def pre_build(): aur_pre_build() for line in edit_file('PKGBUILD'): # makechrootpkg has a bug - if a package that creates user(s) is fed # via -I, makepkg in the chroot fails to run as the newly created user # might have the same UID (1000) as builduser, and thus the NOPASSWD # line for builduser in /etc/sudoers has no effects. if line.startswith('depends='): line = line.replace('amule-dlp', 'wxgtk') print(line) add_makedepends(['git'])
def pre_build(): aur_pre_build() # wget for ./bootstrap and doxygen/pandoc for building docs add_makedepends(['wget', 'doxygen', 'pandoc'])
def pre_build(): aur_pre_build() add_makedepends(['git'])
def pre_build(): aur_pre_build() add_makedepends(['lxqt-build-tools-git'])
def pre_build(): aur_pre_build() add_makedepends(['wayland-protocols'])