def _botocore_error_serializer_integration_test(
    service: str,
    action: str,
    exception: ServiceException,
    code: str,
    status_code: int,
    message: Optional[str],
    is_sender_fault: bool = False,
    Performs an integration test for the error serialization using botocore as parser.
    It executes the following steps:
    - Load the given service (f.e. "sqs")
    - Serialize the _error_ response with the appropriate serializer from the AWS Serivce Framework
    - Parse the serialized error response using the botocore parser
    - Checks the the metadata is correct (status code, requestID,...)
    - Checks if the parsed error response content is correct

    :param service: to load the correct service specification, serializer, and parser
    :param action: to load the correct service specification, serializer, and parser
    :param exception: which should be serialized and tested against
    :param code: expected "code" of the exception (i.e. the AWS specific exception ID, f.e.
    :param status_code: expected HTTP response status code
    :param message: expected error message
    :return: None

    # Load the appropriate service
    service = load_service(service)

    # Use our serializer to serialize the response
    response_serializer = create_serializer(service)
    serialized_response = response_serializer.serialize_error_to_response(
        exception, service.operation_model(action))

    # Use the parser from botocore to parse the serialized response
    response_parser: ResponseParser = create_parser(service.protocol)
    parsed_response = response_parser.parse(

    # Check if the result is equal to the initial response params
    assert "Error" in parsed_response
    assert "Code" in parsed_response["Error"]
    assert "Message" in parsed_response["Error"]
    assert parsed_response["Error"]["Code"] == code
    assert parsed_response["Error"]["Message"] == message

    assert "ResponseMetadata" in parsed_response
    assert "RequestId" in parsed_response["ResponseMetadata"]
    assert len(parsed_response["ResponseMetadata"]["RequestId"]) == 52
    assert "HTTPStatusCode" in parsed_response["ResponseMetadata"]
    assert parsed_response["ResponseMetadata"]["HTTPStatusCode"] == status_code
    type = parsed_response["Error"].get("Type")
    if is_sender_fault:
        assert type == "Sender"
        assert type is None
def _botocore_serializer_integration_test(
    service: str,
    action: str,
    response: dict,
    expected_response_content: dict = None,
    Performs an integration test for the serializer using botocore as parser.
    It executes the following steps:
    - Load the given service (f.e. "sqs")
    - Serialize the response with the appropriate serializer from the AWS Serivce Framework
    - Parse the serialized response using the botocore parser
    - Checks if the metadata is correct (status code, requestID,...)
    - Checks if the parsed response content is equal to the input to the serializer

    :param service: to load the correct service specification, serializer, and parser
    :param action: to load the correct service specification, serializer, and parser
    :param response: which should be serialized and tested against
    :param status_code: Optional - expected status code of the response - defaults to 200
    :param expected_response_content: Optional - if the input data ("response") differs from the actually expected data
                                      (because f.e. it contains None values)
    :return: None

    # Load the appropriate service
    service = load_service(service)

    # Use our serializer to serialize the response
    response_serializer = create_serializer(service)
    # The serializer changes the incoming dict, therefore copy it before passing it to the serializer
    response_to_parse = copy.deepcopy(response)
    serialized_response = response_serializer.serialize_to_response(
        response_to_parse, service.operation_model(action))

    # Use the parser from botocore to parse the serialized response
    response_parser = create_parser(service.protocol)
    parsed_response = response_parser.parse(

    return_response = copy.deepcopy(parsed_response)

    # Check if the result is equal to the initial response params
    assert "ResponseMetadata" in parsed_response
    assert "HTTPStatusCode" in parsed_response["ResponseMetadata"]
    assert parsed_response["ResponseMetadata"]["HTTPStatusCode"] == status_code
    assert "RequestId" in parsed_response["ResponseMetadata"]
    assert len(parsed_response["ResponseMetadata"]["RequestId"]) == 52
    del parsed_response["ResponseMetadata"]

    if expected_response_content is None:
        expected_response_content = response
    if expected_response_content is not _skip_assert:
        assert parsed_response == expected_response_content

    return return_response
def test_json_protocol_content_type_1_1():
    """Logs defines the jsonVersion 1.1, therefore the Content-Type needs to be application/x-amz-json-1.1."""
    service = load_service("logs")
    response_serializer = create_serializer(service)
    result: Response = response_serializer.serialize_to_response(
        {}, service.operation_model("DeleteLogGroup"))
    assert result is not None
    assert result.content_type is not None
    assert result.content_type == "application/x-amz-json-1.1"
def test_json_protocol_content_type_1_0():
    """AppRunner defines the jsonVersion 1.0, therefore the Content-Type needs to be application/x-amz-json-1.0."""
    service = load_service("apprunner")
    response_serializer = create_serializer(service)
    result: Response = response_serializer.serialize_to_response(
        {}, service.operation_model("DeleteConnection"))
    assert result is not None
    assert result.content_type is not None
    assert result.content_type == "application/x-amz-json-1.0"
    def __init__(self, service: ServiceModel,
                 implementation: Union[Any, DispatchTable]):
        self.service = service
        self.parser = create_parser(service)
        self.serializer = create_serializer(service)

        if isinstance(implementation, dict):
            self.dispatch_table = implementation
            self.dispatch_table = create_dispatch_table(implementation)
def test_no_mutation_of_parameters():
    service = load_service("appconfig")
    response_serializer = create_serializer(service)

    parameters = {
        "ApplicationId": "app_id",
        "ConfigurationProfileId": "conf_id",
        "VersionNumber": 1,
        "Content": b'{"Id":"foo"}',
        "ContentType": "application/json",
    expected = parameters.copy()

    # serialize response and check whether parameters are unchanged
    _ = response_serializer.serialize_to_response(
    assert parameters == expected
def test_query_protocol_error_serialization_plain():
    # Specific error of the ChangeMessageVisibility operation in SQS as the scaffold would generate it
    class ReceiptHandleIsInvalid(ServiceException):

    exception = ReceiptHandleIsInvalid(
        'The input receipt handle "garbage" is not a valid receipt handle.')

    # Load the SQS service
    service = load_service("sqs")

    # Use our serializer to serialize the response
    response_serializer = create_serializer(service)
    serialized_response = response_serializer.serialize_error_to_response(
        exception, service.operation_model("ChangeMessageVisibility"))
    serialized_response_dict = serialized_response.to_readonly_response_dict()
    # Replace the random request ID with a static value for comparison
    serialized_response_body = re.sub(

    # This expected_response_body differs from the actual response in the following ways:
    # - The original response does not define an encoding.
    # - There is no newline after the XML declaration.
    # - The response does not contain a Type nor Detail tag (since they aren't contained in the spec).
    # - The original response uses double quotes for the xml declaration.
    # Most of these differences should be handled equally by parsing clients, however, we might adopt some of these
    # changes in the future.
    expected_response_body = (
        "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>\n"
        '<ErrorResponse xmlns="http://queue.amazonaws.com/doc/2012-11-05/">'
        "<Message>The input receipt handle &quot;garbage&quot; is not a valid receipt handle."

    assert serialized_response_body == expected_response_body
    assert serialized_response_dict["headers"].get("Content-Type") is not None
    assert serialized_response_dict["headers"]["Content-Type"] == "text/xml"
from localstack.aws.api import CommonServiceException
from localstack.aws.protocol.parser import OperationNotFoundParserError, create_parser
from localstack.aws.protocol.serializer import create_serializer
from localstack.aws.protocol.validate import MissingRequiredField, validate_request
from localstack.aws.spec import load_service
from localstack.http import Request, Response, Router, route
from localstack.http.dispatcher import Handler
from localstack.services.sqs.provider import MissingParameter
from localstack.utils.aws import aws_stack
from localstack.utils.aws.request_context import extract_region_from_headers

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

service = load_service("sqs")
parser = create_parser(service)
serializer = create_serializer(service)

    methods=["POST", "GET"],
def path_strategy_handler(request: Request, region, account_id: str, queue_name: str):
    return handle_request(request, region)

    methods=["POST", "GET"],