# case_name = "test_case2848rte.json"
# nb_sub = 2848
# case_name = "test_case118.json"
# nb_sub = 118
# case_name = "test_case14.json"
# nb_sub = 14
tol = 1e-4  # results are equal if they match up to tol

good_working_case = pn.case118()
good_working_case = pn.case14()

#### test if it works
print(f"Basic check for {case_name}")
real_init_file = pp.from_json(case_name)
backend = LightSimBackend()
pp_net = backend.init_pp_backend._grid
# first i deactivate all slack bus in pp that are connected but not handled in ls
pp_net.ext_grid["in_service"].loc[:] = False
pp_net.ext_grid["in_service"].iloc[0] = True
conv = backend.runpf()
conv_pp = backend.init_pp_backend.runpf()

if not conv_pp:
        "Error: pandapower do not converge, impossible to perform the necessary checks"
por_pp, qor_pp, vor_pp, aor_pp = copy.deepcopy(
pex_pp, qex_pp, vex_pp, aex_pp = copy.deepcopy(
    def _aux_test(self, pn_net):
        with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as path:
            case_name = os.path.join(path, "this_case.json")
            pp.to_json(pn_net, case_name)

            real_init_file = pp.from_json(case_name)
            backend = LightSimBackend()
            with warnings.catch_warnings():

        nb_sub = backend.n_sub
        pp_net = backend.init_pp_backend._grid
        # first i deactivate all slack bus in pp that are connected but not handled in ls
        pp_net.ext_grid["in_service"].loc[:] = False
        pp_net.ext_grid["in_service"].iloc[0] = True
        conv = backend.runpf()
        conv_pp = backend.init_pp_backend.runpf()

        assert conv_pp, "Error: pandapower do not converge, impossible to perform the necessary checks"
        assert conv, "Error: lightsim do not converge"

        por_pp, qor_pp, vor_pp, aor_pp = copy.deepcopy(
        pex_pp, qex_pp, vex_pp, aex_pp = copy.deepcopy(

        # I- Check for divergence and equality of flows"
        por_ls, qor_ls, vor_ls, aor_ls = backend.lines_or_info()
        max_mis = np.max(np.abs(por_ls - por_pp))
        assert max_mis <= self.tol, f"Error: por do not match, maximum absolute error is {max_mis:.5f} MW"
        max_mis = np.max(np.abs(qor_ls - qor_pp))
        assert max_mis <= self.tol, f"Error: qor do not match, maximum absolute error is {max_mis:.5f} MVAr"
        max_mis = np.max(np.abs(vor_ls - vor_pp))
        assert max_mis <= self.tol, f"Error: vor do not match, maximum absolute error is {max_mis:.5f} kV"
        max_mis = np.max(np.abs(aor_ls - aor_pp))
        assert max_mis <= self.tol, f"Error: aor do not match, maximum absolute error is {max_mis:.5f} A"

        # "II - Check for possible solver issues"
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            pp.runpp(backend.init_pp_backend._grid, v_debug=True)
        v_tmp = backend.init_pp_backend._grid.res_bus[
            "vm_pu"].values[:nb_sub] + 0j
        v_tmp *= np.exp(
            1j * np.pi / 180. *
        v_tmp = np.concatenate((v_tmp, v_tmp))
        backend._grid.ac_pf(v_tmp, 1000, 1e-5)

        Y_pp = backend.init_pp_backend._grid._ppc["internal"]["Ybus"]
        Sbus = backend.init_pp_backend._grid._ppc["internal"]["Sbus"]
        pv_ = backend.init_pp_backend._grid._ppc["internal"]["pv"]
        pq_ = backend.init_pp_backend._grid._ppc["internal"]["pq"]
        max_iter = 10
        tol_this = 1e-8
        All_Vms = backend.init_pp_backend._grid._ppc["internal"]["Vm_it"]
        AllVas = backend.init_pp_backend._grid._ppc["internal"]["Va_it"]

        for index_V in range(All_Vms.shape[1] - 1, -1, -1):
            nb_iter = All_Vms.shape[1] - 1
            # i check from easiest to hardest, so from the last iteartion of pandapower to the first iteration of pandapower
            # take the same V as pandapower
            V_init = All_Vms[:, index_V] * (np.cos(AllVas[:, index_V]) +
                                            1j * np.sin(AllVas[:, index_V]))
            # V_init *= np.exp(1j * AllVas[:, 0])
            V_init_ref = copy.deepcopy(V_init)
            solver = ClassSolver()
            solver.solve(scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(Y_pp), V_init, Sbus, pv_, pq_,
                         max_iter, tol_this)
            time_for_nr = solver.get_timers()[3]
            if TIMER_INFO:
                    f"\t Info: Time to perform {nb_iter - index_V} NR iterations for a grid with {nb_sub} "
                    f"buses: {1000. * time_for_nr:.2f}ms")
            error_va = np.abs(
                solver.get_Va() -
            assert np.max(error_va) <= self.tol, f"Error: VA do not match for iteration {index_V}, maximum absolute " \
                                                 f"error is {np.max(error_va):.5f} rad"

            error_vm = np.abs(
                np.abs(solver.get_Vm() - np.abs(
            assert np.max(error_vm) <= self.tol, f"\t Error: VM do not match for iteration {index_V}, maximum absolute " \
                                                 f"error  is {np.max(error_vm):.5f} pu"

        if TIMER_INFO:

        # 'III - Check the data conversion'
        pp_vect_converter = backend.init_pp_backend._grid._pd2ppc_lookups[
        pp_net = backend.init_pp_backend._grid

        # 1) Checking Sbus conversion
        Sbus_pp = backend.init_pp_backend._grid._ppc["internal"]["Sbus"]
        Sbus_pp_right_order = Sbus_pp[pp_vect_converter]
        Sbus_me = backend._grid.get_Sbus()
        error_p = np.abs(np.real(Sbus_me) - np.real(Sbus_pp_right_order))
        assert np.max(error_p) <= self.tol, f"\t Error: P do not match for Sbus, maximum absolute error is " \
                                            f"{np.max(error_p):.5f} MW, \t Error: significative difference for bus " \
                                            f"index (lightsim): {np.where(error_p > self.tol)[0]}"

        error_q = np.abs(np.imag(Sbus_me) - np.imag(Sbus_pp_right_order))
        assert np.max(error_q) <= self.tol, f"\t Error: Q do not match for Sbus, maximum absolute error is " \
                                            f"{np.max(error_q):.5f} MVAr, \t Error: significative difference for bus " \
                                            f"index (lightsim): {np.where(error_q > self.tol)[0]}"

        # 2)  Checking Ybus conversion"
        Y_me = backend._grid.get_Ybus()
        Y_pp = backend.init_pp_backend._grid._ppc["internal"]["Ybus"]
        Y_pp_right_order = Y_pp[pp_vect_converter.reshape(nb_sub, 1),
                                pp_vect_converter.reshape(1, nb_sub)]
        error_p = np.abs(np.real(Y_me) - np.real(Y_pp_right_order))
        assert np.max(error_p) <= self.tol, f"Error: P do not match for Ybus, maximum absolute error " \
                                            f"is {np.max(error_p):.5f}"

        error_q = np.abs(np.imag(Y_me) - np.imag(Y_pp_right_order))
        assert np.max(error_q) <= self.tol, f"\t Error: Q do not match for Ybus, maximum absolute error is " \

        # "IV - Check for the initialization (dc powerflow)"
        # 1) check that the results are same for dc lightsim and dc pandapower
        Vinit = np.ones(backend.nb_bus_total,
                        dtype=np.complex_) * pp_net["_options"]["init_vm_pu"]
        Vdc = backend._grid.dc_pf(Vinit, max_iter, tol_this)
        Ydc_me = backend._grid.get_Ybus()
        Sdc_me = backend._grid.get_Sbus()
        assert np.max(np.abs(V_init_ref[pp_vect_converter] - Vdc[:nb_sub])) <= 100.*self.tol,\
            f"\t Error for the DC approximation: resulting voltages are different " \
            f"{np.max(np.abs(V_init_ref[pp_vect_converter] - Vdc[:nb_sub])):.5f}pu"

        if np.max(np.abs(V_init_ref[pp_vect_converter] -
                         Vdc[:nb_sub])) >= self.tol:
                "\t Warning: maximum difference after DC approximation is "
                "{np.max(np.abs(V_init_ref[pp_vect_converter] - Vdc[:nb_sub])):.5f} which is higher than "
                "the tolerance (this is just a warning because we noticed this could happen even if the "
                "results match perfectly. Probably some conversion issue with complex number and "
                "radian / degree.")
        # "2) check that the Sbus vector is same for PP and lightisim in DC"
        from pandapower.pd2ppc import _pd2ppc
        from pandapower.pf.run_newton_raphson_pf import _get_pf_variables_from_ppci
        from pandapower.pypower.idx_brch import F_BUS, T_BUS, BR_X, TAP, SHIFT, BR_STATUS
        from pandapower.pypower.idx_bus import VA, GS
        from pandapower.pypower.makeBdc import makeBdc
        from pandapower.pypower.makeSbus import makeSbus

        pp_net._pd2ppc_lookups = {
            "bus": np.array([], dtype=int),
            "ext_grid": np.array([], dtype=int),
            "gen": np.array([], dtype=int),
            "branch": np.array([], dtype=int)
        # convert pandapower net to ppc
        ppc, ppci = _pd2ppc(pp_net)
        baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, ref, pv, pq, on, gbus, _, refgen = _get_pf_variables_from_ppci(
        Va0 = bus[:, VA] * (np.pi / 180.)
        B, Bf, Pbusinj, Pfinj = makeBdc(bus, branch)

        Pbus = makeSbus(baseMVA, bus, gen) - Pbusinj - bus[:, GS] / baseMVA
        Pbus_pp_ro = Pbus[pp_vect_converter]
        error_p = np.abs(np.real(Sdc_me) - np.real(Pbus_pp_ro))
        test_ok = True

        #### pandapower DC algo (yet another one)
        Va = copy.deepcopy(Va0)
        pvpq = np.r_[pv, pq]
        pvpq_matrix = B[pvpq.T, :].tocsc()[:, pvpq]
        ref_matrix = np.transpose(Pbus[pvpq] -
                                  B[pvpq.T, :].tocsc()[:, ref] * Va0[ref])
        Va[pvpq] = np.real(scipy.sparse.linalg.spsolve(pvpq_matrix,

        assert np.max(error_p) <= self.tol, f"\t Error: P do not match for Sbus (dc), maximum absolute error is " \
                                            f"{np.max(error_p):.5f} MW, \nError: significative difference for bus " \
                                            f"index (lightsim): {np.where(error_p > self.tol)[0]}"

        error_q = np.abs(np.imag(Sdc_me) - np.imag(Pbus_pp_ro))
        assert np.max(error_q) <= self.tol, f"\t Error: Q do not match for Sbus (dc), maximum absolute error is " \
                                            f"{np.max(error_q):.5f} MVAr, \n\t Error: significative difference for " \
                                            f"bus index (lightsim): {np.where(error_q > self.tol)[0]}"

        # "3) check that the Ybus matrix is same for PP and lightisim in DC"
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
        Ydc_pp = backend.init_pp_backend._grid._ppc["internal"]["Bbus"]
        Ydc_pp_right_order = Ydc_pp[pp_vect_converter.reshape(nb_sub, 1),
                                    pp_vect_converter.reshape(1, nb_sub)]
        error_p = np.abs(np.real(Ydc_me) - np.real(Ydc_pp_right_order))
        assert np.max(error_p) <= self.tol, f"Error: P do not match for Ybus (dc mode), maximum absolute error " \
                                            f"is {np.max(error_p):.5f}"
        error_q = np.abs(np.imag(Ydc_me) - np.imag(Ydc_pp_right_order))
        assert np.max(error_q) <= self.tol, f"\t Error: Q do not match for Ybus (dc mdoe), maximum absolute error " \
                                            f"is {np.max(error_q):.5f}"

        # "3) check that lightsim ac pf init with pp dc pf give same results (than pp)"
        Vinit = np.ones(backend.nb_bus_total,
                        dtype=np.complex_) * pp_net["_options"]["init_vm_pu"]
        Vinit[:nb_sub] = V_init_ref[pp_vect_converter]
        conv = backend._grid.ac_pf(Vinit, max_iter, tol_this)
        assert conv.shape[
            0] > 0, "\t Error: the lightsim diverge when initialized with pandapower Vinit_dc"
        lpor, lqor, lvor, laor = backend._grid.get_lineor_res()
        tpor, tqor, tvor, taor = backend._grid.get_trafohv_res()
        tpex, tqex, tvex, taex = backend._grid.get_trafolv_res()
        nb_trafo = tpor.shape[0]
        nb_powerline = lpor.shape[0]
        p_or_me2 = np.concatenate((lpor, tpor))
        q_or_me2 = np.concatenate((lqor, tqor))
        v_or_me2 = np.concatenate((lvor, tvor))
        a_or_me2 = 1000. * np.concatenate((laor, taor))
        test_ok = True
        # pdb.set_trace()
        max_mis = np.max(np.abs(p_or_me2 - por_pp))
        assert np.max(
        ) <= self.tol, f"\t Error: por do not match, maximum absolute error is {max_mis:.5f} MW"
        max_mis = np.max(np.abs(q_or_me2 - qor_pp))
        assert np.max(
        ) <= self.tol, f"\t Error: qor do not match, maximum absolute error is {max_mis:.5f} MVAr"
        max_mis = np.max(np.abs(v_or_me2 - vor_pp))
        assert np.max(
        ) <= self.tol, f"\t Error: vor do not match, maximum absolute error is {max_mis:.5f} kV"
        max_mis = np.max(np.abs(a_or_me2 - aor_pp))
        assert np.max(
        ) <= self.tol, f"\t Error: aor do not match, maximum absolute error is {max_mis:.5f} A"

        # "V - Check trafo proper conversion to r,x, b"
        from lightsim2grid_cpp import GridModel, PandaPowerConverter, SolverType
        from pandapower.build_branch import _calc_branch_values_from_trafo_df, get_trafo_values
        from pandapower.build_branch import _calc_nominal_ratio_from_dataframe, _calc_r_x_y_from_dataframe
        from pandapower.build_branch import _calc_tap_from_dataframe, BASE_KV, _calc_r_x_from_dataframe

        # my trafo parameters
        converter = PandaPowerConverter()
        tap_neutral = 1.0 * pp_net.trafo["tap_neutral"].values
        tap_neutral[~np.isfinite(tap_neutral)] = 0.
        if np.any(tap_neutral != 0.):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "lightsim converter supposes that tap_neutral is 0 for the transformers"
        tap_step_pct = 1.0 * pp_net.trafo["tap_step_percent"].values
        tap_step_pct[~np.isfinite(tap_step_pct)] = 0.
        tap_pos = 1.0 * pp_net.trafo["tap_pos"].values
        tap_pos[~np.isfinite(tap_pos)] = 0.
        shift_ = 1.0 * pp_net.trafo["shift_degree"].values
        shift_[~np.isfinite(shift_)] = 0.
        is_tap_hv_side = pp_net.trafo["tap_side"].values == "hv"
        is_tap_hv_side[~np.isfinite(is_tap_hv_side)] = True
        if np.any(pp_net.trafo["tap_phase_shifter"].values):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "ideal phase shifter are not modeled. Please remove all trafo with "
                "pp_net.trafo[\"tap_phase_shifter\"] set to True.")
        tap_angles_ = 1.0 * pp_net.trafo["tap_step_degree"].values
        tap_angles_[~np.isfinite(tap_angles_)] = 0.
        tap_angles_ = np.deg2rad(tap_angles_)
        trafo_r, trafo_x, trafo_b = \
                                      tap_angles_,  # in radian !
        # pandapower trafo parameters
        ppc = copy.deepcopy(pp_net._ppc)
        bus_lookup = pp_net["_pd2ppc_lookups"]["bus"]
        trafo_df = pp_net["trafo"]
        lv_bus = get_trafo_values(trafo_df, "lv_bus")
        vn_lv = ppc["bus"][bus_lookup[lv_bus], BASE_KV]
        vn_trafo_hv, vn_trafo_lv, shift_pp = _calc_tap_from_dataframe(
            pp_net, trafo_df)
        ratio = _calc_nominal_ratio_from_dataframe(ppc, trafo_df, vn_trafo_hv,
                                                   vn_trafo_lv, bus_lookup)
        r_t, x_t, b_t = _calc_r_x_y_from_dataframe(pp_net, trafo_df,
                                                   vn_trafo_lv, vn_lv,

        # check where there are mismatch if any
        val_r_pp = r_t
        val_r_me = trafo_r
        all_equals_r = np.abs(val_r_pp - val_r_me) <= self.tol
        if not np.all(all_equals_r):
            test_ok = False
                f"\t Error: some trafo resistance are not equal, max error: {np.max(np.abs(val_r_pp - val_r_me)):.5f}"

        val_x_pp = x_t
        val_x_me = trafo_x
        all_equals_x = np.abs(val_x_pp - val_x_me) <= self.tol
        assert np.all(all_equals_x), f"\t Error: some trafo x are not equal, max error: " \
                                     f"{np.max(np.abs(val_x_pp - val_x_me)):.5f}"

        val_ib_pp = np.imag(b_t)
        val_ib_me = np.imag(trafo_b)
        all_equals_imag_b = np.abs(val_ib_pp - val_ib_me) <= self.tol
        assert np.all(all_equals_imag_b), f"\t Error: some trafo (imag) b are not equal, max error: " \
                                          f"{np.max(np.abs(val_ib_pp - val_ib_me)):.5f}"

        val_reb_pp = np.real(b_t)
        val_reb_me = np.real(trafo_b)
        all_equals_real_b = np.abs(val_reb_pp - val_reb_me) <= self.tol
        assert np.all(all_equals_real_b), f"\t Error: some trafo (real) b are not equal, max error: " \
                                          f"{np.max(np.abs(val_reb_pp - val_reb_me)):.5f}"