def test_from_matrix():
    T_good = SE3.from_matrix(torch.eye(4))
    assert isinstance(T_good, SE3) \
        and isinstance(T_good.rot, SO3) \
        and T_good.trans.shape == (3,) \
        and SE3.is_valid_matrix(T_good.as_matrix()).all()

    T_bad = SE3.from_matrix(torch.eye(4).add_(1e-3), normalize=True)
    assert isinstance(T_bad, SE3) \
        and isinstance(T_bad.rot, SO3) \
        and T_bad.trans.shape == (3,) \
        and SE3.is_valid_matrix(T_bad.as_matrix()).all()
def test_from_matrix_batch():
    T_good = SE3.from_matrix(torch.eye(4).repeat(5, 1, 1))
    assert isinstance(T_good, SE3) \
        and T_good.trans.shape == (5, 3) \
        and SE3.is_valid_matrix(T_good.as_matrix()).all()

    T_bad = T_good.as_matrix()
    T_bad[3, :, :].add_(0.1)
    T_bad = SE3.from_matrix(T_bad, normalize=True)
    assert isinstance(T_bad, SE3) \
        and T_bad.trans.shape == (5, 3) \
        and SE3.is_valid_matrix(T_bad.as_matrix()).all()
文件: filter.py 项目: zzzzzjh/lwoi
    def compute_mate(self, t, x, chi, dataset_name):
        chi_est = torch.zeros(x.shape[0], 4, 4)
        chi_est[:, :3, :3] = SO3.from_rpy(x[:, 3:6]).as_matrix()
        chi_est[:, :3, 3] = x[:, :3]
        chi_est[:, 3, 3] = 1

        chi_est = SE3.from_matrix(chi_est)
        chi = SE3.from_matrix(chi)
        error = (chi.inv().dot(chi_est)).log()

        mate_translation = error[:, :3].abs().mean()
        mate_rotation = error[:, 3:].abs().mean()
        return mate_translation, mate_rotation
def calculate_log_se3_delta(predicted_position, target_position):
    predicted_matrix = predicted_position.matrix
    target_matrix = target_position.matrix
    delta_matrix = torch.bmm(inverse_pose_matrix(predicted_matrix),
    delta_log = SE3.log(
        SE3.from_matrix(delta_matrix, normalize=False, check=False))
    if delta_log.dim() < 2:
        delta_log = delta_log[None]
    return delta_log
    def log_prob(self, value_matrix, mean_matrix, logvar):
        if logvar.dim() < 2:
            logvar = logvar[None].expand(mean_matrix.shape[0], logvar.shape[0])
        delta_matrix = torch.bmm(inverse_pose_matrix(mean_matrix), value_matrix)
        delta_log = SE3.log(SE3.from_matrix(delta_matrix, normalize=False, check=False))
        if delta_log.dim() < 2:
            delta_log = delta_log[None]
        inverse_sigma_matrix = self.get_inverse_sigma_matrix(logvar).expand(delta_log.shape[0], delta_log.shape[1],
        delta_log = torch.bmm(inverse_sigma_matrix, delta_log[:, :, None])[:, :, 0]
        log_determinant = self.get_logvar_determinant(logvar)

        log_prob = torch.sum(delta_log ** 2 / 2., dim=1) + 0.5 * log_determinant
        return torch.mean(log_prob)
 def mean_position(self, predicted_position):
     batch_size = predicted_position.shape[0]
     predicted_position = predicted_position.reshape(batch_size * self._head_count,
                                                     predicted_position.shape[1] // self._head_count)
     logvar = predicted_position[:, 7:]
     mean_matrix = self.mean_matrix(predicted_position)
     log_mean = SE3.log(SE3.from_matrix(mean_matrix, normalize=False, check=False))
     if log_mean.dim() < 2:
         log_mean = log_mean[None]
     inverse_sigma_matrix = self.get_inverse_sigma_matrix(logvar)
     inverse_covariance_matrix = torch.bmm(inverse_sigma_matrix.transpose(1, 2), inverse_sigma_matrix)
     result_inverse_covariance_matrix = torch.sum(inverse_covariance_matrix.reshape(-1, self._head_count, 6, 6),
     result_covariance_matrix = torch.inverse(result_inverse_covariance_matrix)
     factors = torch.bmm(result_covariance_matrix.repeat_interleave(self._head_count, 0), inverse_covariance_matrix)
     scaled_log_mean = torch.bmm(factors, log_mean[:, :, None])[:, :, 0]
     result_log_mean = torch.sum(scaled_log_mean.reshape(-1, self._head_count, 6), dim=1)
     mean_matrix = SE3.exp(result_log_mean).as_matrix()
     if mean_matrix.dim() < 3:
         mean_matrix = mean_matrix[None]
     return mean_matrix
def test_dot():
    T = torch.Tensor([[0, 0, -1, 0.1],
                      [0, 1, 0, 0.5],
                      [1, 0, 0, -0.5],
                      [0, 0, 0, 1]])
    T_SE3 = SE3.from_matrix(T)
    pt = torch.Tensor([1, 2, 3])
    pth = torch.Tensor([1, 2, 3, 1])

    TT = torch.mm(T, T)
    TT_SE3 = T_SE3.dot(T_SE3).as_matrix()
    assert utils.allclose(TT_SE3, TT)

    Tpt = torch.matmul(T[0:3, 0:3], pt) + T[0:3, 3]
    Tpt_SE3 = T_SE3.dot(pt)
    assert utils.allclose(Tpt_SE3, Tpt)

    Tpth = torch.matmul(T, pth)
    Tpth_SE3 = T_SE3.dot(pth)
    assert utils.allclose(Tpth_SE3, Tpth) and \
        utils.allclose(Tpth_SE3[0:3], Tpt)
 def box_minus(self, chi_1, chi_2):
     return SE3.from_matrix(chi_2).inv().dot(SE3.from_matrix(chi_1)).log()
def test_dot_batch():
    T1 = torch.Tensor([[0, 0, -1, 0.1],
                       [0, 1, 0, 0.5],
                       [1, 0, 0, -0.5],
                       [0, 0, 0, 1]]).expand(5, 4, 4)
    T2 = torch.Tensor([[0, 0, -1, 0.1],
                       [0, 1, 0, 0.5],
                       [1, 0, 0, -0.5],
                       [0, 0, 0, 1]])
    T1_SE3 = SE3.from_matrix(T1)
    T2_SE3 = SE3.from_matrix(T2)
    pt1 = torch.Tensor([1, 2, 3])
    pt2 = torch.Tensor([4, 5, 6])
    pt3 = torch.Tensor([7, 8, 9])
    pts = torch.cat([pt1.unsqueeze(dim=0),
                     pt3.unsqueeze(dim=0)], dim=0)  # 3x3
    ptsbatch = pts.unsqueeze(dim=0).expand(5, 3, 3)
    pt1h = torch.Tensor([1, 2, 3, 1])
    pt2h = torch.Tensor([4, 5, 6, 1])
    pt3h = torch.Tensor([7, 8, 9, 1])
    ptsh = torch.cat([pt1h.unsqueeze(dim=0),
                      pt3h.unsqueeze(dim=0)], dim=0)  # 3x4
    ptshbatch = ptsh.unsqueeze(dim=0).expand(5, 3, 4)

    T1T1 = torch.bmm(T1, T1)
    T1T1_SE3 = T1_SE3.dot(T1_SE3).as_matrix()
    assert T1T1_SE3.shape == T1.shape and utils.allclose(T1T1_SE3, T1T1)

    T1T2 = torch.matmul(T1, T2)
    T1T2_SE3 = T1_SE3.dot(T2_SE3).as_matrix()
    assert T1T2_SE3.shape == T1.shape and utils.allclose(T1T2_SE3, T1T2)

    T1pt1 = torch.matmul(T1[:, 0:3, 0:3], pt1) + T1[:, 0:3, 3]
    T1pt1_SE3 = T1_SE3.dot(pt1)
    assert T1pt1_SE3.shape == (T1.shape[0], pt1.shape[0]) \
        and utils.allclose(T1pt1_SE3, T1pt1)

    T1pt1h = torch.matmul(T1, pt1h)
    T1pt1h_SE3 = T1_SE3.dot(pt1h)
    assert T1pt1h_SE3.shape == (T1.shape[0], pt1h.shape[0]) \
        and utils.allclose(T1pt1h_SE3, T1pt1h) \
        and utils.allclose(T1pt1h_SE3[:, 0:3], T1pt1_SE3)

    T1pt2 = torch.matmul(T1[:, 0:3, 0:3], pt2) + T1[:, 0:3, 3]
    T1pt2_SE3 = T1_SE3.dot(pt2)
    assert T1pt2_SE3.shape == (T1.shape[0], pt2.shape[0]) \
        and utils.allclose(T1pt2_SE3, T1pt2)

    T1pt2h = torch.matmul(T1, pt2h)
    T1pt2h_SE3 = T1_SE3.dot(pt2h)
    assert T1pt2h_SE3.shape == (T1.shape[0], pt2h.shape[0]) \
        and utils.allclose(T1pt2h_SE3, T1pt2h) \
        and utils.allclose(T1pt2h_SE3[:, 0:3], T1pt2_SE3)

    T1pts = torch.bmm(T1[:, 0:3, 0:3],
                          pts.shape[1]).transpose(2, 1)).transpose(2, 1) + \
        T1[:, 0:3, 3].unsqueeze(dim=1).expand(
            T1.shape[0], pts.shape[0], pts.shape[1])
    T1pts_SE3 = T1_SE3.dot(pts)
    assert T1pts_SE3.shape == (T1.shape[0], pts.shape[0], pts.shape[1]) \
        and utils.allclose(T1pts_SE3, T1pts) \
        and utils.allclose(T1pt1, T1pts[:, 0, :]) \
        and utils.allclose(T1pt2, T1pts[:, 1, :])

    T1ptsh = torch.bmm(T1, ptsh.unsqueeze(dim=0).expand(
        ptsh.shape[1]).transpose(2, 1)).transpose(2, 1)
    T1ptsh_SE3 = T1_SE3.dot(ptsh)
    assert T1ptsh_SE3.shape == (T1.shape[0], ptsh.shape[0], ptsh.shape[1]) \
        and utils.allclose(T1ptsh_SE3, T1ptsh) \
        and utils.allclose(T1pt1h, T1ptsh[:, 0, :]) \
        and utils.allclose(T1pt2h, T1ptsh[:, 1, :]) \
        and utils.allclose(T1ptsh_SE3[:, :, 0:3], T1pts_SE3)

    T1ptsbatch = torch.bmm(T1[:, 0:3, 0:3],
                           ptsbatch.transpose(2, 1)).transpose(2, 1) + \
        T1[:, 0:3, 3].unsqueeze(dim=1).expand(ptsbatch.shape)
    T1ptsbatch_SE3 = T1_SE3.dot(ptsbatch)
    assert T1ptsbatch_SE3.shape == ptsbatch.shape \
        and utils.allclose(T1ptsbatch_SE3, T1ptsbatch) \
        and utils.allclose(T1pt1, T1ptsbatch[:, 0, :]) \
        and utils.allclose(T1pt2, T1ptsbatch[:, 1, :])

    T1ptshbatch = torch.bmm(T1, ptshbatch.transpose(2, 1)).transpose(2, 1)
    T1ptshbatch_SE3 = T1_SE3.dot(ptshbatch)
    assert T1ptshbatch_SE3.shape == ptshbatch.shape \
        and utils.allclose(T1ptshbatch_SE3, T1ptshbatch) \
        and utils.allclose(T1pt1h, T1ptshbatch[:, 0, :]) \
        and utils.allclose(T1pt2h, T1ptshbatch[:, 1, :]) \
        and utils.allclose(T1ptshbatch_SE3[:, :, 0:3], T1ptsbatch_SE3)

    T2ptsbatch = torch.matmul(T2[0:3, 0:3],
                              ptsbatch.transpose(2, 1)).transpose(2, 1) + \
        T1[:, 0:3, 3].unsqueeze(dim=1).expand(ptsbatch.shape)
    T2ptsbatch_SE3 = T2_SE3.dot(ptsbatch)
    assert T2ptsbatch_SE3.shape == ptsbatch.shape \
        and utils.allclose(T2ptsbatch_SE3, T2ptsbatch) \
        and utils.allclose(T2_SE3.dot(pt1), T2ptsbatch[:, 0, :]) \
        and utils.allclose(T2_SE3.dot(pt2), T2ptsbatch[:, 1, :])

    T2ptshbatch = torch.matmul(T2, ptshbatch.transpose(2, 1)).transpose(2, 1)
    T2ptshbatch_SE3 = T2_SE3.dot(ptshbatch)
    assert T2ptshbatch_SE3.shape == ptshbatch.shape \
        and utils.allclose(T2ptshbatch_SE3, T2ptshbatch) \
        and utils.allclose(T2_SE3.dot(pt1h), T2ptshbatch[:, 0, :]) \
        and utils.allclose(T2_SE3.dot(pt2h), T2ptshbatch[:, 1, :]) \
        and utils.allclose(T2ptshbatch_SE3[:, :, 0:3], T2ptsbatch_SE3)