def set_logging_level(name, level): """ sets the logging level in the database as well as in the current running logger :param name: Name of the logger :param level: New level (must be integer) """ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- logger = logging.getLogger(name) logger.setLevel(level) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- config_entry = Session.query(LoggingConfig).get(name) if config_entry is None: new_config_entry = LoggingConfig(name, level) Session.add(new_config_entry) return config_entry.level = level
def storeToken(self): log.debug('storeToken()') Session.add(self) Session.flush() Session.commit() log.debug('store token success') return True
def token_reporting(event, tokenrealms): """ log token events into reporting table :param event: the event that happened, e.g. init token, delete token :param tokenrealms: the realm on which the event happened :return: nothing """ realms = tokenrealms if not tokenrealms or len(tokenrealms) == 0: realms = ['/:no realm:/'] elif not isinstance(tokenrealms, (list, tuple)): realms = [tokenrealms] for realm in realms: action = check_token_reporting(realm) mh = MonitorHandler() counters = mh.token_count(realm, action[:]) for key, val in counters.items(): report = Reporting( event=event, realm=realm, parameter=key, count=val) try: Session.add(report) except Exception as exce: log.exception('[save]Error during saving Report: %r' % exce)
def _storeConfigEntryDB(key, value, typ=None, desc=None): """ lowest level for storing database entries in the config table """ confEntries = Session.query(Config).filter(Config.Key == unicode(key)) theConf = None # update if confEntries.count() == 1: theConf = confEntries[0] theConf.Value = unicode(value) if (typ is not None): theConf.Type = unicode(typ) if (desc is not None): theConf.Description = unicode(desc) # insert elif confEntries.count() == 0: theConf = Config( Key=unicode(key), Value=unicode(value), Type=unicode(typ), Description=unicode(desc) ) if theConf is not None: Session.add(theConf) return 101
def token_reporting(event, tokenrealms): """ log token events into reporting table :param event: the event that happened, e.g. init token, delete token :param tokenrealms: the realm on which the event happened :return: nothing """ realms = tokenrealms if not tokenrealms or len(tokenrealms) == 0: realms = ['/:no realm:/'] elif not isinstance(tokenrealms, (list, tuple)): realms = [tokenrealms] for realm in realms: action = check_token_reporting(realm) mh = MonitorHandler() counters = mh.token_count(realm, action[:]) for key, val in counters.items(): report = Reporting(event=event, realm=realm, parameter=key, count=val) try: Session.add(report) except Exception as exce: log.exception('Error during saving report. Exception was: ' '%r' % exce)
def save(self): log.debug('save ocra challenge') Session.add(self) Session.flush() log.debug('save ocra challenge : success') return self.transid
def storeRealm(self): if is None: = '' = Session.add(self) Session.flush() return True
def storeRealm(self): if is None: = '' = log.debug('storeRealm()') Session.add(self) Session.commit() log.debug('store realm success') return True
def storeToken(self): if self.LinOtpUserid is None: self.LinOtpUserid = u'' if self.LinOtpIdResClass is None: self.LinOtpIdResClass = '' if self.LinOtpIdResolver is None: self.LinOtpIdResolver = '' Session.add(self) Session.flush() return True
def storeToken(self): if self.LinOtpUserid is None: self.LinOtpUserid = u'' if self.LinOtpIdResClass is None: self.LinOtpIdResClass = '' if self.LinOtpIdResolver is None: self.LinOtpIdResolver = '' log.debug('storeToken()') Session.add(self) Session.flush() Session.commit() log.debug('store token success') return True
def save(self): ''' enforce the saving of a challenge - will guarantee the uniqness of the transaction id :return: transaction id of the stored challenge ''' try: Session.add(self) Session.flush() except Exception as exce: log.exception('[save]Error during saving challenge') return self.transid
def storeToken(self): log.debug('storeToken()') if self.LinOtpUserid is None: self.LinOtpUserid = u'' if self.LinOtpTokenDesc is None: self.LinOtpTokenDesc = u'' if self.LinOtpTokenInfo is None: self.LinOtpTokenInfo = u'' Session.add(self) Session.flush() Session.commit() log.debug('store token success') return True
def save(self): ''' enforce the saveing of a challenge - will guarentee the uniqness of the transaction id :return: transaction id of the stored challeng ''' log.debug('[save] save challenge') try: Session.add(self) Session.commit() log.debug('save challenge : success') except Exception as exce: log.exception('[save]Error during saving challenge: %r' % exce) return self.transid
def save(self): ''' enforce the saving of a challenge - will guarantee the uniqness of the transaction id :return: transaction id of the stored challenge ''' log.debug('[save] save challenge') try: Session.add(self) Session.commit() log.debug('save challenge : success') except Exception as exce: log.exception('[save]Error during saving challenge: %r' % exce) return self.transid
def set_config(key, value, typ, description=None): ''' create an intial config entry, if it does not exist :param key: the key :param value: the value :param description: the description of the key :return: nothing ''' count = Session.query(model.Config).filter( model.Config.Key == "linotp." + key).count() if count == 0: config_entry = model.Config(key, value, Type=typ, Description=description) Session.add(config_entry) return
def _storeConfigDB(key, val, typ=None, desc=None): value = val log.debug('storeConfigDB: key %r : value %r' % (key, value)) if (not key.startswith("linotp.")): key = "linotp." + key confEntries = Session.query(Config).filter(Config.Key == unicode(key)) theConf = None if typ is not None and typ == 'password': value = encryptPassword(val) en = decryptPassword(value) if (en != val): raise Exception("StoreConfig: Error during encoding password type!") # # update if confEntries.count() == 1: theConf = confEntries[0] theConf.Value = unicode(value) if (typ is not None): theConf.Type = unicode(typ) if (desc is not None): theConf.Description = unicode(desc) # # insert elif confEntries.count() == 0: theConf = Config( Key=unicode(key), Value=unicode(value), Type=unicode(typ), Description=unicode(desc) ) if theConf is not None: Session.add(theConf) return 101
def _storeConfigDB(key, val, typ=None, desc=None): value = val log.debug('storeConfigDB: key %r : value %r' % (key, value)) if (not key.startswith("linotp.")): key = "linotp." + key confEntries = Session.query(Config).filter(Config.Key == unicode(key)) theConf = None if typ is not None and typ == 'password': value = encryptPassword(val) en = decryptPassword(value) if (en != val): raise Exception( "StoreConfig: Error during encoding password type!") # # update if confEntries.count() == 1: theConf = confEntries[0] theConf.Value = unicode(value) if (typ is not None): theConf.Type = unicode(typ) if (desc is not None): theConf.Description = unicode(desc) # # insert elif confEntries.count() == 0: theConf = Config(Key=unicode(key), Value=unicode(value), Type=unicode(typ), Description=unicode(desc)) if theConf is not None: Session.add(theConf) return 101
def save(self): Session.add(self) Session.flush() return self.transid
def storeRealm(self): log.debug('storeRealm()') Session.add(self) Session.commit() log.debug('store realm success') return True
def save(self): log.debug('save ocra challenge') Session.add(self) Session.commit() log.debug('save ocra challenge : success') return self.transid