@commands.command(aliases=["render"]) async def warender(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, query: str) -> None: """Spits out what WolframAlpha thought your query was. Useful for rendering equations.""" async with ctx.typing(): response = await Wolfram.query(query=query, formats="image", mag="3", width="1500", podindex="1") if (check := self.checkquery(query=response)) is not None: return await ctx.send(embed=check) if (inputpod := next( (pod for pod in response.pods if pod.title == "Input"), None)) is None: fail = Embeds.status(success=False, desc="Couldn't find a rendered pod.") return await ctx.send(embed=fail) await ctx.send(inputpod.subpods[0].image) @commands.command(aliases=["solve"]) async def wasteps(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, query: str) -> None: """Provide step-by-step solutions to the query passed in. Useful for solving equations.""" async with ctx.typing(): response = await Wolfram.query( query=query, formats="image", mag="3", width="1500", podstate="Step-by-step+solution", )
) m, s = self.get_formatted_length(result.length, False) embed.set_footer( text=f"Track goes for {m} minutes and {s} seconds.", icon_url=ctx.author.avatar_url, ) if result.thumb is not None: embed.set_thumbnail(url=result.thumb) await ctx.send(embed=embed) player.queue.add_tracks(result) if not player.is_playing: await player.playback() else: fail = Embeds.status(success=False, desc="Failed to find any results.") await ctx.send(embed=fail) @commands.command() async def search(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, query: t.Optional[str]) -> None: """Search for your favourite tunes on YouTube.""" if query is None: # Maybe the user didn't know to pass in a query? embed = discord.Embed(colour=Colours.regular, timestamp=Embeds.now()) embed.description = ( "No query passed in. Try passing in something: `$search arabic music`" ) embed.set_footer(text="See $help voice for more commands.", icon_url=Icons.info)