# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Mar 27 10:17:05 2020

@author: giha

import numpy as np
from loader import DataLoad
from bar import Bar
from edgeCal import EdgeCal
from psd import CalNClip, MovingAvg, PSD_hist, FOM_plot, PSD_ergslice
from timeHist import TimeHist
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

X25 = DataLoad('D:\X25data.p')
X26 = DataLoad('D:\X26data.p')
X27 = DataLoad('D:\X27data.p')
X28 = DataLoad('D:\X28data.p')
X29 = DataLoad('D:\X29data.p')
X30 = DataLoad('D:\X30data.p')
X31 = DataLoad('D:\X31data.p')
X32 = DataLoad('D:\X32data.p')

B1cs1 = Bar(X27[0], X27[1])
B2cs1 = Bar(X27[2], X27[3])
B3cs1 = Bar(X27[4], X27[5])
B4cs1 = Bar(X27[6], X27[7])
X27 = DataLoad('D:\X27data.p')
X28 = DataLoad('D:\X28data.p')
X29 = DataLoad('D:\X29data.p')
X30 = DataLoad('D:\X30data.p')
X31 = DataLoad('D:\X31data.p')
X32 = DataLoad('D:\X32data.p')


readIn = False
if readIn:
    X27 = DataLoad('D:\X27data.p')
    X30 = DataLoad('D:\X30data.p')
    X29 = DataLoad('D:\X29data.p')
    X28 = DataLoad('D:\X28data.p')
    csCalData = Bars(X27)
    nTOFData = Bars(X30)
    tagCalData = X28

    print('Done reading')
currentFile = X30
fname = 'X30'

### Calibration and PSD for bars

calibrate = False
Short script that reads my data in for debugging my bar PSD stuff
from loader import DataLoad
from bar import Bar
from edgeCal import EdgeCal
#X17 = DataLoad('D:\\X17data.p')
X18 = DataLoad('D:\\X18data-0-20-370.p')
#X19 = DataLoad('D:\\X19data.p')
X17 = DataLoad('/media/giha/DATA/X17data.p')
X18 = DataLoad('/media/giha/DATA/X18data-0-20-370.p')
X19 = DataLoad('/media/giha/DATA/X19data.p')
X18 = DataLoad('/media/giha/DATA/X18data-0-40-370.p')

B1cs1 = Bar(X17[0], X17[1])
B2cs1 = Bar(X17[2], X17[3])

B1cf = Bar(X18[0], X18[1])
B2cf = Bar(X18[2], X18[3])

B1cs2 = Bar(X19[0], X19[1])
B2cs2 = Bar(X19[2], X19[3])

B11 = EdgeCal(B1cs1[0, :], histLabel='B11', xCal=0, integral=True)
B12 = EdgeCal(B1cs2[0, :], histLabel='B12', xCal=0, integral=True)
B21 = EdgeCal(B2cs1[0, :], histLabel='B21', xCal=0, integral=True)
B22 = EdgeCal(B2cs2[0, :], histLabel='B22', xCal=0, integral=True)
barNum = 6
coincWindow = 70
plotLinewidth = 1
figureSize = (7, 4)
binEdgesE = np.arange(0, 900, 10)
centersE = (binEdgesE[:-1] + binEdgesE[1:]) / 2

readIn = False
if readIn:
    lower = 87
    upper = 100

    data = []

    for i in range(lower, upper + 1):
        cache = DataLoad('D:\X' + str(i) + 'data.p')

transform = False
if transform:
    datNaiCals = []
    datBefCals = []
    datAftCals = []
    datErgRes = []

    for i in range(4):
        datNaiCals.append(data[i * 4][12])

    for i in range(3):
        datBefCals.append(Bars(data[i * 4 + 1]))
        datAftCals.append(Bars(data[i * 4 + 3]))
    2: [sipm, 0],
    3: [3 * sipm, 0],
    4: [-2 * sipm, -2 * sipm],
    5: [2 * sipm, -2 * sipm]

outfile = 'results\\glassCones.p'


load = False
if load:
    # Load in data and calibrations
    lightOutputCal = np.loadtxt('figures\\lightOutputCurves.txt')
    zPosCal = np.loadtxt('figures\\posFit.txt')
    X69 = DataLoad('D:\X69data.p')
    barData = Bars(X69)

# Convert to bar data

# Extract pulse times from bar data
barNum = len(barData)
eventNums = np.zeros(barNum)

# Calibrate and apply PSD cuts
loadCal = False
if loadCal:
    csCalDataImageBef = Bars(DataLoad('D:\X68data.p'))
    csCalDataImageAft = Bars(DataLoad('D:\X70data.p'))

psdSigma = 4
    return a * np.exp(-(x - x0)**2 / (2 * sigma**2))

def _3rdOrder(x, a, b, c, d):
    return a * x**3 + b * x**2 + c * x + d

read = False
if read:
    lower = 35
    upper = 67

    dataPos = []

    for i in range(upper - lower + 1):
        cache = DataLoad('D:\X' + str(lower + i) + 'data.p')

    pos0 = Bars(dataPos[1])
    pos1 = Bars(dataPos[3])
    pos2 = Bars(dataPos[6])
    pos3 = Bars(dataPos[8])
    pos4 = Bars(dataPos[11])
    pos5 = Bars(dataPos[14])
    pos6 = Bars(dataPos[17])
    pos7 = Bars(dataPos[20])
    pos8 = Bars(dataPos[23])
    pos9 = Bars(dataPos[25])
    pos10 = Bars(dataPos[28])
    bkg = Bars(dataPos[31])
from loader import DataLoad
from bar import Bar
from edgeCal import EdgeCal
from timeHist import doTimeHist
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from coincFinder import CoincFind


resultPath = 'C:\\Users\\giha\\Documents\\Papers\\glassBars\\'

loadData = False
if loadData:
    X23 = DataLoad('D:\\X23data.p')
    X24 = DataLoad('D:\\X24data.p')

doBars = True
if doBars:
    b1cs = Bar(X23[0], X23[1])
    b2cs = Bar(X23[2], X23[3])

    b1na = Bar(X24[0], X24[1])
    b2na = Bar(X24[2], X24[3])

calibrate = True
if calibrate:

    b1Cal = EdgeCal(b1cs[0, :], histLabel='b1', xCal=0, integral=True)
    b2Cal = EdgeCal(b2cs[0, :], histLabel='b2', xCal=0, integral=True)
timeToBack = lengthToCTime(flightLengthBack)
timeToTag = lengthToCTime(flightLengthTag)

barNum = 6
fname = 'X73'



readIn = True
if readIn:
    X71 = DataLoad('D:\X71data.p')
    X72 = DataLoad('D:\X72data.p')
    X73 = DataLoad('D:\X73data.p')
    X74 = DataLoad('D:\X74data.p')

    tagCalData = X71[12]
    csOffsetBef = Bars(X72)
    naTimeRes = X73
    naBars = Bars(X73)
    naTag = X73[12]
    csOffsetAft = Bars(X74)

    print('Done reading')

### Calibration and PSD for bars
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Dec 16 13:37:04 2019

@author: giha

from loader import DataLoad
from bar import Bar
from edgeCal import EdgeCal
from psd import CalNClip, MovingAvg, PSD_hist, FOM_plot, PSD_ergslice
from timeHist import TimeHist
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

X23 = DataLoad('/media/giha/DATA/X23data.p')
X24 = DataLoad('/media/giha/DATA/X24data.p')

B1cs = Bar(X23[0], X23[1])
B2cs = Bar(X23[2], X23[3])

B1na = Bar(X24[0], X24[1])
B2na = Bar(X24[2], X24[3])

B1 = EdgeCal(B1cs[0, :], histLabel='B1', xCal=0, integral=True)
B2 = EdgeCal(B2cs[0, :], histLabel='B2', xCal=0, integral=True)

cfd = B1na[4, :] - B2na[4, :]
ttt = B1na[5, :] - B2na[5, :]
tdif = cfd + ttt