def projection_data(self): """A ProjectionPlot instance with the values calculated and interpolated. """ projection = ProjectionPlot(self.kwargs['x_pos'], self.kwargs['y_pos'], self.kwargs['values']) projection.project_values(bins=self.kwargs['bins']) projection.interpolate(method="linear") return projection
def project_area(self, lipid_sel=None, start=None, stop=None, step=None, filter_by=None, bins=None, ax=None, cmap=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, cbar=True, cbar_kws={}, imshow_kws={}): """Project the area per lipid onto the xy plane of the membrane. The areas per lipid, averaged over a selected range of frames, are projected onto the xy plane based on the center of mass of each lipid. The atoms to be used in calculating the center of mass of the lipids can be specified using the `lipid_sel` arugment. This method creates an instance of `lipyphilic.lib.plotting.ProjectionPlot` with the projected areas interpolated across periodic boundaries. The plot is returned so further modification can be performed if needed. Note ---- The lipid positions are taken from the middle frame of the selected range. Parameters ---------- lipid_sel: MDAnalysis atom selection, optional The center of mass of each lipid will be determined via this selection. The default is `None`, in which case every atom of a lipid is used to determine its center of mass. start: int, optional Start frame for averaging the SCC results. stop: int, optional Final frame for averaging the SCC results. step: int, optional Number of frames to skip filter_by: array-like, optional A Boolean mask for selecting a subset of lipids. It may take the following shapes: ``(n_lipids)`` The mask is used to select a subset of lipids for projecting the areas onto the membrane plane. ``(n_lipids, n_frames)`` This is the same shape as the NumPy array created by the `` method. Boolean values are used only from the column corresponding to the middle frame of the range selected by `start`, `stop`, and `step`. The default is `None`, in which case no filtering is applied. bins: int or array_like or [int, int] or [array, array] The bin specification: ``int`` If int, the number of bins for the two dimensions (nx=ny=bins). ``array-like`` If array_like, the bin edges for the two dimensions (x_edges=y_edges=bins). ``[int, int]`` If [int, int], the number of bins in each dimension (nx, ny = bins). ``[array, array]`` If [array, array], the bin edges in each dimension (x_edges, y_edges = bins). ``combination`` A combination [int, array] or [array, int], where int is the number of bins and array is the bin edges. The default is `None`, in which case a grid with 1 x 1 Angstrom resolution is created. ax: Axes, optional Matplotlib Axes on which to plot the projection. The default is `None`, in which case a new figure and axes will be created. cmap : str or `~matplotlib.colors.Colormap`, optional The Colormap instance or registered colormap name used to map scalar data to colors. vmin, vmax : float, optional Define the data range that the colormap covers. By default, the colormap covers the complete value range of the supplied data. cbar : bool, optional Whether or not to add a colorbar to the plot. cbar_kws : dict, optional A dictionary of keyword options to pass to matplotlib.pyplot.colorbar. imshow_kws : dict, optional A dictionary of keyword options to pass to matplotlib.pyplot.imshow, which is used to plot the 2D density map. Returns ------- area_projection: ProjectionPlot The ProjectionPlot object containing the area per lipid data and the matplotlob.pyplot.imshow plot of the projection. """ if filter_by is not None: filter_by = np.array(filter_by) if not ((self.areas.shape == filter_by.shape) or (self.areas.shape[:1] == filter_by.shape)): raise ValueError( "The shape of `filter_by` must either be (n_lipids, n_frames) or (n_lipids)" ) # Check which lipids to use lipid_sel = "all" if lipid_sel is None else lipid_sel lipids = self.membrane.residues.atoms.select_atoms(lipid_sel) keep_lipids = np.in1d(self.membrane.residues.resindices, lipids.residues.resindices) # Check which frames to use start, stop, step = self.u.trajectory.check_slice_indices( start, stop, step) frames = np.arange(start, stop, step) keep_frames = np.in1d(self.frames, frames) frames = self.frames[keep_frames] # Data for projecting and frame from which to extract lipid positions areas = self.areas[keep_lipids][:, keep_frames] mid_frame = frames[frames.size // 2] # Check whether we need to filter the lipids if filter_by is None: filter_by = np.full(areas.shape[0], fill_value=True) elif filter_by.shape == self.areas.shape[:1]: filter_by = filter_by[keep_lipids] else: mid_frame_index = np.min(np.where(self.frames == mid_frame)) filter_by = filter_by[keep_lipids][:, mid_frame_index] # get x and y positions, and make sure the COM is in the unit cell, otherwise is will not be included in the plot self.u.trajectory[mid_frame] residues = lipids.groupby("resindices") lipid_com = np.array( [residues[res].center_of_mass(unwrap=True) for res in residues]) for dim in range(3): lipid_com[:, dim][lipid_com[:, dim] > self.u.dimensions[dim]] -= self.u.dimensions[dim] lipid_com[:, dim][lipid_com[:, dim] < 0.0] += self.u.dimensions[dim] lipids_xpos, lipids_ypos, _ = lipid_com.T # now we can filter lipids and their values if necessary lipids_xpos = lipids_xpos[filter_by] lipids_ypos = lipids_ypos[filter_by] values = np.nanmean( areas, axis=1 )[filter_by] # some molecules may be midplane during the period considered # And finally we can create our ProjectionPlot area_projection = ProjectionPlot(lipids_xpos, lipids_ypos, values) # create grid of values if bins is None: x_dim = self.u.dimensions[0] x_bins = np.linspace(0.0, np.ceil(x_dim), int(np.ceil(x_dim)) + 1) y_dim = self.u.dimensions[1] y_bins = np.linspace(0.0, np.ceil(y_dim), int(np.ceil(y_dim)) + 1) bins = (x_bins, y_bins) area_projection.project_values(bins=bins) area_projection.interpolate() area_projection.plot_projection(ax=ax, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cbar=cbar, cbar_kws=cbar_kws, imshow_kws=imshow_kws) return area_projection
def projection(self): projection = ProjectionPlot(self.kwargs['x_pos'], self.kwargs['y_pos'], self.kwargs['values']) return projection