def exercise_misc():
  utils.host_and_user().show(prefix="### ")
  time_in_seconds = 1.1
  for i_trial in range(55):
    time_in_seconds = time_in_seconds**1.1
    time_units, time_unit = utils.human_readable_time(
    assert approx_equal(
      utils.human_readable_time_as_seconds(time_units, time_unit),
  fts = utils.format_timestamp
  f12 = utils.format_timestamp_12_hour
  f24 = utils.format_timestamp_24_hour
  def check(string, expected):
    assert len(string) == len(expected)
  check(f12(1280007000), 'Jul 24 2010 02:30 PM')
  check(f24(1280007000), 'Jul 24 2010 14:30')
  check(f12(1280007000, True), '24-07-10 02:30 PM')
  check(f24(1280007000, True), '24-07-10 14:30')
  check(fts(1280007000), 'Jul 24 2010 02:30 PM')
  nfs = utils.number_from_string
  for string in ["True", "False"]:
    try: nfs(string=string)
    except ValueError as e:
      assert str(e) == 'Error interpreting "%s" as a numeric expression.' % (
    else: raise Exception_expected
  assert nfs(string="-42") == -42
  assert approx_equal(nfs(string="3.14"), 3.14)
  assert approx_equal(nfs(string="cos(0)"), 1)
  try: nfs(string="xxx(0)")
  except ValueError as e:
    assert str(e).startswith(
      'Error interpreting "xxx(0)" as a numeric expression: ')
  else: raise Exception_expected
  s = "[0.143139, -0.125121, None, -0.308607]"
  assert numstr(values=eval(s)) == s
  for s,i in {"2000000" : 2000000,
              "2k" : 2048,
              "2Kb" : 2048,
              "2 Kb" : 2048,
              "5Mb" : 5*1024*1024,
              "2.5Gb" : 2.5*1024*1024*1024,
              "1T": 1024*1024*1024*1024,
              10000 : 10000,
              5.5 : 5.5,
    assert utils.get_memory_from_string(s) == i
  assert utils.tupleize(1) == (1,)
  assert utils.tupleize("abcde") == ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e')
  assert utils.tupleize([1,2,3]) == (1,2,3)
  sf = utils.search_for
  assert sf(pattern="fox", mode="==", lines=["fox", "foxes"]) \
      == ["fox"]
  assert sf(pattern="o", mode="find", lines=["fox", "bird", "mouse"]) \
      == ["fox", "mouse"]
  assert sf(pattern="fox", mode="startswith", lines=["fox", "foxes"]) \
      == ["fox", "foxes"]
  assert sf(pattern="xes", mode="endswith", lines=["fox", "foxes"]) \
      == ["foxes"]
  assert sf(pattern="es$", mode="re.search", lines=["geese", "foxes"]) \
      == ["foxes"]
  assert sf(pattern="ge", mode="re.match", lines=["geese", "angel"]) \
      == ["geese"]
  nd1d = utils.n_dim_index_from_one_dim
  for size in range(1,5):
    for i1d in range(size):
      assert nd1d(i1d=i1d, sizes=(size,)) == [i1d]
  for sizes in [(1,1), (1,3), (3,1), (2,3)]:
    ni, nj = sizes
    for i in range(ni):
      for j in range(nj):
        i1d = i*nj+j
        assert nd1d(i1d=i1d, sizes=sizes) == [i,j]
  for sizes in [(1,1,1), (1,3,1), (3,2,1), (4,3,2)]:
    ni, nj, nk = sizes
    for i in range(ni):
      for j in range(nj):
        for k in range(nk):
          i1d = (i*nj+j)*nk+k
          assert nd1d(i1d=i1d, sizes=sizes) == [i,j,k]
  from libtbx import easy_run
  b = easy_run.fully_buffered(
  for lines in [b.stdout_lines, b.stderr_lines]:
    assert lines[0].startswith("EXCEPTION_INFO: show_stack(0): ")
    assert lines[-1] == "EXCEPTION_INFO: RuntimeError: Just for testing."
  b = easy_run.fully_buffered(
    command="libtbx.raise_exception_for_testing silent")
  frange = utils.frange
  samples = utils.samples
  assert approx_equal([i/10. for i in range(-2,2)], frange(-0.2,0.2,0.1))
  assert approx_equal([i/10. for i in range(-2,2+1)], samples(-0.2,0.2,0.1))
  assert approx_equal([i/10. for i in range(2,-2,-1)], frange(0.2,-0.2,-0.1))
  assert approx_equal([i/10. for i in range(2,-2-1,-1)], samples(0.2,-0.2,-0.1))
  assert approx_equal([i/4. for i in range(4,8)], frange(1, 2, 0.25))
  assert approx_equal([i/4. for i in range(4,8+1)], samples(1, 2, 0.25))
  assert approx_equal([0.2+i/3. for i in range(4)], frange(0.2, 1.3, 1./3))
  assert approx_equal([0.2+i/3. for i in range(4)], samples(0.2, 1.3, 1./3))
  assert approx_equal(list(range(5)) , frange(5))
  assert approx_equal(list(range(5+1)) , samples(5))
  assert approx_equal(list(range(-5)), frange(-5))
  assert approx_equal(list(range(-5-1)), samples(-5))
  assert approx_equal(list(range(1,3)), frange(1, 3))
  assert approx_equal(list(range(1,3+1)), samples(1, 3))
  assert approx_equal([i/10. for i in range(20,9,-2)], frange(2.0,0.9,-0.2))
  assert approx_equal([i/10. for i in range(20,9,-2)], samples(2.0,0.9,-0.2))
  ff = utils.format_float_with_standard_uncertainty
  assert ff(21.234567, 0.0013) == "21.2346(13)"
  assert ff(21.234567, 0.0023) == "21.235(2)"
  assert ff(12345, 45) == "12350(50)"
  assert ff(12.3,1.2) == "12.3(12)"
  assert ff(-0.2451, 0.8135) == "-0.2(8)"
  assert ff(1.234, 0.196) == "1.2(2)"
  assert ff(1.234, 0.193) == "1.23(19)"
  for n in range(4):
    assert len(utils.random_hex_code(number_of_digits=n)) == n
  print("multiprocessing problem:", utils.detect_multiprocessing_problem())
  print("base36_timestamp():", utils.base36_timestamp(), "now")
  print("base36_timestamp():", utils.base36_timestamp(
    seconds_since_epoch=115855*365.2425*24*60*60), "year 115855 CE")
  print("get_svn_revision():", utils.get_svn_revision())
  print("get_build_tag():", utils.get_build_tag())
  # concatenate_python_script
  # XXX the string concatenation here is required to trick libtbx.find_clutter,
  # which will warn about repetition of the future division import.
  script = """
from __future__ """ + """import division
import os.path

def foo():
  print "bar"
  d = tempfile.mkdtemp()
  name = os.path.join(d, "tst_libtbx_utils_python_script.py")
  name2 = os.path.join(d, "tst_libtbx_utils_python_script2.py")
  open(name, "w").write(script)
  f = open(name2, "w")
  utils.concatenate_python_script(out=f, file_name=name)
  lines = open(name2).readlines()
  have_def = False
  for line in lines :
    assert (not "__future__" in line)
    if line.startswith("def foo"):
      have_def = True
  assert have_def
    ff = utils.format_float_with_standard_uncertainty
    assert ff(21.234567, 0.0013) == "21.2346(13)"
    assert ff(21.234567, 0.0023) == "21.235(2)"
    assert ff(12345, 45) == "12350(50)"
    assert ff(12.3, 1.2) == "12.3(12)"
    assert ff(-0.2451, 0.8135) == "-0.2(8)"
    assert ff(1.234, 0.196) == "1.2(2)"
    assert ff(1.234, 0.193) == "1.23(19)"
    for n in xrange(4):
        assert len(utils.random_hex_code(number_of_digits=n)) == n
    print "multiprocessing problem:", utils.detect_multiprocessing_problem()
    print "base36_timestamp():", utils.base36_timestamp(), "now"
    print "base36_timestamp():", utils.base36_timestamp(
        seconds_since_epoch=115855 * 365.2425 * 24 * 60 * 60), "year 115855 CE"
    print "get_svn_revision():", utils.get_svn_revision()
    print "get_build_tag():", utils.get_build_tag()
    # concatenate_python_script
    # XXX the string concatenation here is required to trick libtbx.find_clutter,
    # which will warn about repetition of the future division import.
    script = """
from __future__ """ + """import division
import os.path

def foo () :
  print "bar"