def send_message_list(request):

    context = {}
    user_id = request.user.id
    sql = '''
       select a.content,c.unit_name,d.name as school_name,a.send_time,
            WHEN -1 THEN
            WHEN 0 THEN
             WHEN 1 THEN
            END 'status_name'
       from hdkt_jxhd a 
       INNER join hdkt_jxhd_class b 
        on a.id = b.message_id
        INNER join `school_unit_class` c 
        on c.id = b.unit_id
        INNER join `school` d
        on c.school_id = d.id
        where a.add_user = %s and a.status != -1 and a.type = 1
        ORDER BY a.add_time desc
    ''' % user_id
    messages = db.default.fetchall_dict(sql)
    for i in messages:
        i['send_time'] = from_unixtime(i['send_time'],
                                       str_format='%Y{y}%m{m}%d{d}' +
                                       ' %H:%M:%S').format(y='年', m='月', d='日')
    context["data"] = messages
    return ajax_ok(data=context)
def get_open_status(user_id, sids):
    2017-6-19    王晨光
    :param user: User
    :param sids: [学科ID]
    :return: {学科ID: 开通状态(1/0)}
    mslist = db.ketang_slave.mobile_subject.filter(
        user_id=user_id, subject_id__in=sids).select('subject_id', 'open_date',
    data = []
    nowt = int(time.time())
    msdict = {m.subject_id: m for m in mslist}
    for sid in sids:
        m = msdict.get(sid)
        if m:
            status = 1 if nowt >= m.open_date and (
                m.cancel_date <= 0
                or nowt < m.cancel_date) and m.open_date > 0 else 0
                from_unixtime(m.cancel_date) if m.cancel_date > 0 else '',
                'status': 0,
                'subject_id': sid,
                'open_date': '',
                'cancel_date': '',
                'pay_type': 0,
    return data
def get_user_details(user_id, way, pageno, pagesz=10):
    王晨光     2016-12-07
    :param user_id: 用户ID
    :param way: 明细分类(1收入 2支出 0全部)
    :param pageno: 页号
    :param pagesz: 每页条数
    :return: {balance:余额, pagecount:总页数, details:[detail]}
    us = db.slave.score_user.get(app_id=APPID, user_id=user_id)
    balance = us.score if us else 0

    details = db.slave.score_user_detail.filter(app_id=APPID, user_id=user_id)
    if way == 1:
        details = details.filter(item_no='tea_voucher_bak')
    elif way == 2:
        details = details.filter(item_no='tea_voucher')

    n = details.count()
    pagecount = int(math.ceil(1.0 * n / pagesz))
    details = details.order_by('-id')[(pageno - 1) * pagesz:pageno * pagesz]
    rows = []
    for d in details:
        item_no = d.item_no
        score = d.score
        theway = 0  # 0收入 1支出
        if item_no == 'tea_voucher':
            title = u"支出%s金豆" % score
            theway = 1
        elif item_no == 'tea_voucher_bak':
            title = u"收入%s金豆" % score
        row = Struct()
        row.id = d.id
        row.item_no = d.item_no
        row.way = theway
        row.title = title
        row.score = score
        row.remark = d.remark
        row.add_date = from_unixtime(d.add_date).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
    out = {
        'balance': balance,
        'pageno': pageno,
        'pagecount': pagecount,
        'details': rows
    return out
def get_user_orders(user_id, pageno, pagesz):
    王晨光     2016-12-07
    :param user_id: 用户ID
    :param pageno: 页号
    :param pagesz: 每页条数
    :return: {pagecount:总页数, orders:[订单列表]}
    orders = db.slave.score_gift_order.filter(app_id=APPID, user_id=user_id)
    n = orders.count()
    pagecount = int(math.ceil(1.0 * n / pagesz))
    orders = orders.order_by('-id')[(pageno - 1) * pagesz:pageno * pagesz]
    gift_ids = [o.gift_id for o in orders]
    gifts = db.slave.score_gift.filter(id__in=gift_ids)
    giftdict = {g.id: g for g in gifts}
    rows = []
    for o in orders:
        gift = giftdict.get(o.gift_id)
        r = Struct()
        r.id = o.id
        r.order_number = o.order_number
        r.gift_id = gift.id if gift else 0
        r.gift_name = gift.name if gift else u''
        r.gift_img = get_absurl(gift.img_url) if gift else ''
        r.num = o.num
        r.score = o.score
        r.status = o.status
        r.add_time = from_unixtime(o.add_date).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
        r.update_time = from_unixtime(o.update_date).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
        r.express = o.express
    data = {'pagecount': pagecount, 'orders': rows}
    return data
def get_teacher_messages(user, sids, types, page, psize):
    王晨光     2017-6-7
    :param user: User
    :param sids: [学科ID], 空是全部消息
    :param types: [消息类型], 空是全部消息
    :param page: 页号
    :param psize: 每页条数
    :return: [消息], 总数
    units = user.units
    unit_ids = [u.id for u in units]
    if not unit_ids:
        return [], 0
    unit_ids_s = ','.join(str(i) for i in unit_ids)
    unitd = {u.id: u for u in units}
    type_cond = ""
    if types:
        type_cond = "and m.type in (%s)" % ','.join(str(i) for i in types)
    subject_cond = ""
    nowt = int(time.time())
    if sids:
        subject_cond = "and m.subject_id in (%s)" % ','.join(
            str(i) for i in sids)
    sql = """
    select m.id, m.type, m.subject_id, m.object_id, m.add_user, m.title, m.content, 
        m.add_time, group_concat(c.unit_class_id) unit_ids, m.images
    from message m
    inner join message_class c on c.message_id=m.id and c.unit_class_id in (%s)
    where m.status=1 and m.begin_time <= %s and m.add_user=%s %s %s
    group by m.begin_time desc
    limit %s, %s
    """ % (unit_ids_s, nowt, user.id, subject_cond, type_cond,
           (page - 1) * psize, psize)
    messages = db.slave.fetchall_dict(sql)
    for m in messages:
        if m.type == 1 and m.images:
            # 格式化图片
            m.images = map(lambda x: get_absurl(x), json.loads(m.images))
            m.images = []
        class_ids = m.pop('unit_ids', '')
        class_ids = [int(i) for i in class_ids.split(',') if i]
        classes = []
        for i in class_ids:
            unit = unitd.get(i)
            if unit:
                classes.append({'id': unit.id, 'name': unit.name})
        m.units = classes
        m.add_time = from_unixtime(m.add_time)
    # 计算总数
    sql = """
    select count(distinct m.id) n
    from message m
    inner join message_class c on c.message_id=m.id and c.unit_class_id in (%s)
    where m.status=1 and m.begin_time <= %s and m.add_user=%s %s %s
    """ % (unit_ids_s, nowt, user.id, subject_cond, type_cond)
    row = db.slave.fetchone(sql)
    total = row[0] if row else 0

    return messages, total
def outside_task_info(user, message_id, unit_id):
    :param user: 
    :param message_id: 
    :param unit_id: 
    sql = """
    select m.id, m.content, m.title, m.begin_time, m.end_time endtime, m.add_user user_id, images from message m 
    inner join message_class c on m.id = c.message_id
    where m.id = %s and c.unit_class_id = %s;
    """ % (message_id, unit_id)
    msg = db.slave.fetchone_dict(sql)
    if not msg:
    now = int(time.time())

    if msg.endtime <= now:
        # 更新教师端检查作业状态
        call(update_outside_status, user, msg.id, unit_id)

    time_sub = now - int(msg.begin_time)
    msg.begin_time = from_unixtime(
        msg.begin_time) if time_sub >= 24 * 60 * 60 else change_time(time_sub)
    msg.end_time = from_unixtime(msg.endtime)
    msg.is_upload = 1
    if not msg.images:
        msg.figure_images = []
        msg.images = []
        images = is_empty(
            map(lambda x: format_outside_url(x, is_figure=False),
        msg.figure_images = is_empty(
            map(lambda x: format_outside_url(x, is_figure=True),
        msg.images = images

    stu_ids = user.get_mobile_order_region().select('user_id').\
        filter(unit_class_id=unit_id, user_type=1).flat("user_id")[:]

    stu_tests = db.slave.outside_task_test.filter(user_id__in=stu_ids, message_id=message_id).\
        select("user_id", "media_url", "type", "content", "thumb_up", "add_time").order_by("-thumb_up", "add_time")[:]

    stu_tests_map = {i.user_id: i for i in stu_tests}

    if user.is_teacher:
        msg.user_name = user.real_name
        msg.portrait = user.portrait
        tea_user = com_user.get_user(msg.user_id)
        msg.user_name = tea_user.real_name
        msg.portrait = tea_user.portrait
        msg.status = 0
        if user.id in stu_tests_map or msg.endtime <= now:
            msg.status = 1

    userd = com_user.get_users(stu_ids)

    msg.finish = []
    msg.unfinish = []
    for user_id, stu_user in userd.iteritems():
        stu_test = stu_tests_map.get(user_id)
        if not stu_test:
            d = dict(real_name=stu_user.real_name, portrait=stu_user.portrait)

        media_url = is_empty(json.loads(stu_test.media_url))
        if not media_url:
            stu_test.figure_url = []
            stu_test.media_url = []
            stu_test.media_url = map(lambda x: format_outside_url(x),
            if stu_test.type == 1:
                stu_test.figure_url = map(
                    lambda x: format_outside_url(x, is_figure=True), media_url)

        stu_test.user_name = stu_user.real_name
        stu_test.add_time = from_unixtime(stu_test.add_time)
        stu_test.portrait = stu_user.portrait
    msg.finish.sort(key=lambda m: (-m.thumb_up, m.add_time))
    return msg
def get_student_messages(user, sids, types, page, psize):
    王晨光     2017-6-7
    :param user: User
    :param sids: [学科ID]
    :param types: [消息类型], 空是全部消息
    :param page: 页号
    :param psize: 每页条数
    :return: [消息], 总数
    unit = user.unit
    if not unit:
        return [], 0
    type_cond = ""
    if types:
        type_cond = "and m.type in (%s)" % ','.join(str(i) for i in types)
    subject_cond = ""
    if sids:
        subject_cond = "and m.subject_id in (%s)" % ','.join(
            str(i) for i in sids)
    nowt = int(time.time())
    sql = """
    select m.id, m.type, m.subject_id, m.object_id, m.add_user, m.title, m.content, 
        m.add_time, m.end_time endtime, m.images, m.begin_time
    from message m
    inner join message_class c on c.message_id=m.id and c.unit_class_id=%s and (c.student_ids='' or c.student_ids like '%%|%s|%%')
    where m.status=1 AND m.begin_time <= %s %s %s
    order by m.begin_time desc,m.add_time desc, m.object_id desc
    limit %s, %s
    """ % (unit.id, user.id, nowt, subject_cond, type_cond,
           (page - 1) * psize, psize)
    messages = db.slave.fetchall_dict(sql)
    for m in messages:
        if m.type == 1 and m.images:
            # 格式化图片
            m.images = map(lambda x: get_absurl(x), json.loads(m.images))
            m.images = []
        m.units = [{'id': unit.id, 'name': unit.name}]
        m.add_time = from_unixtime(m.add_time)
        m.end_time = from_unixtime(m.endtime)
        m.begin_time = from_unixtime(m.begin_time)

        m.is_active = 0

    # 补充完成状态
    task_messages = [m for m in messages if m.type in (2, 7, 8, 9, 101)]
    groups = itertools.groupby(task_messages, lambda x: x.subject_id)
    status_d = {}
    for subject_id, msgs in groups:
        task_ids = [m.object_id for m in msgs]
        d = get_task_status(user.id, subject_id, task_ids)
        for task_id, status in d.items():
            status_d[(subject_id, task_id)] = status

    msg_ids = [m.id for m in messages if m.type == 10]
    outside_status = get_outside_task_status(user.id, msg_ids)

    for m in messages:
        if m.type == 10:
            # 判断课外作业状态
            m.test_status = 1 if m.id in outside_status else 0
            if int(time.time()) > m.endtime:
                # 如果用户没有提交, 到结束时间用户将不能提交
                m.test_status = 1
            test_status = status_d.get((m.subject_id, m.object_id)) or 0
            if test_status != 1 and int(time.time()) > m.endtime:
                test_status = 3
            m.test_status = test_status

    # 计算总数
    sql = """
    select count(distinct m.id) n
    from message m
    inner join message_class c on c.message_id=m.id and c.unit_class_id=%s and (c.student_ids='' or c.student_ids like '%%|%s|%%')
    where m.status=1 and m.begin_time <= %s %s %s
    """ % (unit.id, user.id, nowt, subject_cond, type_cond)
    row = db.slave.fetchone(sql)
    total = row[0] if row else 0

    return messages, total
def get_user_students(user, unit_id):
    方朋       2014-04-15
    王浩       2016-??-?? 增加计费状态
    王晨光     2017-02-20 加缓存
    :param user: 教师User
    :param unit_id: 班级ID
    :return: {
        'student_num': 班级人数,
        'open_num': 开通人数,
        'unopen_num': 未开通人数,
        'trial_count': 试用人数,
        'students': [students]
    if user.is_teacher:
        sid = user.sid
        students = get_unit_students(user, unit_id)
        # 读取学科开通信息
        user_ids = [s.user_id for s in students]
        mslist = db.ketang_slave.mobile_subject.select(
            'phone_number', 'user_id', 'cancel_date',
            '1 send_open', 'open_date', 'status').filter(user_id__in=user_ids,
        # nowt = int(time.time())
        for m in mslist:
            # m.status = 2 if nowt >= m.open_date and (
            #     m.cancel_date <= 0 or nowt < m.cancel_date) and m.open_date > 0 else 0
            if int(m.status) in (2, 3):  # 待退订和开通 都是开通
                m.status = 2
        msdict = {ms.user_id: ms for ms in mslist}
        for s in students:
            ms = msdict.get(s.user_id)
            if ms:
                # 属性解释:
                # status:mobile_subject 的id;
                # is_status:0表示非暂存;1表示暂存
                # send_open:0表示未下发开通请求;1表示已经下发了开通请求
        students = []
    student_num = unopen_num = open_num = trial_num = 0

    for obj in students:
        student_num += 1
        now = datetime.datetime.now()
        obj.open_date = from_unixtime(obj.open_date)
        # 计费状态(1体验状态 2计费状态)
        billing = 0
        # 计费时间为开通时加一个月
        billing_date = obj.open_date + datetime.timedelta(
            days=31) if obj.open_date else None

        if billing_date:
            if billing_date > now:
                billing = 1
            elif billing_date < now:
                billing = 2

        obj.billing = billing
        obj.billing_date = billing_date
        if (obj.status == 2 and obj.billing == 1) or obj.status == 9:
            trial_num += 1
            obj.state = "trial"
        if obj.status == 2 and obj.billing == 2:
            open_num += 1
            obj.state = "open"
        if obj.status not in (2, 9):
            unopen_num += 1
            obj.state = "unopen"

    # 同一手机号只有一个显示为开通, 其余显示体验状态
    open_phones = set()
    for obj in students:
        phone = obj.phone_number
        if obj.status == 2 and obj.billing == 2:
            if phone in open_phones:
                obj.status = 9
                obj.state = "trial"
                trial_num += 1
                open_num -= 1

    data = {
        'student_num': student_num,
        'open_num': open_num,
        'unopen_num': unopen_num,
        'trial_count': trial_num,
        'students': students
    return data