def log_setup(): """Set up Linkage Mapper logging""" lm_util.create_dir(lm_env.LOGDIR) lm_util.create_dir(lm_env.MESSAGEDIR) lm_env.logFilePath = lm_util.create_log_file(lm_env.MESSAGEDIR, lm_env.TOOL, lm_env.PARAMS)
def main(argv=None): """Run Climate Linkage Mapper tool.""" stime = lm_util.start_time() if argv is None: argv = sys.argv try: cc_env.configure(argv) cc_util.check_cc_project_dir() lm_util.create_dir(cc_env.proj_dir) check_out_sa_license() arc_wksp_setup() config_lm() log_setup(argv) run_analysis() except arcpy.ExecuteError: msg = arcpy.GetMessages(2) arcpy.AddError(arcpy.GetMessages(2)) lm_util.write_log(msg) exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()[2] lm_util.gprint("Traceback (most recent call last):\n" + "".join(traceback.format_tb(exc_traceback)[:-1])) except Exception: exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()[1:] arcpy.AddError(exc_value) lm_util.gprint("Traceback (most recent call last):\n" + "".join(traceback.format_tb(exc_traceback))) finally: arcpy.CheckInExtension("Spatial") lm_util.run_time(stime)
def config_lm(): """Configure Linkage Mapper""" lm_arg = (_SCRIPT_NAME, cc_env.proj_dir, cc_env.prj_core_fc, cc_env.core_fld, cc_env.prj_resist_rast, "false", "false", "#", "#", "true", "false", cc_env.prune_network, cc_env.max_nn, cc_env.nn_unit, cc_env.keep_constelations, "true", "#", "#", "#") lm_env.configure(lm_env.TOOL_CC, lm_arg) lm_util.create_dir(lm_env.DATAPASSDIR) lm_util.gprint('\nClimate Linkage Mapper Version ' + lm_env.releaseNum) lm_util.gprint('NOTE: This tool runs best with BACKGROUND ' 'PROCESSING (see user guide).')
def log_setup(param_values): """Set up Linkage Mapper logging.""" lm_util.create_dir(lm_env.LOGDIR) lm_util.create_dir(lm_env.MESSAGEDIR) lm_env.logFilePath = lm_util.create_log_file(cc_env.PARAM_NAMES, param_values) if cc_env.resist_rast is not None: lm_util.log_metadata(cc_env.core_fc, [cc_env.climate_rast, cc_env.resist_rast]) else: lm_util.log_metadata(cc_env.core_fc, [cc_env.climate_rast])
def config_lm(): """Configure Linkage Mapper.""" lm_arg = [ _SCRIPT_NAME, cc_env.proj_dir, cc_env.prj_core_fc, cc_env.core_fld, cc_env.prj_resist_rast, "false", "false", "#", "#", "true", "false", cc_env.prune_network, cc_env.max_nn, cc_env.nn_unit, cc_env.keep_constelations, "true", cc_env.WRITETRUNCRASTER, cc_env.CWDTHRESH, "#", "#", "#", cc_env.OUTPUTFORMODELBUILDER, cc_env.LMCUSTSETTINGS ] lm_env.configure(lm_env.TOOL_CC, lm_arg) lm_util.create_dir(lm_env.DATAPASSDIR) lm_util.gprint('\nClimate Linkage Mapper Version ' + lm_env.releaseNum) lm_util.gprint('NOTE: This tool runs best with BACKGROUND ' 'PROCESSING (see user guide).')
def STEP8_calc_pinchpoints(): """ Maps pinch points in Linkage Mapper corridors using Circuitscape given CWD calculations from """ try: lu.dashline(0) gprint('Running script ' + _SCRIPT_NAME) restartFlag = False if cfg.CWDCUTOFF < 0: cfg.CWDCUTOFF = cfg.CWDCUTOFF * -1 restartFlag = True # Restart code in progress CSPATH = lu.get_cs_path() outputGDB = path.join(cfg.OUTPUTDIR, path.basename(cfg.PINCHGDB)) arcpy.OverWriteOutput = True arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.SCRATCHDIR arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = cfg.ARCSCRATCHDIR arcpy.env.pyramid = "NONE" arcpy.env.rasterstatistics = "NONE" # set the analysis extent and cell size to that of the resistance # surface arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST arcpy.env.cellSize = cfg.RESRAST arcpy.snapraster = cfg.RESRAST resRaster = cfg.RESRAST arcpy.env.extent = "MINOF" minObject = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(resRaster, "MINIMUM") rasterMin = float(str(minObject.getOutput(0))) if rasterMin <= 0: msg = ('Error: resistance raster cannot have 0 or negative values.') lu.raise_error(msg) if cfg.DO_ADJACENTPAIRS: prevLcpShapefile = lu.get_lcp_shapefile(None, thisStep = 8) if not arcpy.Exists(prevLcpShapefile): msg = ('Cannot find an LCP shapefile from step 5. Please ' 'rerun that step and any previous ones if necessary.') lu.raise_error(msg) # Remove lcp shapefile lcpShapefile = path.join(cfg.DATAPASSDIR, "lcpLines_s8.shp") lu.delete_data(lcpShapefile) inLinkTableFile = lu.get_prev_step_link_table(step=8) linkTable = lu.load_link_table(inLinkTableFile) numLinks = linkTable.shape[0] numCorridorLinks = lu.report_links(linkTable) if numCorridorLinks == 0: lu.dashline(1) msg =('\nThere are no linkages. Bailing.') lu.raise_error(msg) if linkTable.shape[1] < 16: # If linktable has no entries from prior # centrality or pinchpint analyses extraCols = npy.zeros((numLinks, 6), dtype="float64") linkTable = linkTable[:,0:10] linkTable = npy.append(linkTable, extraCols, axis=1) linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_LCPLEN] = -1 linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_CWDEUCR] = -1 linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_CWDPATHR] = -1 linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_EFFRESIST] = -1 linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_CWDTORR] = -1 linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_CURRENT] = -1 del extraCols # set up directories for circuit and circuit mosaic grids # Create output geodatabase if not arcpy.Exists(cfg.PINCHGDB): arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(cfg.OUTPUTDIR, path.basename(cfg.PINCHGDB)) mosaicRaster = path.join(cfg.CIRCUITBASEDIR, "current_mos" + tif) coresToProcess = npy.unique( linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_CORE1:cfg.LTB_CORE2 + 1]) maxCoreNum = max(coresToProcess) del coresToProcess lu.dashline(0) coreList = linkTable[:,cfg.LTB_CORE1:cfg.LTB_CORE2+1] coreList = npy.sort(coreList) #gprint('There are ' + str(len(npy.unique(coreList))) ' core areas.') INCIRCUITDIR = cfg.CIRCUITBASEDIR OUTCIRCUITDIR = path.join(cfg.CIRCUITBASEDIR, cfg.CIRCUITOUTPUTDIR_NM) CONFIGDIR = path.join(INCIRCUITDIR, cfg.CIRCUITCONFIGDIR_NM) # Cutoff value text to append to filenames cutoffText = str(cfg.CWDCUTOFF) if cutoffText[-6:] == '000000': cutoffText = cutoffText[0:-6]+'m' elif cutoffText[-3:] == '000': cutoffText = cutoffText[0:-3]+'k' if cfg.SQUARERESISTANCES: # Square resistance values squaredRaster = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR,'res_sqr') arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.SCRATCHDIR arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = cfg.ARCSCRATCHDIR outRas = Raster(resRaster) * Raster(resRaster) resRaster = squaredRaster if cfg.DO_ADJACENTPAIRS: linkLoop = 0 lu.dashline(1) gprint('Mapping pinch points in individual corridors \n' 'using Circuitscape.') lu.dashline(1) gprint('If you try to cancel your run and the Arc dialog hangs, ') gprint('you can kill Circuitscape by opening Windows Task Manager') gprint('and ending the cs_run.exe process.') lu.dashline(2) for x in range(0,numLinks): linkId = str(int(linkTable[x,cfg.LTB_LINKID])) if not (linkTable[x,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] > 0): continue linkLoop = linkLoop + 1 linkDir = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR, 'link' + linkId) if restartFlag == True and path.exists(linkDir): gprint('continuing') continue restartFlag = False lu.create_dir(linkDir) start_time1 = time.clock() # source and target cores corex=int(coreList[x,0]) corey=int(coreList[x,1]) # Get cwd rasters for source and target cores cwdRaster1 = lu.get_cwd_path(corex) cwdRaster2 = lu.get_cwd_path(corey) lccNormRaster = path.join(linkDir, 'lcc_norm') arcpy.env.extent = "MINOF" link = lu.get_links_from_core_pairs(linkTable, corex, corey) lcDist = float(linkTable[link,cfg.LTB_CWDIST]) # Normalized lcc rasters are created by adding cwd rasters # and subtracting the least cost distance between them. outRas = Raster(cwdRaster1) + Raster(cwdRaster2) - lcDist #create raster mask resMaskRaster = path.join(linkDir, 'res_mask'+tif) #create raster mask outCon = <= cfg.CWDCUTOFF, 1) # Convert to poly. Use as mask to clip resistance raster. resMaskPoly = path.join(linkDir, 'res_mask_poly.shp') arcpy.RasterToPolygon_conversion(resMaskRaster, resMaskPoly, "NO_SIMPLIFY") arcpy.env.extent = resMaskPoly # Includes 0 values in some cases with CP LI model if tif # so using ESRI Grid format resClipRasterMasked = path.join(linkDir, 'res_clip_m') # Extract masked resistance raster. # Needs to be float to get export to npy to work. outRas =, resMaskPoly) + 0.0 resNpyFN = 'resistances_link_' + linkId + '.npy' resNpyFile = path.join(INCIRCUITDIR, resNpyFN) numElements, numResistanceNodes = export_ras_to_npy(resClipRasterMasked, resNpyFile) totMem, availMem = lu.get_mem() # gprint('Total memory: str(totMem)) if numResistanceNodes / availMem > 2000000: lu.dashline(1) gwarn('Warning:') gwarn('Circuitscape can only solve 2-3 million nodes') gwarn('per gigabyte of available RAM. \nTotal physical RAM' ' on your machine is ~' + str(totMem) + ' GB. \nAvailable memory is ~'+ str(availMem) + ' GB. \nYour resistance raster has ' + str(numResistanceNodes) + ' nodes.') lu.dashline(2) corePairRaster = path.join(linkDir, 'core_pairs'+tif) arcpy.env.extent = resClipRasterMasked # Next result needs to be floating pt for numpy export outCon = == 0, corex, == 0, corey + 0.0)) coreNpyFN = 'cores_link_' + linkId + '.npy' coreNpyFile = path.join(INCIRCUITDIR, coreNpyFN) numElements, numNodes = export_ras_to_npy(corePairRaster, coreNpyFile) arcpy.env.extent = "MINOF" # Set circuitscape options and call options = lu.setCircuitscapeOptions() if cfg.WRITE_VOLT_MAPS == True: options['write_volt_maps']=True options['habitat_file'] = resNpyFile # if int(linkId) > 2: # options['habitat_file'] = 'c:\\test.dummy' options['point_file'] = coreNpyFile options['set_focal_node_currents_to_zero']=True outputFN = 'Circuitscape_link' + linkId + '.out' options['output_file'] = path.join(OUTCIRCUITDIR, outputFN) if numElements > 250000: options['print_timings']=True configFN = 'pinchpoint_config' + linkId + '.ini' outConfigFile = path.join(CONFIGDIR, configFN) lu.writeCircuitscapeConfigFile(outConfigFile, options) gprint('Processing link ID #' + str(linkId) + '. Resistance map' ' has ' + str(int(numResistanceNodes)) + ' nodes.') memFlag = call_circuitscape(CSPATH, outConfigFile) currentFN = ('Circuitscape_link' + linkId + '_cum_curmap.npy') currentMap = path.join(OUTCIRCUITDIR, currentFN) if not arcpy.Exists(currentMap): print_failure(numResistanceNodes, memFlag, 10) numElements, numNodes = export_ras_to_npy( resClipRasterMasked,resNpyFile) memFlag = call_circuitscape(CSPATH, outConfigFile) currentFN = ('Circuitscape_link' + linkId + '_cum_curmap.npy') currentMap = path.join(OUTCIRCUITDIR, currentFN) if not arcpy.Exists(currentMap): msg = ('\nCircuitscape failed. See error information above.') arcpy.AddError(msg) lu.write_log(msg) exit(1) # Either set core areas to nodata in current map or # divide each by its radius currentRaster = path.join(linkDir, "current" + tif) import_npy_to_ras(currentMap,corePairRaster,currentRaster) if cfg.WRITE_VOLT_MAPS == True: voltFN = ('Circuitscape_link' + linkId + '_voltmap_' + str(corex) + '_'+str(corey) + '.npy') voltMap = path.join(OUTCIRCUITDIR, voltFN) voltRaster = path.join(outputGDB, cfg.PREFIX + "_voltMap_"+ str(corex) + '_'+str(corey)) import_npy_to_ras(voltMap,corePairRaster,voltRaster) gprint('Building output statistics and pyramids ' 'for voltage raster\n') lu.build_stats(voltRaster) arcpy.env.extent = currentRaster if SETCORESTONULL: # Set core areas to NoData in current map for color ramping currentRaster2 = currentRaster + '2' + tif outCon = (corePairRaster)), Raster(currentRaster)) currentRaster = currentRaster2 arcpy.env.extent = "MAXOF" if linkLoop == 1: lu.delete_data(mosaicRaster) @retry(10) def copyRas2(): arcpy.CopyRaster_management(currentRaster, mosaicRaster) copyRas2() else: @retry(10) def mosaicRas(): arcpy.Mosaic_management(currentRaster, mosaicRaster, "MAXIMUM", "MATCH") mosaicRas() resistancesFN = ('Circuitscape_link' + linkId + '_resistances_3columns.out') resistancesFile = path.join(OUTCIRCUITDIR,resistancesFN) resistances = npy.loadtxt(resistancesFile, dtype = 'Float64', comments='#') resistance = float(str(arcpy.env.cellSize)) * resistances[2] linkTable[link,cfg.LTB_EFFRESIST] = resistance # Ratio if not cfg.SQUARERESISTANCES: linkTable[link,cfg.LTB_CWDTORR] = (linkTable[link, cfg.LTB_CWDIST] / linkTable[link,cfg.LTB_EFFRESIST]) # Clean up if cfg.SAVE_TEMP_CIRCUIT_FILES == False: lu.delete_file(coreNpyFile) coreNpyBase, extension = path.splitext(coreNpyFile) lu.delete_data(coreNpyBase + '.hdr') lu.delete_file(resNpyFile) resNpyBase, extension = path.splitext(resNpyFile) lu.delete_data(resNpyBase + '.hdr') lu.delete_file(currentMap) curMapBase, extension = path.splitext(currentMap) lu.delete_data(curMapBase + '.hdr') lu.delete_data(currentRaster) lu.clean_out_workspace(linkDir) lu.delete_dir(linkDir) gprint('Finished with link ID #' + str(linkId) + '. ' + str(linkLoop) + ' out of ' + str(numCorridorLinks) + ' links have been processed.') start_time1 = lu.elapsed_time(start_time1) outputRaster = path.join(outputGDB, cfg.PREFIX + "_current_adjacentPairs_" + cutoffText) lu.delete_data(outputRaster) @retry(10) def copyRas(): arcpy.CopyRaster_management(mosaicRaster, outputRaster) copyRas() gprint('Building output statistics and pyramids ' 'for corridor pinch point raster\n') lu.build_stats(outputRaster) finalLinkTable = lu.update_lcp_shapefile(linkTable, lastStep=5, thisStep=8) linkTableFile = path.join(cfg.DATAPASSDIR, "linkTable_s5_plus.csv") lu.write_link_table(finalLinkTable, linkTableFile, inLinkTableFile) linkTableFinalFile = path.join(cfg.OUTPUTDIR, cfg.PREFIX + "_linkTable_s5_plus.csv") lu.write_link_table(finalLinkTable, linkTableFinalFile, inLinkTableFile) gprint('Copy of linkTable written to '+ linkTableFinalFile) #fixme: update sticks? gprint('Creating shapefiles with linework for links.') lu.write_link_maps(linkTableFinalFile, step=8) # Copy final link maps to gdb. lu.copy_final_link_maps(step=8) lu.delete_data(mosaicRaster) if not cfg.DO_ALLPAIRS: # Clean up temporary files if not cfg.SAVECURRENTMAPS: lu.delete_dir(OUTCIRCUITDIR) return lu.dashline(1) gprint('Mapping global pinch points among all\n' 'core area pairs using Circuitscape.') if cfg.ALL_PAIR_SCENARIO=='pairwise': gprint('Circuitscape will be run in PAIRWISE mode.') else: gprint('Circuitscape will be run in ALL-TO-ONE mode.') arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.SCRATCHDIR arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = cfg.ARCSCRATCHDIR arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST arcpy.env.cellSize = cfg.RESRAST S8CORE_RAS = "s8core_ras" s8CoreRasPath = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR,S8CORE_RAS) arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion(cfg.COREFC, cfg.COREFN, s8CoreRasPath, arcpy.env.cellSize) binaryCoreRaster = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR,"core_ras_bin") # The following commands cause file lock problems on save. using gp # instead. # outCon =, 1, "#", "VALUE > 0") # # gp.Con_sa(s8CoreRasPath, 1, binaryCoreRaster, "#", "VALUE > 0") outCon = > 0, 1) s5corridorRas = path.join(cfg.OUTPUTGDB,cfg.PREFIX + "_corridors") if not arcpy.Exists(s5corridorRas): s5corridorRas = path.join(cfg.OUTPUTGDB,cfg.PREFIX + "_lcc_mosaic_int") outCon = <= cfg.CWDCUTOFF, Raster( resRaster), binaryCoreRaster) > 0, Raster(resRaster))) resRasClipPath = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR,'res_ras_clip') arcpy.env.cellSize = resRasClipPath arcpy.env.extent = resRasClipPath s8CoreRasClipped = s8CoreRasPath + '_c' # Produce core raster with same extent as clipped resistance raster # added to ensure correct data type- nodata values were positive for # cores otherwise outCon =, -9999, Raster(s8CoreRasPath)) resNpyFN = 'resistances.npy' resNpyFile = path.join(INCIRCUITDIR, resNpyFN) numElements, numResistanceNodes = export_ras_to_npy(resRasClipPath,resNpyFile) totMem, availMem = lu.get_mem() # gprint('Total memory: str(totMem)) if numResistanceNodes / availMem > 2000000: lu.dashline(1) gwarn('Warning:') gwarn('Circuitscape can only solve 2-3 million nodes') gwarn('per gigabyte of available RAM. \nTotal physical RAM ' 'on your machine is ~' + str(totMem) + ' GB. \nAvailable memory is ~'+ str(availMem) + ' GB. \nYour resistance raster has ' + str(numResistanceNodes) + ' nodes.') lu.dashline(0) coreNpyFN = 'cores.npy' coreNpyFile = path.join(INCIRCUITDIR, coreNpyFN) numElements, numNodes = export_ras_to_npy(s8CoreRasClipped,coreNpyFile) arcpy.env.extent = "MINOF" options = lu.setCircuitscapeOptions() options['scenario']=cfg.ALL_PAIR_SCENARIO options['habitat_file'] = resNpyFile options['point_file'] = coreNpyFile options['set_focal_node_currents_to_zero']=True outputFN = 'Circuitscape.out' options['output_file'] = path.join(OUTCIRCUITDIR, outputFN) options['print_timings']=True configFN = 'pinchpoint_allpair_config.ini' outConfigFile = path.join(CONFIGDIR, configFN) lu.writeCircuitscapeConfigFile(outConfigFile, options) gprint('\nResistance map has ' + str(int(numResistanceNodes)) + ' nodes.') lu.dashline(1) gprint('If you try to cancel your run and the Arc dialog hangs, ') gprint('you can kill Circuitscape by opening Windows Task Manager') gprint('and ending the cs_run.exe process.') lu.dashline(0) call_circuitscape(CSPATH, outConfigFile) # test =[CSPATH, outConfigFile], # creationflags = subprocess.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE) if options['scenario']=='pairwise': rasterSuffix = "_current_allPairs_" + cutoffText else: rasterSuffix = "_current_allToOne_" + cutoffText currentFN = 'Circuitscape_cum_curmap.npy' currentMap = path.join(OUTCIRCUITDIR, currentFN) outputRaster = path.join(outputGDB, cfg.PREFIX + rasterSuffix) currentRaster = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR, "current") try: import_npy_to_ras(currentMap,resRasClipPath,outputRaster) except: lu.dashline(1) msg = ('ERROR: Circuitscape failed. \n' 'Note: Circuitscape can only solve 2-3 million nodes' '\nper gigabyte of available RAM. The resistance ' '\nraster for the last corridor had ' + str(numResistanceNodes) + ' nodes.\n\nResistance ' 'raster values that vary by >6 orders of \nmagnitude' ' can also cause failures, as can a mismatch in ' '\ncore area and resistance raster extents.') arcpy.AddError(msg) lu.write_log(msg) exit(1) #set core areas to nodata if SETCORESTONULL: # Set core areas to NoData in current map for color ramping outputRasterND = outputRaster + '_noDataCores' outCon = > 0, Raster(outputRaster)) gprint('\nBuilding output statistics and pyramids ' 'for centrality raster.') lu.build_stats(outputRaster) lu.build_stats(outputRasterND) # Clean up temporary files if not cfg.SAVECURRENTMAPS: lu.delete_dir(OUTCIRCUITDIR) # Return GEOPROCESSING specific errors except arcpy.ExecuteError: lu.dashline(1) gprint('****Failed in step 8. Details follow.****') lu.exit_with_geoproc_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) # Return any PYTHON or system specific errors except: lu.dashline(1) gprint('****Failed in step 8. Details follow.****') lu.exit_with_python_error(_SCRIPT_NAME)
def STEP6_calc_barriers(): """Detects influential barriers given CWD calculations from """ try: arcpy.CheckOutExtension("spatial") lu.dashline(0) gprint('Running script ' + _SCRIPT_NAME) if cfg.BARRIER_CWD_THRESH is not None: lu.dashline(1) gprint('Invoking CWD Threshold of ' + str(cfg.BARRIER_CWD_THRESH) + ' map units.') if cfg.SUM_BARRIERS: sumSuffix = '_Sum' cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR = cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR + sumSuffix baseName, extension = path.splitext(cfg.BARRIERGDB) cfg.BARRIERGDB = baseName + sumSuffix + extension gprint('\nBarrier scores will be SUMMED across core pairs.') else: sumSuffix = '' # Delete contents of final ouptut geodatabase # lu.clean_out_workspace(cfg.BARRIERGDB) #xxx try not doing this to allow multiple radii to be analyzed in separate runs if not arcpy.Exists(cfg.BARRIERGDB): # Create output geodatabase arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(cfg.OUTPUTDIR, path.basename(cfg.BARRIERGDB)) startRadius = int(cfg.STARTRADIUS) endRadius = int(cfg.ENDRADIUS) radiusStep = int(cfg.RADIUSSTEP) if radiusStep == 0: endRadius = startRadius # Calculate at just one radius value radiusStep = 1 linkTableFile = lu.get_prev_step_link_table(step=6) arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.SCRATCHDIR arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = cfg.ARCSCRATCHDIR arcpy.RefreshCatalog(cfg.PROJECTDIR) PREFIX = path.basename(cfg.PROJECTDIR) # For speed: arcpy.env.pyramid = "NONE" arcpy.env.rasterStatistics = "NONE" # set the analysis extent and cell size to that of the resistance # surface arcpy.OverWriteOutput = True arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST arcpy.env.cellSize = cfg.RESRAST arcpy.env.snapRaster = cfg.RESRAST spatialref = arcpy.Describe(cfg.RESRAST).spatialReference mapUnits = (str(spatialref.linearUnitName)).lower() if len(mapUnits) > 1 and mapUnits[-1] != 's': mapUnits = mapUnits + 's' if float(arcpy.env.cellSize) > startRadius or startRadius > endRadius: msg = ('Error: minimum detection radius must be greater than ' 'cell size (' + str(arcpy.env.cellSize) + ') \nand less than or equal to maximum detection radius.') lu.raise_error(msg) linkTable = lu.load_link_table(linkTableFile) numLinks = linkTable.shape[0] numCorridorLinks = lu.report_links(linkTable) if numCorridorLinks == 0: lu.dashline(1) msg = ('\nThere are no linkages. Bailing.') lu.raise_error(msg) # set up directories for barrier and barrier mosaic grids dirCount = 0 gprint("Creating intermediate output folder: " + cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR) lu.delete_dir(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR) arcpy.CreateFolder_management(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR, cfg.BARRIERDIR_NM) cbarrierdir = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR, cfg.BARRIERDIR_NM) coresToProcess = npy.unique(linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_CORE1:cfg.LTB_CORE2 + 1]) maxCoreNum = max(coresToProcess) # Set up focal directories. # To keep there from being > 100 grids in any one directory, # outputs are written to: # barrier\focalX_ for cores 1-99 at radius X # barrier\focalX_1 for cores 100-199 # etc. lu.dashline(0) for radius in range(startRadius, endRadius + 1, radiusStep): core1path = lu.get_focal_path(1, radius) path1, dir1 = path.split(core1path) path2, dir2 = path.split(path1) arcpy.CreateFolder_management(path.dirname(path2), path.basename(path2)) arcpy.CreateFolder_management(path.dirname(path1), path.basename(path1)) if maxCoreNum > 99: gprint('Creating subdirectories for ' + str(radius) + ' ' + str(mapUnits) + ' radius analysis scale.') maxDirCount = int(maxCoreNum / 100) focalDirBaseName = dir2 cp100 = (coresToProcess.astype('int32')) / 100 ind = npy.where(cp100 > 0) dirNums = npy.unique(cp100[ind]) for dirNum in dirNums: focalDir = focalDirBaseName + str(dirNum) gprint('...' + focalDir) arcpy.CreateFolder_management(path2, focalDir) # Create resistance raster with filled-in Nodata values for later use arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST resistFillRaster = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR, "resist_fill") output =, 1000000000, Raster(cfg.RESRAST) - 1) coreList = linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_CORE1:cfg.LTB_CORE2 + 1] coreList = npy.sort(coreList) # Loop through each search radius to calculate barriers in each link import time radId = 0 #keep track of number of radii processed- used for temp dir naming for radius in range(startRadius, endRadius + 1, radiusStep): radId = radId + 1 linkTableTemp = linkTable.copy() @retry(10) #can't pass vars in and modify them. def doRadiusLoop(): linkTable = linkTableTemp.copy() startTime = time.clock() randomerror() linkLoop = 0 pctDone = 0 gprint('\nMapping barriers at a radius of ' + str(radius) + ' ' + str(mapUnits)) if cfg.SUM_BARRIERS: gprint('using SUM method') else: gprint('using MAXIMUM method') if numCorridorLinks > 1: gprint('0 percent done') lastMosaicRaster = None lastMosaicRasterPct = None for x in range(0, numLinks): pctDone = lu.report_pct_done(linkLoop, numCorridorLinks, pctDone) linkId = str(int(linkTable[x, cfg.LTB_LINKID])) if ((linkTable[x, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] > 0) and (linkTable[x, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] < 1000)): linkLoop = linkLoop + 1 # source and target cores corex = int(coreList[x, 0]) corey = int(coreList[x, 1]) # Get cwd rasters for source and target cores cwdRaster1 = lu.get_cwd_path(corex) cwdRaster2 = lu.get_cwd_path(corey) # Mask out areas above CWD threshold cwdTemp1 = None cwdTemp2 = None if cfg.BARRIER_CWD_THRESH is not None: if x == 1: lu.dashline(1) gprint(' Using CWD threshold of ' + str(cfg.BARRIER_CWD_THRESH) + ' map units.') arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST arcpy.env.cellSize = cfg.RESRAST arcpy.env.snapRaster = cfg.RESRAST cwdTemp1 = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR, "tmp" + str(corex)) outCon = cwdRaster1 < float(cfg.BARRIER_CWD_THRESH), cwdRaster1) cwdRaster1 = cwdTemp1 cwdTemp2 = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR, "tmp" + str(corey)) outCon = cwdRaster2 < float(cfg.BARRIER_CWD_THRESH), cwdRaster2) cwdRaster2 = cwdTemp2 focalRaster1 = lu.get_focal_path(corex, radius) focalRaster2 = lu.get_focal_path(corey, radius) link = lu.get_links_from_core_pairs( linkTable, corex, corey) lcDist = float(linkTable[link, cfg.LTB_CWDIST]) # Detect barriers at radius using neighborhood stats # Create the Neighborhood Object innerRadius = radius - 1 outerRadius = radius dia = 2 * radius InNeighborhood = ("ANNULUS " + str(innerRadius) + " " + str(outerRadius) + " MAP") @retry(10) def execFocal(): randomerror() # Execute FocalStatistics if not path.exists(focalRaster1): arcpy.env.extent = cwdRaster1 outFocalStats = cwdRaster1, InNeighborhood, "MINIMUM", "DATA") if setCoresToNull: outFocalStats2 = outFocalStats > 0, outFocalStats ) # Set areas overlapping cores to NoData xxx #xxx else: #xxx arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST if not path.exists(focalRaster2): arcpy.env.extent = cwdRaster2 outFocalStats = cwdRaster2, InNeighborhood, "MINIMUM", "DATA") if setCoresToNull: outFocalStats2 = outFocalStats > 0, outFocalStats ) # Set areas overlapping cores to NoData xxx #xxx else: #xxx arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST execFocal() lu.delete_data(cwdTemp1) lu.delete_data(cwdTemp2) barrierRaster = path.join( cbarrierdir, "b" + str(radius) + "_" + str(corex) + "_" + str(corey) + '.tif') if cfg.SUM_BARRIERS: # Need to set nulls to 0, also # create trim rasters as we go outRas = ((lcDist - Raster(focalRaster1) - Raster(focalRaster2) - dia) / dia) outCon =, 0, outRas) outCon2 = < 0, 0, outCon) # Execute FocalStatistics to fill out search radii InNeighborhood = "CIRCLE " + str( outerRadius) + " MAP" fillRaster = path.join( cbarrierdir, "b" + str(radius) + "_" + str(corex) + "_" + str(corey) + "_fill.tif") outFocalStats = barrierRaster, InNeighborhood, "MAXIMUM", "DATA") if cfg.WRITE_TRIM_RASTERS: trmRaster = path.join( cbarrierdir, "b" + str(radius) + "_" + str(corex) + "_" + str(corey) + "_trim.tif") rasterList = [fillRaster, resistFillRaster] outCellStatistics = rasterList, "MINIMUM") else: #Calculate potential benefit per map unit restored @retry(10) def calcBen(): randomerror() outRas = ((lcDist - Raster(focalRaster1) - Raster(focalRaster2) - dia) / dia) calcBen() if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: #Calculate PERCENT potential benefit per unit restored barrierRasterPct = path.join( cbarrierdir, "b" + str(radius) + "_" + str(corex) + "_" + str(corey) + '_pct.tif') @retry(10) def calcBenPct(): randomerror() outras = (100 * (Raster(barrierRaster) / lcDist)) calcBenPct() # Mosaic barrier results across core area pairs mosaicDir = path.join( cfg.SCRATCHDIR, 'mos' + str(radId) + '_' + str(x + 1)) lu.create_dir(mosaicDir) mosFN = 'mos_temp' tempMosaicRaster = path.join(mosaicDir, mosFN) tempMosaicRasterTrim = path.join( mosaicDir, 'mos_temp_trm') arcpy.env.workspace = mosaicDir if linkLoop == 1: #If this is the first grid then copy rather than mosaic arcpy.CopyRaster_management( barrierRaster, tempMosaicRaster) if cfg.SUM_BARRIERS and cfg.WRITE_TRIM_RASTERS: arcpy.CopyRaster_management( trmRaster, tempMosaicRasterTrim) else: if cfg.SUM_BARRIERS: outCon = Raster(barrierRaster) < 0, lastMosaicRaster, Raster(barrierRaster) + Raster(lastMosaicRaster)) if cfg.WRITE_TRIM_RASTERS: outCon = Raster(trmRaster) < 0, lastMosaicRasterTrim, Raster(trmRaster) + Raster(lastMosaicRasterTrim)) else: rasterString = ('"' + barrierRaster + ";" + lastMosaicRaster + '"') @retry(10) def mosaicToNew(): randomerror() arcpy.MosaicToNewRaster_management( rasterString, mosaicDir, mosFN, "", "32_BIT_FLOAT", arcpy.env.cellSize, "1", "MAXIMUM", "MATCH") mosaicToNew() # gprint(str(corex)+'0'+str(corey)) if linkLoop > 1: #Clean up from previous loop lu.delete_data(lastMosaicRaster) lastMosaicDir = path.dirname(lastMosaicRaster) lu.clean_out_workspace(lastMosaicDir) lu.delete_dir(lastMosaicDir) lastMosaicRaster = tempMosaicRaster if cfg.WRITE_TRIM_RASTERS: lastMosaicRasterTrim = tempMosaicRasterTrim if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: mosPctFN = 'mos_temp_pct' mosaicDirPct = path.join( cfg.SCRATCHDIR, 'mosP' + str(radId) + '_' + str(x + 1)) lu.create_dir(mosaicDirPct) tempMosaicRasterPct = path.join( mosaicDirPct, mosPctFN) if linkLoop == 1: # If this is the first grid then copy # rather than mosaic if cfg.SUM_BARRIERS: outCon = Raster(barrierRasterPct) < 0, 0,, 0, barrierRasterPct)) else: arcpy.CopyRaster_management( barrierRasterPct, tempMosaicRasterPct) else: if cfg.SUM_BARRIERS: @retry(10) def sumBarriers(): randomerror() outCon = Raster(barrierRasterPct) < 0, lastMosaicRasterPct, Raster(barrierRasterPct) + Raster(lastMosaicRasterPct)) sumBarriers() else: rasterString = ('"' + barrierRasterPct + ";" + lastMosaicRasterPct + '"') @retry(10) def maxBarriers(): randomerror() arcpy.MosaicToNewRaster_management( rasterString, mosaicDirPct, mosPctFN, "", "32_BIT_FLOAT", arcpy.env.cellSize, "1", "MAXIMUM", "MATCH") maxBarriers() if linkLoop > 1: #Clean up from previous loop lu.delete_data(lastMosaicRasterPct) lastMosaicDirPct = path.dirname( lastMosaicRasterPct) lu.clean_out_workspace(lastMosaicDirPct) lu.delete_dir(lastMosaicDirPct) # lu.delete_data(lastMosaicRasterPct) lastMosaicRasterPct = tempMosaicRasterPct if not cfg.SAVEBARRIERRASTERS: lu.delete_data(barrierRaster) if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: lu.delete_data(barrierRasterPct) if cfg.WRITE_TRIM_RASTERS: lu.delete_data(trmRaster) # Temporarily disable links in linktable - # don't want to mosaic them twice for y in range(x + 1, numLinks): corex1 = int(coreList[y, 0]) corey1 = int(coreList[y, 1]) if corex1 == corex and corey1 == corey: linkTable[y, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] = ( linkTable[y, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] + 1000) elif corex1 == corey and corey1 == corex: linkTable[y, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] = ( linkTable[y, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] + 1000) if numCorridorLinks > 1 and pctDone < 100: gprint('100 percent done') gprint('Summarizing barrier data for search radius.') #rows that were temporarily disabled rows = npy.where(linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] > 1000) linkTable[rows, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] = ( linkTable[rows, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] - 1000) # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Set negative values to null or zero and write geodatabase. mosaicFN = (PREFIX + "_BarrierCenters" + sumSuffix + "_Rad" + str(radius)) mosaicRaster = path.join(cfg.BARRIERGDB, mosaicFN) arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST # if setCoresToNull: # outCon = < 0, 0, # tempMosaicRaster) #xxx # #xxx # else: outSetNull =, tempMosaicRaster, "VALUE < 0") #xxx orig lu.delete_data(tempMosaicRaster) if cfg.SUM_BARRIERS and cfg.WRITE_TRIM_RASTERS: mosaicFN = (PREFIX + "_BarrierCircles_RBMin" + sumSuffix + "_Rad" + str(radius)) mosaicRasterTrim = path.join(cfg.BARRIERGDB, mosaicFN) arcpy.CopyRaster_management(tempMosaicRasterTrim, mosaicRasterTrim) lu.delete_data(tempMosaicRaster) if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: # Do same for percent raster mosaicPctFN = (PREFIX + "_BarrierCenters_Pct" + sumSuffix + "_Rad" + str(radius)) arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST outSetNull =, tempMosaicRasterPct, "VALUE < 0") mosaicRasterPct = path.join(cfg.BARRIERGDB, mosaicPctFN) lu.delete_data(tempMosaicRasterPct) # 'Grow out' maximum restoration gain to # neighborhood size for display InNeighborhood = "CIRCLE " + str(outerRadius) + " MAP" # Execute FocalStatistics fillRasterFN = "barriers_fill" + str(outerRadius) + tif fillRaster = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR, fillRasterFN) outFocalStats = mosaicRaster, InNeighborhood, "MAXIMUM", "DATA") if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: # Do same for percent raster fillRasterPctFN = "barriers_fill_pct" + str( outerRadius) + tif fillRasterPct = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR, fillRasterPctFN) outFocalStats = mosaicRasterPct, InNeighborhood, "MAXIMUM", "DATA") #Place copies of filled rasters in output geodatabase arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.BARRIERGDB fillRasterFN = (PREFIX + "_BarrrierCircles" + sumSuffix + "_Rad" + str(outerRadius)) arcpy.CopyRaster_management(fillRaster, fillRasterFN) if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: fillRasterPctFN = (PREFIX + "_BarrrierCircles_Pct" + sumSuffix + "_Rad" + str(outerRadius)) arcpy.CopyRaster_management(fillRasterPct, fillRasterPctFN) if not cfg.SUM_BARRIERS and cfg.WRITE_TRIM_RASTERS: # Create pared-down version of filled raster- remove pixels # that don't need restoring by allowing a pixel to only # contribute its resistance value to restoration gain outRasterFN = "barriers_trm" + str(outerRadius) + tif outRaster = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR, outRasterFN) rasterList = [fillRaster, resistFillRaster] outCellStatistics = rasterList, "MINIMUM") #SECOND ROUND TO CLIP BY DATA VALUES IN BARRIER RASTER outRaster2FN = ("barriers_trm" + sumSuffix + str(outerRadius) + "_2" + tif) outRaster2 = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR, outRaster2FN) output =, fillRaster, outRaster) outRasterFN = (PREFIX + "_BarrierCircles_RBMin" + sumSuffix + "_Rad" + str(outerRadius)) outRasterPath = path.join(cfg.BARRIERGDB, outRasterFN) arcpy.CopyRaster_management(outRaster2, outRasterFN) randomerror() startTime = lu.elapsed_time(startTime) # Call the above function doRadiusLoop() # Combine rasters across radii gprint('\nCreating summary rasters...') if startRadius != endRadius: radiiSuffix = ('_Rad' + str(int(startRadius)) + 'To' + str(int(endRadius)) + 'Step' + str(int(radiusStep))) mosaicFN = "bar_radii" mosaicPctFN = "bar_radii_pct" arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR for radius in range(startRadius, endRadius + 1, radiusStep): #Fixme: run speed test with gdb mosaicking above and here radiusFN = (PREFIX + "_BarrierCenters" + sumSuffix + "_Rad" + str(radius)) radiusRaster = path.join(cfg.BARRIERGDB, radiusFN) if radius == startRadius: #If this is the first grid then copy rather than mosaic arcpy.CopyRaster_management(radiusRaster, mosaicFN) else: mosaicRaster = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR, mosaicFN) arcpy.Mosaic_management(radiusRaster, mosaicRaster, "MAXIMUM", "MATCH") if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: radiusPctFN = (PREFIX + "_BarrierCenters_Pct" + sumSuffix + "_Rad" + str(radius)) radiusRasterPct = path.join(cfg.BARRIERGDB, radiusPctFN) if radius == startRadius: #If this is the first grid then copy rather than mosaic arcpy.CopyRaster_management(radiusRasterPct, mosaicPctFN) else: mosaicRasterPct = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR, mosaicPctFN) arcpy.Mosaic_management(radiusRasterPct, mosaicRasterPct, "MAXIMUM", "MATCH") # Copy results to output geodatabase arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.BARRIERGDB mosaicFN = PREFIX + "_BarrierCenters" + sumSuffix + radiiSuffix arcpy.CopyRaster_management(mosaicRaster, mosaicFN) if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: mosaicPctFN = (PREFIX + "_BarrierCenters_Pct" + sumSuffix + radiiSuffix) arcpy.CopyRaster_management(mosaicRasterPct, mosaicPctFN) #GROWN OUT rasters fillMosaicFN = "barriers_radii_fill" + tif fillMosaicPctFN = "barriers_radii_fill_pct" + tif fillMosaicRaster = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR, fillMosaicFN) fillMosaicRasterPct = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR, fillMosaicPctFN) arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR for radius in range(startRadius, endRadius + 1, radiusStep): radiusFN = "barriers_fill" + str(radius) + tif #fixme- do this when only a single radius too radiusRaster = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR, radiusFN) if radius == startRadius: #If this is the first grid then copy rather than mosaic arcpy.CopyRaster_management(radiusRaster, fillMosaicFN) else: arcpy.Mosaic_management(radiusRaster, fillMosaicRaster, "MAXIMUM", "MATCH") if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: radiusPctFN = "barriers_fill_pct" + str(radius) + tif #fixme- do this when only a single radius too radiusRasterPct = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR, radiusPctFN) if radius == startRadius: #If this is the first grid then copy rather than mosaic arcpy.CopyRaster_management(radiusRasterPct, fillMosaicPctFN) else: arcpy.Mosaic_management(radiusRasterPct, fillMosaicRasterPct, "MAXIMUM", "MATCH") # Copy result to output geodatabase arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.BARRIERGDB fillMosaicFN = PREFIX + "_BarrierCircles" + sumSuffix + radiiSuffix arcpy.CopyRaster_management(fillMosaicRaster, fillMosaicFN) if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: fillMosaicPctFN = (PREFIX + "_BarrierCircles_Pct" + sumSuffix + radiiSuffix) arcpy.CopyRaster_management(fillMosaicRasterPct, fillMosaicPctFN) # if not cfg.SUM_BARRIERS: #GROWN OUT AND TRIMMED rasters (Can't do percent) if cfg.WRITE_TRIM_RASTERS: trimMosaicFN = "bar_radii_trm" arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR trimMosaicRaster = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR, trimMosaicFN) for radius in range(startRadius, endRadius + 1, radiusStep): radiusFN = (PREFIX + "_BarrierCircles_RBMin" + sumSuffix + "_Rad" + str(radius)) #fixme- do this when only a single radius too radiusRaster = path.join(cfg.BARRIERGDB, radiusFN) if radius == startRadius: #If this is the first grid then copy rather than mosaic arcpy.CopyRaster_management(radiusRaster, trimMosaicFN) else: arcpy.Mosaic_management(radiusRaster, trimMosaicRaster, "MAXIMUM", "MATCH") # Copy result to output geodatabase arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.BARRIERGDB trimMosaicFN = (PREFIX + "_BarrierCircles_RBMin" + sumSuffix + radiiSuffix) arcpy.CopyRaster_management(trimMosaicRaster, trimMosaicFN) if not cfg.SAVE_RADIUS_RASTERS: arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.BARRIERGDB rasters = arcpy.ListRasters() for raster in rasters: if 'rad' in raster.lower() and not 'step' in raster.lower(): lu.delete_data(raster) arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.BARRIERGDB rasters = arcpy.ListRasters() for raster in rasters: gprint('\nBuilding output statistics and pyramids\n' 'for raster ' + raster) lu.build_stats(raster) #Clean up temporary files and directories if not cfg.SAVEBARRIERRASTERS: lu.delete_dir(cbarrierdir) lu.delete_dir(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR) if not cfg.SAVEFOCALRASTERS: for radius in range(startRadius, endRadius + 1, radiusStep): core1path = lu.get_focal_path(1, radius) path1, dir1 = path.split(core1path) path2, dir2 = path.split(path1) lu.delete_dir(path2) # Return GEOPROCESSING specific errors except arcpy.ExecuteError: lu.dashline(1) gprint('****Failed in step 6. Details follow.****') lu.exit_with_geoproc_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) # Return any PYTHON or system specific errors except: lu.dashline(1) gprint('****Failed in step 6. Details follow.****') lu.exit_with_python_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) return
def STEP1_get_adjacencies(): """Determines adjacencies between core areas in either or both Euclidean and cost-weighted distance space. """ try: lu.dashline(1) gprint('Running script ' + _SCRIPT_NAME) # Default behavior is to use same cell size as resistance raster, # but this can be changed here. gp.scratchWorkspace = cfg.ARCSCRATCHDIR gp.workspace = cfg.PROJECTDIR #remove adj directory and files from previous runs lu.delete_dir(cfg.ADJACENCYDIR) lu.delete_data(cfg.CWDADJFILE) lu.delete_data(cfg.EUCADJFILE) if not cfg.S2ADJMETH_CW and not cfg.S2ADJMETH_EU: # Adjacency not needed return lu.create_dir(cfg.ADJACENCYDIR) gprint('Adjacency files will be written to ' + cfg.ADJACENCYDIR) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Create bounding circles to limit cwd and allocation calculations if cfg.BUFFERDIST is not None: gprint('Reducing processing area using bounding circle ' 'plus buffer of ' + str(float(cfg.BUFFERDIST)) + ' map units') gp.MakeFeatureLayer(cfg.COREFC, cfg.FCORES) extentBoxList = npy.zeros((0, 5), dtype='float32') boxCoords = lu.get_extent_box_coords() extentBoxList = npy.append(extentBoxList, boxCoords, axis=0) extentBoxList[0, 0] = 0 # cwd bounding circle- used to clip raster to limit cwd # calculations boundingCirclePointArray = npy.zeros((0, 5), dtype='float32') circlePointData = lu.get_bounding_circle_data(extentBoxList, 0, 0, cfg.BUFFERDIST) lu.make_points(cfg.SCRATCHDIR, circlePointData, path.basename(cfg.BNDCIRCEN)) lu.delete_data(cfg.BNDCIR) gp.buffer_analysis(cfg.BNDCIRCEN, cfg.BNDCIR, "radius") del boundingCirclePointArray gp.pyramid = "NONE" gp.rasterstatistics = "NONE" gp.workspace = cfg.SCRATCHDIR if cfg.S1ADJMETH_CW: cwadjacency() if cfg.S1ADJMETH_EU: euadjacency() # Return GEOPROCESSING specific errors except arcgisscripting.ExecuteError: lu.dashline(1) gprint('****Failed in step 1. Details follow.****') lu.exit_with_geoproc_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) # Return any PYTHON or system specific errors except: lu.dashline(1) gprint('****Failed in step 1. Details follow.****') lu.exit_with_python_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) return
def STEP6_calc_barriers(): """Detects influential barriers given CWD calculations from """ try: arcpy.CheckOutExtension("spatial") lu.dashline(0) gprint('Running script ' + _SCRIPT_NAME) if cfg.BARRIER_CWD_THRESH is not None: lu.dashline(1) gprint('Invoking CWD Threshold of ' + str(cfg.BARRIER_CWD_THRESH) + ' map units.') if cfg.SUM_BARRIERS: sumSuffix = '_Sum' cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR = cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR + sumSuffix baseName, extension = path.splitext(cfg.BARRIERGDB) cfg.BARRIERGDB = baseName + sumSuffix + extension gprint('\nBarrier scores will be SUMMED across core pairs.') else: sumSuffix = '' # Delete contents of final ouptut geodatabase # lu.clean_out_workspace(cfg.BARRIERGDB) #xxx try not doing this to allow multiple radii to be analyzed in separate runs if not arcpy.Exists(cfg.BARRIERGDB): # Create output geodatabase arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(cfg.OUTPUTDIR, path.basename(cfg.BARRIERGDB)) startRadius = int(cfg.STARTRADIUS) endRadius = int(cfg.ENDRADIUS) radiusStep = int(cfg.RADIUSSTEP) if radiusStep == 0: endRadius = startRadius # Calculate at just one radius value radiusStep = 1 linkTableFile = lu.get_prev_step_link_table(step=6) arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.SCRATCHDIR arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = cfg.ARCSCRATCHDIR arcpy.RefreshCatalog(cfg.PROJECTDIR) PREFIX = path.basename(cfg.PROJECTDIR) # For speed: arcpy.env.pyramid = "NONE" arcpy.env.rasterStatistics = "NONE" # set the analysis extent and cell size to that of the resistance # surface arcpy.OverWriteOutput = True arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST arcpy.env.cellSize = cfg.RESRAST arcpy.env.snapRaster = cfg.RESRAST spatialref = arcpy.Describe(cfg.RESRAST).spatialReference mapUnits = (str(spatialref.linearUnitName)).lower() if len(mapUnits) > 1 and mapUnits[-1] != 's': mapUnits = mapUnits + 's' if float(arcpy.env.cellSize) > startRadius or startRadius > endRadius: msg = ('Error: minimum detection radius must be greater than ' 'cell size (' + str(arcpy.env.cellSize) + ') \nand less than or equal to maximum detection radius.') lu.raise_error(msg) linkTable = lu.load_link_table(linkTableFile) numLinks = linkTable.shape[0] numCorridorLinks = lu.report_links(linkTable) if numCorridorLinks == 0: lu.dashline(1) msg =('\nThere are no linkages. Bailing.') lu.raise_error(msg) # set up directories for barrier and barrier mosaic grids dirCount = 0 gprint("Creating intermediate output folder: " + cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR) lu.delete_dir(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR) arcpy.CreateFolder_management(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR, cfg.BARRIERDIR_NM) cbarrierdir = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR, cfg.BARRIERDIR_NM) coresToProcess = npy.unique(linkTable [:, cfg.LTB_CORE1:cfg.LTB_CORE2 + 1]) maxCoreNum = max(coresToProcess) # Set up focal directories. # To keep there from being > 100 grids in any one directory, # outputs are written to: # barrier\focalX_ for cores 1-99 at radius X # barrier\focalX_1 for cores 100-199 # etc. lu.dashline(0) for radius in range(startRadius, endRadius + 1, radiusStep): core1path = lu.get_focal_path(1,radius) path1, dir1 = path.split(core1path) path2, dir2 = path.split(path1) arcpy.CreateFolder_management(path.dirname(path2), path.basename(path2)) arcpy.CreateFolder_management(path.dirname(path1), path.basename(path1)) if maxCoreNum > 99: gprint('Creating subdirectories for ' + str(radius) + ' ' + str(mapUnits) + ' radius analysis scale.') maxDirCount = int(maxCoreNum/100) focalDirBaseName = dir2 cp100 = (coresToProcess.astype('int32'))/100 ind = npy.where(cp100 > 0) dirNums = npy.unique(cp100[ind]) for dirNum in dirNums: focalDir = focalDirBaseName + str(dirNum) gprint('...' + focalDir) arcpy.CreateFolder_management(path2, focalDir) # Create resistance raster with filled-in Nodata values for later use arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST resistFillRaster = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR, "resist_fill") output =, 1000000000, Raster(cfg.RESRAST) - 1) coreList = linkTable[:,cfg.LTB_CORE1:cfg.LTB_CORE2+1] coreList = npy.sort(coreList) # Loop through each search radius to calculate barriers in each link import time radId = 0 #keep track of number of radii processed- used for temp dir naming for radius in range (startRadius, endRadius + 1, radiusStep): radId = radId + 1 linkTableTemp = linkTable.copy() @retry(10) #can't pass vars in and modify them. def doRadiusLoop(): linkTable = linkTableTemp.copy() startTime = time.clock() randomerror() linkLoop = 0 pctDone = 0 gprint('\nMapping barriers at a radius of ' + str(radius) + ' ' + str(mapUnits)) if cfg.SUM_BARRIERS: gprint('using SUM method') else: gprint('using MAXIMUM method') if numCorridorLinks > 1: gprint('0 percent done') lastMosaicRaster = None lastMosaicRasterPct = None for x in range(0,numLinks): pctDone = lu.report_pct_done(linkLoop, numCorridorLinks, pctDone) linkId = str(int(linkTable[x,cfg.LTB_LINKID])) if ((linkTable[x,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] > 0) and (linkTable[x,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] < 1000)): linkLoop = linkLoop + 1 # source and target cores corex=int(coreList[x,0]) corey=int(coreList[x,1]) # Get cwd rasters for source and target cores cwdRaster1 = lu.get_cwd_path(corex) cwdRaster2 = lu.get_cwd_path(corey) # Mask out areas above CWD threshold cwdTemp1 = None cwdTemp2 = None if cfg.BARRIER_CWD_THRESH is not None: if x == 1: lu.dashline(1) gprint(' Using CWD threshold of ' + str(cfg.BARRIER_CWD_THRESH) + ' map units.') arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST arcpy.env.cellSize = cfg.RESRAST arcpy.env.snapRaster = cfg.RESRAST cwdTemp1 = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR, "tmp"+str(corex)) outCon = < float(cfg.BARRIER_CWD_THRESH),cwdRaster1) cwdRaster1 = cwdTemp1 cwdTemp2 = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR, "tmp"+str(corey)) outCon = < float(cfg.BARRIER_CWD_THRESH),cwdRaster2) cwdRaster2 = cwdTemp2 focalRaster1 = lu.get_focal_path(corex,radius) focalRaster2 = lu.get_focal_path(corey,radius) link = lu.get_links_from_core_pairs(linkTable, corex, corey) lcDist = float(linkTable[link,cfg.LTB_CWDIST]) # Detect barriers at radius using neighborhood stats # Create the Neighborhood Object innerRadius = radius - 1 outerRadius = radius dia = 2 * radius InNeighborhood = ("ANNULUS " + str(innerRadius) + " " + str(outerRadius) + " MAP") @retry(10) def execFocal(): randomerror() # Execute FocalStatistics if not path.exists(focalRaster1): arcpy.env.extent = cwdRaster1 outFocalStats =, InNeighborhood, "MINIMUM","DATA") if setCoresToNull: outFocalStats2 = > 0, outFocalStats) # Set areas overlapping cores to NoData xxx #xxx else: #xxx arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST if not path.exists(focalRaster2): arcpy.env.extent = cwdRaster2 outFocalStats =, InNeighborhood, "MINIMUM","DATA") if setCoresToNull: outFocalStats2 = > 0, outFocalStats) # Set areas overlapping cores to NoData xxx else: #xxx arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST execFocal() lu.delete_data(cwdTemp1) lu.delete_data(cwdTemp2) barrierRaster = path.join(cbarrierdir, "b" + str(radius) + "_" + str(corex) + "_" + str(corey)+'.tif') if cfg.SUM_BARRIERS: # Need to set nulls to 0, also # create trim rasters as we go outRas = ((lcDist - Raster(focalRaster1) - Raster(focalRaster2) - dia) / dia) outCon =,0,outRas) outCon2 =<0,0,outCon) # Execute FocalStatistics to fill out search radii InNeighborhood = "CIRCLE " + str(outerRadius) + " MAP" fillRaster = path.join(cbarrierdir, "b" + str(radius) + "_" + str(corex) + "_" + str(corey) +"_fill.tif") outFocalStats =, InNeighborhood, "MAXIMUM","DATA") if cfg.WRITE_TRIM_RASTERS: trmRaster = path.join(cbarrierdir, "b" + str(radius) + "_" + str(corex) + "_" + str(corey) +"_trim.tif") rasterList = [fillRaster, resistFillRaster] outCellStatistics = rasterList, "MINIMUM") else: #Calculate potential benefit per map unit restored @retry(10) def calcBen(): randomerror() outRas = ((lcDist - Raster(focalRaster1) - Raster(focalRaster2) - dia) / dia) calcBen() if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: #Calculate PERCENT potential benefit per unit restored barrierRasterPct = path.join(cbarrierdir, "b" + str(radius) + "_" + str(corex) + "_" + str(corey)+'_pct.tif') @retry(10) def calcBenPct(): randomerror() outras = (100 * (Raster(barrierRaster) / lcDist)) calcBenPct() # Mosaic barrier results across core area pairs mosaicDir = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR,'mos'+str(radId)+'_'+str(x+1)) lu.create_dir(mosaicDir) mosFN = 'mos_temp' tempMosaicRaster = path.join(mosaicDir,mosFN) tempMosaicRasterTrim = path.join(mosaicDir,'mos_temp_trm') arcpy.env.workspace = mosaicDir if linkLoop == 1: #If this is the first grid then copy rather than mosaic arcpy.CopyRaster_management(barrierRaster, tempMosaicRaster) if cfg.SUM_BARRIERS and cfg.WRITE_TRIM_RASTERS: arcpy.CopyRaster_management(trmRaster, tempMosaicRasterTrim) else: if cfg.SUM_BARRIERS: outCon = (barrierRaster) < 0, lastMosaicRaster, Raster(barrierRaster) + Raster(lastMosaicRaster)) if cfg.WRITE_TRIM_RASTERS: outCon = (trmRaster) < 0, lastMosaicRasterTrim, Raster(trmRaster) + Raster( lastMosaicRasterTrim)) else: rasterString = ('"'+barrierRaster+";" + lastMosaicRaster+'"') @retry(10) def mosaicToNew(): randomerror() arcpy.MosaicToNewRaster_management( rasterString,mosaicDir,mosFN, "", "32_BIT_FLOAT", arcpy.env.cellSize, "1", "MAXIMUM", "MATCH") mosaicToNew() # gprint(str(corex)+'0'+str(corey)) if linkLoop>1: #Clean up from previous loop lu.delete_data(lastMosaicRaster) lastMosaicDir =path.dirname(lastMosaicRaster) lu.clean_out_workspace(lastMosaicDir) lu.delete_dir(lastMosaicDir) lastMosaicRaster = tempMosaicRaster if cfg.WRITE_TRIM_RASTERS: lastMosaicRasterTrim = tempMosaicRasterTrim if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: mosPctFN = 'mos_temp_pct' mosaicDirPct = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR,'mosP'+str(radId)+'_'+str(x+1)) lu.create_dir(mosaicDirPct) tempMosaicRasterPct = path.join(mosaicDirPct,mosPctFN) if linkLoop == 1: # If this is the first grid then copy # rather than mosaic if cfg.SUM_BARRIERS: outCon = < 0, 0, barrierRasterPct), 0, barrierRasterPct)) else: arcpy.CopyRaster_management(barrierRasterPct, tempMosaicRasterPct) else: if cfg.SUM_BARRIERS: @retry(10) def sumBarriers(): randomerror() outCon = < 0, lastMosaicRasterPct, Raster(barrierRasterPct) + Raster( lastMosaicRasterPct)) sumBarriers() else: rasterString = ('"' + barrierRasterPct + ";" + lastMosaicRasterPct + '"') @retry(10) def maxBarriers(): randomerror() arcpy.MosaicToNewRaster_management( rasterString,mosaicDirPct,mosPctFN, "", "32_BIT_FLOAT", arcpy.env.cellSize, "1", "MAXIMUM", "MATCH") maxBarriers() if linkLoop>1: #Clean up from previous loop lu.delete_data(lastMosaicRasterPct) lastMosaicDirPct =path.dirname(lastMosaicRasterPct) lu.clean_out_workspace(lastMosaicDirPct) lu.delete_dir(lastMosaicDirPct) # lu.delete_data(lastMosaicRasterPct) lastMosaicRasterPct = tempMosaicRasterPct if not cfg.SAVEBARRIERRASTERS: lu.delete_data(barrierRaster) if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: lu.delete_data(barrierRasterPct) if cfg.WRITE_TRIM_RASTERS: lu.delete_data(trmRaster) # Temporarily disable links in linktable - # don't want to mosaic them twice for y in range (x+1,numLinks): corex1 = int(coreList[y,0]) corey1 = int(coreList[y,1]) if corex1 == corex and corey1 == corey: linkTable[y,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] = ( linkTable[y,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] + 1000) elif corex1==corey and corey1==corex: linkTable[y,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] = ( linkTable[y,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] + 1000) if numCorridorLinks > 1 and pctDone < 100: gprint('100 percent done') gprint('Summarizing barrier data for search radius.') #rows that were temporarily disabled rows = npy.where(linkTable[:,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE]>1000) linkTable[rows,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] = ( linkTable[rows,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] - 1000) # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Set negative values to null or zero and write geodatabase. mosaicFN = (PREFIX + "_BarrierCenters" + sumSuffix + "_Rad" + str(radius)) mosaicRaster = path.join(cfg.BARRIERGDB, mosaicFN) arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST # if setCoresToNull: # outCon = < 0, 0, # tempMosaicRaster) #xxx # #xxx # else: outSetNull =, tempMosaicRaster, "VALUE < 0") #xxx orig lu.delete_data(tempMosaicRaster) if cfg.SUM_BARRIERS and cfg.WRITE_TRIM_RASTERS: mosaicFN = (PREFIX + "_BarrierCircles_RBMin" + sumSuffix + "_Rad" + str(radius)) mosaicRasterTrim = path.join(cfg.BARRIERGDB, mosaicFN) arcpy.CopyRaster_management(tempMosaicRasterTrim, mosaicRasterTrim) lu.delete_data(tempMosaicRaster) if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: # Do same for percent raster mosaicPctFN = (PREFIX + "_BarrierCenters_Pct" + sumSuffix + "_Rad" + str(radius)) arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST outSetNull =, tempMosaicRasterPct, "VALUE < 0") mosaicRasterPct = path.join(cfg.BARRIERGDB, mosaicPctFN) lu.delete_data(tempMosaicRasterPct) # 'Grow out' maximum restoration gain to # neighborhood size for display InNeighborhood = "CIRCLE " + str(outerRadius) + " MAP" # Execute FocalStatistics fillRasterFN = "barriers_fill" + str(outerRadius) + tif fillRaster = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR, fillRasterFN) outFocalStats =, InNeighborhood, "MAXIMUM","DATA") if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: # Do same for percent raster fillRasterPctFN = "barriers_fill_pct" + str(outerRadius) + tif fillRasterPct = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR, fillRasterPctFN) outFocalStats =, InNeighborhood, "MAXIMUM","DATA") #Place copies of filled rasters in output geodatabase arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.BARRIERGDB fillRasterFN = (PREFIX + "_BarrrierCircles" + sumSuffix + "_Rad" + str(outerRadius)) arcpy.CopyRaster_management(fillRaster, fillRasterFN) if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: fillRasterPctFN = (PREFIX + "_BarrrierCircles_Pct" + sumSuffix + "_Rad" + str(outerRadius)) arcpy.CopyRaster_management(fillRasterPct, fillRasterPctFN) if not cfg.SUM_BARRIERS and cfg.WRITE_TRIM_RASTERS: # Create pared-down version of filled raster- remove pixels # that don't need restoring by allowing a pixel to only # contribute its resistance value to restoration gain outRasterFN = "barriers_trm" + str(outerRadius) + tif outRaster = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR,outRasterFN) rasterList = [fillRaster, resistFillRaster] outCellStatistics =, "MINIMUM") #SECOND ROUND TO CLIP BY DATA VALUES IN BARRIER RASTER outRaster2FN = ("barriers_trm" + sumSuffix + str(outerRadius) + "_2" + tif) outRaster2 = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR,outRaster2FN) output =,fillRaster,outRaster) outRasterFN = (PREFIX + "_BarrierCircles_RBMin" + sumSuffix + "_Rad" + str(outerRadius)) outRasterPath= path.join(cfg.BARRIERGDB, outRasterFN) arcpy.CopyRaster_management(outRaster2, outRasterFN) randomerror() startTime=lu.elapsed_time(startTime) # Call the above function doRadiusLoop() # Combine rasters across radii gprint('\nCreating summary rasters...') if startRadius != endRadius: radiiSuffix = ('_Rad' + str(int(startRadius)) + 'To' + str(int( endRadius)) + 'Step' + str(int(radiusStep))) mosaicFN = "bar_radii" mosaicPctFN = "bar_radii_pct" arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR for radius in range (startRadius, endRadius + 1, radiusStep): #Fixme: run speed test with gdb mosaicking above and here radiusFN = (PREFIX + "_BarrierCenters" + sumSuffix + "_Rad" + str(radius)) radiusRaster = path.join(cfg.BARRIERGDB, radiusFN) if radius == startRadius: #If this is the first grid then copy rather than mosaic arcpy.CopyRaster_management(radiusRaster, mosaicFN) else: mosaicRaster = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR,mosaicFN) arcpy.Mosaic_management(radiusRaster, mosaicRaster, "MAXIMUM", "MATCH") if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: radiusPctFN = (PREFIX + "_BarrierCenters_Pct" + sumSuffix + "_Rad" + str(radius)) radiusRasterPct = path.join(cfg.BARRIERGDB, radiusPctFN) if radius == startRadius: #If this is the first grid then copy rather than mosaic arcpy.CopyRaster_management(radiusRasterPct, mosaicPctFN) else: mosaicRasterPct = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR, mosaicPctFN) arcpy.Mosaic_management(radiusRasterPct, mosaicRasterPct, "MAXIMUM", "MATCH") # Copy results to output geodatabase arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.BARRIERGDB mosaicFN = PREFIX + "_BarrierCenters" + sumSuffix + radiiSuffix arcpy.CopyRaster_management(mosaicRaster, mosaicFN) if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: mosaicPctFN = (PREFIX + "_BarrierCenters_Pct" + sumSuffix + radiiSuffix) arcpy.CopyRaster_management(mosaicRasterPct, mosaicPctFN) #GROWN OUT rasters fillMosaicFN = "barriers_radii_fill" + tif fillMosaicPctFN = "barriers_radii_fill_pct" + tif fillMosaicRaster = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR,fillMosaicFN) fillMosaicRasterPct = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR,fillMosaicPctFN) arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR for radius in range (startRadius, endRadius + 1, radiusStep): radiusFN = "barriers_fill" + str(radius) + tif #fixme- do this when only a single radius too radiusRaster = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR, radiusFN) if radius == startRadius: #If this is the first grid then copy rather than mosaic arcpy.CopyRaster_management(radiusRaster, fillMosaicFN) else: arcpy.Mosaic_management(radiusRaster, fillMosaicRaster, "MAXIMUM", "MATCH") if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: radiusPctFN = "barriers_fill_pct" + str(radius) + tif #fixme- do this when only a single radius too radiusRasterPct = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR, radiusPctFN) if radius == startRadius: #If this is the first grid then copy rather than mosaic arcpy.CopyRaster_management(radiusRasterPct, fillMosaicPctFN) else: arcpy.Mosaic_management(radiusRasterPct, fillMosaicRasterPct, "MAXIMUM", "MATCH") # Copy result to output geodatabase arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.BARRIERGDB fillMosaicFN = PREFIX + "_BarrierCircles" + sumSuffix + radiiSuffix arcpy.CopyRaster_management(fillMosaicRaster, fillMosaicFN) if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: fillMosaicPctFN = (PREFIX + "_BarrierCircles_Pct" + sumSuffix + radiiSuffix) arcpy.CopyRaster_management(fillMosaicRasterPct, fillMosaicPctFN) # if not cfg.SUM_BARRIERS: #GROWN OUT AND TRIMMED rasters (Can't do percent) if cfg.WRITE_TRIM_RASTERS: trimMosaicFN = "bar_radii_trm" arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR trimMosaicRaster = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR,trimMosaicFN) for radius in range (startRadius, endRadius + 1, radiusStep): radiusFN = (PREFIX + "_BarrierCircles_RBMin" + sumSuffix + "_Rad" + str(radius)) #fixme- do this when only a single radius too radiusRaster = path.join(cfg.BARRIERGDB, radiusFN) if radius == startRadius: #If this is the first grid then copy rather than mosaic arcpy.CopyRaster_management(radiusRaster, trimMosaicFN) else: arcpy.Mosaic_management(radiusRaster, trimMosaicRaster, "MAXIMUM", "MATCH") # Copy result to output geodatabase arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.BARRIERGDB trimMosaicFN = (PREFIX + "_BarrierCircles_RBMin" + sumSuffix + radiiSuffix) arcpy.CopyRaster_management(trimMosaicRaster, trimMosaicFN) if not cfg.SAVE_RADIUS_RASTERS: arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.BARRIERGDB rasters = arcpy.ListRasters() for raster in rasters: if 'rad' in raster.lower() and not 'step' in raster.lower(): lu.delete_data(raster) arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.BARRIERGDB rasters = arcpy.ListRasters() for raster in rasters: gprint('\nBuilding output statistics and pyramids\n' 'for raster ' + raster) lu.build_stats(raster) #Clean up temporary files and directories if not cfg.SAVEBARRIERRASTERS: lu.delete_dir(cbarrierdir) lu.delete_dir(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR) if not cfg.SAVEFOCALRASTERS: for radius in range(startRadius, endRadius + 1, radiusStep): core1path = lu.get_focal_path(1,radius) path1, dir1 = path.split(core1path) path2, dir2 = path.split(path1) lu.delete_dir(path2) # Return GEOPROCESSING specific errors except arcpy.ExecuteError: lu.dashline(1) gprint('****Failed in step 6. Details follow.****') lu.exit_with_geoproc_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) # Return any PYTHON or system specific errors except: lu.dashline(1) gprint('****Failed in step 6. Details follow.****') lu.exit_with_python_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) return
def doRadiusLoop(): linkTable = linkTableTemp.copy() startTime = time.clock() randomerror() linkLoop = 0 pctDone = 0 gprint('\nMapping barriers at a radius of ' + str(radius) + ' ' + str(mapUnits)) if cfg.SUM_BARRIERS: gprint('using SUM method') else: gprint('using MAXIMUM method') if numCorridorLinks > 1: gprint('0 percent done') lastMosaicRaster = None lastMosaicRasterPct = None for x in range(0, numLinks): pctDone = lu.report_pct_done(linkLoop, numCorridorLinks, pctDone) linkId = str(int(linkTable[x, cfg.LTB_LINKID])) if ((linkTable[x, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] > 0) and (linkTable[x, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] < 1000)): linkLoop = linkLoop + 1 # source and target cores corex = int(coreList[x, 0]) corey = int(coreList[x, 1]) # Get cwd rasters for source and target cores cwdRaster1 = lu.get_cwd_path(corex) cwdRaster2 = lu.get_cwd_path(corey) # Mask out areas above CWD threshold cwdTemp1 = None cwdTemp2 = None if cfg.BARRIER_CWD_THRESH is not None: if x == 1: lu.dashline(1) gprint(' Using CWD threshold of ' + str(cfg.BARRIER_CWD_THRESH) + ' map units.') arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST arcpy.env.cellSize = cfg.RESRAST arcpy.env.snapRaster = cfg.RESRAST cwdTemp1 = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR, "tmp" + str(corex)) outCon = cwdRaster1 < float(cfg.BARRIER_CWD_THRESH), cwdRaster1) cwdRaster1 = cwdTemp1 cwdTemp2 = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR, "tmp" + str(corey)) outCon = cwdRaster2 < float(cfg.BARRIER_CWD_THRESH), cwdRaster2) cwdRaster2 = cwdTemp2 focalRaster1 = lu.get_focal_path(corex, radius) focalRaster2 = lu.get_focal_path(corey, radius) link = lu.get_links_from_core_pairs( linkTable, corex, corey) lcDist = float(linkTable[link, cfg.LTB_CWDIST]) # Detect barriers at radius using neighborhood stats # Create the Neighborhood Object innerRadius = radius - 1 outerRadius = radius dia = 2 * radius InNeighborhood = ("ANNULUS " + str(innerRadius) + " " + str(outerRadius) + " MAP") @retry(10) def execFocal(): randomerror() # Execute FocalStatistics if not path.exists(focalRaster1): arcpy.env.extent = cwdRaster1 outFocalStats = cwdRaster1, InNeighborhood, "MINIMUM", "DATA") if setCoresToNull: outFocalStats2 = outFocalStats > 0, outFocalStats ) # Set areas overlapping cores to NoData xxx #xxx else: #xxx arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST if not path.exists(focalRaster2): arcpy.env.extent = cwdRaster2 outFocalStats = cwdRaster2, InNeighborhood, "MINIMUM", "DATA") if setCoresToNull: outFocalStats2 = outFocalStats > 0, outFocalStats ) # Set areas overlapping cores to NoData xxx #xxx else: #xxx arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST execFocal() lu.delete_data(cwdTemp1) lu.delete_data(cwdTemp2) barrierRaster = path.join( cbarrierdir, "b" + str(radius) + "_" + str(corex) + "_" + str(corey) + '.tif') if cfg.SUM_BARRIERS: # Need to set nulls to 0, also # create trim rasters as we go outRas = ((lcDist - Raster(focalRaster1) - Raster(focalRaster2) - dia) / dia) outCon =, 0, outRas) outCon2 = < 0, 0, outCon) # Execute FocalStatistics to fill out search radii InNeighborhood = "CIRCLE " + str( outerRadius) + " MAP" fillRaster = path.join( cbarrierdir, "b" + str(radius) + "_" + str(corex) + "_" + str(corey) + "_fill.tif") outFocalStats = barrierRaster, InNeighborhood, "MAXIMUM", "DATA") if cfg.WRITE_TRIM_RASTERS: trmRaster = path.join( cbarrierdir, "b" + str(radius) + "_" + str(corex) + "_" + str(corey) + "_trim.tif") rasterList = [fillRaster, resistFillRaster] outCellStatistics = rasterList, "MINIMUM") else: #Calculate potential benefit per map unit restored @retry(10) def calcBen(): randomerror() outRas = ((lcDist - Raster(focalRaster1) - Raster(focalRaster2) - dia) / dia) calcBen() if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: #Calculate PERCENT potential benefit per unit restored barrierRasterPct = path.join( cbarrierdir, "b" + str(radius) + "_" + str(corex) + "_" + str(corey) + '_pct.tif') @retry(10) def calcBenPct(): randomerror() outras = (100 * (Raster(barrierRaster) / lcDist)) calcBenPct() # Mosaic barrier results across core area pairs mosaicDir = path.join( cfg.SCRATCHDIR, 'mos' + str(radId) + '_' + str(x + 1)) lu.create_dir(mosaicDir) mosFN = 'mos_temp' tempMosaicRaster = path.join(mosaicDir, mosFN) tempMosaicRasterTrim = path.join( mosaicDir, 'mos_temp_trm') arcpy.env.workspace = mosaicDir if linkLoop == 1: #If this is the first grid then copy rather than mosaic arcpy.CopyRaster_management( barrierRaster, tempMosaicRaster) if cfg.SUM_BARRIERS and cfg.WRITE_TRIM_RASTERS: arcpy.CopyRaster_management( trmRaster, tempMosaicRasterTrim) else: if cfg.SUM_BARRIERS: outCon = Raster(barrierRaster) < 0, lastMosaicRaster, Raster(barrierRaster) + Raster(lastMosaicRaster)) if cfg.WRITE_TRIM_RASTERS: outCon = Raster(trmRaster) < 0, lastMosaicRasterTrim, Raster(trmRaster) + Raster(lastMosaicRasterTrim)) else: rasterString = ('"' + barrierRaster + ";" + lastMosaicRaster + '"') @retry(10) def mosaicToNew(): randomerror() arcpy.MosaicToNewRaster_management( rasterString, mosaicDir, mosFN, "", "32_BIT_FLOAT", arcpy.env.cellSize, "1", "MAXIMUM", "MATCH") mosaicToNew() # gprint(str(corex)+'0'+str(corey)) if linkLoop > 1: #Clean up from previous loop lu.delete_data(lastMosaicRaster) lastMosaicDir = path.dirname(lastMosaicRaster) lu.clean_out_workspace(lastMosaicDir) lu.delete_dir(lastMosaicDir) lastMosaicRaster = tempMosaicRaster if cfg.WRITE_TRIM_RASTERS: lastMosaicRasterTrim = tempMosaicRasterTrim if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: mosPctFN = 'mos_temp_pct' mosaicDirPct = path.join( cfg.SCRATCHDIR, 'mosP' + str(radId) + '_' + str(x + 1)) lu.create_dir(mosaicDirPct) tempMosaicRasterPct = path.join( mosaicDirPct, mosPctFN) if linkLoop == 1: # If this is the first grid then copy # rather than mosaic if cfg.SUM_BARRIERS: outCon = Raster(barrierRasterPct) < 0, 0,, 0, barrierRasterPct)) else: arcpy.CopyRaster_management( barrierRasterPct, tempMosaicRasterPct) else: if cfg.SUM_BARRIERS: @retry(10) def sumBarriers(): randomerror() outCon = Raster(barrierRasterPct) < 0, lastMosaicRasterPct, Raster(barrierRasterPct) + Raster(lastMosaicRasterPct)) sumBarriers() else: rasterString = ('"' + barrierRasterPct + ";" + lastMosaicRasterPct + '"') @retry(10) def maxBarriers(): randomerror() arcpy.MosaicToNewRaster_management( rasterString, mosaicDirPct, mosPctFN, "", "32_BIT_FLOAT", arcpy.env.cellSize, "1", "MAXIMUM", "MATCH") maxBarriers() if linkLoop > 1: #Clean up from previous loop lu.delete_data(lastMosaicRasterPct) lastMosaicDirPct = path.dirname( lastMosaicRasterPct) lu.clean_out_workspace(lastMosaicDirPct) lu.delete_dir(lastMosaicDirPct) # lu.delete_data(lastMosaicRasterPct) lastMosaicRasterPct = tempMosaicRasterPct if not cfg.SAVEBARRIERRASTERS: lu.delete_data(barrierRaster) if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: lu.delete_data(barrierRasterPct) if cfg.WRITE_TRIM_RASTERS: lu.delete_data(trmRaster) # Temporarily disable links in linktable - # don't want to mosaic them twice for y in range(x + 1, numLinks): corex1 = int(coreList[y, 0]) corey1 = int(coreList[y, 1]) if corex1 == corex and corey1 == corey: linkTable[y, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] = ( linkTable[y, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] + 1000) elif corex1 == corey and corey1 == corex: linkTable[y, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] = ( linkTable[y, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] + 1000) if numCorridorLinks > 1 and pctDone < 100: gprint('100 percent done') gprint('Summarizing barrier data for search radius.') #rows that were temporarily disabled rows = npy.where(linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] > 1000) linkTable[rows, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] = ( linkTable[rows, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] - 1000) # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Set negative values to null or zero and write geodatabase. mosaicFN = (PREFIX + "_BarrierCenters" + sumSuffix + "_Rad" + str(radius)) mosaicRaster = path.join(cfg.BARRIERGDB, mosaicFN) arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST # if setCoresToNull: # outCon = < 0, 0, # tempMosaicRaster) #xxx # #xxx # else: outSetNull =, tempMosaicRaster, "VALUE < 0") #xxx orig lu.delete_data(tempMosaicRaster) if cfg.SUM_BARRIERS and cfg.WRITE_TRIM_RASTERS: mosaicFN = (PREFIX + "_BarrierCircles_RBMin" + sumSuffix + "_Rad" + str(radius)) mosaicRasterTrim = path.join(cfg.BARRIERGDB, mosaicFN) arcpy.CopyRaster_management(tempMosaicRasterTrim, mosaicRasterTrim) lu.delete_data(tempMosaicRaster) if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: # Do same for percent raster mosaicPctFN = (PREFIX + "_BarrierCenters_Pct" + sumSuffix + "_Rad" + str(radius)) arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST outSetNull =, tempMosaicRasterPct, "VALUE < 0") mosaicRasterPct = path.join(cfg.BARRIERGDB, mosaicPctFN) lu.delete_data(tempMosaicRasterPct) # 'Grow out' maximum restoration gain to # neighborhood size for display InNeighborhood = "CIRCLE " + str(outerRadius) + " MAP" # Execute FocalStatistics fillRasterFN = "barriers_fill" + str(outerRadius) + tif fillRaster = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR, fillRasterFN) outFocalStats = mosaicRaster, InNeighborhood, "MAXIMUM", "DATA") if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: # Do same for percent raster fillRasterPctFN = "barriers_fill_pct" + str( outerRadius) + tif fillRasterPct = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR, fillRasterPctFN) outFocalStats = mosaicRasterPct, InNeighborhood, "MAXIMUM", "DATA") #Place copies of filled rasters in output geodatabase arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.BARRIERGDB fillRasterFN = (PREFIX + "_BarrrierCircles" + sumSuffix + "_Rad" + str(outerRadius)) arcpy.CopyRaster_management(fillRaster, fillRasterFN) if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: fillRasterPctFN = (PREFIX + "_BarrrierCircles_Pct" + sumSuffix + "_Rad" + str(outerRadius)) arcpy.CopyRaster_management(fillRasterPct, fillRasterPctFN) if not cfg.SUM_BARRIERS and cfg.WRITE_TRIM_RASTERS: # Create pared-down version of filled raster- remove pixels # that don't need restoring by allowing a pixel to only # contribute its resistance value to restoration gain outRasterFN = "barriers_trm" + str(outerRadius) + tif outRaster = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR, outRasterFN) rasterList = [fillRaster, resistFillRaster] outCellStatistics = rasterList, "MINIMUM") #SECOND ROUND TO CLIP BY DATA VALUES IN BARRIER RASTER outRaster2FN = ("barriers_trm" + sumSuffix + str(outerRadius) + "_2" + tif) outRaster2 = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR, outRaster2FN) output =, fillRaster, outRaster) outRasterFN = (PREFIX + "_BarrierCircles_RBMin" + sumSuffix + "_Rad" + str(outerRadius)) outRasterPath = path.join(cfg.BARRIERGDB, outRasterFN) arcpy.CopyRaster_management(outRaster2, outRasterFN) randomerror() startTime = lu.elapsed_time(startTime)
def main(argv=None): """Iterate over LM, BM, and restoration tasks.""" if argv is None: argv = sys.argv # Get parameters from ArcGIS tool dialog start_time = time.clock() # USER SETTINGS ###################################################### # Restoration Settings # ALL input data must be in the same projection # Set to True to restore highest ROI. Set to False to restore strongest # barrier restore_max_roi = argv[1] # Resistance value of restored habitat. Must be 1 or greater. restored_resistance_val = argv[2] # No spaces or special chars in paths or gdb names restoration_data_gdb = argv[3] # No spaces in path, avoid using dropbox or network drive # Project directories will be created in this (iter1, iter2...) as will an # output geodatabase output_dir = argv[4] # Resistance raster. Should be in input GDB resistance_ras = argv[5] # Core area feature class. Should be in input GDB 'URWA_HCAs_Doug_Grant' core_fc = argv[6] core_fn = argv[7] # Core area field name radius = argv[8] # Restoration radius in meters iterations = argv[9] # Number of restorations to perform # If less than this proportion of ag in circle, don't consider restoring # circle min_ag_threshold = argv[10] # Don't consider barriers below this improvement score (average improvement # per meter diameter restored) min_improvement_val = argv[11] # Average per-m2 parcel cost per pixel. Snapped to resistance raster. parcel_cost_ras = argv[12] # Right now this is just a raster with all pixels set to 0.113174 restoration_cost_ras = argv[13] ag_ras = argv[14] # 1=Ag, 0=Not Ag # Some restorations benefit multiple corridors. # 'Maximum' takes the greatest improvement across core area pairs # 'Sum' adds improvement scores acreoss all pairs. barrier_combine_method = argv[15] # Use cwd_thresh = None for no threshold. Use cwd_thresh = X to not # consider restorations more than X map units away from each core area. cwd_thresh = argv[16] # END USER SETTINGS ###################################################### try: # Setup path and create directories gprint('Hey! Make sure everything is in the same projection!\n') gprint('Setting up paths and creating directories') sys.path.append('..\\toolbox\\scripts') res_ras = os.path.join(restoration_data_gdb, resistance_ras) core_fc_path = os.path.join(restoration_data_gdb, core_fc) # Set up a NEW output gdb (leave previous ones on drive) i = None for i in range(1, 200): output_gdb = 'restorationOutput' + str(i) + '.gdb' if not arcpy.Exists(os.path.join(output_dir, output_gdb)): break gprint('Previous output GDB ' + output_gdb + ' exists. ' 'Delete to save disk space.') arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(output_dir, output_gdb) output_gdb = os.path.join(output_dir, output_gdb) log_file = os.path.join(output_gdb, 'Iterate Barriers' + str(i) + '.py') # Write a copy of this file to output dir as a record of settings shutil.copyfile(__file__, log_file) arcpy.env.cellSize = res_ras arcpy.env.extent = res_ras arcpy.env.snapRaster = res_ras arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = output_gdb arcpy.env.workspace = output_gdb spatialref = arcpy.Describe(res_ras).spatialReference mapunits = spatialref.linearUnitName gprint('Cell size = ' + str(arcpy.env.cellSize) + ' ' + mapunits + 's') # Calculate fraction of ag within radius of each pixel gprint('Calculating purchase cost, fraction of ag, etc within radius ' 'of each pixel.') ag_ras = os.path.join(restoration_data_gdb, ag_ras) in_neighborhood =, "MAP") arcpy.env.extent = ag_ras out_focal_stats =, in_neighborhood, "MEAN", "NODATA") proportion_ag_ras = os.path.join(output_gdb, 'proportionAgRas') arcpy.env.extent = res_ras # Calculate purchase cost of circles parcel_cost_ras = os.path.join(restoration_data_gdb, parcel_cost_ras) arcpy.env.extent = parcel_cost_ras out_focal_stats =, in_neighborhood, "MEAN", "DATA") cost_focal_stats_ras = os.path.join(output_gdb, 'cost_focal_stats_ras') arcpy.env.extent = res_ras circle_area = float(npy.pi * radius * radius) outras = * circle_area purch_cost_ras = os.path.join(output_gdb, 'purchaseCostRaster') lu.delete_data(cost_focal_stats_ras) restoration_cost_ras = os.path.join(restoration_data_gdb, restoration_cost_ras) outras = ( + ( * radius * radius * npy.pi)) total_cost_ras = os.path.join(output_gdb, 'totalCostRaster') # Create mask to remove areas without cost data arcpy.env.extent = total_cost_ras cost_mask_ras = os.path.join(output_gdb, 'costMaskRaster') cost_thresh = 0 out_con = ( > float(cost_thresh)), 1) arcpy.env.extent = res_ras # Create mask to remove areas below ag threshold out_con = ( > float(min_ag_threshold)), 1) ag_mask_ras = os.path.join(output_gdb, 'agMaskRaster') do_step_1 = 'true' do_step_2 = 'true' do_step_5 = 'false' all_restored_areas_ras = '' for cur_iter in range(1, iterations + 1): start_time1 = time.clock() # Some env settings get changed by linkage mapper and must be # reset here arcpy.env.cellSize = res_ras arcpy.env.extent = res_ras arcpy.env.snapRaster = res_ras arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = output_gdb arcpy.env.workspace = output_gdb lu.dashline(1) gprint('Running iteration number ' + str(cur_iter)) proj_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'iter' + str(cur_iter) + 'Proj') lu.create_dir(output_dir) lu.delete_dir(proj_dir) lu.create_dir(proj_dir) if cur_iter > 1: # Copy previous s2 linktable to new project dir datapass_dir = os.path.join(proj_dir, 'datapass') lu.create_dir(datapass_dir) proj_dir1 = os.path.join(output_dir, 'iter1Proj') datapass_dir_iter1 = os.path.join(proj_dir1, 'datapass') s2_link_tbl_iter1 = os.path.join(datapass_dir_iter1, 'linkTable_s2.csv') s2_link_tbl = os.path.join(datapass_dir, 'linkTable_s2.csv') shutil.copyfile(s2_link_tbl_iter1, s2_link_tbl) # Run Linkage Mapper # Copy distances text file from earlier LM run to the output # directory- speeds things up! dist_file = os.path.join(output_dir, core_fc + '_dists.txt') if not os.path.exists(dist_file): if cur_iter == 1: gprint('Will calculate distance file.') dist_file = '#' else: proj_dir1 = os.path.join(output_dir, 'iter1Proj') dist_file1 = os.path.join(proj_dir1, core_fc + '_dists.txt') # Put a copy here for future runs shutil.copyfile(dist_file1, dist_file) arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = output_gdb arcpy.env.workspace = output_gdb argv = ('', proj_dir, core_fc_path, core_fn, res_ras, do_step_1, do_step_2, 'Cost-Weighted & Euclidean', dist_file, 'true', 'true', 'false', '4', 'Cost-Weighted', 'true', do_step_5, 'true', '200000', '10000', '#', '#', '#', '#') gprint('Running ' + str(argv)) lm_master.lm_master(argv) do_step_1 = 'false' # Can skip for future iterations do_step_2 = 'false' # Can skip for future iterations do_step_5 = 'false' # Skipping for future iterations start_radius = str(radius) end_radius = str(radius) radius_step = '0' save_radius_ras = 'false' write_pct_ras = 'false' argv = ('', proj_dir, res_ras, start_radius, end_radius, radius_step, barrier_combine_method, save_radius_ras, write_pct_ras, cwd_thresh) gprint('Running ' + str(argv)) barrier_master.bar_master(argv) # Some env settings get changed by linkage mapper and must be # reset here arcpy.env.cellSize = res_ras arcpy.env.extent = res_ras arcpy.env.snapRaster = res_ras arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = output_gdb arcpy.env.workspace = output_gdb gprint('Finding restoration circles with max barrier score / ROI') # Find points with max ROI prefix = os.path.basename(proj_dir) if barrier_combine_method == 'Sum': sum_suffix = 'Sum' else: sum_suffix = '' barrier_fn = (prefix + "_BarrierCenters" + sum_suffix + "_Rad" + str(radius)) barrier_ras = os.path.join(proj_dir, 'output', 'barriers.gdb', barrier_fn) if not arcpy.Exists(barrier_ras): msg = ('Error: cannot find barrier output: ' + barrier_ras) lu.raise_error(msg) if cur_iter > 1: gprint('Creating mask for previously restored areas') in_neighborhood =, "MAP") arcpy.env.extent = all_restored_areas_ras out_focal_stats = all_restored_areas_ras, in_neighborhood, "MEAN", "DATA") all_restored_focal_ras = os.path.join( output_gdb, 'allRestFocRas_iter' + str(cur_iter)) # Anything > 0 would include a restored area arcpy.env.extent = res_ras rest_mask_ras = os.path.join( output_gdb, 'restMaskRaster_iter' + str(cur_iter)) minval = 0 out_con = ( == float(minval)), 1) # Candidate areas have not been restored, have cost data, meet # minimum improvement score criteria, and have enough ag in them candidate_barrier_ras = os.path.join( output_gdb, 'candidateBarrierRaster' + '_iter' + str(cur_iter)) if cur_iter > 1: gprint('Creating candidate restoration raster using barrier ' 'results, previous restorations, and selection ' 'criteria') # ROI scores will be in terms of total improvement # (= score * diameter) out_calc = ( * * * * (radius * 2)) else: out_calc = ( * * * radius * 2) min_barrier_score = min_improvement_val * radius * 2 if restored_resistance_val != 1: out_calc_2 = (out_calc - (2 * radius * (restored_resistance_val - 1))) out_con = (out_calc_2 >= float(min_barrier_score)), out_calc_2) else: out_con = >= float(min_barrier_score)), out_calc) lu.build_stats(candidate_barrier_ras) purchase_roi_ras = os.path.join( output_gdb, 'purchaseRoiRaster' + '_iter' + str(cur_iter)) out_calc = ( / lu.build_stats(purchase_roi_ras) total_roi_ras = os.path.join( output_gdb, 'purchaseRestRoiRaster' + '_iter' + str(cur_iter)) out_calc = ( / lu.build_stats(total_roi_ras) max_barrier = float( arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(candidate_barrier_ras, "MAXIMUM").getOutput(0)) gprint('Maximum barrier improvement score: ' + str(max_barrier)) if max_barrier < 0: arcpy.AddWarning("\nNo barriers found that meet CWD or Ag " "threshold criteria.") max_purch_roi = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management( purchase_roi_ras, "MAXIMUM") gprint('Maximum purchase ROI score: ' + str(max_purch_roi.getOutput(0))) max_roi = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management( total_roi_ras, "MAXIMUM") gprint('Maximum total ROI score: ' + str(max_roi.getOutput(0))) if restore_max_roi: out_point = os.path.join( output_gdb, 'maxRoiPoint' + '_iter' + str(cur_iter)) gprint('Choosing circle with maximum ROI to restore') out_con = ( >= float( max_roi.getOutput(0))), total_roi_ras) max_roi_ras = os.path.join(output_gdb, 'max_roi_ras') # Save max ROI to point try: arcpy.RasterToPoint_conversion(max_roi_ras, out_point) except Exception: msg = ('Error: it looks like there are no viable ' 'restoration candidates.') lu.raise_error(msg) else: # Restoring strongest barrier instead out_point = os.path.join( output_gdb, 'maxBarrierPoint' + '_iter' + str(cur_iter)) gprint('Choosing circle with maximum BARRIER IMPROVEMENT SCORE' ' to restore') out_con = ( >= max_barrier), candidate_barrier_ras) max_barrier_ras = os.path.join(output_gdb, 'maxBarrierRaster') # Save max barrier to point try: arcpy.RasterToPoint_conversion(max_barrier_ras, out_point) except Exception: msg = ('Error: it looks like there are no viable ' 'restoration candidates.') lu.raise_error(msg) gprint('Done evaluating candidate restorations') result = int(arcpy.GetCount_management(out_point).getOutput(0)) if result > 1: # Would be better to retain point with max barrier score when # we have multiple points with same ROI arcpy.AddWarning('Deleting points with identical ' 'ROI/improvement score values') arcpy.DeleteIdentical_management(out_point, "grid_code", 0.1, 0.1) out_point, [[candidate_barrier_ras, "barrierScore"], [purch_cost_ras, "purchCost"], [total_cost_ras, "totalCost"], [purchase_roi_ras, "purchaseROI"], [total_roi_ras, "totalROI"]], "NONE") arcpy.AddField_management(out_point, "restorationNumber", "SHORT") arcpy.CalculateField_management(out_point, "restorationNumber", cur_iter, "PYTHON_9.3") arcpy.AddField_management(out_point, "radius", "DOUBLE") arcpy.CalculateField_management(out_point, "radius", radius, "PYTHON_9.3") arcpy.AddField_management(out_point, "barrierScore_per_m", "DOUBLE") arcpy.CalculateField_management( out_point, "barrierScore_per_m", "(float(!barrierScore!) / (!radius! * 2))", "PYTHON_9.3") gprint('\nCreating restoration circles') if restore_max_roi: circle_fc = os.path.join( output_gdb, 'maxRoiCircle' + '_iter' + str(cur_iter)) else: circle_fc = os.path.join( output_gdb, 'maxBarrierCircle' + '_iter' + str(cur_iter)) arcpy.Buffer_analysis(out_point, circle_fc, radius) gprint('Rasterizing restoration circles') if restore_max_roi: circle_ras = os.path.join( output_gdb, 'maxRoicircle_ras' + '_iter' + str(cur_iter)) else: circle_ras = os.path.join( output_gdb, 'maxBarrierCircleRas' + '_iter' + str(cur_iter)) arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion(circle_fc, 'totalROI', circle_ras, arcpy.env.cellSize) # restore raster gprint('Digitally restoring resistance raster') res_ras_restored = os.path.join( output_gdb, 'resRastRestored' + '_iter' + str(cur_iter)) out_con =, res_ras, restored_resistance_val) all_restored_areas_ras = os.path.join( output_gdb, 'allRestoredAreas_iter' + str(cur_iter)) prev_restored_areas_ras = os.path.join( output_gdb, 'allRestoredAreas_iter' + str(cur_iter - 1)) if cur_iter == 1: out_con =, 0, 1) else: # Add this restoration to areas restored out_con =, prev_restored_areas_ras, 1) lu.delete_data(circle_ras) # Use for next iteration resistance raster res_ras = res_ras_restored # Add circle into feature class with all circles if restore_max_roi: all_circles_fc = os.path.join(output_gdb, "allCirclesMaxROI") else: all_circles_fc = os.path.join(output_gdb, "allCirclesMaxBarriers") if cur_iter == 1: arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(circle_fc, all_circles_fc) else: arcpy.Append_management(circle_fc, all_circles_fc, "TEST") gprint('Finished iteration #' + str(cur_iter)) start_time1 = lu.elapsed_time(start_time1) gprint('\nDone with iterations.') start_time = lu.elapsed_time(start_time) gprint('Outputs saved in: ' + output_gdb) gprint('Back up your project directories if you want to save ' 'corridor/barrier results.') # Return GEOPROCESSING specific errors except arcpy.ExecuteError: lu.dashline(1) gprint('****Iteration script failed. Details follow.****') lu.exit_with_geoproc_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) # Return any PYTHON or system specific errors except Exception: lu.dashline(1) gprint('****Iteration script failed. Details follow.****') lu.exit_with_python_error(_SCRIPT_NAME)
def step6_calc_barriers(): """Detect influential barriers given CWD calculations from Step 3.""" try: arcpy.CheckOutExtension("spatial") lu.dashline(0) gprint('Running script ' + _SCRIPT_NAME) if cfg.BARRIER_CWD_THRESH is not None: lu.dashline(1) gprint('Invoking CWD Threshold of ' + str(cfg.BARRIER_CWD_THRESH) + ' map units.') if cfg.SUM_BARRIERS: sum_suffix = '_Sum' cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR = cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR + sum_suffix base_name, extension = path.splitext(cfg.BARRIERGDB) cfg.BARRIERGDB = base_name + sum_suffix + extension gprint('\nBarrier scores will be SUMMED across core pairs.') else: sum_suffix = '' if not arcpy.Exists(cfg.BARRIERGDB): # Create output geodatabase arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(cfg.OUTPUTDIR, path.basename(cfg.BARRIERGDB)) start_radius = int(cfg.STARTRADIUS) end_radius = int(cfg.ENDRADIUS) radius_step = int(cfg.RADIUSSTEP) if radius_step == 0: end_radius = start_radius # Calculate at just one radius value radius_step = 1 link_table_file = lu.get_prev_step_link_table(step=6) arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.SCRATCHDIR arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = cfg.ARCSCRATCHDIR prefix = path.basename(cfg.PROJECTDIR) # For speed: arcpy.env.pyramid = "NONE" arcpy.env.rasterStatistics = "NONE" # set the analysis extent and cell size to that of the resistance # surface arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST arcpy.env.cellSize = arcpy.Describe(cfg.RESRAST).MeanCellHeight arcpy.env.snapRaster = cfg.RESRAST spatialref = arcpy.Describe(cfg.RESRAST).spatialReference map_units = (str(spatialref.linearUnitName)).lower() if len(map_units) > 1 and map_units[-1] != 's': map_units = map_units + 's' if (float(arcpy.env.cellSize) > start_radius or start_radius > end_radius): msg = ('Error: minimum detection radius must be greater than ' 'cell size (' + arcpy.env.cellSize + ') \nand less than or equal to maximum detection radius.') lu.raise_error(msg) link_table = lu.load_link_table(link_table_file) num_links = link_table.shape[0] num_corridor_links = lu.report_links(link_table) if num_corridor_links == 0: lu.dashline(1) msg = '\nThere are no linkages. Bailing.' lu.raise_error(msg) # set up directories for barrier and barrier mosaic grids gprint("Creating intermediate output folder: " + cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR) lu.delete_dir(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR) arcpy.CreateFolder_management(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR, cfg.BARRIERDIR_NM) cbarrierdir = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR, cfg.BARRIERDIR_NM) cores_to_process = npy.unique( link_table[:, cfg.LTB_CORE1:cfg.LTB_CORE2 + 1]) max_core_num = max(cores_to_process) # Set up focal directories. # To keep there from being > 100 grids in any one directory, # outputs are written to: # barrier\focalX_ for cores 1-99 at radius X # barrier\focalX_1 for cores 100-199 # etc. lu.dashline(0) for radius in range(start_radius, end_radius + 1, radius_step): core1path = lu.get_focal_path(1, radius) path1 = path.split(core1path)[0] path2, dir2 = path.split(path1) arcpy.CreateFolder_management(path.dirname(path2), path.basename(path2)) arcpy.CreateFolder_management(path.dirname(path1), path.basename(path1)) if max_core_num > 99: gprint('Creating subdirectories for ' + str(radius) + ' ' + str(map_units) + ' radius analysis scale.') focal_dir_base_name = dir2 cp100 = cores_to_process.astype('int32') // 100 ind = npy.where(cp100 > 0) dir_nums = npy.unique(cp100[ind]) for dir_num in dir_nums: focal_dir = focal_dir_base_name + str(dir_num) gprint('...' + focal_dir) arcpy.CreateFolder_management(path2, focal_dir) # Create resistance raster with filled-in Nodata values for later use arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST resist_fill_ras = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR, "resist_fill") output =, 1000000000, - 1) core_list = link_table[:, cfg.LTB_CORE1:cfg.LTB_CORE2 + 1] core_list = npy.sort(core_list) # Loop through each search radius to calculate barriers in each link rad_id = 0 # Keep track of no of radii processed - used for temp dir for radius in range(start_radius, end_radius + 1, radius_step): rad_id = rad_id + 1 link_table_tmp = link_table.copy() @Retry(10) # Can't pass vars in and modify them. def do_radius_loop(): """Do radius loop.""" link_table = link_table_tmp.copy() start_time = time.clock() link_loop = 0 pct_done = 0 gprint('\nMapping barriers at a radius of ' + str(radius) + ' ' + str(map_units)) if cfg.SUM_BARRIERS: gprint('using SUM method') else: gprint('using MAXIMUM method') if num_corridor_links > 1: gprint('0 percent done') last_mosaic_ras = None last_mosaic_ras_pct = None for x in range(0, num_links): pct_done = lu.report_pct_done( link_loop, num_corridor_links, pct_done) if ((link_table[x, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] > 0) and (link_table[x, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] < 1000)): link_loop = link_loop + 1 # source and target cores corex = int(core_list[x, 0]) corey = int(core_list[x, 1]) # Get cwd rasters for source and target cores cwd_ras1 = lu.get_cwd_path(corex) cwd_ras2 = lu.get_cwd_path(corey) # Mask out areas above CWD threshold cwd_tmp1 = None cwd_tmp2 = None if cfg.BARRIER_CWD_THRESH is not None: if x == 1: lu.dashline(1) gprint(' Using CWD threshold of ' + str(cfg.BARRIER_CWD_THRESH) + ' map units.') arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST arcpy.env.cellSize = cfg.RESRAST arcpy.env.snapRaster = cfg.RESRAST cwd_tmp1 = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR, "tmp" + str(corex)) out_con = cwd_ras1 < float(cfg.BARRIER_CWD_THRESH), cwd_ras1) cwd_ras1 = cwd_tmp1 cwd_tmp2 = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR, "tmp" + str(corey)) out_con = cwd_ras2 < float(cfg.BARRIER_CWD_THRESH), cwd_ras2) cwd_ras2 = cwd_tmp2 focal_ras1 = lu.get_focal_path(corex, radius) focal_ras2 = lu.get_focal_path(corey, radius) link = lu.get_links_from_core_pairs(link_table, corex, corey) lc_dist = float(link_table[link, cfg.LTB_CWDIST]) # Detect barriers at radius using neighborhood stats # Create the Neighborhood Object inner_radius = radius - 1 outer_radius = radius dia = 2 * radius in_neighborhood = ("ANNULUS " + str(inner_radius) + " " + str(outer_radius) + " MAP") @Retry(10) def exec_focal(): """Execute focal statistics.""" if not path.exists(focal_ras1): arcpy.env.extent = cwd_ras1 out_focal_stats = cwd_ras1, in_neighborhood, "MINIMUM", "DATA") if SET_CORES_TO_NULL: # Set areas overlapping cores to NoData xxx out_focal_stats2 = out_focal_stats > 0, out_focal_stats) else: arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST if not path.exists(focal_ras2): arcpy.env.extent = cwd_ras2 out_focal_stats = cwd_ras2, in_neighborhood, "MINIMUM", "DATA") if SET_CORES_TO_NULL: # Set areas overlapping cores to NoData xxx out_focal_stats2 = out_focal_stats > 0, out_focal_stats) else: arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST exec_focal() lu.delete_data(cwd_tmp1) lu.delete_data(cwd_tmp2) barrier_ras = path.join( cbarrierdir, "b" + str(radius) + "_" + str(corex) + "_" + str(corey)+'.tif') # Need to set nulls to 0, # also create trim rasters as we go if cfg.SUM_BARRIERS: out_ras = ((lc_dist - - - dia) / dia) out_con =, 0, out_ras) out_con2 = < 0, 0, out_con) # Execute FocalStatistics to fill out search radii in_neighborhood = ("CIRCLE " + str(outer_radius) + " MAP") fill_ras = path.join( cbarrierdir, "b" + str(radius) + "_" + str(corex) + "_" + str(corey) + "_fill.tif") out_focal_stats = barrier_ras, in_neighborhood, "MAXIMUM", "DATA") if cfg.WRITE_TRIM_RASTERS: trm_ras = path.join( cbarrierdir, "b" + str(radius) + "_" + str(corex) + "_" + str(corey) + "_trim.tif") ras_list = [fill_ras, resist_fill_ras] out_cell_statistics = ras_list, "MINIMUM") else: @Retry(10) def clac_ben(): """Calculate potential benefit. Calculate potential benefit per map unit restored. """ out_ras = ( (lc_dist - - - dia) / dia) clac_ben() if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: # Calculate % potential benefit per unit restored barrier_ras_pct = path.join( cbarrierdir, "b" + str(radius) + "_" + str(corex) + "_" + str(corey) + '_pct.tif') @Retry(10) def calc_ben_pct(): """Calc benefit percentage.""" outras = (100 * ( / lc_dist)) calc_ben_pct() # Mosaic barrier results across core area pairs mosaic_dir = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR, 'mos' + str(rad_id) + '_' + str(x + 1)) lu.create_dir(mosaic_dir) mos_fn = 'mos_temp' tmp_mosaic_ras = path.join(mosaic_dir, mos_fn) tmp_mosaic_ras_trim = path.join(mosaic_dir, 'mos_temp_trm') arcpy.env.workspace = mosaic_dir if link_loop == 1: last_mosaic_ras_trim = None # For first grid copy rather than mosaic arcpy.CopyRaster_management(barrier_ras, tmp_mosaic_ras) if cfg.SUM_BARRIERS and cfg.WRITE_TRIM_RASTERS: arcpy.CopyRaster_management( trm_ras, tmp_mosaic_ras_trim) else: if cfg.SUM_BARRIERS: out_con = < 0, last_mosaic_ras, + if cfg.WRITE_TRIM_RASTERS: out_con = < 0, last_mosaic_ras_trim, + ) else: in_rasters = (";".join([barrier_ras, last_mosaic_ras])) @Retry(10) def mosaic_to_new(): """Mosaic to new raster.""" arcpy.MosaicToNewRaster_management( input_rasters=in_rasters, output_location=mosaic_dir, raster_dataset_name_with_extension\ =mos_fn, pixel_type="32_BIT_FLOAT", cellsize=arcpy.env.cellSize, number_of_bands="1", mosaic_method="MAXIMUM") mosaic_to_new() if link_loop > 1: # Clean up from previous loop lu.delete_data(last_mosaic_ras) last_mosaic_dir = path.dirname(last_mosaic_ras) lu.clean_out_workspace(last_mosaic_dir) lu.delete_dir(last_mosaic_dir) last_mosaic_ras = tmp_mosaic_ras if cfg.WRITE_TRIM_RASTERS: last_mosaic_ras_trim = tmp_mosaic_ras_trim if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: mos_pct_fn = 'mos_temp_pct' mosaic_dir_pct = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR, 'mosP' + str(rad_id) + '_' + str(x+1)) lu.create_dir(mosaic_dir_pct) tmp_mosaic_ras_pct = path.join(mosaic_dir_pct, mos_pct_fn) if link_loop == 1: # If this is the first grid then copy # rather than mosaic if cfg.SUM_BARRIERS: out_con = < 0, 0, (barrier_ras_pct), 0, barrier_ras_pct)) else: arcpy.CopyRaster_management( barrier_ras_pct, tmp_mosaic_ras_pct) else: if cfg.SUM_BARRIERS: @Retry(10) def sum_barriers(): """Sum barriers.""" out_con = < 0, last_mosaic_ras_pct, + last_mosaic_ras_pct)) sum_barriers() else: in_rasters = (";".join([barrier_ras_pct, last_mosaic_ras_pct])) @Retry(10) def max_barriers(): """Get max barriers.""" arcpy.MosaicToNewRaster_management( input_rasters=in_rasters, output_location=mosaic_dir_pct, raster_dataset_name_with_extension =mos_pct_fn, pixel_type="32_BIT_FLOAT", cellsize=arcpy.env.cellSize, number_of_bands="1", mosaic_method="MAXIMUM") max_barriers() if link_loop > 1: # Clean up from previous loop lu.delete_data(last_mosaic_ras_pct) last_mosaic_dir_pct = path.dirname( last_mosaic_ras_pct) lu.clean_out_workspace(last_mosaic_dir_pct) lu.delete_dir(last_mosaic_dir_pct) last_mosaic_ras_pct = tmp_mosaic_ras_pct if not cfg.SAVEBARRIERRASTERS: lu.delete_data(barrier_ras) if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: lu.delete_data(barrier_ras_pct) if cfg.WRITE_TRIM_RASTERS: lu.delete_data(trm_ras) # Temporarily disable links in linktable - # don't want to mosaic them twice for y in range(x + 1, num_links): corex1 = int(core_list[y, 0]) corey1 = int(core_list[y, 1]) if corex1 == corex and corey1 == corey: link_table[y, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] = ( link_table[y, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] + 1000) elif corex1 == corey and corey1 == corex: link_table[y, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] = ( link_table[y, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] + 1000) if num_corridor_links > 1 and pct_done < 100: gprint('100 percent done') gprint('Summarizing barrier data for search radius.') # Rows that were temporarily disabled rows = npy.where(link_table[:, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] > 1000) link_table[rows, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] = ( link_table[rows, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] - 1000) # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Set negative values to null or zero and write geodatabase. mosaic_fn = (prefix + "_BarrierCenters" + sum_suffix + "_Rad" + str(radius)) mosaic_ras = path.join(cfg.BARRIERGDB, mosaic_fn) arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST out_set_null =, tmp_mosaic_ras, "VALUE < 0") # xxx orig lu.delete_data(tmp_mosaic_ras) if cfg.SUM_BARRIERS and cfg.WRITE_TRIM_RASTERS: mosaic_fn = (prefix + "_BarrierCircles_RBMin" + sum_suffix + "_Rad" + str(radius)) mosaic_ras_trim = path.join(cfg.BARRIERGDB, mosaic_fn) arcpy.CopyRaster_management(tmp_mosaic_ras_trim, mosaic_ras_trim) lu.delete_data(tmp_mosaic_ras) if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: # Do same for percent raster mosaic_pct_fn = (prefix + "_BarrierCenters_Pct" + sum_suffix + "_Rad" + str(radius)) arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST out_set_null =, tmp_mosaic_ras_pct, "VALUE < 0") mosaic_ras_pct = path.join(cfg.BARRIERGDB, mosaic_pct_fn) lu.delete_data(tmp_mosaic_ras_pct) # 'Grow out' maximum restoration gain to # neighborhood size for display in_neighborhood = "CIRCLE " + str(outer_radius) + " MAP" # Execute FocalStatistics fill_ras_fn = "barriers_fill" + str(outer_radius) + TIF fill_ras = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR, fill_ras_fn) out_focal_stats = mosaic_ras, in_neighborhood, "MAXIMUM", "DATA") if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: # Do same for percent raster fill_ras_pct_fn = ( "barriers_fill_pct" + str(outer_radius) + TIF) fill_ras_pct = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR, fill_ras_pct_fn) out_focal_stats = mosaic_ras_pct, in_neighborhood, "MAXIMUM", "DATA") # Place copies of filled rasters in output geodatabase arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.BARRIERGDB fill_ras_fn = (prefix + "_BarrrierCircles" + sum_suffix + "_Rad" + str(outer_radius)) arcpy.CopyRaster_management(fill_ras, fill_ras_fn) if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: fill_ras_pct_fn = (prefix + "_BarrrierCircles_Pct" + sum_suffix + "_Rad" + str(outer_radius)) arcpy.CopyRaster_management(fill_ras_pct, fill_ras_pct_fn) if not cfg.SUM_BARRIERS and cfg.WRITE_TRIM_RASTERS: # Create pared-down version of filled raster- remove pixels # that don't need restoring by allowing a pixel to only # contribute its resistance value to restoration gain out_ras_fn = "barriers_trm" + str(outer_radius) + TIF out_ras = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR, out_ras_fn) ras_list = [fill_ras, resist_fill_ras] out_cell_statistics =, "MINIMUM") # SECOND ROUND TO CLIP BY DATA VALUES IN BARRIER RASTER out_ras_2fn = ("barriers_trm" + sum_suffix + str(outer_radius) + "_2" + TIF) out_ras2 = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR, out_ras_2fn) output =, fill_ras, out_ras) out_ras_fn = (prefix + "_BarrierCircles_RBMin" + sum_suffix + "_Rad" + str(outer_radius)) arcpy.CopyRaster_management(out_ras2, out_ras_fn) start_time = lu.elapsed_time(start_time) # Call the above function do_radius_loop() # Combine rasters across radii gprint('\nCreating summary rasters...') if start_radius != end_radius: radii_suffix = ('_Rad' + str(int(start_radius)) + 'To' + str(int(end_radius)) + 'Step' + str(int(radius_step))) mosaic_fn = "bar_radii" mosaic_pct_fn = "bar_radii_pct" arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR for radius in range(start_radius, end_radius + 1, radius_step): # Fixme: run speed test with gdb mosaicking above and here radius_fn = (prefix + "_BarrierCenters" + sum_suffix + "_Rad" + str(radius)) radius_ras = path.join(cfg.BARRIERGDB, radius_fn) if radius == start_radius: # If this is the first grid then copy rather than mosaic arcpy.CopyRaster_management(radius_ras, mosaic_fn) else: mosaic_ras = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR, mosaic_fn) arcpy.Mosaic_management(radius_ras, mosaic_ras, "MAXIMUM", "MATCH") if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: radius_pct_fn = (prefix + "_BarrierCenters_Pct" + sum_suffix + "_Rad" + str(radius)) radius_ras_pct = path.join(cfg.BARRIERGDB, radius_pct_fn) if radius == start_radius: # If this is the first grid then copy rather than # mosaic arcpy.CopyRaster_management(radius_ras_pct, mosaic_pct_fn) else: mosaic_ras_pct = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR, mosaic_pct_fn) arcpy.Mosaic_management(radius_ras_pct, mosaic_ras_pct, "MAXIMUM", "MATCH") # Copy results to output geodatabase arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.BARRIERGDB mosaic_fn = prefix + "_BarrierCenters" + sum_suffix + radii_suffix arcpy.CopyRaster_management(mosaic_ras, mosaic_fn) if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: mosaic_pct_fn = (prefix + "_BarrierCenters_Pct" + sum_suffix + radii_suffix) arcpy.CopyRaster_management(mosaic_ras_pct, mosaic_pct_fn) # GROWN OUT rasters fill_mosaic_fn = "barriers_radii_fill" + TIF fill_mosaic_pct_fn = "barriers_radii_fill_pct" + TIF fill_mosaic_ras = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR, fill_mosaic_fn) trim_mosaic_ras_pct = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR, fill_mosaic_pct_fn) arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR for radius in range(start_radius, end_radius + 1, radius_step): radius_fn = "barriers_fill" + str(radius) + TIF # fixme- do this when only a single radius too radius_ras = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR, radius_fn) if radius == start_radius: # If this is the first grid then copy rather than mosaic arcpy.CopyRaster_management(radius_ras, fill_mosaic_fn) else: arcpy.Mosaic_management(radius_ras, fill_mosaic_ras, "MAXIMUM", "MATCH") if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: radius_pct_fn = "barriers_fill_pct" + str(radius) + TIF # fixme- do this when only a single radius too radius_ras_pct = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR, radius_pct_fn) if radius == start_radius: # For first grid copy rather than mosaic arcpy.CopyRaster_management(radius_ras_pct, fill_mosaic_pct_fn) else: arcpy.Mosaic_management(radius_ras_pct, trim_mosaic_ras_pct, "MAXIMUM", "MATCH") # Copy result to output geodatabase arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.BARRIERGDB fill_mosaic_fn = (prefix + "_BarrierCircles" + sum_suffix + radii_suffix) arcpy.CopyRaster_management(fill_mosaic_ras, fill_mosaic_fn) if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: fill_mosaic_pct_fn = (prefix + "_BarrierCircles_Pct" + sum_suffix + radii_suffix) arcpy.CopyRaster_management(trim_mosaic_ras_pct, fill_mosaic_pct_fn) # GROWN OUT AND TRIMMED rasters (Can't do percent) if cfg.WRITE_TRIM_RASTERS: trim_mosaic_fn = "bar_radii_trm" arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR trim_mosaic_ras = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR, trim_mosaic_fn) for radius in range(start_radius, end_radius + 1, radius_step): radius_fn = (prefix + "_BarrierCircles_RBMin" + sum_suffix + "_Rad" + str(radius)) # fixme- do this when only a single radius too radius_ras = path.join(cfg.BARRIERGDB, radius_fn) if radius == start_radius: # For first grid copy rather than mosaic arcpy.CopyRaster_management(radius_ras, trim_mosaic_fn) else: arcpy.Mosaic_management(radius_ras, trim_mosaic_ras, "MAXIMUM", "MATCH") # Copy result to output geodatabase arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.BARRIERGDB trim_mosaic_fn = (prefix + "_BarrierCircles_RBMin" + sum_suffix + radii_suffix) arcpy.CopyRaster_management(trim_mosaic_ras, trim_mosaic_fn) if not cfg.SAVE_RADIUS_RASTERS: arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.BARRIERGDB rasters = arcpy.ListRasters() for raster in rasters: if 'rad' in raster.lower() and 'step' not in raster.lower(): lu.delete_data(raster) arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.BARRIERGDB rasters = arcpy.ListRasters() for raster in rasters: gprint('\nBuilding output statistics and pyramids\n' 'for raster ' + raster) lu.build_stats(raster) # Clean up temporary files and directories if not cfg.SAVEBARRIERRASTERS: lu.delete_dir(cbarrierdir) lu.delete_dir(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR) if not cfg.SAVEFOCALRASTERS: for radius in range(start_radius, end_radius + 1, radius_step): core1path = lu.get_focal_path(1, radius) path1 = path.split(core1path)[0] path2 = path.split(path1)[0] lu.delete_dir(path2) # Return GEOPROCESSING specific errors except arcpy.ExecuteError: lu.dashline(1) gprint('****Failed in step 6. Details follow.****') lu.exit_with_geoproc_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) # Return any PYTHON or system specific errors except Exception: lu.dashline(1) gprint('****Failed in step 6. Details follow.****') lu.exit_with_python_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) return
def lm_master(argv=None): """Main function for linkage mapper. Called by ArcMap with parameters or run from command line with parameters entered in script below. Calls functions in dedicated scripts for each of 5 processing steps. """ # Setup global variables if cfg.TOOL != cfg.TOOL_CC: if argv is None: argv = sys.argv cfg.configure(cfg.TOOL_LM, argv) gprint = lu.gprint try: # Move results from earlier versions to new directory structure lu.move_old_results() arcpy.env.pyramid = "NONE" arcpy.env.rasterStatistics = "NONE" # Create output directories if they don't exist lu.create_dir(cfg.OUTPUTDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.LOGDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.MESSAGEDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.DATAPASSDIR) if cfg.TOOL != cfg.TOOL_CC: lu.delete_dir(cfg.SCRATCHDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.SCRATCHDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.ARCSCRATCHDIR) if cfg.TOOL == cfg.TOOL_LM: cfg.logFilePath = lu.create_log_file(cfg.PARAM_NAMES, argv) lu.write_custom_to_log(cfg.LMCUSTSETTINGS) lu.log_metadata(cfg.COREFC, [cfg.RESRAST_IN]) lu.print_drive_warning() if cfg.CONNECTFRAGS: lu.dashline(1) lu.warn('Custom mode: will run steps 1-2 ONLY to cluster core polygons within ') lu.warn('the maximum Euclidean corridor distance from one another ') lu.warn('into polygons with a single cluster_ID value.') lu.warn('Make sure you have set a Maximum Euclidean corridor distance.') lu.dashline(2) cfg.STEP3 = False cfg.STEP4 = False cfg.STEP5 = False if cfg.MAXEUCDIST == None: raise RuntimeError('Maximum Euclidean distance required ' 'for custom cluster mode.') # Set data frame spatial reference to coordinate system of input data # Problems arise in this script (core raster creation) and in S2 # (generate near table) if they differ. lu.set_dataframe_sr() # Check core ID field and project directory name. lu.check_cores(cfg.COREFC, cfg.COREFN) lu.check_project_dir() # Identify first step cleanup link tables from that point lu.dashline(1) if cfg.STEP1: gprint('Starting at step 1.') firststep = 1 elif cfg.STEP2: gprint('Starting at step 2.') firststep = 2 elif cfg.STEP3: gprint('Starting at step 3.') firststep = 3 linkTableFile = lu.get_prev_step_link_table(step=3) # Check exists elif cfg.STEP4: gprint('Starting at step 4.') firststep = 4 linkTableFile = lu.get_prev_step_link_table(step=4) # Check exists elif cfg.STEP5: gprint('Starting at step 5.') firststep = 5 linkTableFile = lu.get_prev_step_link_table(step=5) # Check exists lu.clean_up_link_tables(firststep) # Make a local grid copy of resistance raster for cwd runs- # will run faster than gdb. # Don't know if raster is in a gdb if entered from TOC lu.delete_data(cfg.RESRAST) gprint('\nMaking temporary copy of resistance raster for this run.') arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem = arcpy.Describe(cfg.COREFC).SpatialReference arcpy.env.extent = arcpy.Describe(cfg.RESRAST_IN).Extent arcpy.env.snapRaster = cfg.RESRAST_IN arcpy.env.cellSize = arcpy.Describe(cfg.RESRAST_IN).MeanCellHeight try: arcpy.CopyRaster_management(cfg.RESRAST_IN, cfg.RESRAST) except Exception: msg = ('ERROR: Could not make a copy of your resistance raster. ' + 'Try re-starting ArcMap to release the file lock.') lu.raise_error(msg) if (cfg.STEP1) or (cfg.STEP3): # Make core raster file gprint('\nMaking temporary raster of core file for this run.') lu.delete_data(cfg.CORERAS) arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion(cfg.COREFC, cfg.COREFN, cfg.CORERAS, arcpy.Describe(cfg.RESRAST).MeanCellHeight) def delete_final_gdb(finalgdb): """Deletes final geodatabase""" if arcpy.Exists(finalgdb) and cfg.STEP5: try: lu.clean_out_workspace(finalgdb) except Exception: lu.dashline(1) msg = ('ERROR: Could not remove contents of geodatabase ' + finalgdb + '. \nIs it open in ArcMap? You may ' 'need to re-start ArcMap to release the file lock.') lu.raise_error(msg) lu.delete_dir(finalgdb) # Delete final output geodatabase delete_final_gdb(cfg.OUTPUTGDB_OLD) delete_final_gdb(cfg.OUTPUTGDB) delete_final_gdb(cfg.EXTRAGDB) delete_final_gdb(cfg.LINKMAPGDB) # Run linkage mapper processing steps if cfg.STEP1: s1.STEP1_get_adjacencies() if cfg.STEP2: s2.STEP2_build_network() if cfg.STEP3: s3.STEP3_calc_cwds() if cfg.STEP4: s4.STEP4_refine_network() if cfg.STEP5: s5.STEP5_calc_lccs() lu.dashline() gprint('Results from this run can be found in your output ' 'directory:') gprint(cfg.OUTPUTDIR) # Clean up lu.delete_dir(cfg.SCRATCHDIR) arcpy.AddMessage('\nDone with linkage mapping.\n') # Return GEOPROCESSING specific errors except arcpy.ExecuteError: lu.exit_with_geoproc_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) # Return any PYTHON or system specific errors except Exception: lu.exit_with_python_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) finally: lu.dashline() gprint('A record of run settings and messages can be found in your ' 'log directory:') gprint(cfg.MESSAGEDIR) lu.dashline(2) lu.close_log_file()
def lm_master(argv=None): """Main function for linkage mapper. Called by ArcMap with parameters or run from command line with parameters entered in script below. Calls functions in dedicated scripts for each of 5 processing steps. """ # Setup global variables if not cfg.lm_configured: # Causing problems with iterative scripting if argv is None: argv = sys.argv cfg.configure(cfg.TOOL_LM, argv) gp = try: gprint = lu.gprint # Move results from earlier versions to new directory structure lu.move_old_results() gp.OverwriteOutput = True gp.pyramid = "NONE" gp.rasterstatistics = "NONE" # Create output directories if they don't exist if gp.Exists(cfg.OUTPUTDIR): gp.RefreshCatalog(cfg.OUTPUTDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.OUTPUTDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.LOGDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.MESSAGEDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.DATAPASSDIR) # Create fresh scratch directory if not restarting in midst of step 3 # if cfg.S2EUCDISTFILE != None: # if cfg.S2EUCDISTFILE.lower() == "restart": pass # else: lu.delete_dir(cfg.SCRATCHDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.SCRATCHDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.ARCSCRATCHDIR) if cfg.TOOL == 'Linkage Mapper': cfg.logFilePath = lu.create_log_file(cfg.MESSAGEDIR, cfg.TOOL, cfg.PARAMS) lu.print_drive_warning() installD = gp.GetInstallInfo("desktop") gprint('\nLinkage Mapper Version ' + cfg.releaseNum) try: gprint('on ArcGIS ' + installD['ProductName'] + ' ' + installD['Version'] + ' Service Pack ' + installD['SPNumber']) except: pass if cfg.CONNECTFRAGS: gwarn = gp.AddWarning lu.dashline(1) gwarn( 'Custom mode: will run steps 1-2 ONLY to cluster core polygons within ' ) gwarn('the maximum Euclidean corridor distance from one another ') gwarn('into polygons with a single cluster_ID value.') gwarn( 'Make sure you have set a Maximum Euclidean corridor distance.' ) lu.dashline(2) cfg.STEP3 = False cfg.STEP4 = False cfg.STEP5 = False if cfg.MAXEUCDIST == None: raise RuntimeError('Maximum Euclidean distance required ' 'for custom cluster mode.') # Set data frame spatial reference to coordinate system of input data # Problems arise in this script (core raster creation) and in S2 # (generate near table) if they differ. lu.set_dataframe_sr() # Check core ID field and project directory name. lu.check_cores(cfg.COREFC, cfg.COREFN) lu.check_project_dir() # Identify first step cleanup link tables from that point lu.dashline(1) if cfg.STEP1: gprint('Starting at step 1.') firststep = 1 elif cfg.STEP2: gprint('Starting at step 2.') firststep = 2 elif cfg.STEP3: gprint('Starting at step 3.') firststep = 3 linkTableFile = lu.get_prev_step_link_table(step=3) # Check exists elif cfg.STEP4: gprint('Starting at step 4.') firststep = 4 linkTableFile = lu.get_prev_step_link_table(step=4) # Check exists elif cfg.STEP5: gprint('Starting at step 5.') firststep = 5 linkTableFile = lu.get_prev_step_link_table(step=5) # Check exists lu.clean_up_link_tables(firststep) # Make a local grid copy of resistance raster for cwd runs- # will run faster than gdb. # Don't know if raster is in a gdb if entered from TOC lu.delete_data(cfg.RESRAST) gprint('\nMaking temporary copy of resistance raster for this run.') gp.OutputCoordinateSystem = gp.describe(cfg.COREFC).SpatialReference gp.Extent = gp.Describe(cfg.RESRAST_IN).Extent gp.SnapRaster = cfg.RESRAST_IN gp.cellSize = gp.Describe(cfg.RESRAST_IN).MeanCellHeight # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() gp.CopyRaster_management(cfg.RESRAST_IN, cfg.RESRAST) if (cfg.STEP1) or (cfg.STEP3): # Make core raster file gprint('\nMaking temporary raster of core file for this run.') lu.delete_data(cfg.CORERAS) gp.FeatureToRaster_conversion( cfg.COREFC, cfg.COREFN, cfg.CORERAS, gp.Describe(cfg.RESRAST).MeanCellHeight) # # gp.RasterToPolygon_conversion(cfg.CORERAS, cfg.COREFC, # "NO_SIMPLIFY") def delete_final_gdb(finalgdb): """Deletes final geodatabase""" if gp.Exists(finalgdb) and cfg.STEP5: try: lu.clean_out_workspace(finalgdb) except: lu.dashline(1) msg = ('ERROR: Could not remove contents of geodatabase ' + finalgdb + '. \nIs it open in ArcMap? You may ' 'need to re-start ArcMap to release the file lock.') lu.raise_error(msg) lu.delete_dir(finalgdb) # Delete final output geodatabase delete_final_gdb(cfg.OUTPUTGDB_OLD) delete_final_gdb(cfg.OUTPUTGDB) delete_final_gdb(cfg.EXTRAGDB) delete_final_gdb(cfg.LINKMAPGDB) # Run linkage mapper processing steps if cfg.STEP1: s1.STEP1_get_adjacencies() if cfg.STEP2: s2.STEP2_build_network() if cfg.STEP3: s3.STEP3_calc_cwds() if cfg.STEP4: s4.STEP4_refine_network() if cfg.STEP5: s5.STEP5_calc_lccs() lu.dashline() gprint('Results from this run can be found in your output ' 'directory:') gprint(cfg.OUTPUTDIR) # Clean up lu.delete_dir(cfg.SCRATCHDIR) # lu.delete_data(cfg.FCORES) gp.addmessage('\nDone with linkage mapping.\n') # Return GEOPROCESSING specific errors except arcgisscripting.ExecuteError: lu.exit_with_geoproc_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) # Return any PYTHON or system specific errors except: lu.exit_with_python_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) finally: lu.dashline() gprint('A record of run settings and messages can be found in your ' 'log directory:') gprint(cfg.MESSAGEDIR) lu.dashline(2) lu.close_log_file()
def lm_master(argv=None): """Main function for linkage mapper. Called by ArcMap with parameters or run from command line with parameters entered in script below. Calls functions in dedicated scripts for each of 5 processing steps. """ # Setup global variables if not cfg.lm_configured: # Causing problems with iterative scripting if argv is None: argv = sys.argv cfg.configure(cfg.TOOL_LM, argv) gp = try: gprint = lu.gprint # Move results from earlier versions to new directory structure lu.move_old_results() gp.OverwriteOutput = True gp.pyramid = "NONE" gp.rasterstatistics = "NONE" # Create output directories if they don't exist if gp.Exists(cfg.OUTPUTDIR): gp.RefreshCatalog(cfg.OUTPUTDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.OUTPUTDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.LOGDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.MESSAGEDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.DATAPASSDIR) # Create fresh scratch directory if not restarting in midst of step 3 # if cfg.S2EUCDISTFILE != None: # if cfg.S2EUCDISTFILE.lower() == "restart": pass # else: lu.delete_dir(cfg.SCRATCHDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.SCRATCHDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.ARCSCRATCHDIR) if cfg.TOOL == 'Linkage Mapper': cfg.logFilePath = lu.create_log_file(cfg.MESSAGEDIR, cfg.TOOL, cfg.PARAMS) lu.print_drive_warning() installD = gp.GetInstallInfo("desktop") gprint('\nLinkage Mapper Version ' + cfg.releaseNum) try: gprint('on ArcGIS ' + installD['ProductName'] + ' ' + installD['Version'] + ' Service Pack ' + installD['SPNumber']) except: pass if cfg.CONNECTFRAGS: gwarn = gp.AddWarning lu.dashline(1) gwarn('Custom mode: will run steps 1-2 ONLY to cluster core polygons within ') gwarn('the maximum Euclidean corridor distance from one another ') gwarn('into polygons with a single cluster_ID value.') gwarn('Make sure you have set a Maximum Euclidean corridor distance.') lu.dashline(2) cfg.STEP3 = False cfg.STEP4 = False cfg.STEP5 = False if cfg.MAXEUCDIST == None: raise RuntimeError('Maximum Euclidean distance required ' 'for custom cluster mode.') # Set data frame spatial reference to coordinate system of input data # Problems arise in this script (core raster creation) and in S2 # (generate near table) if they differ. lu.set_dataframe_sr() # Check core ID field and project directory name. lu.check_cores(cfg.COREFC, cfg.COREFN) lu.check_project_dir() # Identify first step cleanup link tables from that point lu.dashline(1) if cfg.STEP1: gprint('Starting at step 1.') firststep = 1 elif cfg.STEP2: gprint('Starting at step 2.') firststep = 2 elif cfg.STEP3: gprint('Starting at step 3.') firststep = 3 linkTableFile = lu.get_prev_step_link_table(step=3) # Check exists elif cfg.STEP4: gprint('Starting at step 4.') firststep = 4 linkTableFile = lu.get_prev_step_link_table(step=4) # Check exists elif cfg.STEP5: gprint('Starting at step 5.') firststep = 5 linkTableFile = lu.get_prev_step_link_table(step=5) # Check exists lu.clean_up_link_tables(firststep) # Make a local grid copy of resistance raster for cwd runs- # will run faster than gdb. # Don't know if raster is in a gdb if entered from TOC lu.delete_data(cfg.RESRAST) gprint('\nMaking temporary copy of resistance raster for this run.') gp.OutputCoordinateSystem = gp.describe(cfg.COREFC).SpatialReference gp.Extent = gp.Describe(cfg.RESRAST_IN).Extent gp.SnapRaster = cfg.RESRAST_IN gp.cellSize = gp.Describe(cfg.RESRAST_IN).MeanCellHeight # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() gp.CopyRaster_management(cfg.RESRAST_IN, cfg.RESRAST) if (cfg.STEP1) or (cfg.STEP3): # Make core raster file gprint('\nMaking temporary raster of core file for this run.') lu.delete_data(cfg.CORERAS) gp.FeatureToRaster_conversion(cfg.COREFC, cfg.COREFN, cfg.CORERAS, gp.Describe(cfg.RESRAST).MeanCellHeight) # # gp.RasterToPolygon_conversion(cfg.CORERAS, cfg.COREFC, # "NO_SIMPLIFY") def delete_final_gdb(finalgdb): """Deletes final geodatabase""" if gp.Exists(finalgdb) and cfg.STEP5: try: lu.clean_out_workspace(finalgdb) except: lu.dashline(1) msg = ('ERROR: Could not remove contents of geodatabase ' + finalgdb + '. \nIs it open in ArcMap? You may ' 'need to re-start ArcMap to release the file lock.') lu.raise_error(msg) lu.delete_dir(finalgdb) # Delete final output geodatabase delete_final_gdb(cfg.OUTPUTGDB_OLD) delete_final_gdb(cfg.OUTPUTGDB) delete_final_gdb(cfg.EXTRAGDB) delete_final_gdb(cfg.LINKMAPGDB) # Run linkage mapper processing steps if cfg.STEP1: s1.STEP1_get_adjacencies() if cfg.STEP2: s2.STEP2_build_network() if cfg.STEP3: s3.STEP3_calc_cwds() if cfg.STEP4: s4.STEP4_refine_network() if cfg.STEP5: s5.STEP5_calc_lccs() lu.dashline() gprint('Results from this run can be found in your output ' 'directory:') gprint(cfg.OUTPUTDIR) # Clean up lu.delete_dir(cfg.SCRATCHDIR) # lu.delete_data(cfg.FCORES) gp.addmessage('\nDone with linkage mapping.\n') # Return GEOPROCESSING specific errors except arcgisscripting.ExecuteError: lu.exit_with_geoproc_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) # Return any PYTHON or system specific errors except: lu.exit_with_python_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) finally: lu.dashline() gprint('A record of run settings and messages can be found in your ' 'log directory:') gprint(cfg.MESSAGEDIR) lu.dashline(2) lu.close_log_file()
def main(): """Iterates over LM, BM, and restoration tasks""" ## USER SETTINGS ###################################################### ## Restoration Settings ## ALL input data must be in the same projection start_time = time.clock() restoreMaxROI = False # Set to True to restore highest ROI # Set to False to restore strongest barrier restoredResistanceVal = 1 # Resistance value of restored habitat. Must be 1 or greater. restorationDataGDB = ( "C:\\barrierClassAnalysis\\RestorationINPUTS_July2013.gdb" ) # No spaces or special chars in paths or gdb names outputDir = "C:\\barrierClassAnalysis\\output" # No spaces in path, avoid using dropbox or network drive # Project directories will be created in this (iter1, iter2...) # as will an output geodatabase resistanceRaster = "URWA_resis" # Resistance raster. Should be in input GDB coreFC = "URWA_HCAs_Doug_Grant" # Core area feature class. Should be in input GDB 'URWA_HCAs_Doug_Grant' coreFN = "HCA_ID" # Core area field name radius = 450 # restoration radius in meters iterations = 13 # number of restorations to perform minAgThreshold = 0.75 # if less than this proportion of ag in circle, don't consider restoring circle minImprovementVal = ( 0 ) # Don't consider barriers below this improvement score (average improvement per meter diameter restored) parcelCostRaster = ( "DougGrantParcelCost_m2_projected_90m" ) # Average per-m2 parcel cost per pixel. Snapped to resistance raster. restorationCostRaster = "restCostPer_m2" # Right now this is just a raster with all pixels set to 0.113174 agRaster = "ARESmaskp_projected" # 1=Ag, 0 = not Ag barrierCombineMethod = "Maximum" # Some restorations benefit multiple corridors. # 'Maximum' takes the greatest improvement across core area pairs # 'Sum' adds improvement scores acreoss all pairs. cwdThresh = None # Use cwdThresh = None for no threshold. Use cwdThresh = X to not consider # restorations more than X map units away from each core area. ## END USER SETTINGS ###################################################### try: # Setup path and create directories gprint("Hey! Make sure everything is in the same projection!\n") gprint("Setting up paths and creating directories") sys.path.append("..\\toolbox\\scripts") resRast = os.path.join(restorationDataGDB, resistanceRaster) coreFCPath = os.path.join(restorationDataGDB, coreFC) # Set up a NEW output gdb (leave previous ones on drive) for i in range(1, 200): outputGDB = "restorationOutput" + str(i) + ".gdb" if not arcpy.Exists(os.path.join(outputDir, outputGDB)): break gprint("Previous output GDB " + outputGDB + " exists. Delete to save disk space.") arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(outputDir, outputGDB) outputGDB = os.path.join(outputDir, outputGDB) logFile = os.path.join(outputGDB, "Iterate Barriers" + str(i) + ".py") shutil.copyfile(__file__, logFile) # write a copy of this file to output dir as a record of settings arcpy.env.cellSize = resRast arcpy.env.extent = resRast arcpy.env.snapRaster = resRast arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = outputGDB arcpy.env.workspace = outputGDB spatialref = arcpy.Describe(resRast).spatialReference mapunits = spatialref.linearUnitName gprint("Cell size = " + str(arcpy.env.cellSize) + " " + mapunits + "s") # Calculate fraction of ag within radius of each pixel gprint("Calculating purchase cost, fraction of ag, etc within radius of each pixel.") agRaster = os.path.join(restorationDataGDB, agRaster) inNeighborhood = NbrCircle(radius, "MAP") arcpy.env.extent = agRaster outFocalStats =, inNeighborhood, "MEAN", "NODATA") proportionAgRaster = os.path.join(outputGDB, "proportionAgRas") arcpy.env.extent = resRast # Calculate purchase cost of circles parcelCostRaster = os.path.join(restorationDataGDB, parcelCostRaster) arcpy.env.extent = parcelCostRaster outFocalStats =, inNeighborhood, "MEAN", "DATA") costFocalStatsRaster = os.path.join(outputGDB, "costFocalStatsRaster") arcpy.env.extent = resRast circleArea = float(npy.pi * radius * radius) outras = Raster(costFocalStatsRaster) * circleArea purchCostRaster = os.path.join(outputGDB, "purchaseCostRaster") lu.delete_data(costFocalStatsRaster) # restCost = npy.pi * radius * radius * restCostPer_m2 restorationCostRaster = os.path.join(restorationDataGDB, restorationCostRaster) outras = Raster(purchCostRaster) + (Raster(restorationCostRaster) * radius * radius * npy.pi) totalCostRaster = os.path.join(outputGDB, "totalCostRaster") # lu.build_stats(totalCostRaster) # Create mask to remove areas without cost data arcpy.env.extent = totalCostRaster costMaskRaster = os.path.join(outputGDB, "costMaskRaster") costThresh = 0 outCon = > float(costThresh)), 1) arcpy.env.extent = resRast # Create mask to remove areas below ag threshold outCon = > float(minAgThreshold)), 1) agMaskRaster = os.path.join(outputGDB, "agMaskRaster") doStep1 = "true" doStep2 = "true" doStep5 = "false" for iter in range(1, iterations + 1): # xxx start_time1 = time.clock() arcpy.env.cellSize = resRast # Some env settings get changed by linkage mapper and must be reset here arcpy.env.extent = resRast arcpy.env.snapRaster = resRast arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = outputGDB arcpy.env.workspace = outputGDB lu.dashline(1) gprint("Running iteration number " + str(iter)) projDir = os.path.join(outputDir, "iter" + str(iter) + "Proj") lu.create_dir(outputDir) lu.delete_dir(projDir) # xxx lu.create_dir(projDir) if iter > 1: # Copy previous s2 linktable to new project directory datapassDir = os.path.join(projDir, "datapass") lu.create_dir(datapassDir) projDir1 = os.path.join(outputDir, "iter1Proj") datapassDirIter1 = os.path.join(projDir1, "datapass") s2LinktableIter1 = os.path.join(datapassDirIter1, "linkTable_s2.csv") s2LinkTable = os.path.join(datapassDir, "linkTable_s2.csv") shutil.copyfile(s2LinktableIter1, s2LinkTable) # Run Linkage Mapper distFile = os.path.join( outputDir, coreFC + "_dists.txt" ) # Copy distances text file from earlier LM run to the output directory- speeds things up! if not os.path.exists(distFile): if iter == 1: gprint("Will calculate distance file.") distFile = "#" else: projDir1 = os.path.join(outputDir, "iter1Proj") distFile1 = os.path.join(projDir1, coreFC + "_dists.txt") shutil.copyfile(distFile1, distFile) # Put a copy here for future runs arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = outputGDB arcpy.env.workspace = outputGDB argv = ( "", projDir, coreFCPath, coreFN, resRast, doStep1, doStep2, "Cost-Weighted & Euclidean", distFile, "true", "true", "false", "4", "Cost-Weighted", "true", doStep5, "10000", "#", "#", ) gprint("Running " + str(argv)) import lm_master # xxx lm_master.lm_master(argv) # xxx doStep1 = "false" # Can skip for future iterations doStep2 = "false" # Can skip for future iterations doStep5 = "false" # Skipping for future iterations startRadius = str(radius) endRadius = str(radius) radiusStep = "0" saveRadiusRasters = "false" writePctRasters = "false" argv = ( "", projDir, resRast, startRadius, endRadius, radiusStep, barrierCombineMethod, saveRadiusRasters, writePctRasters, cwdThresh, ) gprint("Running " + str(argv)) import barrier_master # xxx barrier_master.bar_master(argv) # xxx arcpy.env.cellSize = resRast # Some env settings get changed by linkage mapper and must be reset here arcpy.env.extent = resRast arcpy.env.snapRaster = resRast arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = outputGDB arcpy.env.workspace = outputGDB gprint("Finding restoration circles with max barrier score / ROI") # Find points with max ROI PREFIX = os.path.basename(projDir) if barrierCombineMethod == "Sum": sumSuffix = "Sum" else: sumSuffix = "" barrierFN = PREFIX + "_BarrierCenters" + sumSuffix + "_Rad" + str(radius) barrierRaster = os.path.join(projDir, "output", "barriers.gdb", barrierFN) if not arcpy.Exists(barrierRaster): msg = "Error: cannot find barrier output: " + barrierRaster lu.raise_error(msg) # arcpy.env.cellSize = agMaskRaster # arcpy.env.extent = agMaskRaster if iter > 1: gprint("Creating mask for previously restored areas") inNeighborhood = NbrCircle(radius, "MAP") arcpy.env.extent = allRestoredAreasRaster outFocalStats =, inNeighborhood, "MEAN", "DATA") allRestoredFocalRaster = os.path.join(outputGDB, "allRestFocRas_iter" + str(iter)) # Anything > 0 would include a restored area and arcpy.env.extent = resRast restMaskRaster = os.path.join(outputGDB, "restMaskRaster_iter" + str(iter)) minval = 0 outCon = == float(minval)), 1) # Candidate areas have not been restored, have cost data, meet # minimum improvement score criteria, and have enough ag in them candidateBarrierRaster = os.path.join(outputGDB, "candidateBarrierRaster" + "_iter" + str(iter)) if iter > 1: gprint( "Creating candidate restoration raster using barrier results, previous restorations, and selection criteria" ) outCalc = ( Raster(costMaskRaster) * Raster(agMaskRaster) * Raster(barrierRaster) * Raster(restMaskRaster) * (radius * 2) ) # ROI scores will be in terms of total improvement (= score * diameter) else: outCalc = Raster(costMaskRaster) * Raster(agMaskRaster) * Raster(barrierRaster) * radius * 2 minBarrierScore = minImprovementVal * radius * 2 if restoredResistanceVal != 1: outCalc2 = outCalc - (2 * radius * (restoredResistanceVal - 1)) outCon = >= float(minBarrierScore)), outCalc2) else: outCon = >= float(minBarrierScore)), outCalc) lu.build_stats(candidateBarrierRaster) purchaseRoiRaster = os.path.join(outputGDB, "purchaseRoiRaster" + "_iter" + str(iter)) outCalc = Raster(candidateBarrierRaster) / Raster(purchCostRaster) lu.build_stats(purchaseRoiRaster) totalRoiRaster = os.path.join(outputGDB, "purchaseRestRoiRaster" + "_iter" + str(iter)) outCalc = Raster(candidateBarrierRaster) / Raster(totalCostRaster) lu.build_stats(totalRoiRaster) maxBarrier = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(candidateBarrierRaster, "MAXIMUM") gprint("Maximum barrier improvement score: " + str(maxBarrier.getOutput(0))) if maxBarrier < 0: arcpy.AddWarning("\nNo barriers found that meet CWD or Ag threshold criteria.") maxPurchROI = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(purchaseRoiRaster, "MAXIMUM") gprint("Maximum purchase ROI score: " + str(maxPurchROI.getOutput(0))) maxROI = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(totalRoiRaster, "MAXIMUM") gprint("Maximum total ROI score: " + str(maxROI.getOutput(0))) if restoreMaxROI: outPoint = os.path.join(outputGDB, "maxRoiPoint" + "_iter" + str(iter)) gprint("Choosing circle with maximum ROI to restore") outCon = >= float(maxROI.getOutput(0))), totalRoiRaster) maxRoiRaster = os.path.join(outputGDB, "maxRoiRaster") # Save max ROI to point try: arcpy.RasterToPoint_conversion(maxRoiRaster, outPoint) except: msg = "Error: it looks like there are no viable restoration candidates." lu.raise_error(msg) else: # Restoring strongest barrier instead outPoint = os.path.join(outputGDB, "maxBarrierPoint" + "_iter" + str(iter)) gprint("Choosing circle with maximum BARRIER IMPROVEMENT SCORE to restore") outCon = (Raster(candidateBarrierRaster) >= float(maxBarrier.getOutput(0))), candidateBarrierRaster ) maxBarrierRaster = os.path.join(outputGDB, "maxBarrierRaster") # Save max barrier to point try: arcpy.RasterToPoint_conversion(maxBarrierRaster, outPoint) except: msg = "Error: it looks like there are no viable restoration candidates." lu.raise_error(msg) gprint("Done evaluating candidate restorations") result = int(arcpy.GetCount_management(outPoint).getOutput(0)) if result > 1: arcpy.AddWarning( "Deleting points with identical ROI/improvement score values" ) # Would be better to retain point with max barrier score when we have multiple points with same ROI arcpy.DeleteIdentical_management(outPoint, "grid_code", 0.1, 0.1) outPoint, [ [candidateBarrierRaster, "barrierScore"], [purchCostRaster, "purchCost"], [totalCostRaster, "totalCost"], [purchaseRoiRaster, "purchaseROI"], [totalRoiRaster, "totalROI"], ], "NONE", ) arcpy.AddField_management(outPoint, "restorationNumber", "SHORT") arcpy.CalculateField_management(outPoint, "restorationNumber", iter) arcpy.AddField_management(outPoint, "radius", "DOUBLE") arcpy.CalculateField_management(outPoint, "radius", radius) arcpy.AddField_management(outPoint, "barrierScore_per_m", "DOUBLE") arcpy.CalculateField_management( outPoint, "barrierScore_per_m", "(float(!barrierScore!) / (!radius! * 2))", "PYTHON" ) gprint("\nCreating restoration circles") if restoreMaxROI: circleFC = os.path.join(outputGDB, "maxRoiCircle" + "_iter" + str(iter)) else: circleFC = os.path.join(outputGDB, "maxBarrierCircle" + "_iter" + str(iter)) arcpy.Buffer_analysis(outPoint, circleFC, radius) gprint("Rasterizing restoration circles") if restoreMaxROI: circleRas = os.path.join(outputGDB, "maxRoiCircleRas" + "_iter" + str(iter)) else: circleRas = os.path.join(outputGDB, "maxBarrierCircleRas" + "_iter" + str(iter)) arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion(circleFC, "totalROI", circleRas, arcpy.env.cellSize) # restore raster gprint("Digitally restoring resistance raster") resRastRestored = os.path.join(outputGDB, "resRastRestored" + "_iter" + str(iter)) outCon =, resRast, restoredResistanceVal) allRestoredAreasRaster = os.path.join(outputGDB, "allRestoredAreas_iter" + str(iter)) PrevRestoredAreasRaster = os.path.join(outputGDB, "allRestoredAreas_iter" + str(iter - 1)) if iter == 1: outCon =, 0, 1) else: outCon = IsNull(circleRas), PrevRestoredAreasRaster, 1 ) # Add this restoration to areas restored lu.delete_data(circleRas) resRast = resRastRestored # Use for next iteration resistance raster # Add circle into feature class with all circles if restoreMaxROI: allCirclesFC = os.path.join(outputGDB, "allCirclesMaxROI") else: allCirclesFC = os.path.join(outputGDB, "allCirclesMaxBarriers") if iter == 1: arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(circleFC, allCirclesFC) else: arcpy.Append_management(circleFC, allCirclesFC, "TEST") gprint("Finished iteration #" + str(iter)) start_time1 = lu.elapsed_time(start_time1) gprint("\nDone with iterations.") start_time = lu.elapsed_time(start_time) gprint("Outputs saved in: " + outputGDB) gprint("Back up your project directories if you want to save corridor/barrier results.") # Return GEOPROCESSING specific errors except arcpy.ExecuteError: lu.dashline(1) gprint("****Iteration script failed. Details follow.****") lu.exit_with_geoproc_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) # Return any PYTHON or system specific errors except: lu.dashline(1) gprint("****Iteration script failed. Details follow.****") lu.exit_with_python_error(_SCRIPT_NAME)
def circuitscape_master(argv=None): """ """ gprint = lu.gprint if argv is None: argv = sys.argv argv.append(get_cs_path()) # Add Circuitscape path cfg.configure(cfg.TOOL_CS, argv) try: lu.create_dir(cfg.LOGDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.MESSAGEDIR) cfg.logFilePath = lu.create_log_file(cfg.PARAM_NAMES, argv) if cfg.DOPINCH : lu.log_metadata(cfg.COREFC, [cfg.RESRAST_IN]) else: lu.log_metadata(cfg.COREFC) if cfg.CSPATH is None: lu.raise_error("Cannot find an installation of Circuitscape" "\nin your Program Files directory.") lu.print_drive_warning() # Check core ID field. lu.check_cores(cfg.COREFC, cfg.COREFN) arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem = arcpy.Describe(cfg.COREFC).SpatialReference # Set data frame spatial reference to coordinate system of input data lu.set_dataframe_sr() arcpy.env.pyramid = "NONE" arcpy.env.rasterStatistics = "NONE" # Move adj and cwd results from earlier versions to datapass directory lu.move_old_results() if cfg.CWDCUTOFF > 0: lu.delete_dir(cfg.SCRATCHDIR) # restart code- in progress if cfg.CWDCUTOFF < 0: cfg.CWDCUTOFF = cfg.CWDCUTOFF * -1 if not cfg.DOPINCH and not cfg.DOCENTRALITY: msg = ('ERROR: Please choose at least one option: pinch point or\n' 'network centrality analysis.') lu.raise_error(msg) lu.create_dir(cfg.SCRATCHDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.ARCSCRATCHDIR) if cfg.DO_ALLPAIRS: # Fixme: move raster path to config S5CORRIDORRAS = path.join(cfg.OUTPUTGDB,cfg.PREFIX + "_corridors") if not arcpy.Exists(S5CORRIDORRAS): S5CORRIDORRAS = path.join(cfg.OUTPUTGDB, cfg.PREFIX + "_lcc_mosaic_int") if not arcpy.Exists(S5CORRIDORRAS): msg = ('ERROR: Corridor raster created in step 5 is required' '\nfor all-pair analyses, but was not found.') lu.raise_error(msg) if cfg.DOPINCH: if cfg.CWDCUTOFF == '#' or cfg.CWDCUTOFF == 0: msg = ('ERROR: CWD cutoff distance is required for pinch point' ' analyses.') lu.raise_error(msg) # Make a local grid copy of resistance raster- # will run faster than gdb. lu.delete_data(cfg.RESRAST) if not arcpy.Exists(cfg.RESRAST_IN): msg = ('ERROR: Resistance raster is required for pinch point' ' analyses, but was not found.') lu.raise_error(msg) arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST_IN desc = arcpy.Describe(cfg.RESRAST_IN) if hasattr(desc, "catalogPath"): cfg.RESRAST_IN = arcpy.Describe(cfg.RESRAST_IN).catalogPath gprint('\nMaking local copy of resistance raster.') try: arcpy.CopyRaster_management(cfg.RESRAST_IN, cfg.RESRAST) except Exception: msg = ('ERROR: Could not make a copy of your resistance raster. ' + 'Try re-starting ArcMap to release the file lock.') lu.raise_error(msg) arcpy.env.snapRaster = cfg.RESRAST if cfg.DOCENTRALITY: gprint("Creating output folder: " + cfg.CENTRALITYBASEDIR) if path.exists(cfg.CENTRALITYBASEDIR): shutil.rmtree(cfg.CENTRALITYBASEDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.CENTRALITYBASEDIR) arcpy.CreateFolder_management(cfg.CENTRALITYBASEDIR, cfg.CIRCUITOUTPUTDIR_NM) arcpy.CreateFolder_management(cfg.CENTRALITYBASEDIR, cfg.CIRCUITCONFIGDIR_NM) lu.clean_out_workspace(cfg.CORECENTRALITYGDB) s7.STEP7_calc_centrality() if not cfg.SAVECENTRALITYDIR: lu.delete_dir(cfg.CENTRALITYBASEDIR) if cfg.DOPINCH: if cfg.CWDCUTOFF > 0: # Negative values mean we're restarting gprint("Creating output folder: " + cfg.CIRCUITBASEDIR) lu.delete_dir(cfg.CIRCUITBASEDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.CIRCUITBASEDIR) arcpy.CreateFolder_management(cfg.CIRCUITBASEDIR, cfg.CIRCUITOUTPUTDIR_NM) arcpy.CreateFolder_management(cfg.CIRCUITBASEDIR, cfg.CIRCUITCONFIGDIR_NM) s8.STEP8_calc_pinchpoints() if not cfg.SAVE_TEMP_CIRCUIT_FILES: lu.delete_dir(cfg.SCRATCHDIR) if not cfg.SAVECIRCUITDIR: lu.delete_dir(cfg.CIRCUITBASEDIR) gprint('\nDONE!\n') # Return GEOPROCESSING specific errors except arcpy.ExecuteError: lu.exit_with_geoproc_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) # Return any PYTHON or system specific errors except Exception: lu.exit_with_python_error(_SCRIPT_NAME)
def do_cwd_calcs(x, linkTable, coresToMap, lcpLoop, failures): try: # This is the focal core area we're running cwd out from sourceCore = int(coresToMap[x]) # Create temporary scratch directory just this focal core coreDir = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR, 'core' + str(sourceCore)) lu.delete_dir(coreDir) lu.create_dir(coreDir) if arcpy: gp = arcpy.env.workspace = coreDir arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = cfg.ARCSCRATCHDIR arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True arcpy.env.extent = "MINOF" else: gp = gp.workspace = coreDir gp.scratchWorkspace = cfg.ARCSCRATCHDIR gp.OverwriteOutput = True gp.Extent = "MINOF" write_cores_to_map(x, coresToMap) # Get target cores based on linktable with reinstated links # (we temporarily disable them below by adding 1000) linkTableTemp = linkTable.copy() # reinstate temporarily disabled links rows = npy.where(linkTableTemp[:,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] > 1000) linkTableTemp[rows,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] = ( linkTableTemp[rows,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] - 1000) del rows # get core areas to be connected to focal core targetCores = lu.get_core_targets(sourceCore, linkTableTemp) # gprint( str(sourceCore)) # gprint(str(linkTableTemp.astype('int32'))) # gprint('targets'+str(targetCores)) del linkTableTemp if len(targetCores)==0: # Nothing to do, so reset failure count and return. failures = 0 return linkTable, failures, lcpLoop lu.dashline(0) gprint('Target core areas for core area #' + str(sourceCore) + ' = ' + str(targetCores)) # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Create BOUNDING FEATURE to limit extent of cost distance # calculations-This is a set of circles encompassing core areas # we'll be connecting each core area to. if cfg.BUFFERDIST is not None: # fixme: move outside of loop # new circle gp.MakeFeatureLayer(cfg.BNDCIRS,"fGlobalBoundingFeat") start_time = time.clock() # loop through targets and get bounding circles that # contain focal core and target cores # gprint("\nAdding up bounding circles for source" # " core " + str(sourceCore)) gp.SelectLayerByAttribute("fGlobalBoundingFeat", "CLEAR_SELECTION") for i in range(len(targetCores)): # run thru circleList, find link that core pair # corresponds to. if sourceCore < targetCores[i]: corex = sourceCore corey = targetCores[i] else: corey = sourceCore corex = targetCores[i] cores_x_y = str(int(corex))+'_'+str(int(corey)) field = "cores_x_y" # fixme: need to check for case where link is not found gp.SelectLayerByAttribute( "fGlobalBoundingFeat", "ADD_TO_SELECTION", field + " = '" + cores_x_y + "'") lu.delete_data(path.join(coreDir,cfg.BNDFC)) # fixme: may not be needed- can we just clip raster # using selected? gp.CopyFeatures_management("fGlobalBoundingFeat", cfg.BNDFC) # Clip out bounded area of resistance raster for cwd # calculations from focal core bResistance = path.join(coreDir,"bResistance") # Can't be tif- # need STA for CWD lu.delete_data(bResistance) statement = ( 'gp.ExtractByMask_sa(cfg.BOUNDRESIS, cfg.BNDFC, bResistance)') try: exec statement randomerror() except: failures = lu.print_arcgis_failures(statement, failures) if failures < 20: return None,failures,lcpLoop else: exec statement else: bResistance = cfg.BOUNDRESIS # --------------------------------------------------------- # CWD Calculations outDistanceRaster = lu.get_cwd_path(sourceCore) # Check if climate tool is calling linkage mapper if cfg.TOOL == cfg.TOOL_CC: back_rast = outDistanceRaster.replace("cwd_", "back_") else: back_rast = "BACK" lu.delete_data(path.join(coreDir, back_rast)) lu.delete_data(outDistanceRaster) start_time = time.clock() # Create raster that just has source core in it # Note: this seems faster than setnull with LI grid. SRCRASTER = 'source' + tif lu.delete_data(path.join(coreDir,SRCRASTER)) if arcpy: statement = ('conRaster = ' 'Con(Raster(cfg.CORERAS) == int(sourceCore), 1);' '') else: expression = ("con(" + cfg.CORERAS + " == " + str(int(sourceCore)) + ", 1)") statement = ('gp.SingleOutputMapAlgebra_sa' '(expression, SRCRASTER)') try: exec statement randomerror() except: failures = lu.print_arcgis_failures(statement, failures) if failures < 20: return None, failures, lcpLoop else: exec statement # Cost distance raster creation if arcpy: arcpy.env.extent = "MINOF" else: gp.Extent = "MINOF" lu.delete_data(path.join(coreDir,"BACK")) if arcpy: statement = ('outCostDist = CostDistance(SRCRASTER, ' 'bResistance, cfg.TMAXCWDIST, back_rast);' '') else: statement = ('gp.CostDistance_sa(SRCRASTER, bResistance, ' 'outDistanceRaster, cfg.TMAXCWDIST, back_rast)') try: exec statement randomerror() except: failures = lu.print_arcgis_failures(statement, failures) if failures < 20: return None, failures, lcpLoop else: exec statement start_time = time.clock() # Extract cost distances from source core to target cores # Fixme: there will be redundant calls to b-a when already # done a-b ZNSTATS = path.join(coreDir, "zonestats.dbf") lu.delete_data(ZNSTATS) #Fixme: zonalstatistics is returning integer values for minimum. Why??? #Extra zonalstatistics code implemented later in script to correct #values. if arcpy: statement = ('outZSaT = ZonalStatisticsAsTable(cfg.CORERAS, ' '"VALUE", outDistanceRaster,ZNSTATS, "DATA", "MINIMUM")') else: statement = ('gp.zonalstatisticsastable_sa(' 'cfg.CORERAS, "VALUE", outDistanceRaster, ZNSTATS)') try: exec statement randomerror() except: failures = lu.print_arcgis_failures(statement, failures) if failures < 20: return None,failures,lcpLoop else: if cfg.TOOL == cfg.TOOL_CC: msg = ('ERROR in Zonal Stats. Please restart ArcMap ' 'and try again.') else: msg = ('ERROR in Zonal Stats. Restarting ArcMap ' 'then restarting Linkage Mapper at step 3 usually\n' 'solves this one so please restart and try again.') lu.raise_error(msg) tableRows = gp.searchcursor(ZNSTATS) tableRow = tableRows.Next() while tableRow: if tableRow.Value > sourceCore: link = lu.get_links_from_core_pairs(linkTable, sourceCore, tableRow.Value) if linkTable[link,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] > 0: # valid link linkTable[link,cfg.LTB_CWDIST] = tableRow.Min if cfg.MAXCOSTDIST is not None: if ((tableRow.Min > cfg.MAXCOSTDIST) and (linkTable[link,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] != cfg.LT_KEEP)): # Disable link, it's too long linkTable[link,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] = cfg.LT_TLLC if cfg.MINCOSTDIST is not None: if (tableRow.Min < cfg.MINCOSTDIST and (linkTable[link,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] != cfg.LT_KEEP)): # Disable link, it's too short linkTable[link,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] = cfg.LT_TSLC tableRow = del tableRow, tableRows #start_time = lu.elapsed_time(start_time) # --------------------------------------------------------- # Check for intermediate cores AND map LCP lines for y in range(0,len(targetCores)): targetCore = targetCores[y] rows = lu.get_links_from_core_pairs(linkTable, sourceCore, targetCore) # Map all links for which we successfully extracted # cwds in above code link = rows[0] if (linkTable[link,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] > 0 and linkTable[link,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] < 1000 and linkTable[link,cfg.LTB_CWDIST] != -1): # Flag so that we only evaluate this pair once linkTable[rows,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] = (linkTable [rows,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] + 1000) # Create raster that just has target core in it TARGETRASTER = 'targ' + tif lu.delete_data(path.join(coreDir,TARGETRASTER)) try: if arcpy: # For climate corridors, errors occur when core raster # overlaps null values in cwd rasters statement = ('conRaster = Con(IsNull(outDistanceRaster' '), Int(outDistanceRaster), Con(Raster' '(cfg.CORERAS) == int(targetCore), 1));' '') # statement = ('conRaster = Con(Raster(' # 'cfg.CORERAS) == int(targetCore), 1);' # '') else: expression = ("con(" + cfg.CORERAS + " == " + str(int(targetCore)) + ",1)") statement = ('gp.SingleOutputMapAlgebra_sa(expression,' ' TARGETRASTER)') exec statement randomerror() except: failures = lu.print_arcgis_failures(statement, failures) if failures < 20: return None,failures,lcpLoop else: exec statement # Execute ZonalStatistics to get more precise cw distance if # arc rounded it earlier (not critical, hence the try/pass) if (linkTable[link,cfg.LTB_CWDIST] == int(linkTable[link,cfg.LTB_CWDIST])): try: zonalRas = path.join(coreDir,'zonal') gp.ZonalStatistics_sa(TARGETRASTER, "VALUE", outDistanceRaster, zonalRas, "MINIMUM", "DATA") minObject = gp.GetRasterProperties_management(zonalRas, "MINIMUM") rasterMin = float(str(minObject.getOutput(0))) linkTable[link,cfg.LTB_CWDIST] = rasterMin lu.delete_data(zonalRas) except: pass # Cost path maps the least cost path # between source and target lcpRas = path.join(coreDir,"lcp" + tif) lu.delete_data(lcpRas) # Note: costpath (both gp and arcpy versions) uses GDAL. if arcpy: statement = ('outCostPath = CostPath(TARGETRASTER,' 'outDistanceRaster, back_rast, "BEST_SINGLE", ""); ' '') else: statement = ('gp.CostPath_sa(TARGETRASTER, ' 'outDistanceRaster, back_rast, ' 'lcpRas, "BEST_SINGLE", "")') try: exec statement randomerror() except: failures = lu.print_arcgis_failures(statement, failures) if failures < 20: return None,failures,lcpLoop else: lu.dashline(1) gprint('\nCost path is failing for Link #' + str(int(link)) + ' connecting core areas ' + str(int(sourceCore)) + ' and ' + str(int(targetCore)) + '\n.' 'Retrying one more time in 5 minutes.') lu.snooze(300) exec statement # fixme: may be fastest to not do selection, do # EXTRACTBYMASK, getvaluelist, use code snippet at end # of file to discard src and target values. Still this # is fast- 13 sec for LI data...But I'm not very # comfortable using failed coreMin as our test.... if (cfg.S3DROPLCCSic and (linkTable[link,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] != cfg.LT_KEEP) and (linkTable[link,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] != cfg.LT_KEEP + 1000)): # ------------------------------------------------- # Drop links where lcp passes through intermediate # core area. Method below is faster than valuelist # method because of soma in valuelist method. # make a feature layer for input cores to select from gp.MakeFeatureLayer(cfg.COREFC, cfg.FCORES) gp.SelectLayerByAttribute(cfg.FCORES, "NEW_SELECTION", cfg.COREFN + ' <> ' + str(int(targetCore)) + ' AND ' + cfg.COREFN + ' <> ' + str(int(sourceCore))) corePairRas = path.join(coreDir,"s3corepair"+ tif) if arcpy: arcpy.env.extent = cfg.BOUNDRESIS else: gp.extent = gp.Describe(cfg.BOUNDRESIS).extent statement = ('gp.FeatureToRaster_conversion(cfg.FCORES, ' 'cfg.COREFN, corePairRas, gp.cellSize)') try: exec statement randomerror() except: failures = lu.print_arcgis_failures(statement, failures) if failures < 20: return None,failures,lcpLoop else: exec statement #------------------------------------------ # Intermediate core test try: coreDetected = test_for_intermediate_core(coreDir, lcpRas, corePairRas) randomerror() except: statement = 'test_for_intermediate_core' failures = lu.print_arcgis_failures(statement, failures) if failures < 20: return None,failures,lcpLoop else: coreDetected = test_for_intermediate_core( coreDir, lcpRas, corePairRas) if coreDetected: # lu.dashline() gprint( "Found an intermediate core in the " "least-cost path between cores " + str(int(sourceCore)) + " and " + str(int(targetCore)) + ". The corridor " "will be removed.") # disable link rows = lu.get_links_from_core_pairs(linkTable, sourceCore, targetCore) linkTable[rows,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] = cfg.LT_INT #------------------------------------------ # Create lcp shapefile. lcploop just keeps track of # whether this is first time function is called. lcpLoop = lu.create_lcp_shapefile(coreDir, linkTable, sourceCore, targetCore, lcpLoop) # Made it through, so reset failure count and return. failures = 0 lu.delete_dir(coreDir) # if cfg.TOOL == cfg.TOOL_CC: # lu.delete_data(back_rast) return linkTable, failures, lcpLoop # Return GEOPROCESSING specific errors except arcgisscripting.ExecuteError: lu.dashline(1) # gprint('****Failed in step 3. Details follow.****') lu.exit_with_geoproc_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) # Return any PYTHON or system specific errors except: lu.dashline(1) # gprint('****Failed in step 3. Details follow.****') lu.exit_with_python_error(_SCRIPT_NAME)
def bar_master(argv=None): """ Experimental code to detect barriers using cost-weighted distance outputs from Linkage Mapper tool. """ if argv is None: argv = sys.argv # cfg.configure(argv) cfg.configure(cfg.TOOL_BM, argv) #xxx was sys.argv gprint = lu.gprint try: lu.create_dir(cfg.LOGDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.MESSAGEDIR) cfg.logFilePath = lu.create_log_file(cfg.MESSAGEDIR, cfg.TOOL, cfg.PARAMS) lu.print_drive_warning() # Move adj and cwd results from earlier versions to datapass directory lu.move_old_results() lu.create_dir(cfg.OUTPUTDIR) lu.delete_dir(cfg.SCRATCHDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.SCRATCHDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.ARCSCRATCHDIR) lu.dashline(1) gprint('\nMaking local copy of resistance raster.') lu.delete_data(cfg.RESRAST) desc = arcpy.Describe(cfg.RESRAST_IN) if hasattr(desc, "catalogPath"): cfg.RESRAST_IN = arcpy.Describe(cfg.RESRAST_IN).catalogPath arcpy.CopyRaster_management(cfg.RESRAST_IN, cfg.RESRAST) arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST arcpy.env.snapRaster = cfg.RESRAST if cfg.BARRIER_METH_MAX: cfg.SUM_BARRIERS = False lu.dashline(1) gprint( 'Calculating MAXIMUM barrier effects across core area pairs') s6.STEP6_calc_barriers() if cfg.BARRIER_METH_SUM: cfg.SUM_BARRIERS = True gprint('') lu.dashline() gprint('Calculating SUM of barrier effects across core area pairs') s6.STEP6_calc_barriers() #clean up lu.delete_dir(cfg.SCRATCHDIR) if not cfg.SAVEBARRIERDIR: lu.delete_dir(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR) gprint('\nDone with barrier mapping.\n') # Return GEOPROCESSING specific errors except arcpy.ExecuteError: lu.exit_with_geoproc_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) # Return any PYTHON or system specific errors except: lu.exit_with_python_error(_SCRIPT_NAME)
def main(): """Iterates over LM, BM, and restoration tasks""" ## USER SETTINGS ###################################################### ## Restoration Settings ## ALL input data must be in the same projection start_time = time.clock() restoreMaxROI = False # Set to True to restore highest ROI # Set to False to restore strongest barrier restoredResistanceVal = 1 # Resistance value of restored habitat. Must be 1 or greater. restorationDataGDB = "C:\\barrierClassAnalysis\\RestorationINPUTS_July2013.gdb" # No spaces or special chars in paths or gdb names outputDir = "C:\\barrierClassAnalysis\\output" # No spaces in path, avoid using dropbox or network drive # Project directories will be created in this (iter1, iter2...) # as will an output geodatabase resistanceRaster = "URWA_resis"# Resistance raster. Should be in input GDB coreFC = 'URWA_HCAs_Doug_Grant'# Core area feature class. Should be in input GDB 'URWA_HCAs_Doug_Grant' coreFN = 'HCA_ID' # Core area field name radius = 450 # restoration radius in meters iterations = 13 # number of restorations to perform minAgThreshold = 0.75 # if less than this proportion of ag in circle, don't consider restoring circle minImprovementVal = 0 # Don't consider barriers below this improvement score (average improvement per meter diameter restored) parcelCostRaster = 'DougGrantParcelCost_m2_projected_90m' # Average per-m2 parcel cost per pixel. Snapped to resistance raster. restorationCostRaster = 'restCostPer_m2' # Right now this is just a raster with all pixels set to 0.113174 agRaster = "ARESmaskp_projected" # 1=Ag, 0 = not Ag barrierCombineMethod = 'Maximum' # Some restorations benefit multiple corridors. # 'Maximum' takes the greatest improvement across core area pairs # 'Sum' adds improvement scores acreoss all pairs. cwdThresh = None # Use cwdThresh = None for no threshold. Use cwdThresh = X to not consider # restorations more than X map units away from each core area. ## END USER SETTINGS ###################################################### try: # Setup path and create directories gprint('Hey! Make sure everything is in the same projection!\n') gprint('Setting up paths and creating directories') sys.path.append('..\\toolbox\\scripts') resRast = os.path.join(restorationDataGDB, resistanceRaster) coreFCPath = os.path.join(restorationDataGDB, coreFC) # Set up a NEW output gdb (leave previous ones on drive) for i in range (1,200): outputGDB = 'restorationOutput'+str(i)+'.gdb' if not arcpy.Exists(os.path.join(outputDir,outputGDB)): break gprint('Previous output GDB '+ outputGDB +' exists. Delete to save disk space.') arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(outputDir,outputGDB) outputGDB = os.path.join(outputDir,outputGDB) logFile = os.path.join(outputGDB,'Iterate Barriers'+str(i)+'.py') shutil.copyfile(__file__, logFile) #write a copy of this file to output dir as a record of settings arcpy.env.cellSize = resRast arcpy.env.extent = resRast arcpy.env.snapRaster = resRast arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = outputGDB arcpy.env.workspace = outputGDB spatialref = arcpy.Describe(resRast).spatialReference mapunits = spatialref.linearUnitName gprint('Cell size = ' + str(arcpy.env.cellSize) + ' ' + mapunits +'s') # Calculate fraction of ag within radius of each pixel gprint('Calculating purchase cost, fraction of ag, etc within radius of each pixel.') agRaster = os.path.join(restorationDataGDB, agRaster) inNeighborhood = NbrCircle(radius, "MAP") arcpy.env.extent = agRaster outFocalStats =, inNeighborhood, "MEAN","NODATA") proportionAgRaster = os.path.join(outputGDB,'proportionAgRas') arcpy.env.extent = resRast # Calculate purchase cost of circles parcelCostRaster = os.path.join(restorationDataGDB, parcelCostRaster) arcpy.env.extent = parcelCostRaster outFocalStats =,inNeighborhood, "MEAN","DATA") costFocalStatsRaster = os.path.join(outputGDB,'costFocalStatsRaster') arcpy.env.extent = resRast circleArea = float(npy.pi * radius * radius) outras = (Raster(costFocalStatsRaster) * circleArea) purchCostRaster = os.path.join(outputGDB,'purchaseCostRaster') lu.delete_data(costFocalStatsRaster) # restCost = npy.pi * radius * radius * restCostPer_m2 restorationCostRaster = os.path.join(restorationDataGDB, restorationCostRaster) outras = Raster(purchCostRaster) + (Raster(restorationCostRaster) * radius * radius * npy.pi) totalCostRaster = os.path.join(outputGDB,'totalCostRaster') # lu.build_stats(totalCostRaster) # Create mask to remove areas without cost data arcpy.env.extent = totalCostRaster costMaskRaster = os.path.join(outputGDB,'costMaskRaster') costThresh = 0 outCon = > float(costThresh)), 1) arcpy.env.extent = resRast # Create mask to remove areas below ag threshold outCon = > float(minAgThreshold)), 1) agMaskRaster = os.path.join(outputGDB, 'agMaskRaster') doStep1 = 'true' doStep2 = 'true' doStep5 = 'false' for iter in range(1,iterations+1): #xxx start_time1 = time.clock() arcpy.env.cellSize = resRast # Some env settings get changed by linkage mapper and must be reset here arcpy.env.extent = resRast arcpy.env.snapRaster = resRast arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = outputGDB arcpy.env.workspace = outputGDB lu.dashline(1) gprint('Running iteration number '+str(iter)) projDir = os.path.join(outputDir,'iter' + str(iter)+'Proj') lu.create_dir(outputDir) lu.delete_dir(projDir) #xxx lu.create_dir(projDir) if iter > 1: # Copy previous s2 linktable to new project directory datapassDir = os.path.join(projDir,'datapass') lu.create_dir(datapassDir) projDir1 = os.path.join(outputDir,'iter1Proj') datapassDirIter1 = os.path.join(projDir1,'datapass') s2LinktableIter1 = os.path.join(datapassDirIter1 ,'linkTable_s2.csv') s2LinkTable = os.path.join(datapassDir ,'linkTable_s2.csv') shutil.copyfile(s2LinktableIter1, s2LinkTable) # Run Linkage Mapper distFile = os.path.join(outputDir, coreFC + '_dists.txt') # Copy distances text file from earlier LM run to the output directory- speeds things up! if not os.path.exists(distFile): if iter == 1: gprint('Will calculate distance file.') distFile = '#' else: projDir1 = os.path.join(outputDir,'iter1Proj') distFile1 = os.path.join(projDir1, coreFC + '_dists.txt') shutil.copyfile(distFile1,distFile) # Put a copy here for future runs arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = outputGDB arcpy.env.workspace = outputGDB argv = ('', projDir, coreFCPath, coreFN, resRast, doStep1, doStep2, 'Cost-Weighted & Euclidean', distFile, 'true', 'true', 'false', '4', 'Cost-Weighted', 'true', doStep5, 'true', '200000', '10000', '#', '#', '#', '#') gprint('Running ' + str(argv)) cfg.lm_configured = False # Insures lm_master uses current argv lm_master.lm_master(argv) #xxx doStep1 = 'false' # Can skip for future iterations doStep2 = 'false' # Can skip for future iterations doStep5 = 'false' # Skipping for future iterations startRadius = str(radius) endRadius = str(radius) radiusStep = '0' saveRadiusRasters= 'false' writePctRasters = 'false' argv = ('', projDir, resRast, startRadius, endRadius, radiusStep, barrierCombineMethod, saveRadiusRasters, writePctRasters, cwdThresh) gprint('Running ' + str(argv)) barrier_master.bar_master(argv) #xxx arcpy.env.cellSize = resRast # Some env settings get changed by linkage mapper and must be reset here arcpy.env.extent = resRast arcpy.env.snapRaster = resRast arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = outputGDB arcpy.env.workspace = outputGDB gprint('Finding restoration circles with max barrier score / ROI') # Find points with max ROI PREFIX = os.path.basename(projDir) if barrierCombineMethod == 'Sum': sumSuffix = 'Sum' else: sumSuffix = '' barrierFN = (PREFIX + "_BarrierCenters" + sumSuffix + "_Rad" + str(radius)) barrierRaster = os.path.join(projDir,'output','barriers.gdb',barrierFN) if not arcpy.Exists(barrierRaster): msg = ('Error: cannot find barrier output: '+barrierRaster) lu.raise_error(msg) # arcpy.env.cellSize = agMaskRaster # arcpy.env.extent = agMaskRaster if iter > 1: gprint('Creating mask for previously restored areas') inNeighborhood = NbrCircle(radius, "MAP") arcpy.env.extent = allRestoredAreasRaster outFocalStats =,inNeighborhood, "MEAN","DATA") allRestoredFocalRaster = os.path.join(outputGDB,'allRestFocRas_iter'+str(iter)) # Anything > 0 would include a restored area and arcpy.env.extent = resRast restMaskRaster = os.path.join(outputGDB,'restMaskRaster_iter'+str(iter)) minval = 0 outCon = == float(minval)), 1) # Candidate areas have not been restored, have cost data, meet # minimum improvement score criteria, and have enough ag in them candidateBarrierRaster = os.path.join(outputGDB, 'candidateBarrierRaster' + '_iter'+str(iter)) if iter > 1: gprint('Creating candidate restoration raster using barrier results, previous restorations, and selection criteria') outCalc = (Raster(costMaskRaster) * Raster(agMaskRaster) * Raster(barrierRaster) * Raster(restMaskRaster) * (radius * 2)) # ROI scores will be in terms of total improvement (= score * diameter) else: outCalc = (Raster(costMaskRaster) * Raster(agMaskRaster) * Raster(barrierRaster) * radius * 2) minBarrierScore = minImprovementVal * radius * 2 if restoredResistanceVal != 1: outCalc2 = (outCalc - (2 * radius * (restoredResistanceVal - 1))) outCon = >= float(minBarrierScore)), outCalc2) else: outCon = >= float(minBarrierScore)), outCalc) lu.build_stats(candidateBarrierRaster) purchaseRoiRaster = os.path.join(outputGDB, 'purchaseRoiRaster' + '_iter'+str(iter)) outCalc = Raster(candidateBarrierRaster) / Raster(purchCostRaster) lu.build_stats(purchaseRoiRaster) totalRoiRaster = os.path.join(outputGDB, 'purchaseRestRoiRaster' + '_iter'+str(iter)) outCalc = Raster(candidateBarrierRaster) / Raster(totalCostRaster) lu.build_stats(totalRoiRaster) maxBarrier = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(candidateBarrierRaster,"MAXIMUM") gprint('Maximum barrier improvement score: '+str(maxBarrier.getOutput(0))) if maxBarrier < 0: arcpy.AddWarning("\nNo barriers found that meet CWD or Ag threshold criteria.") maxPurchROI = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(purchaseRoiRaster,"MAXIMUM") gprint('Maximum purchase ROI score: '+str(maxPurchROI.getOutput(0))) maxROI = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(totalRoiRaster,"MAXIMUM") gprint('Maximum total ROI score: '+str(maxROI.getOutput(0))) if restoreMaxROI: outPoint = os.path.join(outputGDB, 'maxRoiPoint'+'_iter'+str(iter)) gprint('Choosing circle with maximum ROI to restore') outCon = >= float(maxROI.getOutput(0))), totalRoiRaster) maxRoiRaster = os.path.join(outputGDB, 'maxRoiRaster') # Save max ROI to point try: arcpy.RasterToPoint_conversion(maxRoiRaster, outPoint) except: msg = ('Error: it looks like there are no viable restoration candidates.') lu.raise_error(msg) else: #Restoring strongest barrier instead outPoint = os.path.join(outputGDB, 'maxBarrierPoint'+'_iter'+str(iter)) gprint('Choosing circle with maximum BARRIER IMPROVEMENT SCORE to restore') outCon = >= float(maxBarrier.getOutput(0))), candidateBarrierRaster) maxBarrierRaster = os.path.join(outputGDB, 'maxBarrierRaster') # Save max barrier to point try: arcpy.RasterToPoint_conversion(maxBarrierRaster, outPoint) except: msg = ('Error: it looks like there are no viable restoration candidates.') lu.raise_error(msg) gprint('Done evaluating candidate restorations') result = int(arcpy.GetCount_management(outPoint).getOutput(0)) if result > 1: arcpy.AddWarning('Deleting points with identical ROI/improvement score values') # Would be better to retain point with max barrier score when we have multiple points with same ROI arcpy.DeleteIdentical_management(outPoint, "grid_code", 0.1, 0.1), [[candidateBarrierRaster, "barrierScore"],[purchCostRaster, "purchCost"], [totalCostRaster, "totalCost"],[purchaseRoiRaster, "purchaseROI"], [totalRoiRaster, "totalROI"]], "NONE") arcpy.AddField_management(outPoint, "restorationNumber", "SHORT") arcpy.CalculateField_management(outPoint, "restorationNumber", iter) arcpy.AddField_management(outPoint, "radius", "DOUBLE") arcpy.CalculateField_management(outPoint, "radius", radius) arcpy.AddField_management(outPoint, "barrierScore_per_m", "DOUBLE") arcpy.CalculateField_management(outPoint, "barrierScore_per_m", "(float(!barrierScore!) / (!radius! * 2))", "PYTHON") gprint('\nCreating restoration circles') if restoreMaxROI: circleFC = os.path.join(outputGDB, 'maxRoiCircle'+'_iter'+str(iter)) else: circleFC = os.path.join(outputGDB, 'maxBarrierCircle'+'_iter'+str(iter)) arcpy.Buffer_analysis(outPoint, circleFC, radius) gprint('Rasterizing restoration circles') if restoreMaxROI: circleRas = os.path.join(outputGDB, 'maxRoiCircleRas'+'_iter'+str(iter)) else: circleRas = os.path.join(outputGDB, 'maxBarrierCircleRas'+'_iter'+str(iter)) arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion(circleFC, 'totalROI', circleRas, arcpy.env.cellSize) # restore raster gprint('Digitally restoring resistance raster') resRastRestored = os.path.join(outputGDB, 'resRastRestored'+'_iter'+str(iter)) outCon =, resRast, restoredResistanceVal) allRestoredAreasRaster = os.path.join(outputGDB, 'allRestoredAreas_iter'+str(iter)) PrevRestoredAreasRaster= os.path.join(outputGDB, 'allRestoredAreas_iter'+str(iter-1)) if iter == 1: outCon =, 0, 1) else: outCon =, PrevRestoredAreasRaster, 1) # Add this restoration to areas restored lu.delete_data(circleRas) resRast = resRastRestored # Use for next iteration resistance raster #Add circle into feature class with all circles if restoreMaxROI: allCirclesFC = os.path.join(outputGDB,"allCirclesMaxROI") else: allCirclesFC = os.path.join(outputGDB,"allCirclesMaxBarriers") if iter == 1: arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(circleFC, allCirclesFC) else: arcpy.Append_management(circleFC, allCirclesFC, "TEST") gprint('Finished iteration #'+str(iter)) start_time1 = lu.elapsed_time(start_time1) gprint('\nDone with iterations.') start_time = lu.elapsed_time(start_time) gprint('Outputs saved in: '+outputGDB) gprint('Back up your project directories if you want to save corridor/barrier results.') # Return GEOPROCESSING specific errors except arcpy.ExecuteError: lu.dashline(1) gprint('****Iteration script failed. Details follow.****') lu.exit_with_geoproc_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) # Return any PYTHON or system specific errors except: lu.dashline(1) gprint('****Iteration script failed. Details follow.****') lu.exit_with_python_error(_SCRIPT_NAME)
def calc_lccs(normalize): try: if normalize: mosaicBaseName = "_corridors" writeTruncRaster = cfg.WRITETRUNCRASTER outputGDB = cfg.OUTPUTGDB if cfg.CALCNONNORMLCCS: SAVENORMLCCS = False else: SAVENORMLCCS = cfg.SAVENORMLCCS else: mosaicBaseName = "_NON_NORMALIZED_corridors" SAVENORMLCCS = False outputGDB = cfg.EXTRAGDB writeTruncRaster = False lu.dashline(1) gprint('Running script ' + _SCRIPT_NAME) linkTableFile = lu.get_prev_step_link_table(step=5) if cfg.useArcpy: arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.SCRATCHDIR arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = cfg.ARCSCRATCHDIR arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True arcpy.env.compression = "NONE" else: gp.workspace = cfg.SCRATCHDIR gp.scratchWorkspace = cfg.ARCSCRATCHDIR gp.OverwriteOutput = True if cfg.MAXEUCDIST is not None: gprint('Max Euclidean distance between cores') gprint('for linkage mapping set to ' + str(cfg.MAXEUCDIST)) if cfg.MAXCOSTDIST is not None: gprint('Max cost-weighted distance between cores') gprint('for linkage mapping set to ' + str(cfg.MAXCOSTDIST)) # set the analysis extent and cell size to that of the resistance # surface if cfg.useArcpy: arcpy.env.Extent = cfg.RESRAST arcpy.env.cellSize = cfg.RESRAST arcpy.env.snapRaster = cfg.RESRAST arcpy.env.mask = cfg.RESRAST else: gp.Extent = (gp.Describe(cfg.RESRAST)).Extent gp.cellSize = gp.Describe(cfg.RESRAST).MeanCellHeight gp.mask = cfg.RESRAST gp.snapraster = cfg.RESRAST linkTable = lu.load_link_table(linkTableFile) numLinks = linkTable.shape[0] numCorridorLinks = lu.report_links(linkTable) if numCorridorLinks == 0: lu.dashline(1) msg = ('\nThere are no corridors to map. Bailing.') lu.raise_error(msg) if not cfg.STEP3 and not cfg.STEP4: # re-check for links that are too long or in case script run out of # sequence with more stringent settings gprint('Double-checking for corridors that are too long to map.') DISABLE_LEAST_COST_NO_VAL = True linkTable, numDroppedLinks = lu.drop_links( linkTable, cfg.MAXEUCDIST, cfg.MINEUCDIST, cfg.MAXCOSTDIST, cfg.MINCOSTDIST, DISABLE_LEAST_COST_NO_VAL) # Added to try to speed up: gp.pyramid = "NONE" gp.rasterstatistics = "NONE" # set up directories for normalized lcc and mosaic grids dirCount = 0 gprint("Creating output folder: " + cfg.LCCBASEDIR) lu.delete_dir(cfg.LCCBASEDIR) gp.CreateFolder_management(path.dirname(cfg.LCCBASEDIR), path.basename(cfg.LCCBASEDIR)) gp.CreateFolder_management(cfg.LCCBASEDIR, cfg.LCCNLCDIR_NM) clccdir = path.join(cfg.LCCBASEDIR, cfg.LCCNLCDIR_NM) # mosaicGDB = path.join(cfg.LCCBASEDIR, "mosaic.gdb") # gp.createfilegdb(cfg.LCCBASEDIR, "mosaic.gdb") #mosaicRaster = mosaicGDB + '\\' + "nlcc_mos" # Full path gprint("") if normalize: gprint('Normalized least-cost corridors will be written ' 'to ' + clccdir + '\n') PREFIX = cfg.PREFIX # Add CWD layers for core area pairs to produce NORMALIZED LCC layers numGridsWritten = 0 coreList = linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_CORE1:cfg.LTB_CORE2 + 1] coreList = npy.sort(coreList) x = 0 linkCount = 0 endIndex = numLinks while x < endIndex: if (linkTable[x, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] < 1): # If not a valid link x = x + 1 continue linkCount = linkCount + 1 start_time = time.clock() linkId = str(int(linkTable[x, cfg.LTB_LINKID])) # source and target cores corex = int(coreList[x, 0]) corey = int(coreList[x, 1]) # Get cwd rasters for source and target cores cwdRaster1 = lu.get_cwd_path(corex) cwdRaster2 = lu.get_cwd_path(corey) if not gp.Exists(cwdRaster1): msg = ('\nError: cannot find cwd raster:\n' + cwdRaster1) if not gp.Exists(cwdRaster2): msg = ('\nError: cannot find cwd raster:\n' + cwdRaster2) lu.raise_error(msg) lccNormRaster = path.join(clccdir, str(corex) + "_" + str(corey)) # + ".tif") if cfg.useArcpy: arcpy.env.Extent = "MINOF" else: gp.Extent = "MINOF" # FIXME: need to check for this?: # if exists already, don't re-create #if not gp.Exists(lccRaster): link = lu.get_links_from_core_pairs(linkTable, corex, corey) offset = 10000 # Normalized lcc rasters are created by adding cwd rasters and # subtracting the least cost distance between them. count = 0 if arcpyAvailable: cfg.useArcpy = True # Fixes Canran Liu's bug with lcDist if cfg.useArcpy: lcDist = (float(linkTable[link, cfg.LTB_CWDIST]) - offset) if normalize: statement = ( 'outras = Raster(cwdRaster1) + Raster(' 'cwdRaster2) - lcDist;') else: statement = ('outras =Raster(cwdRaster1) + Raster(' 'cwdRaster2);') else: if normalize: lcDist = str(linkTable[link, cfg.LTB_CWDIST] - offset) expression = (cwdRaster1 + " + " + cwdRaster2 + " - " + lcDist) else: expression = (cwdRaster1 + " + " + cwdRaster2) statement = ('gp.SingleOutputMapAlgebra_sa(expression, ' 'lccNormRaster)') count = 0 while True: try: exec statement randomerror() except: count, tryAgain = lu.retry_arc_error(count, statement) if not tryAgain: exec statement else: break cfg.useArcpy = False # End fix for Conran Liu's bug with lcDist if normalize and cfg.useArcpy: try: minObject = gp.GetRasterProperties(lccNormRaster, "MINIMUM") rasterMin = float(str(minObject.getoutput(0))) except: gp.AddWarning( '\n------------------------------------------------') gp.AddWarning( 'WARNING: Raster minimum check failed in step 5. \n' 'This may mean the output rasters are corrupted. Please \n' 'be sure to check for valid rasters in ' + outputGDB) rasterMin = 0 tolerance = (float(gp.cellSize) * -10) + offset if rasterMin < tolerance: lu.dashline(1) msg = ( 'WARNING: Minimum value of a corridor #' + str(x + 1) + ' is much less than zero (' + str(rasterMin) + ').' '\nThis could mean that BOUNDING CIRCLE BUFFER DISTANCES ' 'were too small and a corridor passed outside of a ' 'bounding circle, or that a corridor passed outside of the ' 'resistance map. \n') gp.AddWarning(msg) if cfg.useArcpy: arcpy.env.Extent = cfg.RESRAST else: gp.Extent = (gp.Describe(cfg.RESRAST)).Extent mosaicDir = path.join(cfg.LCCBASEDIR, 'mos' + str(x + 1)) lu.create_dir(mosaicDir) mosFN = 'mos' #.tif' change and move mosaicRaster = path.join(mosaicDir, mosFN) if numGridsWritten == 0 and dirCount == 0: #If this is the first grid then copy rather than mosaic arcObj.CopyRaster_management(lccNormRaster, mosaicRaster) else: rasterString = '"' + lccNormRaster + ";" + lastMosaicRaster + '"' statement = ('arcObj.MosaicToNewRaster_management(' 'rasterString,mosaicDir,mosFN, "", ' '"32_BIT_FLOAT", gp.cellSize, "1", "MINIMUM", ' '"MATCH")') # statement = ('arcpy.Mosaic_management(lccNormRaster, ' # 'mosaicRaster, "MINIMUM", "MATCH")') count = 0 while True: try: lu.write_log('Executing mosaic for link #' + str(linkId)) exec statement lu.write_log('Done with mosaic.') randomerror() except: count, tryAgain = lu.retry_arc_error(count, statement) lu.delete_data(mosaicRaster) lu.delete_dir(mosaicDir) # Try a new directory mosaicDir = path.join( cfg.LCCBASEDIR, 'mos' + str(x + 1) + '_' + str(count)) lu.create_dir(mosaicDir) mosaicRaster = path.join(mosaicDir, mosFN) if not tryAgain: exec statement else: break endTime = time.clock() processTime = round((endTime - start_time), 2) if normalize == True: printText = "Normalized and mosaicked " else: printText = "Mosaicked NON-normalized " gprint(printText + "corridor for link ID #" + str(linkId) + " connecting core areas " + str(corex) + " and " + str(corey) + " in " + str(processTime) + " seconds. " + str(int(linkCount)) + " out of " + str(int(numCorridorLinks)) + " links have been " "processed.") # temporarily disable links in linktable - don't want to mosaic # them twice for y in range(x + 1, numLinks): corex1 = int(coreList[y, 0]) corey1 = int(coreList[y, 1]) if corex1 == corex and corey1 == corey: linkTable[y, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] = ( linkTable[y, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] + 1000) elif corex1 == corey and corey1 == corex: linkTable[y, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] = ( linkTable[y, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] + 1000) numGridsWritten = numGridsWritten + 1 if not SAVENORMLCCS: lu.delete_data(lccNormRaster) lu.delete_dir(clccdir) lu.create_dir(clccdir) else: if numGridsWritten == 100: # We only write up to 100 grids to any one folder # because otherwise Arc slows to a crawl dirCount = dirCount + 1 numGridsWritten = 0 clccdir = path.join(cfg.LCCBASEDIR, cfg.LCCNLCDIR_NM + str(dirCount)) gprint("Creating output folder: " + clccdir) gp.CreateFolder_management(cfg.LCCBASEDIR, path.basename(clccdir)) if numGridsWritten > 1 or dirCount > 0: lu.delete_data(lastMosaicRaster) lu.delete_dir(path.dirname(lastMosaicRaster)) lastMosaicRaster = mosaicRaster x = x + 1 #rows that were temporarily disabled rows = npy.where(linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] > 1000) linkTable[rows, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] = (linkTable[rows, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] - 1000) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create output geodatabase if not gp.exists(outputGDB): gp.createfilegdb(cfg.OUTPUTDIR, path.basename(outputGDB)) if cfg.useArcpy: arcpy.env.workspace = outputGDB else: gp.workspace = outputGDB gp.pyramid = "NONE" gp.rasterstatistics = "NONE" # Copy mosaic raster to output geodatabase saveFloatRaster = False if saveFloatRaster == True: floatRaster = outputGDB + '\\' + PREFIX + mosaicBaseName + '_flt' # Full path statement = 'arcObj.CopyRaster_management(mosaicRaster, floatRaster)' try: exec statement except: pass # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # convert mosaic raster to integer intRaster = path.join(outputGDB, PREFIX + mosaicBaseName) if cfg.useArcpy: statement = ('outras = Int(Raster(mosaicRaster) - offset + 0.5); ' '') else: expression = "int(" + mosaicRaster + " - " + str( offset) + " + 0.5)" statement = 'gp.SingleOutputMapAlgebra_sa(expression, intRaster)' count = 0 while True: try: exec statement randomerror() except: count, tryAgain = lu.retry_arc_error(count, statement) if not tryAgain: exec statement else: break # --------------------------------------------------------------------- if writeTruncRaster: # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Set anything beyond cfg.CWDTHRESH to NODATA. if arcpyAvailable: cfg.useArcpy = True # For Alissa Pump's error with 10.1 cutoffText = str(cfg.CWDTHRESH) if cutoffText[-6:] == '000000': cutoffText = cutoffText[0:-6] + 'm' elif cutoffText[-3:] == '000': cutoffText = cutoffText[0:-3] + 'k' truncRaster = (outputGDB + '\\' + PREFIX + mosaicBaseName + '_truncated_at_' + cutoffText) count = 0 if cfg.useArcpy: statement = ('outRas = Raster(intRaster) * ' '(Con(Raster(intRaster) <= cfg.CWDTHRESH,1)); ' '') else: expression = ("(" + intRaster + " * (con(" + intRaster + "<= " + str(cfg.CWDTHRESH) + ",1)))") statement = ('gp.SingleOutputMapAlgebra_sa(expression, ' 'truncRaster)') count = 0 while True: try: exec statement randomerror() except: count, tryAgain = lu.retry_arc_error(count, statement) if not tryAgain: exec statement else: break cfg.useArcpy = False # End fix for Alissa Pump's error with 10.1 # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check for unreasonably low minimum NLCC values try: mosaicGrid = path.join(cfg.LCCBASEDIR, 'mos') # Copy to grid to test arcObj.CopyRaster_management(mosaicRaster, mosaicGrid) minObject = gp.GetRasterProperties(mosaicGrid, "MINIMUM") rasterMin = float(str(minObject.getoutput(0))) except: gp.AddWarning('\n------------------------------------------------') gp.AddWarning( 'WARNING: Raster minimum check failed in step 5. \n' 'This may mean the output rasters are corrupted. Please \n' 'be sure to check for valid rasters in ' + outputGDB) rasterMin = 0 tolerance = (float(gp.cellSize) * -10) if rasterMin < tolerance: lu.dashline(1) msg = ('WARNING: Minimum value of mosaicked corridor map is ' 'much less than zero (' + str(rasterMin) + ').' '\nThis could mean that BOUNDING CIRCLE BUFFER DISTANCES ' 'were too small and a corridor passed outside of a ' 'bounding circle, or that a corridor passed outside of the ' 'resistance map. \n') gp.AddWarning(msg) gprint('\nWriting final LCP maps...') if cfg.STEP4: finalLinkTable = lu.update_lcp_shapefile(linkTable, lastStep=4, thisStep=5) elif cfg.STEP3: finalLinkTable = lu.update_lcp_shapefile(linkTable, lastStep=3, thisStep=5) else: # Don't know if step 4 was run, since this is started at step 5. # Use presence of previous linktable files to figure this out. # Linktable name includes step number. prevLinkTableFile = lu.get_prev_step_link_table(step=5) prevStepInd = len(prevLinkTableFile) - 5 lastStep = prevLinkTableFile[prevStepInd] finalLinkTable = lu.update_lcp_shapefile(linkTable, lastStep, thisStep=5) outlinkTableFile = lu.get_this_step_link_table(step=5) gprint('Updating ' + outlinkTableFile) lu.write_link_table(linkTable, outlinkTableFile) linkTableLogFile = path.join(cfg.LOGDIR, "linkTable_s5.csv") lu.write_link_table(linkTable, linkTableLogFile) linkTableFinalFile = path.join(cfg.OUTPUTDIR, PREFIX + "_linkTable_s5.csv") lu.write_link_table(finalLinkTable, linkTableFinalFile) gprint('Copy of final linkTable written to ' + linkTableFinalFile) gprint('Creating shapefiles with linework for links.') try: lu.write_link_maps(outlinkTableFile, step=5) except: lu.write_link_maps(outlinkTableFile, step=5) # Create final linkmap files in output directory, and remove files from # scratch. lu.copy_final_link_maps(step=5) if not SAVENORMLCCS: lu.delete_dir(cfg.LCCBASEDIR) # Build statistics for corridor rasters gp.addmessage('\nBuilding output statistics and pyramids ' 'for corridor raster') lu.build_stats(intRaster) if writeTruncRaster: gp.addmessage('Building output statistics ' 'for truncated corridor raster') lu.build_stats(truncRaster) # Return GEOPROCESSING specific errors except arcgisscripting.ExecuteError: lu.dashline(1) gprint('****Failed in step 5. Details follow.****') lu.exit_with_geoproc_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) # Return any PYTHON or system specific errors except: lu.dashline(1) gprint('****Failed in step 5. Details follow.****') lu.exit_with_python_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) return
def bar_master(argv=None): """Detect barriers using CWD outputs from Linkage Mapper tool.""" if argv is None: argv = sys.argv cfg.configure(cfg.TOOL_BM, argv) gprint = lu.gprint try: lu.create_dir(cfg.LOGDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.MESSAGEDIR) cfg.logFilePath = lu.create_log_file(cfg.PARAM_NAMES, argv) lu.log_metadata(rasters=[cfg.RESRAST_IN]) lu.print_drive_warning() # Move adj and cwd results from earlier versions to datapass directory lu.move_old_results() lu.create_dir(cfg.OUTPUTDIR) lu.delete_dir(cfg.SCRATCHDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.SCRATCHDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.ARCSCRATCHDIR) lu.dashline(1) gprint('\nMaking local copy of resistance raster.') lu.delete_data(cfg.RESRAST) arcpy.env.extent = arcpy.Describe(cfg.RESRAST_IN).Extent desc = arcpy.Describe(cfg.RESRAST_IN) if hasattr(desc, "catalogPath"): cfg.RESRAST_IN = arcpy.Describe(cfg.RESRAST_IN).catalogPath try: arcpy.CopyRaster_management(cfg.RESRAST_IN, cfg.RESRAST) except arcpy.ExecuteError: msg = ('ERROR: Could not make a copy of your resistance raster. ' 'Try re-starting ArcMap to release the file lock.') lu.raise_error(msg) arcpy.env.snapRaster = cfg.RESRAST if cfg.BARRIER_METH_MAX: cfg.SUM_BARRIERS = False lu.dashline(1) gprint('Calculating MAXIMUM barrier effects across core area ' 'pairs') s6.step6_calc_barriers() if cfg.BARRIER_METH_SUM: cfg.SUM_BARRIERS = True gprint('') lu.dashline() gprint('Calculating SUM of barrier effects across core area pairs') s6.step6_calc_barriers() # Clean up lu.delete_dir(cfg.SCRATCHDIR) if not cfg.SAVEBARRIERDIR: lu.delete_dir(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR) gprint('\nDone with barrier mapping.\n') # Return GEOPROCESSING specific errors except arcpy.ExecuteError: lu.exit_with_geoproc_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) # Return any PYTHON or system specific errors except Exception: lu.exit_with_python_error(_SCRIPT_NAME)
def calc_lccs(normalize): try: if normalize: mosaicBaseName = "_corridors" writeTruncRaster = cfg.WRITETRUNCRASTER outputGDB = cfg.OUTPUTGDB if cfg.CALCNONNORMLCCS: SAVENORMLCCS = False else: SAVENORMLCCS = cfg.SAVENORMLCCS else: mosaicBaseName = "_NON_NORMALIZED_corridors" SAVENORMLCCS = False outputGDB = cfg.EXTRAGDB writeTruncRaster = False lu.dashline(1) gprint('Running script ' + _SCRIPT_NAME) linkTableFile = lu.get_prev_step_link_table(step=5) if cfg.useArcpy: arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.SCRATCHDIR arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = cfg.ARCSCRATCHDIR arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True arcpy.env.compression = "NONE" else: gp.workspace = cfg.SCRATCHDIR gp.scratchWorkspace = cfg.ARCSCRATCHDIR gp.OverwriteOutput = True if cfg.MAXEUCDIST is not None: gprint('Max Euclidean distance between cores') gprint('for linkage mapping set to ' + str(cfg.MAXEUCDIST)) if cfg.MAXCOSTDIST is not None: gprint('Max cost-weighted distance between cores') gprint('for linkage mapping set to ' + str(cfg.MAXCOSTDIST)) # set the analysis extent and cell size to that of the resistance # surface if cfg.useArcpy: arcpy.env.Extent = cfg.RESRAST arcpy.env.cellSize = cfg.RESRAST arcpy.env.snapRaster = cfg.RESRAST arcpy.env.mask = cfg.RESRAST else: gp.Extent = (gp.Describe(cfg.RESRAST)).Extent gp.cellSize = gp.Describe(cfg.RESRAST).MeanCellHeight gp.mask = cfg.RESRAST gp.snapraster = cfg.RESRAST linkTable = lu.load_link_table(linkTableFile) numLinks = linkTable.shape[0] numCorridorLinks = lu.report_links(linkTable) if numCorridorLinks == 0: lu.dashline(1) msg =('\nThere are no corridors to map. Bailing.') lu.raise_error(msg) if not cfg.STEP3 and not cfg.STEP4: # re-check for links that are too long or in case script run out of # sequence with more stringent settings gprint('Double-checking for corridors that are too long to map.') DISABLE_LEAST_COST_NO_VAL = True linkTable,numDroppedLinks = lu.drop_links( linkTable, cfg.MAXEUCDIST, cfg.MINEUCDIST, cfg.MAXCOSTDIST, cfg.MINCOSTDIST, DISABLE_LEAST_COST_NO_VAL) # Added to try to speed up: gp.pyramid = "NONE" gp.rasterstatistics = "NONE" # set up directories for normalized lcc and mosaic grids dirCount = 0 gprint("Creating output folder: " + cfg.LCCBASEDIR) lu.delete_dir(cfg.LCCBASEDIR) gp.CreateFolder_management(path.dirname(cfg.LCCBASEDIR), path.basename(cfg.LCCBASEDIR)) gp.CreateFolder_management(cfg.LCCBASEDIR, cfg.LCCNLCDIR_NM) clccdir = path.join(cfg.LCCBASEDIR, cfg.LCCNLCDIR_NM) # mosaicGDB = path.join(cfg.LCCBASEDIR, "mosaic.gdb") # gp.createfilegdb(cfg.LCCBASEDIR, "mosaic.gdb") #mosaicRaster = mosaicGDB + '\\' + "nlcc_mos" # Full path gprint("") if normalize: gprint('Normalized least-cost corridors will be written ' 'to ' + clccdir + '\n') PREFIX = cfg.PREFIX # Add CWD layers for core area pairs to produce NORMALIZED LCC layers numGridsWritten = 0 coreList = linkTable[:,cfg.LTB_CORE1:cfg.LTB_CORE2+1] coreList = npy.sort(coreList) x = 0 linkCount = 0 endIndex = numLinks while x < endIndex: if (linkTable[x, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] < 1): # If not a valid link x = x + 1 continue linkCount = linkCount + 1 start_time = time.clock() linkId = str(int(linkTable[x, cfg.LTB_LINKID])) # source and target cores corex=int(coreList[x,0]) corey=int(coreList[x,1]) # Get cwd rasters for source and target cores cwdRaster1 = lu.get_cwd_path(corex) cwdRaster2 = lu.get_cwd_path(corey) if not gp.Exists(cwdRaster1): msg =('\nError: cannot find cwd raster:\n' + cwdRaster1) if not gp.Exists(cwdRaster2): msg =('\nError: cannot find cwd raster:\n' + cwdRaster2) lu.raise_error(msg) lccNormRaster = path.join(clccdir, str(corex) + "_" + str(corey))# + ".tif") if cfg.useArcpy: arcpy.env.Extent = "MINOF" else: gp.Extent = "MINOF" # FIXME: need to check for this?: # if exists already, don't re-create #if not gp.Exists(lccRaster): link = lu.get_links_from_core_pairs(linkTable, corex, corey) offset = 10000 # Normalized lcc rasters are created by adding cwd rasters and # subtracting the least cost distance between them. count = 0 if arcpyAvailable: cfg.useArcpy = True # Fixes Canran Liu's bug with lcDist if cfg.useArcpy: lcDist = (float(linkTable[link,cfg.LTB_CWDIST]) - offset) if normalize: statement = ('outras = Raster(cwdRaster1) + Raster(' 'cwdRaster2) - lcDist;') else: statement = ('outras =Raster(cwdRaster1) + Raster(' 'cwdRaster2);') else: if normalize: lcDist = str(linkTable[link,cfg.LTB_CWDIST] - offset) expression = (cwdRaster1 + " + " + cwdRaster2 + " - " + lcDist) else: expression = (cwdRaster1 + " + " + cwdRaster2) statement = ('gp.SingleOutputMapAlgebra_sa(expression, ' 'lccNormRaster)') count = 0 while True: try: exec statement randomerror() except: count,tryAgain = lu.retry_arc_error(count,statement) if not tryAgain: exec statement else: break cfg.useArcpy = False # End fix for Conran Liu's bug with lcDist if normalize and cfg.useArcpy: try: minObject = gp.GetRasterProperties(lccNormRaster, "MINIMUM") rasterMin = float(str(minObject.getoutput(0))) except: gp.AddWarning('\n------------------------------------------------') gp.AddWarning('WARNING: Raster minimum check failed in step 5. \n' 'This may mean the output rasters are corrupted. Please \n' 'be sure to check for valid rasters in '+ outputGDB) rasterMin = 0 tolerance = (float(gp.cellSize) * -10) + offset if rasterMin < tolerance: lu.dashline(1) msg = ('WARNING: Minimum value of a corridor #' + str(x+1) + ' is much less than zero ('+str(rasterMin)+').' '\nThis could mean that BOUNDING CIRCLE BUFFER DISTANCES ' 'were too small and a corridor passed outside of a ' 'bounding circle, or that a corridor passed outside of the ' 'resistance map. \n') gp.AddWarning(msg) if cfg.useArcpy: arcpy.env.Extent = cfg.RESRAST else: gp.Extent = (gp.Describe(cfg.RESRAST)).Extent mosaicDir = path.join(cfg.LCCBASEDIR,'mos'+str(x+1)) lu.create_dir(mosaicDir) mosFN = 'mos'#.tif' change and move mosaicRaster = path.join(mosaicDir,mosFN) if numGridsWritten == 0 and dirCount == 0: #If this is the first grid then copy rather than mosaic arcObj.CopyRaster_management(lccNormRaster, mosaicRaster) else: rasterString = '"'+lccNormRaster+";"+lastMosaicRaster+'"' statement = ('arcObj.MosaicToNewRaster_management(' 'rasterString,mosaicDir,mosFN, "", ' '"32_BIT_FLOAT", gp.cellSize, "1", "MINIMUM", ' '"MATCH")') # statement = ('arcpy.Mosaic_management(lccNormRaster, ' # 'mosaicRaster, "MINIMUM", "MATCH")') count = 0 while True: try: lu.write_log('Executing mosaic for link #'+str(linkId)) exec statement lu.write_log('Done with mosaic.') randomerror() except: count,tryAgain = lu.retry_arc_error(count,statement) lu.delete_data(mosaicRaster) lu.delete_dir(mosaicDir) # Try a new directory mosaicDir = path.join(cfg.LCCBASEDIR,'mos'+str(x+1)+ '_' + str(count)) lu.create_dir(mosaicDir) mosaicRaster = path.join(mosaicDir,mosFN) if not tryAgain: exec statement else: break endTime = time.clock() processTime = round((endTime - start_time), 2) if normalize == True: printText = "Normalized and mosaicked " else: printText = "Mosaicked NON-normalized " gprint(printText + "corridor for link ID #" + str(linkId) + " connecting core areas " + str(corex) + " and " + str(corey)+ " in " + str(processTime) + " seconds. " + str(int(linkCount)) + " out of " + str(int(numCorridorLinks)) + " links have been " "processed.") # temporarily disable links in linktable - don't want to mosaic # them twice for y in range (x+1,numLinks): corex1 = int(coreList[y,0]) corey1 = int(coreList[y,1]) if corex1 == corex and corey1 == corey: linkTable[y,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] = ( linkTable[y,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] + 1000) elif corex1==corey and corey1==corex: linkTable[y,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] = ( linkTable[y,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] + 1000) numGridsWritten = numGridsWritten + 1 if not SAVENORMLCCS: lu.delete_data(lccNormRaster) lu.delete_dir(clccdir) lu.create_dir(clccdir) else: if numGridsWritten == 100: # We only write up to 100 grids to any one folder # because otherwise Arc slows to a crawl dirCount = dirCount + 1 numGridsWritten = 0 clccdir = path.join(cfg.LCCBASEDIR, cfg.LCCNLCDIR_NM + str(dirCount)) gprint("Creating output folder: " + clccdir) gp.CreateFolder_management(cfg.LCCBASEDIR, path.basename(clccdir)) if numGridsWritten > 1 or dirCount > 0: lu.delete_data(lastMosaicRaster) lu.delete_dir(path.dirname(lastMosaicRaster)) lastMosaicRaster = mosaicRaster x = x + 1 #rows that were temporarily disabled rows = npy.where(linkTable[:,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE]>1000) linkTable[rows,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] = ( linkTable[rows,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] - 1000) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create output geodatabase if not gp.exists(outputGDB): gp.createfilegdb(cfg.OUTPUTDIR, path.basename(outputGDB)) if cfg.useArcpy: arcpy.env.workspace = outputGDB else: gp.workspace = outputGDB gp.pyramid = "NONE" gp.rasterstatistics = "NONE" # Copy mosaic raster to output geodatabase saveFloatRaster = False if saveFloatRaster == True: floatRaster = outputGDB + '\\' + PREFIX + mosaicBaseName + '_flt' # Full path statement = 'arcObj.CopyRaster_management(mosaicRaster, floatRaster)' try: exec statement except: pass # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # convert mosaic raster to integer intRaster = path.join(outputGDB,PREFIX + mosaicBaseName) if cfg.useArcpy: statement = ('outras = Int(Raster(mosaicRaster) - offset + 0.5); ' '') else: expression = "int(" + mosaicRaster + " - " + str(offset) + " + 0.5)" statement = 'gp.SingleOutputMapAlgebra_sa(expression, intRaster)' count = 0 while True: try: exec statement randomerror() except: count,tryAgain = lu.retry_arc_error(count,statement) if not tryAgain: exec statement else: break # --------------------------------------------------------------------- if writeTruncRaster: # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Set anything beyond cfg.CWDTHRESH to NODATA. if arcpyAvailable: cfg.useArcpy = True # For Alissa Pump's error with 10.1 cutoffText = str(cfg.CWDTHRESH) if cutoffText[-6:] == '000000': cutoffText = cutoffText[0:-6]+'m' elif cutoffText[-3:] == '000': cutoffText = cutoffText[0:-3]+'k' truncRaster = (outputGDB + '\\' + PREFIX + mosaicBaseName + '_truncated_at_' + cutoffText) count = 0 if cfg.useArcpy: statement = ('outRas = Raster(intRaster) * ' '(Con(Raster(intRaster) <= cfg.CWDTHRESH,1)); ' '') else: expression = ("(" + intRaster + " * (con(" + intRaster + "<= " + str(cfg.CWDTHRESH) + ",1)))") statement = ('gp.SingleOutputMapAlgebra_sa(expression, ' 'truncRaster)') count = 0 while True: try: exec statement randomerror() except: count,tryAgain = lu.retry_arc_error(count,statement) if not tryAgain: exec statement else: break cfg.useArcpy = False # End fix for Alissa Pump's error with 10.1 # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check for unreasonably low minimum NLCC values try: mosaicGrid = path.join(cfg.LCCBASEDIR,'mos') # Copy to grid to test arcObj.CopyRaster_management(mosaicRaster, mosaicGrid) minObject = gp.GetRasterProperties(mosaicGrid, "MINIMUM") rasterMin = float(str(minObject.getoutput(0))) except: gp.AddWarning('\n------------------------------------------------') gp.AddWarning('WARNING: Raster minimum check failed in step 5. \n' 'This may mean the output rasters are corrupted. Please \n' 'be sure to check for valid rasters in '+ outputGDB) rasterMin = 0 tolerance = (float(gp.cellSize) * -10) if rasterMin < tolerance: lu.dashline(1) msg = ('WARNING: Minimum value of mosaicked corridor map is ' 'much less than zero ('+str(rasterMin)+').' '\nThis could mean that BOUNDING CIRCLE BUFFER DISTANCES ' 'were too small and a corridor passed outside of a ' 'bounding circle, or that a corridor passed outside of the ' 'resistance map. \n') gp.AddWarning(msg) gprint('\nWriting final LCP maps...') if cfg.STEP4: finalLinkTable = lu.update_lcp_shapefile(linkTable, lastStep=4, thisStep=5) elif cfg.STEP3: finalLinkTable = lu.update_lcp_shapefile(linkTable, lastStep=3, thisStep=5) else: # Don't know if step 4 was run, since this is started at step 5. # Use presence of previous linktable files to figure this out. # Linktable name includes step number. prevLinkTableFile = lu.get_prev_step_link_table(step=5) prevStepInd = len(prevLinkTableFile) - 5 lastStep = prevLinkTableFile[prevStepInd] finalLinkTable = lu.update_lcp_shapefile(linkTable, lastStep, thisStep=5) outlinkTableFile = lu.get_this_step_link_table(step=5) gprint('Updating ' + outlinkTableFile) lu.write_link_table(linkTable, outlinkTableFile) linkTableLogFile = path.join(cfg.LOGDIR, "linkTable_s5.csv") lu.write_link_table(linkTable, linkTableLogFile) linkTableFinalFile = path.join(cfg.OUTPUTDIR, PREFIX + "_linkTable_s5.csv") lu.write_link_table(finalLinkTable, linkTableFinalFile) gprint('Copy of final linkTable written to '+ linkTableFinalFile) gprint('Creating shapefiles with linework for links.') try: lu.write_link_maps(outlinkTableFile, step=5) except: lu.write_link_maps(outlinkTableFile, step=5) # Create final linkmap files in output directory, and remove files from # scratch. lu.copy_final_link_maps(step=5) if not SAVENORMLCCS: lu.delete_dir(cfg.LCCBASEDIR) # Build statistics for corridor rasters gp.addmessage('\nBuilding output statistics and pyramids ' 'for corridor raster') lu.build_stats(intRaster) if writeTruncRaster: gp.addmessage('Building output statistics ' 'for truncated corridor raster') lu.build_stats(truncRaster) # Return GEOPROCESSING specific errors except arcgisscripting.ExecuteError: lu.dashline(1) gprint('****Failed in step 5. Details follow.****') lu.exit_with_geoproc_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) # Return any PYTHON or system specific errors except: lu.dashline(1) gprint('****Failed in step 5. Details follow.****') lu.exit_with_python_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) return
def circuitscape_master(argv=None): """ """ gprint = lu.gprint gwarn = arcpy.AddWarning if argv is None: argv = sys.argv cfg.configure(cfg.TOOL_CS, argv) gp = try: lu.create_dir(cfg.LOGDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.MESSAGEDIR) cfg.logFilePath=lu.create_log_file(cfg.MESSAGEDIR, cfg.TOOL, cfg.PARAMS) CSPATH = lu.get_cs_path() if CSPATH == None: msg = ('Cannot find an installation of Circuitscape 3.5.5' '\nor greater in your Program Files directory.') arcpy.AddError(msg) lu.write_log(msg) exit(1) try: csDir, fn = path.split(CSPATH) if 'flush' not in open(path.join(csDir,'')).read(): gwarn('\n---------------------------------------------') gwarn('Your version of Circuitscape is out of date. ') gwarn('---------------------------------------------\n') gwarn('Please get the latest from') gwarn('The new version interacts more smoothly with ArcMap.') gprint('Proceeding...\n') except: pass lu.print_drive_warning() # Check core ID field. lu.check_cores(cfg.COREFC, cfg.COREFN) gp.OutputCoordinateSystem = gp.describe(cfg.COREFC).SpatialReference # Set data frame spatial reference to coordinate system of input data lu.set_dataframe_sr() gp.pyramid = "NONE" gp.rasterstatistics = "NONE" # Move adj and cwd results from earlier versions to datapass directory lu.move_old_results() if cfg.CWDCUTOFF > 0: lu.delete_dir(cfg.SCRATCHDIR) # restart code- in progress if cfg.CWDCUTOFF < 0: cfg.CWDCUTOFF = cfg.CWDCUTOFF * -1 if not cfg.DOPINCH and not cfg.DOCENTRALITY: msg = ('ERROR: Please choose at least one option: pinch point or\n' 'network centrality analysis.') lu.raise_error(msg) lu.create_dir(cfg.SCRATCHDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.ARCSCRATCHDIR) if cfg.DO_ALLPAIRS: # Fixme: move raster path to config S5CORRIDORRAS = path.join(cfg.OUTPUTGDB,cfg.PREFIX + "_corridors") if not gp.Exists(S5CORRIDORRAS): S5CORRIDORRAS = path.join(cfg.OUTPUTGDB, cfg.PREFIX + "_lcc_mosaic_int") if not gp.Exists(S5CORRIDORRAS): msg = ('ERROR: Corridor raster created in step 5 is required' '\nfor all-pair analyses, but was not found.') lu.raise_error(msg) if cfg.DOPINCH: if cfg.CWDCUTOFF == '#' or cfg.CWDCUTOFF == 0: msg = ('ERROR: CWD cutoff distance is required for pinch point' ' analyses.') lu.raise_error(msg) # Make a local grid copy of resistance raster- # will run faster than gdb. lu.delete_data(cfg.RESRAST) if not gp.Exists(cfg.RESRAST_IN): msg = ('ERROR: Resistance raster is required for pinch point' ' analyses, but was not found.') lu.raise_error(msg) desc = arcpy.Describe(cfg.RESRAST_IN) if hasattr(desc, "catalogPath"): cfg.RESRAST_IN = arcpy.Describe(cfg.RESRAST_IN).catalogPath arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST_IN arcpy.env.snapRaster = cfg.RESRAST_IN gprint('\nMaking local copy of resistance raster.') gp.CopyRaster_management(cfg.RESRAST_IN, cfg.RESRAST) if cfg.DOCENTRALITY: gprint("Creating output folder: " + cfg.CENTRALITYBASEDIR) if path.exists(cfg.CENTRALITYBASEDIR): shutil.rmtree(cfg.CENTRALITYBASEDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.CENTRALITYBASEDIR) gp.CreateFolder_management(cfg.CENTRALITYBASEDIR, cfg.CIRCUITOUTPUTDIR_NM) gp.CreateFolder_management(cfg.CENTRALITYBASEDIR, cfg.CIRCUITCONFIGDIR_NM) lu.clean_out_workspace(cfg.CORECENTRALITYGDB) s7.STEP7_calc_centrality() if not cfg.SAVECENTRALITYDIR: lu.delete_dir(cfg.CENTRALITYBASEDIR) if cfg.DOPINCH: if cfg.CWDCUTOFF > 0: # Negative values mean we're restarting gprint("Creating output folder: " + cfg.CIRCUITBASEDIR) lu.delete_dir(cfg.CIRCUITBASEDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.CIRCUITBASEDIR) gp.CreateFolder_management(cfg.CIRCUITBASEDIR, cfg.CIRCUITOUTPUTDIR_NM) gp.CreateFolder_management(cfg.CIRCUITBASEDIR, cfg.CIRCUITCONFIGDIR_NM) s8.STEP8_calc_pinchpoints() if not cfg.SAVE_TEMP_CIRCUIT_FILES: lu.delete_dir(cfg.SCRATCHDIR) if not cfg.SAVECIRCUITDIR: lu.delete_dir(cfg.CIRCUITBASEDIR) gprint('\nDONE!\n') # Return GEOPROCESSING specific errors except arcgisscripting.ExecuteError: lu.exit_with_geoproc_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) # Return any PYTHON or system specific errors except: lu.exit_with_python_error(_SCRIPT_NAME)
def STEP8_calc_pinchpoints(): """ Maps pinch points in Linkage Mapper corridors using Circuitscape given CWD calculations from """ try: lu.dashline(0) gprint('Running script ' + _SCRIPT_NAME) restartFlag = False if cfg.CWDCUTOFF < 0: cfg.CWDCUTOFF = cfg.CWDCUTOFF * -1 restartFlag = True # Restart code in progress CSPATH = lu.get_cs_path() outputGDB = path.join(cfg.OUTPUTDIR, path.basename(cfg.PINCHGDB)) arcpy.OverWriteOutput = True arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.SCRATCHDIR arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = cfg.ARCSCRATCHDIR arcpy.env.pyramid = "NONE" arcpy.env.rasterstatistics = "NONE" # set the analysis extent and cell size to that of the resistance # surface arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST arcpy.env.cellSize = cfg.RESRAST arcpy.snapraster = cfg.RESRAST resRaster = cfg.RESRAST arcpy.env.extent = "MINOF" minObject = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(resRaster, "MINIMUM") rasterMin = float(str(minObject.getOutput(0))) if rasterMin <= 0: msg = ( 'Error: resistance raster cannot have 0 or negative values.') lu.raise_error(msg) if cfg.DO_ADJACENTPAIRS: prevLcpShapefile = lu.get_lcp_shapefile(None, thisStep=8) if not arcpy.Exists(prevLcpShapefile): msg = ('Cannot find an LCP shapefile from step 5. Please ' 'rerun that step and any previous ones if necessary.') lu.raise_error(msg) # Remove lcp shapefile lcpShapefile = path.join(cfg.DATAPASSDIR, "lcpLines_s8.shp") lu.delete_data(lcpShapefile) inLinkTableFile = lu.get_prev_step_link_table(step=8) linkTable = lu.load_link_table(inLinkTableFile) numLinks = linkTable.shape[0] numCorridorLinks = lu.report_links(linkTable) if numCorridorLinks == 0: lu.dashline(1) msg = ('\nThere are no linkages. Bailing.') lu.raise_error(msg) if linkTable.shape[1] < 16: # If linktable has no entries from prior # centrality or pinchpint analyses extraCols = npy.zeros((numLinks, 6), dtype="float64") linkTable = linkTable[:, 0:10] linkTable = npy.append(linkTable, extraCols, axis=1) linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_LCPLEN] = -1 linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_CWDEUCR] = -1 linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_CWDPATHR] = -1 linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_EFFRESIST] = -1 linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_CWDTORR] = -1 linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_CURRENT] = -1 del extraCols # set up directories for circuit and circuit mosaic grids # Create output geodatabase if not arcpy.Exists(cfg.PINCHGDB): arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(cfg.OUTPUTDIR, path.basename(cfg.PINCHGDB)) mosaicRaster = path.join(cfg.CIRCUITBASEDIR, "current_mos" + tif) coresToProcess = npy.unique(linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_CORE1:cfg.LTB_CORE2 + 1]) maxCoreNum = max(coresToProcess) del coresToProcess lu.dashline(0) coreList = linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_CORE1:cfg.LTB_CORE2 + 1] coreList = npy.sort(coreList) #gprint('There are ' + str(len(npy.unique(coreList))) ' core areas.') INCIRCUITDIR = cfg.CIRCUITBASEDIR OUTCIRCUITDIR = path.join(cfg.CIRCUITBASEDIR, cfg.CIRCUITOUTPUTDIR_NM) CONFIGDIR = path.join(INCIRCUITDIR, cfg.CIRCUITCONFIGDIR_NM) # Cutoff value text to append to filenames cutoffText = str(cfg.CWDCUTOFF) if cutoffText[-6:] == '000000': cutoffText = cutoffText[0:-6] + 'm' elif cutoffText[-3:] == '000': cutoffText = cutoffText[0:-3] + 'k' if cfg.SQUARERESISTANCES: # Square resistance values squaredRaster = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR, 'res_sqr') arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.SCRATCHDIR arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = cfg.ARCSCRATCHDIR outRas = Raster(resRaster) * Raster(resRaster) resRaster = squaredRaster if cfg.DO_ADJACENTPAIRS: linkLoop = 0 lu.dashline(1) gprint('Mapping pinch points in individual corridors \n' 'using Circuitscape.') lu.dashline(1) gprint('If you try to cancel your run and the Arc dialog hangs, ') gprint('you can kill Circuitscape by opening Windows Task Manager') gprint('and ending the cs_run.exe process.') lu.dashline(2) for x in range(0, numLinks): linkId = str(int(linkTable[x, cfg.LTB_LINKID])) if not (linkTable[x, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] > 0): continue linkLoop = linkLoop + 1 linkDir = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR, 'link' + linkId) if restartFlag == True and path.exists(linkDir): gprint('continuing') continue restartFlag = False lu.create_dir(linkDir) start_time1 = time.clock() # source and target cores corex = int(coreList[x, 0]) corey = int(coreList[x, 1]) # Get cwd rasters for source and target cores cwdRaster1 = lu.get_cwd_path(corex) cwdRaster2 = lu.get_cwd_path(corey) lccNormRaster = path.join(linkDir, 'lcc_norm') arcpy.env.extent = "MINOF" link = lu.get_links_from_core_pairs(linkTable, corex, corey) lcDist = float(linkTable[link, cfg.LTB_CWDIST]) # Normalized lcc rasters are created by adding cwd rasters # and subtracting the least cost distance between them. outRas = Raster(cwdRaster1) + Raster(cwdRaster2) - lcDist #create raster mask resMaskRaster = path.join(linkDir, 'res_mask' + tif) #create raster mask outCon = Raster(lccNormRaster) <= cfg.CWDCUTOFF, 1) # Convert to poly. Use as mask to clip resistance raster. resMaskPoly = path.join(linkDir, 'res_mask_poly.shp') arcpy.RasterToPolygon_conversion(resMaskRaster, resMaskPoly, "NO_SIMPLIFY") arcpy.env.extent = resMaskPoly # Includes 0 values in some cases with CP LI model if tif # so using ESRI Grid format resClipRasterMasked = path.join(linkDir, 'res_clip_m') # Extract masked resistance raster. # Needs to be float to get export to npy to work. outRas =, resMaskPoly) + 0.0 resNpyFN = 'resistances_link_' + linkId + '.npy' resNpyFile = path.join(INCIRCUITDIR, resNpyFN) numElements, numResistanceNodes = export_ras_to_npy( resClipRasterMasked, resNpyFile) totMem, availMem = lu.get_mem() # gprint('Total memory: str(totMem)) if numResistanceNodes / availMem > 2000000: lu.dashline(1) lu.warn('Warning:') lu.warn('Circuitscape can only solve 2-3 million nodes') lu.warn( 'per gigabyte of available RAM. \nTotal physical RAM' ' on your machine is ~' + str(totMem) + ' GB. \nAvailable memory is ~' + str(availMem) + ' GB. \nYour resistance raster has ' + str(numResistanceNodes) + ' nodes.') lu.dashline(2) corePairRaster = path.join(linkDir, 'core_pairs' + tif) arcpy.env.extent = resClipRasterMasked # Next result needs to be floating pt for numpy export outCon = Raster(cwdRaster1) == 0, corex, == 0, corey + 0.0)) coreNpyFN = 'cores_link_' + linkId + '.npy' coreNpyFile = path.join(INCIRCUITDIR, coreNpyFN) numElements, numNodes = export_ras_to_npy( corePairRaster, coreNpyFile) arcpy.env.extent = "MINOF" # Set circuitscape options and call options = lu.setCircuitscapeOptions() if cfg.WRITE_VOLT_MAPS == True: options['write_volt_maps'] = True options['habitat_file'] = resNpyFile # if int(linkId) > 2: # options['habitat_file'] = 'c:\\test.dummy' options['point_file'] = coreNpyFile options['set_focal_node_currents_to_zero'] = True outputFN = 'Circuitscape_link' + linkId + '.out' options['output_file'] = path.join(OUTCIRCUITDIR, outputFN) if numElements > 250000: options['print_timings'] = True configFN = 'pinchpoint_config' + linkId + '.ini' outConfigFile = path.join(CONFIGDIR, configFN) lu.writeCircuitscapeConfigFile(outConfigFile, options) gprint('Processing link ID #' + str(linkId) + '. Resistance map' ' has ' + str(int(numResistanceNodes)) + ' nodes.') memFlag = call_circuitscape(CSPATH, outConfigFile) currentFN = ('Circuitscape_link' + linkId + '_cum_curmap.npy') currentMap = path.join(OUTCIRCUITDIR, currentFN) if not arcpy.Exists(currentMap): print_failure(numResistanceNodes, memFlag, 10) numElements, numNodes = export_ras_to_npy( resClipRasterMasked, resNpyFile) memFlag = call_circuitscape(CSPATH, outConfigFile) currentFN = ('Circuitscape_link' + linkId + '_cum_curmap.npy') currentMap = path.join(OUTCIRCUITDIR, currentFN) if not arcpy.Exists(currentMap): msg = ( '\nCircuitscape failed. See error information above.') arcpy.AddError(msg) lu.write_log(msg) exit(1) # Either set core areas to nodata in current map or # divide each by its radius currentRaster = path.join(linkDir, "current" + tif) import_npy_to_ras(currentMap, corePairRaster, currentRaster) if cfg.WRITE_VOLT_MAPS == True: voltFN = ('Circuitscape_link' + linkId + '_voltmap_' + str(corex) + '_' + str(corey) + '.npy') voltMap = path.join(OUTCIRCUITDIR, voltFN) voltRaster = path.join( outputGDB, cfg.PREFIX + "_voltMap_" + str(corex) + '_' + str(corey)) import_npy_to_ras(voltMap, corePairRaster, voltRaster) gprint('Building output statistics and pyramids ' 'for voltage raster\n') lu.build_stats(voltRaster) arcpy.env.extent = currentRaster if SETCORESTONULL: # Set core areas to NoData in current map for color ramping currentRaster2 = currentRaster + '2' + tif outCon =, Raster(currentRaster)) currentRaster = currentRaster2 arcpy.env.extent = "MAXOF" if linkLoop == 1: lu.delete_data(mosaicRaster) @retry(10) def copyRas2(): arcpy.CopyRaster_management(currentRaster, mosaicRaster) copyRas2() else: @retry(10) def mosaicRas(): arcpy.Mosaic_management(currentRaster, mosaicRaster, "MAXIMUM", "MATCH") mosaicRas() resistancesFN = ('Circuitscape_link' + linkId + '_resistances_3columns.out') resistancesFile = path.join(OUTCIRCUITDIR, resistancesFN) resistances = npy.loadtxt(resistancesFile, dtype='Float64', comments='#') resistance = float(str(arcpy.env.cellSize)) * resistances[2] linkTable[link, cfg.LTB_EFFRESIST] = resistance # Ratio if not cfg.SQUARERESISTANCES: linkTable[link, cfg.LTB_CWDTORR] = ( linkTable[link, cfg.LTB_CWDIST] / linkTable[link, cfg.LTB_EFFRESIST]) # Clean up if cfg.SAVE_TEMP_CIRCUIT_FILES == False: lu.delete_file(coreNpyFile) coreNpyBase, extension = path.splitext(coreNpyFile) lu.delete_data(coreNpyBase + '.hdr') lu.delete_file(resNpyFile) resNpyBase, extension = path.splitext(resNpyFile) lu.delete_data(resNpyBase + '.hdr') lu.delete_file(currentMap) curMapBase, extension = path.splitext(currentMap) lu.delete_data(curMapBase + '.hdr') lu.delete_data(currentRaster) lu.clean_out_workspace(linkDir) lu.delete_dir(linkDir) gprint('Finished with link ID #' + str(linkId) + '. ' + str(linkLoop) + ' out of ' + str(numCorridorLinks) + ' links have been processed.') start_time1 = lu.elapsed_time(start_time1) outputRaster = path.join( outputGDB, cfg.PREFIX + "_current_adjacentPairs_" + cutoffText) lu.delete_data(outputRaster) @retry(10) def copyRas(): arcpy.CopyRaster_management(mosaicRaster, outputRaster) copyRas() gprint('Building output statistics and pyramids ' 'for corridor pinch point raster\n') lu.build_stats(outputRaster) finalLinkTable = lu.update_lcp_shapefile(linkTable, lastStep=5, thisStep=8) linkTableFile = path.join(cfg.DATAPASSDIR, "linkTable_s5_plus.csv") lu.write_link_table(finalLinkTable, linkTableFile, inLinkTableFile) linkTableFinalFile = path.join( cfg.OUTPUTDIR, cfg.PREFIX + "_linkTable_s5_plus.csv") lu.write_link_table(finalLinkTable, linkTableFinalFile, inLinkTableFile) gprint('Copy of linkTable written to ' + linkTableFinalFile) #fixme: update sticks? gprint('Creating shapefiles with linework for links.') lu.write_link_maps(linkTableFinalFile, step=8) # Copy final link maps to gdb. lu.copy_final_link_maps(step=8) lu.delete_data(mosaicRaster) if not cfg.DO_ALLPAIRS: # Clean up temporary files if not cfg.SAVECURRENTMAPS: lu.delete_dir(OUTCIRCUITDIR) return lu.dashline(1) gprint('Mapping global pinch points among all\n' 'core area pairs using Circuitscape.') if cfg.ALL_PAIR_SCENARIO == 'pairwise': gprint('Circuitscape will be run in PAIRWISE mode.') else: gprint('Circuitscape will be run in ALL-TO-ONE mode.') arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.SCRATCHDIR arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = cfg.ARCSCRATCHDIR arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST arcpy.env.cellSize = cfg.RESRAST S8CORE_RAS = "s8core_ras" s8CoreRasPath = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR, S8CORE_RAS) arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion(cfg.COREFC, cfg.COREFN, s8CoreRasPath, arcpy.env.cellSize) binaryCoreRaster = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR, "core_ras_bin") # The following commands cause file lock problems on save. using gp # instead. # outCon =, 1, "#", "VALUE > 0") # # gp.Con_sa(s8CoreRasPath, 1, binaryCoreRaster, "#", "VALUE > 0") outCon = > 0, 1) s5corridorRas = path.join(cfg.OUTPUTGDB, cfg.PREFIX + "_corridors") if not arcpy.Exists(s5corridorRas): s5corridorRas = path.join(cfg.OUTPUTGDB, cfg.PREFIX + "_lcc_mosaic_int") outCon = Raster(s5corridorRas) <= cfg.CWDCUTOFF, Raster(resRaster), > 0, Raster(resRaster))) resRasClipPath = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR, 'res_ras_clip') arcpy.env.cellSize = resRasClipPath arcpy.env.extent = resRasClipPath s8CoreRasClipped = s8CoreRasPath + '_c' # Produce core raster with same extent as clipped resistance raster # added to ensure correct data type- nodata values were positive for # cores otherwise outCon =, -9999, Raster(s8CoreRasPath)) resNpyFN = 'resistances.npy' resNpyFile = path.join(INCIRCUITDIR, resNpyFN) numElements, numResistanceNodes = export_ras_to_npy( resRasClipPath, resNpyFile) totMem, availMem = lu.get_mem() # gprint('Total memory: str(totMem)) if numResistanceNodes / availMem > 2000000: lu.dashline(1) lu.warn('Warning:') lu.warn('Circuitscape can only solve 2-3 million nodes') lu.warn('per gigabyte of available RAM. \nTotal physical RAM ' 'on your machine is ~' + str(totMem) + ' GB. \nAvailable memory is ~' + str(availMem) + ' GB. \nYour resistance raster has ' + str(numResistanceNodes) + ' nodes.') lu.dashline(0) coreNpyFN = 'cores.npy' coreNpyFile = path.join(INCIRCUITDIR, coreNpyFN) numElements, numNodes = export_ras_to_npy(s8CoreRasClipped, coreNpyFile) arcpy.env.extent = "MINOF" options = lu.setCircuitscapeOptions() options['scenario'] = cfg.ALL_PAIR_SCENARIO options['habitat_file'] = resNpyFile options['point_file'] = coreNpyFile options['set_focal_node_currents_to_zero'] = True outputFN = 'Circuitscape.out' options['output_file'] = path.join(OUTCIRCUITDIR, outputFN) options['print_timings'] = True configFN = 'pinchpoint_allpair_config.ini' outConfigFile = path.join(CONFIGDIR, configFN) lu.writeCircuitscapeConfigFile(outConfigFile, options) gprint('\nResistance map has ' + str(int(numResistanceNodes)) + ' nodes.') lu.dashline(1) gprint('If you try to cancel your run and the Arc dialog hangs, ') gprint('you can kill Circuitscape by opening Windows Task Manager') gprint('and ending the cs_run.exe process.') lu.dashline(0) call_circuitscape(CSPATH, outConfigFile) # test =[CSPATH, outConfigFile], # creationflags = subprocess.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE) if options['scenario'] == 'pairwise': rasterSuffix = "_current_allPairs_" + cutoffText else: rasterSuffix = "_current_allToOne_" + cutoffText currentFN = 'Circuitscape_cum_curmap.npy' currentMap = path.join(OUTCIRCUITDIR, currentFN) outputRaster = path.join(outputGDB, cfg.PREFIX + rasterSuffix) currentRaster = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR, "current") try: import_npy_to_ras(currentMap, resRasClipPath, outputRaster) except: lu.dashline(1) msg = ('ERROR: Circuitscape failed. \n' 'Note: Circuitscape can only solve 2-3 million nodes' '\nper gigabyte of available RAM. The resistance ' '\nraster for the last corridor had ' + str(numResistanceNodes) + ' nodes.\n\nResistance ' 'raster values that vary by >6 orders of \nmagnitude' ' can also cause failures, as can a mismatch in ' '\ncore area and resistance raster extents.') arcpy.AddError(msg) lu.write_log(msg) exit(1) #set core areas to nodata if SETCORESTONULL: # Set core areas to NoData in current map for color ramping outputRasterND = outputRaster + '_noDataCores' outCon = Raster(s8CoreRasClipped) > 0, Raster(outputRaster)) gprint('\nBuilding output statistics and pyramids ' 'for centrality raster.') lu.build_stats(outputRaster) lu.build_stats(outputRasterND) # Clean up temporary files if not cfg.SAVECURRENTMAPS: lu.delete_dir(OUTCIRCUITDIR) # Return GEOPROCESSING specific errors except arcpy.ExecuteError: lu.dashline(1) gprint('****Failed in step 8. Details follow.****') lu.exit_with_geoproc_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) # Return any PYTHON or system specific errors except: lu.dashline(1) gprint('****Failed in step 8. Details follow.****') lu.exit_with_python_error(_SCRIPT_NAME)
def bar_master(argv=None): """ Experimental code to detect barriers using cost-weighted distance outputs from Linkage Mapper tool. """ if argv is None: argv = sys.argv # cfg.configure(argv) cfg.configure(cfg.TOOL_BM, argv) #xxx was sys.argv gprint = lu.gprint try: lu.create_dir(cfg.LOGDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.MESSAGEDIR) cfg.logFilePath = lu.create_log_file(cfg.MESSAGEDIR, cfg.TOOL, cfg.PARAMS) lu.print_drive_warning() # Move adj and cwd results from earlier versions to datapass directory lu.move_old_results() lu.create_dir(cfg.OUTPUTDIR) lu.delete_dir(cfg.SCRATCHDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.SCRATCHDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.ARCSCRATCHDIR) lu.dashline(1) gprint('\nMaking local copy of resistance raster.') lu.delete_data(cfg.RESRAST) desc = arcpy.Describe(cfg.RESRAST_IN) if hasattr(desc, "catalogPath"): cfg.RESRAST_IN = arcpy.Describe(cfg.RESRAST_IN).catalogPath arcpy.CopyRaster_management(cfg.RESRAST_IN, cfg.RESRAST) arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST arcpy.env.snapRaster = cfg.RESRAST if cfg.BARRIER_METH_MAX: cfg.SUM_BARRIERS = False lu.dashline(1) gprint('Calculating MAXIMUM barrier effects across core area pairs') s6.STEP6_calc_barriers() if cfg.BARRIER_METH_SUM: cfg.SUM_BARRIERS = True gprint('') lu.dashline() gprint('Calculating SUM of barrier effects across core area pairs') s6.STEP6_calc_barriers() #clean up lu.delete_dir(cfg.SCRATCHDIR) if not cfg.SAVEBARRIERDIR: lu.delete_dir(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR) gprint('\nDone with barrier mapping.\n') # Return GEOPROCESSING specific errors except arcpy.ExecuteError: lu.exit_with_geoproc_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) # Return any PYTHON or system specific errors except: lu.exit_with_python_error(_SCRIPT_NAME)
def doRadiusLoop(): linkTable = linkTableTemp.copy() startTime = time.clock() randomerror() linkLoop = 0 pctDone = 0 gprint('\nMapping barriers at a radius of ' + str(radius) + ' ' + str(mapUnits)) if cfg.SUM_BARRIERS: gprint('using SUM method') else: gprint('using MAXIMUM method') if numCorridorLinks > 1: gprint('0 percent done') lastMosaicRaster = None lastMosaicRasterPct = None for x in range(0,numLinks): pctDone = lu.report_pct_done(linkLoop, numCorridorLinks, pctDone) linkId = str(int(linkTable[x,cfg.LTB_LINKID])) if ((linkTable[x,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] > 0) and (linkTable[x,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] < 1000)): linkLoop = linkLoop + 1 # source and target cores corex=int(coreList[x,0]) corey=int(coreList[x,1]) # Get cwd rasters for source and target cores cwdRaster1 = lu.get_cwd_path(corex) cwdRaster2 = lu.get_cwd_path(corey) # Mask out areas above CWD threshold cwdTemp1 = None cwdTemp2 = None if cfg.BARRIER_CWD_THRESH is not None: if x == 1: lu.dashline(1) gprint(' Using CWD threshold of ' + str(cfg.BARRIER_CWD_THRESH) + ' map units.') arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST arcpy.env.cellSize = cfg.RESRAST arcpy.env.snapRaster = cfg.RESRAST cwdTemp1 = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR, "tmp"+str(corex)) outCon = < float(cfg.BARRIER_CWD_THRESH),cwdRaster1) cwdRaster1 = cwdTemp1 cwdTemp2 = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR, "tmp"+str(corey)) outCon = < float(cfg.BARRIER_CWD_THRESH),cwdRaster2) cwdRaster2 = cwdTemp2 focalRaster1 = lu.get_focal_path(corex,radius) focalRaster2 = lu.get_focal_path(corey,radius) link = lu.get_links_from_core_pairs(linkTable, corex, corey) lcDist = float(linkTable[link,cfg.LTB_CWDIST]) # Detect barriers at radius using neighborhood stats # Create the Neighborhood Object innerRadius = radius - 1 outerRadius = radius dia = 2 * radius InNeighborhood = ("ANNULUS " + str(innerRadius) + " " + str(outerRadius) + " MAP") @retry(10) def execFocal(): randomerror() # Execute FocalStatistics if not path.exists(focalRaster1): arcpy.env.extent = cwdRaster1 outFocalStats =, InNeighborhood, "MINIMUM","DATA") if setCoresToNull: outFocalStats2 = > 0, outFocalStats) # Set areas overlapping cores to NoData xxx #xxx else: #xxx arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST if not path.exists(focalRaster2): arcpy.env.extent = cwdRaster2 outFocalStats =, InNeighborhood, "MINIMUM","DATA") if setCoresToNull: outFocalStats2 = > 0, outFocalStats) # Set areas overlapping cores to NoData xxx else: #xxx arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST execFocal() lu.delete_data(cwdTemp1) lu.delete_data(cwdTemp2) barrierRaster = path.join(cbarrierdir, "b" + str(radius) + "_" + str(corex) + "_" + str(corey)+'.tif') if cfg.SUM_BARRIERS: # Need to set nulls to 0, also # create trim rasters as we go outRas = ((lcDist - Raster(focalRaster1) - Raster(focalRaster2) - dia) / dia) outCon =,0,outRas) outCon2 =<0,0,outCon) # Execute FocalStatistics to fill out search radii InNeighborhood = "CIRCLE " + str(outerRadius) + " MAP" fillRaster = path.join(cbarrierdir, "b" + str(radius) + "_" + str(corex) + "_" + str(corey) +"_fill.tif") outFocalStats =, InNeighborhood, "MAXIMUM","DATA") if cfg.WRITE_TRIM_RASTERS: trmRaster = path.join(cbarrierdir, "b" + str(radius) + "_" + str(corex) + "_" + str(corey) +"_trim.tif") rasterList = [fillRaster, resistFillRaster] outCellStatistics = rasterList, "MINIMUM") else: #Calculate potential benefit per map unit restored @retry(10) def calcBen(): randomerror() outRas = ((lcDist - Raster(focalRaster1) - Raster(focalRaster2) - dia) / dia) calcBen() if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: #Calculate PERCENT potential benefit per unit restored barrierRasterPct = path.join(cbarrierdir, "b" + str(radius) + "_" + str(corex) + "_" + str(corey)+'_pct.tif') @retry(10) def calcBenPct(): randomerror() outras = (100 * (Raster(barrierRaster) / lcDist)) calcBenPct() # Mosaic barrier results across core area pairs mosaicDir = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR,'mos'+str(radId)+'_'+str(x+1)) lu.create_dir(mosaicDir) mosFN = 'mos_temp' tempMosaicRaster = path.join(mosaicDir,mosFN) tempMosaicRasterTrim = path.join(mosaicDir,'mos_temp_trm') arcpy.env.workspace = mosaicDir if linkLoop == 1: #If this is the first grid then copy rather than mosaic arcpy.CopyRaster_management(barrierRaster, tempMosaicRaster) if cfg.SUM_BARRIERS and cfg.WRITE_TRIM_RASTERS: arcpy.CopyRaster_management(trmRaster, tempMosaicRasterTrim) else: if cfg.SUM_BARRIERS: outCon = (barrierRaster) < 0, lastMosaicRaster, Raster(barrierRaster) + Raster(lastMosaicRaster)) if cfg.WRITE_TRIM_RASTERS: outCon = (trmRaster) < 0, lastMosaicRasterTrim, Raster(trmRaster) + Raster( lastMosaicRasterTrim)) else: rasterString = ('"'+barrierRaster+";" + lastMosaicRaster+'"') @retry(10) def mosaicToNew(): randomerror() arcpy.MosaicToNewRaster_management( rasterString,mosaicDir,mosFN, "", "32_BIT_FLOAT", arcpy.env.cellSize, "1", "MAXIMUM", "MATCH") mosaicToNew() # gprint(str(corex)+'0'+str(corey)) if linkLoop>1: #Clean up from previous loop lu.delete_data(lastMosaicRaster) lastMosaicDir =path.dirname(lastMosaicRaster) lu.clean_out_workspace(lastMosaicDir) lu.delete_dir(lastMosaicDir) lastMosaicRaster = tempMosaicRaster if cfg.WRITE_TRIM_RASTERS: lastMosaicRasterTrim = tempMosaicRasterTrim if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: mosPctFN = 'mos_temp_pct' mosaicDirPct = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR,'mosP'+str(radId)+'_'+str(x+1)) lu.create_dir(mosaicDirPct) tempMosaicRasterPct = path.join(mosaicDirPct,mosPctFN) if linkLoop == 1: # If this is the first grid then copy # rather than mosaic if cfg.SUM_BARRIERS: outCon = < 0, 0, barrierRasterPct), 0, barrierRasterPct)) else: arcpy.CopyRaster_management(barrierRasterPct, tempMosaicRasterPct) else: if cfg.SUM_BARRIERS: @retry(10) def sumBarriers(): randomerror() outCon = < 0, lastMosaicRasterPct, Raster(barrierRasterPct) + Raster( lastMosaicRasterPct)) sumBarriers() else: rasterString = ('"' + barrierRasterPct + ";" + lastMosaicRasterPct + '"') @retry(10) def maxBarriers(): randomerror() arcpy.MosaicToNewRaster_management( rasterString,mosaicDirPct,mosPctFN, "", "32_BIT_FLOAT", arcpy.env.cellSize, "1", "MAXIMUM", "MATCH") maxBarriers() if linkLoop>1: #Clean up from previous loop lu.delete_data(lastMosaicRasterPct) lastMosaicDirPct =path.dirname(lastMosaicRasterPct) lu.clean_out_workspace(lastMosaicDirPct) lu.delete_dir(lastMosaicDirPct) # lu.delete_data(lastMosaicRasterPct) lastMosaicRasterPct = tempMosaicRasterPct if not cfg.SAVEBARRIERRASTERS: lu.delete_data(barrierRaster) if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: lu.delete_data(barrierRasterPct) if cfg.WRITE_TRIM_RASTERS: lu.delete_data(trmRaster) # Temporarily disable links in linktable - # don't want to mosaic them twice for y in range (x+1,numLinks): corex1 = int(coreList[y,0]) corey1 = int(coreList[y,1]) if corex1 == corex and corey1 == corey: linkTable[y,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] = ( linkTable[y,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] + 1000) elif corex1==corey and corey1==corex: linkTable[y,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] = ( linkTable[y,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] + 1000) if numCorridorLinks > 1 and pctDone < 100: gprint('100 percent done') gprint('Summarizing barrier data for search radius.') #rows that were temporarily disabled rows = npy.where(linkTable[:,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE]>1000) linkTable[rows,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] = ( linkTable[rows,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] - 1000) # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Set negative values to null or zero and write geodatabase. mosaicFN = (PREFIX + "_BarrierCenters" + sumSuffix + "_Rad" + str(radius)) mosaicRaster = path.join(cfg.BARRIERGDB, mosaicFN) arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST # if setCoresToNull: # outCon = < 0, 0, # tempMosaicRaster) #xxx # #xxx # else: outSetNull =, tempMosaicRaster, "VALUE < 0") #xxx orig lu.delete_data(tempMosaicRaster) if cfg.SUM_BARRIERS and cfg.WRITE_TRIM_RASTERS: mosaicFN = (PREFIX + "_BarrierCircles_RBMin" + sumSuffix + "_Rad" + str(radius)) mosaicRasterTrim = path.join(cfg.BARRIERGDB, mosaicFN) arcpy.CopyRaster_management(tempMosaicRasterTrim, mosaicRasterTrim) lu.delete_data(tempMosaicRaster) if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: # Do same for percent raster mosaicPctFN = (PREFIX + "_BarrierCenters_Pct" + sumSuffix + "_Rad" + str(radius)) arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST outSetNull =, tempMosaicRasterPct, "VALUE < 0") mosaicRasterPct = path.join(cfg.BARRIERGDB, mosaicPctFN) lu.delete_data(tempMosaicRasterPct) # 'Grow out' maximum restoration gain to # neighborhood size for display InNeighborhood = "CIRCLE " + str(outerRadius) + " MAP" # Execute FocalStatistics fillRasterFN = "barriers_fill" + str(outerRadius) + tif fillRaster = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR, fillRasterFN) outFocalStats =, InNeighborhood, "MAXIMUM","DATA") if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: # Do same for percent raster fillRasterPctFN = "barriers_fill_pct" + str(outerRadius) + tif fillRasterPct = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR, fillRasterPctFN) outFocalStats =, InNeighborhood, "MAXIMUM","DATA") #Place copies of filled rasters in output geodatabase arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.BARRIERGDB fillRasterFN = (PREFIX + "_BarrrierCircles" + sumSuffix + "_Rad" + str(outerRadius)) arcpy.CopyRaster_management(fillRaster, fillRasterFN) if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: fillRasterPctFN = (PREFIX + "_BarrrierCircles_Pct" + sumSuffix + "_Rad" + str(outerRadius)) arcpy.CopyRaster_management(fillRasterPct, fillRasterPctFN) if not cfg.SUM_BARRIERS and cfg.WRITE_TRIM_RASTERS: # Create pared-down version of filled raster- remove pixels # that don't need restoring by allowing a pixel to only # contribute its resistance value to restoration gain outRasterFN = "barriers_trm" + str(outerRadius) + tif outRaster = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR,outRasterFN) rasterList = [fillRaster, resistFillRaster] outCellStatistics =, "MINIMUM") #SECOND ROUND TO CLIP BY DATA VALUES IN BARRIER RASTER outRaster2FN = ("barriers_trm" + sumSuffix + str(outerRadius) + "_2" + tif) outRaster2 = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR,outRaster2FN) output =,fillRaster,outRaster) outRasterFN = (PREFIX + "_BarrierCircles_RBMin" + sumSuffix + "_Rad" + str(outerRadius)) outRasterPath= path.join(cfg.BARRIERGDB, outRasterFN) arcpy.CopyRaster_management(outRaster2, outRasterFN) randomerror() startTime=lu.elapsed_time(startTime)
def calc_lccs(normalize): try: if normalize: mosaicBaseName = "_corridors" writeTruncRaster = cfg.WRITETRUNCRASTER outputGDB = cfg.OUTPUTGDB SAVENORMLCCS = cfg.SAVENORMLCCS else: mosaicBaseName = "_NON_NORMALIZED_corridors" SAVENORMLCCS = False outputGDB = cfg.EXTRAGDB writeTruncRaster = False lu.dashline(1) gprint('Running script ' + _SCRIPT_NAME) linkTableFile = lu.get_prev_step_link_table(step=5) arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.SCRATCHDIR arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = cfg.ARCSCRATCHDIR arcpy.env.compression = "NONE" if cfg.MAXEUCDIST is not None: gprint('Max Euclidean distance between cores') gprint('for linkage mapping set to ' + str(cfg.MAXEUCDIST)) if cfg.MAXCOSTDIST is not None: gprint('Max cost-weighted distance between cores') gprint('for linkage mapping set to ' + str(cfg.MAXCOSTDIST)) # set the analysis extent and cell size to that of the resistance # surface arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST arcpy.env.cellSize = arcpy.Describe(cfg.RESRAST).MeanCellHeight arcpy.env.snapRaster = cfg.RESRAST arcpy.env.mask = cfg.RESRAST linkTable = lu.load_link_table(linkTableFile) numLinks = linkTable.shape[0] numCorridorLinks = lu.report_links(linkTable) if numCorridorLinks == 0: lu.dashline(1) msg =('\nThere are no corridors to map. Bailing.') lu.raise_error(msg) if not cfg.STEP3 and not cfg.STEP4: # re-check for links that are too long or in case script run out of # sequence with more stringent settings gprint('Double-checking for corridors that are too long to map.') DISABLE_LEAST_COST_NO_VAL = True linkTable,numDroppedLinks = lu.drop_links( linkTable, cfg.MAXEUCDIST, cfg.MINEUCDIST, cfg.MAXCOSTDIST, cfg.MINCOSTDIST, DISABLE_LEAST_COST_NO_VAL) # Added to try to speed up: arcpy.env.pyramid = "NONE" arcpy.env.rasterStatistics = "NONE" # set up directories for normalized lcc and mosaic grids dirCount = 0 gprint("Creating output folder: " + cfg.LCCBASEDIR) lu.delete_dir(cfg.LCCBASEDIR) arcpy.CreateFolder_management(path.dirname(cfg.LCCBASEDIR), path.basename(cfg.LCCBASEDIR)) arcpy.CreateFolder_management(cfg.LCCBASEDIR, cfg.LCCNLCDIR_NM) clccdir = path.join(cfg.LCCBASEDIR, cfg.LCCNLCDIR_NM) gprint("") if normalize: gprint('Normalized least-cost corridors will be written ' 'to ' + clccdir + '\n') PREFIX = cfg.PREFIX # Add CWD layers for core area pairs to produce NORMALIZED LCC layers numGridsWritten = 0 coreList = linkTable[:,cfg.LTB_CORE1:cfg.LTB_CORE2+1] coreList = npy.sort(coreList) x = 0 linkCount = 0 endIndex = numLinks while x < endIndex: if (linkTable[x, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] < 1): # If not a valid link x = x + 1 continue linkCount = linkCount + 1 start_time = time.clock() linkId = str(int(linkTable[x, cfg.LTB_LINKID])) # source and target cores corex=int(coreList[x,0]) corey=int(coreList[x,1]) # Get cwd rasters for source and target cores cwdRaster1 = lu.get_cwd_path(corex) cwdRaster2 = lu.get_cwd_path(corey) if not arcpy.Exists(cwdRaster1): msg =('\nError: cannot find cwd raster:\n' + cwdRaster1) if not arcpy.Exists(cwdRaster2): msg =('\nError: cannot find cwd raster:\n' + cwdRaster2) lu.raise_error(msg) lccNormRaster = path.join(clccdir, str(corex) + "_" + str(corey))# + ".tif") arcpy.env.extent = "MINOF" link = lu.get_links_from_core_pairs(linkTable, corex, corey) offset = 10000 # Normalized lcc rasters are created by adding cwd rasters and # subtracting the least cost distance between them. lcDist = (float(linkTable[link,cfg.LTB_CWDIST]) - offset) if normalize: statement = ('outras = ' '+ - lcDist; ' '') else: statement = ('outras = ' '+; ' '') count = 0 while True: try: exec(statement) except Exception: count,tryAgain = lu.retry_arc_error(count,statement) if not tryAgain: exec(statement) else: break if normalize: try: minObject = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(lccNormRaster, "MINIMUM") rasterMin = float(str(minObject.getOutput(0))) except Exception: lu.warn('\n------------------------------------------------') lu.warn('WARNING: Raster minimum check failed in step 5. \n' 'This may mean the output rasters are corrupted. Please \n' 'be sure to check for valid rasters in '+ outputGDB) rasterMin = 0 tolerance = (float(arcpy.env.cellSize) * -10) if rasterMin < tolerance: lu.dashline(1) msg = ('WARNING: Minimum value of a corridor #' + str(x+1) + ' is much less than zero ('+str(rasterMin)+').' '\nThis could mean that BOUNDING CIRCLE BUFFER DISTANCES ' 'were too small and a corridor passed outside of a ' 'bounding circle, or that a corridor passed outside of the ' 'resistance map. \n') lu.warn(msg) arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST mosaicDir = path.join(cfg.LCCBASEDIR,'mos'+str(x+1)) lu.create_dir(mosaicDir) mosFN = 'mos'#.tif' change and move mosaicRaster = path.join(mosaicDir,mosFN) if numGridsWritten == 0 and dirCount == 0: #If this is the first grid then copy rather than mosaic arcpy.CopyRaster_management(lccNormRaster, mosaicRaster) else: statement = ( 'arcpy.MosaicToNewRaster_management(' 'input_rasters=";".join([lccNormRaster, ' 'lastMosaicRaster]), output_location=mosaicDir, ' 'raster_dataset_name_with_extension=mosFN, ' 'pixel_type="32_BIT_FLOAT", cellsize=arcpy.env.cellSize, ' 'number_of_bands="1", mosaic_method="MINIMUM")') count = 0 while True: try: lu.write_log('Executing mosaic for link #'+str(linkId)) exec(statement) lu.write_log('Done with mosaic.') except Exception: count,tryAgain = lu.retry_arc_error(count,statement) lu.delete_data(mosaicRaster) lu.delete_dir(mosaicDir) # Try a new directory mosaicDir = path.join(cfg.LCCBASEDIR,'mos'+str(x+1)+ '_' + str(count)) lu.create_dir(mosaicDir) mosaicRaster = path.join(mosaicDir,mosFN) if not tryAgain: exec(statement) else: break endTime = time.clock() processTime = round((endTime - start_time), 2) if normalize == True: printText = "Normalized and mosaicked " else: printText = "Mosaicked NON-normalized " gprint(printText + "corridor for link ID #" + str(linkId) + " connecting core areas " + str(corex) + " and " + str(corey)+ " in " + str(processTime) + " seconds. " + str(int(linkCount)) + " out of " + str(int(numCorridorLinks)) + " links have been " "processed.") # temporarily disable links in linktable - don't want to mosaic # them twice for y in range (x+1,numLinks): corex1 = int(coreList[y,0]) corey1 = int(coreList[y,1]) if corex1 == corex and corey1 == corey: linkTable[y,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] = ( linkTable[y,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] + 1000) elif corex1==corey and corey1==corex: linkTable[y,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] = ( linkTable[y,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] + 1000) numGridsWritten = numGridsWritten + 1 if not SAVENORMLCCS: lu.delete_data(lccNormRaster) lu.delete_dir(clccdir) lu.create_dir(clccdir) else: if numGridsWritten == 100: # We only write up to 100 grids to any one folder # because otherwise Arc slows to a crawl dirCount = dirCount + 1 numGridsWritten = 0 clccdir = path.join(cfg.LCCBASEDIR, cfg.LCCNLCDIR_NM + str(dirCount)) gprint("Creating output folder: " + clccdir) arcpy.CreateFolder_management(cfg.LCCBASEDIR, path.basename(clccdir)) if numGridsWritten > 1 or dirCount > 0: lu.delete_data(lastMosaicRaster) lu.delete_dir(path.dirname(lastMosaicRaster)) lastMosaicRaster = mosaicRaster x = x + 1 #rows that were temporarily disabled rows = npy.where(linkTable[:,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE]>1000) linkTable[rows,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] = ( linkTable[rows,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] - 1000) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create output geodatabase if not arcpy.Exists(outputGDB): arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(cfg.OUTPUTDIR, path.basename(outputGDB)) arcpy.env.workspace = outputGDB arcpy.env.pyramid = "NONE" arcpy.env.rasterStatistics = "NONE" # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # convert mosaic raster to integer intRaster = path.join(outputGDB,PREFIX + mosaicBaseName) statement = ('outras = ' '- offset + 0.5); ' '') count = 0 while True: try: exec(statement) except Exception: count,tryAgain = lu.retry_arc_error(count,statement) if not tryAgain: exec(statement) else: break # --------------------------------------------------------------------- if writeTruncRaster: # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Set anything beyond cfg.CWDTHRESH to NODATA. truncRaster = (outputGDB + '\\' + PREFIX + mosaicBaseName + '_truncated_at_' + lu.cwd_cutoff_str(cfg.CWDTHRESH)) statement = ('outRas =' '* ( ' '<= cfg.CWDTHRESH, 1)); ' '') count = 0 while True: try: exec(statement) except Exception: count,tryAgain = lu.retry_arc_error(count,statement) if not tryAgain: exec(statement) else: break # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check for unreasonably low minimum NLCC values try: mosaicGrid = path.join(cfg.LCCBASEDIR,'mos') # Copy to grid to test arcpy.CopyRaster_management(mosaicRaster, mosaicGrid) minObject = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(mosaicGrid, "MINIMUM") rasterMin = float(str(minObject.getOutput(0))) except Exception: lu.warn('\n------------------------------------------------') lu.warn('WARNING: Raster minimum check failed in step 5. \n' 'This may mean the output rasters are corrupted. Please \n' 'be sure to check for valid rasters in '+ outputGDB) rasterMin = 0 tolerance = (float(arcpy.env.cellSize) * -10) if rasterMin < tolerance: lu.dashline(1) msg = ('WARNING: Minimum value of mosaicked corridor map is ' 'much less than zero ('+str(rasterMin)+').' '\nThis could mean that BOUNDING CIRCLE BUFFER DISTANCES ' 'were too small and a corridor passed outside of a ' 'bounding circle, or that a corridor passed outside of the ' 'resistance map. \n') lu.warn(msg) gprint('\nWriting final LCP maps...') if cfg.STEP4: finalLinkTable = lu.update_lcp_shapefile(linkTable, lastStep=4, thisStep=5) elif cfg.STEP3: finalLinkTable = lu.update_lcp_shapefile(linkTable, lastStep=3, thisStep=5) else: # Don't know if step 4 was run, since this is started at step 5. # Use presence of previous linktable files to figure this out. # Linktable name includes step number. prevLinkTableFile = lu.get_prev_step_link_table(step=5) prevStepInd = len(prevLinkTableFile) - 5 lastStep = prevLinkTableFile[prevStepInd] finalLinkTable = lu.update_lcp_shapefile(linkTable, lastStep, thisStep=5) outlinkTableFile = lu.get_this_step_link_table(step=5) gprint('Updating ' + outlinkTableFile) lu.write_link_table(linkTable, outlinkTableFile) linkTableLogFile = path.join(cfg.LOGDIR, "linkTable_s5.csv") lu.write_link_table(linkTable, linkTableLogFile) linkTableFinalFile = path.join(cfg.OUTPUTDIR, PREFIX + "_linkTable_s5.csv") lu.write_link_table(finalLinkTable, linkTableFinalFile) gprint('Copy of final linkTable written to '+ linkTableFinalFile) gprint('Creating shapefiles with linework for links.') try: lu.write_link_maps(outlinkTableFile, step=5) except Exception: lu.write_link_maps(outlinkTableFile, step=5) # Create final linkmap files in output directory, and remove files from # scratch. lu.copy_final_link_maps(step=5) if not SAVENORMLCCS: lu.delete_dir(cfg.LCCBASEDIR) # Build statistics for corridor rasters arcpy.AddMessage('\nBuilding output statistics and pyramids ' 'for corridor raster') lu.build_stats(intRaster) if writeTruncRaster: arcpy.AddMessage('Building output statistics ' 'for truncated corridor raster') lu.build_stats(truncRaster) save_parameters() if cfg.OUTPUTFORMODELBUILDER: arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(cfg.COREFC, cfg.OUTPUTFORMODELBUILDER) # Return GEOPROCESSING specific errors except arcpy.ExecuteError: lu.dashline(1) gprint('****Failed in step 5. Details follow.****') lu.exit_with_geoproc_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) # Return any PYTHON or system specific errors except Exception: lu.dashline(1) gprint('****Failed in step 5. Details follow.****') lu.exit_with_python_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) return
def do_radius_loop(): """Do radius loop.""" link_table = link_table_tmp.copy() start_time = time.clock() link_loop = 0 pct_done = 0 gprint('\nMapping barriers at a radius of ' + str(radius) + ' ' + str(map_units)) if cfg.SUM_BARRIERS: gprint('using SUM method') else: gprint('using MAXIMUM method') if num_corridor_links > 1: gprint('0 percent done') last_mosaic_ras = None last_mosaic_ras_pct = None for x in range(0, num_links): pct_done = lu.report_pct_done( link_loop, num_corridor_links, pct_done) if ((link_table[x, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] > 0) and (link_table[x, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] < 1000)): link_loop = link_loop + 1 # source and target cores corex = int(core_list[x, 0]) corey = int(core_list[x, 1]) # Get cwd rasters for source and target cores cwd_ras1 = lu.get_cwd_path(corex) cwd_ras2 = lu.get_cwd_path(corey) # Mask out areas above CWD threshold cwd_tmp1 = None cwd_tmp2 = None if cfg.BARRIER_CWD_THRESH is not None: if x == 1: lu.dashline(1) gprint(' Using CWD threshold of ' + str(cfg.BARRIER_CWD_THRESH) + ' map units.') arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST arcpy.env.cellSize = cfg.RESRAST arcpy.env.snapRaster = cfg.RESRAST cwd_tmp1 = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR, "tmp" + str(corex)) out_con = cwd_ras1 < float(cfg.BARRIER_CWD_THRESH), cwd_ras1) cwd_ras1 = cwd_tmp1 cwd_tmp2 = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR, "tmp" + str(corey)) out_con = cwd_ras2 < float(cfg.BARRIER_CWD_THRESH), cwd_ras2) cwd_ras2 = cwd_tmp2 focal_ras1 = lu.get_focal_path(corex, radius) focal_ras2 = lu.get_focal_path(corey, radius) link = lu.get_links_from_core_pairs(link_table, corex, corey) lc_dist = float(link_table[link, cfg.LTB_CWDIST]) # Detect barriers at radius using neighborhood stats # Create the Neighborhood Object inner_radius = radius - 1 outer_radius = radius dia = 2 * radius in_neighborhood = ("ANNULUS " + str(inner_radius) + " " + str(outer_radius) + " MAP") @Retry(10) def exec_focal(): """Execute focal statistics.""" if not path.exists(focal_ras1): arcpy.env.extent = cwd_ras1 out_focal_stats = cwd_ras1, in_neighborhood, "MINIMUM", "DATA") if SET_CORES_TO_NULL: # Set areas overlapping cores to NoData xxx out_focal_stats2 = out_focal_stats > 0, out_focal_stats) else: arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST if not path.exists(focal_ras2): arcpy.env.extent = cwd_ras2 out_focal_stats = cwd_ras2, in_neighborhood, "MINIMUM", "DATA") if SET_CORES_TO_NULL: # Set areas overlapping cores to NoData xxx out_focal_stats2 = out_focal_stats > 0, out_focal_stats) else: arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST exec_focal() lu.delete_data(cwd_tmp1) lu.delete_data(cwd_tmp2) barrier_ras = path.join( cbarrierdir, "b" + str(radius) + "_" + str(corex) + "_" + str(corey)+'.tif') # Need to set nulls to 0, # also create trim rasters as we go if cfg.SUM_BARRIERS: out_ras = ((lc_dist - - - dia) / dia) out_con =, 0, out_ras) out_con2 = < 0, 0, out_con) # Execute FocalStatistics to fill out search radii in_neighborhood = ("CIRCLE " + str(outer_radius) + " MAP") fill_ras = path.join( cbarrierdir, "b" + str(radius) + "_" + str(corex) + "_" + str(corey) + "_fill.tif") out_focal_stats = barrier_ras, in_neighborhood, "MAXIMUM", "DATA") if cfg.WRITE_TRIM_RASTERS: trm_ras = path.join( cbarrierdir, "b" + str(radius) + "_" + str(corex) + "_" + str(corey) + "_trim.tif") ras_list = [fill_ras, resist_fill_ras] out_cell_statistics = ras_list, "MINIMUM") else: @Retry(10) def clac_ben(): """Calculate potential benefit. Calculate potential benefit per map unit restored. """ out_ras = ( (lc_dist - - - dia) / dia) clac_ben() if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: # Calculate % potential benefit per unit restored barrier_ras_pct = path.join( cbarrierdir, "b" + str(radius) + "_" + str(corex) + "_" + str(corey) + '_pct.tif') @Retry(10) def calc_ben_pct(): """Calc benefit percentage.""" outras = (100 * ( / lc_dist)) calc_ben_pct() # Mosaic barrier results across core area pairs mosaic_dir = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR, 'mos' + str(rad_id) + '_' + str(x + 1)) lu.create_dir(mosaic_dir) mos_fn = 'mos_temp' tmp_mosaic_ras = path.join(mosaic_dir, mos_fn) tmp_mosaic_ras_trim = path.join(mosaic_dir, 'mos_temp_trm') arcpy.env.workspace = mosaic_dir if link_loop == 1: last_mosaic_ras_trim = None # For first grid copy rather than mosaic arcpy.CopyRaster_management(barrier_ras, tmp_mosaic_ras) if cfg.SUM_BARRIERS and cfg.WRITE_TRIM_RASTERS: arcpy.CopyRaster_management( trm_ras, tmp_mosaic_ras_trim) else: if cfg.SUM_BARRIERS: out_con = < 0, last_mosaic_ras, + if cfg.WRITE_TRIM_RASTERS: out_con = < 0, last_mosaic_ras_trim, + ) else: in_rasters = (";".join([barrier_ras, last_mosaic_ras])) @Retry(10) def mosaic_to_new(): """Mosaic to new raster.""" arcpy.MosaicToNewRaster_management( input_rasters=in_rasters, output_location=mosaic_dir, raster_dataset_name_with_extension\ =mos_fn, pixel_type="32_BIT_FLOAT", cellsize=arcpy.env.cellSize, number_of_bands="1", mosaic_method="MAXIMUM") mosaic_to_new() if link_loop > 1: # Clean up from previous loop lu.delete_data(last_mosaic_ras) last_mosaic_dir = path.dirname(last_mosaic_ras) lu.clean_out_workspace(last_mosaic_dir) lu.delete_dir(last_mosaic_dir) last_mosaic_ras = tmp_mosaic_ras if cfg.WRITE_TRIM_RASTERS: last_mosaic_ras_trim = tmp_mosaic_ras_trim if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: mos_pct_fn = 'mos_temp_pct' mosaic_dir_pct = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR, 'mosP' + str(rad_id) + '_' + str(x+1)) lu.create_dir(mosaic_dir_pct) tmp_mosaic_ras_pct = path.join(mosaic_dir_pct, mos_pct_fn) if link_loop == 1: # If this is the first grid then copy # rather than mosaic if cfg.SUM_BARRIERS: out_con = < 0, 0, (barrier_ras_pct), 0, barrier_ras_pct)) else: arcpy.CopyRaster_management( barrier_ras_pct, tmp_mosaic_ras_pct) else: if cfg.SUM_BARRIERS: @Retry(10) def sum_barriers(): """Sum barriers.""" out_con = < 0, last_mosaic_ras_pct, + last_mosaic_ras_pct)) sum_barriers() else: in_rasters = (";".join([barrier_ras_pct, last_mosaic_ras_pct])) @Retry(10) def max_barriers(): """Get max barriers.""" arcpy.MosaicToNewRaster_management( input_rasters=in_rasters, output_location=mosaic_dir_pct, raster_dataset_name_with_extension =mos_pct_fn, pixel_type="32_BIT_FLOAT", cellsize=arcpy.env.cellSize, number_of_bands="1", mosaic_method="MAXIMUM") max_barriers() if link_loop > 1: # Clean up from previous loop lu.delete_data(last_mosaic_ras_pct) last_mosaic_dir_pct = path.dirname( last_mosaic_ras_pct) lu.clean_out_workspace(last_mosaic_dir_pct) lu.delete_dir(last_mosaic_dir_pct) last_mosaic_ras_pct = tmp_mosaic_ras_pct if not cfg.SAVEBARRIERRASTERS: lu.delete_data(barrier_ras) if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: lu.delete_data(barrier_ras_pct) if cfg.WRITE_TRIM_RASTERS: lu.delete_data(trm_ras) # Temporarily disable links in linktable - # don't want to mosaic them twice for y in range(x + 1, num_links): corex1 = int(core_list[y, 0]) corey1 = int(core_list[y, 1]) if corex1 == corex and corey1 == corey: link_table[y, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] = ( link_table[y, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] + 1000) elif corex1 == corey and corey1 == corex: link_table[y, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] = ( link_table[y, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] + 1000) if num_corridor_links > 1 and pct_done < 100: gprint('100 percent done') gprint('Summarizing barrier data for search radius.') # Rows that were temporarily disabled rows = npy.where(link_table[:, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] > 1000) link_table[rows, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] = ( link_table[rows, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] - 1000) # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Set negative values to null or zero and write geodatabase. mosaic_fn = (prefix + "_BarrierCenters" + sum_suffix + "_Rad" + str(radius)) mosaic_ras = path.join(cfg.BARRIERGDB, mosaic_fn) arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST out_set_null =, tmp_mosaic_ras, "VALUE < 0") # xxx orig lu.delete_data(tmp_mosaic_ras) if cfg.SUM_BARRIERS and cfg.WRITE_TRIM_RASTERS: mosaic_fn = (prefix + "_BarrierCircles_RBMin" + sum_suffix + "_Rad" + str(radius)) mosaic_ras_trim = path.join(cfg.BARRIERGDB, mosaic_fn) arcpy.CopyRaster_management(tmp_mosaic_ras_trim, mosaic_ras_trim) lu.delete_data(tmp_mosaic_ras) if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: # Do same for percent raster mosaic_pct_fn = (prefix + "_BarrierCenters_Pct" + sum_suffix + "_Rad" + str(radius)) arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST out_set_null =, tmp_mosaic_ras_pct, "VALUE < 0") mosaic_ras_pct = path.join(cfg.BARRIERGDB, mosaic_pct_fn) lu.delete_data(tmp_mosaic_ras_pct) # 'Grow out' maximum restoration gain to # neighborhood size for display in_neighborhood = "CIRCLE " + str(outer_radius) + " MAP" # Execute FocalStatistics fill_ras_fn = "barriers_fill" + str(outer_radius) + TIF fill_ras = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR, fill_ras_fn) out_focal_stats = mosaic_ras, in_neighborhood, "MAXIMUM", "DATA") if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: # Do same for percent raster fill_ras_pct_fn = ( "barriers_fill_pct" + str(outer_radius) + TIF) fill_ras_pct = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR, fill_ras_pct_fn) out_focal_stats = mosaic_ras_pct, in_neighborhood, "MAXIMUM", "DATA") # Place copies of filled rasters in output geodatabase arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.BARRIERGDB fill_ras_fn = (prefix + "_BarrrierCircles" + sum_suffix + "_Rad" + str(outer_radius)) arcpy.CopyRaster_management(fill_ras, fill_ras_fn) if cfg.WRITE_PCT_RASTERS: fill_ras_pct_fn = (prefix + "_BarrrierCircles_Pct" + sum_suffix + "_Rad" + str(outer_radius)) arcpy.CopyRaster_management(fill_ras_pct, fill_ras_pct_fn) if not cfg.SUM_BARRIERS and cfg.WRITE_TRIM_RASTERS: # Create pared-down version of filled raster- remove pixels # that don't need restoring by allowing a pixel to only # contribute its resistance value to restoration gain out_ras_fn = "barriers_trm" + str(outer_radius) + TIF out_ras = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR, out_ras_fn) ras_list = [fill_ras, resist_fill_ras] out_cell_statistics =, "MINIMUM") # SECOND ROUND TO CLIP BY DATA VALUES IN BARRIER RASTER out_ras_2fn = ("barriers_trm" + sum_suffix + str(outer_radius) + "_2" + TIF) out_ras2 = path.join(cfg.BARRIERBASEDIR, out_ras_2fn) output =, fill_ras, out_ras) out_ras_fn = (prefix + "_BarrierCircles_RBMin" + sum_suffix + "_Rad" + str(outer_radius)) arcpy.CopyRaster_management(out_ras2, out_ras_fn) start_time = lu.elapsed_time(start_time)