def _display_im(self, y, prec): if abs(y) < 10**(-prec): return "" res = display_float(y, prec) if res == '1': res = '' return r"%s<em>i</em>"%(res)
def embedding(self, m, n=None, prec=6, format='embed'): """ Return the value of the ``m``th embedding on a specified input. Should only be used when all of the entries in this column are either real or imaginary. INPUT: - ``m`` -- an integer, specifying which embedding to use. - ``n`` -- a positive integer, specifying which a_n. If None, returns the image of the generator of the field (i.e. the root corresponding to this embedding). - ``prec`` -- the precision to display floating point values - ``format`` -- either ``embed`` or ``analytic_embed``. In the second case, divide by n^((k-1)/2). """ if n is None: x = self.cc_data[m].get('embedding_root_real', None) y = self.cc_data[m].get('embedding_root_imag', None) if x is None or y is None: return '?' # we should never see this if we have an exact qexp else: x, y = self.cc_data[m]['an'][n] if format == 'analytic_embed': x *= self.analytic_shift[n] y *= self.analytic_shift[n] if self.cc_data[m]['real']: return display_float(x, prec) else: return display_complex(x, y, prec)
def _display_re(self, x, prec, method='round', extra_truncation_digits=3): res = display_float(x, prec, method=method, extra_truncation_digits=extra_truncation_digits, try_halfinteger=False) if res == "0": return "" else: return res.replace('-','−')
def _display_im(self, y, prec, method='round', extra_truncation_digits=3): res = display_float(y, prec, method=method, extra_truncation_digits=extra_truncation_digits, try_halfinteger=False) if res == "0": return "" elif res == "1": res = "" return r"%s<em>i</em>"%(res)
def satake_angle(self, m, p, i, prec=6): theta = self._get_theta(m, p, i) s = display_float(2*theta, prec) if s == "1": s = r'\pi' elif s== "-1": s = r'-\pi' elif s != "0": s += r'\pi' return r'\(%s\)'%s
def frob_angles(self): ans = "" eps = 0.00000001 for angle in self.angles: angstr = display_float(angle, 12, 'round') if ans != "": ans += ", " if abs(angle) > eps and abs(angle - 1) > eps: angle = r"$\pm" + angstr + "$" else: angle = "$" + angstr + "$" ans += angle return ans
def satake_angle(self, m, p, i, prec=6): if not self.character_values[p]: # bad prime return '' theta = self._get_theta(m, p, i) s = display_float(2*theta, prec, method='round') if s == "1": s = r'\pi' elif s== "-1": s = r'-\pi' elif s != "0": s += r'\pi' return r'\(%s\)'%s
def _display_re(self, x, prec): if abs(x) < 10**(-prec): return "" return r"%s"%(display_float(x, prec).replace('-','−'))
def general_webpagedata(self): info = {} try: info['support'] = except AttributeError: info['support'] = '' info['Ltype'] = self.Ltype() try: info['label'] = self.label except AttributeError: info['label'] = "" try: info['credit'] = except AttributeError: info['credit'] = "" info['degree'] = int( info['conductor'] = self.level if not is_prime(int(self.level)) and int(self.level) != 1: if self.level >= 10**8: info['conductor'] = latex(self.level_factored) else: info['conductor_factored'] = latex(self.level_factored) if self.analytic_conductor: info['analytic_conductor'] = display_float( self.analytic_conductor, 6, extra_truncation_digits=40, latex=True) info['root_analytic_conductor'] = display_float( self.root_analytic_conductor, 6, extra_truncation_digits=40, latex=True) else: info['analytic_conductor'] = self.analytic_conductor info['root_analytic_conductor'] = self.root_analytic_conductor if self.rational is not None: info['rational'] = 'yes' if self.rational else 'no' info['sign'] = "$" + styleTheSign(self.sign) + "$" info['algebraic'] = self.algebraic info['arithmetic'] = 'yes' if self.arithmetic else 'no' if self.selfdual: info['selfdual'] = 'yes' else: info['selfdual'] = 'no' if self.primitive: info['primitive'] = 'yes' else: info['primitive'] = 'no' info['dirichlet'] = lfuncDShtml(self, "analytic") # Hack, fix this more general? info['dirichlet'] = info['dirichlet'].replace('*I', '<em>i</em>') info['eulerproduct'] = lfuncEPtex(self, "abstract") info['functionalequation'] = lfuncFEtex(self, "analytic") info['functionalequationSelberg'] = lfuncFEtex(self, "selberg") if hasattr(self, 'positive_zeros'): info['positive_zeros'] = self.positive_zeros info['negative_zeros'] = self.negative_zeros if hasattr(self, 'plot'): info['plot'] = self.plot if hasattr(self, 'factorization'): info['factorization'] = self.factorization if self.fromDB and self.algebraic: info['dirichlet_arithmetic'] = lfuncDShtml(self, "arithmetic") info['eulerproduct_arithmetic'] = lfuncEPtex(self, "arithmetic") info['functionalequation_arithmetic'] = lfuncFEtex( self, "arithmetic") if self.motivic_weight % 2 == 0: arith_center = "\\frac{" + str(1 + self.motivic_weight) + "}{2}" else: arith_center = str(ZZ(1) / 2 + self.motivic_weight / 2) svt_crit = specialValueTriple(self, 0.5, '\\frac12', arith_center) info['sv_critical'] = svt_crit[0] + "\\ =\\ " + svt_crit[2] info['sv_critical_analytic'] = [ svt_crit[0], scientific_notation_helper(svt_crit[2]) ] info['sv_critical_arithmetic'] = [ svt_crit[1], scientific_notation_helper(svt_crit[2]) ] if self.motivic_weight % 2 == 1: arith_edge = "\\frac{" + str(2 + self.motivic_weight) + "}{2}" else: arith_edge = str(ZZ(1) + self.motivic_weight / 2) svt_edge = specialValueTriple(self, 1, '1', arith_edge) info['sv_edge'] = svt_edge[0] + "\\ =\\ " + svt_edge[2] info['sv_edge_analytic'] = [ svt_edge[0], scientific_notation_helper(svt_edge[2]) ] info['sv_edge_arithmetic'] = [ svt_edge[1], scientific_notation_helper(svt_edge[2]) ] chilatex = r"$\chi_{" + str(self.charactermodulus) + "} (" + str( self.characternumber) + r", \cdot )$" info['chi'] = '' if self.charactermodulus != self.level: info['chi'] += "induced by " info['chi'] += '<a href="' + url_for( 'characters.render_Dirichletwebpage', modulus=self.charactermodulus, number=self.characternumber) info['chi'] += '">' + chilatex + '</a>' info['st_group'] = self.st_group info['st_link'] = self.st_link info['rank'] = self.order_of_vanishing info['motivic_weight'] = r'\(%d\)' % self.motivic_weight elif self.Ltype() == "riemann": info['sv_edge'] = r"\[\zeta(1) \approx $\infty$\]" info['sv_critical'] = r"\[\zeta(1/2) \approx -1.460354508\]" elif self.Ltype() != "artin" or (self.Ltype() == "artin" and self.sign != 0): try: info['sv_edge'] = specialValueString(self, 1, '1') info['sv_critical'] = specialValueString(self, 0.5, '1/2') except Exception: info['sv_critical'] = "L(1/2): not computed" info['sv_edge'] = "L(1): not computed" return info