def make_resume_files(profile, output_dir): """ Create resume files Args: profile: the dict of the profile output_dir: the output directory Returns: None """ log = Logger() log.notice('Creating resume files') output_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'resume') make_dir(output_dir) copy_files(__name__, 'awesome_cv_files', output_dir) has_publications = make_publication_section(profile[PUBLICATIONS], output_dir) make_skill_section(profile[SKILLS], profile[LANGUAGES], output_dir) for section in RESUME_SECTIONS: make_resume_section(profile, section, output_dir) make_resume_main(profile, has_publications, output_dir) compile_resume(output_dir, has_publications)
def make_resume_files(profile, output_dir, timeout): """ Create resume files Args: profile: the dict of the profile output_dir: the output directory timeout: the timeout value Returns: None """ log = Logger() log.notice("Creating resume files") output_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, "resume") make_dir(output_dir) copy_files( __name__.split(".")[0], "templates/awesome_cv_files", output_dir) if PUBLICATIONS in profile: has_publications = make_publication_section(profile[PUBLICATIONS], output_dir) else: has_publications = False if SKILLS in profile and LANGUAGES in profile: make_skill_section(profile[SKILLS], profile[LANGUAGES], output_dir) for section in RESUME_SECTIONS: make_resume_section(profile, section, output_dir) make_resume_main(profile, has_publications, output_dir) compile_resume(output_dir, has_publications, timeout)
def run(driver, email, password, keep_creds, output_dir, scrape_only, resume_only, website_only, profile_file, timeout, **kwargs): # Setup logging logbook.set_datetime_format('local') format_string = '[{record.time:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}] {record.level_name}: {record.message}' StreamHandler(sys.stdout, format_string=format_string).push_application() log = Logger() # Create output directory make_dir(output_dir) # Check if user has provided the profile json file if profile_file is None: if driver.lower() not in DRIVERS: raise ValueError(f'Browser driver has to be one of these: {", ".join(DRIVERS)}') # Check if credentials file exists credentials_file = os.path.expanduser(CREDENTIALS_FILE) if os.path.exists(credentials_file): with open(credentials_file) as f: credentials = json.load(f) email = credentials['email'] password = credentials['password'] else: if email is None: email = input('Enter your LinkedIn login email: ') if password is None: password = getpass('Enter your LinkedIn login password: '******'Scraping LinkedIn profile') log.notice('Please keep the browser window on top') profile = scrape(driver.lower(), email, password, output_dir, timeout) if keep_creds: store_creds(email, password, credentials_file) else: with open(profile_file) as f: profile = json.load(f) if not scrape_only: if resume_only: make_resume_files(profile, output_dir, timeout) elif website_only: make_website_files(profile, output_dir) else: make_resume_files(profile, output_dir, timeout) make_website_files(profile, output_dir)
def store_creds(email, password, creds_file): """ Store login credentials Args: email: the LinkedIn login email password: the LinkedIn login password creds_file: the credentials file to store the login credentials Returns: None """ log = Logger() log.warn(f'It is highly NOT recommended to keep your login credentials, ' f'you can always remove the file {CREDENTIALS_FILE} to remove them') make_dir(os.path.expanduser(f'~/.{PACKAGE_NAME}')) credentials = {'email': email, 'password': password} with open(creds_file, 'w') as f: json.dump(credentials, f)
def make_website_files(profile, output_dir): """ Create website files Args: profile: the dict of the profile output_dir: the output directory Returns: None """ log = Logger() log.notice('Creating website files...') output_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'website') make_dir(output_dir) copy_files( __name__.split('.')[0], 'templates/dev_portfolio_files', output_dir) lines = [] comment_line = has_sum = has_exp = has_edu = has_prj = has_skl = has_con = False with open( pkg_resources.resource_filename( __name__.split('.')[0], PORTFOLIO_TEMPLATE)) as f: for line in f: line = line.strip('\n') indent = re.match(r'\s+', line) if indent is not None: indent = if 'section-headers-here' in line: for section in PORTFOLIO_SECTIONS: if section == CONTACT or (section in profile and profile[section]): lines += make_section_header(section, indent) elif NAME in profile and 'name-here' in line: lines.append(line.replace('name-here', profile[NAME])) elif POSITION in profile and 'title-here' in line: lines.append(line.replace('title-here', profile[POSITION])) elif NAME in profile and 'copyright-here' in line: lines.append( line.replace('copyright-here', f'{} {profile[NAME]}')) # About section elif 'id="about"' in line: if SUMMARY not in profile or not profile[SUMMARY]: comment_line = True lines += make_comment_line(line) else: has_sum = True lines.append(line) elif has_sum and 'summary-here' in line: lines += make_summary_section(profile[SUMMARY], indent) # Experience section elif 'id="experience"' in line: if EXPERIENCE not in profile or not profile[EXPERIENCE]: comment_line = True lines += make_comment_line(line) else: has_exp = True lines.append(line) elif has_exp and 'experience-here' in line: lines += make_experience_section(profile[EXPERIENCE], indent) # Education section elif 'id="education"' in line: if EDUCATION not in profile or not profile[EDUCATION]: comment_line = True lines += make_comment_line(line) else: has_edu = True lines.append(line) elif has_edu and 'education-here' in line: lines += make_education_section(profile[EDUCATION], indent) # Projects section elif 'id="projects"' in line: if PROJECTS not in profile or not profile[PROJECTS]: comment_line = True lines += make_comment_line(line) else: has_prj = True lines.append(line) elif has_prj and 'projects-here' in line: lines += make_projects_section(profile[PROJECTS], indent) # Skills section elif 'id="skills"' in line: if SKILLS not in profile or not profile[SKILLS]: comment_line = True lines += make_comment_line(line) else: has_skl = True lines.append(line) elif has_skl and 'skills-here' in line: lines += make_skills_section(profile[SKILLS], indent) # Contact section elif CONTACT in profile and EMAIL in profile[ CONTACT] and 'email-here' in line: lines.append( line.replace('email-here', profile[CONTACT][EMAIL])) elif 'col-sm-5 social' in line: if CONTACT not in profile or \ all(x not in profile[CONTACT] or not profile[CONTACT][x] for x in CONTACTS): comment_line = True lines += make_comment_line(line) else: has_con = True lines.append(line) elif has_con and 'contact-here' in line: lines += make_contact_section(profile[CONTACT], indent) # Comment out sections elif comment_line and any(x in line for x in SECTION_ENDS): comment_line = False elif comment_line: lines += make_comment_line(line) # No changes to line else: lines.append(line) with open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'index.html'), 'w') as f: f.write('\n'.join(lines))