def __init__(self, row, col, sizeRow, sizeCol, health, sheild, imageName): super(TerranBuilding, self).__init__(row, col, sizeRow, sizeCol, health, 0, 0, 0, imageName) self.buildRound = 3 self.Avatar = load.load_avatar('Terran/Advisor.gif') self.idleSounds = [load.load_sound('Terran/Bldg/TCsSca00.wav')] self.deathSound = [load.load_sound('Misc/explo5.wav')] TerranBuilding.terranBuildings.append(self)
def __init__(self, row, col, sizeRow, sizeCol, health, sheild, imageName): super(ProtossBuilding, self).__init__(row, col, sizeRow, sizeCol, health, sheild, 0, 5, imageName) self.buildRound = 3 self.Avatar = load.load_avatar('Protoss/Advisor.gif') self.idleSounds = [load.load_sound('Protoss/Bldg/pneWht00.wav')] self.deathSound = [load.load_sound('Misc/explo4.wav')] ProtossBuilding.protossBuildings.append(self)
def __init__(self, race, startRow, startCol,index): self.index = index self.resources = 50 self.winSound = load.load_sound('Misc/YouWin.wav') if race == 'Protoss': nexus = ProtossBuildings.Nexus(startRow,startCol) Building.building.addTofinishedBuildings(nexus) ProtossUnit.Probe(startRow,startCol-1) ProtossUnit.Probe(startRow-1,startCol-1) ProtossUnit.Probe(startRow+1,startCol-1) ProtossUnit.Probe(startRow+2,startCol-1) ProtossUnit.Probe(startRow+3,startCol-1) self.xPos = 0 self.yPos = 0 self.Units = ProtossUnit.ProtossUnit.ProtossUnits self.Buildings = ProtossBuildings.ProtossBuilding.protossBuildings self.UntCls = ProtossUnit.ProtossUnit self.BldCls = ProtossBuildings.ProtossBuilding self.NoMineralSound = load.load_sound('Protoss/PAdErr00.wav') self.NoMoreSupplySound = load.load_sound('Protoss/PAdErr02.wav') MenuFile = 'Other/Menu/Protoss Menu.png' self.MenuImage = load.load_image(MenuFile) if race == 'Terran': cc = TerranBuildings.CommandCenter(startRow,startCol) Building.building.addTofinishedBuildings(cc) TerranUnit.SCV(startRow,startCol-1) TerranUnit.SCV(startRow-1,startCol-1) TerranUnit.SCV(startRow+1,startCol-1) TerranUnit.SCV(startRow+2,startCol-1) TerranUnit.SCV(startRow+3,startCol-1) self.xPos = 0 self.yPos = 0 self.Units = TerranUnit.TerranUnit.TerranUnits self.Buildings = TerranBuildings.TerranBuilding.terranBuildings self.UntCls = TerranUnit.TerranUnit self.BldCls = TerranBuildings.TerranBuilding self.NoMineralSound = load.load_sound('Terran/tadErr00.wav') self.NoMoreSupplySound = load.load_sound('Terran/tadErr02.wav') MenuFile = 'Other/Menu/Terran Menu.png' self.MenuImage = load.load_image(MenuFile) self.updateCurrentPopulation() self.updateCurrentPopulationAvaliable()
def __init__(self): self.menu1 = load.load_image("menu1.png") self.menu2 = load.load_image("menu2.png") self.menu3 = load.load_image("menu3.png") = [self.menu1,self.menu2,self.menu3] self.instruction = load.load_image("instruction.png") self.index = 0 self.start = False = False self.menuSound = load.load_sound("menuDing.WAV") self.enter = False
def __init__(self, character): """Initialize pygame.mixer if it is not already and load all sound effects of the character. """ if pygame.mixer.get_init() is None: pygame.mixer.init() self.sounds = {key: load_sound(value) for key in get_all_sounds(character) for value in glob.glob("assets/characters/" + character + "/sound_effects/" + key + "/*")}
def __init__(self): """Initialize all attributes, load music and scale every sprite in the group if the current resolution is lower than the default one. """ SpriteGroup.__init__(self) self.background = Background("assets/backgrounds/character_menu.jpg") self.icon_matrix = IconMatrix(self._calculate_icon_space()) self.icon_matrix.position = Vec2D(((DEFAULT_SCREEN_SIZE[0] - ICON_SIZE[0] * self.icon_matrix.size[1]) / 2, 0)) self._init_players_position() self.p1_repr = Representation(self.get_p1_character(), "RIGHT") self.p2_repr = Representation(self.get_p2_character(), "LEFT") self.add(self.background, self.p1_repr, self.p2_repr, self.icon_matrix) = load_sound("assets/sound/character_menu/" + "01_Shippuuden.ogg")
def main(): # Initialize everything pygame.mixer.pre_init(11025, -16, 2, 512) pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((500, 500)) pygame.display.set_caption('Shooting Game') pygame.mouse.set_visible(0) # Create the background which will scroll and loop over a set of different # size stars background = pygame.Surface((500, 2000)) background = background.convert() background.fill((0, 0, 0)) backgroundLoc = 1500 finalStars = deque() for y in range(0, 1500, 30): size = random.randint(2, 5) x = random.randint(0, 500 - size) if y <= 500: finalStars.appendleft((x, y + 1500, size)) pygame.draw.rect( background, (255, 255, 0), pygame.Rect(x, y, size, size)) while finalStars: x, y, size = finalStars.pop() pygame.draw.rect( background, (255, 255, 0), pygame.Rect(x, y, size, size)) # Display the background screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) pygame.display.flip() # Prepare game objects speed = 1.5 MasterSprite.speed = speed alienPeriod = 60 / speed clockTime = 60 # maximum FPS clock = pygame.time.Clock() ship = Ship() #sprites의 ship 클래스를 넣는다 initialAlienTypes = (Siney,Oneeye, Spikey,Eye) powerupTypes = (BombPowerup, ShieldPowerup) # Sprite groups alldrawings = pygame.sprite.Group() allsprites = pygame.sprite.RenderPlain((ship,)) MasterSprite.allsprites = allsprites Alien.pool = pygame.sprite.Group( [alien() for alien in initialAlienTypes for _ in range(5)]) = pygame.sprite.Group() Missile.pool = pygame.sprite.Group([Missile() for _ in range(10)]) = pygame.sprite.Group() Explosion.pool = pygame.sprite.Group([Explosion() for _ in range(10)]) = pygame.sprite.Group() bombs = pygame.sprite.Group() powerups = pygame.sprite.Group() # Sounds missile_sound = load_sound('missile.ogg') bomb_sound = load_sound('bomb.ogg') alien_explode_sound = load_sound('alien_explode.ogg') ship_explode_sound = load_sound('ship_explode.ogg') load_music('music_loop.ogg') alienPeriod = clockTime // 2 curTime = 0 aliensThisWave, aliensLeftThisWave, Alien.numOffScreen = 10, 10, 10 wave = 1 bombsHeld = 3 score = 0 missilesFired = 0 powerupTime = 10 * clockTime powerupTimeLeft = powerupTime betweenWaveTime = 3 * clockTime betweenWaveCount = betweenWaveTime font = pygame.font.Font(None, 36) inMenu = True hiScores = Database.getScores() highScoreTexts = [font.render("NAME", 1, RED), font.render("SCORE", 1, RED), font.render("ACCURACY", 1, RED)] highScorePos = [highScoreTexts[0].get_rect( topleft=screen.get_rect().inflate(-100, -100).topleft), highScoreTexts[1].get_rect( midtop=screen.get_rect().inflate(-100, -100).midtop), highScoreTexts[2].get_rect( topright=screen.get_rect().inflate(-100, -100).topright)] for hs in hiScores: highScoreTexts.extend([font.render(str(hs[x]), 1, BLUE) for x in range(3)]) highScorePos.extend([highScoreTexts[x].get_rect( topleft=highScorePos[x].bottomleft) for x in range(-3, 0)]) main_dir = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0] data_dir = os.path.join(main_dir, 'data') fullname1 = os.path.join(data_dir, 'ship.png') fullname2 = os.path.join(data_dir, 'ship2.png') fullname3 = os.path.join(data_dir, 'ship3.png') fullname4 = os.path.join(data_dir, 'ship4.png') image1 = pygame.image.load(fullname1) image2 = pygame.image.load(fullname2) image3 = pygame.image.load(fullname3) image4 = pygame.image.load(fullname4) #imageload = [font.render("FIRST SELECT SHIP",1, RED), # font.render("SECOND SELECT SHIP",1,RED), # font.render("THIRD SELECT SHIP",1,RED) # ] #imagePos = [(imageload[0].get_rect(topleft=screen.get_rect().inflate(-100, -100).midbottom)), # (imageload[1].get_rect(topleft=screen.get_rect().inflate(-100, -100).midtop)), # (imageload[2].get_rect(topleft=screen.get_rect().inflate(-100, -100).topright)) # ] title, titleRect = load_image('title.png') titleRect.midtop = screen.get_rect().inflate(0, -200).midtop startText = font.render('START GAME', 1, BLUE) startPos = startText.get_rect(midtop=titleRect.inflate(0, 100).midbottom) hiScoreText = font.render('HIGH SCORES', 1, BLUE) hiScorePos = hiScoreText.get_rect(topleft=startPos.bottomleft) fxText = font.render('SOUND FX ', 1, BLUE) fxPos = fxText.get_rect(topleft=hiScorePos.bottomleft) fxOnText = font.render('ON', 1, RED) fxOffText = font.render('OFF', 1, RED) fxOnPos = fxOnText.get_rect(topleft=fxPos.topright) fxOffPos = fxOffText.get_rect(topleft=fxPos.topright) musicText = font.render('MUSIC', 1, BLUE) musicPos = fxText.get_rect(topleft=fxPos.bottomleft) musicOnText = font.render('ON', 1, RED) musicOffText = font.render('OFF', 1, RED) musicOnPos = musicOnText.get_rect(topleft=musicPos.topright) musicOffPos = musicOffText.get_rect(topleft=musicPos.topright) quitText = font.render('QUIT', 1, BLUE) quitPos = quitText.get_rect(topleft=musicPos.bottomleft) selectText = font.render('*', 1, BLUE) selectPos = selectText.get_rect(topright=startPos.topleft) menuDict = {1: startPos, 2: hiScorePos, 3: fxPos, 4: musicPos, 5: quitPos} selection = 1 showHiScores = False soundFX = Database.getSound() music = Database.getSound(music=True) if music and pygame.mixer: title1, titleRect1 = load_image('title.png') titleRect1.midtop = screen.get_rect().inflate(0, -200).midtop image1 = pygame.image.load(fullname1) startPos1 = image1.get_rect(midtop=titleRect1.inflate(0, 100).midbottom) image2 = pygame.image.load(fullname2) hiScorePos1 = image2.get_rect(topleft=startPos1.bottomleft) image3 = pygame.image.load(fullname3) fxPos1 = image3.get_rect(topleft=hiScorePos1.bottomleft) image4 = pygame.image.load(fullname4) fxOnPos1 = image4.get_rect(topleft=fxPos1.bottomleft) selectText1 = font.render('*', 1, BLUE) selectPos1 = selectText.get_rect(topright=startPos1.topleft) menuDict1 = {1: startPos1, 2: hiScorePos1, 3: fxPos1, 4: fxOnPos1} selection1 = 1 is_end = True while inMenu: clock.tick(clockTime) screen.blit( background, (0, 0), area=pygame.Rect( 0, backgroundLoc, 500, 500)) backgroundLoc -= speed if backgroundLoc - speed <= speed: backgroundLoc = 1500 for event in pygame.event.get(): if (event.type == pygame.QUIT): return elif (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_RETURN): if showHiScores: showHiScores = False elif selection == 1: while is_end: clock.tick(clockTime) screen.blit( background, (0, 0), area=pygame.Rect( 0, backgroundLoc, 500, 500)) backgroundLoc -= speed if backgroundLoc - speed <= speed: backgroundLoc = 1500 for event1 in pygame.event.get(): if (event1.type == pygame.QUIT): return elif(event1.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event1.key == pygame.K_RETURN): if selection1 ==1: abcd = 'ship.png' is_end = False inMenu = False ship.initializeKeys() elif selection1 ==2: abcd = 'ship2.png' is_end = False inMenu = False ship.initializeKeys() elif selection1 ==3: abcd = 'ship3.png' is_end = False inMenu = False ship.initializeKeys() elif selection1 ==4: abcd = 'ship4.png' is_end = False inMenu = False ship.initializeKeys() elif (event1.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event1.key == pygame.K_w and selection1 > 1): selection1 -= 1 elif (event1.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event1.key == pygame.K_s and selection1 < len(menuDict1)): selection1 += 1 selectPos1 = selectText1.get_rect(topright=menuDict1[selection1].topleft) textOverlays1 = zip([image1, image2, image3, image4,selectText1], [startPos1, hiScorePos1, fxPos1, fxOnPos1,selectPos1]) screen.blit(title, titleRect) for txt1, pos1 in textOverlays1: screen.blit(txt1, pos1) pygame.display.flip() elif selection == 2: showHiScores = True elif selection == 3: soundFX = not soundFX if soundFX: Database.setSound(int(soundFX)) elif selection == 4 and pygame.mixer: music = not music if music: else: Database.setSound(int(music), music=True) elif selection == 5: return elif selection ==6: return elif (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_w and selection > 1 and not showHiScores): selection -= 1 elif (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_s and selection < len(menuDict) and not showHiScores): selection += 1 selectPos = selectText.get_rect(topright=menuDict[selection].topleft) if showHiScores: textOverlays = zip(highScoreTexts, highScorePos) else: textOverlays = zip([startText, hiScoreText, fxText, musicText, quitText, selectText, fxOnText if soundFX else fxOffText, musicOnText if music else musicOffText], [startPos, hiScorePos, fxPos, musicPos, quitPos, selectPos, fxOnPos if soundFX else fxOffPos, musicOnPos if music else musicOffPos]) screen.blit(title, titleRect) for txt, pos in textOverlays: screen.blit(txt, pos) pygame.display.flip() while ship.alive: clock.tick(clockTime) if aliensLeftThisWave >= 20: powerupTimeLeft -= 1 if powerupTimeLeft <= 0: powerupTimeLeft = powerupTime random.choice(powerupTypes)().add(powerups, allsprites) # Event Handling for event in pygame.event.get(): if (event.type == pygame.QUIT or event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE): return elif (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key in direction.keys()): ship.horiz += direction[event.key][0] * speed ship.vert += direction[event.key][1] * speed elif (event.type == pygame.KEYUP and event.key in direction.keys()): ship.horiz -= direction[event.key][0] * speed ship.vert -= direction[event.key][1] * speed elif (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_SPACE): Missile.position(ship.rect.midtop) missilesFired += 1 if soundFX: elif (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_b): if bombsHeld > 0: bombsHeld -= 1 newBomb = ship.bomb() newBomb.add(bombs, alldrawings) if soundFX: # Collision Detection # Aliens for alien in for bomb in bombs: if pygame.sprite.collide_circle( bomb, alien) and alien in alien.table() Explosion.position( missilesFired += 1 aliensLeftThisWave -= 1 score += 1 if soundFX: for missile in if pygame.sprite.collide_rect( missile, alien) and alien in alien.table() missile.table() Explosion.position( aliensLeftThisWave -= 1 score += 1 if soundFX: if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(alien, ship): if ship.shieldUp: alien.table() Explosion.position( aliensLeftThisWave -= 1 score += 1 missilesFired += 1 ship.shieldUp = False else: ship.alive = False ship.remove(allsprites) Explosion.position( if soundFX: # PowerUps for powerup in powerups: if pygame.sprite.collide_circle(powerup, ship): if powerup.pType == 'bomb': bombsHeld += 1 elif powerup.pType == 'shield': ship.shieldUp = True powerup.kill() elif > powerup.area.bottom: powerup.kill() # Update Aliens if curTime <= 0 and aliensLeftThisWave > 0: Alien.position() curTime = alienPeriod elif curTime > 0: curTime -= 1 # Update text overlays waveText = font.render("Wave: " + str(wave), 1, BLUE) leftText = font.render("Aliens Left: " + str(aliensLeftThisWave), 1, BLUE) scoreText = font.render("Score: " + str(score), 1, BLUE) bombText = font.render("Bombs: " + str(bombsHeld), 1, BLUE) wavePos = waveText.get_rect(topleft=screen.get_rect().topleft) leftPos = leftText.get_rect(midtop=screen.get_rect().midtop) scorePos = scoreText.get_rect(topright=screen.get_rect().topright) bombPos = bombText.get_rect(bottomleft=screen.get_rect().bottomleft) text = [waveText, leftText, scoreText, bombText] textposition = [wavePos, leftPos, scorePos, bombPos] # Detertmine when to move to next wave if aliensLeftThisWave <= 0: if betweenWaveCount > 0: betweenWaveCount -= 1 nextWaveText = font.render( 'Wave ' + str(wave + 1) + ' in', 1, BLUE) nextWaveNum = font.render( str((betweenWaveCount // clockTime) + 1), 1, BLUE) text.extend([nextWaveText, nextWaveNum]) nextWavePos = nextWaveText.get_rect( center=screen.get_rect().center) nextWaveNumPos = nextWaveNum.get_rect( midtop=nextWavePos.midbottom) textposition.extend([nextWavePos, nextWaveNumPos]) if wave % 4 == 0: speedUpText = font.render('SPEED UP!', 1, RED) speedUpPos = speedUpText.get_rect( midtop=nextWaveNumPos.midbottom) text.append(speedUpText) textposition.append(speedUpPos) elif betweenWaveCount == 0: if wave % 4 == 0: speed += 0.5 MasterSprite.speed = speed ship.initializeKeys() aliensThisWave = 10 aliensLeftThisWave = Alien.numOffScreen = aliensThisWave else: aliensThisWave *= 2 aliensLeftThisWave = Alien.numOffScreen = aliensThisWave if wave == 1: Alien.pool.add([Fasty() for _ in range(5)]) Alien.pool.add([F() for _ in range(5)])#새로운 외계인 F 1페이즈 출현 if wave == 2: Alien.pool.add([Roundy() for _ in range(5)]) Alien.pool.add([Oak() for _ in range(5)])#오크 2페이즈 출현 if wave == 3: Alien.pool.add([Crawly() for _ in range(5)]) wave += 1 betweenWaveCount = betweenWaveTime textOverlays = zip(text, textposition) # Update and draw all sprites and text screen.blit( background, (0, 0), area=pygame.Rect( 0, backgroundLoc, 500, 500)) backgroundLoc -= speed if backgroundLoc - speed <= speed: backgroundLoc = 1500 allsprites.update() allsprites.draw(screen) alldrawings.update() for txt, pos in textOverlays: screen.blit(txt, pos) pygame.display.flip() accuracy = round(score / missilesFired, 4) if missilesFired > 0 else 0.0 isHiScore = len(hiScores) < Database.numScores or score > hiScores[-1][1] name = '' nameBuffer = [] while True: clock.tick(clockTime) # Event Handling for event in pygame.event.get(): if (event.type == pygame.QUIT or not isHiScore and event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE): return False elif (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_RETURN and not isHiScore): return True elif (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key in Keyboard.keys.keys() and len(nameBuffer) < 8): nameBuffer.append(Keyboard.keys[event.key]) name = ''.join(nameBuffer) elif (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_BACKSPACE and len(nameBuffer) > 0): nameBuffer.pop() name = ''.join(nameBuffer) elif (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_RETURN and len(name) > 0): Database.setScore(hiScores, (name, score, accuracy)) return True if isHiScore: hiScoreText = font.render('HIGH SCORE!', 1, RED) hiScorePos = hiScoreText.get_rect( midbottom=screen.get_rect().center) scoreText = font.render(str(score), 1, BLUE) scorePos = scoreText.get_rect(midtop=hiScorePos.midbottom) enterNameText = font.render('ENTER YOUR NAME:', 1, RED) enterNamePos = enterNameText.get_rect(midtop=scorePos.midbottom) nameText = font.render(name, 1, BLUE) namePos = nameText.get_rect(midtop=enterNamePos.midbottom) textOverlay = zip([hiScoreText, scoreText, enterNameText, nameText], [hiScorePos, scorePos, enterNamePos, namePos]) else: gameOverText = font.render('GAME OVER', 1, BLUE) gameOverPos = gameOverText.get_rect( center=screen.get_rect().center) scoreText = font.render('SCORE: {}'.format(score), 1, BLUE) scorePos = scoreText.get_rect(midtop=gameOverPos.midbottom) textOverlay = zip([gameOverText, scoreText], [gameOverPos, scorePos]) # Update and draw all sprites screen.blit( background, (0, 0), area=pygame.Rect( 0, backgroundLoc, 500, 500)) backgroundLoc -= speed if backgroundLoc - speed <= 0: backgroundLoc = 1500 allsprites.update() allsprites.draw(screen) alldrawings.update() for txt, pos in textOverlay: screen.blit(txt, pos) pygame.display.flip()
pygame.display.set_caption("Kirby") screen = pygame.display.get_surface() # Create instances kirby = kirby.kirby() hand = handCursor.Hand() clock = pygame.time.Clock() spriteGroup = spriteGroup.spriteGroup() landscape = landscape.landscape() menu = subscreen = subscreen.subscreen() # Use Struct to store globals class Struct: pass data = Struct() data.menuMusic = load.load_sound("menu.wav") data.gameMusic = load.load_sound("game.wav") data.event = pygame.event.poll() data.key = pygame.key.get_pressed() data.mouse_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() data.mouseEvent = pygame.mouse.get_pressed() # Add Pikey def addPikey(): if kirby.frame_w % 173 == 50: pikey = enemies.pikey(600,336) data.pikeyList.append(pikey) for p in data.pikeyList: p.movement(screen,spriteGroup,hand,data.mouseEvent,data.key) if p.x < -26: data.pikeyList.remove(p)
def main(): #mindwaveDataPointReader = MindwaveDataPointReader() #mindwaveDataPointReader.start() #if not (mindwaveDataPointReader.isConnected()): #print((textwrap.dedent("""\ #Exiting because the program could not connect #to the Mindwave Mobile device.""").replace("\n", " "))) #sys.exit() # Initialize everything pygame.mixer.pre_init(11025, -16, 2, 512) pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((500, 500)) pygame.display.set_caption('Shooting Game') pygame.mouse.set_visible(0) # Create the background which will scroll and loop over a set of different # size stars background = pygame.Surface((500, 2000)) background = background.convert() background.fill((0, 0, 0)) backgroundLoc = 1500 finalStars = deque() for y in range(0, 1500, 30): size = random.randint(2, 5) x = random.randint(0, 500 - size) if y <= 500: finalStars.appendleft((x, y + 1500, size)) pygame.draw.rect(background, (255, 255, 0), pygame.Rect(x, y, size, size)) while finalStars: x, y, size = finalStars.pop() pygame.draw.rect(background, (255, 255, 0), pygame.Rect(x, y, size, size)) # Display the background screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) pygame.display.flip() # Prepare game objects speed = 1.5 MasterSprite.speed = speed alienPeriod = 60 / speed clockTime = 60 # maximum FPS clock = pygame.time.Clock() ship = Ship() initialAlienTypes = (Siney, Spikey) powerupTypes = (BombPowerup, ShieldPowerup) # Sprite groups alldrawings = pygame.sprite.Group() allsprites = pygame.sprite.RenderPlain((ship, )) MasterSprite.allsprites = allsprites Alien.pool = pygame.sprite.Group( [alien() for alien in initialAlienTypes for _ in range(5)]) = pygame.sprite.Group() Missile.pool = pygame.sprite.Group([Missile() for _ in range(10)]) = pygame.sprite.Group() Explosion.pool = pygame.sprite.Group([Explosion() for _ in range(10)]) = pygame.sprite.Group() bombs = pygame.sprite.Group() powerups = pygame.sprite.Group() # Sounds missile_sound = load_sound('missile.ogg') bomb_sound = load_sound('bomb.ogg') alien_explode_sound = load_sound('alien_explode.ogg') ship_explode_sound = load_sound('ship_explode.ogg') load_music('music_loop.ogg') alienPeriod = clockTime // 2 curTime = 0 aliensThisWave, aliensLeftThisWave, Alien.numOffScreen = 10, 10, 10 wave = 1 bombsHeld = 3 score = 0 missilesFired = 0 powerupTime = 10 * clockTime powerupTimeLeft = powerupTime betweenWaveTime = 3 * clockTime betweenWaveCount = betweenWaveTime font = pygame.font.Font(None, 36) inMenu = True hiScores = Database.getScores() highScoreTexts = [ font.render("NAME", 1, RED), font.render("SCORE", 1, RED), font.render("ACCURACY", 1, RED) ] highScorePos = [ highScoreTexts[0].get_rect( topleft=screen.get_rect().inflate(-100, -100).topleft), highScoreTexts[1].get_rect( midtop=screen.get_rect().inflate(-100, -100).midtop), highScoreTexts[2].get_rect( topright=screen.get_rect().inflate(-100, -100).topright) ] for hs in hiScores: highScoreTexts.extend( [font.render(str(hs[x]), 1, BLUE) for x in range(3)]) highScorePos.extend([ highScoreTexts[x].get_rect(topleft=highScorePos[x].bottomleft) for x in range(-3, 0) ]) title, titleRect = load_image('title.png') titleRect.midtop = screen.get_rect().inflate(0, -200).midtop startText = font.render('START GAME', 1, BLUE) startPos = startText.get_rect(midtop=titleRect.inflate(0, 100).midbottom) hiScoreText = font.render('HIGH SCORES', 1, BLUE) hiScorePos = hiScoreText.get_rect(topleft=startPos.bottomleft) fxText = font.render('SOUND FX ', 1, BLUE) fxPos = fxText.get_rect(topleft=hiScorePos.bottomleft) fxOnText = font.render('ON', 1, RED) fxOffText = font.render('OFF', 1, RED) fxOnPos = fxOnText.get_rect(topleft=fxPos.topright) fxOffPos = fxOffText.get_rect(topleft=fxPos.topright) musicText = font.render('MUSIC', 1, BLUE) musicPos = fxText.get_rect(topleft=fxPos.bottomleft) musicOnText = font.render('ON', 1, RED) musicOffText = font.render('OFF', 1, RED) musicOnPos = musicOnText.get_rect(topleft=musicPos.topright) musicOffPos = musicOffText.get_rect(topleft=musicPos.topright) quitText = font.render('QUIT', 1, BLUE) quitPos = quitText.get_rect(topleft=musicPos.bottomleft) selectText = font.render('*', 1, BLUE) selectPos = selectText.get_rect(topright=startPos.topleft) menuDict = {1: startPos, 2: hiScorePos, 3: fxPos, 4: musicPos, 5: quitPos} selection = 1 showHiScores = False soundFX = Database.getSound() music = Database.getSound(music=True) if music and pygame.mixer: while inMenu: clock.tick(clockTime) screen.blit(background, (0, 0), area=pygame.Rect(0, backgroundLoc, 500, 500)) backgroundLoc -= speed if backgroundLoc - speed <= speed: backgroundLoc = 1500 for event in pygame.event.get(): if (event.type == pygame.QUIT): return elif (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_RETURN): if showHiScores: showHiScores = False elif selection == 1: inMenu = False ship.initializeKeys() elif selection == 2: showHiScores = True elif selection == 3: soundFX = not soundFX if soundFX: Database.setSound(int(soundFX)) elif selection == 4 and pygame.mixer: music = not music if music: else: Database.setSound(int(music), music=True) elif selection == 5: return elif (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_w and selection > 1 and not showHiScores): selection -= 1 elif (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_s and selection < len(menuDict) and not showHiScores): selection += 1 selectPos = selectText.get_rect(topright=menuDict[selection].topleft) if showHiScores: textOverlays = zip(highScoreTexts, highScorePos) else: textOverlays = zip([ startText, hiScoreText, fxText, musicText, quitText, selectText, fxOnText if soundFX else fxOffText, musicOnText if music else musicOffText ], [ startPos, hiScorePos, fxPos, musicPos, quitPos, selectPos, fxOnPos if soundFX else fxOffPos, musicOnPos if music else musicOffPos ]) screen.blit(title, titleRect) for txt, pos in textOverlays: screen.blit(txt, pos) pygame.display.flip() medVal = 0 attVal = 0 while medVal == 0 and attVal == 0: dataPoint = mindwaveDataPointReader.readNextDataPoint() if (not dataPoint.__class__ is RawDataPoint): if dataPoint.__class__.__name__ == 'MeditationDataPoint': medVal = dataPoint.meditationValue print("Meditaion Value: ", medVal) elif dataPoint.__class__.__name__ == 'AttentionDataPoint': attVal = dataPoint.attentionValue print("Attention Value: ", attVal) while ship.alive: clock.tick(clockTime) dataPoint = mindwaveDataPointReader.readNextDataPoint() if (not dataPoint.__class__ is RawDataPoint): if dataPoint.__class__.__name__ == 'MeditationDataPoint': medVal = dataPoint.meditationValue print("Meditaion Value: ", medVal) elif dataPoint.__class__.__name__ == 'AttentionDataPoint': attVal = dataPoint.attentionValue print("Attention Value: ", attVal) if aliensLeftThisWave >= 20: powerupTimeLeft -= 1 if powerupTimeLeft <= 0: powerupTimeLeft = powerupTime random.choice(powerupTypes)().add(powerups, allsprites) # Event Handling for event in pygame.event.get(): if (event.type == pygame.QUIT or event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE): return elif (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key in direction.keys()): ship.horiz += direction[event.key][0] * speed #*medVal ship.vert += direction[event.key][1] * speed #*medVal elif (event.type == pygame.KEYUP and event.key in direction.keys()): ship.horiz -= direction[event.key][0] * speed #*medVal ship.vert -= direction[event.key][1] * speed #*medVal elif (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_SPACE): Missile.position(ship.rect.midtop) missilesFired += 1 if soundFX: elif (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_b): if bombsHeld > 0: bombsHeld -= 1 newBomb = ship.bomb() newBomb.add(bombs, alldrawings) if soundFX: # Collision Detection # Aliens for alien in for bomb in bombs: if pygame.sprite.collide_circle( bomb, alien) and alien in alien.table() Explosion.position( missilesFired += 1 aliensLeftThisWave -= 1 score += 1 if soundFX: for missile in if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(missile, alien) and alien in alien.table() #Peiercing bullets if medVal < 40: missile.table() Explosion.position( aliensLeftThisWave -= 1 score += 1 if soundFX: if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(alien, ship): if ship.shieldUp: alien.table() Explosion.position( aliensLeftThisWave -= 1 score += 1 missilesFired += 1 ship.shieldUp = False else: ship.alive = False ship.remove(allsprites) Explosion.position( if soundFX: # PowerUps for powerup in powerups: if pygame.sprite.collide_circle(powerup, ship): if powerup.pType == 'bomb': bombsHeld += 1 elif powerup.pType == 'shield': ship.shieldUp = True powerup.kill() elif > powerup.area.bottom: powerup.kill() # Update Aliens if curTime <= 0 and aliensLeftThisWave > 0: Alien.position() curTime = alienPeriod elif curTime > 0: curTime -= 1 # Update text overlays waveText = font.render("Wave: " + str(wave), 1, BLUE) leftText = font.render("Aliens Left: " + str(aliensLeftThisWave), 1, BLUE) scoreText = font.render("Score: " + str(score), 1, BLUE) dataText = font.render("(A): " + str(attVal) + " (M): " + str(medVal), 1, RED) bombText = font.render("Bombs: " + str(bombsHeld), 1, BLUE) wavePos = waveText.get_rect(topleft=screen.get_rect().topleft) leftPos = leftText.get_rect(midtop=screen.get_rect().midtop) scorePos = scoreText.get_rect(topright=screen.get_rect().topright) bombPos = bombText.get_rect(bottomleft=screen.get_rect().bottomleft) dataPos = dataText.get_rect(bottomright=screen.get_rect().bottomright) text = [waveText, leftText, scoreText, bombText, dataText] textposition = [wavePos, leftPos, scorePos, bombPos, dataPos] # Detertmine when to move to next wave if aliensLeftThisWave <= 0: if betweenWaveCount > 0: betweenWaveCount -= 1 nextWaveText = font.render('Wave ' + str(wave + 1) + ' in', 1, BLUE) nextWaveNum = font.render( str((betweenWaveCount // clockTime) + 1), 1, BLUE) text.extend([nextWaveText, nextWaveNum]) nextWavePos = nextWaveText.get_rect( center=screen.get_rect().center) nextWaveNumPos = nextWaveNum.get_rect( midtop=nextWavePos.midbottom) textposition.extend([nextWavePos, nextWaveNumPos]) if wave % 4 == 0: speedUpText = font.render('SPEED UP!', 1, RED) speedUpPos = speedUpText.get_rect( midtop=nextWaveNumPos.midbottom) text.append(speedUpText) textposition.append(speedUpPos) elif betweenWaveCount == 0: if wave % 4 == 0: speed += 0.5 MasterSprite.speed = speed ship.initializeKeys() aliensThisWave = 10 aliensLeftThisWave = Alien.numOffScreen = aliensThisWave else: aliensThisWave *= 2 aliensLeftThisWave = Alien.numOffScreen = aliensThisWave if wave == 1: Alien.pool.add([Fasty() for _ in range(5)]) if wave == 2: Alien.pool.add([Roundy() for _ in range(5)]) if wave == 3: Alien.pool.add([Crawly() for _ in range(5)]) wave += 1 betweenWaveCount = betweenWaveTime textOverlays = zip(text, textposition) # Update and draw all sprites and text screen.blit(background, (0, 0), area=pygame.Rect(0, backgroundLoc, 500, 500)) backgroundLoc -= speed if backgroundLoc - speed <= speed: backgroundLoc = 1500 allsprites.update() allsprites.draw(screen) alldrawings.update() for txt, pos in textOverlays: screen.blit(txt, pos) pygame.display.flip() accuracy = round(score / missilesFired, 4) if missilesFired > 0 else 0.0 isHiScore = len(hiScores) < Database.numScores or score > hiScores[-1][1] name = '' nameBuffer = [] while True: clock.tick(clockTime) # Event Handling for event in pygame.event.get(): if (event.type == pygame.QUIT or not isHiScore and event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE): return False elif (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_RETURN and not isHiScore): return True elif (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key in Keyboard.keys.keys() and len(nameBuffer) < 8): nameBuffer.append(Keyboard.keys[event.key]) name = ''.join(nameBuffer) elif (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_BACKSPACE and len(nameBuffer) > 0): nameBuffer.pop() name = ''.join(nameBuffer) elif (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_RETURN and len(name) > 0): Database.setScore(hiScores, (name, score, accuracy)) return True if isHiScore: hiScoreText = font.render('HIGH SCORE!', 1, RED) hiScorePos = hiScoreText.get_rect( midbottom=screen.get_rect().center) scoreText = font.render(str(score), 1, BLUE) scorePos = scoreText.get_rect(midtop=hiScorePos.midbottom) enterNameText = font.render('ENTER YOUR NAME:', 1, RED) enterNamePos = enterNameText.get_rect(midtop=scorePos.midbottom) nameText = font.render(name, 1, BLUE) namePos = nameText.get_rect(midtop=enterNamePos.midbottom) textOverlay = zip( [hiScoreText, scoreText, enterNameText, nameText], [hiScorePos, scorePos, enterNamePos, namePos]) else: gameOverText = font.render('GAME OVER', 1, BLUE) gameOverPos = gameOverText.get_rect( center=screen.get_rect().center) scoreText = font.render('SCORE: {}'.format(score), 1, BLUE) scorePos = scoreText.get_rect(midtop=gameOverPos.midbottom) textOverlay = zip([gameOverText, scoreText], [gameOverPos, scorePos]) # Update and draw all sprites screen.blit(background, (0, 0), area=pygame.Rect(0, backgroundLoc, 500, 500)) backgroundLoc -= speed if backgroundLoc - speed <= 0: backgroundLoc = 1500 allsprites.update() allsprites.draw(screen) alldrawings.update() for txt, pos in textOverlay: screen.blit(txt, pos) pygame.display.flip()