def course(update: Update, context: CoreContext): datas = # COURSE|course_id course_id = int(datas[-1]) moodle_course = BaseCourse(context.moodle) courses = moodle_course.get_courses_by_field("id", course_id) context.query.answer() if not courses: context.query.edit_message_text("Kursus tidak ditemukan.") return -1 course_ = courses[0] buttons = list() sections = moodle_course.get_contents( for section in sections: if not section.uservisible: continue data = make_data("CONTENT", course_id,, 0) button = InlineKeyboardButton(, callback_data=data) buttons.append(button) if not buttons: data = make_data("FORUMS", course_id) button = InlineKeyboardButton("Daftar Forum", callback_data=data) buttons.append(button) keyboard = build_menu( buttons, footer_buttons=InlineKeyboardButton("Tutup ❌", callback_data="CLOSE"), ) context.query.edit_message_text( text=course_text(course_), reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard), ) return -1
def module(update: Update, context: CoreContext): datas = # MODULE|module_id module_id = int(datas[1]) cm = None cm = BaseCourse(context.moodle).get_course_module(module_id) context.query.answer() if not cm: context.query.edit_message_text("Data tidak ditemukan.") return -1 course_module = text = + "\n" text += "<i>Fitur masih dikembangkan, tolong tekan tombol Buka di elearning</i>" buttons: List[InlineKeyboardButton] = list() url = MOODLE_D + f"mod/{course_module.modname}/view.php?id={module_id}" button = InlineKeyboardButton("Buka di elearning", url) buttons.append(button) data = make_data( course_module.modname.upper(), course_module.course, course_module.instance ) button = InlineKeyboardButton(, callback_data=data) buttons.append(button) back_data = make_data("CONTENT", course_module.course, course_module.section, 0) footer = [ InlineKeyboardButton("< Kembali", callback_data=back_data), InlineKeyboardButton("Tutup ❌", callback_data="CLOSE"), ] keyboard = build_menu(buttons, footer_buttons=footer) context.query.edit_message_text(text, reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard)) return -1
def discussions(update: Update, context: CoreContext): datas = # DISCUSSIONS|course_id|forum_id|page course_id = int(datas[1]) forum_id = int(datas[2]) page = int(datas[3]) base_forum = BaseForum(context.moodle) discussions = base_forum.get_forum_discussions( forumid=forum_id, sortorder=1, page=page, ) context.query.answer() buttons = list() for discussion in discussions: name = text = name[:30] if len(name) > 30: text += "..." text += f" by {discussion.userfullname}" data = make_data("DISCUSSION", course_id, forum_id,, 0) button = InlineKeyboardButton(text, callback_data=data) buttons.append(button) header = list() if page > 1: data = make_data("DISCUSSIONS", course_id, forum_id, page - 1) button = InlineKeyboardButton("Sebelumnya", callback_data=data) header.append(button) if len(buttons) >= 9: data = make_data("DISCUSSIONS", course_id, forum_id, page + 1) button = InlineKeyboardButton("Selanjutnya", callback_data=data) header.append(button) back_data = make_data("FORUM", course_id, forum_id) footer = [ InlineKeyboardButton("< Kembali", callback_data=back_data), InlineKeyboardButton("Tutup ❌", callback_data="CLOSE"), ] keyboard = build_menu(buttons, header_buttons=header, footer_buttons=footer) context.query.edit_message_text( "Daftar diskusi", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard)) return -1
def discussion(update: Update, context: CoreContext): datas = # DISCUSSION|course_id|forum_id|discussion_id|page course_id = int(datas[1]) forum_id = int(datas[2]) discussion_id = int(datas[3]) page = int(datas[4]) base_forum = BaseForum(context.moodle) posts = [] posts = base_forum.get_discussion_posts(discussion_id) context.query.answer() text = "Diskusi" for post in posts: if post.isdeleted: continue subject = post.replysubject or post.subject title = f"{subject} [{}]" url = f"{}" text += format_html.href(title, url) + "\n" text += clean_html(post.message, **BLEACH_CONFIG) + "\n\n" header = list() if len(text) > MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH: MESSAGE_LENGTH = len(text) if page > 0: data = make_data("DISCUSSION", course_id, forum_id, discussion_id, page - 1) button = InlineKeyboardButton("Sebelumnya", callback_data=data) header.append(button) if MESSAGE_LENGTH >= (page + 1) * MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH: data = make_data("DISCUSSION", course_id, forum_id, discussion_id, page + 1) button = InlineKeyboardButton("Selanjutnya", callback_data=data) header.append(button) back_data = make_data("DISCUSSIONS", course_id, forum_id, 1) footer = [ InlineKeyboardButton("< Kembali", callback_data=back_data), InlineKeyboardButton("Tutup ❌", callback_data="CLOSE"), ] keyboard = build_menu(header_buttons=header, footer_buttons=footer) context.query.edit_message_text( text, reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard)) return -1
def forum(update: Update, context: CoreContext): datas = # FORUM|course_id|forum_id course_id = int(datas[1]) base_forum = BaseForum(context.moodle) forums = base_forum.get_forums_by_courses([course_id]) context.query.answer() if not forums: context.query.edit_message_text("Forum tidak ditemukan.") return -1 forum_id = int(datas[2]) for fo in forums: if == forum_id: base_forum.view_forum( break buttons = list() if fo.numdiscussions and fo.numdiscussions > 0: data = make_data("DISCUSSIONS", course_id, forum_id, 1) button = InlineKeyboardButton("Diskusi", callback_data=data) buttons.append(button) text = forum_text(fo) header = InlineKeyboardButton(, url=f"{fo.cmid}") back_data = make_data("COURSE", course_id) footer = [ InlineKeyboardButton("< Kembali", callback_data=back_data), InlineKeyboardButton("Tutup ❌", callback_data="CLOSE"), ] keyboard = build_menu( buttons, header_buttons=header, footer_buttons=footer, ) context.query.edit_message_text( text, reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard)) return -1
def url(update: Update, context: CoreContext): datas = # URL|course_id|url_id course_id = int(datas[1]) url_id = int(datas[2]) base_url = BaseUrl(context.moodle) urls = base_url.get_urls_by_courses([course_id]) context.query.answer() url_ = None for url in urls.urls: if == url_id: url_ = url break if not url_ or != url_id: return -1 buttons = list() name = unquote( disable_preview = True if url_.externalurl: disable_preview = False button = InlineKeyboardButton(name, url_.externalurl) buttons.append(button) name = format_html.href(name, url_.externalurl) text = name + "\n" text += clean_html(url_.intro, **BLEACH_CONFIG) for file in url_.introfiles: url = file.fileurl if not file.isexternalfile: url += "?token=" + context.moodle.token button = InlineKeyboardButton(file.filename, url) buttons.append(button) # TODO : Use CONTENT back_button = make_data("COURSE", course_id) footer = [ InlineKeyboardButton("< Kembali", callback_data=back_button), InlineKeyboardButton("Tutup ❌", callback_data="CLOSE"), ] keyboard = build_menu(buttons, footer_buttons=footer) text, reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard), disable_web_page_preview=disable_preview, ) return -1
def view_lesson(update: Update, context: CoreContext): datas = # LESSON|course_id|lesson_id course_id = int(datas[1]) lesson_id = int(datas[2]) base_lesson = BaseLesson(context.moodle) res = base_lesson.view_lesson(lesson_id) context.query.answer() logger.debug(repr(res)) back_data = make_data("COURSE", course_id) keyboard = [[ InlineKeyboardButton("< Kembali", callback_data=back_data), InlineKeyboardButton("Tutup ❌", callback_data="Tutup ❌"), ]] context.query.edit_message_text( "Berhasil ✅" if res else "Gagal ❌", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard), ) return -1
def update_completion(update: Update, context: CoreContext): datas = # COMPLETION|course_id|module_id course_id = int(datas[1]) module_id = int(datas[2]) cmplt = BaseCompletion(context.moodle) res = cmplt.update_activity_completion_status_manually(module_id, 1) context.query.answer() logger.debug(repr(res)) back_data = make_data("COURSE", course_id) keyboard = [ [ InlineKeyboardButton("< Kembali", callback_data=back_data), InlineKeyboardButton("Tutup ❌", callback_data="Tutup ❌"), ] ] context.query.edit_message_text( "Berhasil ✅" if res.status else "Gagal ❌", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard), ) return -1
def courses(update: Update, context: CoreContext): message = context.message.reply_text("Mendapatkan kursus...") message = resolve(message, Message) try: courses = BaseCourse( context.moodle).get_enrolled_courses_by_timeline_classification( "all") except ConnectionError: message.edit_text( "Elearning tidak merespon, coba beberapa saat lagi...") return -1 except Exception as e: message.edit_text("Gagal mendapatkan kursus.") raise e if not courses: message.edit_text("Tidak ada kursus yang sedang diikuti.") return -1 buttons: List[InlineKeyboardButton] = list() for course in courses: name = course.fullname or course.shortname text = name[:30] if len(name) > 30: text += "..." if course.progress: text += f" ({course.progress}%)" data = make_data("COURSE", button = InlineKeyboardButton(text, callback_data=data) buttons.append(button) keyboard = build_menu( buttons=buttons, footer_buttons=InlineKeyboardButton("Tutup ❌", callback_data="CLOSE"), ) message.edit_text( "Daftar kursus yang diikuti", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard), ) return -1
def content(update: Update, context: CoreContext): datas = # CONTENT|course_id|section_id|page course_id = int(datas[1]) section_id = int(datas[2]) page = int(datas[3]) options = [ContentOption("sectionid", str(section_id))] sections = BaseCourse(context.moodle).get_contents(course_id, options) context.query.answer() num = 0 text = "" completions: List[InlineKeyboardButton] = list() keyboard: List[List[InlineKeyboardButton]] = list() for section in sections: text += clean_html(section.summary, **BLEACH_CONFIG) for module in section.modules: if module.modname == "label" and not module.completion: continue num += 1 button_text = "" buttons: List[InlineKeyboardButton] = list() if module.completion and module.completion != 0: state = module.completiondata.state if state == 0: # incomplete if module.completion == 1: button_text += str(num) data = make_data("COMPLETION", course_id, button = InlineKeyboardButton( f"{num} ☑️", callback_data=data, ) completions.append(button) button_text += "❌ " elif state == 1: # complete button_text += "✅ " elif state == 2: # complete pass button_text += "✔️ " elif state == 3: # complete fail button_text += "❎ " button_text += unquote( if module.modname in SUPPORTED_MOD: # FORUM|course_id|forum_id data = make_data(module.modname.upper(), course_id, module.instance) button = InlineKeyboardButton(button_text, callback_data=data) buttons.append(button) else: url = MOODLE_D + f"mod/{module.modname}/view.php?id={}" button = InlineKeyboardButton(button_text, url) buttons.append(button) keyboard.append(buttons) if len(text) > MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH: MESSAGE_LENGTH = len(text) header = list() if page > 0: data = make_data("CONTENT", course_id, section_id, page - 1) button = InlineKeyboardButton("Sebelumnya", callback_data=data) header.append(button) if MESSAGE_LENGTH >= (page + 1) * MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH: data = make_data("CONTENT", course_id, section_id, page + 1) button = InlineKeyboardButton("Selanjutnya", callback_data=data) header.append(button) if header: keyboard.insert(0, header) back_data = make_data("COURSE", course_id) down_data ="|") + "|" footer = [ InlineKeyboardButton("< Kembali", callback_data=back_data), InlineKeyboardButton("⬇️ Turunkan", callback_data=down_data), InlineKeyboardButton("Tutup ❌", callback_data="CLOSE"), ] if completions: keyboard.append(completions) keyboard.append(footer) if len(datas) > 4: text[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH * page : MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH * (page + 1)], reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard), ) else: context.query.edit_message_text( text[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH * page : MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH * (page + 1)], reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard), ) return -1