def create_map_images(self, mode=0): if mode == 0: print 'Creating images....' t0 = libtcod.sys_elapsed_seconds() con = libtcod.console_new(game.WORLDMAP_WIDTH, game.WORLDMAP_HEIGHT) self.map_image_small = libtcod.image_new(game.WORLDMAP_WIDTH, game.WORLDMAP_HEIGHT) self.create_map_legend(con, mode) libtcod.image_scale(self.map_image_small, (game.SCREEN_WIDTH - 2) * 2, (game.SCREEN_HEIGHT - 2) * 2) if mode == 0: while self.player_positionx == 0: start = self.randomize('int', 0, (game.WORLDMAP_WIDTH * game.WORLDMAP_HEIGHT) - 1, 3) if int(self.hm_list[start] * 1000) in range(int(game.terrain['Forest']['elevation'] * 1000), int(game.terrain['Forest']['maxelev'] * 1000)): self.player_positionx = start % game.WORLDMAP_WIDTH self.player_positiony = start / game.WORLDMAP_WIDTH self.originx = self.player_positionx self.originy = self.player_positiony path = self.set_dijkstra_map() for y in range(game.WORLDMAP_HEIGHT): for x in range(game.WORLDMAP_WIDTH): dist = libtcod.dijkstra_get_distance(path, x, y) if dist > self.max_distance: self.max_distance = int(round(dist)) #libtcod.image_put_pixel(self.map_image_small, self.player_positionx, self.player_positiony, libtcod.white) if mode == 2: self.map_image_big = libtcod.image_from_console(con) libtcod.image_save(self.map_image_big, 'maps/worldmap-' + + '.png') self.map_image_big = None libtcod.console_delete(con) if mode == 0: t1 = libtcod.sys_elapsed_seconds() print ' done! (%.3f seconds)' % (t1 - t0)
def smooth_edges(self): print 'Smoothing edges....' t0 = libtcod.sys_elapsed_seconds() hmcopy = libtcod.heightmap_new(game.WORLDMAP_WIDTH, game.WORLDMAP_HEIGHT) mask = libtcod.heightmap_new(game.WORLDMAP_WIDTH, game.WORLDMAP_HEIGHT) for x in range(game.WORLDMAP_WIDTH): for y in range(game.WORLDMAP_HEIGHT): ix = x * 0.04 if x > game.WORLDMAP_WIDTH / 2: ix = (game.WORLDMAP_WIDTH - x - 1) * 0.04 iy = y * 0.04 if y > game.WORLDMAP_HEIGHT / 2: iy = (game.WORLDMAP_HEIGHT - y - 1) * 0.04 if ix > 1.0: ix = 1.0 if iy > 1.0: iy = 1.0 h = min(ix, iy) libtcod.heightmap_set_value(mask, x, y, h) libtcod.heightmap_normalize(mask) libtcod.heightmap_copy(game.heightmap, hmcopy) libtcod.heightmap_multiply_hm(hmcopy, mask, game.heightmap) libtcod.heightmap_normalize(game.heightmap) t1 = libtcod.sys_elapsed_seconds() print ' done! (%.3f seconds)' % (t1 - t0)
def generate(self): print 'Starting world map generation....' t0 = libtcod.sys_elapsed_seconds() accepted = False world = 1 while not accepted: print 'World #' + str(world) + '....' self.noise = libtcod.noise_new(2, self.rnd) libtcod.noise_set_type(self.noise, libtcod.NOISE_PERLIN) game.heightmap = libtcod.heightmap_new(game.WORLDMAP_WIDTH, game.WORLDMAP_HEIGHT) #game.precipitation = libtcod.heightmap_new(game.WORLDMAP_WIDTH, game.WORLDMAP_HEIGHT) #game.temperature = libtcod.heightmap_new(game.WORLDMAP_WIDTH, game.WORLDMAP_HEIGHT) #game.biome = libtcod.heightmap_new(game.WORLDMAP_WIDTH, game.WORLDMAP_HEIGHT) self.add_landmass() self.smooth_edges() self.set_landmass(self.randomize('float', 0.30, 0.45, 3), self.sandheight) self.add_rivers() self.create_map_images() self.place_dungeons() accepted = self.analyse_world() world += 1 print '-------------' t1 = libtcod.sys_elapsed_seconds() print 'World map generation finished.... (%.3f seconds)' % (t1 - t0)
def set_landmass(self, landmass, waterlevel): print 'Reducing landmass....' t0 = libtcod.sys_elapsed_seconds() heightcount = [0] * 256 for x in range(game.WORLDMAP_WIDTH): for y in range(game.WORLDMAP_HEIGHT): h = int(libtcod.heightmap_get_value(game.heightmap, x, y) * 255) heightcount[h] += 1 i, totalcount = 0, 0 while totalcount < game.WORLDMAP_WIDTH * game.WORLDMAP_HEIGHT * (1.0 - landmass): totalcount += heightcount[i] i += 1 newwaterlevel = i / 255.0 landcoef = (1.0 - waterlevel) / (1.0 - newwaterlevel) watercoef = waterlevel / newwaterlevel for x in range(game.WORLDMAP_WIDTH): for y in range(game.WORLDMAP_HEIGHT): h = libtcod.heightmap_get_value(game.heightmap, x, y) if h > newwaterlevel: h = waterlevel + (h - newwaterlevel) * landcoef else: h = h * watercoef libtcod.heightmap_set_value(game.heightmap, x, y, h) t1 = libtcod.sys_elapsed_seconds() print ' done! (%.3f seconds)' % (t1 - t0)
def place_dungeons(self): print 'Placing dungeons....' t0 = libtcod.sys_elapsed_seconds() path = self.set_dijkstra_map() for i in range(game.MAX_THREAT_LEVEL): done = False attempt = 0 while not done and attempt <= 1000: x = libtcod.random_get_int(self.rnd, 0, game.WORLDMAP_WIDTH - 1) y = libtcod.random_get_int(self.rnd, 0, game.WORLDMAP_HEIGHT - 1) cellheight = int(libtcod.heightmap_get_value(game.heightmap, x, y) * 1000) threat = self.set_threat_level(x, y, path) dice = libtcod.random_get_int(self.rnd, 1, 100) if dice <= 65: dtype = 'Dungeon' elif dice <= 95: dtype = 'Cave' else: dtype = 'Maze' if cellheight in range(int(game.terrain['Plains']['elevation'] * 1000), int(game.terrain['High Hills']['maxelev'] * 1000)) and threat == i + 1: self.dungeons.append((len(self.dungeons) + 1, 'Dungeon', 'Dng', x, y, threat + 1, dtype)) done = True attempt += 1 starter_dungeon = libtcod.random_get_int(self.rnd, 1, 4) if starter_dungeon == 1: self.dungeons.append((len(self.dungeons) + 1, 'Starter Dungeon', 'SD', self.player_positionx, self.player_positiony - 1, 1, 'Dungeon')) elif starter_dungeon == 2: self.dungeons.append((len(self.dungeons) + 1, 'Starter Dungeon', 'SD', self.player_positionx + 1, self.player_positiony, 1, 'Dungeon')) elif starter_dungeon == 3: self.dungeons.append((len(self.dungeons) + 1, 'Starter Dungeon', 'SD', self.player_positionx, self.player_positiony + 1, 1, 'Dungeon')) else: self.dungeons.append((len(self.dungeons) + 1, 'Starter Dungeon', 'SD', self.player_positionx - 1, self.player_positiony, 1, 'Dungeon')) t1 = libtcod.sys_elapsed_seconds() print ' done! (%.3f seconds)' % (t1 - t0)
def test_sys_time(console): libtcodpy.sys_set_fps(0) libtcodpy.sys_get_fps() libtcodpy.sys_get_last_frame_length() libtcodpy.sys_sleep_milli(0) libtcodpy.sys_elapsed_milli() libtcodpy.sys_elapsed_seconds()
def analyse_world(self): print 'Analysing worldmap....' t0 = libtcod.sys_elapsed_seconds() mountain_peak = 0 mountains = 0 high_hills = 0 low_hills = 0 forest = 0 plains = 0 coast = 0 shore = 0 sea = 0 ocean = 0 accepted = True for x in range(game.WORLDMAP_WIDTH): for y in range(game.WORLDMAP_HEIGHT): cellheight = libtcod.heightmap_get_value(game.heightmap, x, y) if cellheight >= game.terrain['Mountain Peak']['elevation']: mountain_peak += 1 elif cellheight >= game.terrain['Mountains']['elevation']: mountains += 1 elif cellheight >= game.terrain['High Hills']['elevation']: high_hills += 1 elif cellheight >= game.terrain['Low Hills']['elevation']: low_hills += 1 elif cellheight >= game.terrain['Forest']['elevation']: forest += 1 elif cellheight >= game.terrain['Plains']['elevation']: plains += 1 elif cellheight >= game.terrain['Coast']['elevation']: coast += 1 elif cellheight >= game.terrain['Shore']['elevation']: shore += 1 elif cellheight >= game.terrain['Sea']['elevation']: sea += 1 else: ocean += 1 if mountain_peak < 15 or mountains < 150 or high_hills < 600 or low_hills < 1500 or coast < 2500: accepted = False if forest > 22000 or plains > 10000 or shore > 8000 or sea > 28000 or ocean > 30000: accepted = False t1 = libtcod.sys_elapsed_seconds() if accepted: print ' accepted! (%.3f seconds)' % (t1 - t0) else: self.player_positionx = 0 self.max_distance = 0 self.dungeons = [] print ' rejected! (%.3f seconds)' % (t1 - t0) return accepted
def add_landmass(self): print 'Creating landmass....' t0 = libtcod.sys_elapsed_seconds() for i in range(int(game.WORLDMAP_WIDTH * 0.55)): radius = self.randomize('float', 50 * (1.0 - 0.7), 50 * (1.0 + 0.7), 3) x = self.randomize('int', 0, game.WORLDMAP_WIDTH, 3) y = self.randomize('int', 0, game.WORLDMAP_HEIGHT, 3) libtcod.heightmap_add_hill(game.heightmap, x, y, radius, 0.3) libtcod.heightmap_normalize(game.heightmap) libtcod.heightmap_add_fbm(game.heightmap, self.noise, 6.5, 6.5, 0, 0, 8.0, 1.0, 4.0) libtcod.heightmap_normalize(game.heightmap) t1 = libtcod.sys_elapsed_seconds() print ' done! (%.3f seconds)' % (t1 - t0)
def new_find_path(self, start, end, tiles=[]): t0 = libtcod.sys_elapsed_seconds() if len(tiles) == 0: self.tiles = R.tiles else: self.tiles = tiles if self.check_blocked(start) and self.check_blocked(end): return None if self.tiles[start[0]][start[1]].continent != self.tiles[end[0]][end[1]].continent: print "not on same continent" return None = PriorityQueue() self.node_costs = {} self.node_status = {} self.came_from = {} self.largest_cost = 0 self.end = end_node = PathNode(end, 0) self.start = start_node = PathNode(start, 0, endNode=end_node) self.heuristic_cost = heuristic_straightline(start,end), 0) self.node_costs[start_node] = 0 while not current = if current.is_equal_to_node(end_node) and current == end_node: t1 = libtcod.sys_elapsed_seconds() path = self.reconstruct_path(self.came_from, start_node, end_node) print "path of length: ", len(path), " succeeded in %s" % (t1 - t0), "explored ", len(self.node_costs.keys()) print "heuristic_cost:", self.heuristic_cost, " Actual cost:", self.node_costs[end_node] # return current #TODO: reconstruct path. path.reverse() return path else: for neighbour in self.find_neighbours(current, end_node): new_cost = neighbour.cost # if self.node_costs.has_key(neighbour): if new_cost < self.node_costs.get(neighbour, float("inf")): if self.largest_cost < new_cost: self.largest_cost = new_cost self.node_costs[neighbour] = new_cost, new_cost + heuristic_straightline(neighbour.grid, end_node.grid)) self.came_from[neighbour] = current
def find_path(self, world, start, goal): if world.tiles[start[0]][start[1]].continent != world.tiles[goal[0]][goal[1]].continent: print "not on same continent" return None t0 = libtcod.sys_elapsed_seconds() graph = SquareGrid(R.MAP_WIDTH, R.MAP_HEIGHT) graph.walls = world.blocked graph.weights = world.weights came_from, costs = self.a_star(graph, start, goal) path = self.reconstruct_path(came_from, start, goal) path.reverse() t1 = libtcod.sys_elapsed_seconds() print "path of length: ", len(path), " succeeded in %s" % (t1 - t0), "explored ", len(self.node_costs.keys()) return path
def play_game(): global key, mouse, player_turn mouse = libtcod.Mouse() key = libtcod.Key() start_time = libtcod.sys_elapsed_seconds() while not libtcod.console_is_window_closed(): libtcod.sys_check_for_event(libtcod.EVENT_KEY_PRESS | libtcod.EVENT_MOUSE, key, mouse) delta_time = libtcod.sys_get_last_frame_length() #render the screen if not local: ##Clear the characters from screen. for object_ in R.world_obj: object_.clear(cam_x, cam_y) for city in cities: for merchant in city.trade_house.caravans_out: merchant.clear(cam_x, cam_y) #handles the keys and exit if needed. player_action = handle_keys() if player_action == "exit": save_game() break if not pause: #and not player_turn: advance_time() #player_turn = True handle_mouse() render_all() else: # for object_ in R.locale_obj: # object_.clear(cam_x,cam_y) # # you.clear(cam_x, cam_y) #handles the keys and exit if needed. player_action = handle_keys() if player_action == "exit": save_game() break handle_mouse() render_local() if R.msg_redraw == True: update_msg_bar()
def stats(): libtcod.console_set_default_foreground(None, libtcod.grey) libtcod.console_print_ex ( None, 79, 46, libtcod.BKGND_NONE, libtcod.RIGHT, 'last frame : %3d ms (%3d fps)' % ( int(libtcod.sys_get_last_frame_length() * 1000.0), libtcod.sys_get_fps() ) ) libtcod.console_print_ex ( None, 79, 47, libtcod.BKGND_NONE, libtcod.RIGHT, 'elapsed : %8d ms %4.2fs' % ( libtcod.sys_elapsed_milli(), libtcod.sys_elapsed_seconds() ) )
def find_path(self, start, end, tiles=[]): t0 = libtcod.sys_elapsed_seconds() if len(tiles) == 0: self.tiles = R.tiles else: self.tiles = tiles if len(tiles) <= 0 or start[0] < 0 or start[1] < 0 or end[0] < 0 or end[1] < 0: print "FALSE, no tiles, or start/end is out of bounds" return None if self.check_blocked(start) and self.check_blocked(end): print str(start[0]), "/", str(start[1]), "to" + str(end[0]), "/", str(end[1]) + " tile was not traversable." return None if self.tiles[start[0]][start[1]].continent != self.tiles[end[0]][end[1]].continent: print "not on same continent" return None self.open_list = [] self.node_costs.clear() self.node_status.clear() self.largest_cost = 0 self.end = end_node = PathNode(end, 0) self.start = start_node = PathNode(start, 0, endNode=end_node) # print "weeee let's go." self.add_node(start_node) while len(self.open_list) > 0: current_node = self.open_list[len(self.open_list) - 1] #putting this to 0 is cool. #check to see if the end has been reached. if current_node.is_equal_to_node(end_node):# and current_node == self.open_list[0]: #why does this need to be 0? best_path = [] while current_node != None: best_path.insert(0, current_node.grid) current_node = current_node.parent_node #return the path of grid points. t1 = libtcod.sys_elapsed_seconds() print "path of length: ", len(best_path), " succeeded in %s" % (t1 - t0), "explored ", \ len(self.node_costs.keys()), "and open nodes left: " + str(len(self.open_list)) # print "open_list is " + str(len(self.open_list)) + " long" # print "path succeeded in %s" % (t1 - t0) t0 = t1 return best_path else: if current_node.is_equal_to_node(end_node) and current_node != self.open_list[0]: current_node = self.open_list[len(self.open_list) - 2] #do this if current_node.grid[0] < 0 or current_node.grid[1] < 0: print "uh-oh somehow it's a minus!" return None self.open_list.remove(current_node) self.node_status[current_node.grid] = self.CLOSED if self.node_costs[current_node.grid] != current_node.cost: print "for some reason, the current grid costs don't match the dictionary.... fixing.." self.node_costs[current_node.grid] = current_node.cost # if self.node_costs.has_key(current_node.grid): # #node_costs is used to track the nodes. so this NEEDS to be removed. # self.node_costs.pop(current_node.grid, 0) # else: # print "NODE WAS NOT IN NODE_COSTS" # continue for neighbour in self.find_adjacent_nodes_3(current_node, end_node): if self.node_status.has_key(neighbour.grid): if self.node_status[neighbour.grid] == self.CLOSED: continue if self.node_status[neighbour.grid] == self.OPEN or neighbour.cost < self.node_costs[ neighbour.grid]: if neighbour.cost >= self.node_costs[neighbour.grid]: continue else: self.replace_node(neighbour) else: self.add_node(neighbour) if self.largest_cost < neighbour.cost: self.largest_cost = neighbour.cost self.node_status[current_node.grid] = self.CLOSED # current_node = None print "failed", len(self.open_list), start[0], start[1], " --- > ", end[0], end[1] t1 = libtcod.sys_elapsed_seconds() print "path failed in %s" % (t1 - t0) t0 = t1 return None
def add_rivers(self): print 'Adding rivers....' t0 = libtcod.sys_elapsed_seconds() libtcod.heightmap_rain_erosion(game.heightmap, int((game.WORLDMAP_WIDTH * game.WORLDMAP_HEIGHT) * 1.00), 0.06, 0.01, self.rnd) t1 = libtcod.sys_elapsed_seconds() print ' done! (%.3f seconds)' % (t1 - t0)
def do_race(key, mouse): bottom_viewport_height = 7 main_viewport_height = g.screen_height - bottom_viewport_height main_viewport_width = g.MAIN_VIEWPORT_WIDTH side_viewport_width = g.screen_width - main_viewport_width main_viewport = tcod.console_new(main_viewport_width, main_viewport_height) bottom_viewport_y = g.screen_height - bottom_viewport_height bottom_viewport = tcod.console_new(main_viewport_width, bottom_viewport_height) tcod.console_set_alignment(bottom_viewport, tcod.LEFT) side_viewport_x = g.screen_width - side_viewport_width side_viewport = tcod.console_new(side_viewport_width, g.screen_height) intro_w = int(g.screen_width * .35) intro_h = int(g.screen_height * .20) intro_x = int(g.screen_width * 0.5 - intro_w * 0.5) intro_y = int(g.screen_height * 0.5 - intro_h * 0.5) intro_window = tcod.console_new(intro_w, intro_h) tcod.console_set_alignment(intro_window, tcod.CENTER) tcod.console_set_default_foreground(intro_window, tcod.sea) lexicon = lex.genres_lexicons[g.lexicon_counter][0] title_and_song = build_song(lexicon) race = Race(g.season.teams, g.season.circuits[g.season.current_race], title_and_song[1], title_and_song[0]) # Reset stuff for x in range(0, len(race.teams)): race.teams[x].reset() teams = race.teams player_team_index = 0 lane_count = len(race.teams) track_width = ((race.lane_size + 1) * lane_count) + 1 BASE_OFFSET_TO_CENTER = int((g.MAIN_VIEWPORT_WIDTH - track_width) / 2) for x in range(0, len(teams)): if (teams[x].isPlayer): player_team_index = x teams[x].vehicle.x = BASE_OFFSET_TO_CENTER + (x * (race.lane_size + 1)) + 2 exit_game = False lyrics = race.lyrics vehicles_collided = set([]) active_lyrics_character = 0 keypress_timer = 99999 race_finished = False race_started = False verse = 0 song_completed = False barricade_locations = [] # holds tuples of x, y barricade locations intro_lines = get_race_intro(title_and_song[0], lexicon, race.circuit) current_intro_line = 0 first_frame = True time_elapsed_last_frame = 0 race_start_time = tcod.sys_elapsed_seconds() while not race_finished and not exit_game: tcod.sys_check_for_event(tcod.EVENT_KEY_PRESS, key, mouse) keypress_timer += tcod.sys_get_last_frame_length() total_time_elapsed = tcod.sys_elapsed_seconds() if race_started: if not first_frame: time_elapsed_last_frame = tcod.sys_get_last_frame_length() for team in teams: team.ai_run_counters() # Apply collision physics if needed if team.vehicle in vehicles_collided: handle_post_collision(team) else: if team.vehicle.distance_traveled >= len(race.circuit.track_shape) and not team.finished_current_race: finish_race(race, team, total_time_elapsed - race_start_time) # Control player vehicle if team.isPlayer and not team.finished_current_race: action = handle_keys(key) pressed_key_char = action.get('key_char') steer = action.get('steer') exit = action.get('exit') if not song_completed: powerpct = g.get_powerpct_from_keyspeed(keypress_timer) else: powerpct = 1 team.vehicle.apply_power(powerpct) if pressed_key_char and not song_completed: correct = check_key_char_input(pressed_key_char, race.lyrics[verse], active_lyrics_character) if correct: keypress_timer = 0.0 active_lyrics_character += 1 if (active_lyrics_character >= len(lyrics[verse])): active_lyrics_character = 0 verse += 1 if verse >= len(lyrics): song_completed = True else: # TODO: mis-steer pass if steer and team.vehicle.speed > 0: # Can only steer if moving teams[player_team_index].vehicle.x += steer if exit: exit_game = True # If team is not player elif not team.finished_current_race: direction = team.ai_determine_direction() if direction == td.LEFT: team.vehicle.x += -1 elif direction == td.RIGHT: team.vehicle.x += 1 team.ai_apply_power() # If team has reached the finish line else: team.vehicle.apply_power(0) # Don't have time to do proper checks to wait for all teams to # finsh race. For now, just wait until the player team's vehicle # has coasted to a stop, and then take everyone's place from that # moment. if team.isPlayer and team.vehicle.speed == 0: race_finished = True # Apply acceleration, determine speed speed_to_add = time_elapsed_last_frame * team.vehicle.acceleration team.vehicle.speed += speed_to_add if team.vehicle.speed > team.vehicle.current_max_speed_from_power: team.vehicle.speed -= 0.1 if team.vehicle.speed > team.vehicle.max_speed: team.vehicle.speed = team.vehicle.max_speed elif team.vehicle.speed < 0: team.vehicle.speed = 0 distance_traveled_this_frame = time_elapsed_last_frame * team.vehicle.speed team.ai_observe_curves(race.circuit.track_layout, int(team.vehicle.distance_traveled + distance_traveled_this_frame) - int(team.vehicle.distance_traveled)) # This HAS to come first team.vehicle.distance_traveled += distance_traveled_this_frame # Check for collisions vehicles_collided.clear() handle_collisions(race, vehicles_collided, barricade_locations) first_frame = False # Render tcod.console_clear(main_viewport) print_race(main_viewport, race, int(teams[player_team_index].vehicle.y), int(teams[player_team_index].vehicle.distance_traveled), barricade_locations) tcod.console_blit(main_viewport, 0, 0, g.screen_width, g.screen_height, 0, 0, 0,) tcod.console_clear(bottom_viewport) if not song_completed: print_lyrics(bottom_viewport, race.lyrics[verse], active_lyrics_character) tcod.console_blit(bottom_viewport, 0, 0, main_viewport_width, bottom_viewport_height, 0, 0, bottom_viewport_y) tcod.console_clear(side_viewport) print_panel_side(side_viewport, build_race_stats(race), side_viewport_width) tcod.console_blit(side_viewport, 0, 0, side_viewport_width, g.screen_height - bottom_viewport_height, 0, side_viewport_x, 0) if not race_started: # This structure is pretty ugly, but no time to clean it up if current_intro_line == len(intro_lines): time.sleep(intro_lines[current_intro_line - 1][1]) elif current_intro_line >= len(intro_lines): race_started = True else: tcod.console_clear(intro_window) tcod.console_hline(intro_window, 0, 0, intro_w) tcod.console_hline(intro_window, 0, intro_h - 1, intro_w) tcod.console_vline(intro_window, 0, 0, intro_h) tcod.console_vline(intro_window, intro_w - 1, 0, intro_h) tcod.console_print_rect_ex(intro_window, int(intro_w/2), 1, intro_w - 3, intro_h - 2, tcod.BKGND_SET, tcod.CENTER, intro_lines[current_intro_line][0]) tcod.console_blit(intro_window, 0, 0, intro_w, intro_h, 0, intro_x, intro_y) if current_intro_line > 0: time.sleep(intro_lines[current_intro_line - 1][1]) current_intro_line += 1 tcod.console_flush() # Race is finished if exit_game: tcod.console_clear(main_viewport) tcod.console_blit(main_viewport, 0, 0, g.screen_width, g.screen_height, 0, 0, 0,) tcod.console_clear(bottom_viewport) tcod.console_blit(bottom_viewport, 0, 0, main_viewport_width, bottom_viewport_height, 0, 0, bottom_viewport_y) tcod.console_flush() g.context = Context.MAIN_MENU else: final_stats = build_race_stats(race) place = 1 for stat in final_stats: race.places[place] = place += 1 g.season.races.append(race) g.lexicon_counter += 1 if g.lexicon_counter >= len(lex.genres_lexicons): g.lexicon_counter = 0 g.context = Context.POST_RACE