def load_sound_stims(files, root="", windowtime=0.016, ovl=0.0016, f_min=500, f_max=8000, gammatone=False, dsample=10, sres=15, compress=0): stims = [] durations = [] for f in files: Fs, wave = read(root + f) duration = int(1000 * len(wave) / Fs) durations.append(duration) if gammatone: Pxx = gg.gtgram(wave, Fs, windowtime, ovl, sres, f_min) Pxx = np.log10(Pxx) else: w = np.hanning(int(windowtime * Fs)) Pxx = libtfr.stft(wave, w, int(w.size * .1)) freqs, ind = libtfr.fgrid(Fs, w.size, [f_min, f_max]) Pxx = Pxx[ind, :] Pxx = np.log10(Pxx + compress) Pxx = resample(Pxx, sres) Pxx = resample(Pxx, duration / dsample, axis=1) stims.append(Pxx) return stims, durations
def __init__(self, dataset, t_step_ms=1, win_size=512, window_name='Hann', freq_min=0, freq_max=10000, *args, **kwargs): super(spectrogram, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.dataset = dataset self.selection = None #contains pg.LinearRegionItem representing selection if not None #getting spectrogram settings sr = float(dataset.attrs['sampling_rate']) t_step = int(float(t_step_ms) * sr / 1000.) #time step in samples if window_name == "Hann": window = scipy.signal.hann(win_size) elif window_name == "Bartlett": window = scipy.signal.bartlett(win_size) elif window_name == "Blackman": window = scipy.signal.blackman(win_size) elif window_name == "Boxcar": window = scipy.signal.boxcar(win_size) elif window_name == "Hamming": window = scipy.signal.hamming(win_size) elif window_name == "Parzen": window = scipy.signal.parzen(win_size) #computing and interpolating image Pxx = libtfr.stft(dataset, w=window, step=t_step) Pxx[Pxx == 0] = np.min( Pxx[Pxx != 0]) #ensures that log won't give -inf spec = np.log(Pxx.T) res_factor = 1.0 #factor by which resolution is increased # spec = interpolate_spectrogram(spec, res_factor=res_factor) #making color lookup table pos = np.linspace(0, 1, 6) color = np.array( [[0, 0, 255, 255], [0, 255, 255, 255], [0, 255, 0, 255], [255, 255, 0, 255], [255, 0, 0, 255], [100, 0, 0, 255]], dtype=np.ubyte) color_map = pg.ColorMap(pos, color) lut = color_map.getLookupTable(0.0, 1.0, 256) self.img = pg.ImageItem(spec, lut=lut) #img.setLevels((-5, 10)) self.addItem(self.img) image_scale = t_step / sr / res_factor self.img.setScale(image_scale) df = sr / float(win_size) plot_scale = df / res_factor / image_scale self.getAxis('left').setScale(plot_scale) xmax = float(dataset.size) / dataset.attrs['sampling_rate'] self.setXRange(0, xmax) self.setYRange(freq_min / plot_scale, freq_max / plot_scale) self.setMouseEnabled(x=True, y=False) self.win_size = win_size #saving values for export selection function self.t_step = t_step
def specgram(x, NFFT=256, shift=128, Fs=1.0, drange=60, ax=None,, **kwargs): from numpy import hanning from libtfr import stft, fgrid, tgrid, dynamic_range w = hanning(NFFT) S = stft(x, w, shift) F,ind = fgrid(Fs,NFFT,(0,Fs/2)) T = tgrid(x.size, Fs, shift) S = nx.log10(dynamic_range(S, drange)) if ax is None: ax = mplt.gca() ax.imshow(S, extent = (T[0],T[-1],F[0]-0.01,F[-1]), cmap=cmap, **kwargs) return S
def __init__(self, dataset, t_step_ms=1, win_size=512, window_name='Hann', freq_min=0, freq_max=10000, *args, **kwargs): super(spectrogram, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.dataset = dataset self.selection = None #contains pg.LinearRegionItem representing selection if not None #getting spectrogram settings sr = float(dataset.attrs['sampling_rate']) t_step = int(float(t_step_ms) * sr/1000.) #time step in samples if window_name == "Hann": window = scipy.signal.hann(win_size) elif window_name == "Bartlett": window = scipy.signal.bartlett(win_size) elif window_name == "Blackman": window = scipy.signal.blackman(win_size) elif window_name == "Boxcar": window = scipy.signal.boxcar(win_size) elif window_name == "Hamming": window = scipy.signal.hamming(win_size) elif window_name == "Parzen": window = scipy.signal.parzen(win_size) #computing and interpolating image Pxx = libtfr.stft(dataset,w=window,step=t_step) Pxx[Pxx==0] = np.min(Pxx[Pxx!=0]) #ensures that log won't give -inf spec = np.log(Pxx.T) res_factor = 1.0 #factor by which resolution is increased # spec = interpolate_spectrogram(spec, res_factor=res_factor) #making color lookup table pos = np.linspace(0,1,6) color = np.array([[0,0,255,255],[0,255,255,255],[0,255,0,255], [255,255,0,255],[255,0,0,255],[100,0,0,255]], dtype=np.ubyte) color_map = pg.ColorMap(pos,color) lut = color_map.getLookupTable(0.0,1.0,256) self.img = pg.ImageItem(spec,lut=lut) #img.setLevels((-5, 10)) self.addItem(self.img) image_scale = t_step/sr/res_factor self.img.setScale(image_scale) df = sr/float(win_size) plot_scale = df/res_factor/image_scale self.getAxis('left').setScale(plot_scale) xmax = float(dataset.size)/dataset.attrs['sampling_rate'] self.setXRange(0, xmax) self.setYRange(freq_min/plot_scale, freq_max/plot_scale) self.setMouseEnabled(x=True, y=False) self.win_size = win_size #saving values for export selection function self.t_step = t_step
def linspect(self, signal, Fs, nfft=None): """ Calculate the spectrogram on a linear power scale. """ import numpy as nx from libtfr import stft, tfr_spec, tgrid shift = int(self.options['window_shift'] * Fs) if not nfft: Np = int(Fs * self.options['window_len']) nfft = int(2 ** nx.ceil(nx.log2(Np))) else: Np = nfft if self.options['spec_method'] == 'tfr': S = tfr_spec(signal, nfft, shift, Np, K=self.options['tfr_order'], tm=self.options['tfr_tm'], flock=self.options['tfr_flock'], tlock=self.options['tfr_tlock']) else: try: wfun = getattr(nx, self.options['spec_method']) w = wfun(Np) except Exception, e: raise Error("invalid window function {}: {}".format(self.options['spec_method'], e)) S = stft(signal, w, shift, nfft)
def plot_dataset_list(self, dataset_list, data_layout, append=False): ''' plots a list of datasets to a data layout''' data_layout.clear() if not append: self.subplots = [] # rasterQPainterPath = QtGui.QPainterPath().addRect(-.1,-5,.2,1) # TODO make a better raster # shape that works toes = [] for dataset in dataset_list: print(dataset) if 'datatype' not in dataset.attrs.keys(): print('{} is not an arf dataset'.format(repr(dataset))) if os.path.basename( == 'jill_log': print(dataset.value) continue '''sampled data''' if dataset.attrs['datatype'] < 1000: # sampled data if (self.settings_panel.oscillogram_check.checkState() ==QtCore.Qt.Checked): pl = downsamplePlot(dataset,, name=str(len(self.subplots))) data_layout.addItem(pl,row=len(self.subplots), col=0) pl.setXRange(0, dataset.size/float(dataset.attrs['sampling_rate'])) pl.setYRange(np.min(dataset), np.max(dataset)) self.subplots.append(pl) pl.showGrid(x=True, y=True) ''' simple events ''' elif utils.is_simple_event(dataset): if dataset.attrs['units'] == 'ms': data = dataset.value / 1000. elif dataset.attrs['units'] == 'samples': data = dataset.value / dataset.attrs['sampling_rate'] else: data = dataset.value if (self.settings_panel.raster_check.checkState()==QtCore.Qt.Checked or self.settings_panel.psth_check.checkState()==QtCore.Qt.Checked or self.settings_panel.isi_check.checkState()==QtCore.Qt.Checked): toes.append(data) continue ''' complex event ''' elif utils.is_complex_event(dataset): if (self.settings_panel.label_check.checkState() ==QtCore.Qt.Checked): #creating new extensible dataset if not extensible if dataset.maxshape != (None,): data = dataset[:] name = group= dataset.parent attributes = dataset.attrs del group[name] del dataset dataset = arf.create_dataset(group, name, data, maxshape=(None,),**attributes) pl = labelPlot(dataset,, name=str(len(self.subplots))) data_layout.addItem(pl, row=len(self.subplots), col=0) pl.showLabel('left', show=False) self.subplots.append(pl) else: print('I don\'t know how to plot {} of type {} \ with datatype {}'.format(dataset, type(dataset), dataset.attrs['datatype'])) continue '''adding spectrograms''' if dataset.attrs['datatype'] in [0, 1]: # show spectrogram if (self.settings_panel.spectrogram_check.checkState() ==QtCore.Qt.Checked): #getting spectrogram settings sr = float(dataset.attrs['sampling_rate']) win_size_text = self.settings_panel.win_size.text() t_step_text = self.settings_panel.step.text() min_text = self.settings_panel.freq_min.text() max_text = self.settings_panel.freq_max.text() if win_size_text: win_size = int(float(win_size_text)) else: win_size = self.settings_panel.defaults['win_size'] self.settings_panel.win_size.setText(str(win_size)) if t_step_text: t_step = int(float(t_step_text) * sr/1000.) else: t_step = self.settings_panel.defaults['step'] self.settings_panel.win_size.setText(str(int(tstep*1000))) if min_text: freq_min = int(min_text) else: freq_min = self.settings_panel.defaults['freq_min'] self.settings_panel.freq_min.setText(str(freq_min)) if max_text: freq_max = int(max_text) else: freq_max = self.settings_panel.defaults['freq_max'] self.settings_panel.freq_max.setText(str(freq_max)) window_name = self.settings_panel.window.currentText() if window_name == "Hann": window = scipy.signal.hann(win_size) elif window_name == "Bartlett": window = scipy.signal.bartlett(win_size) elif window_name == "Blackman": window = scipy.signal.blackman(win_size) elif window_name == "Boxcar": window = scipy.signal.boxcar(win_size) elif window_name == "Hamming": window = scipy.signal.hamming(win_size) elif window_name == "Parzen": window = scipy.signal.parzen(win_size) #computing and interpolating image Pxx = libtfr.stft(dataset,w=window,step=t_step) spec = np.log(Pxx.T) res_factor = 1.0 #factor by which resolution is increased # spec = interpolate_spectrogram(spec, res_factor=res_factor) #making color lookup table pos = np.linspace(0,1,7) color = np.array([[100,100,255,255],[0,0,255,255],[0,255,255,255],[0,255,0,255], [255,255,0,255],[255,0,0,255],[100,0,0,255]], dtype=np.ubyte) color_map = pg.ColorMap(pos,color) lut = color_map.getLookupTable(0.0,1.0,256) img = pg.ImageItem(spec,lut=lut) #img.setLevels((-5, 10)) pl = data_layout.addPlot(name=str(len(self.subplots)), row=len(self.subplots), col=0) self.subplots.append(pl) pl.addItem(img) image_scale = t_step/sr/res_factor img.setScale(image_scale) df = sr/float(win_size) plot_scale = df/res_factor/image_scale pl.getAxis('left').setScale(plot_scale) pl.setXRange(0, dataset.size / dataset.attrs['sampling_rate']) pl.setYRange(freq_min/plot_scale, freq_max/plot_scale) pl.setMouseEnabled(x=True, y=False) if toes: if self.settings_panel.raster_check.checkState()==QtCore.Qt.Checked: pl= rasterPlot(toes) data_layout.addItem(pl, row=len(self.subplots), col=0) pl.showLabel('left', show=False) self.subplots.append(pl) if self.settings_panel.psth_check.checkState()==QtCore.Qt.Checked: all_toes = np.zeros(sum(len(t) for t in toes)) k=0 for t in toes: all_toes[k:k+len(t)] = t k += len(t) if self.settings_panel.psth_bin_size.text(): bin_size = float(self.settings_panel.psth_bin_size.text())/1000. else: bin_size = .01 bins = np.arange(all_toes.min(),all_toes.max()+bin_size,bin_size) y,x = np.histogram(all_toes,bins=bins) psth = pg.PlotCurveItem(x, y, stepMode=True, fillLevel=0, brush=(0, 0, 255, 80)) pl = data_layout.addPlot(row=len(self.subplots), col=0) pl.addItem(psth) pl.setMouseEnabled(y=False) self.subplots.append(pl) if self.settings_panel.isi_check.checkState()==QtCore.Qt.Checked: isis = np.zeros(sum(len(t)-1 for t in toes)) k=0 for t in toes: isis[k:k+len(t)-1] = np.diff(t) k += len(t)-1 if self.settings_panel.psth_bin_size.text(): bin_size = float(self.settings_panel.psth_bin_size.text())/1000. else: bin_size = .01 bins = np.arange(isis.min(),isis.max()+bin_size,bin_size) y,x = np.histogram(isis,bins=bins,normed=True) isi_hist = pg.PlotCurveItem(x, y, stepMode=True, fillLevel=0, brush=(0, 0, 255, 80)) pl = data_layout.addPlot(row=len(self.subplots), col=0) pl.addItem(isi_hist) pl.setMouseEnabled(y=False) self.subplots.append(pl) '''linking x axes''' masterXLink = None for pl in self.subplots: if not masterXLink: masterXLink = pl pl.setXLink(masterXLink)
def __init__(self, dataset, settings_panel, *args, **kwargs): super(spectrogram, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.dataset = dataset self.settings_panel = settings_panel #getting spectrogram settings sr = float(dataset.attrs['sampling_rate']) win_size_text = settings_panel.win_size.text() t_step_text = settings_panel.step.text() min_text = settings_panel.freq_min.text() max_text = settings_panel.freq_max.text() if win_size_text: win_size = int(float(win_size_text)) else: win_size = settings_panel.defaults['win_size'] settings_panel.win_size.setText(str(win_size)) if t_step_text: t_step = int(float(t_step_text) * sr/1000.) else: t_step = settings_panel.defaults['step'] settings_panel.win_size.setText(str(int(tstep*1000))) if min_text: freq_min = int(min_text) else: freq_min = settings_panel.defaults['freq_min'] settings_panel.freq_min.setText(str(freq_min)) if max_text: freq_max = int(max_text) else: freq_max = settings_panel.defaults['freq_max'] settings_panel.freq_max.setText(str(freq_max)) window_name = settings_panel.window.currentText() if window_name == "Hann": window = scipy.signal.hann(win_size) elif window_name == "Bartlett": window = scipy.signal.bartlett(win_size) elif window_name == "Blackman": window = scipy.signal.blackman(win_size) elif window_name == "Boxcar": window = scipy.signal.boxcar(win_size) elif window_name == "Hamming": window = scipy.signal.hamming(win_size) elif window_name == "Parzen": window = scipy.signal.parzen(win_size) #computing and interpolating image Pxx = libtfr.stft(dataset,w=window,step=t_step) spec = np.log(Pxx.T) res_factor = 1.0 #factor by which resolution is increased # spec = interpolate_spectrogram(spec, res_factor=res_factor) #making color lookup table pos = np.linspace(0,1,7) color = np.array([[100,100,255,255],[0,0,255,255],[0,255,255,255],[0,255,0,255], [255,255,0,255],[255,0,0,255],[100,0,0,255]], dtype=np.ubyte) color_map = pg.ColorMap(pos,color) lut = color_map.getLookupTable(0.0,1.0,256) img = pg.ImageItem(spec,lut=lut) #img.setLevels((-5, 10)) self.addItem(img) image_scale = t_step/sr/res_factor img.setScale(image_scale) df = sr/float(win_size) plot_scale = df/res_factor/image_scale self.getAxis('left').setScale(plot_scale) self.setXRange(0, dataset.size / dataset.attrs['sampling_rate']) self.setYRange(freq_min/plot_scale, freq_max/plot_scale) self.setMouseEnabled(x=True, y=False)