def spline_data(file):
    """ The "spline_data" function takes 1 argument :
        - file: string, the name of the file which contains the data to load
        Returns 8 values given by the function "calculate_spline_data", just with the name of the file in argument.
    (nUpper, nLower, ix, iy) = load_foil(file)
    nUpper = int(nUpper[0])
    nLower = int(nLower[0])

    return calculate_spline_data(ix, iy, nUpper, nLower)
def spline_data(file):
    """ The "spline_data" function takes 1 argument :
        - file: string, the name of the file which contains the data to load
        Returns 8 values given by the function "calculate_spline_data", just with the name of the file in argument.
    (nUpper,nLower,ix,iy) = load_foil(file)
    return calculate_spline_data(ix, iy, nUpper, nLower)
def wings_interpolation(filename, eps=0.001):
    """ The "wings_interpolation" function takes 2 arguments :
        - filename: string, the name of the file to load
        - eps: real, step for x
        Returns tables of cubic-spline interpolated values y, for x from 0 to 1 (step eps), for the upper and lower part.
    (nUpper, nLower, ix, iy) = load_foil(filename)
    nUpper = int(nUpper[0])
    nLower = int(nLower[0])

    return splint_improved(ix, iy, nUpper, nLower, eps)
def wings_interpolation(filename,eps=0.001):
    """ The "wings_interpolation" function takes 2 arguments :
        - filename: string, the name of the file to load
        - eps: real, step for x
        Returns tables of cubic-spline interpolated values y, for x from 0 to 1 (step eps), for the upper and lower part.
    (nUpper,nLower,ix,iy) = load_foil(filename)
    return splint_improved(ix, iy, nUpper, nLower, eps)
def get_foil(a, b, N, file):

    (dim, ex, ey, ix, iy) = load_foil(file)

    pas = (b - a) / N

    ex2 = [a + pas * k for k in range(N + 1)]
    ey2 = [splint(ex, ey, x) for x in ex2]

    ix2 = [a + pas * k for k in range(N + 1)]
    iy2 = [splint(ix, iy, x) for x in ix2]

    return ex2, ey2, ix2, iy2
def test_foil():

    file = "foil.txt"
    (dim, ex, ey, ix, iy) = load_foil(file)
    (ex2, ey2, ix2, iy2) = get_foil(0, 1, 100, file)

    plt.plot(ex, ey, 'o')
    plt.plot(ix, iy, 'o')
    plt.plot(ex2, ey2)
    plt.plot(ix2, iy2)
def test_wing(filename, eps=0.001):
    """ The "test_wing" function takes 2 arguments :
        - filename: string, the name of the file to load
        - eps: real, step for x
        Checks that every yTable data are consonant with the yUpper and yLower arrays data
    (nx1, nx2, xTable, yTable) = load_foil(filename)
    nUpper = int(nx1[0])
    nLower = int(nx2[0])
    yUpper, yLower = splint_improved(xTable, yTable, nUpper, nLower, eps)

    x = [0]
    i = 0
    while (x[i] < 1):
        x += [x[i] + eps]
        i += 1
    x = x[:(len(yUpper))]
    for i in range(nUpper):
        if (xTable[i] in x):
            assert (yTable[i] in yUpper)
    for i in range(nUpper, nLower, 1):
        if (xTable[i] in x):
            assert (yTable[i] in yLower)
    print("Test interpolation : PASSED.")
def test_wing(filename, eps=0.001):
    """ The "test_wing" function takes 2 arguments :
        - filename: string, the name of the file to load
        - eps: real, step for x
        Checks that every yTable data are consonant with the yUpper and yLower arrays data
    (nx1,nx2,xTable,yTable) = load_foil(filename)
    yUpper,yLower = splint_improved(xTable, yTable, nUpper, nLower, eps)

    while (x[i]<1):
    for i in range (nUpper):
        if (xTable[i] in x):
            assert(yTable[i] in yUpper)
    for i in range (nUpper,nLower,1):
        if (xTable[i] in x):
            assert(yTable[i] in yLower)
    print("Test interpolation : PASSED.")
    a = (xa[khi] - x) / h
    b = (x - xa[klo]) / h

    return a * ya[klo] + b * ya[khi] + (((a**3) - a) * y2a[klo] + (
        (b**3) - b) * y2a[khi]) * (h * h) / 6.0

# Return the spline function passing through each provided point where
# xa is the array containing the x coordinate of each point
# ya is the array containing the y coordinate of each point
# n is the number of points
def spline_fun(xa, ya, n):
    y2 = spline(xa, ya, n)
    return lambda x: splint(xa, ya, y2, n, x)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    (dim, ex, ey, ix, iy) = lf.load_foil("k1.dat")
    espline = spline_fun(ex, ey, int(dim[0]))
    ispline = spline_fun(ix, iy, int(dim[1]))

    r = np.arange(0, 1.00001, 0.001)

    mp.plot(r, list(map(espline, r)), linewidth=1.0)
    mp.plot(ex, ey, marker='.', linestyle="None")
    mp.plot(r, list(map(ispline, r)), linewidth=1.0)
    mp.plot(ix, iy, marker='.', linestyle="None")
    mp.title("Cubic spline interpolation of the airfoil")
    -f is a cubic-spline interpolating g
    -n is the length of x
    Returns average of relatives error between f and y 
    cpt = 0.0
    for i in range(0, n):
        if (y[i] > 1e-6):
            cpt = cpt + (f(x[i]) - y[i]) / y[i]
    cpt = cpt / n
    return cpt

#-------Airfoil refinment, application--------------
(ex, ey, ix, iy) = foil.load_foil("goe281.dat")
plt.plot(ex, ey)
plt.plot(ix, iy)
plt.title("Wing curve goe281 without spline")

#Taille des tableaux de points de l'aile
#e correspond à extrados
#i correspond à intrados
ne = ex.shape[0]
ni = ix.shape[0]

#On prend les dérivées premières comme nulles
yp1 = 0.0
文件: 项目: royceda/Python
    -x is an array containing abscissae
    -y is an array containing the values of g(x). y[i] = g(x[i])
    -f is a cubic-spline interpolating g
    -n is the length of x
    Returns average of relatives error between f and y 
    cpt = 0.0
    for i in range(0,n):
        if( y[i] > 1e-6 ):
            cpt = cpt + (f(x[i]) - y[i])/y[i]
    cpt = cpt / n
    return cpt
#-------Airfoil refinment, application--------------
(ex,ey,ix,iy) = foil.load_foil("goe281.dat")
plt.title("Wing curve goe281 without spline")

#Taille des tableaux de points de l'aile
#e correspond à extrados
#i correspond à intrados
ne = ex.shape[0]
ni = ix.shape[0]

#On prend les dérivées premières comme nulles
yp1 = 0.0
# Import
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as mp
import load_foil as fl

# Constante globale
epsilon = 0.1**2

# Variable globale (chargee a partir de foilload)
(ex, ey, ix, iy) = fl.load_foil('BACNLF.DAT');

# Aile extrados
def extrados(ix, iy):
    extrados_x = [];
    extrados_y = [];
    for i in range(0, ix.size-1):
    return (extrados_x, extrados_y);

# Aile intrados
def intrados(ix, iy):
    intrados_x = [];
    intrados_y = [];
    for i in range(0, ix.size-1):
## Import
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as mp
import load_foil as fl

# Constantes
eps = 0.1 ** 2
(ex, ey, ix, iy) = fl.load_foil("BACNLF.DAT")

# Fonction mettant en equation les polynomes interpolateurs de lagrange
def lagrange_polynomial(x1, x2, y1, y2):
    def lagrange(x):
        A = (x - x2) / (x1 - x2)
        B = (x - x1) / (x2 - x1)
        C = y1 * A + y2 * B
        return C

    return lagrange

# Fonction permettant de mettre en place es derivees
def lagrange_derivative(x1, x2, y1, y2):
    def deriv(x):
        A = 1 / (x1 - x2)
        B = 1 / (x2 - x1)
        C = y1 * A + y2 * B
        return C

    return deriv