 def add(self, fn):
   """Given a filename for a linegraph file this loads it, extracts all chunks and stores them in the db."""
   if fn in self.fnl: return 0
   self.kdtree = None
   # Load the LineGraph from the given filename...
   data = ply2.read(fn)
   lg = LineGraph()
   texture = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fn), data['meta']['image']))
   # Calculate the radius scaler and distance for this line graph, by calculating the median radius...
   rads = map(lambda i: lg.get_vertex(i)[5], xrange(lg.vertex_count))
   median_radius = rads[len(rads)//2]
   radius_mult = 1.0 / median_radius
   dist = self.dist * median_radius
   # Chop it up into chains, extract chunks and store them in the database...
   ret = 0
   for raw_chain in lg.chains():
     for chain in filter(lambda c: len(c)>1, [raw_chain, raw_chain[::-1]]):
       head = 0
       tail = 0
       length = 0.0
       while True:
         # Move tail so its long enough, or has reached the end...
         while length<dist and tail+1<len(chain):
           tail += 1
           v1 = lg.get_vertex(chain[tail-1])
           v2 = lg.get_vertex(chain[tail])
           length += numpy.sqrt((v1[0]-v2[0])**2 + (v1[1]-v2[1])**2)
         # Create the chunk...
         chunk = LineGraph()
         chunk.from_vertices(lg, chain[head:tail+1])
         # Tag it...
         chunk.add_tag(0, 0.1, 'file:%s'%fn)
         chunk.add_tag(0, 0.2, 'texture:%s'%texture)
         # Store it...
         self.chunks.append((chunk, median_radius))
         ret += 1
         # If tail is at the end exit the loop...
         if tail+1 >= len(chain): break
         # Move head along for the next chunk...
         to_move = dist * self.factor
         while to_move>0.0 and head+2<len(chain):
           head += 1
           v1 = lg.get_vertex(chain[head-1])
           v2 = lg.get_vertex(chain[head])
           offset = numpy.sqrt((v1[0]-v2[0])**2 + (v1[1]-v2[1])**2)
           length -= offset
           to_move -= offset
   return ret
文件: chunk_db.py 项目: zoginni/helit
    def add(self, fn):
        """Given a filename for a linegraph file this loads it, extracts all chunks and stores them in the db."""
        if fn in self.fnl: return 0
        self.kdtree = None

        # Load the LineGraph from the given filename...
        data = ply2.read(fn)

        lg = LineGraph()

        texture = os.path.normpath(
            os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fn), data['meta']['image']))

        # Calculate the radius scaler and distance for this line graph, by calculating the median radius...
        rads = map(lambda i: lg.get_vertex(i)[5], xrange(lg.vertex_count))
        median_radius = rads[len(rads) // 2]
        radius_mult = 1.0 / median_radius

        dist = self.dist * median_radius

        # Chop it up into chains, extract chunks and store them in the database...
        ret = 0

        for raw_chain in lg.chains():
            for chain in filter(lambda c: len(c) > 1,
                                [raw_chain, raw_chain[::-1]]):
                head = 0
                tail = 0
                length = 0.0

                while True:
                    # Move tail so its long enough, or has reached the end...
                    while length < dist and tail + 1 < len(chain):
                        tail += 1
                        v1 = lg.get_vertex(chain[tail - 1])
                        v2 = lg.get_vertex(chain[tail])
                        length += numpy.sqrt((v1[0] - v2[0])**2 +
                                             (v1[1] - v2[1])**2)

                    # Create the chunk...
                    chunk = LineGraph()
                    chunk.from_vertices(lg, chain[head:tail + 1])

                    # Tag it...
                    chunk.add_tag(0, 0.1, 'file:%s' % fn)
                    chunk.add_tag(0, 0.2, 'texture:%s' % texture)

                    # Store it...
                    self.chunks.append((chunk, median_radius))
                    ret += 1

                    # If tail is at the end exit the loop...
                    if tail + 1 >= len(chain): break

                    # Move head along for the next chunk...
                    to_move = dist * self.factor
                    while to_move > 0.0 and head + 2 < len(chain):
                        head += 1
                        v1 = lg.get_vertex(chain[head - 1])
                        v2 = lg.get_vertex(chain[head])
                        offset = numpy.sqrt((v1[0] - v2[0])**2 +
                                            (v1[1] - v2[1])**2)
                        length -= offset
                        to_move -= offset

        return ret
  def convert(self, lg, choices = 1, adv_match = False, textures = TextureCache(), memory = 0):
    """Given a line graph this chops it into chunks, matches each chunk to the database of chunks and returns a new line graph with these chunks instead of the original. Output will involve heavy overlap requiring clever blending. choices is the number of options it select from the db - it grabs this many closest to the requirements and then randomly selects from them. If adv_match is True then instead of random selection from the choices it does a more advanced match, and select the best match in terms of colour distance from already-rendered chunks. This option is reasonably expensive. memory is how many recently use chunks to remember, to avoid repetition."""
    if memory > (choices - 1):
      memory = choices - 1

    # If we have no data just return the input...
    if self.empty(): return lg
    # Check if the indexing structure is valid - if not create it...
    if self.kdtree==None:
      data = numpy.array(map(lambda p: self.feature_vect(p[0], p[1]), self.chunks), dtype=numpy.float)
      self.kdtree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(data, 4)
    # Calculate the radius scaler and distance for this line graph, by calculating the median radius...
    rads = map(lambda i: lg.get_vertex(i)[5], xrange(lg.vertex_count))
    median_radius = rads[len(rads)//2]
    radius_mult = 1.0 / median_radius
    dist = self.dist * median_radius
    # Create the list into which we dump all the chunks that will make up the return...
    chunks = []
    temp = LineGraph()
    # List of recently used chunks, to avoid obvious patterns...
    recent = []
    # If advanced match we need a Composite of the image thus far, to compare against...
    if adv_match:
      canvas = Composite()
      min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y = lg.get_bounds()
      canvas.set_size(int(max_x+8), int(max_y+8))
    # Iterate the line graph, choping it into chunks and matching a chunk to each chop...
    for chain in lg.chains():
      head = 0
      tail = 0
      length = 0.0
      while True:
        # Move tail so its long enough, or has reached the end...
        while length<dist and tail+1<len(chain):
          tail += 1
          v1 = lg.get_vertex(chain[tail-1])
          v2 = lg.get_vertex(chain[tail])
          length += numpy.sqrt((v1[0]-v2[0])**2 + (v1[1]-v2[1])**2)

        # Extract a feature vector for this chunk...
        temp.from_vertices(lg, chain[head:tail+1])
        fv = self.feature_vect(temp, median_radius)
        # Select a chunk from the database...
        if choices==1:
          selected = self.kdtree.query(fv)[1]
          orig_chunk = self.chunks[selected]
          options = list(self.kdtree.query(fv, choices)[1])
          options = filter(lambda v: v not in recent, options)
          if not adv_match:
            selected = random.choice(options)
            orig_chunk = self.chunks[selected]
            cost = 1e64 * numpy.ones(len(options))
            for i, option in enumerate(options):
              fn = filter(lambda t: t[0].startswith('texture:'), self.chunks[option][0].get_tags())
              if len(fn)!=0:
                fn = fn[0][0][len('texture:'):]
                tex = textures[fn]
                chunk = LineGraph()
                chunk.morph_to(lg, chain[head:tail+1])
                part = canvas.draw_line_graph(chunk)
                cost[i] = canvas.cost_texture_nearest(tex, part)
            selected = options[numpy.argmin(cost)]
            orig_chunk = self.chunks[selected]
        # Update recent list...
        if len(recent)>memory:

        # Distort it to match the source line graph...
        chunk = LineGraph()
        chunk.morph_to(lg, chain[head:tail+1])
        # Record it for output...
        # If advanced matching is on write it out to canvas, so future choices will take it into account...
        if adv_match:
          fn = filter(lambda t: t[0].startswith('texture:'), chunk.get_tags())
          if len(fn)!=0:
            fn = fn[0][0][len('texture:'):]
            tex = textures[fn]

            part = canvas.draw_line_graph(chunk)
            canvas.paint_texture_nearest(tex, part)
        # If tail is at the end exit the loop...
        if tail+1 >= len(chain): break
        # Move head along for the next chunk...
        to_move = dist * self.factor
        while to_move>0.0 and head+2<len(chain):
          head += 1
          v1 = lg.get_vertex(chain[head-1])
          v2 = lg.get_vertex(chain[head])
          offset = numpy.sqrt((v1[0]-v2[0])**2 + (v1[1]-v2[1])**2)
          length -= offset
          to_move -= offset

    # Return the final line graph...
    ret = LineGraph()
    return ret
文件: chunk_db.py 项目: zoginni/helit
    def convert(self,
        """Given a line graph this chops it into chunks, matches each chunk to the database of chunks and returns a new line graph with these chunks instead of the original. Output will involve heavy overlap requiring clever blending. choices is the number of options it select from the db - it grabs this many closest to the requirements and then randomly selects from them. If adv_match is True then instead of random selection from the choices it does a more advanced match, and select the best match in terms of colour distance from already-rendered chunks. This option is reasonably expensive. memory is how many recently use chunks to remember, to avoid repetition."""
        if memory > (choices - 1):
            memory = choices - 1

        # If we have no data just return the input...
        if self.empty(): return lg

        # Check if the indexing structure is valid - if not create it...
        if self.kdtree == None:
            data = numpy.array(map(lambda p: self.feature_vect(p[0], p[1]),
            self.kdtree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(data, 4)

        # Calculate the radius scaler and distance for this line graph, by calculating the median radius...
        rads = map(lambda i: lg.get_vertex(i)[5], xrange(lg.vertex_count))
        median_radius = rads[len(rads) // 2]
        radius_mult = 1.0 / median_radius

        dist = self.dist * median_radius

        # Create the list into which we dump all the chunks that will make up the return...
        chunks = []
        temp = LineGraph()

        # List of recently used chunks, to avoid obvious patterns...
        recent = []

        # If advanced match we need a Composite of the image thus far, to compare against...
        if adv_match:
            canvas = Composite()
            min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y = lg.get_bounds()
            canvas.set_size(int(max_x + 8), int(max_y + 8))

        # Iterate the line graph, choping it into chunks and matching a chunk to each chop...
        for chain in lg.chains():
            head = 0
            tail = 0
            length = 0.0

            while True:
                # Move tail so its long enough, or has reached the end...
                while length < dist and tail + 1 < len(chain):
                    tail += 1
                    v1 = lg.get_vertex(chain[tail - 1])
                    v2 = lg.get_vertex(chain[tail])
                    length += numpy.sqrt((v1[0] - v2[0])**2 +
                                         (v1[1] - v2[1])**2)

                # Extract a feature vector for this chunk...
                temp.from_vertices(lg, chain[head:tail + 1])
                fv = self.feature_vect(temp, median_radius)

                # Select a chunk from the database...
                if choices == 1:
                    selected = self.kdtree.query(fv)[1]
                    orig_chunk = self.chunks[selected]
                    options = list(self.kdtree.query(fv, choices)[1])
                    options = filter(lambda v: v not in recent, options)
                    if not adv_match:
                        selected = random.choice(options)
                        orig_chunk = self.chunks[selected]
                        cost = 1e64 * numpy.ones(len(options))

                        for i, option in enumerate(options):
                            fn = filter(lambda t: t[0].startswith('texture:'),
                            if len(fn) != 0:
                                fn = fn[0][0][len('texture:'):]
                                tex = textures[fn]

                                chunk = LineGraph()
                                chunk.morph_to(lg, chain[head:tail + 1])

                                part = canvas.draw_line_graph(chunk)
                                cost[i] = canvas.cost_texture_nearest(
                                    tex, part)

                        selected = options[numpy.argmin(cost)]
                        orig_chunk = self.chunks[selected]

                # Update recent list...
                if len(recent) > memory:

                # Distort it to match the source line graph...
                chunk = LineGraph()
                chunk.morph_to(lg, chain[head:tail + 1])

                # Record it for output...

                # If advanced matching is on write it out to canvas, so future choices will take it into account...
                if adv_match:
                    fn = filter(lambda t: t[0].startswith('texture:'),
                    if len(fn) != 0:
                        fn = fn[0][0][len('texture:'):]
                        tex = textures[fn]

                        part = canvas.draw_line_graph(chunk)
                        canvas.paint_texture_nearest(tex, part)

                # If tail is at the end exit the loop...
                if tail + 1 >= len(chain): break

                # Move head along for the next chunk...
                to_move = dist * self.factor
                while to_move > 0.0 and head + 2 < len(chain):
                    head += 1
                    v1 = lg.get_vertex(chain[head - 1])
                    v2 = lg.get_vertex(chain[head])
                    offset = numpy.sqrt((v1[0] - v2[0])**2 +
                                        (v1[1] - v2[1])**2)
                    length -= offset
                    to_move -= offset

        # Return the final line graph...
        ret = LineGraph()
        return ret