def request_url(self, _url, proxy): proxy_meta = '' proxies = '' if proxy: proxy_meta, proxies = self.get_proxy_meta(proxy) try: s = requests.session() s.keep_alive = False req = requests.get(url=_url, headers=headers, proxies=proxies, timeout=5) req.encoding = 'utf-8' if req.status_code == 200: html = req.text com_html = etree.HTML(html) read_count = com_html.xpath('//span[@class="read-count"]') print(proxy_meta, read_count[0].text) else: print("请求无响应:") except Exception as e: self.remove_port(proxy) dom = _url.split('//')[1].split('.net')[0] print("ip不可用__%s__>>" % dom, proxy_meta, e) save_log("ip不可用__%s__>>" % dom, proxy_meta, e) finally: self.wait_time(2)
def push(window, additional_args=None): child = pexpect.spawn('git push') try: child.expect("Username*", timeout=2) dialog = AuthorizationWrapper(window) dialog.exec_() child.sendline(dialog.username) child.expect("Password*", timeout=2) child.sendline(dialog.password) child.expect(pexpect.EOF) info = child.before except (pexpect.TIMEOUT, pexpect.EOF): try: child.expect("Password*", timeout=2) dialog = AuthorizationWrapper(window) dialog.ui.Username_lineEdit.setText("Not needed") dialog.ui.Username_lineEdit.setReadOnly(True) dialog.exec_() child.sendline(dialog.password) child.expect(pexpect.EOF) info = child.before except (pexpect.TIMEOUT, pexpect.EOF): if get_url().startswith('https://'): info = 'Timeout error!' else: info = getoutput('git push') save_log('git push', info) return info
def get_commits(): command = 'git log --graph --pretty=format:"%h\n%s\n%an\n%ad"' output = getoutput_lines(command) save_log(command, output[0]) commits = [] i = 0 commit = [] for line in output[1]: j = 0 for char in line: if char == '*' or char == '|' or char == '\\' or char == '/' or char == '_' or char == ' ': j += 1 else: break commit.append(line[j:]) i += 1 if i == 4: i = 0 commits.append(commit) commit = [] i = 0 while i < len(commits): command = 'git branch -r --contains ' + commits[i][0] output = getoutput(command) if output != '': break commits[i][1] = '[not pushed] ' + commits[i][1] i += 1 return commits
def get_current_branch(): command = 'git branch' output = getoutput_lines(command) save_log(command, output[0]) for line in output[1]: if '*' in line: return line[2:]
def http(self, _url, _proxyHttp, _proxyHost, _proxyPort): proxy_meta = "%(http)s://%(host)s:%(port)s" % { "http": _proxyHttp, "host": _proxyHost, "port": _proxyPort } proxies = { "http": proxy_meta, "https": proxy_meta, } try: # print(self.proxies) # requests.adapters.DEFAULT_RETRIES = 3 req = requests.get(url=_url, headers=headers, proxies=proxies, timeout=5) req.encoding = 'utf-8' if req.status_code == 200: html = req.text com_html = etree.HTML(html) read_count = com_html.xpath('//span[@class="read-count"]') if read_count: # 输出:阅读数 print(proxy_meta, read_count[0].text) else: print("请求无响应:") except Exception as e: print("ip不可用:", proxy_meta, e) save_log("ip不可用:", proxy_meta, e) finally: time.sleep(1)
def clone_repository(window, source, destination): cloning_timeout = 5 command = 'git clone %s %s' % (source, destination) child = pexpect.spawn(command) try: child.expect("Username*", timeout=cloning_timeout) dialog = AuthorizationWrapper(window) dialog.exec_() child.sendline(dialog.username) child.expect("Password*", timeout=cloning_timeout) child.sendline(dialog.password) child.expect(pexpect.EOF) info = child.before except (pexpect.TIMEOUT, pexpect.EOF): rm_command = 'rm -rf ' + destination system(rm_command) try: child.expect("Password*", timeout=cloning_timeout) dialog = AuthorizationWrapper(window) dialog.ui.Username_lineEdit.setText("Not needed") dialog.ui.Username_lineEdit.setReadOnly(True) dialog.exec_() child.sendline(dialog.password) child.expect(pexpect.EOF) info = child.before except (pexpect.TIMEOUT, pexpect.EOF): system(rm_command) if source.startswith('https://') and '@' in source: return (False, 'Timeout error!') else: info = getoutput(command) save_log(command, info) return (True, info)
def visit(frame): ''' This function is excuted when a visitor pushes a button. It checks whether the frame is enough to detect. If the frame is enough, it calls and check the visitor is registered. If the visitor is recognized by id, it calls to save the log about the visitor. Otherwise, it calls to save the log about that Unkown visitor tried to access the place. ''' # Detect face # If it cannot detect face, the library would return 0 visitor_face = len(face_recognition.face_locations(frame)) log_time ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if visitor_face == 0: print("Cannot detect face. Try again") else: # Compare to registered faces and visitor's face __id = recognition.face_comparison(frame) if __id == 0: print("Does not register") log.save_log("Unkown", "Visitor", frame, 0, log_time, False) for n in range(2): log.led() else: print("I see someone id {}!".format(__id)) log.permission_check(__id, frame, log_time)
def get_remote_branches(): command = 'git branch -r' output = getoutput_lines(command) save_log(command, output[0]) branches = [] for line in output[1]: branches.append(line[2:].split(' ')[0]) return branches
def get_local_branches(): command = 'git branch' output = getoutput_lines(command) save_log(command, output[0]) branches = [] for line in output[1]: branches.append(line[2:]) return branches
def get_files(commit): command = 'git show --pretty="format:" --name-status ' + commit output = getoutput_lines(command) save_log(command, output[0]) files = [] for line in output[1][1:]: files.append(line.split('\t')) return files
def check_repository(path): chdir(path) command = 'git rev-parse --git-dir' output = getoutput(command) save_log(command, output) if 'fatal' in output: return False return True
def create_branch(window, branch): command = 'git checkout -b ' + branch save_log(command, getoutput(command)) url = get_url() additional_args = [] if url.startswith("git@"): additional_args.append('origin') additional_args.append(branch) return push(window, additional_args)
def scheduled_job_visit(): ''' 访问博客 采集频率:1分整倍数,就执行这个函数 ''' init_log(_log_path='', _log_name='scheduler.log', _filemode='a') save_log("_________visit start_________", now_datetime()) KuiDaiLi().start() save_log("_________visit end_________\n", now_datetime())
def job_brush_flow(): ''' 访问博客 采集频率:1分整倍数,就执行这个函数 ''' init_log(_log_path='', _log_name='brush_flow.log', _filemode='a') save_log("_________brush start_________", now_datetime()) mogu = MoGuRequest() mogu.start(_type='mogu') save_log("_________brush end_________\n", now_datetime())
def get_settings(): command_username = '******' command_email = 'git config --global' settings = [] output_username = getoutput(command_username) output_email = getoutput(command_email) save_log(command_username, output_username) save_log(command_email, output_email) settings.append(output_username) settings.append(output_email) return settings
def get_file_changes(base_command, flag, path, commit=None, comparsion=None): try: out = '<pre>' if 'M' in flag: if commit: command = base_command + '%s:%s %s:%s' % (comparsion, path, commit, path) else: command = base_command + path #print(base_command, flag, path, commit, comparsion) output = getoutput_lines(command) save_log(command, output[0]) if not output[1][4:] and 'Binary' in "".join(output[1]): return "Cannot decode this file" #print(output[1][2]) for line in output[1][4:]: line = remove_html(line) if len(line) > 0: if line[0]=='-': line = '<font color="RED"> %s</font>' % (line) elif line[0]=='+': line = '<font color="GREEN"> %s</font>' % (line) out += line + '\n' out += '</pre>' return out elif 'A' in flag or flag == '??': if commit: command = 'git show %s:%s' % (commit, path) output = getoutput_lines(command) save_log(command, output[0]) else: if isdir(path): save_log('isdir(path)', 'True') return '<pre>This is a directory</pre>' output = open(path).read() save_log("open(path).read()", output) output = [None, output.split("\n")] for line in output[1]: line = remove_html(line) line = '<font color="GREEN"> + %s </font>' % (line) out += line + '\n' out += '</pre>' return out elif 'D' in flag: command = 'git show %s:%s' % (comparsion, path) output = getoutput_lines(command) save_log(command, output[0]) for line in output[1]: line = remove_html(line) line = '<font color="RED"> - %s </font>' % (line) out += line + '\n' out += '</pre>' return out except UnicodeDecodeError: return "Cannot decode this file"
def login(): bs = webdriver.Chrome() bs.maximize_window() bs.get("http://localhost/phpwind/") results = [] posts = get_csv('posts.csv') for post in posts: msg = post_once(bs, post) results.append(msg) save_log(results) sleep(22)
def get_unstaged_files(): command = 'git status -s' output = getoutput_lines(command) files = output[1] j = 0 if len(files) > 0 and files[0] != '': for i in range(len(files)): if files[i-j][0] != ' ' and files[i-j][0] != '?' and files[i-j][0] != 'U': del files[i-j] j += 1 save_log(command, output[0]) return get_splited(output)
def get_graph(): command = 'git log --graph --pretty=format:""' output = getoutput_lines(command) save_log(command, output[0]) graph_output = output[1] graph = [] graph_log = '' i = 0 graph_commit = [] graph_commit.append(graph_output[0]) for i in range(1, len(graph_output)): if '*' in graph_output[i]: graph.append(graph_commit) graph_commit = [] graph_commit.append(graph_output[i]) graph.append(graph_commit) return graph
def get_easy_json(self, _url=easy_url, proxy=''): headers['Accept'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' # 存储代理的列表 proxy_meta = '' proxies = '' _url_type = '' if proxy: proxy_meta, proxies = self.get_proxy_meta(proxy) try: req = requests.get(_url, headers=headers, proxies=proxies, timeout=5) # print("json>>", req.text) if req.status_code == 200: if '' in _url: _url_type = '高德地图' jsonObj = req.json() if jsonObj.get("data"): name = jsonObj.get('data').get("base").get("name") elif jsonObj.get("poi_list"): name = jsonObj.get("poi_list")[0].get("name") print("json获取成功__%s__>>" % _url_type, proxy_meta, name) elif 'baidu' in _url: _url_type = '百度地图' name = req.json().get("result").get("what") print("json获取成功__%s__>>" % _url_type, proxy_meta, name) else: # easy-api _url_type = 'easy-mock' for ips in req.json().get("data"): protocol = 'https' if ips.get("Protocol"): protocol = ips.get("Protocol") self._proxy_list.append(protocol + '#' + ips.get("IP") + '#' + str(ips.get("Port"))) else: print("请求无响应:") except Exception as e: if _url_type: print("json解析错误__%s__>>" % _url_type, proxy_meta, e) save_log("json解析错误__%s__>>:" % _url_type, proxy_meta, e) else: dom = _url.split('//')[1].split('.com')[0] print("ip不可用__%s__>>" % dom, proxy_meta, e) finally: self.wait_time(2)
def clean(file): command = 'git clean -f ' + file output = getoutput(command) save_log(command, output)
def commit_amend(message): command = 'git commit --amend -m "%s"' % message output = getoutput(command) save_log(command, output) return output
def diff(filename): command = 'git diff ' + filename output = getoutput(command) save_log(command, output) return output
def to_string(files, command): strfiles = " ".join(files) command += strfiles output = getoutput(command) save_log(command, output)
def git_add(file): command = 'git add ' + file output = getoutput(command) save_log(command, output)
def change_remote_branch(branch, new_name): command = 'git checkout -b %s %s' % (new_name, branch) output = getoutput(command) save_log(command, output) return output
def stash(): command = 'git stash' output = getoutput(command) save_log(command, output) return output
def stashes_list(): command = 'git stash list' output = getoutput_lines(command) save_log(command, output[0]) return output[1]
def drop_stash(stash): command = 'git stash drop ' + stash output = getoutput(command) save_log(command, output) return output
def apply_stash(stash): command = 'git stash apply ' + stash save_log(command, getoutput(command))
def get_url(): command = "git config --get remote.origin.url" output = getoutput(command) save_log(command, output) return output
def git_check_out(file): command = 'git checkout -- ' + file output = getoutput(command) save_log(command, output)
def delete_branch(branch): command = 'git branch -d ' + branch output = getoutput(command) save_log(command, output) return output
def git_rm(file): command = 'git rm ' + file output = getoutput(command) save_log(command, output)
def get_staged_files(): command = 'git diff --name-status --cached' output = getoutput_lines(command) save_log(command, output[0]) return get_splited(output)
def change_local_branch(branch): command = 'git checkout ' + branch save_log(command, getoutput(command))
def cherry_pick(window, branch, commit): change_branch(branch) command = 'git cherry-pick ' + commit output = getoutput(command) save_log(command, output) return output