def plot(limit_type, low_mass, high_mass, logy=True): ''' Application entry point ''' supported_limit_types = ("narrow", "wide", "kk") if limit_type not in supported_limit_types: raise RuntimeError("supported limit types: {0!r}".format( supported_limit_types)) data = load_data(low_mass, high_mass) class Limits(object): pass # container for low and high limits limits = Limits limits.low = { "visible": None, "invisible": None } limits.high = copy.deepcopy(limits.low) limits.low_fix_observed = copy.deepcopy(limits.low) # convert YAML to dictionary split_point = { "narrow": 1000, "wide": 1100, "kk": 1000 }.get(limit_type) (limits.low["visible"], limits.low["invisible"]) = get_limits(data.low, is_low_mass=True, split_point=split_point, transform_x=gev_to_tev) (limits.high["visible"], limits.high["invisible"]) = get_limits(data.high, is_low_mass=False, split_point=split_point, transform_x=gev_to_tev) (limits.low_fix_observed["visible"], limits.low_fix_observed["invisible"]) = get_limits(data.low, is_low_mass=True, split_point=split_point, low_mass_x=True, transform_x=gev_to_tev)["visible"], n=2) legend = ROOT.TLegend(0.5, 0.50, 0.80, 0.88) line_width = 3 combo = ROOT.TMultiGraph() # 2 sigma band cur = limits.low["visible"] graph = ROOT.TGraphAsymmErrors(len(cur["x"]), cur["x"], cur["expected"], cur["xerr"], cur["xerr"], cur["two_sigma_down"], cur["two_sigma_up"]) graph.SetFillColor(ROOT.kGray + 1) graph.SetLineWidth(0) combo.Add(graph) g_2s_lm = graph cur = limits.high["visible"] graph = ROOT.TGraphAsymmErrors(len(cur["x"]), cur["x"], cur["expected"], cur["xerr"], cur["xerr"], cur["two_sigma_down"], cur["two_sigma_up"]) graph.SetFillColor(ROOT.kGray + 1) graph.SetLineWidth(0) combo.Add(graph) g_2s_hm = graph # 1 sigma band cur = limits.low["visible"] graph = ROOT.TGraphAsymmErrors(len(cur["x"]), cur["x"], cur["expected"], cur["xerr"], cur["xerr"], cur["one_sigma_down"], cur["one_sigma_up"]) graph.SetFillColor(ROOT.kGray) graph.SetLineWidth(0) combo.Add(graph) g_1s_lm = graph cur = limits.high["visible"] graph = ROOT.TGraphAsymmErrors(len(cur["x"]), cur["x"], cur["expected"], cur["xerr"], cur["xerr"], cur["one_sigma_down"], cur["one_sigma_up"]) graph.SetFillColor(ROOT.kGray) graph.SetLineWidth(0) combo.Add(graph) g_1s_hm = graph # expected cur = limits.low["visible"] graph = ROOT.TGraph(len(cur["x"]), cur["x"], cur["expected"]) graph.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlack) graph.SetLineWidth(line_width) combo.Add(graph) legend.AddEntry(graph, "Expected (95% CL)", "l") cur = limits.high["visible"] graph = ROOT.TGraph(len(cur["x"]), cur["x"], cur["expected"]) graph.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlack) graph.SetLineWidth(line_width) combo.Add(graph) # observed cur = limits.low_fix_observed["visible"] graph = ROOT.TGraph(len(cur["observed_x"]), cur["observed_x"], cur["observed"]) graph.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed + 1) graph.SetLineWidth(line_width) combo.Add(graph) legend.AddEntry(graph, "Observed (95% CL)", "l") cur = limits.high["visible"] graph = ROOT.TGraph(len(cur["observed_x"]), cur["observed_x"], cur["observed"]) graph.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed + 1) graph.SetLineWidth(line_width) combo.Add(graph) # Theory theories = { "narrow": ([theory.zprime, 1.2, False], ), "wide": ([theory.zprime, 10.0, False], ), "kk": ([theory.kk, None, None], ) }.get(limit_type) for index, (theory_function, theory_width, use_old_theory) in enumerate(theories, 0): class Theory(object): pass x, y, label = (theory_function(theory_width, use_old_theory) if theory_width else theory_function()) # remove all the points below 500 GeV x, y = zip(*[(xi, yi) for xi, yi in zip(x, y) if not 500 > xi]) x = gev_to_tev(x) graph = ROOT.TGraph(len(x), array('d', x), array('d', y)) graph.SetLineColor([ROOT.kBlue + 1, ROOT.kMagenta + 1, ROOT.kGreen + 1][index] if index < 3 else ROOT.kBlue + 1) graph.SetLineWidth(3) graph.SetLineStyle(2) combo.Add(graph) legend.AddEntry(graph, label, "l") theory_data = Theory() theory_data.x = x theory_data.y = y if limit_type != 'kk': print("low mass".capitalize()) expected_exclusion, observed_exclusion = exclude(limits.low["visible"], theory_data) print("Expected exclusion:", expected_exclusion) print("Observed exclusion:", observed_exclusion) print() print("high mass".capitalize()) expected_exclusion, observed_exclusion = exclude(limits.high["visible"], theory_data) print("Expected exclusion:", expected_exclusion) print("Observed exclusion:", observed_exclusion) legend.AddEntry(g_1s_lm, "#pm 1 #sigma Expected", "f") legend.AddEntry(g_2s_lm, "#pm 2 #sigma Expected", "f") # Draw cv = ROOT.TCanvas() style.canvas(cv) combo.Draw("3al") # Split point if limit_type != 'kk': line = ROOT.TGraph(2) line.SetPoint(0, split_point * 1e-3, 1e1) line.SetPoint(1, split_point * 1e-3, 3e-2) line.SetLineColor(ROOT.kGray + 2) line.SetLineStyle(2) line.SetLineWidth(3) line.Draw("L") legend.Draw() if logy: cv.SetLogy(True) style.combo(combo, maximum=1e2 if logy else None) combo.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 4) style.legend(legend) legend.SetTextSize(0.04) plot_labels = labels.create({ #"narrow": "{0:.1f}% Width Assumption".format(theory_width if theory_width else 0), "narrow": "Z' with 1% Decay Width", "wide": "Z' with 10% Decay Width", "kk": "KK Gluon Assumption"}.get(limit_type, None)) map(ROOT.TObject.Draw, plot_labels) cv.Update() cv.SaveAs("limits-{0}.pdf".format(limit_type))
def plot(limit_type, filename, logy=True, smooth_data=True): """ Application entry point """ supported_limit_types = ("narrow", "wide", "kk") if limit_type not in supported_limit_types: raise RuntimeError("supported limit types: {0!r}".format(supported_limit_types)) data = load_data(filename, 0.1) if smooth_data:, n=40, log=logy) # print(sorted(data.keys())) # for m in sorted(data.keys()): # print(m, data[m][0]) legend = ROOT.TLegend(0.5, 0.50, 0.80, 0.88) line_width = 3 combo = ROOT.TMultiGraph() # 2 sigma band cur = get_limits(data) graph = ROOT.TGraphAsymmErrors( len(cur["x"]), cur["x"], cur["expected"], cur["xerr"], cur["xerr"], cur["two_sigma_down"], cur["two_sigma_up"] ) graph.SetFillColor(ROOT.kGray + 1) graph.SetLineWidth(0) combo.Add(graph) g_2s = graph # 1 sigma band graph = ROOT.TGraphAsymmErrors( len(cur["x"]), cur["x"], cur["expected"], cur["xerr"], cur["xerr"], cur["one_sigma_down"], cur["one_sigma_up"] ) graph.SetFillColor(ROOT.kGray) graph.SetLineWidth(0) combo.Add(graph) g_1s = graph # expected graph = ROOT.TGraph(len(cur["x"]), cur["x"], cur["expected"]) graph.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlack) graph.SetLineWidth(line_width) combo.Add(graph) legend.AddEntry(graph, "Expected (95% Bayesian)", "l") # observed graph = ROOT.TGraph(len(cur["observed_x"]), cur["observed_x"], cur["observed"]) graph.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed + 1) graph.SetLineWidth(line_width) combo.Add(graph) legend.AddEntry(graph, "Observed (95% Bayesian)", "l") # Theory theories = { "narrow": ([theory.zprime, 1.2, False],), "wide": ([theory.zprime, 10.0, False],), "kk": ([theory.kkgluon, None, None],), }.get(limit_type) for index, (theory_function, theory_width, use_old_theory) in enumerate(theories, 0): class Theory(object): pass x, y, label = theory_function(theory_width, use_old_theory) if theory_width else theory_function() # remove all the points below 500 GeV x, y = zip(*[(xi, yi) for xi, yi in zip(x, y) if not 750 > xi]) graph = ROOT.TGraph(len(x), array("d", x), array("d", y)) graph.SetLineColor([ROOT.kBlue + 1, ROOT.kMagenta + 1, ROOT.kGreen + 1][index] if index < 3 else ROOT.kBlue + 1) graph.SetLineWidth(3) graph.SetLineStyle(2) combo.Add(graph) legend.AddEntry(graph, label, "l") theory_data = Theory() theory_data.x = x theory_data.y = y expected_exclusion, observed_exclusion = exclude(cur, theory_data) print("Expected exclusion:", expected_exclusion) print("Observed exclusion:", observed_exclusion) legend.AddEntry(g_1s, "#pm 1 s.d. Expected", "f") legend.AddEntry(g_2s, "#pm 2 s.d. Expected", "f") # Draw cv = ROOT.TCanvas() style.canvas(cv) combo.Draw("3al") legend.Draw() if logy: cv.SetLogy(True) if limit_type == "kk": style.combo( combo, ytitle="Upper Limit #sigma_{g_{KK}} x B [pb]", maximum=1e2 if logy else None, minimum=1e-2 if logy else None, ) else: style.combo(combo, maximum=1e2 if logy else None) style.legend(legend) legend.SetTextSize(0.04) plot_labels = labels.create( {"narrow": "Narrow Width Assumption", "wide": "10% Width Assumption", "kk": "KK Gluon Assumption"}.get( limit_type, None ) ) map(ROOT.TObject.Draw, plot_labels) cv.Update() cv.SaveAs("limits-{0}.pdf".format(limit_type))
def main(): if 4 != len(sys.argv): raise RuntimeError("insufficient arguments") data = load_data(*sys.argv[1:3]) # container for low and high limits class Limits(object): pass limits = Limits() limits.low = { "visible": None, "invisible": None } limits.high = copy.deepcopy(limits.low) # convert YAML to dictionary (limits.low["visible"], limits.low["invisible"]) = get_limits(data.low, is_low_mass=True) (limits.high["visible"], limits.high["invisible"]) = get_limits(data.high, is_low_mass=False) legend = ROOT.TLegend(0.5, 0.50, 0.80, 0.80) legend.SetHeader("Expected limits") line_width = 3 combo = ROOT.TMultiGraph() # expected cur = limits.low["visible"] graph = ROOT.TGraph(len(cur["x"]), cur["x"], cur["expected"]) graph.SetLineColor(ROOT.kAzure - 7) graph.SetLineWidth(line_width) combo.Add(graph) legend.AddEntry(graph, "threshold", "l") cur = limits.low["invisible"] graph = ROOT.TGraph(len(cur["x"]), cur["x"], cur["expected"]) graph.SetLineColor(ROOT.kAzure + 2) graph.SetLineWidth(line_width) graph.SetLineStyle(7) combo.Add(graph) cur = limits.high["visible"] graph = ROOT.TGraph(len(cur["x"]), cur["x"], cur["expected"]) graph.SetLineColor(ROOT.kOrange + 2) graph.SetLineWidth(line_width) combo.Add(graph) legend.AddEntry(graph, "boosted", "l") # Draw cv = ROOT.TCanvas() style.canvas(cv) combo.Draw("3al") legend.Draw() cv.SetLogy(True) style.combo(combo) style.legend(legend) plot_labels = labels.create(sys.argv[3]) map(ROOT.TObject.Draw, plot_labels) cv.Update() cv.SaveAs("expected.png") raw_input("enter")
def plot(limit_type, low_mass, high_mass, logy=True, smooth_data=True): ''' Application entry point ''' supported_limit_types = ("narrow", "wide", "kk") if limit_type not in supported_limit_types: raise RuntimeError("supported limit types: {0!r}".format( supported_limit_types)) data = load_data(low=low_mass, high=high_mass, scale_high=0.1) if smooth_data:, n=40, log=logy), n=40, log=logy) # Computting splitting point based on expected values split_point = 0 mass_high_min = min(data.high.keys()) for mass_low in sorted(data.low.keys()): if mass_low < mass_high_min: continue mass_high = 0 for mass in sorted(data.high.keys()): if mass >= mass_low: mass_high = mass break if data.low[mass_low][0] > data.high[mass_high][0]: print(mass_low, mass_high) split_point = mass_high break class Limits(object): pass # container for low and high limits limits = Limits limits.low = { "visible": None, "invisible": None } limits.high = copy.deepcopy(limits.low) limits.low_fix_observed = copy.deepcopy(limits.low) (limits.low["visible"], limits.low["invisible"]) = get_limits(data.low, is_low_mass=True, split_point=split_point, transform_x=gev_to_tev) (limits.high["visible"], limits.high["invisible"]) = get_limits(data.high, is_low_mass=False, split_point=split_point, transform_x=gev_to_tev) (limits.low_fix_observed["visible"], limits.low_fix_observed["invisible"]) = get_limits(data.low, is_low_mass=True, split_point=split_point, low_mass_x=True, transform_x=gev_to_tev) legend = ROOT.TLegend(0.5, 0.50, 0.80, 0.88) line_width = 3 combo = ROOT.TMultiGraph() # 2 sigma band cur = limits.low["visible"] graph = ROOT.TGraphAsymmErrors(len(cur["x"]), cur["x"], cur["expected"], cur["xerr"], cur["xerr"], cur["two_sigma_down"], cur["two_sigma_up"]) graph.SetFillColor(ROOT.kGray + 1) graph.SetLineWidth(0) combo.Add(graph) g_2s_lm = graph cur = limits.high["visible"] graph = ROOT.TGraphAsymmErrors(len(cur["x"]), cur["x"], cur["expected"], cur["xerr"], cur["xerr"], cur["two_sigma_down"], cur["two_sigma_up"]) graph.SetFillColor(ROOT.kGray + 1) graph.SetLineWidth(0) combo.Add(graph) g_2s_hm = graph # 1 sigma band cur = limits.low["visible"] graph = ROOT.TGraphAsymmErrors(len(cur["x"]), cur["x"], cur["expected"], cur["xerr"], cur["xerr"], cur["one_sigma_down"], cur["one_sigma_up"]) graph.SetFillColor(ROOT.kGray) graph.SetLineWidth(0) combo.Add(graph) g_1s_lm = graph cur = limits.high["visible"] graph = ROOT.TGraphAsymmErrors(len(cur["x"]), cur["x"], cur["expected"], cur["xerr"], cur["xerr"], cur["one_sigma_down"], cur["one_sigma_up"]) graph.SetFillColor(ROOT.kGray) graph.SetLineWidth(0) combo.Add(graph) g_1s_hm = graph # expected cur = limits.low["visible"] graph = ROOT.TGraph(len(cur["x"]), cur["x"], cur["expected"]) graph.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlack) graph.SetLineWidth(line_width) combo.Add(graph) legend.AddEntry(graph, "Expected (95% CL)", "l") cur = limits.high["visible"] graph = ROOT.TGraph(len(cur["x"]), cur["x"], cur["expected"]) graph.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlack) graph.SetLineWidth(line_width) combo.Add(graph) # observed cur = limits.low_fix_observed["visible"] graph = ROOT.TGraph(len(cur["observed_x"]), cur["observed_x"], cur["observed"]) graph.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed + 1) graph.SetLineWidth(line_width) graph.SetLineStyle(2) combo.Add(graph) legend.AddEntry(graph, "Observed (95% CL)", "l") cur = limits.high["visible"] graph = ROOT.TGraph(len(cur["observed_x"]), cur["observed_x"], cur["observed"]) graph.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed + 1) graph.SetLineWidth(line_width) graph.SetLineStyle(2) combo.Add(graph) # Theory theories = { "narrow": ([theory.zprime, 1.2, False], ), "wide": ([theory.zprime, 10.0, False], ), "kk": ([theory.kkgluon, None, None], ) }.get(limit_type) for index, (theory_function, theory_width, use_old_theory) in enumerate(theories, 0): class Theory(object): pass x, y, label = (theory_function(theory_width, use_old_theory) if theory_width else theory_function()) # remove all the points below 500 GeV x, y = zip(*[(xi, yi) for xi, yi in zip(x, y) if not 500 > xi]) x = gev_to_tev(x) graph = ROOT.TGraph(len(x), array('d', x), array('d', y)) graph.SetLineColor([ROOT.kBlue + 1, ROOT.kMagenta + 1, ROOT.kGreen + 1][index] if index < 3 else ROOT.kBlue + 1) graph.SetLineWidth(3) graph.SetLineStyle(9) combo.Add(graph) legend.AddEntry(graph, label, "l") theory_data = Theory() theory_data.x = x theory_data.y = y ''' print("low mass".capitalize()) expected_exclusion, observed_exclusion = exclude(limits.low["visible"], theory_data) print("Expected exclusion:", expected_exclusion) print("Observed exclusion:", observed_exclusion) print() print("high mass".capitalize()) expected_exclusion, observed_exclusion = exclude(limits.high["visible"], theory_data) print("Expected exclusion:", expected_exclusion) print("Observed exclusion:", observed_exclusion) ''' legend.AddEntry(g_1s_lm, "Expected #pm 1 s.d.", "f") legend.AddEntry(g_2s_lm, "Expected #pm 2 s.d.", "f") # Draw cv = ROOT.TCanvas() style.canvas(cv) combo.Draw("3al") # Split point line = ROOT.TGraph(2) line.SetPoint(0, split_point * 1e-3, 1e1) line.SetPoint(1, split_point * 1e-3, 5e-3) line.SetLineColor(ROOT.kGray + 2) line.SetLineStyle(9) line.SetLineWidth(3) line.Draw("L") legend.Draw() if logy: cv.SetLogy(True) if limit_type == 'kk': style.combo(combo, maximum=4e2 if logy else None, minimum=1e-2 if logy else None, ytitle="Upper Limit #sigma_{g_{KK}} x B [pb]") else: style.combo(combo, maximum=4e2 if logy else None) style.legend(legend) legend.SetTextSize(0.04) plot_labels = labels.create({ #"narrow": "{0:.1f}% Width Assumption".format(theory_width if theory_width else 0), "narrow": "Z' with 1.2% Decay Width", "wide": "Z' with 10% Decay Width", "kk": "KK Gluon"}.get(limit_type, None)) map(ROOT.TObject.Draw, plot_labels) cv.Update() cv.SaveAs("limits-{0}.pdf".format(limit_type))
from loader import load_data,get_limits data = load_data() class Limits(object): pass limits = Limits limits.low = { "visible": None, "invisible": None } limits.high = copy.deepcopy(limits.low) (limits.low["visible"], limits.low["invisible"]) = get_limits(data.low, is_low_mass=True) (limits.high["visible"], limits.high["invisible"]) = get_limits(data.high, is_low_mass=False) legend = ROOT.TLegend(0.5, 0.50, 0.80, 0.88) combo = ROOT.TMultiGraph() # 2 sigma band cur = limits.low["visible"] graph = ROOT.TGraphAsymmErrors(len(cur["x"]), cur["x"], cur["expected"], cur["xerr"], cur["xerr"], cur["two_sigma_down"], cur["two_sigma_up"]) graph.SetFillColor(ROOT.kAzure - 8) combo.Add(graph)