def track_forum_event(request, event_name, course, obj, data, id_map=None):
    Send out an analytics event when a forum event happens. Works for threads,
    responses to threads, and comments on those responses.
    user = request.user
    data['id'] = obj.id
    commentable_id = data['commentable_id']

    team = get_team(commentable_id)
    if team is not None:

    if id_map is None:
        id_map = get_cached_discussion_id_map(course, [commentable_id], user)
    if commentable_id in id_map:
        data['category_name'] = id_map[commentable_id]["title"]
        data['category_id'] = commentable_id
    data['url'] = request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER', '')
    data['user_forums_roles'] = [
        role.name for role in user.roles.filter(course_id=course.id)
    data['user_course_roles'] = [
        for role in user.courseaccessrole_set.filter(course_id=course.id)

    eventtracking.tracker.emit(event_name, data)
def track_forum_event(request, event_name, course, obj, data, id_map=None):
    Send out an analytics event when a forum event happens. Works for threads,
    responses to threads, and comments on those responses.
    user = request.user
    data['id'] = obj.id
    commentable_id = data['commentable_id']

    team = get_team(commentable_id)
    if team is not None:

    if id_map is None:
        id_map = get_cached_discussion_id_map(course, [commentable_id], user)
    if commentable_id in id_map:
        data['category_name'] = id_map[commentable_id]["title"]
        data['category_id'] = commentable_id
    data['url'] = request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER', '')
    data['user_forums_roles'] = [
        role.name for role in user.roles.filter(course_id=course.id)
    data['user_course_roles'] = [
        role.role for role in user.courseaccessrole_set.filter(course_id=course.id)

    eventtracking.tracker.emit(event_name, data)
def is_commentable_divided(course_key,
        course_key: CourseKey
        commentable_id: string
        course_discussion_settings: CourseDiscussionSettings model instance (optional). If not
            supplied, it will be retrieved via the course_key.

        Bool: is this commentable divided, meaning that learners are divided into
        groups (either Cohorts or Enrollment Tracks) and only see posts within their group?

        Http404 if the course doesn't exist.
    if not course_discussion_settings:
        course_discussion_settings = get_course_discussion_settings(course_key)

    course = courses.get_course_by_id(course_key)

    if not course_discussion_division_enabled(
            course_discussion_settings) or get_team(commentable_id):
        # this is the easy case :)
        ans = False
    elif (commentable_id in course.top_level_discussion_topic_ids
          or course_discussion_settings.always_divide_inline_discussions is
        # top level discussions have to be manually configured as divided
        # (default is not).
        # Same thing for inline discussions if the default is explicitly set to False in settings
        ans = commentable_id in course_discussion_settings.divided_discussions
        # inline discussions are divided by default
        ans = True

    log.debug(u"is_commentable_divided(%s, %s) = {%s}", course_key,
              commentable_id, ans)
    return ans
def is_commentable_divided(course_key, commentable_id, course_discussion_settings=None):
        course_key: CourseKey
        commentable_id: string
        course_discussion_settings: CourseDiscussionSettings model instance (optional). If not
            supplied, it will be retrieved via the course_key.

        Bool: is this commentable divided, meaning that learners are divided into
        groups (either Cohorts or Enrollment Tracks) and only see posts within their group?

        Http404 if the course doesn't exist.
    if not course_discussion_settings:
        course_discussion_settings = get_course_discussion_settings(course_key)

    course = courses.get_course_by_id(course_key)

    if not course_discussion_division_enabled(course_discussion_settings) or get_team(commentable_id):
        # this is the easy case :)
        ans = False
    elif (
        commentable_id in course.top_level_discussion_topic_ids or
        course_discussion_settings.always_divide_inline_discussions is False
        # top level discussions have to be manually configured as divided
        # (default is not).
        # Same thing for inline discussions if the default is explicitly set to False in settings
        ans = commentable_id in course_discussion_settings.divided_discussions
        # inline discussions are divided by default
        ans = True

    log.debug(u"is_commentable_divided(%s, %s) = {%s}", course_key, commentable_id, ans)
    return ans
def create_thread(request, course_id, commentable_id):
    Given a course and commentable ID, create the thread

    log.debug("Creating new thread in %r, id %r", course_id, commentable_id)
    course_key = CourseKey.from_string(course_id)
    course = get_course_with_access(request.user, 'load', course_key)
    post = request.POST
    user = request.user

    if course.allow_anonymous:
        anonymous = post.get('anonymous', 'false').lower() == 'true'
        anonymous = False

    if course.allow_anonymous_to_peers:
        anonymous_to_peers = post.get('anonymous_to_peers',
                                      'false').lower() == 'true'
        anonymous_to_peers = False

    if 'title' not in post or not post['title'].strip():
        return JsonError(_("Title can't be empty"))
    if 'body' not in post or not post['body'].strip():
        return JsonError(_("Body can't be empty"))

    params = {
        'anonymous': anonymous,
        'anonymous_to_peers': anonymous_to_peers,
        'commentable_id': commentable_id,
        'course_id': str(course_key),
        'user_id': user.id,
        'thread_type': post["thread_type"],
        'body': post["body"],
        'title': post["title"],

    # Check for whether this commentable belongs to a team, and add the right context
    if get_team(commentable_id) is not None:
        params['context'] = ThreadContext.STANDALONE
        params['context'] = ThreadContext.COURSE

    thread = cc.Thread(**params)

    # Divide the thread if required
        group_id = get_group_id_for_comments_service(request, course_key,
    except ValueError:
        return HttpResponseServerError("Invalid group id for commentable")
    if group_id is not None:
        thread.group_id = group_id


    thread_created.send(sender=None, user=user, post=thread)

    # patch for backward compatibility to comments service
    if 'pinned' not in thread.attributes:
        thread['pinned'] = False

    follow = post.get('auto_subscribe', 'false').lower() == 'true'

    if follow:
        cc_user = cc.User.from_django_user(user)
        thread_followed.send(sender=None, user=user, post=thread)

    data = thread.to_dict()

    add_courseware_context([data], course, user)

    track_thread_created_event(request, course, thread, follow)

    if request.is_ajax():
        return ajax_content_response(request, course_key, data)
        return JsonResponse(prepare_content(data, course_key))
def get_threads(request,
    This may raise an appropriate subclass of cc.utils.CommentClientError
    if something goes wrong, or ValueError if the group_id is invalid.

        request (WSGIRequest): The user request.
        course (CourseDescriptorWithMixins): The course object.
        user_info (dict): The comment client User object as a dict.
        discussion_id (unicode): Optional discussion id/commentable id for context.
        per_page (int): Optional number of threads per page.

        (tuple of list, dict): A tuple of the list of threads and a dict of the
            query parameters used for the search.

    default_query_params = {
            request, course.id, discussion_id),  # may raise ValueError

    # If provided with a discussion id, filter by discussion id in the
    # comments_service.
    if discussion_id is not None:
        default_query_params['commentable_id'] = discussion_id
        # Use the discussion id/commentable id to determine the context we are going to pass through to the backend.
        if get_team(discussion_id) is not None:
            default_query_params['context'] = ThreadContext.STANDALONE

    if not request.GET.get('sort_key'):
        # If the user did not select a sort key, use their last used sort key
        default_query_params['sort_key'] = user_info.get(
            'default_sort_key') or default_query_params['sort_key']

    elif request.GET.get('sort_key') != user_info.get('default_sort_key'):
        # If the user clicked a sort key, update their default sort key
        cc_user = cc.User.from_django_user(request.user)
        cc_user.default_sort_key = request.GET.get('sort_key')

    #there are 2 dimensions to consider when executing a search with respect to group id
    #is user a moderator
    #did the user request a group

    query_params = default_query_params.copy()
            extract(request.GET, [
    paginated_results = cc.Thread.search(query_params)
    threads = paginated_results.collection

    # If not provided with a discussion id, filter threads by commentable ids
    # which are accessible to the current user.
    if discussion_id is None:
        discussion_category_ids = set(
            utils.get_discussion_categories_ids(course, request.user))
        threads = [
            thread for thread in threads
            if thread.get('commentable_id') in discussion_category_ids

    for thread in threads:
        # patch for backward compatibility to comments service
        if 'pinned' not in thread:
            thread['pinned'] = False

    query_params['page'] = paginated_results.page
    query_params['num_pages'] = paginated_results.num_pages
    query_params['corrected_text'] = paginated_results.corrected_text

    return threads, query_params
def get_threads(request, course, user_info, discussion_id=None, per_page=THREADS_PER_PAGE):
    This may raise an appropriate subclass of cc.utils.CommentClientError
    if something goes wrong, or ValueError if the group_id is invalid.

        request (WSGIRequest): The user request.
        course (CourseDescriptorWithMixins): The course object.
        user_info (dict): The comment client User object as a dict.
        discussion_id (unicode): Optional discussion id/commentable id for context.
        per_page (int): Optional number of threads per page.

        (tuple of list, dict): A tuple of the list of threads and a dict of the
            query parameters used for the search.

    default_query_params = {
        'page': 1,
        'per_page': per_page,
        'sort_key': 'activity',
        'text': '',
        'course_id': unicode(course.id),
        'user_id': request.user.id,
        'context': ThreadContext.COURSE,
        'group_id': get_group_id_for_comments_service(request, course.id, discussion_id),  # may raise ValueError

    # If provided with a discussion id, filter by discussion id in the
    # comments_service.
    if discussion_id is not None:
        default_query_params['commentable_id'] = discussion_id
        # Use the discussion id/commentable id to determine the context we are going to pass through to the backend.
        if get_team(discussion_id) is not None:
            default_query_params['context'] = ThreadContext.STANDALONE

    if not request.GET.get('sort_key'):
        # If the user did not select a sort key, use their last used sort key
        default_query_params['sort_key'] = user_info.get('default_sort_key') or default_query_params['sort_key']

    elif request.GET.get('sort_key') != user_info.get('default_sort_key'):
        # If the user clicked a sort key, update their default sort key
        cc_user = cc.User.from_django_user(request.user)
        cc_user.default_sort_key = request.GET.get('sort_key')

    #there are 2 dimensions to consider when executing a search with respect to group id
    #is user a moderator
    #did the user request a group

    query_params = default_query_params.copy()
    paginated_results = cc.Thread.search(query_params)
    threads = paginated_results.collection

    # If not provided with a discussion id, filter threads by commentable ids
    # which are accessible to the current user.
    if discussion_id is None:
        discussion_category_ids = set(utils.get_discussion_categories_ids(course, request.user))
        threads = [
            thread for thread in threads
            if thread.get('commentable_id') in discussion_category_ids

    for thread in threads:
        # patch for backward compatibility to comments service
        if 'pinned' not in thread:
            thread['pinned'] = False

    query_params['page'] = paginated_results.page
    query_params['num_pages'] = paginated_results.num_pages
    query_params['corrected_text'] = paginated_results.corrected_text

    return threads, query_params
def create_thread(request, course_id, commentable_id):
    Given a course and commentable ID, create the thread

    log.debug(u"Creating new thread in %r, id %r", course_id, commentable_id)
    course_key = CourseKey.from_string(course_id)
    course = get_course_with_access(request.user, 'load', course_key)
    post = request.POST
    user = request.user

    if course.allow_anonymous:
        anonymous = post.get('anonymous', 'false').lower() == 'true'
        anonymous = False

    if course.allow_anonymous_to_peers:
        anonymous_to_peers = post.get('anonymous_to_peers', 'false').lower() == 'true'
        anonymous_to_peers = False

    if 'title' not in post or not post['title'].strip():
        return JsonError(_("Title can't be empty"))
    if 'body' not in post or not post['body'].strip():
        return JsonError(_("Body can't be empty"))

    params = {
        'anonymous': anonymous,
        'anonymous_to_peers': anonymous_to_peers,
        'commentable_id': commentable_id,
        'course_id': text_type(course_key),
        'user_id': user.id,
        'thread_type': post["thread_type"],
        'body': post["body"],
        'title': post["title"],

    # Check for whether this commentable belongs to a team, and add the right context
    if get_team(commentable_id) is not None:
        params['context'] = ThreadContext.STANDALONE
        params['context'] = ThreadContext.COURSE

    thread = cc.Thread(**params)

    # Divide the thread if required
        group_id = get_group_id_for_comments_service(request, course_key, commentable_id)
    except ValueError:
        return HttpResponseServerError("Invalid group id for commentable")
    if group_id is not None:
        thread.group_id = group_id


    thread_created.send(sender=None, user=user, post=thread)

    # patch for backward compatibility to comments service
    if 'pinned' not in thread.attributes:
        thread['pinned'] = False

    follow = post.get('auto_subscribe', 'false').lower() == 'true'

    if follow:
        cc_user = cc.User.from_django_user(user)
        thread_followed.send(sender=None, user=user, post=thread)

    data = thread.to_dict()

    add_courseware_context([data], course, user)

    track_thread_created_event(request, course, thread, follow)

    if request.is_ajax():
        return ajax_content_response(request, course_key, data)
        return JsonResponse(prepare_content(data, course_key))
    def process_event(self):
        Process incoming mobile navigation events.

        For forum-thread-viewed events, change their names to
        edx.forum.thread.viewed and manipulate their data to conform with
        edx.forum.thread.viewed event design.

        Throw out other events.

        # Get event context dict
        # Throw out event if context nonexistent or wrong type
        context = self.get('context')
        if not isinstance(context, dict):
            raise EventEmissionExit()

        # Throw out event if it's not a forum thread view
        if _get_string(context, 'label',
                       del_if_bad=False) != FORUM_THREAD_VIEWED_EVENT_LABEL:
            raise EventEmissionExit()

        # Change name and event type
        self['name'] = 'edx.forum.thread.viewed'
        self['event_type'] = self['name']

        # If no event data, set it to an empty dict
        if 'event' not in self:
            self['event'] = {}
            self.event = {}

        # Throw out the context dict within the event data
        # (different from the context dict extracted above)
        if 'context' in self.event:
            del self.event['context']

        # Parse out course key
        course_id_string = _get_string(context,
                                       'course_id') if context else None
        course_id = None
        if course_id_string:
                course_id = CourseLocator.from_string(course_id_string)
            except InvalidKeyError:

        # Change 'thread_id' field to 'id'
        thread_id = _get_string(self.event, 'thread_id')
        if thread_id:
            del self.event['thread_id']
            self.event['id'] = thread_id

        # Change 'topic_id' to 'commentable_id'
        commentable_id = _get_string(self.event, 'topic_id')
        if commentable_id:
            del self.event['topic_id']
            self.event['commentable_id'] = commentable_id

        # Change 'action' to 'title' and truncate
        title = _get_string(self.event, 'action')
        if title is not None:
            del self.event['action']
            add_truncated_title_to_event_data(self.event, title)

        # Change 'author' to 'target_username'
        author = _get_string(self.event, 'author')
        if author is not None:
            del self.event['author']
            self.event['target_username'] = author

        # Load user
        username = _get_string(self, 'username')
        user = None
        if username:
                user = User.objects.get(username=username)
            except User.DoesNotExist:

        # If in a category, add category name and ID
        if course_id and commentable_id and user:
            id_map = get_cached_discussion_id_map_by_course_id(
                course_id, [commentable_id], user)
            if commentable_id in id_map:
                self.event['category_name'] = id_map[commentable_id]['title']
                self.event['category_id'] = commentable_id

        # Add thread URL
        if course_id and commentable_id and thread_id:
            url_kwargs = {
                'course_id': course_id_string,
                'discussion_id': commentable_id,
                'thread_id': thread_id
                self.event['url'] = reverse('single_thread', kwargs=url_kwargs)
            except NoReverseMatch:

        # Add user's forum and course roles
        if course_id and user:
            self.event['user_forums_roles'] = [
                role.name for role in user.roles.filter(course_id=course_id)
            self.event['user_course_roles'] = [
                role.role for role in user.courseaccessrole_set.filter(

        # Add team ID
        if commentable_id:
            team = get_team(commentable_id)
            if team:
                self.event['team_id'] = team.team_id
    def process_event(self):
        Process incoming mobile navigation events.

        For forum-thread-viewed events, change their names to
        edx.forum.thread.viewed and manipulate their data to conform with
        edx.forum.thread.viewed event design.

        Throw out other events.

        # Get event context dict
        # Throw out event if context nonexistent or wrong type
        context = self.get('context')
        if not isinstance(context, dict):
            raise EventEmissionExit()

        # Throw out event if it's not a forum thread view
        if _get_string(context, 'label', del_if_bad=False) != FORUM_THREAD_VIEWED_EVENT_LABEL:
            raise EventEmissionExit()

        # Change name and event type
        self['name'] = 'edx.forum.thread.viewed'
        self['event_type'] = self['name']

        # If no event data, set it to an empty dict
        if 'event' not in self:
            self['event'] = {}
            self.event = {}

        # Throw out the context dict within the event data
        # (different from the context dict extracted above)
        if 'context' in self.event:
            del self.event['context']

        # Parse out course key
        course_id_string = _get_string(context, 'course_id') if context else None
        course_id = None
        if course_id_string:
                course_id = CourseLocator.from_string(course_id_string)
            except InvalidKeyError:

        # Change 'thread_id' field to 'id'
        thread_id = _get_string(self.event, 'thread_id')
        if thread_id:
            del self.event['thread_id']
            self.event['id'] = thread_id

        # Change 'topic_id' to 'commentable_id'
        commentable_id = _get_string(self.event, 'topic_id')
        if commentable_id:
            del self.event['topic_id']
            self.event['commentable_id'] = commentable_id

        # Change 'action' to 'title' and truncate
        title = _get_string(self.event, 'action')
        if title is not None:
            del self.event['action']
            add_truncated_title_to_event_data(self.event, title)

        # Change 'author' to 'target_username'
        author = _get_string(self.event, 'author')
        if author is not None:
            del self.event['author']
            self.event['target_username'] = author

        # Load user
        username = _get_string(self, 'username')
        user = None
        if username:
                user = User.objects.get(username=username)
            except User.DoesNotExist:

        # If in a category, add category name and ID
        if course_id and commentable_id and user:
            id_map = get_cached_discussion_id_map_by_course_id(course_id, [commentable_id], user)
            if commentable_id in id_map:
                self.event['category_name'] = id_map[commentable_id]['title']
                self.event['category_id'] = commentable_id

        # Add thread URL
        if course_id and commentable_id and thread_id:
            url_kwargs = {
                'course_id': course_id_string,
                'discussion_id': commentable_id,
                'thread_id': thread_id
                self.event['url'] = reverse('single_thread', kwargs=url_kwargs)
            except NoReverseMatch:

        # Add user's forum and course roles
        if course_id and user:
            self.event['user_forums_roles'] = [
                role.name for role in user.roles.filter(course_id=course_id)
            self.event['user_course_roles'] = [
                role.role for role in user.courseaccessrole_set.filter(course_id=course_id)

        # Add team ID
        if commentable_id:
            team = get_team(commentable_id)
            if team:
                self.event['team_id'] = team.team_id