def test_astar(map_):
    astar = libtcodpy.path_new_using_map(map_)

    assert not libtcodpy.path_compute(astar, *POINTS_AC)
    assert libtcodpy.path_size(astar) == 0
    assert libtcodpy.path_compute(astar, *POINTS_AB)
    assert libtcodpy.path_get_origin(astar) == POINT_A
    assert libtcodpy.path_get_destination(astar) == POINT_B
    assert libtcodpy.path_get_origin(astar) == POINT_B
    assert libtcodpy.path_get_destination(astar) == POINT_A

    assert libtcodpy.path_size(astar) != 0
    assert libtcodpy.path_size(astar) > 0
    assert not libtcodpy.path_is_empty(astar)

    for i in range(libtcodpy.path_size(astar)):
        x, y = libtcodpy.path_get(astar, i)

    while (x, y) != (None, None):
        x, y = libtcodpy.path_walk(astar, False)

文件: ai.py 项目: Erik-k/roguelike
    def create_path(self, gamemap_instance):
        """Creates the initial path_map, and then on subsequent calls uses that path_map to play."""

        mymap = gamemap_instance.level

        if not self.is_pathmap_created:
            #Create the path map
            self.path_map = libtcod.map_new(MAP_WIDTH, MAP_HEIGHT)
            for x in range(1, MAP_WIDTH):
                for y in range(1, MAP_HEIGHT):
                    libtcod.map_set_properties(self.path_map, x, y, not mymap[x][y].block_sight, not mymap[x][y].blocked)
            self.is_pathmap_created = True

        # now use the path map to create the path from the explorer's current position to another spot:
        self.path = libtcod.path_new_using_map(self.path_map)
        random_destination_x, random_destination_y = choose_random_unblocked_spot(mymap)
        libtcod.path_compute(self.path, self.owner.x, self.owner.y, random_destination_x, random_destination_y)

        originx, originy = libtcod.path_get_origin(self.path)
        destx, desty = libtcod.path_get_destination(self.path)