def test_conversion(self):
        # Added seed to make tests with np.random deterministic

        for _ in range(50):
            # Creating random vector
            vec = Vec3(np.random.rand(3))

            # Creating random rotation
            q = Quaternion.from_euler(Vec3(np.random.rand(3) * 2 * math.pi))

            # Rotate the vector by the rotation
            rotated_vec = vec.rotate(q)

            # transform the original vector to the NED coordinate system
            vec_NED = Vec3.from_nwu(vec)

            # transform the original quaternion to the NED coordinate system
            q_NED = Quaternion.from_nwu(q)

            # Rotate the converted vector by the converted rotation
            rotated_vec_NED = vec_NED.rotate(q_NED)

            # transform the rotated vector to the NED coordinate system
            rotated_vec_NED_transformed = Vec3.from_nwu(rotated_vec)

 def getBaseVelocity(objectUniqueId: int) -> Tuple[Vec3, Vec3]:
     Gets the velocity and angular velocity of an object.
     :param objectUniqueId: Id of the object.
     :return: Tuple with velocity and angular velocity.
     linearVelocity, angularVelocity = p.getBaseVelocity(objectUniqueId)
     return Vec3.from_nwu(linearVelocity), Vec3.from_nwu(angularVelocity)
    def rayTest(rayFromPosition: Vec3, rayToPosition: Vec3, object_id=-1) -> Tuple[float, Vec3, Vec3]:
        if object_id != -1:
            rayFromPosition = translation.vec3_local_to_world_id(object_id, rayFromPosition)
            rayToPosition = translation.vec3_local_to_world_id(object_id, rayToPosition)

        _, _, hit_fraction, hit_position, hit_normal = p.rayTest(rayFromPosition.as_nwu(), rayToPosition.as_nwu())[0]

        return hit_fraction, Vec3.from_nwu(hit_position), Vec3.from_nwu(hit_normal)
    def getBasePositionAndOrientation(objectUniqueId: int) -> Tuple[Vec3, Quaternion]:

        position, orientation = p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(objectUniqueId)

        return Vec3.from_nwu(position), Quaternion.from_nwu(orientation)