def lstats(x, n): ''' n is the number of the lratios you wish to include, starting at L2 to exclude mean the function return L2,L3,L4 if n=4 ''' lratios = lm.lmom_ratios(x, nmom=n) return lratios[1:n]
def test_n50_nmom3(self): start_i = 0 for i in range(10000): l1, l2, t3 = lm.lmom_ratios(self.record[start_i:start_i + self.n], nmom=3) t2 = l2 / l1 start_i += self.n
def test_samlmu(self): testdata = [2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 2.4, 5.5, 1.2, 5.4, 2.2, 7.1, 1.3, 1.5] expected = [ 3.23636364, 1.14181818, 0.27388535, 0.02335456, -0.04246285 ] result = lm.lmom_ratios(testdata) assert_almost_equal(result, expected)
def smrstat(x, vmin=-np.inf, vmax=np.inf): ''' Summary Statistics Input: one array of interest Output: mean, variance, skewness, kurtosis, min, max, percentile80, percentile90, percentile95, percentile99, percentile99.9, LCV, Lskew, Lkurtosis ''' ind=np.where((np.isnan(x)==False) & (x>vmin) & (x<vmax)) if np.any(ind): x_0=[ind[0]] else: sys.exit(' Array without valid numbers.') ferr=np.zeros((14),'f')*np.nan ferr[0] = np.mean(x_0) ferr[1] = np.var(x_0) ferr[2] = scipy.stats.skew(x_0) ferr[3] = scipy.stats.kurtosis(x_0) ferr[4] = np.min(x_0) ferr[5] = np.max(x_0) ferr[6] = np.percentile(x_0,80) ferr[7] = np.percentile(x_0,90) ferr[8] = np.percentile(x_0,95) ferr[9] = np.percentile(x_0,99) ferr[10] = np.percentile(x_0,99.9) # Hosking & Wallis L-moment ratios # pip install git+ hwlm = lm.lmom_ratios(x_0, nmom=5) ferr[11] = hwlm[1]/hwlm[0] ferr[12] = hwlm[2] ferr[13] = hwlm[3] return ferr
def get_initial_params_using_lm(vals): from lmoments3 import distr sorted_vals = list(sorted(vals)) the_moments = lmoments3.lmom_ratios(sorted_vals, nmom=3) ksi, mu, sigma = distr.gev.lmom_fit(sorted_vals, the_moments[0:3]).values() return [sigma, mu, -ksi] # -ksi because they are using -ksi convention
def test_lm(): x = [ 360.228515625, 513.506103515625, 273.85031127929688, 340.94839477539062, 244.13925170898438, 283.414306640625, 394.42819213867188, 284.3604736328125, 281.26956176757812, 241.46173095703125, 489.75482177734375, 236.31536865234375, 407.55133056640625, 244.6295166015625, 432.40670776367188, 260.501953125, 517.23052978515625, 317.6553955078125, 407.61935424804688, 275.0709228515625, 330.369140625, 285.92086791992188, 247.9954833984375, 344.34811401367188, 379.55596923828125, 330.80569458007812, 312.35330200195312, 251.79550170898438, 372.66928100585938, 239.72474670410156 ] # print(get_initial_params_using_lm(x)) print(np.mean(x)) pars = [128.28104749, 578.4927539, 0.62410911] data = [ 588.4747314453125, 693.6640625, 519.03155517578125, 716.58013916015625, 686.29168701171875, 432.65786743164062, 682.72113037109375, 730.12603759765625, 698.971923828125, 491.75332641601562, 597.258544921875, 487.13619995117188, 482.33123779296875, 573.57861328125, 801.67169189453125, 616.41668701171875, 690.954833984375, 671.31646728515625, 680.87554931640625, 534.18414306640625, 427.86019897460938, 236.22953796386719, 691.40972900390625, 599.84637451171875, 545.3563232421875, 553.059814453125, 549.1295166015625, 658.3983154296875, 719.122802734375, 636.84906005859375 ] import lmoments3 from lmoments3 import distr the_moments = lmoments3.lmom_ratios(sorted(data), 5) pars = distr.gev.lmom_fit(sorted(data), lmom_ratios=the_moments) print("Fitted params using lmoments: ", pars) xi, mu, sigma = pars.values() print(objective_function_stationary_high([sigma, mu, -xi], data)) print("Fitted using MLE: ", print( "Fitted using custom method (Huziy et al 2013), not using l-moments: ", optimize_stationary_for_period(np.array(sorted(data)))) print( "Fitted using custom method (Huziy et al 2013), using l-moments: ", optimize_stationary_for_period(np.array(sorted(data)), use_lmoments=True)) from scipy.stats import genextreme print("Fitted using scipy.stats.genextreme: ", print("10 year high flow return level: ", get_high_ret_level_stationary([sigma, mu, -xi, 0], 10)) print("10 year high flow return level: ", get_high_ret_level_stationary([sigma, mu, -0.5, 0], 10))
def _l_cv_and_skew(self, catchment): """ Calculate L-CV and L-SKEW for a gauged catchment. Uses `lmoments3` library. Methodology source: Science Report SC050050, para. 6.7.5 """ z = self._dimensionless_flows(catchment) l1, l2, t3 = lm.lmom_ratios(z, nmom=3) return l2 / l1, t3
def hudgins_features(emg_vec, config): """ Extract the four hudgin's features Parameters ---------- data : dictionary epoched emg data config : yaml configuration file Return ------ Data : dictionary dictionary of feature and label data from all the subjects """ Data = collections.defaultdict(dict) # A 3d array with dimensions representing trial_samples x emg_channels x epochs data_shape = emg_vec.shape # initialize the feature array - samples x features features1 = np.zeros( (data_shape[0], config['n_electrodes'] * config['n_features'])) features2 = np.zeros( (data_shape[0], config['n_electrodes'] * (config['n_features'] + 1))) for i in range(data_shape[0]): for j in range(data_shape[1]): rawEMGSignal = emg_vec[i, j, :] # feature set 1 features1[i, 4 * j] = pysiology.electromyography.getWL(rawEMGSignal) features1[i, 4 * j + 1] = pysiology.electromyography.getZC( rawEMGSignal, config['threshold']) features1[i, 4 * j + 2] = pysiology.electromyography.getSSC( rawEMGSignal, config['threshold']) features1[i, 4 * j + 3] = pysiology.electromyography.getMAV(rawEMGSignal) # New feature set 2 based on the paper by Phinyomark, Angkoon, Rami N Khushaba, and Erik Scheme. # "Feature extraction and selection for myoelectric control based on wearable EMG sensors." Sensors 18.5 (2018): 1615. features2[i, 5 * j] = pysiology.electromyography.getWAMP( rawEMGSignal, config['threshold']) # Willison amplitude features2[i, 5 * j + 1] = np.mean( np.sqrt( np.absolute(rawEMGSignal))) # Mean value of square root features2[i, 5 * j + 2] = np.log10( np.sqrt(np.absolute(np.sum(np.square( np.diff(rawEMGSignal)))))) # Maximum fractal length features2[i, 5 * j + 3:5 * j + 5] = np.array( lm.lmom_ratios(rawEMGSignal, nmom=2)).reshape(1, 2) # L-moments with order 2 return features1, features2
def test_lm(): x = [360.228515625, 513.506103515625, 273.85031127929688, 340.94839477539062, 244.13925170898438, 283.414306640625, 394.42819213867188, 284.3604736328125, 281.26956176757812, 241.46173095703125, 489.75482177734375, 236.31536865234375, 407.55133056640625, 244.6295166015625, 432.40670776367188, 260.501953125, 517.23052978515625, 317.6553955078125, 407.61935424804688, 275.0709228515625, 330.369140625, 285.92086791992188, 247.9954833984375, 344.34811401367188, 379.55596923828125, 330.80569458007812, 312.35330200195312, 251.79550170898438, 372.66928100585938, 239.72474670410156] # print(get_initial_params_using_lm(x)) print(np.mean(x)) pars = [128.28104749, 578.4927539, 0.62410911] data = [588.4747314453125, 693.6640625, 519.03155517578125, 716.58013916015625, 686.29168701171875, 432.65786743164062, 682.72113037109375, 730.12603759765625, 698.971923828125, 491.75332641601562, 597.258544921875, 487.13619995117188, 482.33123779296875, 573.57861328125, 801.67169189453125, 616.41668701171875, 690.954833984375, 671.31646728515625, 680.87554931640625, 534.18414306640625, 427.86019897460938, 236.22953796386719, 691.40972900390625, 599.84637451171875, 545.3563232421875, 553.059814453125, 549.1295166015625, 658.3983154296875, 719.122802734375, 636.84906005859375] import lmoments3 from lmoments3 import distr the_moments = lmoments3.lmom_ratios(sorted(data), 5) pars = distr.gev.lmom_fit(sorted(data), lmom_ratios=the_moments) print("Fitted params using lmoments: ", pars) xi, mu, sigma = pars.values() print(objective_function_stationary_high([sigma, mu, -xi], data)) print("Fitted using MLE: ", print("Fitted using custom method (Huziy et al 2013), not using l-moments: ", optimize_stationary_for_period( np.array(sorted(data)))) print("Fitted using custom method (Huziy et al 2013), using l-moments: ", optimize_stationary_for_period(np.array(sorted(data)), use_lmoments=True)) from scipy.stats import genextreme print("Fitted using scipy.stats.genextreme: ", print("10 year high flow return level: ", get_high_ret_level_stationary([sigma, mu, -xi, 0], 10)) print("10 year high flow return level: ", get_high_ret_level_stationary([sigma, mu, -0.5, 0], 10))
def __run_a_simulation(self): simulatedDurationStatisticsDF = pd.DataFrame() for row in self.__regionalDurationStatisticsDF.itertuples(): years = row.nyears # Generate synethic AMS ams = self.__kapDist.rvs(years) ratios = lm.lmom_ratios(ams, nmom=5) data = {'nyears':years, 'l1':ratios[0], 'l2':ratios[1], 't':ratios[1]/ratios[0], 't3':ratios[2], 't4':ratios[3], 't5':ratios[4]} simulatedDurationStatisticsDF = simulatedDurationStatisticsDF.append(data, ignore_index=True) # Calculate the regionalized moments simulatedRlmoments = getWeightedLMoments(simulatedDurationStatisticsDF) v = self.get_V1(simulatedDurationStatisticsDF, simulatedRlmoments) self.__v_array.append(v)
def lmom_fit(self, data=[], lmom_ratios=[]): """ Fit the distribution function to the given data or given L-moments. :param data: Data to use in calculating the distribution parameters :type data: array_like :param lmom_ratios: L-moments (ratios) l1, l2, t3, t4, .. to use in calculating the distribution parameters :type lmom_ratios: array_like :returns: Distribution parameters in `scipy` order, e.g. scale, loc, shape :rtype: :class:`OrderedDict` """ n_min = self.numargs + 2 if len(data) > 0: if len(data) <= n_min: raise ValueError("At least {} data points must be provided.".format(n_min)) lmom_ratios = lm.lmom_ratios(data, nmom=n_min) elif not lmom_ratios: raise Exception("Either `data` or `lmom_ratios` must be provided.") elif len(lmom_ratios) < n_min: raise ValueError("At least {} number of L-moments must be provided.".format(n_min)) return self._lmom_fit(lmom_ratios)
def lscale(x): return lm.lmom_ratios(x)[1]
def setUpClass(cls): cls.testdata = [2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 2.4, 5.5, 1.2, 5.4, 2.2, 7.1, 1.3, 1.5] cls.lmu = lm.lmom_ratios(cls.testdata) if cls.dist: cls.distr_f = getattr(distr, cls.dist) super(DistributionTestCase, cls).setUpClass()
def mean(x): return lm.lmom_ratios(x)[0]
def test_n50_nmom4(self): start_i = 0 for i in range(10000): l1, l2, t3, t4 = lm.lmom_ratios(self.record[start_i:start_i + self.n], nmom=4) t2 = l2 / l1 start_i += self.n
def lskewness(x): return lm.lmom_ratios(x)[2]
def extract_emg_features(data, config, scale=False): """ Load the EMG data and extract the features Parameters ---------- data : dictionary epoched emg data config : yaml configuration file scale : bool use min-max scaling if scale=True Return ------ Data : dictionary dictionary of feature and label data from all the subjects """ Data = collections.defaultdict(dict) for subject in tqdm(config['subjects']): emg_vec = data['subject_' + subject]['EMG'] labels = data['subject_' + subject]['labels'] # A 3d array with dimensions representing trial_samples x emg_channels x epochs data_shape = emg_vec.shape # initialize the feature array - samples x features features1 = np.zeros( (data_shape[0], config['n_electrodes'] * config['n_features'])) features2 = np.zeros( (data_shape[0], config['n_electrodes'] * (config['n_features'] + 1))) for i in range(data_shape[0]): for j in range(data_shape[1]): rawEMGSignal = emg_vec[i, j, :] # feature set 1 features1[i, 4 * j] = pysiology.electromyography.getWL(rawEMGSignal) features1[i, 4 * j + 1] = pysiology.electromyography.getZC( rawEMGSignal, config['threshold']) features1[i, 4 * j + 2] = pysiology.electromyography.getSSC( rawEMGSignal, config['threshold']) features1[i, 4 * j + 3] = pysiology.electromyography.getMAV(rawEMGSignal) # Previously used - feature set 2 # The getHIST feature returns ZC and WAMP for each bin. The 'WAMP' from all the bins are added and selected as a single feature # temp_Hist = pysiology.electromyography.getHIST(rawEMGSignal, nseg=9, threshold=config['threshold']) # Hist_sum = 0 # for val in temp_Hist: # Hist_sum += temp_Hist[val]['WAMP'] # features2[i,4*j] = pysiology.electromyography.getRMS(rawEMGSignal) # features2[i,4*j+1] = pysiology.electromyography.getWL(rawEMGSignal) # features2[i,4*j+2] = sampEntropy(rawEMGSignal) # features2[i,4*j+3] = Hist_sum # New feature set 2 based on the paper by Phinyomark, Angkoon, Rami N Khushaba, and Erik Scheme. # "Feature extraction and selection for myoelectric control based on wearable EMG sensors." Sensors 18.5 (2018): 1615. features2[i, 5 * j] = pysiology.electromyography.getWAMP( rawEMGSignal, config['threshold']) # Willison amplitude features2[i, 5 * j + 1] = np.mean( np.sqrt(np.absolute( rawEMGSignal))) # Mean value of square root features2[i, 5 * j + 2] = np.log10( np.sqrt( np.absolute(np.sum(np.square(np.diff( rawEMGSignal)))))) # Maximum fractal length features2[i, 5 * j + 3:5 * j + 5] = np.array( lm.lmom_ratios(rawEMGSignal, nmom=2)).reshape( 1, 2) # L-moments with order 2 # features[i,6*j+5] = sampen2(normalize_data(copy_rawEMGSignal))[2][1] # m = 2, r = 0.2 * std if scale: # print('Min-Max scaling the emg-features') # Min-Max scaling min_max_scaler = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler() features1 = min_max_scaler.fit_transform(features1) features2 = min_max_scaler.fit_transform(features2) Data['subject_' + subject]['features1'] = features1 Data['subject_' + subject]['features2'] = features2 Data['subject_' + subject]['labels'] = labels return Data
636, 343, 586, 221, 298, 2200, 237, 275, 980, ) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(x, y, '.') #%% l1, l2, l3, l4 = lm.lmom_ratios(x, nmom=4) t3 = l3 / l2 t4 = l4 / l2 #%% from scipy.stats import pearson3, kappa4 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np p = kappa4(h=l4, loc=l1, k=l3, scale=l2) x = sorted(x) vals1 = np.linspace(0, 1, 31) vals = np.linspace(0, 1, 1000) ys = p.ppf(vals) plt.plot(vals, ys, vals1, x)
def test_samlmu(self): testdata = [2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 2.4, 5.5, 1.2, 5.4, 2.2, 7.1, 1.3, 1.5] expected = [3.23636364, 1.14181818, 0.27388535, 0.02335456, -0.04246285] result = lm.lmom_ratios(testdata) assert_almost_equal(result, expected)
def lkurtosis(x): return lm.lmom_ratios(x)[3]