def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LocalListsScreen, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.lists_loaded = BooleanProperty() self.lists_loaded = False = App.get_running_app() self.fetch_data = None self.Data = "" self.fetch_data = ComicServerConn() self.base_url = self.api_url =
def __init__(self, reading_list=None, **kwords): self.reading_list = reading_list = App.get_running_app() self.api_url = self.fetch_data = ComicServerConn() self.num_file_done = 0 self.comic_thumb_height = 240 self.comic_thumb_width = 156 id_folder = os.path.join(, self.reading_list.slug) my_data_dir = Path(os.path.join(id_folder, 'data')) self.my_comic_dir = Path(os.path.join(id_folder, 'comics')) self.my_thumb_dir = Path(os.path.join(self.my_comic_dir, 'thumb')) if not self.my_comic_dir.is_dir(): os.makedirs(self.my_comic_dir) if not self.my_thumb_dir.is_dir(): os.makedirs(self.my_thumb_dir) # for item in SYNC_SETTINGS_ITEMS: # val = "" # tmp_defaults[key] = getattr(self, key) # NOTE: can be removed once DB functions added if not my_data_dir.is_dir(): os.makedirs(my_data_dir) settings_json = os.path.join(my_data_dir, 'settings.json') comics_json = os.path.join(my_data_dir, 'sync_comics.json') self.this_test = "Test" self.sync_data = JsonStore(settings_json) self.sync_comics = JsonStore(comics_json) self.last_read_comic = self.get_last_comic_read() if self.sync_data.exists('options'): self.cb_only_read_state = self.sync_data.get( "options")["cb_only_read_state"] self.cb_keep_last_read_state = self.sync_data.get( "options")["cb_keep_last_read_state"] self.cb_optimize_size_state = self.sync_data.get( "options")["cb_optimize_size_state"] self.cb_limit_state = self.sync_data.get("options")[ "cb_limit_state"] self.limit_num = self.sync_data.get("options")["limit_num"] self.sw_syn_this_active = self.sync_data.get("options")[ 'sw_syn_this_active'] else: self.cb_only_read_state = 'normal' self.cb_keep_last_read_state = 'normal' self.cb_optimize_size_state = 'normal' self.cb_limit_state = 'normal' self.limit_num = 25 self.sw_syn_this_active = False # end note self.last = 0 self.limit = 25 self.sync_range = int(self.last) + int(self.limit_num) self.api_key ='General', 'api_key')
async def collect_readinglist_data(): self.readinglist_name = readinglist_name + " Page 1") self.reading_list_title = self.readinglist_name + " Page 1" self.readinglist_Id = readinglist_Id self.page_number = current_page_num self.mode = mode if self.mode == "From Server": self.fetch_data = ComicServerConn() lsit_count_url = "{}/Lists/{}/Comics/".format( self.api_url, readinglist_Id) # self.fetch_data.get_list_count(lsit_count_url,self) self.fetch_data.get_server_data(lsit_count_url, self) elif self.mode == "From DataBase": self.got_db_data()
def collect_readinglist_data(self, readinglist_name, readinglist_Id, mode="From DataBase"): self.readinglist_name = readinglist_name self.reading_list_title = self.readinglist_name + " Page 1" self.readinglist_Id = readinglist_Id self.mode = mode if self.mode == "From Server": self.fetch_data = ComicServerConn() lsit_count_url = f"{self.api_url}/Lists/{readinglist_Id}/Comics/" # self.fetch_data.get_list_count(lsit_count_url,self) self.fetch_data.get_server_data(lsit_count_url, self) elif self.mode == "From DataBase": self.got_db_data()
async def save_thumb(comic_id, c_image_source): def got_thumb(results): pass fetch_data = ComicServerConn() app = App.get_running_app() id_folder = app.store_dir my_thumb_dir = Path(os.path.join(id_folder, "comic_thumbs")) if not my_thumb_dir.is_dir(): os.makedirs(my_thumb_dir) file_name = f"{comic_id}.jpg" t_file = os.path.join(my_thumb_dir, file_name) fetch_data.get_server_file_download( c_image_source, callback=lambda req, results: got_thumb(results), file_path=os.path.join(my_thumb_dir, t_file), )
def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(BaseScreen, self).__init__(**kwargs) = App.get_running_app() self.fetch_data = None self.Data = "" self.fetch_data = ComicServerConn() self.myLoginPop = LoginPopupContent() self.popup = LoginPopup( content=self.myLoginPop, size_hint=(None, None), size=(500, 400) ) # self.update_settings() # self.bind(username=self.update_settings) # self.bind_settings() self.password = self.api_key = self.username = self.base_url = self.open_last_comic_startup =
def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(ServerComicBookScreen, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.fetch_data = None = App.get_running_app() # self.base_url = # self.api_url = self.current_page = None self.fetch_data = ComicServerConn() self.api_key ="General", "api_key") self.popup_bkcolor = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.87) self.full_screen = False self.option_isopen = False self.next_dialog_open = False self.prev_dialog_open = False config_app = App.get_running_app() settings_data = json.loads(settings_json_screen_tap_control) # Window.bind(on_keyboard=self.events_program) for setting in settings_data: if setting["type"] == "options": tap_config = config_app.config.get(setting["section"], setting["key"]) if tap_config == "Disabled": self.ids[setting["key"]].disabled = True
def do_sync(self): def _syncrun_callback(*args): pass app = App.get_running_app() if app.sync_is_running is True: self.please_wait_dialog = MDDialog( title="Sync Already in Progress", size_hint=(0.8, 0.4), text_button_ok="Ok", text=f"Please wait till current Sync is done", events_callback=_syncrun_callback, ) return self.num_file_done = 0 sync_range = 0 self.fetch_data = ComicServerConn() rl_db = ReadingList.get(ReadingList.slug == self.slug) end_last_sync_num = rl_db.end_last_sync_num if end_last_sync_num != 0: end_last_sync_num = end_last_sync_num - 1 comicindex_db = ComicIndex.get(ComicIndex.readinglist == self.slug) last_read_comic_db = self.db.comics.where( (Comic.UserLastPageRead == Comic.PageCount - 1) & (Comic.PageCount > 1) ).order_by(comicindex_db.index) if len(last_read_comic_db) > 1: last_read_index = ComicIndex.get( ComicIndex.comic == last_read_comic_db[-1].Id, ComicIndex.readinglist == self.slug, ).index elif len(last_read_comic_db) != 0: last_read_index = ComicIndex.get( ComicIndex.comic == last_read_comic_db[0].Id, ComicIndex.readinglist == self.slug, ).index else: last_read_index = 0 if self.cb_limit_active: if self.cb_only_read_active: list_comics = self.db.comics.where( ~(Comic.UserLastPageRead == Comic.PageCount - 1) & (Comic.PageCount > 1) & (Comic.been_sync) != True ).order_by( comicindex_db.index ) # noqa: E712 if last_read_index < end_last_sync_num: sync_range = int(self.limit_num) tmp_comic_list = list_comics[0:int(sync_range)] else: sync_range = int(end_last_sync_num) + int(self.limit_num) tmp_comic_list = list_comics[end_last_sync_num:int(sync_range)] purge_list = self.db.comics.where( (Comic.UserLastPageRead == Comic.PageCount - 1) & (Comic.PageCount > 1) & (Comic.is_sync == True) ).order_by( comicindex_db.index ) # noqa: E712 else: list_comics = ( .where( (Comic.is_sync == False) & (Comic.been_sync == False) ) .order_by(comicindex_db.index) ) # noqa: E712,E501 sync_range = int(self.limit_num) tmp_comic_list = list_comics[0:int(sync_range)] purge_list = self.db.comics.where( Comic.is_sync == True ).order_by( comicindex_db.index ) # noqa: E712 else: sync_range = int(len(self.comics)) # rl_db.end_last_sync_num = new_end_last_sync_num # if self.cb_only_read_active: list_comics = self.db.comics.where( ~(Comic.UserLastPageRead == Comic.PageCount - 1) & (Comic.PageCount > 1) ).order_by( comicindex_db.index ) # noqa: E712 tmp_comic_list = list_comics[0:int(sync_range)] else: list_comics = self.db.comics.where( (Comic.is_sync == False) & (Comic.been_sync == False) ).order_by( comicindex_db.index ) # noqa: E712,E501 tmp_comic_list = list_comics db_item = ReadingList.get(ReadingList.slug == self.slug) for key in READINGLIST_SETTINGS_KEYS: v = getattr(db_item, key) globals()["%s" % key] = v app = App.get_running_app() id_folder = os.path.join(app.sync_folder, self.slug) my_comic_dir = Path(os.path.join(id_folder, "comics")) if os.path.isdir(my_comic_dir): print(f"{get_size(my_comic_dir)/1000000} MB") sync_comic_list = [] for comic in tmp_comic_list: if comic.is_sync is False: sync_comic_list.append(comic) if self.cb_purge_active: for item in purge_list: os.remove(item.local_file) db_comic = Comic.get(Comic.Id == item.Id) db_comic.is_sync = False db_comic.local_file = "" server_readinglists_screen = app.manager.get_screen( "server_readinglists_screen" ) server_readinglists_screen.file_sync_update(item.Id, False) self.sync_readinglist(comic_list=sync_comic_list)
def do_db_refresh(self, screen=None): def __finish_toast(dt): app = App.get_running_app() screen = app.manager.get_screen("server_readinglists_screen") screen.refresh_callback() toast("DataBase Refresh Complete") def __got_readlist_data(results): def __updated_progress(results): pass the_keys = [ "Id", "Series", "Number", "Volume", "Year", "Month", "UserCurrentPage", "UserLastPageRead", "PageCount", "Summary", "FilePath", ] for server_comic in results["items"]: for db_comic in self.comics: if db_comic.Id == server_comic["Id"]: for key in the_keys: if getattr(db_comic, key) != server_comic[key]: if key in ( "UserCurrentPage", "UserLastPageRead", ) and (db_comic.is_sync): if ( db_comic.UserLastPageRead > server_comic["UserLastPageRead"] ) or ( db_comic.UserCurrentPage > server_comic["UserCurrentPage"] ): if ( db_comic.UserCurrentPage > db_comic.UserLastPageRead ): current_page = ( db_comic.UserCurrentPage ) # noqa else: current_page = ( db_comic.UserLastPageRead ) # noqa update_url = "{}/Comics/{}/Progress".format( api_url, db_comic.Id ) self.fetch_data.update_progress( update_url, current_page, callback=lambda req, results: __updated_progress( results ), ) else: x_str = db_comic.__str__ "Updating DB Record for {} of {}".format( key, x_str ) ) toast( "Updating DB Record for {} of {}".format( key, x_str ) ) db_item = Comic.get( Comic.Id == db_comic.Id ) if db_item: setattr( db_item, key, server_comic[key] ) setattr(self, key, db_item) Clock.schedule_once(__finish_toast, 3) self.fetch_data = ComicServerConn() app = App.get_running_app() api_url = app.api_url server_url = f"{api_url}/Lists/{self.slug}/Comics/" self.fetch_data.get_server_data_callback( server_url, callback=lambda req, results: __got_readlist_data(results), )
def callback_for_menu_items(self, *args): def __updated_progress(results, state): if state == "Unread": # self.img_color = (1, 1, 1, 1) self.is_read = False self.page_count_text = "0%" self.comic_obj.UserLastPage = 0 self.comic_obj.UserCurrentPage = 0 self.comic_obj.update() elif state == "Read": # self.img_color = (.89, .15, .21, 5) self.is_read = True self.page_count_text = "100%" the_page = self.comic_obj.PageCount self.comic_obj.UserLastPage = the_page self.comic_obj.UserCurrentPage = the_page action = args[0].replace("[color=#000000]", "").replace("[/color]", "") if action == "Open This Comic": self.open_comic() elif action == "Mark as Read": try: db_comic = Comic.get(Comic.Id == self.comic_obj.Id) if db_comic: db_comic.UserLastPageRead = self.comic_obj.PageCount - 1 db_comic.UserCurrentPage = self.comic_obj.PageCount - 1 self.comic_obj.UserLastPageRead = ( self.comic_obj.PageCount - 1) # noqa self.comic_obj.UserCurrentPage = ( self.comic_obj.PageCount - 1) server_readinglists_screen = "server_readinglists_screen") for item in server_readinglists_screen.new_readinglist.comics: if item.Id == self.comic_obj.Id: item.UserCurrentPage = self.comic_obj.PageCount - 1 item.UserLastPageRead = self.comic_obj.PageCount - 1 except (ProgrammingError, OperationalError, DataError) as e: Logger.error(f"Mar as unRead DB: {e}") server_con = ComicServerConn() update_url = "{}/Comics/{}/Progress".format(, self.comic_obj.Id) server_con.update_progress( update_url, self.comic_obj.PageCount - 1, callback=lambda req, results: __updated_progress( results, "Read"), ) elif action == "Mark as UnRead": try: db_comic = Comic.get(Comic.Id == self.comic_obj.Id) if db_comic: db_comic.UserLastPageRead = 0 db_comic.UserCurrentPage = 0 self.comic_obj.UserLastPageRead = 0 self.comic_obj.UserCurrentPage = 0 server_readinglists_screen = "server_readinglists_screen") for item in server_readinglists_screen.new_readinglist.comics: if item.Id == self.comic_obj.Id: item.UserCurrentPage = 0 item.UserLastPageRead = 0 except (ProgrammingError, OperationalError, DataError) as e: Logger.error(f"Mark as unRead DB: {e}") server_con = ComicServerConn() update_url = "{}/Comics/{}/Mark_Unread".format(, self.comic_obj.Id) server_con.update_progress( update_url, 0, callback=lambda req, results: __updated_progress( results, "Unread"), )
def build_last_comic_section( # noqa self, readinglist_name, readinglist_Id ): def __got_readlist_data(results): async def __load_readinglist_scree(paginator_obj=None): if tmp_last_comic_type == "local_file": x_readinglists_screen = "local_readinglists_screen" ) else: x_readinglists_screen = "server_readinglists_screen" ) x_readinglists_screen.list_loaded = False x_readinglists_screen.setup_screen() x_readinglists_screen.page_number = tmp_last_pag_pagnum x_readinglists_screen.loading_done = False self.call_collect( set_mode, x_readinglists_screen, readinglist_name, readinglist_Id, ) tmp_last_comic_id ="Saved", "last_comic_id") tmp_last_comic_type = "Saved", "last_comic_type" ) tmp_last_pag_pagnum = int("Saved", "last_pag_pagnum") ) if tmp_last_comic_id == "": return else: query = ReadingList.slug == readinglist_Id ) if query.exists():"{readinglist_name} already in Database") set_mode = "From DataBase" mode = "" if tmp_last_comic_type == "local_file": mode = "local_file" self.new_readinglist = ComicReadingList( name=self.readinglist_name, data="db_data", slug=self.readinglist_Id, mode=mode, ) # self.new_readinglist.comics_write() max_books_page = int("General", "max_books_page") ) new_readinglist_reversed = self.new_readinglist.comics paginator_obj = Paginator( new_readinglist_reversed, max_books_page ) for x in range(1, paginator_obj.num_pages()): this_page = for comic in this_page.object_list: if tmp_last_comic_id == comic.Id: tmp_last_pag_pagnum = this_page.number asynckivy.start( __load_readinglist_scree(paginator_obj=paginator_obj) ) if ( self.open_last_comic_startup == 1 and not ): for comic in self.new_readinglist.comics: if comic.slug == tmp_last_comic_id: self.open_comic( tmp_last_comic_id=tmp_last_comic_id, tmp_last_comic_type=tmp_last_comic_type, paginator_obj=paginator_obj, comic=comic, tmp_last_pag_pagnum=tmp_last_pag_pagnum, ) else: grid = self.ids["main_grid"] grid.cols = 1 grid.clear_widgets() for comic in self.new_readinglist.comics: if comic.slug == tmp_last_comic_id: c = ReadingListComicImage(comic_obj=comic) c.readinglist_obj = self.new_readinglist c.paginator_obj = paginator_obj x = y = if tmp_last_comic_type == "local_file": if comic.local_file == "": return import os id_folder = os.path.join(, self.new_readinglist.slug, ) my_thumb_dir = os.path.join( id_folder, "thumb" ) thumb_name = f"{comic.Id}.jpg" t_file = os.path.join( my_thumb_dir, thumb_name ) c_image_source = t_file else: round_y = round(dp(y)) part_url = f"/Comics/{comic.Id}/Pages/0?" part_api = "&apiKey={}&height={}".format( self.api_key, round_y ) c_image_source = "{}{}{}".format(, part_url, part_api ) c.source = c_image_source c.PageCount = comic.PageCount c.pag_pagenum = tmp_last_pag_pagnum if tmp_last_comic_type == "local_file": c.view_mode = "Sync" strtxt = f"{comic.Series} #{comic.Number}" tmp_color = get_hex_from_color((1, 1, 1, 1)) c.text = f"[color={tmp_color}]{strtxt}[/color]" grid.add_widget(c) tmp_txt = f"Last Comic Load from \ {}" self.ids.last_comic_label.text = tmp_txt else: f"{readinglist_name} \ not in Database This could be a problems" ) set_mode = "From Server" # set_mode = 'From Server' self.readinglist_name = readinglist_name # + ' Page 1') self.reading_list_title = self.readinglist_name + " Page 1" self.readinglist_Id = readinglist_Id # self.fetch_data.get_list_count(lsit_count_url,self) tmp_last_comic_type ="Saved", "last_comic_type") if tmp_last_comic_type == "local_file": Clock.schedule_once(lambda dt: __got_readlist_data("none"), 0.15) else: self.fetch_data = ComicServerConn() lsit_count_url = ( f"{}/Lists/{readinglist_Id}/Comics/" ) # noqa self.fetch_data.get_server_data_callback( lsit_count_url, callback=lambda req, results: __got_readlist_data(results), )