def main():
    # always remember to setup the network

    # This script creates a P2SH address containing a P2PK script and sends
    # some funds to it

    # create transaction input from tx id of UTXO (contained 0.1 tBTC)
    txin = TxInput(
        '76464c2b9e2af4d63ef38a77964b3b77e629dddefc5cb9eb1a3645b1608b790f', 0)

    # address we are spending from
    from_addr = P2pkhAddress('n4bkvTyU1dVdzsrhWBqBw8fEMbHjJvtmJR')

    # secret key of address that we are trying to spent
    sk = PrivateKey('cTALNpTpRbbxTCJ2A5Vq88UxT44w1PE2cYqiB3n4hRvzyCev1Wwo')

    # create transaction output using P2SH scriptPubKey (locking script)
    # (the recipient will give us the final address  but for now we create it
    # for demonstration purposes)

    # secret key corresponding to the pubkey needed for the P2SH (P2PK) transaction
    p2pk_sk = PrivateKey(
    p2pk_pk = p2pk_sk.get_public_key().to_hex()
    redeem_script = Script([p2pk_pk, 'OP_CHECKSIG'])
    txout = TxOutput(to_satoshis(0.09), redeem_script.to_p2sh_script_pub_key())

    # no change address - the remaining 0.01 tBTC will go to miners)

    # create transaction from inputs/outputs -- default locktime is used
    tx = Transaction([txin], [txout])

    # print raw transaction
    print("\nRaw unsigned transaction:\n" + tx.serialize())

    # use the private key corresponding to the address that contains the
    # UTXO we are trying to spend to create the signature for the txin
    sig = sk.sign_input(tx, 0, from_addr.to_script_pub_key())

    # get public key as hex
    pk = sk.get_public_key()
    pk = pk.to_hex()
    #print (pk)

    # set the scriptSig (unlocking script)
    txin.script_sig = Script([sig, pk])
    signed_tx = tx.serialize()

    # print raw signed transaction ready to be broadcasted
    print("\nRaw signed transaction:\n" + signed_tx)
    print("\nTxId:", tx.get_txid())
 def test_signed_low_s_SIGNONE_tx_1_input_2_outputs(self):
     tx = Transaction([self.txin], [self.txout, self.change_low_s_txout])
     sig = tx, 0, Script(['OP_DUP', 'OP_HASH160',
                                      'OP_EQUALVERIFY', 'OP_CHECKSIG']),
     pk =
     self.txin.script_sig = Script([sig, pk])
     # check correct raw tx
     # check correct calculation of txid
     self.assertEqual(tx.get_txid(), self.core_tx_signed_low_s_SIGNONE_txid)
def main():
    # always remember to setup the network

    # the key that corresponds to the P2WPKH address
    priv = PrivateKey("cVdte9ei2xsVjmZSPtyucG43YZgNkmKTqhwiUA8M4Fc3LdPJxPmZ")

    pub = priv.get_public_key()

    fromAddress = pub.get_segwit_address()

    # amount is needed to sign the segwit input
    fromAddressAmount = to_satoshis(0.01)

    # UTXO of fromAddress
    txid = '13d2d30eca974e8fa5da11b9608fa36905a22215e8df895e767fc903889367ff'
    vout = 0

    toAddress = P2pkhAddress('mrrKUpJnAjvQntPgz2Z4kkyr1gbtHmQv28')

    # create transaction input from tx id of UTXO
    txin = TxInput(txid, vout)

    # the script code required for signing for p2wpkh is the same as p2pkh
    script_code = Script([
        'OP_DUP', 'OP_HASH160',
        pub.to_hash160(), 'OP_EQUALVERIFY', 'OP_CHECKSIG'

    # create transaction output
    txOut = TxOutput(to_satoshis(0.009), toAddress.to_script_pub_key())

    # create transaction without change output - if at least a single input is
    # segwit we need to set has_segwit=True
    tx = Transaction([txin], [txOut], has_segwit=True)

    print("\nRaw transaction:\n" + tx.serialize())

    sig = priv.sign_segwit_input(tx, 0, script_code, fromAddressAmount)
    tx.witnesses.append(Script([sig, pub.to_hex()]))

    # print raw signed transaction ready to be broadcasted
    print("\nRaw signed transaction:\n" + tx.serialize())
    print("\nTxId:", tx.get_txid())
def main():
    # always remember to setup the network

    # This script spends from a P2SH address containing a P2PK script

    # create transaction input from tx id of UTXO (contained 0.1 tBTC)
    txin = TxInput(
        '7db363d5a7fabb64ccce154e906588f1936f34481223ea8c1f2c935b0a0c945b', 0)

    # secret key needed to spend P2PK that is wrapped by P2SH
    p2pk_sk = PrivateKey(
    p2pk_pk = p2pk_sk.get_public_key().to_hex()
    # create the redeem script - needed to sign the transaction
    redeem_script = Script([p2pk_pk, 'OP_CHECKSIG'])

    to_addr = P2pkhAddress('n4bkvTyU1dVdzsrhWBqBw8fEMbHjJvtmJR')
    txout = TxOutput(to_satoshis(0.09), to_addr.to_script_pub_key())

    # no change address - the remaining 0.01 tBTC will go to miners)

    # create transaction from inputs/outputs -- default locktime is used
    tx = Transaction([txin], [txout])

    # print raw transaction
    print("\nRaw unsigned transaction:\n" + tx.serialize())

    # use the private key corresponding to the address that contains the
    # UTXO we are trying to spend to create the signature for the txin -
    # note that the redeem script is passed to replace the scriptSig
    sig = p2pk_sk.sign_input(tx, 0, redeem_script)

    # set the scriptSig (unlocking script)
    txin.script_sig = Script([sig, redeem_script.to_hex()])
    signed_tx = tx.serialize()

    # print raw signed transaction ready to be broadcasted
    print("\nRaw signed transaction:\n" + signed_tx)
    print("\nTxId:", tx.get_txid())
def main():
    # always remember to setup the network

    priv0 = PrivateKey("cN1XE3ESGgdvr4fWsB7L3BcqXncUauF8Fo8zzv4Sm6WrkiGrsxrG")

    pub = priv0.get_public_key()
    fromAddress = pub.get_segwit_address()

    priv1 = PrivateKey("cN1XE3ESGgdvr4fWsB7L3BcqXncUauF8Fo8zzv4Sm6WrkiGrsxrG")

    # P2SH Script: OP_M <Public key 1> <Public key 2> ... OP_N OP_CHECKMULTISIG
    p2sh_redeem_script = Script(['OP_1', priv1.get_public_key().to_hex(), 'OP_1', 'OP_CHECKMULTISIG'])

    toAddress = P2wshAddress.from_script(p2sh_redeem_script)

    # set values
    txid = 'd222d91e2da368ac38e84aa615c557e4caeacce02aa5dbca10d840fd460fc938'
    vout = 0
    amount = to_satoshis(0.01764912)

    # create transaction input from tx id of UTXO
    txin = TxInput(txid, vout)
    redeem_script1 = Script(
        ['OP_DUP', 'OP_HASH160', priv0.get_public_key().to_hash160(), 'OP_EQUALVERIFY', 'OP_CHECKSIG'])

    # create transaction output
    txOut1 = TxOutput(to_satoshis(0.0001), toAddress.to_script_pub_key())
    txOut2 = TxOutput(to_satoshis(0.01744912), fromAddress.to_script_pub_key())

    # create transaction
    tx = Transaction([txin], [txOut1, txOut2], has_segwit=True)

    print("\nRaw transaction:\n" + tx.serialize())

    sig1 = priv0.sign_segwit_input(tx, 0, redeem_script1, amount)
    tx.witnesses.append(Script([sig1, pub.to_hex()]))

    # print raw signed transaction ready to be broadcasted
    print("\nRaw signed transaction:\n" + tx.serialize())
    print("\nTxId:", tx.get_txid())
def main():
    # always remember to setup the network

    priv1 = PrivateKey("cN1XE3ESGgdvr4fWsB7L3BcqXncUauF8Fo8zzv4Sm6WrkiGrsxrG")
    priv2 = PrivateKey("cR8AkcbL2pgBswrHp28AftEznHPPLA86HiTog8MpNCibxwrsUcZ4")

    p2wsh_witness_script = Script([
        priv2.get_public_key().to_hex(), 'OP_2', 'OP_CHECKMULTISIG'

    fromAddress = P2wshAddress.from_script(p2wsh_witness_script)

    toAddress = P2wpkhAddress.from_address(

    # set values
    txid = '2042195c40a92353f2ffe30cd0df8d177698560e81807e8bf9174a9c0e98e6c2'
    vout = 0
    amount = to_satoshis(0.01)

    # create transaction input from tx id of UTXO
    txin = TxInput(txid, vout)

    txOut1 = TxOutput(to_satoshis(0.0001), toAddress.to_script_pub_key())
    txOut2 = TxOutput(to_satoshis(0.0098), fromAddress.to_script_pub_key())

    tx = Transaction([txin], [txOut1, txOut2], has_segwit=True)

    sig1 = priv1.sign_segwit_input(tx, 0, p2wsh_witness_script, amount)
    tx.witnesses.append(Script(['OP_0', sig1, p2wsh_witness_script.to_hex()]))

    # print raw signed transaction ready to be broadcasted
    print("\nRaw signed transaction:\n" + tx.serialize())
    print("\nTxId:", tx.get_txid())
def main():
    # always remember to setup the network

    # create transaction input from tx id of UTXO (contained 0.39 tBTC)
    # 0.1 tBTC
    txin = TxInput(
        '76464c2b9e2af4d63ef38a77964b3b77e629dddefc5cb9eb1a3645b1608b790f', 0)
    # 0.29 tBTC
    txin2 = TxInput(
        '76464c2b9e2af4d63ef38a77964b3b77e629dddefc5cb9eb1a3645b1608b790f', 1)

    # create transaction output using P2PKH scriptPubKey (locking script)
    addr = P2pkhAddress('myPAE9HwPeKHh8FjKwBNBaHnemApo3dw6e')
    txout = TxOutput(
            'OP_DUP', 'OP_HASH160',
            addr.to_hash160(), 'OP_EQUALVERIFY', 'OP_CHECKSIG'

    # create another output to get the change - remaining 0.01 is tx fees
    change_addr = P2pkhAddress('mmYNBho9BWQB2dSniP1NJvnPoj5EVWw89w')
    change_txout = TxOutput(
            'OP_DUP', 'OP_HASH160',
            change_addr.to_hash160(), 'OP_EQUALVERIFY', 'OP_CHECKSIG'

    # create transaction from inputs/outputs -- default locktime is used
    tx = Transaction([txin, txin2], [txout, change_txout])

    # print raw transaction
    print("\nRaw unsigned transaction:\n" + tx.serialize())

    # use the private keys corresponding to the addresses that contains the
    # UTXOs we are trying to spend to create the signatures

    sk = PrivateKey('cTALNpTpRbbxTCJ2A5Vq88UxT44w1PE2cYqiB3n4hRvzyCev1Wwo')
    sk2 = PrivateKey('cVf3kGh6552jU2rLaKwXTKq5APHPoZqCP4GQzQirWGHFoHQ9rEVt')

    # we could have derived the addresses from the secret keys
    from_addr = P2pkhAddress('n4bkvTyU1dVdzsrhWBqBw8fEMbHjJvtmJR')
    from_addr2 = P2pkhAddress('mmYNBho9BWQB2dSniP1NJvnPoj5EVWw89w')

    # sign the first input
    sig = sk.sign_input(
        tx, 0,
            'OP_DUP', 'OP_HASH160',
            from_addr.to_hash160(), 'OP_EQUALVERIFY', 'OP_CHECKSIG'

    # sign the second input
    sig2 = sk2.sign_input(
        tx, 1,
            'OP_DUP', 'OP_HASH160',
            from_addr2.to_hash160(), 'OP_EQUALVERIFY', 'OP_CHECKSIG'

    # get public key as hex
    pk = sk.get_public_key()
    pk = pk.to_hex()
    #print (pk)

    # get public key as hex
    pk2 = sk2.get_public_key()
    pk2 = pk2.to_hex()

    # set the scriptSig (unlocking script)
    txin.script_sig = Script([sig, pk])
    txin2.script_sig = Script([sig2, pk2])
    signed_tx = tx.serialize()

    # print raw signed transaction ready to be broadcasted
    print("\nRaw signed transaction:\n" + signed_tx)
    print("\nTxId:", tx.get_txid())
def main():
    # always remember to setup the network

    # This script spends from a P2SH address containing a CSV+P2PKH script as
    # created from examples/
    # We assume that some 11.1 tBTC have been send to that address and that we know
    # the txid and the specific UTXO index (or vout).

    # set values
    relative_blocks = 20
    txid = '76c102821b916a625bd3f0c3c6e35d5c308b7c23e78b8866b06a3a466041db0a'
    vout = 0

    seq = Sequence(TYPE_RELATIVE_TIMELOCK, relative_blocks)

    # create transaction input from tx id of UTXO (contained 11.1 tBTC)
    txin = TxInput(txid, vout, sequence=seq.for_input_sequence())

    # secret key needed to spend P2PKH that is wrapped by P2SH
    p2pkh_sk = PrivateKey(
    p2pkh_pk = p2pkh_sk.get_public_key().to_hex()
    p2pkh_addr = p2pkh_sk.get_public_key().get_address()

    # create the redeem script - needed to sign the transaction
    redeem_script = Script([
        seq.for_script(), 'OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY', 'OP_DROP', 'OP_DUP',
        p2pkh_addr.to_hash160(), 'OP_EQUALVERIFY', 'OP_CHECKSIG'

    # to confirm that address is the same as the one that the funds were sent
    #addr = P2shAddress.from_script(redeem_script)

    # send/spend to any random address
    to_addr = P2pkhAddress('n4bkvTyU1dVdzsrhWBqBw8fEMbHjJvtmJR')
    txout = TxOutput(to_satoshis(11), to_addr.to_script_pub_key())

    # no change address - the remaining 0.1 tBTC will go to miners)

    # create transaction from inputs/outputs
    tx = Transaction([txin], [txout])

    # print raw transaction
    print("\nRaw unsigned transaction:\n" + tx.serialize())

    # use the private key corresponding to the address that contains the
    # UTXO we are trying to spend to create the signature for the txin -
    # note that the redeem script is passed to replace the scriptSig
    sig = p2pkh_sk.sign_input(tx, 0, redeem_script)

    # set the scriptSig (unlocking script) -- unlock the P2PKH (sig, pk) plus
    # the redeem script, since it is a P2SH
    txin.script_sig = Script([sig, p2pkh_pk, redeem_script.to_hex()])
    signed_tx = tx.serialize()

    # print raw signed transaction ready to be broadcasted
    print("\nRaw signed transaction:\n" + signed_tx)
    print("\nTxId:", tx.get_txid())