def inputTimeFrames(): '''Allows user to choose the time frames over which they compute accelerometer features.''' time_frames = [] print( "Accelerometer features can be extracted over different time periods.") cont = get_user_input( "If you would like to enter a time period over which to compute features, enter 'y', or press enter to compute features over the entire file." ) while cont == 'y' or cont == 'Y': start = int( get_user_input( "Enter the starting hour of the time period (hour 0 is when the file starts):" )) end = int( get_user_input( "Enter the ending hour of the time period (hour 0 is when the file starts; use -1 for the end of the file):" )) start = getIndexFromTimestamp(int(start)) if end != -1: end = getIndexFromTimestamp(int(end)) time_frames.append([start, end]) print("Great! Now computing features for the following time periods:" + str(time_frames)) cont = get_user_input( "To add another time period, enter 'y'. To finish, press enter.") if len(time_frames) == 0: time_frames = [[0, -1]] # the whole file return time_frames
def chooseValueOrDefault(str_input, default): if str_input == "": return default else: return float(str_input) if __name__ == "__main__": data, filepath_confirm = getInputLoadFile() fullOutputPath = getOutputPath() print("") print("Please choose settings for the peak detection algorithm. For default values press return") thresh_str = get_user_input('\tMinimum peak amplitude (default = .02):') thresh = chooseValueOrDefault(thresh_str,.02) offset_str = get_user_input('\tOffset (default = 1): ') offset = chooseValueOrDefault(offset_str,1) start_WT_str = get_user_input('\tMax rise time (s) (default = 4): ') start_WT = chooseValueOrDefault(start_WT_str,4) end_WT_str = get_user_input('\tMax decay time (s) (default = 4): ') end_WT = chooseValueOrDefault(end_WT_str,4) settings_dict = {'threshold':thresh, 'offset':offset, 'rise time':start_WT, 'decay time':end_WT} print("") print("Okay, finding peaks in file "+ filepath_confirm + " using the following parameters")
# Only include x axis label on final subplot if secondsPlot: plt.xlabel('Time (s)') else: plt.xlabel('Time (min)') # Display the plot plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=.3) return if __name__ == "__main__": numClassifiers = int( get_user_input( 'Would you like 1 classifier (Binary or Multiclass) or both (enter 1 or 2): ' )) # Create list of classifiers if numClassifiers == 1: temp_clf = int( get_user_input( "Select a classifier:\n1: Binary\n2: Multiclass\n:")) while temp_clf != 1 and temp_clf != 2: temp_clf = get_user_input( "Something went wrong. Enter the number 1 or 2.\n Select a classifier:\n1: Binary\n2: Multiclass):" ) if temp_clf == 1: print('Binary Classifier selected') classifierList = ['Binary'] elif temp_clf == 2:
print("This script will extract features related to accelerometer data.") data, filepath_confirm = getInputLoadFile() output_path = getOutputPath() time_frames = inputTimeFrames() features, steps, motion = computeAllAccelerometerFeatures( data, time_frames) data["steps"] = steps data["motion"] = motion saveFeaturesToFile(features, time_frames, output_path) print("") plot_ans = get_user_input( "Do you want to plot the detected steps? (y/n): ") if 'y' in plot_ans: secs_ans = get_user_input( "Would you like the x-axis to be in seconds or minutes? (sec/min): " ) if 'sec' in secs_ans: x_seconds = True else: x_seconds = False plotSteps(data, x_seconds) else: print("\tOkay, script will not produce a plot")