    def _endogeneity_setup(self, vars=None):
        """Setup function for some endogeneity iv"""
        if vars is not None and not isinstance(vars, list):
            vars = [vars]
        nobs = self.model.dependent.shape[0]
        e2 = self.resids.values
        nendog, nexog = self.model.endog.shape[1], self.model.exog.shape[1]
        if vars is None:
            assumed_exog = self.model.endog.ndarray
            aug_exog = c_[self.model.exog.ndarray, assumed_exog]
            still_endog = empty((nobs, 0))
            assumed_exog = self.model.endog.pandas[vars].values
            ex = [c for c in self.model.endog.cols if c not in vars]
            still_endog = self.model.endog.pandas[ex].values
            aug_exog = c_[self.model.exog.ndarray, assumed_exog]
        ntested = assumed_exog.shape[1]

        from linearmodels.iv import IV2SLS
        mod = IV2SLS(self.model.dependent, aug_exog, still_endog,
        e0 = mod.fit().resids.values[:, None]

        z2 = c_[self.model.exog.ndarray, self.model.instruments.ndarray]
        z1 = c_[z2, assumed_exog]

        e1 = proj(e0, z1)
        e2 = proj(e2, self.model.instruments.ndarray)
        return e0, e1, e2, nobs, nexog, nendog, ntested
    def wooldridge_overid(self):
        Wooldridge's score test of overidentification

        t : WaldTestStatistic
            Object containing test statistic, p-value, distribution and null

        Wooldridge's test examines whether there is correlation between the
        model residuals and the component of the instruments that is
        orthogonal to the endogenous variables. Define :math:`\tilde{z}`
        to be the residuals of the instruments regressed on the exogenous
        variables and the first-stage fitted values of the endogenous
        variables.  The test is computed as a regression

        .. math ::

          1 = \gamma_1 \hat{\epsilon}_i \tilde{z}_{i,1} + \ldots +
              \gamma_q \hat{\epsilon}_i \tilde{z}_{i,q}

        where :math:`q = n_{instr} - n_{endog}`.  The test is a
        :math:`n\times R^2 \sim \chi^2_{q}`.

        The order of the instruments does not affect this test.
        from linearmodels.iv.model import _OLS
        exog, endog = self.model.exog, self.model.endog
        instruments = self.model.instruments
        nobs, nendog = endog.shape
        ninstr = instruments.shape[1]
        if ninstr - nendog == 0:
            import warnings
                'Test requires more instruments than '
                'endogenous variables', UserWarning)
            return WaldTestStatistic(0,
                                     'Test is not feasible.',
                                     name='Infeasible test.')

        endog_hat = proj(endog.ndarray, c_[exog.ndarray, instruments.ndarray])
        q = instruments.ndarray[:, :(ninstr - nendog)]
        q_res = annihilate(q, c_[self.model.exog.ndarray, endog_hat])
        test_functions = q_res * self.resids.values[:, None]
        res = _OLS(ones((nobs, 1)), test_functions).fit('unadjusted')

        stat = res.nobs * res.rsquared
        df = ninstr - nendog
        null = 'Model is not overidentified.'
        name = 'Wooldridge\'s score test of overidentification'
        return WaldTestStatistic(stat, null, df, name=name)