def endSetup(self): # get pio version executable = os.path.join(self.env_bin_dir, 'pio') cmd = ['\"' + executable + '\"', '--version'] out = childProcess(cmd) pio_version = match(r"\w+\W \w+ (.+)", out[1]).group(1) self.Preferences.set('pio_version', pio_version) # save env paths env_path = [self.env_bin_dir] self.saveEnvPaths(env_path) # copy menu sys_os = Tools.getOsName() preset_path = Paths.getPresetPath() plg_path = Paths.getPluginPath() dst = os.path.join(plg_path, 'Settings-Default', 'Main.sublime-menu') if(sys_os == 'windows'): src_path = os.path.join(preset_path, '') copy(src_path, dst) elif(sys_os == 'osx'): src_path = os.path.join(preset_path, 'Main.sublime-menu.osx') copy(src_path, dst) else: src_path = os.path.join(preset_path, 'Main.sublime-menu.linux') copy(src_path, dst) # creating files (menu, completions, syntax) generateFiles()
def listIds(self): language_list_path = Paths.getLanguageList() self.lang_params = JSONFile(language_list_path).getData() language_path = Paths.getLanguagePath() lang_file_paths = glob.glob(language_path + '/*.lang') lang_file_names = [os.path.basename(p) for p in lang_file_paths] self.ids_lang += [os.path.splitext(nam)[0] for nam in lang_file_names] self.id_path_dict.update(dict(zip(self.ids_lang, lang_file_paths))) self.ids_lang.sort(key=lambda _id: self.lang_params.get(_id)[1])
def createSyntaxFile(): """ Generate the syntax file based in the installed libraries """ try: from . import Paths from .JSONFile import JSONFile except: from libs import Paths from libs.JSONFile import JSONFile keywords = getKeywords() LITERAL1s = [] KEYWORD1s = [] KEYWORD2s = [] KEYWORD3s = [] # set keywords for k in keywords: for w in k.get_keywords(): if 'LITERAL1' in w.get_type(): LITERAL1s.append(w.get_id()) if 'KEYWORD1' in w.get_type(): KEYWORD1s.append(w.get_id()) if 'KEYWORD2' in w.get_type(): KEYWORD2s.append(w.get_id()) if 'KEYWORD3' in w.get_type(): KEYWORD3s.append(w.get_id()) # formating LITERAL1s = set(LITERAL1s) LITERAL1s = '|'.join(LITERAL1s) KEYWORD1s = set(KEYWORD1s) KEYWORD1s = '|'.join(KEYWORD1s) KEYWORD2s = set(KEYWORD2s) KEYWORD2s = '|'.join(KEYWORD2s) KEYWORD3s = set(KEYWORD3s) KEYWORD3s = '|'.join(KEYWORD3s) # get sintax preset sintax_path = Paths.getSyntaxPath() sintax_file = JSONFile(sintax_path) sintax = sintax_file.readFile() # replace words in sintax file sintax = sintax.replace('${LITERAL1}', LITERAL1s) sintax = sintax.replace('${KEYWORD1}', KEYWORD1s) sintax = sintax.replace('${KEYWORD2}', KEYWORD2s) sintax = sintax.replace('${KEYWORD3}', KEYWORD3s) # Save File file_path = Paths.getTmLanguage() language_file = JSONFile(file_path) language_file.writeFile(sintax)
def saveCodeInFile(self, view): """ If the sketch in the current view has been not saved, it generate a random name and stores in a temp folder. Arguments: view {ST Object} -- Object with multiples options of ST """ ext = '.ino' tmp_path = Paths.getTempPath() file_name = str(time.time()).split('.')[0] file_path = os.path.join(tmp_path, file_name) file_path = os.path.join(file_path, 'src') os.makedirs(file_path) full_path = file_name + ext full_path = os.path.join(file_path, full_path) region = sublime.Region(0, view.size()) text = view.substr(region) file = JSONFile(full_path) file.writeFile(text) view.set_scratch(True) window = view.window() window.run_command('close') view = window.open_file(full_path) return (True, view)
def initSketchProject(self, chosen): ''' command to initialize the board(s) selected by the user. This function can only be use if the workig file is an IoT type (checked by isIOTFile) ''' # check if it was already initialized ini_path = Paths.getFullIniPath(self.dir) if (os.path.isfile(ini_path)): with open(ini_path) as file: if (chosen in return init_board = '--board=%s ' % chosen if (not init_board): current_time = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S') msg = 'none_board_sel_{0}' self.message_queue.put(msg, current_time) self.Commands.error_running = True return command = ['init', '%s' % (init_board)] self.Commands.runCommand(command) if (not self.Commands.error_running): if (self.is_native): self.Preferences.set('init_queue', '') if (not self.is_native and self.src): self.overrideSrc(self.dir, self.src)
def removeEnvFromFile(self, env): """ Removes the environment select from the platformio.ini file Arguments: env {string} -- environment to remove """ ini_path = self.Preferences.get('ini_path', False) if(not ini_path): return found = False write = False buffer = "" # exclude environment selected ini_path = Paths.getFullIniPath(ini_path) if(not os.path.isfile(ini_path)): return with open(ini_path) as file: for line in file: if(env in line and not found): found = True write = True if(not found): buffer += line if(found and line == '\n'): found = False # save new platformio.ini if(write): with open(ini_path, 'w') as file: file.write(buffer)
def __init__(self): self.Preferences = Preferences() self.base_dir = Paths.getDeviotUserPath() self.env_dir = Paths.getEnvDir() self.env_bin_dir = Paths.getEnvBinDir() self.cache_dir = Paths.getCacheDir() self.env_file = Paths.getEnvFile() self.cached_file = False # console window = sublime.active_window() console_name = 'Deviot|Pio_Install' + str(time.time()) console = Messages.Console(window, name=console_name) # Queue for the user console self.message_queue = Messages.MessageQueue(console)
def initSketchProject(self, chosen): ''' command to initialize the board(s) selected by the user. This function can only be use if the workig file is an IoT type (checked by isIOTFile) ''' # check if it was already initialized ini_path = Paths.getFullIniPath(self.dir) if(os.path.isfile(ini_path)): with open(ini_path) as file: if(chosen in return init_board = '--board=%s ' % chosen if(not init_board): current_time = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S') msg = 'none_board_sel_{0}' self.message_queue.put(msg, current_time) self.Commands.error_running = True return command = ['init', '%s' % (init_board)] self.Commands.runCommand(command) if(not self.Commands.error_running): if(self.is_native): self.Preferences.set('init_queue', '') if(not self.is_native and self.src): self.overrideSrc(self.dir, self.src)
def removePreferences(): from shutil import rmtree try: from . import Paths except: from libs import Paths plug_path = Paths.getPluginPath() dst = os.path.join(plug_path, 'Settings-Default', 'Main.sublime-menu') user_path = Paths.getDeviotUserPath() main_menu = Paths.getSublimeMenuPath() # remove files rmtree(user_path, ignore_errors=False) os.remove(main_menu) os.remove(dst)
def removeEnvFromFile(self, env): """ Removes the environment select from the platformio.ini file Arguments: env {string} -- environment to remove """ ini_path = self.Preferences.get('ini_path', False) if (not ini_path): return found = False write = False buffer = "" # exclude environment selected ini_path = Paths.getFullIniPath(ini_path) if (not os.path.isfile(ini_path)): return with open(ini_path) as file: for line in file: if (env in line and not found): found = True write = True if (not found): buffer += line if (found and line == '\n'): found = False # save new platformio.ini if (write): with open(ini_path, 'w') as file: file.write(buffer)
def createCompletions(): """ Generate the completions file """ try: from . import Paths from .JSONFile import JSONFile except: from libs import Paths from libs.JSONFile import JSONFile keywords = getKeywords() keyword_ids = [] user_path = Paths.getDeviotUserPath() completion_path = os.path.join(user_path, 'Deviot.sublime-completions') cpp_keywords = ['define', 'error', 'include', 'elif', 'endif'] cpp_keywords += ['ifdef', 'ifndef', 'undef', 'line', 'pragma'] for k in keywords: for w in k.get_keywords(): keyword_ids += [w.get_id() for w in k.get_keywords()] keyword_ids = set(keyword_ids) keyword_ids = [word for word in keyword_ids] completions_dict = {'scope': 'source.iot'} completions_dict['completions'] = keyword_ids file = JSONFile(completion_path) file.setData(completions_dict)
def endSetup(self): try: from .PlatformioCLI import generateFiles except: from libs.PlatformioCLI import generateFiles # save env paths if(self.os != 'osx'): env_path = [self.env_bin_dir] self.saveEnvPaths(env_path) # get pio version if(self.os == 'osx'): executable = os.path.join(self.env_bin_dir, 'python') cmd = ['"%s"' % (executable), '-m', 'platformio', '--version'] else: executable = os.path.join(self.env_bin_dir, 'pio') cmd = ['"%s"' % (executable), '--version'] out = childProcess(cmd) pio_version = match(r"\w+\W \w+ (.+)", out[1]).group(1) self.Preferences.set('pio_version', pio_version) # copy menu sys_os = Tools.getOsName() preset_path = Paths.getPresetPath() plg_path = Paths.getPluginPath() dst = os.path.join(plg_path, 'Settings-Default', 'Main.sublime-menu') if(sys_os == 'windows'): if(platform.release() == '7'): src_path = os.path.join(preset_path, 'Main.sublime-menu.w7') else: src_path = os.path.join(preset_path, '') copy(src_path, dst) elif(sys_os == 'osx'): src_path = os.path.join(preset_path, 'Main.sublime-menu.osx') copy(src_path, dst) else: src_path = os.path.join(preset_path, 'Main.sublime-menu.linux') copy(src_path, dst) # creating files (menu, completions, syntax) sublime.set_timeout(generateFiles, 0) self.Preferences.set('protected', True) self.Preferences.set('enable_menu', True)
def getSublimeMenu(self, user_path=False): """ Get the data of the different files that make up the main menu Keyword Arguments: user_path {boolean} -- True: get file from Packages/Deviot/Preset --False: get file from Packages/User/Deviot/Preset (Defaul:False) """ menu_path = Paths.getSublimeMenuPath(user_path) menu_file = JSONFile(menu_path) menu_data = menu_file.getData() return menu_data
def getTemplateMenu(self, file_name, user_path=False): """ Get the template menu file to be modified by the different methods Arguments file_name {string} -name of the file including the extension user_path {boolean} -- True: get file from Packages/Deviot/Preset --False: get file from Packages/User/Deviot/Preset (Defaul:False) """ file_path = Paths.getTemplateMenuPath(file_name, user_path) preset_file = JSONFile(file_path) preset_data = preset_file.getData() return preset_data
def saveTemplateMenu(self, data, file_name, user_path=False): """ Save the menu template in json format Arguments: data {json} -- st json object with the data of the menu file_name {string} -- name of the file including the extension user_path {boolean} -- True: save file in Packages/Deviot/Preset --False: save file in Packages/User/Deviot/Preset (Defaul:False) """ file_path = Paths.getTemplateMenuPath(file_name, user_path) preset_file = JSONFile(file_path) preset_file.setData(data) preset_file.saveData()
def saveLibraryData(self, data, file_name): """ Stores the data of the libraries in a json file Arguments: data {json} json data with the libraries file_name {string} name of the json file """ libraries_path = Paths.getLibraryPath() library_path = os.path.join(libraries_path, file_name) libraries = JSONFile(library_path) libraries.setData(data) libraries.saveData()
def overrideSrc(self, ini_path, src_dir): """ Append in the platformio.ini file, the src_dir option to override the source folder where the sketch is stored Arguments: ini_path {string} -- path of the platformio.ini file src_dir {string} -- path where source folder the is located """ header = '[platformio]' ini_path = Paths.getFullIniPath(self.dir) with open(ini_path) as file: if header not in with open(ini_path, 'a+') as new_file: new_file.write("\n%s\n" % header) new_file.write("src_dir=%s\n" % src_dir)
def generateFiles(install=False): # Creates new menu api_boards = Paths.getTemplateMenuPath('platformio_boards.json', user_path=True) # create main files PlatformioCLI().saveAPIBoards(install=install) Menu().createMainMenu() Tools.createCompletions() Tools.createSyntaxFile() Menu().createLibraryImportMenu() Menu().createLibraryExamplesMenu() # Run serial port listener Serial = SerialListener(func=Menu().createSerialPortsMenu) Serial.start()
def getLibrary(self, file_name): """ Get a specific json file and return the data Arguments: file_name {string} Json file name where is stored the library data Returns: [dict] -- Dictionary with the library data """ plugin_path = Paths.getLibraryPath() library_path = os.path.join(plugin_path, file_name) libraries = JSONFile(library_path).getData() return libraries
def saveSublimeMenu(self, data, sub_folder=False, user_path=False): """ Save the data in different files to make up the main menu Arguments: data {json} -- json st data to create the menu Keyword Arguments: sub_folder {string/bool} -- name of the sub folder to save the file -- (default: False) user_path {boolean} -- True: Save file in Packages/Deviot/Preset -- False: Save file in Packages/User/Deviot/Preset (Defaul:False) """ menu_file_path = Paths.getSublimeMenuPath(sub_folder, user_path) file_menu = JSONFile(menu_file_path) file_menu.setData(data) file_menu.saveData()
def createMainMenu(self): ''' Creates the main menu with the differents options including boards, libraries, and user options. ''' boards = self.createBoardsMenu() if(not boards): return False menu_data = self.getTemplateMenu(file_name='menu_main.json') # Main Menu for first_menu in menu_data[0]: for second_menu in menu_data[0][first_menu]: if 'caption' in second_menu: second_menu['caption'] = _(second_menu['caption']) if 'children' in second_menu: if(second_menu['id'] == 'select_board'): second_menu['children'] = boards # sub menu translation (avoiding the boards menu) for third_menu in menu_data[0]['children']: try: for caption in third_menu['children']: caption['caption'] = _(caption['caption']) try: for item in caption['children']: item['caption'] = _(item['caption']) except: pass except: pass self.saveSublimeMenu(data=menu_data) env_path = Paths.getSublimeMenuPath( 'environment', user_path=True) if(os.path.isfile(env_path)): self.createEnvironmentMenu() self.createLanguageMenu()
def createLibraryExamplesMenu(self): """ Shows the examples of the library in a menu """ examples = [] children = [] library_paths = Paths.getLibraryFolders() for path in library_paths: sub_paths = glob.glob(path) for sub in sub_paths: sub = os.path.join(sub, '*') libs = glob.glob(sub) for lib in libs: caption = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(lib)) new_caption = search(r"^(\w+)_ID?", caption) if (new_caption is not None): caption = if os.path.isdir(lib) and os.listdir( lib) and 'examples' in lib: file_examples = os.path.join(lib, '*') file_examples = glob.glob(file_examples) for file in file_examples: caption_example = os.path.basename(file) temp_info = {} temp_info['caption'] = caption_example temp_info['command'] = 'open_example' temp_info['args'] = {'example_path': file} children.append(temp_info) temp_info = {} temp_info['caption'] = caption temp_info['children'] = children examples.append(temp_info) children = [] examples.append({'caption': '-'}) # get preset menu_lib_example = self.getTemplateMenu(file_name='examples.json') # save file menu_lib_example[0]['children'][0]['children'] = examples self.saveSublimeMenu(data=menu_lib_example, sub_folder='library_example', user_path=True)
def createMainMenu(self): ''' Creates the main menu with the differents options including boards, libraries, and user options. ''' boards = self.createBoardsMenu() if (not boards): return False menu_data = self.getTemplateMenu(file_name='menu_main.json') # Main Menu for first_menu in menu_data[0]: for second_menu in menu_data[0][first_menu]: if 'caption' in second_menu: second_menu['caption'] = _(second_menu['caption']) if 'children' in second_menu: if (second_menu['id'] == 'select_board'): second_menu['children'] = boards # sub menu translation (avoiding the boards menu) for third_menu in menu_data[0]['children']: try: for caption in third_menu['children']: caption['caption'] = _(caption['caption']) try: for item in caption['children']: item['caption'] = _(item['caption']) except: pass except: pass self.saveSublimeMenu(data=menu_data) env_path = Paths.getSublimeMenuPath('environment', user_path=True) if (os.path.isfile(env_path)): self.createEnvironmentMenu() self.createLanguageMenu()
def createLibraryExamplesMenu(self): """ Shows the examples of the library in a menu """ examples = [] children = [] library_paths = Paths.getLibraryFolders() for path in library_paths: sub_paths = glob.glob(path) for sub in sub_paths: sub = os.path.join(sub, '*') libs = glob.glob(sub) for lib in libs: caption = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(lib)) new_caption = search(r"^(\w+)_ID?", caption) if(new_caption is not None): caption = if os.path.isdir(lib) and os.listdir(lib) and 'examples' in lib: file_examples = os.path.join(lib, '*') file_examples = glob.glob(file_examples) for file in file_examples: caption_example = os.path.basename(file) temp_info = {} temp_info['caption'] = caption_example temp_info['command'] = 'open_example' temp_info['args'] = {'example_path': file} children.append(temp_info) temp_info = {} temp_info['caption'] = caption temp_info['children'] = children examples.append(temp_info) children = [] examples.append({'caption': '-'}) # get preset menu_lib_example = self.getTemplateMenu(file_name='examples.json') # save file menu_lib_example[0]['children'][0]['children'] = examples self.saveSublimeMenu(data=menu_lib_example, sub_folder='library_example', user_path=True)
def createSketch(sketch_name, path): try: from . import Paths from .Preferences import Preferences except: from libs import Paths from libs.Preferences import Preferences # file path sketch_path = os.path.join(path, sketch_name) if not os.path.exists(sketch_path): os.makedirs(sketch_path) # use cpp file/template intead of ino cpp = Preferences().get('use_cpp', False) if cpp: ext = '.cpp' else: ext = '.ino' # get template template_file_name = 'template' + ext preset_path = Paths.getPresetPath() template_file_path = os.path.join(preset_path, template_file_name) with open(template_file_path) as file: src_code = src_file_name = sketch_name + ext src_file_path = os.path.join(sketch_path, src_file_name) # save new file with open(src_file_path, 'w') as src_file: src_code = src_code.replace('${src_file_name}', src_file_name) src_file.write(src_code) # open new file views = [] window = sublime.active_window() view = window.open_file(src_file_path) views.append(view) if views: window.focus_view(views[0])
def checkInitFile(self): """ Check each platformio.ini file and loads the environments already initialized. """ protected = self.Preferences.get('protected', False) if(not protected): return # Empy menu if it's not a IoT file if(not self.is_iot): if(Tools.getPythonVersion() > 2): self.Menu.createEnvironmentMenu(empty=True) return ini_path = Paths.getFullIniPath(self.dir) # show non native data if(not self.is_native): self.Preferences.set('native', False) self.Preferences.set('ini_path', self.dir) self.Menu.createEnvironmentMenu() return else: self.Preferences.set('native', True) self.Preferences.set('ini_path', self.dir) # get data from platformio.ini file ini_list = [] with open(ini_path, 'r') as file: pattern = compile(r'\[(\w+)\W(\w+)\]') for line in file: if pattern.findall(line): if('#' not in line): line = match(r"\[\w+:(\w+)\]", line).group(1) ini_list.append(line) # save preferences, update menu data type = 'board_id' if not self.is_native else 'found_ini' self.Preferences.set(type, ini_list) self.Menu.createEnvironmentMenu()
def createSketch(sketch_name, path): try: from . import Paths from .Preferences import Preferences except: from libs import Paths from libs.Preferences import Preferences # file path sketch_path = os.path.join(path, sketch_name) if not os.path.exists(sketch_path): os.makedirs(sketch_path) # use cpp file/template intead of ino cpp = Preferences().get('use_cpp', False) if cpp: ext = '.cpp' else: ext = '.ino' # get template template_file_name = 'template' + ext preset_path = Paths.getPresetPath() template_file_path = os.path.join(preset_path, template_file_name) with open(template_file_path) as file: src_code = src_file_name = sketch_name + ext src_file_path = os.path.join(sketch_path, src_file_name) # save new file with open(src_file_path, 'w') as src_file: src_code = src_code.replace('${src_file_name}', src_file_name) src_file.write(src_code) # open new file window = sublime.active_window() view = window.open_file(src_file_path) views.append(view) if views: window.focus_view(views[0])
def on_close(self, view): """ When a sketch is closed, temp files are deleted Arguments: view {ST object} -- Sublime Text Object """ # Serial Monitor monitor_module = Serial if Messages.isMonitorView(view): name = serial_port = name.split('-')[1].strip() if serial_port in monitor_module.serials_in_use: cur_serial_monitor = monitor_module.serial_monitor_dict.get( serial_port, None) if cur_serial_monitor: cur_serial_monitor.stop() monitor_module.serials_in_use.remove(serial_port) # Remove cache keep_cache = Preferences().get('keep_cache', True) if (keep_cache): return file_path = Tools.getPathFromView(view) if (not file_path): return file_name = Tools.getFileNameFromPath(file_path, ext=False) tmp_path = Paths.getTempPath() tmp_all = os.path.join(tmp_path, '*') tmp_all = glob.glob(tmp_all) for content in tmp_all: if file_name in content: tmp_path = os.path.join(tmp_path, content) rmtree(tmp_path, ignore_errors=False) Preferences().set('builded_sketch', False) # Empty enviroment menu Menu().createEnvironmentMenu(empty=True)
def getKeywords(): """ Gets the keywords from the installed libraries Returns: [list] -- list of object with the keywords """ try: from . import Paths except: from libs import Paths keywords = [] keywords_dirs = Paths.getLibraryFolders() for path in keywords_dirs: sub_dirs = glob.glob(path) for sub_dir in sub_dirs: key_file = os.path.join(sub_dir, 'keywords.txt') if(os.path.isfile(key_file)): keywords.append(Keywords.KeywordsFile(key_file)) return keywords
def on_close(self, view): """ When a sketch is closed, temp files are deleted Arguments: view {ST object} -- Sublime Text Object """ # Serial Monitor monitor_module = Serial if Messages.isMonitorView(view): name = serial_port = name.split('-')[1].strip() if serial_port in monitor_module.serials_in_use: cur_serial_monitor = monitor_module.serial_monitor_dict.get( serial_port, None) if cur_serial_monitor: cur_serial_monitor.stop() monitor_module.serials_in_use.remove(serial_port) # Remove cache keep_cache = Preferences().get('keep_cache', True) if(keep_cache): return file_path = Tools.getPathFromView(view) if(not file_path): return file_name = Tools.getFileNameFromPath(file_path, ext=False) tmp_path = Paths.getTempPath() tmp_all = os.path.join(tmp_path, '*') tmp_all = glob.glob(tmp_all) for content in tmp_all: if file_name in content: tmp_path = os.path.join(tmp_path, content) rmtree(tmp_path, ignore_errors=False) Preferences().set('builded_sketch', False) # Empty enviroment menu Menu().createEnvironmentMenu(empty=True)
def getKeywords(): """ Gets the keywords from the installed libraries Returns: [list] -- list of object with the keywords """ try: from . import Paths except: from libs import Paths keywords = [] keywords_dirs = Paths.getLibraryFolders() for path in keywords_dirs: sub_dirs = glob.glob(path) for sub_dir in sub_dirs: key_file = os.path.join(sub_dir, 'keywords.txt') if (os.path.isfile(key_file)): keywords.append(Keywords.KeywordsFile(key_file)) return keywords
def checkInitFile(self): """ Check each platformio.ini file and loads the environments already initialized. """ protected = self.Preferences.get('protected', False) if (not protected): return # Empy menu if it's not a IoT file if (not self.is_iot): return ini_path = Paths.getFullIniPath(self.dir) # show non native data if (not self.is_native): self.Preferences.set('native', False) self.Preferences.set('ini_path', self.dir) self.Menu.createEnvironmentMenu() return else: self.Preferences.set('native', True) self.Preferences.set('ini_path', self.dir) # get data from platformio.ini file ini_list = [] with open(ini_path, 'r') as file: pattern = compile(r'\[(\w+)\W(\w+)\]') for line in file: if pattern.findall(line): if ('#' not in line): line = match(r"\[\w+:(\w+)\]", line).group(1) ini_list.append(line) # save preferences, update menu data type = 'board_id' if not self.is_native else 'found_ini' self.Preferences.set(type, ini_list) self.Menu.createEnvironmentMenu()
def __init__(self, view=False, console=False, install=False, command=True): ''' Initialize the command and preferences classes, to check if the current work file is an IoT type it received the view parameter (ST parameter). This parameter is necessary only in the options like build or upload. Keyword Arguments: view {st object} -- stores many info related with ST (default: False) ''' self.Preferences = Preferences() self.Menu = Menu() # user console if (console): current_time = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S') self.message_queue = MessageQueue(console) self.message_queue.startPrint() # For installing purposes if (install): self.Commands = CommandsPy(console=console) return self.view = view self.execute = True self.is_native = False self.is_iot = False if (view): # avoid to do anything with a monitor view view_name = sketch_size = view.size() file_path = Tools.getPathFromView(view) if (not file_path and 'monitor' in view_name.lower()): try: current_time = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S') self.message_queue.put('invalid_file_{0}', current_time) except: pass self.execute = False return # unsaved file if (command and not file_path and sketch_size > 0): saved_file = self.saveCodeInFile(view) view = saved_file[1] file_path = Tools.getPathFromView(view) if (command and not sketch_size): self.message_queue.put('not_empty_sketch_{0}', current_time) # current file / view current_path = Paths.getCurrentFilePath(view) if (not current_path): return self.is_iot = Tools.isIOTFile(view) current_dir = Paths.getCWD(current_path) parent_dir = Paths.getParentCWD(current_path) file_name = Tools.getFileNameFromPath(file_path) temp_name = Tools.getFileNameFromPath(current_path, ext=False) if (not self.is_iot): self.execute = False # check IoT type file if (console and not self.is_iot and not self.execute): current_time = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S') msg = 'not_iot_{0}{1}' if (not file_name): msg = 'not_empty_sketch_{0}' self.message_queue.put(msg, current_time, file_name) self.execute = False return if (not command and not self.is_iot): return # Check native project for file in os.listdir(parent_dir): if (file.endswith('platformio.ini')): self.dir = parent_dir self.src = False self.is_native = True break # set native paths if (not self.is_native): build_dir = Paths.getBuildPath(temp_name) if (not build_dir): build_dir = Paths.getTempPath(temp_name) self.src = current_dir self.dir = build_dir # unsaved changes if (command and view.is_dirty()): view.run_command('save') if (console): self.message_queue.put('[ Deviot {0} ] {1}\\n', version, file_name) time.sleep(0.02) # Initilized commands self.Commands = CommandsPy(console=console, cwd=self.dir)
def run(self, edit): temp = Paths.getTempPath() url = Paths.getOpenFolderPath(temp) sublime.run_command('open_url', {'url': url})
def run(self, edit): library = Paths.getPioLibrary() url = Paths.getOpenFolderPath(library) sublime.run_command('open_url', {'url': url})
def on_done(self, sketch_name): Paths.selectDir(self.window, key=sketch_name, func=Tools.createSketch)
def run(self): Paths.selectDir(self.window, key='build_dir', func=Preferences().set)
def run(self): Paths.selectDir(self.window, key='default_path', func=Preferences().set)
def createLibraryImportMenu(self): """ Creates the import library menu this method search in the user and core libraries """ library_paths = Paths.getLibraryFolders() added_lib = [] children = [] # get preset menu_import_lib = self.getTemplateMenu(file_name='import_library.json') for library_dir in library_paths: # add separator if 'arduinoteensy' not in library_dir: temp_info = {} temp_info['caption'] = '-' children.append(temp_info) sub_path = glob.glob(library_dir) # search in sub path for library in sub_path: # Add core libraries if '__cores__' in library: core_subs = os.path.join(library, '*') core_subs = glob.glob(core_subs) for core_sub in core_subs: core_sub_subs = os.path.join(core_sub, '*') core_sub_subs = glob.glob(core_sub_subs) for core_lib in core_sub_subs: caption = os.path.basename(core_lib) if caption not in added_lib: temp_info = {} temp_info['caption'] = caption temp_info['command'] = 'add_library' temp_info['args'] = {'library_path': library} children.append(temp_info) added_lib.append(caption) # the rest of the libraries caption = os.path.basename(library) # get library name from json file pio_libs = os.path.join('platformio', 'lib') if pio_libs in library: # get library json details library_json = os.path.join(library, 'library.json') if (not os.path.exists(library_json)): library_json = os.path.join(library, '') # when there´s json content, read it json = JSONFile(library_json) json = json.getData() if (json != {}): caption = json['name'] if caption not in added_lib and '__cores__' not in caption: temp_info = {} temp_info['caption'] = caption temp_info['command'] = 'add_library' temp_info['args'] = {'library_path': library} children.append(temp_info) added_lib.append(caption) # save file menu_import_lib[0]['children'][0]['children'] = children self.saveSublimeMenu(data=menu_import_lib, sub_folder='import_library', user_path=True)
def __init__(self, view=False, console=False, install=False, command=True): ''' Initialize the command and preferences classes, to check if the current work file is an IoT type it received the view parameter (ST parameter). This parameter is necessary only in the options like build or upload. Keyword Arguments: view {st object} -- stores many info related with ST (default: False) ''' self.Preferences = Preferences() self.Menu = Menu() # user console if(console): current_time = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S') self.message_queue = MessageQueue(console) self.message_queue.startPrint() # For installing purposes if(install): self.Commands = CommandsPy(console=console) return self.view = view self.execute = True self.is_native = False self.is_iot = False if(view): # avoid to do anything with a monitor view view_name = sketch_size = view.size() file_path = Tools.getPathFromView(view) if(not file_path and 'monitor' in view_name.lower()): try: current_time = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S') self.message_queue.put('invalid_file_{0}', current_time) except: pass self.execute = False return # unsaved file if(command and not file_path and sketch_size > 0): saved_file = self.saveCodeInFile(view) view = saved_file[1] file_path = Tools.getPathFromView(view) if(command and not sketch_size): self.message_queue.put('not_empty_sketch_{0}', current_time) # current file / view current_path = Paths.getCurrentFilePath(view) if(not current_path): return self.is_iot = Tools.isIOTFile(view) current_dir = Paths.getCWD(current_path) parent_dir = Paths.getParentCWD(current_path) file_name = Tools.getFileNameFromPath(file_path) temp_name = Tools.getFileNameFromPath(current_path, ext=False) if(not self.is_iot): self.execute = False # check IoT type file if(console and not self.is_iot and not self.execute): current_time = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S') msg = 'not_iot_{0}{1}' if(not file_name): msg = 'not_empty_sketch_{0}' self.message_queue.put(msg, current_time, file_name) self.execute = False return if(not command and not self.is_iot): return # Check native project for file in os.listdir(parent_dir): if(file.endswith('platformio.ini')): self.dir = parent_dir self.src = False self.is_native = True break # set native paths if(not self.is_native): build_dir = self.Preferences.get('build_dir', False) if(not build_dir): build_dir = Paths.getTempPath(temp_name) self.src = current_dir self.dir = build_dir # unsaved changes if (command and view.is_dirty()): view.run_command('save') if(console): self.message_queue.put( '[ Deviot {0} ] {1}\\n', version, file_name) time.sleep(0.02) # Initilized commands self.Commands = CommandsPy(console=console, cwd=self.dir)
def createLibraryImportMenu(self): """ Creates the import library menu this method search in the user and core libraries """ library_paths = Paths.getLibraryFolders() added_lib = [] children = [] # get preset menu_import_lib = self.getTemplateMenu(file_name='import_library.json') for library_dir in library_paths: # add separator if 'arduinoteensy' not in library_dir: temp_info = {} temp_info['caption'] = '-' children.append(temp_info) sub_path = glob.glob(library_dir) # search in sub path for library in sub_path: # Add core libraries if '__cores__' in library: core_subs = os.path.join(library, '*') core_subs = glob.glob(core_subs) for core_sub in core_subs: core_sub_subs = os.path.join(core_sub, '*') core_sub_subs = glob.glob(core_sub_subs) for core_lib in core_sub_subs: caption = os.path.basename(core_lib) if caption not in added_lib: temp_info = {} temp_info['caption'] = caption temp_info['command'] = 'add_library' temp_info['args'] = {'library_path': library} children.append(temp_info) added_lib.append(caption) # the rest of the libraries caption = os.path.basename(library) # get library name from json file pio_libs = os.path.join('platformio', 'lib') if pio_libs in library: # get library json details library_json = os.path.join(library, 'library.json') if (os.path.exists(library_json) == False): library_json = os.path.join(library, '') # when there´s json content, read it json = JSONFile(library_json) json = json.getData() if (json != {} ): caption = json['name'] if caption not in added_lib and '__cores__' not in caption: temp_info = {} temp_info['caption'] = caption temp_info['command'] = 'add_library' temp_info['args'] = {'library_path': library} children.append(temp_info) added_lib.append(caption) # save file menu_import_lib[0]['children'][0]['children'] = children self.saveSublimeMenu(data=menu_import_lib, sub_folder='import_library', user_path=True)