} # list_jobs = {} # list_jobs_submitted = {} # list_jobs_completed = {} # serverLoads = {} # list_jobs_submitted_file = 'list_jobs_submitted.txt' def __init__(self, messagelogger): self.messagelogger = messagelogger try: self.base_output_folder = None self.last_server_submitted_to = None self.BlastServices = [] self.BlastServers = {} self.samples_and_inputs = {} self.samples_and_databases = {} self.samples_and_algorithms = {} self.batchSize = 500 self.list_splits = {} self.list_jobs = {} self.list_jobs_submitted = {} self.list_jobs_completed = {} self.serverLoads = {} self.performance = Performance() self.list_jobs_submitted_file = 'list_jobs_submitted.txt' self.pending_job = None self.displaylen = 0 self.migrationMatrix = {} self.messagelogger.write("OK: Blast Broker initialized!\n") except: self.messagelogger.write( "ERROR: Failed to initialize Blast Broker!\n") sys.exit(0) return None def getAverageDelay(self, server=None): return self.performance.getAverageDelay(server) def getStdDeviationDelay(self, server=None): return self.performance.getStdDeviationDelay(server) def setLastSubmittedServerTo(self, server): self.last_server_submitted_to = server def getLastSubmittedServerTo(self): return self.last_server_submitted_to def setAlgorithm(self, algorithm, algorithmSuffix): self.algorithm = algorithm self.algorithmSuffix = algorithmSuffix return True def setBatchSize(self, batchSize): self.batchSize = batchSize return True def getBatchSize(self): return self.batchSize def setBaseOutputFolder(self, base_output_folder): self.base_output_folder = base_output_folder self.messagelogger.write("OK: Added base output folder \"%s\" \n" % (self.base_output_folder)) return True def addService(self, service): self.BlastServices.append(service) self.BlastServers[service.server] = service self.serverLoads[service.server] = 0 self.messagelogger.write("OK: Added blast service \"%s\" \n" % (service.server)) return True def getServices(self): return self.BlastServers.keys() def getService(self, servicename): if not servicename in self.BlastServers: self.messagelogger.write( "ERROR: No service \"%s\" registered yet!\n" % (servicename)) return self.BlastServers[servicename] def addSamples(self, samples_and_inputs): if not self.base_output_folder: self.messagelogger.write( "ERROR: Base output folder should be set before adding sample and inputs!\n" ) return False self.samples_and_inputs = samples_and_inputs return True def getAlgorithm(self, sample): if not sample in self.samples_and_algorithms: self.messagelogger.write( "WARNING: Algorithm not added to sample \"%s\"!\n" % (sample)) return None return self.samples_and_algorithms[sample] #compute the loads of the active servers def compute_server_loads(self): for sample in self.list_jobs_submitted: for db in self.list_jobs_submitted[sample]: for split in self.list_jobs_submitted[sample][db]: for server in self.list_jobs_submitted[sample][db][split][ self.algorithm]: if not server in self.BlastServers: continue self.serverLoads[server] += 1 if not sample in self.list_jobs_completed: continue if not db in self.list_jobs_completed[sample]: continue if not split in self.list_jobs_completed[sample][db]: continue if not server in self.list_jobs_completed[sample][db][ split][self.algorithm]: continue self.serverLoads[server] -= 1 def compute_performance(self): for sample in self.list_jobs_completed: for db in self.list_jobs_completed[sample]: for split in self.list_jobs_completed[sample][db]: for self.algorithm in self.list_jobs_completed[sample][db][ split]: for server in self.list_jobs_completed[sample][db][ split][self.algorithm]: if not sample in self.list_jobs_submitted: continue if not db in self.list_jobs_submitted[sample]: continue if not split in self.list_jobs_submitted[sample][ db]: continue if not self.algorithm in self.list_jobs_submitted[ sample][db][split]: continue if not server in self.list_jobs_submitted[sample][ db][split][self.algorithm]: continue #print sample + ' ' + db + ' ' + split + ' ' + self.algorithm + ' ' + server + ' ' + str(self.list_jobs_completed[sample][db][split][self.algorithm][server]) #print str(self.list_jobs_submitted[sample][db][split][self.algorithm][server]) + ' ' + str(self.list_jobs_completed[sample][db][split][self.algorithm][server]) + ' ' + str(self.list_jobs_submitted[sample][db][split][self.algorithm][server] - self.list_jobs_completed[sample][db][split][self.algorithm][server]) data = self.list_jobs_completed[sample][db][split][ self. algorithm][server] - self.list_jobs_submitted[ sample][db][split][self.algorithm][server] self.performance.addPerformanceData(server, data) def startAWS(self, server): clustername = server.cluster_name master_name = cli.cli(['listmaster', clustername]) if master_name: self.messagelogger.write( "OK: Found an existing AWS cluster with master %s!\n" % (master_name)) else: self.messagelogger.write( "WARNING: No AWS cluster is running currently!\n") try: start_cluster = cli.cli( ['start', clustername, '-c', server.amazon_aws_config]) except: start_cluster = cli.cli(['terminate', clustername]) start_cluster = cli.cli( ['start', clustername, '-c', server.amazon_aws_config]) master_name = cli.cli(['listmaster', clustername]) if master_name: self.messagelogger.write( "SUCCESS: Successfully created a cluster with master %s!\n" % (master_name)) else: self.messagelogger.write( "FAILED: Failed to create a cluster!\n") return None # return master_name def addAlgorithm(self, sample, algorithm): if not self.samples_and_inputs: self.messagelogger.write( "ERROR: Samples and intputs should be set before adding algorithm!\n" ) return False self.samples_and_algorithms[sample] = algorithm self.algorithm = algorithm # Fix me if you want to support many types of algorithm in one run self.messagelogger.write( "OK: Added algorithm \"%s\" to sample \"%s\"!\n" % (algorithm, sample)) return True def addDatabase(self, sample, database): if not self.samples_and_inputs: self.messagelogger.write( "ERROR: Samples and intputs should be set before adding database!\n" ) return False if not sample in self.samples_and_databases: self.samples_and_databases[sample] = {} self.samples_and_databases[sample][database] = True self.messagelogger.write( "OK: Added database \"%s\" to sample \"%s\"!\n" % (database, sample)) return True def getDBs(self, samples=[]): dbs = [] for sample in samples: if not sample in self.samples_and_databases: self.messagelogger.write( "ERROR: \"%s\" is not a sample in Broker to retrieve database !\n" % (sample)) else: dbs = dbs + self.samples_and_databases[sample].keys() return dbs def checkDBs(self): DBs = self.getDBs() print 'FIXME' for D in DBs: if not doesFileExist(D): self.messagelogger.write( "ERROR: Database \"%s\" not found!\n" % (D)) return False return True def getSamples(self): return self.samples_and_inputs.keys() def get_working_folder_paths(self): FOLDERS = [ 'grid', 'grid' + PATHDELIM + 'split_batch', 'grid' + PATHDELIM + 'split_results' ] for servicename in self.getServices(): FOLDERS.append('grid' + PATHDELIM + servicename) FOLDERPATHS = [] for sample in self.getSamples(): parentDir = self.base_output_folder + PATHDELIM + sample + PATHDELIM + 'blast_results' for F in FOLDERS: FOLDERPATHS.append(parentDir + PATHDELIM + F) return FOLDERPATHS def are_working_folders_available(self, eraseExisting=False): FOLDERPATHS = self.get_working_folder_paths() status = True for f in FOLDERPATHS: if not path.exists(f): status = False break return status def create_working_folders(self, eraseExisting=False): FOLDERPATHS = self.get_working_folder_paths() for f in FOLDERPATHS: if eraseExisting: removeFolderIfFound(f) createFolderIfNotFound(f) return True def createJobs(self, redo=False): for S in self.getSamples(): if redo: self.removeJobListIfExists(S) self.load_job_list_file(S) jobListStatus = self.isValidJobList(S) if jobListStatus == 1: self.messagelogger.write( "OK: Previously created job list is correct for sample \"%s\"!\n" % (S)) continue else: # job list not found or corrupt if jobListStatus == 2: self.messagelogger.write( "WARNING: Previously created job list is incorrect for sample \"%s\"!\n" % (S)) if self.createJobList(S, fromScratch=False): self.messagelogger.write( "SUCCESS: Created the job list for sample \"%s\"!\n" % (S)) return True def createJobList(self, S, fromScratch=False): parentDir = self.base_output_folder + PATHDELIM + S + PATHDELIM + 'blast_results' + PATHDELIM + 'grid' job_list_file = parentDir + PATHDELIM + 'list_jobs.txt' if fromScratch: removeIfFileExists(job_list_file) try: if not doesFileExist(job_list_file): listfile = open(job_list_file, 'w') listfile.close() except: self.messagelogger.write( "ERROR: Cannot open job list file for sample \"%s\"!\n" % (S)) return False self.load_job_list_file(S) DBs = self.getDBs(samples=[S]) self.load_list_splits_for_sample(S) if doesFileExist(job_list_file): listfile = open(job_list_file, 'a') for d in DBs: for a in self.list_splits[S]: J = Job(S, d, a, self.getAlgorithm(S)) if not self.isJobInList(J): self.add_job_to_list_jobs(J, listfile) listfile.close() return True def add_job_to_list_jobs(self, J, listfile): fprintf(listfile, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" % (J.S, J.d, J.a, self.getAlgorithm(J.S))) return True def load_job_list_file(self, S): parentDir = self.base_output_folder + PATHDELIM + S + PATHDELIM + 'blast_results' + PATHDELIM + 'grid' list_jobs_file = parentDir + PATHDELIM + 'list_jobs.txt' # return if the list_jobs.txt file does not exist if not path.exists(list_jobs_file): return if enforce_number_of_fields_per_row(list_jobs_file, 4): self.messagelogger.write( 'WARNING: Corrupt list file for sample %s' % (S)) self.messagelogger.write( 'STATUS: Successfully recovered corrupt list file for sample %s' % (S)) # list_jobs splitname, if path.exists(list_jobs_file): listfile = open(list_jobs_file, 'r') lines = listfile.readlines() listfile.close() for line in lines: fields = [x.strip() for x in line.strip().split('\t')] if len(fields) == 4: if not fields[0] in self.list_jobs: self.list_jobs[fields[0]] = {} if not fields[1] in self.list_jobs[fields[0]]: self.list_jobs[fields[0]][fields[1]] = {} if not fields[2] in self.list_jobs[fields[0]][fields[1]]: self.list_jobs[fields[0]][fields[1]][fields[2]] = {} self.list_jobs[fields[0]][fields[1]][fields[2]][ fields[3]] = True def load_job_status_lists(self): status = True for S in self.getSamples(): if self.load_job_status_list(S): self.messagelogger.write( "OK: Loaded jobs submitted and complete list for sample \"%s\"!\n" % (S)) else: self.messagelogger.write( "ERROR: Failed to load jobs submitted and complete list for sample \"%s\"!\n" % (S)) status = False return status def load_job_status_list(self, S): parentDir = self.base_output_folder + PATHDELIM + S + PATHDELIM + 'blast_results' + PATHDELIM + 'grid' list_jobs_submitted_file = parentDir + PATHDELIM + 'list_jobs_submitted.txt' list_jobs_completed_file = parentDir + PATHDELIM + 'list_jobs_completed.txt' try: if path.exists(list_jobs_submitted_file): self.messagelogger.write( "OK: Found job submitted list file for sample \"%s\"!\n" % (S)) load_job_status_file(list_jobs_submitted_file, self.list_jobs_submitted) self.messagelogger.write( "OK: Successfully loaded status from job submitted list file for sample \"%s\"!\n" % (S)) except: self.messagelogger.write( "ERROR: Cannot load job submitted file for sample \"%s\"!\n" % (S)) return False try: if path.exists(list_jobs_completed_file): self.messagelogger.write( "OK: Found job completed list file for sample \"%s\"!\n" % (S)) load_job_status_file(list_jobs_completed_file, self.list_jobs_completed) self.messagelogger.write( "OK: Successfully loaded status from job completed list file for sample \"%s\"!\n" % (S)) except: self.messagelogger.write( "ERROR: Cannot load job completed file for sample \"%s\"!\n" % (S)) return False return True def load_list_splits(self): for S in self.getSamples(): self.load_list_splits_for_sample(S) def load_list_splits_for_sample(self, S): parentDir = self.base_output_folder + PATHDELIM + S + PATHDELIM + 'blast_results' + PATHDELIM + 'grid' self.list_splits[S] = {} read_one_column(parentDir + PATHDELIM + 'split_list.txt', self.list_splits[S], col=0) def load_job_lists(self): for S in self.getSamples(): self.load_job_list_file(S) for S in self.getSamples(): for d in self.getDBs(samples=[S]): if not d in self.samples_and_databases[S]: try: del self.list_jobs[S][d] except KeyError: pass def isJobInList(self, J): if J.S in self.list_jobs: if J.d in self.list_jobs[J.S]: if J.a in self.list_jobs[J.S][J.d]: if J.m in self.list_jobs[J.S][J.d][J.a]: return True return False def isValidJobList(self, S): parentDir = self.base_output_folder + PATHDELIM + S + PATHDELIM + 'blast_results' + PATHDELIM + 'grid' splits = {} read_one_column(parentDir + PATHDELIM + 'split_list.txt', splits, col=0) status = 0 # flag for no databases for d in self.getDBs(samples=[S]): for a in self.list_splits[S]: status = 1 # found algorithm J = Job(S, d, a, self.getAlgorithm(S)) if not self.isJobInList(J): status = 2 # not in job list return status return status def doesValidSplitExist(self, s): if not s in self.samples_and_inputs: self.messagelogger.write( "WARNING: Does not have sample \"%s\" in Broker\n!" % (s)) return False parentDir = self.base_output_folder + PATHDELIM + s + PATHDELIM + 'blast_results' + PATHDELIM + 'grid' t = 0 if doesFolderExist(parentDir + PATHDELIM + 'split_batch'): t += 1 if doesFolderExist(parentDir + PATHDELIM + 'split_results'): t += 1 if doesFileExist(parentDir + PATHDELIM + 'split_list.txt'): t += 1 if t < 3: return False F = {} read_one_column(parentDir + PATHDELIM + 'split_list.txt', F, col=0) for f in F: if not doesFileExist(parentDir + PATHDELIM + 'split_batch' + PATHDELIM + f): return False c1 = 0 for f in F: c1 += countNoOfSequencesInFile(parentDir + PATHDELIM + 'split_batch' + PATHDELIM + f) c2 = countNoOfSequencesInFile(self.samples_and_inputs[s]) if c1 != c2: return False return True def splitInput(self, sample, force=False): parentDir1 = self.base_output_folder + PATHDELIM + sample + PATHDELIM + 'blast_results' +\ PATHDELIM + 'grid' parentDir2 = parentDir1 + PATHDELIM + 'split_batch' if force: clearFolderIfExists(parentDir) self.messagelogger.write( "STATUS: Creating splits for file \"%s\" for sample \"%s\"!\n" % (self.samples_and_inputs[sample], sample)) if create_splits(parentDir2, parentDir1 + PATHDELIM + 'split_list.txt', self.samples_and_inputs[sample], self.getBatchSize(), self.batchSize, splitPrefix='split', splitSuffix=''): self.messagelogger.write( "SUCCESS: Created splits for file \"%s\" for sample \"%s\"!\n" % (self.samples_and_inputs[sample], sample)) else: self.messagelogger.write( "ERROR: Cannot create splits for file \"%s\" for sample \"%s\"!\n" % (self.samples_and_inputs[sample], sample)) return True sys.exit(0) checkOrCreateFolder(working_directory + PATHDELIM + 'grid') grid_folder = working_directory + PATHDELIM + 'grid' batch_split_folder = working_directory + PATHDELIM + 'grid' + PATHDELIM + 'batch_splits' checkOrCreateFolder(batch_split_folder) self.list_blocks_filename = grid_folder + PATHDELIM + 'list_blocks.txt' # if it deos not exist then potentially it has not been split and vice versa if not path.exists(self.list_blocks_filename): self.create_blast_splits(batch_split_folder, self.list_blocks_filename, maxSize=batchSize) for gridparam in self.gridParams: try: gridservice = BlastService(gridparam, self.base_output_folder) gridservice.set_sample_name(self.sample_name) self.BlastServices.append(gridservice) #checkOrCreateFolder(working_directory + PATHDELIM + 'grid' + PATHDELIM + gridparam.serviceAddress) except: pass self.list_submitted_file = grid_folder + PATHDELIM + 'list_submitted.txt' self.completed_list_filename = grid_folder + PATHDELIM + 'list_completed.txt' def is_complete(self): samples_dictionary = {} read_list(self.list_blocks_filename, samples_dictionary, col=0) completed_dictionary = {} read_list(self.completed_list_filename, completed_dictionary, col=0) if len(samples_dictionary) == len(completed_dictionary): return True else: return False def submit_jobs(self): if not path.exists(self.list_submitted_file): try: file = open(self.list_submitted_file, 'w') file.close() except IOError: print "Cannot remove file " + self.list_submitted_file + " !" print "Or cannot create file " + self.list_submitted_file + " !" sys.exit(0) if not path.exists(self.completed_list_filename): try: file = open(self.completed_list_filename, 'w') file.close() except IOError: print "Cannot remove file " + self.completed_list_filename + " !" print "Or cannot create file " + self.completed_list_filename + " !" sys.exit(0) while not self.is_complete(): time.sleep(1) for grid in self.BlastServices: print "Connecting to " + grid.serviceAddress grid.submit_job(self.fastaFile, self.database) # grid.isUp() time.sleep(1) return # this splits the input fasta formatted file into smaller fasta files each # with size bounds maxSize (number of sequences) or maxBytes (in bytes) def create_blast_splits(self, target_folder, blocks_list_filename, maxSize=500, maxBytes=40000000): blockno = 0 currblocksize = 0 currblockbyteSize = 0 fastareader = FastaReader(self.fastaFile) # Read sequences from sorted sequence file and write them to block files try: blocklistfile = open(blocks_list_filename, 'w') except: print "ERROR: Cannot open " + blocks_list_filename sys.exit(0) sample_name = 'split' fragments = [] for name in fastareader: fragments.append(fastareader.seqname) fragments.append(fastareader.sequence) if currblocksize >= maxSize - 1 or currblockbyteSize >= maxBytes: #TODO adjust the 000 to match the format blockfile = open( target_folder + PATHDELIM + sample_name + '.000' + str(blockno) + '.fasta', 'w') fprintf(blockfile, "%s", '\n'.join(fragments)) fragments = [] blockfile.close() # Add this block name to the blocklistfile #TODO adjust the 000 to match the format fprintf(blocklistfile, "%s\n", sample_name + ".000" + str(blockno)) blockno += 1 currblocksize = 0 currblockbyteSize = 0 else: currblocksize += 1 currblockbyteSize += len(fastareader.sequence) if fragments: #TODO adjust the 000 to match the format blockfile = open( target_folder + PATHDELIM + sample_name + '.000' + str(blockno) + '.fasta', 'w') fprintf(blockfile, "%s", '\n'.join(fragments)) blockfile.close() fragments = [] #TODO adjust the 000 to match the format fprintf(blocklistfile, "%s\n", sample_name + ".000" + str(blockno)) blockno += 1 #Add this block name to the blocklistfile blocklistfile.close() currblocksize = 0 currblockbyteSize = 0 def getSplitResults(self, P): _split_list = [] if not P[0] in self.list_jobs_completed: return _split_list if not P[1] in self.list_jobs_completed[P[0]]: return _split_list for a in self.list_jobs[P[0]][P[1]]: if a in self.list_jobs_completed[P[0]][P[1]]: _split_list.append(a + "." + P[1] + '.' + self.algorithm) else: return [] return _split_list def completed_Sample_DB_pairs(self): _completed_pairs = [] for S in self.list_jobs: for d in self.list_jobs[S]: completed = True for a in self.list_jobs[S][d]: if not S in self.list_jobs_completed: completed = False break if not d in self.list_jobs_completed[S]: completed = False break if not a in self.list_jobs_completed[S][d]: completed = False break if not self.algorithm in self.list_jobs_completed[S][d][a]: completed = False break if completed: _completed_pairs.append((S, d)) return _completed_pairs def completed_Samples(self): _completed_samples = [] for S in self.list_jobs: completed = True for d in self.list_jobs[S]: for a in self.list_jobs[S][d]: if not S in self.list_jobs_completed: completed = False break if not d in self.list_jobs_completed[S]: completed = False break if not a in self.list_jobs_completed[S][d]: completed = False break if not self.algorithm in self.list_jobs_completed[S][d][a]: completed = False break if completed == False: break if completed: _completed_samples.append(S) return _completed_samples def incomplete_Samples(self): incompleteSamples = {} for S in self.getSamples(): parentDir = self.base_output_folder + PATHDELIM + S + PATHDELIM + 'blast_results' for d in self.getDBs(samples=[S]): blastoutfile = parentDir + PATHDELIM + S + '.' + d + '.' + self.algorithm + "out" if path.exists(blastoutfile): count = countNoOfSequencesInFile(blastoutfile) if count == 0: self.messagelogger.write( "WARNING: Empty \"%s\" output results for sample \"%s\" against database \"%s\" found!\n" % (self.algorithm, S, d)) else: incompleteSamples[S] = True return incompleteSamples.keys() def isCompletelySubmitted(self, S): if not S in self.list_jobs: return False for d in self.list_jobs[S]: if not d in self.samples_and_databases[S]: continue for a in self.list_jobs[S][d]: if not S in self.list_jobs_submitted: return False if not d in self.list_jobs_submitted[S]: return False if not a in self.list_jobs_submitted[S][d]: return False return True def get_A_Job(self, S): "get a job from sample S" if not S in self.list_jobs: return None for d in self.list_jobs[S]: if not d in self.samples_and_databases[S]: continue for a in self.list_jobs[S][d]: if not S in self.list_jobs_submitted: job = Job(S, d, a, self.getAlgorithm(S)) return job if not d in self.list_jobs_submitted[S]: job = Job(S, d, a, self.getAlgorithm(S)) return job if not a in self.list_jobs_submitted[S][d]: job = Job(S, d, a, self.getAlgorithm(S)) return job return None def submittedSuccessfully(self, J): serverRanks = [] # rank the blast services C is a service as potential candidates to submit for C in self.BlastServices: delay = self.avgWait(C.server) serverRanks.append((C, delay)) serverRanks.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[1]) #for T in serverRanks: # print T[0].server + ' ' + str(T[1]) # try to submit the job in hand to an available service for T in serverRanks: if J.server != None and (T[0].server == J.server or T[1] > self.avgWait(J.server)): continue C = T[0] if C.isReadyToSubmit(self.serverLoads[C.server]): if C.submitJob(J): self.addToSubmittedList(C.server, J) self.incrementLoad(C) self.setLastSubmittedServerTo(C.server) return True #print 'Failed to Submit ' + J.S + ' ' + J.d + ' ' + J.a + ' ' + J.m + ' ' + C.server return None def decrementLoad(self, C): self.serverLoads[C.server] -= 1 def incrementLoad(self, C): self.serverLoads[C.server] += 1 def __addToStatusList(self, server, J, list_file_name, list_to_add_to): parentDir = self.base_output_folder + PATHDELIM + J.S + PATHDELIM + 'blast_results' + PATHDELIM + 'grid' list_jobs_stats_file = parentDir + PATHDELIM + list_file_name try: if not doesFileExist(list_jobs_stats_file): self.messagelogger.write( "WARNING: Cannot file \"%s\" for sample \"%s\"!\n" % (list_file_name, J.S)) self.messagelogger.write( "SUCCESS: Create file \"%s\" for sample \"%s\"!\n" % (list_file_name, J.S)) listfile = open(list_jobs_stats_file, 'w') listfile.close() except: self.messagelogger.write( "ERROR: Cannot open job list %s file for sample \"%s\"!\n" % (list_file_name, J.S)) print "ERROR: Cannot open job list %s file for sample \"%s\"!\n" % ( list_file_name, J.S) sys.exit(1) try: listfile = open(list_jobs_stats_file, 'a') eventTime = int(time.time()) fprintf( listfile, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" % (J.S, J.d, J.a, J.m, server, str(eventTime))) listfile.close() except: self.messagelogger.write( "ERROR: Cannot open job list %s file for sample \"%s\"!\n" % (list_file_name, J.S)) print "ERROR: Cannot open job list %s file for sample \"%s\"!\n" % ( list_file_name, J.S) sys.exit(1) if not J.S in list_to_add_to: list_to_add_to[J.S] = {} if not J.d in list_to_add_to[J.S]: list_to_add_to[J.S][J.d] = {} if not J.a in list_to_add_to[J.S][J.d]: list_to_add_to[J.S][J.d][J.a] = {} if not J.m in list_to_add_to[J.S][J.d][J.a]: list_to_add_to[J.S][J.d][J.a][J.m] = {} list_to_add_to[J.S][J.d][J.a][J.m][server] = eventTime return True def addToSubmittedList(self, server, J): self.__addToStatusList(server, J, 'list_jobs_submitted.txt', self.list_jobs_submitted) def addToCompletedList(self, server, J): self.__addToStatusList(server, J, 'list_jobs_completed.txt', self.list_jobs_completed) def harvest(self): for service_name in self.getServices(): C = self.getService(service_name) if C.isReadyToHarvest(self.getSamples(), self.algorithm): _Results = C.harvest(self.getSamples(), self.algorithm, self.list_jobs_submitted) for J in _Results: # print 'Completed ' + J.S + ' ' + J.d + ' ' + J.a + ' ' + J.m + ' ' + C.server self.addToCompletedList(C.server, J) self.decrementLoad(C) def consolidateSplitResults(self, P, split_results): sourceParentDir = self.base_output_folder + PATHDELIM + P[ 0] + PATHDELIM + 'blast_results' + PATHDELIM + 'grid' + PATHDELIM + 'split_results' targetParentDir = self.base_output_folder + PATHDELIM + P[ 0] + PATHDELIM + 'blast_results' targetFileName = targetParentDir + PATHDELIM + P[0] + '.' + P[ 1] + '.' + self.algorithm + "out" try: targetfile = open(targetFileName, 'w') except: self.messagelogger.write( "ERROR: Cannot create consolidated search results file %s!\n" % (targetFileName)) sys.exit(0) for filename in split_results: sourceFileName = sourceParentDir + PATHDELIM + filename try: sourcefile = open(sourceFileName, 'r') resultLines = sourcefile.readlines() sourcefile.close() except: self.messagelogger.write( "ERROR: Cannot create consolidated search results file %s!\n" % (sourceFileName)) sys.exit(0) try: for line in resultLines: fprintf(targetfile, "%s", line) except: self.messagelogger.write( "ERROR: Cannot write result from file %s to the consolidated file!\n" % (sourceFileName)) sys.exit(0) self.messagelogger.write( "SUCCESS: Successfully consolidated search results into file %s!\n" % (targetFileName)) targetfile.close() """ Now delete the consolidates split_files files """ for filename in split_results: sourceFileName = sourceParentDir + PATHDELIM + filename os.remove(sourceFileName) def consolidateHarvest(self): S_DB_pairs = self.completed_Sample_DB_pairs() for P in S_DB_pairs: split_results = self.getSplitResults(P) print split_results if split_results: self.consolidateSplitResults(P, split_results) self.messagelogger.write( "SUCCESS: Consolidated %s and %s search results!\n" % (P[0], P[1])) else: self.messagelogger.write( "WARNING: Not split results to Consolidate %s and %s search results!\n" % (P[0], P[1])) def isJobCompleted(self, J): if not J.S in self.list_jobs_completed: return False if not J.d in self.list_jobs_completed[J.S]: return False if not J.a in self.list_jobs_completed[J.S][J.d]: return False if not J.m in self.list_jobs_completed[J.S][J.d][J.a]: return False return True def isSomeJobPending(self): "Checks if any job is pending" now = time.time() J = Job(None, None, None, None) time_limit = self.getAverageDelay() + 0.5 * self.getStdDeviationDelay() time_limit = 40 for sample in self.list_jobs_submitted: for db in self.list_jobs_submitted[sample]: if not db in self.samples_and_databases[sample]: continue for split in self.list_jobs_submitted[sample][db]: if self.algorithm in self.list_jobs_submitted[sample][db][ split]: min_submission_time = 0 for server in self.list_jobs_submitted[sample][db][ split][self.algorithm]: submission_time = self.list_jobs_submitted[sample][ db][split][self.algorithm][server] #print time_limit if submission_time > min_submission_time: min_submission_time = submission_time last_submitted_server = server J.setValues(sample, db, split, self.algorithm, min_submission_time, last_submitted_server) if not self.isJobCompleted(J): if now - min_submission_time > time_limit: self.pending_job = J #print 'diff ' + str(now - min_submission_time) #print str(now) + ' ' + str(min_submission_time) + ' ' + str(time_limit) #print J.S + ' ' + J.d + ' ' + J.a + ' ' + J.m return True #print 'no pending ' + str(time_limit) return False def get_pending_and_slow_job(self): if self.pending_job: J = self.pending_job self.pending_job = None return J return None def _count_jobs_in_list(self, S, d, list): if not S in list: return 0 if not d in list[S]: return 0 num = 0 splits = list[S][d].keys() for split in splits: if self.algorithm in list[S][d][split]: num += 1 return num def numTotalJobs(self, S, d): return self._count_jobs_in_list(S, d, self.list_jobs) def numSubmittedJobs(self, S, d): return self._count_jobs_in_list(S, d, self.list_jobs_submitted) def numCompletedJobs(self, S, d): return self._count_jobs_in_list(S, d, self.list_jobs_completed) def numCompletedJobsServer(self, server): return self._count_jobs_in_server(server, self.list_jobs_completed) def numSubmittedJobsServer(self, server): return self._count_jobs_in_server(server, self.list_jobs_submitted) def avgWait(self, service_name): service = self.getService(service_name) load = self.serverLoads[service.server] avg = 1 #print ' '.join( [service.server, str(service.A), str(service.C) ]) delay = load * avg + service.A + service.C return delay def _count_jobs_in_server(self, server, list): num = 0 for S in list: for d in list[S]: splits = list[S][d].keys() for split in splits: if self.algorithm in list[S][d][split]: if server in list[S][d][split][self.algorithm]: num += 1 return num def display_stats(self): Samples = self.getSamples() allComp = 0 allTot = 0 allSub = 0 allRun = 0 samplewisedisplayStr = '' for S in Samples: sampComp = 0 sampTot = 0 sampSub = 0 sampRun = 0 dbwisedisplayStr = '' DBs = self.getDBs(samples=[S]) for d in DBs: numTot = self.numTotalJobs(S, d) numSub = self.numSubmittedJobs(S, d) numComp = self.numCompletedJobs(S, d) numRun = numSub - numComp sampTot += numTot sampSub += numSub sampComp += numComp sampRun += numRun dbwisedisplayStr += ' %29s | %8s | %8s | %8s' % ( d, str(numSub), str(numRun), str(numComp)) + '\n' samplewisedisplayStr += ' %28s | %8s | %8s | %8s' % ( S, str(sampSub), str(sampRun), str(sampComp)) + '\n' + dbwisedisplayStr allTot += sampTot allSub += sampSub allComp += sampComp allRun += allSub - allComp self.displayStr = '%30s %s' % ('Total jobs:', str(allTot)) + '\n' self.displayStr += '%30s | %8s | %8s | %8s' % ( 'Stats', '#submted', '#running', '#comptd') + '\n' + samplewisedisplayStr self.displayStr += '%30s | %8s | %8s | %8s' % ( 'All Samples', str(allSub), str(allRun), str(allComp)) + '\n' + samplewisedisplayStr Services = self.getServices() self.displayStr += '\n' for server in Services: numComp = self.numCompletedJobsServer(server) numSub = self.numSubmittedJobsServer(server) numRun = numSub - numComp # print ' '.join( [server, str(numSub), str(numComp)] ) avgwait = self.avgWait(server) self.displayStr += '%30s | %8s | %8s | %8s Delay: %s' % ( server[0:8], str(numSub), str(numRun), str(numComp), str(avgwait)) + '\n' self.displayStr += '\n' # self.displayStr += " %20s" %('Migration') + ' ' + str(self.migration) + '\n' migrationMatrixStr = self.getMigrationMatrix() self.displayStr += migrationMatrixStr #self.displayStr = 'Total all' #sys.stdout.write("\x1b[2J\x1b[H") #curses.move(self.y, self.x); #sys.stdout.write("\b"*self.displaylen) sys.stdout.write(self.displayStr) sys.stdout.flush() self.displaylen = len(self.displayStr) #curses.getyx(stdscr, self.y, self.x); def getMigrationMatrix(self): serverList = self.migrationMatrix.keys() outstr = '%30s' % (' ') for server in serverList: outstr += '%30s' % (server[0:8]) outstr += '\n' for server1 in serverList: outstr += '%30s' % (server1[0:8]) for server2 in serverList: outstr += '%30s' % (str( self.migrationMatrix[server1][server2])) outstr += '\n' return outstr def setupStatsVariables(self): serversList = self.getServices() for fromServer in serversList: for toServer in serversList: if not fromServer in self.migrationMatrix: self.migrationMatrix[fromServer] = {} self.migrationMatrix[fromServer][toServer] = 0 Services = self.getServices() for server in Services: numSub = self.numSubmittedJobsServer(server) self.migrationMatrix[server][server] = numSub def updateMigrationCount(self, fromServer, toServer): if fromServer and toServer: self.migrationMatrix[fromServer][toServer] += 1 def incrementTransitionMatrix(self, server): if server: self.migrationMatrix[server][server] += 1 def Do_Work(self): _A = self.incomplete_Samples() A = {} for a in _A: A[a] = True while A: for S in A: while not self.isCompletelySubmitted(S): J = self.get_A_Job(S) if J == None: continue self.display_stats() self.harvest( ) # harvest here before you risk getting stuck in the while loop #try to submit a job while not self.submittedSuccessfully(J): self.display_stats() self.harvest() # now harvest time.sleep(1) self.incrementTransitionMatrix( self.getLastSubmittedServerTo()) self.updateMigrationCount(J.server, self.getLastSubmittedServerTo()) while self.isSomeJobPending(): J = self.get_pending_and_slow_job( ) # get a slow job to migrate if J == None: continue self.display_stats() self.harvest( ) # harvest here before you risk getting stuck in the while loop while not self.submittedSuccessfully(J): # try to submit a job self.display_stats() self.harvest() time.sleep(1) self.incrementTransitionMatrix(self.getLastSubmittedServerTo()) self.updateMigrationCount(J.server, self.getLastSubmittedServerTo()) self.harvest() self.consolidateHarvest() C = self.completed_Samples() # self.display_stats() for T in C: if T in A: del A[T] #print 'sleeping' time.sleep(1) return True def Delete_Remote_Directories(self): samples = self.getSamples() Services = self.getServices() for service in Services: server = self.getService(service) server.deleteRemoteSampleFolders(samples)
class BlastBroker: sample_name = None fastaFile =None database =None blastType =None batchSize =None working_directory =None gridParams=None x = 0 y = 0 # base_output_folder = None # BlastServices=[] # BlastServers={} # samples_and_inputs = {} # samples_and_databases = {} # samples_and_algorithms= {} # batchSize =500 # # # list_splits = {} # list_jobs = {} # list_jobs_submitted = {} # list_jobs_completed = {} # serverLoads = {} # list_jobs_submitted_file = 'list_jobs_submitted.txt' def __init__(self, messagelogger): self.messagelogger= messagelogger try: self.base_output_folder = None self.last_server_submitted_to = None self.BlastServices=[] self.BlastServers={} self.samples_and_inputs = {} self.samples_and_databases = {} self.samples_and_algorithms= {} self.batchSize =500 self.list_splits = {} self.list_jobs = {} self.list_jobs_submitted = {} self.list_jobs_completed = {} self.serverLoads = {} self.performance = Performance() self.list_jobs_submitted_file = 'list_jobs_submitted.txt' self.pending_job = None self.displaylen = 0 self.migrationMatrix = {} self.messagelogger.write("OK: Blast Broker initialized!\n") except: self.messagelogger.write("ERROR: Failed to initialize Blast Broker!\n") sys.exit(0) return None def getAverageDelay(self, server = None): return self.performance.getAverageDelay(server) def getStdDeviationDelay(self, server = None): return self.performance.getStdDeviationDelay(server) def setLastSubmittedServerTo(self, server): self.last_server_submitted_to = server def getLastSubmittedServerTo(self): return self.last_server_submitted_to def setAlgorithm(self, algorithm, algorithmSuffix): self.algorithm=algorithm self.algorithmSuffix=algorithmSuffix return True def setBatchSize(self, batchSize): self.batchSize = batchSize return True def getBatchSize(self): return self.batchSize def setBaseOutputFolder(self, base_output_folder): self.base_output_folder = base_output_folder self.messagelogger.write("OK: Added base output folder \"%s\" \n" %(self.base_output_folder)) return True def addService(self, service): self.BlastServices.append(service) self.BlastServers[service.server ] = service self.serverLoads[service.server] = 0 self.messagelogger.write("OK: Added blast service \"%s\" \n" %(service.server)) return True def getServices(self): return self.BlastServers.keys() def getService(self, servicename): if not servicename in self.BlastServers: self.messagelogger.write("ERROR: No service \"%s\" registered yet!\n" %(servicename)) return self.BlastServers[servicename] def addSamples(self, samples_and_inputs): if not self.base_output_folder: self.messagelogger.write("ERROR: Base output folder should be set before adding sample and inputs!\n") return False self.samples_and_inputs = samples_and_inputs return True def getAlgorithm(self, sample): if not sample in self.samples_and_algorithms: self.messagelogger.write("WARNING: Algorithm not added to sample \"%s\"!\n" %(sample)) return None return self.samples_and_algorithms[sample] #compute the loads of the active servers def compute_server_loads(self): for sample in self.list_jobs_submitted: for db in self.list_jobs_submitted[sample]: for split in self.list_jobs_submitted[sample][db]: for server in self.list_jobs_submitted[sample][db][split][self.algorithm]: if not server in self.BlastServers: continue self.serverLoads[server] += 1 if not sample in self.list_jobs_completed: continue if not db in self.list_jobs_completed[sample]: continue if not split in self.list_jobs_completed[sample][db]: continue if not server in self.list_jobs_completed[sample][db][split][self.algorithm]: continue self.serverLoads[server] -= 1 def compute_performance(self): for sample in self.list_jobs_completed: for db in self.list_jobs_completed[sample]: for split in self.list_jobs_completed[sample][db]: for self.algorithm in self.list_jobs_completed[sample][db][split]: for server in self.list_jobs_completed[sample][db][split][self.algorithm]: if not sample in self.list_jobs_submitted: continue if not db in self.list_jobs_submitted[sample]: continue if not split in self.list_jobs_submitted[sample][db]: continue if not self.algorithm in self.list_jobs_submitted[sample][db][split]: continue if not server in self.list_jobs_submitted[sample][db][split][self.algorithm]: continue #print sample + ' ' + db + ' ' + split + ' ' + self.algorithm + ' ' + server + ' ' + str(self.list_jobs_completed[sample][db][split][self.algorithm][server]) #print str(self.list_jobs_submitted[sample][db][split][self.algorithm][server]) + ' ' + str(self.list_jobs_completed[sample][db][split][self.algorithm][server]) + ' ' + str(self.list_jobs_submitted[sample][db][split][self.algorithm][server] - self.list_jobs_completed[sample][db][split][self.algorithm][server]) data = self.list_jobs_completed[sample][db][split][self.algorithm][server] - self.list_jobs_submitted[sample][db][split][self.algorithm][server] self.performance.addPerformanceData(server, data) def startAWS(self, server): clustername = server.cluster_name master_name = cli.cli( ['listmaster', clustername] ) if master_name: self.messagelogger.write("OK: Found an existing AWS cluster with master %s!\n" %(master_name)) else: self.messagelogger.write("WARNING: No AWS cluster is running currently!\n") try: start_cluster = cli.cli( ['start', clustername, '-c', server.amazon_aws_config ] ) except: start_cluster = cli.cli( ['terminate', clustername ] ) start_cluster = cli.cli( ['start', clustername, '-c', server.amazon_aws_config ] ) master_name = cli.cli( ['listmaster', clustername] ) if master_name: self.messagelogger.write("SUCCESS: Successfully created a cluster with master %s!\n" %(master_name)) else: self.messagelogger.write("FAILED: Failed to create a cluster!\n") return None # return master_name def addAlgorithm(self, sample, algorithm): if not self.samples_and_inputs: self.messagelogger.write("ERROR: Samples and intputs should be set before adding algorithm!\n") return False self.samples_and_algorithms[sample]=algorithm self.algorithm = algorithm # Fix me if you want to support many types of algorithm in one run self.messagelogger.write("OK: Added algorithm \"%s\" to sample \"%s\"!\n" %(algorithm, sample)) return True def addDatabase(self, sample, database): if not self.samples_and_inputs: self.messagelogger.write("ERROR: Samples and intputs should be set before adding database!\n") return False if not sample in self.samples_and_databases: self.samples_and_databases[sample]= {} self.samples_and_databases[sample][database] =True self.messagelogger.write("OK: Added database \"%s\" to sample \"%s\"!\n" %(database, sample)) return True def getDBs(self, samples = [] ): dbs = [] for sample in samples: if not sample in self.samples_and_databases: self.messagelogger.write("ERROR: \"%s\" is not a sample in Broker to retrieve database !\n" %(sample)) else: dbs = dbs + self.samples_and_databases[sample].keys() return dbs def checkDBs(self): DBs = self.getDBs() print 'FIXME' for D in DBs: if not doesFileExist(D): self.messagelogger.write("ERROR: Database \"%s\" not found!\n" %(D)) return False return True def getSamples(self): return self.samples_and_inputs.keys() def get_working_folder_paths(self): FOLDERS = [ 'grid', 'grid' + PATHDELIM + 'split_batch', 'grid' + PATHDELIM + 'split_results'] for servicename in self.getServices(): FOLDERS.append( 'grid' + PATHDELIM + servicename ) FOLDERPATHS = [] for sample in self.getSamples(): parentDir = self.base_output_folder + PATHDELIM + sample + PATHDELIM + 'blast_results' for F in FOLDERS: FOLDERPATHS.append(parentDir + PATHDELIM + F) return FOLDERPATHS def are_working_folders_available(self, eraseExisting = False): FOLDERPATHS = self.get_working_folder_paths() status = True for f in FOLDERPATHS: if not path.exists(f): status = False break return status def create_working_folders(self, eraseExisting = False): FOLDERPATHS = self.get_working_folder_paths() for f in FOLDERPATHS: if eraseExisting: removeFolderIfFound(f) createFolderIfNotFound(f) return True def createJobs(self, redo = False): for S in self.getSamples(): if redo: self.removeJobListIfExists(S) self.load_job_list_file(S) jobListStatus = self.isValidJobList(S) if jobListStatus == 1: self.messagelogger.write("OK: Previously created job list is correct for sample \"%s\"!\n" %(S)) continue else: # job list not found or corrupt if jobListStatus == 2: self.messagelogger.write("WARNING: Previously created job list is incorrect for sample \"%s\"!\n" %(S)) if self.createJobList(S, fromScratch=False): self.messagelogger.write("SUCCESS: Created the job list for sample \"%s\"!\n" %(S)) return True def createJobList(self, S, fromScratch=False): parentDir = self.base_output_folder + PATHDELIM + S + PATHDELIM + 'blast_results' + PATHDELIM + 'grid' job_list_file = parentDir + PATHDELIM + 'list_jobs.txt' if fromScratch: removeIfFileExists( job_list_file) try: if not doesFileExist(job_list_file): listfile = open(job_list_file, 'w') listfile.close() except: self.messagelogger.write("ERROR: Cannot open job list file for sample \"%s\"!\n" %(S)) return False self.load_job_list_file(S) DBs = self.getDBs(samples=[S]) self.load_list_splits_for_sample(S) if doesFileExist(job_list_file): listfile = open(job_list_file, 'a') for d in DBs: for a in self.list_splits[S]: J = Job(S, d, a, self.getAlgorithm(S) ) if not self.isJobInList(J): self.add_job_to_list_jobs(J, listfile) listfile.close() return True def add_job_to_list_jobs(self, J, listfile): fprintf(listfile, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" %(J.S, J.d, J.a, self.getAlgorithm(J.S)) ) return True def load_job_list_file(self, S): parentDir = self.base_output_folder + PATHDELIM + S + PATHDELIM + 'blast_results' + PATHDELIM + 'grid' list_jobs_file=parentDir + PATHDELIM + 'list_jobs.txt' # return if the list_jobs.txt file does not exist if not path.exists(list_jobs_file): return if enforce_number_of_fields_per_row(list_jobs_file, 4): self.messagelogger.write('WARNING: Corrupt list file for sample %s' %(S)) self.messagelogger.write('STATUS: Successfully recovered corrupt list file for sample %s' %(S)) # list_jobs splitname, if path.exists(list_jobs_file): listfile = open(list_jobs_file, 'r') lines = listfile.readlines() listfile.close() for line in lines: fields = [ x.strip() for x in line.strip().split('\t') ] if len(fields) == 4: if not fields[0] in self.list_jobs: self.list_jobs[fields[0]] = {} if not fields[1] in self.list_jobs[fields[0]]: self.list_jobs[fields[0]][fields[1]] = {} if not fields[2] in self.list_jobs[fields[0]][fields[1]]: self.list_jobs[fields[0]][fields[1]][fields[2]] = {} self.list_jobs[fields[0]][fields[1]][fields[2]][fields[3]] = True def load_job_status_lists(self): status = True for S in self.getSamples(): if self.load_job_status_list(S): self.messagelogger.write("OK: Loaded jobs submitted and complete list for sample \"%s\"!\n" %(S)) else: self.messagelogger.write("ERROR: Failed to load jobs submitted and complete list for sample \"%s\"!\n" %(S)) status = False return status def load_job_status_list(self, S): parentDir = self.base_output_folder + PATHDELIM + S + PATHDELIM + 'blast_results' + PATHDELIM + 'grid' list_jobs_submitted_file=parentDir + PATHDELIM + 'list_jobs_submitted.txt' list_jobs_completed_file=parentDir + PATHDELIM + 'list_jobs_completed.txt' try: if path.exists(list_jobs_submitted_file): self.messagelogger.write("OK: Found job submitted list file for sample \"%s\"!\n" %(S)) load_job_status_file(list_jobs_submitted_file, self.list_jobs_submitted) self.messagelogger.write("OK: Successfully loaded status from job submitted list file for sample \"%s\"!\n" %(S)) except: self.messagelogger.write("ERROR: Cannot load job submitted file for sample \"%s\"!\n" %(S)) return False try: if path.exists(list_jobs_completed_file): self.messagelogger.write("OK: Found job completed list file for sample \"%s\"!\n" %(S)) load_job_status_file(list_jobs_completed_file, self.list_jobs_completed) self.messagelogger.write("OK: Successfully loaded status from job completed list file for sample \"%s\"!\n" %(S)) except: self.messagelogger.write("ERROR: Cannot load job completed file for sample \"%s\"!\n" %(S)) return False return True def load_list_splits(self): for S in self.getSamples(): self.load_list_splits_for_sample(S) def load_list_splits_for_sample(self, S): parentDir = self.base_output_folder + PATHDELIM + S + PATHDELIM + 'blast_results' + PATHDELIM + 'grid' self.list_splits[S]={} read_one_column(parentDir + PATHDELIM + 'split_list.txt', self.list_splits[S], col=0) def load_job_lists(self): for S in self.getSamples(): self.load_job_list_file(S) for S in self.getSamples(): for d in self.getDBs( samples = [S] ): if not d in self.samples_and_databases[S]: try: del self.list_jobs[S][d] except KeyError: pass def isJobInList(self, J): if J.S in self.list_jobs: if J.d in self.list_jobs[J.S]: if J.a in self.list_jobs[J.S][J.d]: if J.m in self.list_jobs[J.S][J.d][J.a]: return True return False def isValidJobList(self, S): parentDir = self.base_output_folder + PATHDELIM + S + PATHDELIM + 'blast_results' + PATHDELIM + 'grid' splits= {} read_one_column(parentDir + PATHDELIM + 'split_list.txt', splits, col=0) status = 0 # flag for no databases for d in self.getDBs( samples = [ S ] ): for a in self.list_splits[S]: status = 1 # found algorithm J = Job(S,d,a, self.getAlgorithm(S)) if not self.isJobInList(J): status = 2 # not in job list return status return status def doesValidSplitExist(self, s): if not s in self.samples_and_inputs: self.messagelogger.write("WARNING: Does not have sample \"%s\" in Broker\n!" % (s)) return False parentDir = self.base_output_folder + PATHDELIM + s + PATHDELIM + 'blast_results' + PATHDELIM + 'grid' t = 0 if doesFolderExist(parentDir + PATHDELIM + 'split_batch'): t+=1 if doesFolderExist(parentDir + PATHDELIM + 'split_results'): t+=1 if doesFileExist( parentDir + PATHDELIM + 'split_list.txt'): t+=1 if t < 3: return False F = {} read_one_column(parentDir + PATHDELIM + 'split_list.txt', F, col=0) for f in F: if not doesFileExist(parentDir + PATHDELIM + 'split_batch' + PATHDELIM + f): return False c1 = 0 for f in F: c1 += countNoOfSequencesInFile(parentDir + PATHDELIM + 'split_batch' + PATHDELIM + f) c2 = countNoOfSequencesInFile(self.samples_and_inputs[s]) if c1!=c2: return False return True def splitInput(self, sample, force = False): parentDir1 = self.base_output_folder + PATHDELIM + sample + PATHDELIM + 'blast_results' +\ PATHDELIM + 'grid' parentDir2 = parentDir1 + PATHDELIM + 'split_batch' if force: clearFolderIfExists(parentDir) self.messagelogger.write("STATUS: Creating splits for file \"%s\" for sample \"%s\"!\n" % (self.samples_and_inputs[sample], sample)) if create_splits(parentDir2, parentDir1 + PATHDELIM + 'split_list.txt', self.samples_and_inputs[sample], self.getBatchSize(), self.batchSize, splitPrefix='split', splitSuffix=''): self.messagelogger.write("SUCCESS: Created splits for file \"%s\" for sample \"%s\"!\n" % (self.samples_and_inputs[sample], sample)) else: self.messagelogger.write("ERROR: Cannot create splits for file \"%s\" for sample \"%s\"!\n" % (self.samples_and_inputs[sample], sample)) return True sys.exit(0) checkOrCreateFolder(working_directory + PATHDELIM + 'grid') grid_folder = working_directory + PATHDELIM + 'grid' batch_split_folder = working_directory + PATHDELIM + 'grid' + PATHDELIM + 'batch_splits' checkOrCreateFolder(batch_split_folder) self.list_blocks_filename = grid_folder + PATHDELIM + 'list_blocks.txt' # if it deos not exist then potentially it has not been split and vice versa if not path.exists(self.list_blocks_filename): self.create_blast_splits(batch_split_folder, self.list_blocks_filename, maxSize = batchSize ) for gridparam in self.gridParams: try: gridservice= BlastService(gridparam, self.base_output_folder) gridservice.set_sample_name(self.sample_name) self.BlastServices.append(gridservice) #checkOrCreateFolder(working_directory + PATHDELIM + 'grid' + PATHDELIM + gridparam.serviceAddress) except: pass self.list_submitted_file = grid_folder + PATHDELIM + 'list_submitted.txt' self.completed_list_filename = grid_folder + PATHDELIM + 'list_completed.txt' def is_complete(self): samples_dictionary={} read_list(self.list_blocks_filename, samples_dictionary, col=0) completed_dictionary={} read_list(self.completed_list_filename, completed_dictionary, col=0) if len(samples_dictionary) == len(completed_dictionary): return True else: return False def submit_jobs(self): if not path.exists(self.list_submitted_file): try: file = open(self.list_submitted_file,'w') file.close() except IOError: print "Cannot remove file " + self.list_submitted_file + " !" print "Or cannot create file " + self.list_submitted_file + " !" sys.exit(0) if not path.exists(self.completed_list_filename): try: file = open(self.completed_list_filename,'w') file.close() except IOError: print "Cannot remove file " + self.completed_list_filename + " !" print "Or cannot create file " + self.completed_list_filename + " !" sys.exit(0) while not self.is_complete(): time.sleep(1) for grid in self.BlastServices: print "Connecting to " + grid.serviceAddress grid.submit_job(self.fastaFile, self.database) # grid.isUp() time.sleep(1) return # this splits the input fasta formatted file into smaller fasta files each # with size bounds maxSize (number of sequences) or maxBytes (in bytes) def create_blast_splits(self, target_folder, blocks_list_filename, maxSize=500, maxBytes = 40000000): blockno = 0 currblocksize = 0 currblockbyteSize = 0 fastareader = FastaReader(self.fastaFile) # Read sequences from sorted sequence file and write them to block files try: blocklistfile = open(blocks_list_filename, 'w') except: print "ERROR: Cannot open " + blocks_list_filename sys.exit(0) sample_name = 'split' fragments = [] for name in fastareader: fragments.append(fastareader.seqname) fragments.append(fastareader.sequence) if currblocksize >= maxSize -1 or currblockbyteSize >= maxBytes: #TODO adjust the 000 to match the format blockfile = open(target_folder + PATHDELIM + sample_name + '.000' + str(blockno) + '.fasta', 'w') fprintf(blockfile, "%s",'\n'.join(fragments)) fragments=[] blockfile.close() # Add this block name to the blocklistfile #TODO adjust the 000 to match the format fprintf(blocklistfile, "%s\n", sample_name + ".000" + str(blockno)) blockno += 1 currblocksize = 0 currblockbyteSize = 0 else: currblocksize += 1 currblockbyteSize += len(fastareader.sequence) if fragments: #TODO adjust the 000 to match the format blockfile = open(target_folder + PATHDELIM + sample_name + '.000' + str(blockno) + '.fasta', 'w') fprintf(blockfile, "%s",'\n'.join(fragments)) blockfile.close() fragments = [] #TODO adjust the 000 to match the format fprintf(blocklistfile, "%s\n", sample_name + ".000" + str(blockno)) blockno += 1 #Add this block name to the blocklistfile blocklistfile.close() currblocksize = 0 currblockbyteSize = 0 def getSplitResults(self, P): _split_list = [] if not P[0] in self.list_jobs_completed: return _split_list if not P[1] in self.list_jobs_completed[P[0]]: return _split_list for a in self.list_jobs[P[0]][P[1]]: if a in self.list_jobs_completed[P[0]][P[1]]: _split_list.append( a + "." + P[1] + '.' + self.algorithm) else: return [] return _split_list def completed_Sample_DB_pairs(self): _completed_pairs = [] for S in self.list_jobs: for d in self.list_jobs[S]: completed= True for a in self.list_jobs[S][d]: if not S in self.list_jobs_completed: completed=False break if not d in self.list_jobs_completed[S]: completed=False break if not a in self.list_jobs_completed[S][d]: completed=False break if not self.algorithm in self.list_jobs_completed[S][d][a]: completed=False break if completed: _completed_pairs.append( (S, d) ) return _completed_pairs def completed_Samples(self): _completed_samples = [] for S in self.list_jobs: completed= True for d in self.list_jobs[S]: for a in self.list_jobs[S][d]: if not S in self.list_jobs_completed: completed=False break if not d in self.list_jobs_completed[S]: completed=False break if not a in self.list_jobs_completed[S][d]: completed=False break if not self.algorithm in self.list_jobs_completed[S][d][a]: completed=False break if completed==False: break if completed: _completed_samples.append(S) return _completed_samples def incomplete_Samples(self): incompleteSamples = {} for S in self.getSamples(): parentDir = self.base_output_folder + PATHDELIM + S + PATHDELIM + 'blast_results' for d in self.getDBs( samples = [S]): blastoutfile = parentDir + PATHDELIM + S + '.' + d + '.' + self.algorithm +"out" if path.exists(blastoutfile): count = countNoOfSequencesInFile( blastoutfile) if count ==0: self.messagelogger.write("WARNING: Empty \"%s\" output results for sample \"%s\" against database \"%s\" found!\n" %(self.algorithm, S, d)) else: incompleteSamples[S]=True return incompleteSamples.keys() def isCompletelySubmitted(self, S): if not S in self.list_jobs: return False for d in self.list_jobs[S]: if not d in self.samples_and_databases[S]: continue for a in self.list_jobs[S][d]: if not S in self.list_jobs_submitted: return False if not d in self.list_jobs_submitted[S]: return False if not a in self.list_jobs_submitted[S][d]: return False return True def get_A_Job(self, S): "get a job from sample S" if not S in self.list_jobs: return None for d in self.list_jobs[S]: if not d in self.samples_and_databases[S]: continue for a in self.list_jobs[S][d]: if not S in self.list_jobs_submitted: job = Job(S,d,a, self.getAlgorithm(S)) return job if not d in self.list_jobs_submitted[S]: job = Job(S,d,a, self.getAlgorithm(S)) return job if not a in self.list_jobs_submitted[S][d]: job = Job(S,d,a, self.getAlgorithm(S)) return job return None def submittedSuccessfully(self, J): serverRanks = [] # rank the blast services C is a service as potential candidates to submit for C in self.BlastServices: delay = self.avgWait(C.server) serverRanks.append( (C, delay) ) serverRanks.sort(key = lambda tup: tup[1]) #for T in serverRanks: # print T[0].server + ' ' + str(T[1]) # try to submit the job in hand to an available service for T in serverRanks: if J.server!= None and (T[0].server==J.server or T[1] > self.avgWait(J.server) ) : continue C = T[0] if C.isReadyToSubmit(self.serverLoads[C.server]): if C.submitJob(J): self.addToSubmittedList(C.server, J) self.incrementLoad(C) self.setLastSubmittedServerTo(C.server) return True #print 'Failed to Submit ' + J.S + ' ' + J.d + ' ' + J.a + ' ' + J.m + ' ' + C.server return None def decrementLoad(self, C): self.serverLoads[C.server] -= 1 def incrementLoad(self, C): self.serverLoads[C.server] += 1 def __addToStatusList(self, server, J, list_file_name, list_to_add_to): parentDir = self.base_output_folder + PATHDELIM + J.S + PATHDELIM + 'blast_results' + PATHDELIM + 'grid' list_jobs_stats_file=parentDir + PATHDELIM + list_file_name try: if not doesFileExist(list_jobs_stats_file): self.messagelogger.write("WARNING: Cannot file \"%s\" for sample \"%s\"!\n" %(list_file_name, J.S)) self.messagelogger.write("SUCCESS: Create file \"%s\" for sample \"%s\"!\n" %(list_file_name, J.S)) listfile = open(list_jobs_stats_file, 'w') listfile.close() except: self.messagelogger.write("ERROR: Cannot open job list %s file for sample \"%s\"!\n" %(list_file_name, J.S)) print "ERROR: Cannot open job list %s file for sample \"%s\"!\n" %(list_file_name, J.S) sys.exit(1) try: listfile = open(list_jobs_stats_file, 'a') eventTime = int(time.time()) fprintf(listfile, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" %(J.S, J.d, J.a, J.m, server, str(eventTime)) ) listfile.close() except: self.messagelogger.write("ERROR: Cannot open job list %s file for sample \"%s\"!\n" %(list_file_name, J.S)) print "ERROR: Cannot open job list %s file for sample \"%s\"!\n" %(list_file_name, J.S) sys.exit(1) if not J.S in list_to_add_to: list_to_add_to[J.S] = {} if not J.d in list_to_add_to[J.S]: list_to_add_to[J.S][J.d] = {} if not J.a in list_to_add_to[J.S][J.d]: list_to_add_to[J.S][J.d][J.a] = {} if not J.m in list_to_add_to[J.S][J.d][J.a]: list_to_add_to[J.S][J.d][J.a][J.m] = {} list_to_add_to[J.S][J.d][J.a][J.m][server] = eventTime return True def addToSubmittedList(self, server, J): self.__addToStatusList(server, J, 'list_jobs_submitted.txt', self.list_jobs_submitted) def addToCompletedList(self, server, J): self.__addToStatusList(server, J, 'list_jobs_completed.txt', self.list_jobs_completed) def harvest(self): for service_name in self.getServices(): C = self.getService(service_name) if C.isReadyToHarvest(self.getSamples(), self.algorithm): _Results = C.harvest(self.getSamples(), self.algorithm, self.list_jobs_submitted ) for J in _Results: # print 'Completed ' + J.S + ' ' + J.d + ' ' + J.a + ' ' + J.m + ' ' + C.server self.addToCompletedList(C.server, J) self.decrementLoad(C) def consolidateSplitResults(self, P, split_results): sourceParentDir = self.base_output_folder + PATHDELIM + P[0] + PATHDELIM + 'blast_results' + PATHDELIM + 'grid' + PATHDELIM + 'split_results' targetParentDir = self.base_output_folder + PATHDELIM + P[0] + PATHDELIM + 'blast_results' targetFileName = targetParentDir + PATHDELIM + P[0] + '.' + P[1] + '.' + self.algorithm +"out" try: targetfile = open( targetFileName, 'w') except: self.messagelogger.write("ERROR: Cannot create consolidated search results file %s!\n" %(targetFileName )) sys.exit(0) for filename in split_results: sourceFileName = sourceParentDir + PATHDELIM + filename try: sourcefile = open(sourceFileName, 'r') resultLines = sourcefile.readlines() sourcefile.close() except: self.messagelogger.write("ERROR: Cannot create consolidated search results file %s!\n" %(sourceFileName )) sys.exit(0) try: for line in resultLines: fprintf(targetfile, "%s", line) except: self.messagelogger.write("ERROR: Cannot write result from file %s to the consolidated file!\n" %(sourceFileName )) sys.exit(0) self.messagelogger.write("SUCCESS: Successfully consolidated search results into file %s!\n" %(targetFileName )) targetfile.close() """ Now delete the consolidates split_files files """ for filename in split_results: sourceFileName = sourceParentDir + PATHDELIM + filename os.remove(sourceFileName) def consolidateHarvest(self): S_DB_pairs = self.completed_Sample_DB_pairs() for P in S_DB_pairs: split_results = self.getSplitResults( P) print split_results if split_results: self.consolidateSplitResults(P, split_results) self.messagelogger.write("SUCCESS: Consolidated %s and %s search results!\n" %(P[0], P[1])) else: self.messagelogger.write("WARNING: Not split results to Consolidate %s and %s search results!\n" %(P[0], P[1])) def isJobCompleted(self, J): if not J.S in self.list_jobs_completed: return False if not J.d in self.list_jobs_completed[J.S]: return False if not J.a in self.list_jobs_completed[J.S][J.d]: return False if not J.m in self.list_jobs_completed[J.S][J.d][J.a]: return False return True def isSomeJobPending(self): "Checks if any job is pending" now = time.time() J = Job(None, None, None, None) time_limit = self.getAverageDelay() + 0.5*self.getStdDeviationDelay() time_limit = 40 for sample in self.list_jobs_submitted: for db in self.list_jobs_submitted[sample]: if not db in self.samples_and_databases[sample]: continue for split in self.list_jobs_submitted[sample][db]: if self.algorithm in self.list_jobs_submitted[sample][db][split]: min_submission_time = 0 for server in self.list_jobs_submitted[sample][db][split][self.algorithm]: submission_time = self.list_jobs_submitted[sample][db][split][self.algorithm][server] #print time_limit if submission_time > min_submission_time: min_submission_time = submission_time last_submitted_server = server J.setValues(sample, db, split, self.algorithm, min_submission_time, last_submitted_server) if not self.isJobCompleted(J): if now - min_submission_time > time_limit : self.pending_job = J #print 'diff ' + str(now - min_submission_time) #print str(now) + ' ' + str(min_submission_time) + ' ' + str(time_limit) #print J.S + ' ' + J.d + ' ' + J.a + ' ' + J.m return True #print 'no pending ' + str(time_limit) return False def get_pending_and_slow_job(self): if self.pending_job: J = self.pending_job self.pending_job = None return J return None def _count_jobs_in_list(self, S, d, list): if not S in list: return 0 if not d in list[S]: return 0 num = 0 splits = list[S][d].keys() for split in splits: if self.algorithm in list[S][d][split]: num += 1 return num def numTotalJobs(self, S, d): return self._count_jobs_in_list(S, d, self.list_jobs) def numSubmittedJobs(self, S, d): return self._count_jobs_in_list(S, d, self.list_jobs_submitted) def numCompletedJobs(self, S, d): return self._count_jobs_in_list(S, d, self.list_jobs_completed) def numCompletedJobsServer(self, server): return self._count_jobs_in_server(server, self.list_jobs_completed) def numSubmittedJobsServer(self, server): return self._count_jobs_in_server(server, self.list_jobs_submitted) def avgWait(self, service_name): service = self.getService(service_name) load = self.serverLoads[service.server] avg = 1 #print ' '.join( [service.server, str(service.A), str(service.C) ]) delay = load*avg + service.A + service.C return delay def _count_jobs_in_server(self, server, list): num = 0 for S in list: for d in list[S]: splits = list[S][d].keys() for split in splits: if self.algorithm in list[S][d][split]: if server in list[S][d][split][self.algorithm]: num += 1 return num def display_stats(self): Samples = self.getSamples() allComp = 0 allTot = 0 allSub = 0 allRun = 0 samplewisedisplayStr = '' for S in Samples: sampComp = 0 sampTot = 0 sampSub = 0 sampRun = 0 dbwisedisplayStr = '' DBs = self.getDBs(samples = [ S ] ) for d in DBs: numTot = self.numTotalJobs(S, d) numSub = self.numSubmittedJobs(S, d) numComp = self.numCompletedJobs(S, d) numRun = numSub - numComp sampTot += numTot sampSub += numSub sampComp += numComp sampRun += numRun dbwisedisplayStr += ' %29s | %8s | %8s | %8s' %(d, str(numSub), str(numRun), str(numComp)) + '\n' samplewisedisplayStr += ' %28s | %8s | %8s | %8s' %(S, str(sampSub), str(sampRun), str(sampComp)) + '\n' + dbwisedisplayStr allTot += sampTot allSub += sampSub allComp += sampComp allRun += allSub - allComp self.displayStr = '%30s %s' %('Total jobs:', str(allTot)) + '\n' self.displayStr += '%30s | %8s | %8s | %8s' %('Stats', '#submted', '#running', '#comptd') + '\n' + samplewisedisplayStr self.displayStr += '%30s | %8s | %8s | %8s' %('All Samples', str(allSub), str(allRun), str(allComp)) + '\n' + samplewisedisplayStr Services = self.getServices() self.displayStr += '\n' for server in Services: numComp = self.numCompletedJobsServer(server) numSub = self.numSubmittedJobsServer(server) numRun= numSub - numComp # print ' '.join( [server, str(numSub), str(numComp)] ) avgwait = self.avgWait(server) self.displayStr += '%30s | %8s | %8s | %8s Delay: %s' %(server[0:8], str(numSub), str(numRun), str(numComp), str(avgwait)) + '\n' self.displayStr += '\n' # self.displayStr += " %20s" %('Migration') + ' ' + str(self.migration) + '\n' migrationMatrixStr = self.getMigrationMatrix() self.displayStr += migrationMatrixStr #self.displayStr = 'Total all' #sys.stdout.write("\x1b[2J\x1b[H") #curses.move(self.y, self.x); #sys.stdout.write("\b"*self.displaylen) sys.stdout.write(self.displayStr) sys.stdout.flush() self.displaylen = len(self.displayStr) #curses.getyx(stdscr, self.y, self.x); def getMigrationMatrix(self): serverList = self.migrationMatrix.keys() outstr = '%30s' %(' ') for server in serverList: outstr+= '%30s' %(server[0:8]) outstr += '\n' for server1 in serverList: outstr += '%30s' %(server1[0:8]) for server2 in serverList: outstr += '%30s' %(str(self.migrationMatrix[server1][server2])) outstr += '\n' return outstr def setupStatsVariables(self): serversList = self.getServices() for fromServer in serversList: for toServer in serversList: if not fromServer in self.migrationMatrix: self.migrationMatrix[fromServer] = {} self.migrationMatrix[fromServer][toServer] = 0 Services = self.getServices() for server in Services: numSub = self.numSubmittedJobsServer(server) self.migrationMatrix[server][server] = numSub def updateMigrationCount(self, fromServer, toServer): if fromServer and toServer: self.migrationMatrix[fromServer][toServer] += 1 def incrementTransitionMatrix(self, server) : if server: self.migrationMatrix[server][server] += 1 def Do_Work(self): _A = self.incomplete_Samples() A = {} for a in _A: A[a] = True while A: for S in A: while not self.isCompletelySubmitted(S): J = self.get_A_Job(S) if J == None: continue self.display_stats() self.harvest() # harvest here before you risk getting stuck in the while loop #try to submit a job while not self.submittedSuccessfully(J): self.display_stats() self.harvest() # now harvest time.sleep(1) self.incrementTransitionMatrix(self.getLastSubmittedServerTo()) self.updateMigrationCount(J.server, self.getLastSubmittedServerTo() ) while self.isSomeJobPending(): J = self.get_pending_and_slow_job() # get a slow job to migrate if J == None: continue self.display_stats() self.harvest() # harvest here before you risk getting stuck in the while loop while not self.submittedSuccessfully(J): # try to submit a job self.display_stats() self.harvest() time.sleep(1) self.incrementTransitionMatrix(self.getLastSubmittedServerTo()) self.updateMigrationCount(J.server, self.getLastSubmittedServerTo() ) self.harvest() self.consolidateHarvest() C = self.completed_Samples() # self.display_stats() for T in C: if T in A: del A[T] #print 'sleeping' time.sleep(1) return True def Delete_Remote_Directories(self): samples = self.getSamples() Services = self.getServices() for service in Services: server = self.getService(service) server.deleteRemoteSampleFolders(samples)