def interpolation_search(sorted_list, to_find, variance): """ Interpolation search algorithm for determining the location of the point according to sorted_list, the sorted_list has a constant step and can thus give this algorithm the complexity of just ``O(log log(n))`` :param list sorted_list: The sorted list to search in :param float to_find: The point to find :param float variance: A constant variance allowed for finding the point :rtype: float """ low = 0 high = len(sorted_list) - 1 while sorted_list[low] <= to_find <= sorted_list[high]: mid = int(low + ((to_find - sorted_list[low]) * (high - low)) / (sorted_list[high] - sorted_list[low])) if sorted_list[mid] < to_find: low = mid + 1 elif sorted_list[mid] > to_find: high = mid - 1 else: return mid t_var = variance while abs(sorted_list[low] - to_find) > variance: t_var += .001 if variance != t_var: logger.warning( "interpolation variance expanded to %f to meet requirements" % variance) logger.debug("Interpolation low: %s", low) return low
def fill_rectangle(self, event): """ Informs the correct shape list's blank object to draw a rectangle to the screen using the provided coordinates :param event: A backend passed ``matplotlib.backend_bases.MouseEvent`` object """ if self.__current_plot == Plot.baseplot: logger.warning("Cannot draw to BASE_PLOT") return if event.xdata and event.ydata: if len(self.__current_list[-1].get_coordinates()) is 0: return logger.debug('Filling: %d, %d' % (event.xdata, event.ydata))'Creating rectangle') self.__current_list[-1].fill_rectangle(event, self.__current_plot, self.__hdf, self.__figure, ShapeManager.outline_toggle) self.__current_list[-1].set_tag(self.generate_tag()) self.__current_list.append(Shape(self.__canvas)) else: logger.error('Bounds out of plot range, skipping') self.__current_list[-1].set_coordinates([]) self.__canvas._tkcanvas.delete(self.__current_list[-1].lastrect)
def close_polygon(self, event, plot, fl, fig, fill=False): if len(self.__coordinates) > 3: index = self.__can_draw() if index > -1: logger.debug("Creating polygon from points") a1 = tuple_to_nparray(self.__coordinates[index]) a2 = tuple_to_nparray(self.__coordinates[index + 1]) b1 = tuple_to_nparray(self.__coordinates[-1]) b2 = tuple_to_nparray(self.__coordinates[-2]) x = get_intersection(a1, a2, b1, b2) pair = nparray_to_tuple(x) self.__coordinates[index] = pair del self.__coordinates[:index] self.__coordinates.pop() for line in self.__lines: line.remove() self.__drawing_line.remove() self.__drawing_line = None self.__lines = [] self.draw(fig, plot, fill) self.__plot = plot self.__hdf = fl return True else: logger.warning('Not enough points')
def run(self, custom_classfy): """ 遍历config文件和音频路径,将其新平台文本格式信息写到output/result.txt文件中 :param custom_classfy: 自定义分包条数,默认按spk音频数分包 """ logger.debug('遍历wav_name,text信息') wav_suf = 'wav' counter = 0 wavs_info_map = {} for SPK, wav_name, content in self.get_info(): # 遍历说话人id,音频名,音频内容 信息 logger.debug('[wav_info] %s - %s - %s ' % (SPK, wav_name, content)) if wav_name not in self.wav_time_map: logger.warning('[%s] 未找到音频' % wav_name) continue wav_time = self.wav_time_map.get(wav_name) if not wav_time: continue wav_info = [ # 填充新平台文本格式 { "Wav_name": wav_name, "Length_time": wav_time, "Data": [ { "text": content, "start_time": 0, "end_time": wav_time } ], "Wav_suf": wav_suf } ] if custom_classfy: # 指定分包数的模式 id = f'line_{counter}' if id not in wavs_info_map: wavs_info_map[id] = [wav_info] else: if len(wavs_info_map[id]) == custom_classfy - 1: counter += 1 wavs_info_map[id].append(wav_info) else: # 默认分包模式 if SPK not in wavs_info_map: wavs_info_map[SPK] = [wav_info] else: wavs_info_map[SPK].append(wav_info) '处理完毕! 共 %s 批次 [%s]' % (len(wavs_info_map.keys()), wavs_info_map.keys()) if not custom_classfy else ( counter, len(reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, wavs_info_map.values())))) with open(self._save_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: for key, value in wavs_info_map.items(): f.write(json.dumps(value, ensure_ascii=False) + '\n')
def __can_draw(self): if not self.__coordinates: logger.warning('Attempting to ask to draw empty shape, probably just ' + \ 'toggling a button after using free draw? See ticket #92') return -1 b1 = tuple_to_nparray(self.__coordinates[-1]) b2 = tuple_to_nparray(self.__coordinates[-2]) for i in range(len(self.__coordinates) - 3): a1 = tuple_to_nparray(self.__coordinates[i]) a2 = tuple_to_nparray(self.__coordinates[i + 1]) if is_intersecting(a1, a2, b1, b2): logger.debug("Polygon labeled for draw") return i return -1
def properties(self, event): """ Return the properties.rst of the shape clicked on by the user and create a small tooltip which displays these properties.rst :param event: A passed ``matplotlib.backend_bases.PickEvent`` object """ target = event.artist logger.debug("Creating property window") for shape in self.__current_list: if shape.get_itemhandler() is target: # if self.property_window is not None: # self.destroy_property_window() PropertyDialog(self.__master.get_root(), shape) return logger.warning("Shape not found")
def time_to_seconds(t): """ Convert a time string into a strings containing only seconds :param str t: time in *%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f* format :rtype: :py:class:`str` """ t = str(t) t = t[:-6] t = datetime.strptime(t, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') ret = datetime.timedelta(hours=t.hour, minutes=t.minute, seconds=t.second, microseconds=t.microsecond).total_seconds() logger.debug("Seconds %s", ret) return ret
def set_current(self, plot, fig): """ Set the current view to ``plot``, and draw any shapes that exist in the manager for this plot. This is called each time a new view is rendered to the screen by ``set_plot`` in *Calipso* :param int plot: Acceptable plot constant from ```` """ logger.debug('Settings plot to %s' % plot) self.__figure = fig self.set_plot(plot) # Check if persistent shapes, use backscatter as the shapes list if so if CONF.persistent_shapes: self.__current_list = self.__shape_list[Plot.backscattered] if len(self.__current_list) > 1:'Redrawing shapes') for shape in self.__current_list[:-1]: if not shape.is_empty(): shape.loaded_draw(self.__figure, ShapeManager.outline_toggle)
def __str__(self): logger.debug('Stringing %s' % self.__tag) time_cords = [ mpl.dates.num2date(x[0]).strftime('%H:%M:%S') for x in self.__coordinates ] altitude_cords = [x[1] for x in self.__coordinates] string = 'Name:\n\t%s\n' % self.__tag string += 'Time Scale:\n\t%s - %s\n' % (min(time_cords), max(time_cords)) string += 'Latitude Scale:\n\t%s\n' % self.generate_lat_range() string += 'Altitude Scale:\n\t%.4f km - %.4f km\n' % ( min(altitude_cords), max(altitude_cords)) string += 'Color:\n\t%s\n' % self.__color if len(self.__attributes) > 0: string += 'Attributes:\n' for item in self.__attributes: string += '\t%s\n' % item if self.__note != '': string += 'Notes:\n\t%s' % self.__note return string
def plot_point(self, event, plot, fl, fig, fill=False): """ Plot a single point to the shape, connect any previous existing points and fill to a shape if the current coordinate intersects the beginning point. :param event: A ``matplotlib.backend_bases.MouseEvent`` passed object :param plot: an integer indicating which plot it was draw on :param fl: A string representing the HDF it was drawn on :param fig: The figure to be drawing the canvas to :param bool fill: Whether the shape will have a solid fill or not """ self.__coordinates.append((event.xdata, event.ydata)) logger.debug("Plotted point at (%0.5f, %0.5f)", event.xdata, event.ydata) if len(self.__coordinates) > 1: logger.debug("Drawing line from plot") self.__lines.append( mlines.Line2D((self.__prev_x, event.xdata), (self.__prev_y, event.ydata), linewidth=2.0, color='#000000')) fig.add_artist(self.__lines[-1]) if len(self.__coordinates) > 3: index = self.__can_draw() if index > -1: logger.debug("Creating polygon from points") a1 = tuple_to_nparray(self.__coordinates[index]) a2 = tuple_to_nparray(self.__coordinates[index + 1]) b1 = tuple_to_nparray(self.__coordinates[-1]) b2 = tuple_to_nparray(self.__coordinates[-2]) x = get_intersection(a1, a2, b1, b2) pair = nparray_to_tuple(x) self.__coordinates[index] = pair del self.__coordinates[:index] self.__coordinates.pop() for line in self.__lines: line.remove() self.__drawing_line.remove() self.__drawing_line = None self.__lines = [] self.draw(fig, fl, plot=plot, fill=fill) self.__plot = plot self.__hdf = fl return True self.__prev_x = event.xdata self.__prev_y = event.ydata
def acquire_time(wav_path): """ 获取音频时长 :param wav_path: 音频路径 :return: 音频时长 """ # if re.match('.*?sox.*', os.getenv('PATH')): # 判断环境变量里是否有sox cmd = 'sox --i -D %s' % wav_path logger.debug('[cmd]%s' % cmd) p = subprocess.Popen( cmd, # 使用sox计算音频时长 stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out = err = if out and re.match('[0-9.]+', out) and not err: # 判断sox是否成功 logger.debug('[out] %s' % out) wav_time = float(out) return wav_time else: logger.debug('[err] %s' % err) logger.warning('[%s] 文件未能通过sox统计时长 ' % wav_path) try: with contextlib.closing(, 'r')) as f: frames = f.getnframes() rate = f.getframerate() duration = frames / float(rate) return duration except Exception: pass # raise CustomError('[%s] 未能获取音频时长,请检查音频格式') from None return None
def rebind_tools_to_canvas(self, new_canvas): logger.debug('Changing from ' + str(self.__canvas) + ' to ' + str(new_canvas)) self.__canvas = new_canvas self.setup_toolbar_buttons()
def commit_to_db(self, poly_list, time): """ Takes a list of polygons and commits them into the database, used in polygonList to commit all visible polygons :param poly_list: the current polygonList corresponding to the active plot :param time: time of the JSON's creation """'Committing to database') session = self.__Session() # for every polygon object in the list except the end for polygon in poly_list: # if the ID does not exist we have a new object to commit if polygon.get_id() is None: logger.debug('committing new shape: %s' % polygon.get_tag()) cords = polygon.get_coordinates() time_cords = [mpl.dates.num2date(x[0]) for x in cords] altitude_cords = [x[1] for x in cords] f = polygon.get_hdf() blat = polygon.get_min_lat() elat = polygon.get_max_lat() btime = min(time_cords) etime = max(time_cords) balt = min(altitude_cords) ealt = max(altitude_cords) obx = \ DatabasePolygon(tag=polygon.get_tag(), time_=time, hdf=f.rpartition('/')[2], plot=PLOTS[polygon.get_plot()], color=polygon.get_color(), attributes=str(polygon.get_attributes()), coordinates=str(polygon.get_coordinates()), notes=polygon.get_notes(), begin_lat = blat, end_lat = elat, begin_time = btime, end_time = etime, begin_alt = balt, end_alt = ealt) session.add(obx) session.commit() polygon.set_id( # otherwise we simply update the entries of the existing database object else: logger.debug('updating existing entry: %s' % polygon.get_tag()) poly = session.query(DatabasePolygon).get(polygon.get_id()) if poly is None: logger.critical( 'This should never happen, why did it happen?') continue poly.time_ = time f = polygon.get_hdf() poly.hdf = f.rpartition('/')[2] poly.plot = PLOTS[polygon.get_plot()] poly.color = unicode(polygon.get_color()) poly.attributes = str(polygon.get_attributes()) poly.coordinates = str(polygon.get_coordinates()) poly.notes = polygon.get_notes() session.commit() if not polygon.get_saved(): session.close()
def send(self, params=None, data=None, **kwargs): response = self.session.request(method=self.method, url=self.url, params=params, data=data, **kwargs) response.encoding = 'utf-8' logger.debug('{0} {1}'.format(self.method, self.url)) logger.debug('请求成功: {0}\n{1}'.format(response, response.text)) return response
def test_baidu_http(self): res = self.client.send() logger.debug(res.text) assertHTTPCode(res, [400]) self.assertIn('百度一下,你就知道', res.text)