def main():
    commandsusage = """Supported commands:\r\n
                - list:\tlists all scans\r\n
                - export:\texports the given scan to a given format\r\n
                - delete:\tdeletes the scan\r\n
                - stats:\tprint out some statistics of interest\r\n
                - search:\tsearch for a specific string in the user agent (svmap)\r\n
    commandsusage += "examples:\r\n\r\n"
    commandsusage += "      %s.py list\r\n\r\n" % __prog__
    commandsusage += "      %s.py export -f pdf -o scan1.pdf -s scan1\r\n\r\n" % __prog__
    commandsusage += "      %s.py delete -s scan1\r\n\r\n" % __prog__
    usage = "%prog [command] [options]\r\n\r\n"
    usage += commandsusage
    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version="%prog v" +
                          str(__version__) + __GPL__)
    parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', dest="verbose", action="count",
                      help="Increase verbosity")
    parser.add_option('-q', '--quiet', dest="quiet", action="store_true",
                      help="Quiet mode")
    parser.add_option("-t", "--type", dest="sessiontype",
                      help="Type of session. This is usually either svmap, svwar or svcrack. If not set I will try to find the best match")
    parser.add_option("-s", "--session", dest="session",
                      help="Name of the session")
    parser.add_option("-f", "--format", dest="format",
                      help="Format type. Can be stdout, pdf, xml, csv or txt")
    parser.add_option("-o", "--output", dest="outputfile",
                      help="Output filename")
    parser.add_option("-n", dest="resolve", default=True,
                      action="store_false", help="Do not resolve the ip address")
    parser.add_option("-c", "--count", dest="count", default=False,
                      action="store_true", help="Used togather with 'list' command to count the number of entries")
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    if len(args) < 1:
        parser.error("Please specify a command.\r\n")
    command = args[0]
    from libs.svhelper import listsessions, deletesessions, createReverseLookup, dbexists
    from libs.svhelper import getsessionpath, getasciitable, outputtoxml, outputtopdf, calcloglevel
    validcommands = ['list', 'export', 'delete', 'stats', 'search']
    if command not in validcommands:
        parser.error('%s is not a supported command' % command)
    sessiontypes = ['svmap', 'svwar', 'svcrack']
    logging.debug('started logging')
    if command == 'list':
        listsessions(options.sessiontype, count=options.count)
    if command == 'delete':
        if options.session is None:
            parser.error("Please specify a valid session.")
        sessionpath = deletesessions(options.session, options.sessiontype)
        if sessionpath is None:
                'Session could not be found. Make sure it exists by making use of %s.py list' % __prog__)
    elif command == 'export':
        from datetime import datetime
        start_time = datetime.now()
        if options.session is None:
            parser.error("Please specify a valid session")
        if options.outputfile is None and options.format not in [None, 'stdout']:
            parser.error("Please specify an output file")
        tmp = getsessionpath(options.session, options.sessiontype)
        if tmp is None:
                'Session could not be found. Make sure it exists by making use of %s list' % __prog__)
        sessionpath, sessiontype = tmp
        resolve = False
        resdb = None
        if sessiontype == 'svmap':
            dbloc = os.path.join(sessionpath, 'resultua')
            labels = ['Host', 'User Agent']
        elif sessiontype == 'svwar':
            dbloc = os.path.join(sessionpath, 'resultauth')
            labels = ['Extension', 'Authentication']
        elif sessiontype == 'svcrack':
            dbloc = os.path.join(sessionpath, 'resultpasswd')
            labels = ['Extension', 'Password']
        if not dbexists(dbloc):
            logging.error('The database could not be found: %s' % dbloc)
        db = anydbm.open(dbloc, 'r')

        if options.resolve and sessiontype == 'svmap':
            resolve = True
            resdbloc = os.path.join(sessionpath, 'resolved')
            if not dbexists(resdbloc):
                logging.info('Performing DNS reverse lookup')
                resdb = anydbm.open(resdbloc, 'c')
                createReverseLookup(db, resdb)
                logging.info('Not Performing DNS lookup')
                resdb = anydbm.open(resdbloc, 'r')

        if options.outputfile is not None:
            if options.outputfile.find('.') < 0:
                if options.format is None:
                    options.format = 'txt'
                options.outputfile += '.%s' % options.format

        if options.format in [None, 'stdout', 'txt']:
            o = getasciitable(labels, db, resdb)
            if options.outputfile is None:
                print o
                open(options.outputfile, 'w').write(o)
        elif options.format == 'xml':
            from xml.dom.minidom import Document
            doc = Document()
            node = doc.createElement(sessiontype)
            o = outputtoxml('%s report' % sessiontype, labels, db, resdb)
            open(options.outputfile, 'w').write(o)
        elif options.format == 'pdf':
            outputtopdf(options.outputfile, '%s report' %
                        sessiontype, labels, db, resdb)
        elif options.format == 'csv':
            import csv
            writer = csv.writer(open(options.outputfile, "w"))
            for k in db.keys():
                row = [k, db[k]]
                if resdb is not None:
                    if resdb.has_key(k):
        logging.info("That took %s" % (datetime.now() - start_time))
    elif command == 'stats':
        from operator import itemgetter
        import re
        if options.session is None:
            parser.error("Please specify a valid session")
        if options.outputfile is None and options.format not in [None, 'stdout']:
            parser.error("Please specify an output file")
        tmp = getsessionpath(options.session, options.sessiontype)
        if tmp is None:
                'Session could not be found. Make sure it exists by making use of %s list' % __prog__)
        sessionpath, sessiontype = tmp
        if sessiontype != 'svmap':
            parser.error('Only takes svmap sessions for now')
        dbloc = os.path.join(sessionpath, 'resultua')
        if not dbexists(dbloc):
            logging.error('The database could not be found: %s' % dbloc)
        db = anydbm.open(dbloc, 'r')
        useragents = dict()
        useragentconames = dict()
        for k in db.keys():
            v = db[k]
            if not useragents.has_key(v):
                useragents[v] = 0
            useragents[v] += 1
            useragentconame = re.split('[ /]', v)[0]
            if not useragentconames.has_key(useragentconame):
                useragentconames[useragentconame] = 0
            useragentconames[useragentconame] += 1

        _useragents = sorted(useragents.iteritems(),
                             key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
        suseragents = map(lambda x: '\t- %s (%s)' % (x[0], x[1]), _useragents)
        _useragentsnames = sorted(
            useragentconames.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
        suseragentsnames = map(lambda x: '\t- %s (%s)' %
                               (x[0], x[1]), _useragentsnames)
        print "Total number of SIP devices found: %s" % len(db.keys())
        print "Total number of useragents: %s\r\n" % len(suseragents)
        print "Total number of useragent names: %s\r\n" % len(suseragentsnames)

        print "Most popular top 30 useragents:\r\n"
        print '\r\n'.join(suseragents[:30])
        print '\r\n\r\n'
        print "Most unpopular top 30 useragents:\r\n\t"
        print '\r\n'.join(suseragents[-30:])
        print "\r\n\r\n"
        print "Most popular top 30 useragent names:\r\n"
        print '\r\n'.join(suseragentsnames[:30])
        print '\r\n\r\n'
        print "Most unpopular top 30 useragent names:\r\n\t"
        print '\r\n'.join(suseragentsnames[-30:])
        print "\r\n\r\n"
    elif command == 'search':
        if options.session is None:
            parser.error("Please specify a valid session")
        if len(args) < 2:
            parser.error('You need to specify a search string')
        searchstring = args[1]
        tmp = getsessionpath(options.session, options.sessiontype)
        if tmp is None:
                'Session could not be found. Make sure it exists by making use of %s list' % __prog__)
        sessionpath, sessiontype = tmp
        if sessiontype != 'svmap':
            parser.error('Only takes svmap sessions for now')
        dbloc = os.path.join(sessionpath, 'resultua')
        if not dbexists(dbloc):
            logging.error('The database could not be found: %s' % dbloc)
        db = anydbm.open(dbloc, 'r')
        useragents = dict()
        useragentconames = dict()
        labels = ['Host', 'User Agent']
        for k in db.keys():
            v = db[k]
            if searchstring.lower() in v.lower():
                print k + '\t' + v
    def main(self):
        #Here is the main function of the class.
        #Note that it's just a name unlike java...
        #See below for the entry point of the program.
        commandsusage = """Supported commands:\r\n
                - list:\tlists all scans\r\n
                - export:\texports the given scan to a given format\r\n
                - delete:\tdeletes the scan\r\n
                - stats:\tprint out some statistics of interest\r\n
                - search:\tsearch for a specific string in the user agent (svmap)\r\n
        commandsusage += "examples:\r\n\r\n"
        commandsusage += "      %s.py list\r\n\r\n" % __prog__
        commandsusage += "      %s.py svreport export -f pdf -o scan1.pdf -s scan1\r\n\r\n" % __prog__
        commandsusage += "      %s.py svreport delete -s scan1\r\n\r\n" % __prog__
        usage = "%prog [command] [options]\r\n\r\n"
        usage += commandsusage
        # Parse arguments.
        # The OptionParser constructor has no required arguments, but a number of optional keyword arguments.
        # You should always pass them as keyword arguments, i.e. do not rely on the order in which the arguments are declared.
        # More about this method of parsing, see there http://docs.python.org/2/library/optparse.html#optparse.OptionParser
        parser = OptionParser(usage=usage,version="%prog v"+str(__version__))
        parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', dest="verbose", action="count",
                          help="Increase verbosity")
        parser.add_option('-q', '--quiet', dest="quiet", action="store_true",
                          help="Quiet mode")
        parser.add_option("-t", "--type", dest="sessiontype",
                        help="Type of session. This is usually either svmap, svwar or svcrack. If not set I will try to find the best match")
        parser.add_option("-s", "--session", dest="session",
                        help="Name of the session")
        parser.add_option("-f", "--format", dest="format",
                        help="Format type. Can be stdout, pdf, xml, csv or txt")
        parser.add_option("-o", "--output", dest="outputfile",
                        help="Output filename")
        parser.add_option("-n", dest="resolve", default=True,
                          action="store_false", help="Do not resolve the ip address")
        parser.add_option("-c", "--count", dest="count", default=False,
                          action="store_true", help="Used togather with 'list' command to count the number of entries")
        (options,args) = parser.parse_args()
        # Check that there is no empty arg.
        if len(args) <= 1:
                parser.error("Please specify a command.\r\n")
        command = args[1]
        # Import additional modules
        from libs.svhelper import listsessions,deletesessions,createReverseLookup, dbexists
        from libs.svhelper import getsessionpath,getasciitable,outputtoxml,outputtopdf, calcloglevel
        # Create list of valid commands that can use
        validcommands = ['list','export','delete','stats','search']
        if command not in validcommands:
                parser.error('%s is not a supported command' % command)
        # Does basic configuration for the logging system by creating a StreamHandler with a default
        # Formatter and adding it to the root logger. The functions debug(), info(), warning(), error() and
        # critical() will call basicConfig() automatically if no handlers are defined for the root logger.
        sessiontypes = ['svmap','svwar','svcrack']
        logging.debug('started logging')        
        if command == 'list':
                # Get current sessions. If they are
        if command == 'delete':
                if options.session is None:
                        parser.error("Please specify a valid session.")
                sessionpath = deletesessions(options.session,options.sessiontype)
                if sessionpath is None:
                        parser.error('Session could not be found. Make sure it exists by making use of %s.py list' % __prog__)
        elif command == 'export':
                start_time = datetime.now()
                if options.session is None:
                        parser.error("Please specify a valid session")
                if options.outputfile is None and options.format not in [None,'stdout']:
                        parser.error("Please specify an output file")
                tmp = getsessionpath(options.session,options.sessiontype)                
                if tmp is None:
                        parser.error('Session could not be found. Make sure it exists by making use of %s list' % __prog__)
                sessionpath,sessiontype = tmp
                resolve = False
                resdb = None
                if sessiontype == 'svmap':
                        dbloc = os.path.join(sessionpath,'resultua')
                        labels = ['Host','User Agent']
                elif sessiontype == 'svwar':
                        dbloc = os.path.join(sessionpath,'resultauth')
                        labels = ['Extension','Authentication']
                elif sessiontype == 'svcrack':
                        dbloc = os.path.join(sessionpath,'resultpasswd')
                        labels = ['Extension','Password']
                if not dbexists(dbloc):
                        logging.error('The database could not be found: %s'%dbloc)
                db = anydbm.open(dbloc,'r')

                if options.resolve and sessiontype == 'svmap':
                        resolve = True
                        resdbloc = os.path.join(sessionpath,'resolved')
                        if not dbexists(resdbloc):
                                logging.info('Performing DNS reverse lookup')
                                resdb = anydbm.open(resdbloc,'c')
                                logging.info('Not Performing DNS lookup')
                                resdb = anydbm.open(resdbloc,'r')

                if options.outputfile is not None:
                        if options.outputfile.find('.') < 0:
                                if options.format is None:
                                        options.format = 'txt'
                                options.outputfile += '.%s' % options.format

                if options.format in [None,'stdout','txt']:
                        o = getasciitable(labels,db,resdb)
                        if options.outputfile is None:
                                print o
                elif options.format == 'xml':
                        doc = Document()
                        node = doc.createElement(sessiontype)                        
                        o = outputtoxml('%s report' % sessiontype,labels,db,resdb)
                elif options.format == 'pdf':
                        outputtopdf(options.outputfile,'%s report' % sessiontype,labels,db,resdb)
                elif options.format == 'csv':
                        import csv
                        writer = csv.writer(open(options.outputfile,"w"))
                        for k in db.keys():
                                row = [k,db[k]]
                                if resdb is not None:
                                        if resdb.has_key(k):
                logging.info( "That took %s" % (datetime.now() - start_time))
        elif command == 'stats':
                from operator import itemgetter
                import re                
                if options.session is None:
                        parser.error("Please specify a valid session")
                if options.outputfile is None and options.format not in [None,'stdout']:
                        parser.error("Please specify an output file")
                tmp = getsessionpath(options.session,options.sessiontype)                
                if tmp is None:
                        parser.error('Session could not be found. Make sure it exists by making use of %s list' % __prog__)
                sessionpath,sessiontype = tmp
                if sessiontype != 'svmap':
                        parser.error('Only takes svmap sessions for now')
                dbloc = os.path.join(sessionpath,'resultua')
                if not dbexists(dbloc):
                        logging.error('The database could not be found: %s'%dbloc)
                db = anydbm.open(dbloc,'r')
                useragents = dict()
                useragentconames = dict()
                for k in db.keys():
                        v = db[k]
                        if not useragents.has_key(v):
                                useragents[v] = 0
                        useragentconame = re.split('[ /]',v)[0]
                        if not useragentconames.has_key(useragentconame):
                                useragentconames[useragentconame] = 0
                        useragentconames[useragentconame] += 1
                _useragents = sorted(useragents.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
                suseragents = map(lambda x: '\t- %s (%s)' % (x[0],x[1]), _useragents)
                _useragentsnames = sorted(useragentconames.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
                suseragentsnames = map(lambda x: '\t- %s (%s)' % (x[0],x[1]), _useragentsnames)
                print "Total number of SIP devices found: %s" % len(db.keys())
                print "Total number of useragents: %s\r\n" % len(suseragents)
                print "Total number of useragent names: %s\r\n" % len(suseragentsnames)
                print "Most popular top 30 useragents:\r\n"
                print '\r\n'.join(suseragents[:30])
                print '\r\n\r\n'
                print "Most unpopular top 30 useragents:\r\n\t"
                print '\r\n'.join(suseragents[-30:])
                print "\r\n\r\n"
                print "Most popular top 30 useragent names:\r\n"
                print '\r\n'.join(suseragentsnames[:30])
                print '\r\n\r\n'
                print "Most unpopular top 30 useragent names:\r\n\t" 
                print '\r\n'.join(suseragentsnames[-30:])
                print "\r\n\r\n"
        elif command == 'search':
                if options.session is None:
                        parser.error("Please specify a valid session")
                if len(args) < 2:
                        parser.error('You need to specify a search string')
                searchstring = args[1]
                tmp = getsessionpath(options.session,options.sessiontype)                
                if tmp is None:
                        parser.error('Session could not be found. Make sure it exists by making use of %s list' % __prog__)
                sessionpath,sessiontype = tmp
                if sessiontype != 'svmap':
                        parser.error('Only takes svmap sessions for now')
                dbloc = os.path.join(sessionpath,'resultua')
                if not dbexists(dbloc):
                        logging.error('The database could not be found: %s'%dbloc)
                db = anydbm.open(dbloc,'r')
                useragents = dict()
                useragentconames = dict()
                labels = ['Host','User Agent']
                for k in db.keys():
                        v = db[k]
                        if searchstring.lower() in v.lower():
                                print k+'\t'+v
文件: svreport.py 项目: realvoip/14
            if not dbexists(resdbloc):
                logging.info('Performing DNS reverse lookup')
                resdb = anydbm.open(resdbloc, 'c')
                createReverseLookup(db, resdb)
                logging.info('Not Performing DNS lookup')
                resdb = anydbm.open(resdbloc, 'r')

        if options.outputfile is not None:
            if options.outputfile.find('.') < 0:
                if options.format is None:
                    options.format = 'txt'
                options.outputfile += '.%s' % options.format

        if options.format in [None, 'stdout', 'txt']:
            o = getasciitable(labels, db, resdb)
            if options.outputfile is None:
                print o
                open(options.outputfile, 'w').write(o)
        elif options.format == 'xml':
            from xml.dom.minidom import Document
            doc = Document()
            node = doc.createElement(sessiontype)
            o = outputtoxml('%s report' % sessiontype, labels, db, resdb)
            open(options.outputfile, 'w').write(o)
        elif options.format == 'pdf':
            outputtopdf(options.outputfile, '%s report' % sessiontype, labels,
                        db, resdb)
        elif options.format == 'csv':
            import csv
                        if not dbexists(resdbloc):
                                logging.info('Performing DNS reverse lookup')
                                resdb = anydbm.open(resdbloc,'c')
                                logging.info('Not Performing DNS lookup')
                                resdb = anydbm.open(resdbloc,'r')

                if options.outputfile is not None:
                        if options.outputfile.find('.') < 0:
                                if options.format is None:
                                        options.format = 'txt'
                                options.outputfile += '.%s' % options.format

                if options.format in [None,'stdout','txt']:
                        o = getasciitable(labels,db,resdb)
                        if options.outputfile is None:
                                print o
                elif options.format == 'xml':
                        from xml.dom.minidom import Document
                        doc = Document()
                        node = doc.createElement(sessiontype)                        
                        o = outputtoxml('%s report' % sessiontype,labels,db,resdb)
                elif options.format == 'pdf':
                        outputtopdf(options.outputfile,'%s report' % sessiontype,labels,db,resdb)
                elif options.format == 'csv':
                        import csv
                        writer = csv.writer(open(options.outputfile,"w"))