def main():

    if len(sys.argv == 2):
        img_path = sys.argv[1]
        img_path = DEFAULT_LIVE_IMG_PATH

    prediction = Predict(img_path)

    p_clothing = []
    p_body_type = []
    probability = None
    # If there was an update to the live img data location
    # Get live image/vid data
    live_frame_dataset = live_imgs.get_last_n_frames(n=1)
    # Get the initial photos, labels, and location of individuals
    initial_people = LoadData(DEFAULT_INDIVIDUAL_IMG_PATH)
    person_dataset = initial_people.get_all_frames()

    # Given an individual's clothing hist and body type:
    # Compare that to the unkown body type and clothing histogram
    clothing_prob = ClothingEM()
    unkown_clothing_prob = ClothingEM(live_frame_dataset)
    unkown_clothing_dist = unkown_clothing_prob.clothing_distribution()
    body_prob = BodyTypeClassifier()

    for person in person_dataset:
        individual_clothing_dist = clothing_prob.clothing_distribution()
        # Compare each individual distribution with the unknown distribution and add it to arrays
        clothing_prediction = prediction.compare_individual_w_clothing(
            unkown_clothing_dist, individual_clothing_dist)

        body_prediction = prediction.compare_individual_w_body(
            unkown_body_distr, individual_body_distr)
        p_clothing.append({person: clothing_prediction})
        p_body_type.append({person: body_prediction})