def iotop_output_write(self): count = 0 limit = self._arg_limit graph = Pyasciigraph() values = [] for tid in sorted(self.state.tids.values(), key=operator.attrgetter('write'), reverse=True): if not self.filter_process(tid): continue info_fmt = "{:>10} {:<25} {:>9} file {:>9} net {:>9} unknown " values.append((info_fmt.format( common.convert_size(tid.write, padding_after=True), "%s (%d)" % (tid.comm,, common.convert_size(tid.disk_write, padding_after=True), common.convert_size(tid.net_write, padding_after=True), common.convert_size(tid.unk_write, padding_after=True)), tid.write)) count = count + 1 if limit > 0 and count >= limit: break for line in graph.graph('Per-process I/O Write', values, with_value=False): print(line)
def iotop_output_print_file_write(self, files): # Compute files read count = 0 limit = self._arg_limit graph = Pyasciigraph() values = [] sorted_f = sorted(files.items(), key=lambda files: files[1]['write'], reverse=True) for f in sorted_f: if f[1]["write"] == 0: continue info_fmt = "{:>10}".format( common.convert_size(f[1]["write"], padding_after=True)) values.append(("%s %s %s" % (info_fmt, f[1]["name"], str(f[1]["other"])[1:-1]), f[1]["write"])) count = count + 1 if limit > 0 and count >= limit: break for line in graph.graph('Files Write', values, sort=2, with_value=False): print(line)
def iotop_output_net_sent_bytes(self): graph = Pyasciigraph() values = [] for iface in sorted(self.state.ifaces.values(), key=operator.attrgetter('send_bytes'), reverse=True): values.append(("%s %s" % (common.convert_size(iface.send_bytes),, iface.send_bytes)) for line in graph.graph('Network sent_bytes', values, with_value=False): print(line)
def iotop_output_disk_read(self): count = 0 limit = self._arg_limit graph = Pyasciigraph() values = [] for tid in sorted(self.state.tids.values(), key=operator.attrgetter('block_read'), reverse=True): if not self.filter_process(tid): continue if tid.block_read == 0: continue info_fmt = "{:>10} {:<22}" values.append((info_fmt.format( common.convert_size(tid.block_read, padding_after=True), "%s (pid=%d)" % (tid.comm,, tid.block_read)) count = count + 1 if limit > 0 and count >= limit: break for line in graph.graph('Block I/O Read', values, with_value=False): print(line)
def iolatency_syscalls_list_output(self, title, rq_list, sortkey, reverse): limit = self._arg_limit count = 0 outrange_legend = False if len(rq_list) == 0: return print(title) if self._arg_extra: extra_fmt = "{:<48}" extra_title = "{:<8} {:<8} {:<8} {:<8} {:<8} {:<8} ".format( "Dirtied", "Alloc", "Free", "Written", "Kswap", "Cleared") else: extra_fmt = "{:<0}" extra_title = "" title_fmt = "{:<19} {:<20} {:<16} {:<23} {:<5} {:<24} {:<8} " + \ extra_fmt + "{:<14}" fmt = "{:<40} {:<16} {:>16} {:>11} {:<24} {:<8} " + \ extra_fmt + "{:<14}" print(title_fmt.format("Begin", "End", "Name", "Duration (usec)", "Size", "Proc", "PID", extra_title, "Filename")) for rq in sorted(rq_list, key=operator.attrgetter(sortkey), reverse=reverse): # only limit the output if in the "top" view if reverse and count > limit: break if rq.size is None: size = "N/A" else: size = common.convert_size(rq.size) if self._arg_extra: extra = "{:<8} {:<8} {:<8} {:<8} {:<8} {:<8} ".format( rq.dirty, rq.page_alloc, rq.page_free, rq.page_written, rq.woke_kswapd, rq.page_cleared) else: extra = "" name ="syscall_entry_", "").replace("sys_", "") if rq.fd is None: filename = "None" fd = "None" else: filename = rq.fd.filename fd = rq.fd.fd end = common.ns_to_hour_nsec(rq.end, self._arg_multi_day, self._arg_gmt) outrange = " " duration = rq.duration if self._arg_begin and rq.begin < self._arg_begin: outrange = "*" outrange_legend = True if self._arg_end and rq.end > self._arg_end: outrange = "*" outrange_legend = True print(fmt.format("[" + common.ns_to_hour_nsec( rq.begin, self._arg_multi_day, self._arg_gmt) + "," + end + "]" + outrange, name, "%0.03f" % (duration/1000) + outrange, size, rq.proc.comm,, extra, "%s (fd=%s)" % (filename, fd))) count += 1 if outrange_legend: print("*: Syscalls started and/or completed outside of the " "range specified")