def _createIndex(self, indexName, body, mappings, settings):'Create index %s ...', indexName) body = self._createIndexConfig(body, mappings, settings) logging.debug(json.dumps(body, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)) response = self.esConn.indices.create(index=indexName, body=body) return self._isOk(response)
def create_batch_archives_and_send_to_s3(s3_buckets): elasticsearch_docs = [] with TemporaryDirectory() as temporary_directory: buckets_to_sync = set() # this step only creates the archives and deletes original files # the archive creation and s3 sync decouple is done so to avoid race conditions to S3_SYNC_BUCKETS_FOLDER for bucket in s3_buckets: bucket_directory = os.path.join(S3_BATCH_BUCKETS_FOLDER, bucket) for directory, subdirectories, files in os.walk(bucket_directory): if files: logging.debug(directory) logging.debug(files) bucket_elasticsearch_docs = create_tar_archives(bucket, directory, files, temporary_directory) if bucket_elasticsearch_docs: elasticsearch_docs += bucket_elasticsearch_docs buckets_to_sync.add(bucket) # this step syncs buckets to s3 using s3_client.upload_file for performance for bucket in buckets_to_sync: try: sync_bucket_folder_and_delete_files(bucket, temporary_directory) except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) return elasticsearch_docs
def commit_all(self, msg): try: self.repo.git.add('.') self.repo.git.commit('-m', msg) except GitCommandError as err: log.debug(err) pass # nothing to commit
def httpResponse(url, method='POST', data=None, headers=None): response = None if headers == None: headers = { "Origin": "", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) " +\ "AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) " +\ "Chrome/34.0.1847.116 Safari/537.36", "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Referer": "", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip,deflate,sdch", "Accept-Language": "zh-CN,zh;q=0.8,en;q=0.6,zh-TW;q=0.4", "Cookie": "sessionid=ubwzabfvvyy0ft4y4nk5qlduv7nswrim", } try: request = urllib2.Request(url, data, headers=headers, origin_req_host=None, unverifiable=False) #request = urllib2.Request(url, data, origin_req_host=None, unverifiable=False) request.get_method = lambda: method try: response = urllib2.urlopen(request) #python <= 2.6 except AttributeError, e: logging.debug(u'URLopen AttributeError: {msg}'.format(msg=e)) response = urllib2.urlopen( request, context=ssl._create_unverified_context()) #python 2.7 except urllib2.HTTPError, e: logging.error(u'HTTP 服务器({url})无法完成请求.错误码:{code}'.format(url=url, code=e.code), exc_info=True)
def _download_resource_type_templates(project_name, resource_kind, working_dir): try: resource_names = openshift_client.get_resource_type_names( project_name, resource_kind) except ApiException as err: log.warn('Unable to list {0} resource in project {1}'.format( resource_kind, project_name)) log.debug(err) return for name in resource_names: try: resource_file_name = '{0}/{1}/{2}.yaml'.format( working_dir, resource_kind, name) utils.create_dir('{0}/{1}'.format(working_dir, resource_kind)) single_resource = openshift_client.get_single_resource_yaml( project_name, resource_kind, name) with open(resource_file_name, 'w') as resource_file: yaml.dump(single_resource.to_dict(), resource_file, default_flow_style=False) except ApiException as err: log.warn('Unable to backup {0}'.format(resource_file_name)) log.debug(err)
def get_videolinks(self, episode_ids: Dict[int, str]) -> Dict[int, str]: # get video source html page source_info_path = NineAnime.EPISODE_INFO url_decoder = VideoURLDecoder() logging.debug('headers:\n%s', self.request.headers) videolinks = {} for current_ep, episode_hash in episode_ids.items(): if not episode_hash:'Hash not found for episode {current_ep}! Skipping.') continue logging.debug("Episode %s data-id=%s", current_ep, episode_hash) # sensitive code content = self.request.get(source_info_path, { 'id': episode_hash}) try: source_html_url = url_decoder.get(json.loads(content)['url'])'Link for episode {current_ep}') except Exception: logging.exception(f'source_info_url response:\n{content}') return videolinks[current_ep] = source_html_url # to avoid being blocked by spamming duration = random.uniform(0.2, 1) time.sleep(duration) return videolinks
def fetch(self, download_link, save_loc, mode): logging.debug("Download link: %s", download_link) wget_command = WgetCommand(download_link, save_loc, [self.browser_req, self.referer]) curl_command = CurlCommand(download_link, save_loc, [self.browser_req, self.referer]) returncode = if returncode > 0: returncode = return returncode
def main(): logging.basicConfig( format='%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d %(levelname)s %(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG) drive_id = '14BzAsfL5ZOC8oH2pWgjOjilEapUWeDqH' uploader = GdriveUploader(4242, drive_id) response = uploader.upload('/Users/anupamghosh/Movies/Anohana/ano.mp4') logging.debug(f'response={response}')
def balance_home_wins(self, df): _, counts = np.unique(df["outcome"].values, return_counts=True) frac = np.around(1 - ((counts[0] + counts[2]) / 2) / counts[2], 2) logging.debug(f"Flip games with fraction: {frac}") flip_df = self.get_subset_of_home_wins(df, frac=frac) flip_df = self.switch_home_and_away(flip_df) df.update(flip_df) return df
def get_dataset(self): df = self.load_dataset() df["outcome"] = np.sign(df["FTHG"] - df["FTAG"]) X = self.get_feature_matrix(df) X = X.dropna() y = df.loc[X.index, self.label] logging.debug(f"Dataset size: {X.shape}") return X, y
def _func(*args, **kwargs): begin_time = time.time() result = func(*args, **kwargs) end_time = time.time() logging.debug("%s.%s COST %.2f ms", func.__module__, func.__name__, 1000 * (end_time - begin_time)) return result
def read_file(fname): def read_it(encoding): with open(fname, 'r', encoding=encoding) as f: return try:'Reading {}'.format(fname)) return read_it('utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError: logging.debug('(error while reading file, trying latin-1)') return read_it('latin-1')
def download(self, target_url, save_loc, mode): logging.debug("Source html url: %s", target_url) source_html = self.get_source_html(target_url) html_name = PurePath(save_loc).name self.store_source_html(source_html, html_name, target_url) link = self.parse_link(source_html) path = f'{save_loc}.mp4' returncode = self.fetch(link, path, mode) if returncode == 0: self.notify_downlaod(path) return returncode
def get_opened_files(log_errors=True): for pid in psutil.pids(): try: yield (file[0] for file in psutil.Process(pid).open_files()) except psutil.AccessDenied as e: if log_errors: logging.error("Access denied while getting process opened files") logging.exception(e) except psutil.NoSuchProcess: logging.debug("Process no longer exists") except Exception as e: if log_errors: logging.exception(e)
def get_by_rfc(self, rfc): stmt = ("SELECT " " id, " " rfc, " " ws_user, " " ws_password " "FROM payment_company " "WHERE rfc = %(rfc)s ") payment_companies =, {'rfc': rfc}) for payment_company in payment_companies: logging.debug(payment_company) return payment_company
def read_meta(self): currencies = UNITS.keys() # ['EUR', 'USD'] usecols = ','.join([self._XLSX_CONF['columns'][c] for c in currencies]) logging.debug('reading names') names = pd.read_excel(self.excel_file, skiprows=self._XLSX_CONF['rows']['names'], usecols=usecols, names=currencies, nrows=1, header=None) logging.debug('reading quantities') quantities = pd.read_excel( self.excel_file, skiprows=self._XLSX_CONF['rows']['quantity'], usecols=usecols, names=currencies, nrows=1, header=None) logging.debug('reading codes') codes = pd.read_excel(self.excel_file, skiprows=self._XLSX_CONF['rows']['code'], usecols=usecols, names=currencies, nrows=1, header=None) for c in currencies: currency_exists = self.db_session.query( exists().where(RefCurrency.code == codes[c][0])).scalar() if not currency_exists: rc = RefCurrency(name=names[c][0], quantity=quantities[c][0], code=codes[c][0]) self.db_session.add(rc) logging.debug('commiting changes') self.db_session.commit()
async def connect(self, payload: dict): reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection(self.ip, self.port) logging.debug(f'Sending message {payload}') writer.write(json.dumps(payload).encode()) await writer.drain() response = await logging.debug(f'Received: {response.decode()!r}') # Close the connection writer.close() await writer.wait_closed() return response
def resize_image(self, image_path, image_width, image_height, transparency): """Resize image. :param image_path: Path to the source icon. :param image_width: Width of the icon. :param image_height: Height of the icon. :param image_format: Format of the icon. :param target_format: Target icon format. :param transparency: Whether to add transparency or not. :returns: Path to the resized image. """ resized_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( prefix='resized_', suffix='.' + os.path.splitext(image_path)[1][1:], delete=False) resized_path = # Adding transparency to make a square image if transparency: args_string = "%s %s -gravity center -background transparent " \ "-extent %dx%d %s" % (self.converttool, image_path, image_width, image_height, resized_path) # Resizing square image to the closest supported size else: args_string = "%s %s -resize %dx%d %s" % ( self.converttool, image_path, image_width, image_height, resized_path) args = args_string.split() logging.debug('Conversion call arguments: %r' % (args)) try: subprocess.check_output(args, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e: raise ConversionError('Failed to resize image %s' % (e.output))
def get_episodes_html(self): path_matched =".*\.(\w+)\/(\w+)", self.base_path) servers_id = episode_id = episode_url = NineAnime.EPISODES_URL content = self.request.get(episode_url, {'id': servers_id, 'episode': episode_id}) try: html_episodes = content path = self.anime_html_filepath() with open(path, 'w') as html_text: html_text.write(html_episodes) except Exception as e: logging.debug("content:\n%s", content) raise e
async def run_background(self): cmd = str(self) process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_shell( cmd, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE) for out in [process.stderr, process.stdout]: reader = BufferedReader(out) while not out.at_eof(): line = await reader.readline() logging.debug(line) await process.communicate() return process.returncode
def http_request(url): """ Sends an HTTP GET request and returns the received response. """ response = False conn = httplib.HTTPConnection( settings.DOMAIN, settings.PORT ) conn.putrequest( "GET", url ) try: conn.endheaders() except: logging.debug( 'Failed connecting to server.' ) logging.debug( sys.exc_info() ) else: response = conn.getresponse() conn.close() return response
def move_ready_files_to_temp_dir_and_sync(s3_buckets): with TemporaryDirectory() as temporary_directory: buckets_to_sync = [] # this step moves files to temporary directory for bucket in s3_buckets: bucket_directory = os.path.join(S3_SYNC_BUCKETS_FOLDER, bucket) for directory, subdirectories, files in os.walk(bucket_directory): if files: logging.debug(directory) logging.debug(files) move_ready_files_to_temp_dir(bucket, directory, files, temporary_directory) buckets_to_sync.append(bucket) # this step syncs buckets to s3. aws cli is used for convenience for bucket in buckets_to_sync: sync_bucket_folder_and_delete_files(bucket, temporary_directory)
def restore_from_dir(openshift_client, directory, resources): for resource_kind in os.listdir(directory): print(resources) if resource_kind in resources: resource_kind_dir = directory + '/' + resource_kind for single_resource in os.listdir(resource_kind_dir): full_path = '{0}/{1}'.format(resource_kind, single_resource)'Restoring {}'.format(full_path)) try: with open(resource_kind_dir + '/' + single_resource, 'r') as f: resource_yaml = yaml.load(f) openshift_client.create_resource(resource_kind, resource_yaml, args.restore_project_name) except ApiException as err: log.error('Unable to restore {0}'.format(full_path)) log.debug(err)
def convert(self, image_list, target_format, target_path): """Convert a list of image files to an ico/icns file. :param image_list: List of image files to convert (either local paths or URLs). :param target_format: Target format. Must be one of ``FORMAT_ICO`` and ``FORMAT_ICNS``. :param target_path: Target path of the conversion. """ # Validate the input arguments. if target_format not in Converter.SUPPORTED_TARGET_FORMATS: raise ConversionError('invalid target format identifier: %s' % ( target_format)) if len(image_list) == 0: raise ValueError('image input list cannot be empty') # Make sure that all input files are stored locally and as PNGs. # image_list can contain either a local path or an http url local_image_list = [] for image_location in image_list: if ((image_location.startswith("http:")) or (image_location.startswith("https:"))): # Skip invalid/corrupt URLs try: image_location = self.fetch_image(image_location) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError, e: err = 'Could not retrieve image: %s' % str(e) self.notices.append(err) logging.debug(err) continue except ImageError, e: err = 'Could not save image: %s' % str(e) self.notices.append(err) logging.debug(err) continue
def parse_market(self): offset = 0 try:"parsing market pairs") while True: pairs = self.api_instance.get_pairs(limit=500, offset=offset) for pair in pairs: self.pairs.append(pair) if pair["quote_asset_symbol"] == self.BNB: self.bnb_pairs[pair["base_asset_symbol"]] = pair["lot_size"] elif pair["quote_asset_symbol"] == self.BUSD: self.busd_pairs[pair["base_asset_symbol"]] = pair["lot_size"] offset += 500 time.sleep(1) except ApiException as e: if e.reason == "Bad Request":"parsing finished, %s market pairs" % len(self.pairs)) logging.debug("bnb pairs: %s" % self.bnb_pairs) logging.debug("busd pairs: %s" % self.busd_pairs) else:"Exception when calling DefaultApi->getPairs: %s\n" % e)
def make_request(self, url, params): params = params or {} reg_match = re.match(r"https:\/\/([^\/]*)([^?]*)\??(.*)", url) domain = path = temp_params = if len(temp_params) > 1: temp_params = re.findall(r"([^=]+)=([^&]+)&", temp_params + '&') params.update({key: val for key, val in temp_params}) if len(params): path += '?' + urllib.parse.urlencode(params) con = HTTPSConnection(domain) logging.debug("Requesting url: https://%s%s", domain, path) headers = self.headers.copy() headers['cookie'] = '; '.join(self.cookies) con.request('GET', path, None, headers) res = con.getresponse() self._res_text ='utf-8') con.close() return res
def __init__(self, remote, working_dir, private_key=None):'Cloning git repo: {0} into: {1}'.format(remote, working_dir)) self.remote = remote self.working_dir = working_dir self.repo = Repo.init(working_dir) if private_key is not None: ssh_cmd = 'ssh -i {0}'.format(private_key) log.debug('ssh_cmd: {}'.format(ssh_cmd)) self.repo.git.update_environment(GIT_SSH_COMMAND=ssh_cmd) self.origin = self.repo.create_remote('origin', self.remote) self.origin.fetch() self.repo.create_head('master', self.origin.refs.master).set_tracking_branch( self.origin.refs.master).checkout() with self.repo.config_writer() as cw: cw.add_section('user') cw.set('user', 'email', '*****@*****.**') cw.set('user', 'name', 'OpenShift Backup-Script')
def convert_to_png32(self, source_path, target_path): """Convert a source image to a 32 bit PNG image. :param source_path: Path of the source image. :param target_path: Path of the target image. :raises ConversionError: if conversion fails. """ logging.debug('Converting input image to 32-bit PNG: %s -> %s' % ( source_path, target_path)) # Perform the conversion. try: subprocess.check_output([ self.converttool, source_path, 'png32:%s' % (target_path) ], stderr = subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e: raise ConversionError('Failed to convert input file to 32-bit PNG: %s' % ( e.output))
def create_tar_archives(bucket, directory, files, temporary_directory): logging.debug(bucket) logging.debug(directory) remaining_files_to_archive = files s3_file_prefix = get_s3_file_prefix(bucket, directory, S3_BATCH_BUCKETS_FOLDER) elasticsearch_docs = [] while remaining_files_to_archive: archive_files = get_batch_files(directory, remaining_files_to_archive) remaining_files_to_archive = remaining_files_to_archive[len(archive_files):] archive_files = filter_opened_files(archive_files, S3_BATCH_BUCKETS_FOLDER) if archive_files: s3_object_key = create_batch_s3_key(s3_file_prefix) tar_info = create_archive(bucket, s3_object_key, archive_files, temporary_directory) elasticsearch_docs += get_batch_elasticsearch_docs(bucket, s3_object_key, tar_info) for archive_file in archive_files: os.remove(archive_file)"Archive created: {os.path.basename(tar_info['name'])}, {get_file_size_mb(tar_info['name'])}MB, {len(archive_files)} files") return elasticsearch_docs
def read_data(self): columns = self._XLSX_CONF['columns'].keys() # ['date', 'EUR', 'USD'] logging.debug('reading data') data = pd.read_excel(self.excel_file, skiprows=self._XLSX_CONF['rows']['values'], usecols=','.join( self._XLSX_CONF['columns'].values()), header=None, names=columns) logging.debug('starting data insertion') eur_id = self.db_session.query(RefCurrency).filter( RefCurrency.code == 'EUR').one().id usd_id = self.db_session.query(RefCurrency).filter( RefCurrency.code == 'USD').one().id for _, row in data.iterrows(): if not pd.isna(row['EUR']): rate_exists = self.db_session.query( exists().where(Rate.currency_id == eur_id).where( == row['date'])).scalar() if not rate_exists: rate_eur = Rate(currency_id=eur_id, rate=row['EUR'], date=row['date'].to_pydatetime()) self.db_session.add(rate_eur) if not pd.isna(row['USD']): rate_exists = self.db_session.query( exists().where(Rate.currency_id == usd_id).where( == row['date'])).scalar() if not rate_exists: rate_usd = Rate(currency_id=usd_id, rate=row['USD'], date=row['date'].to_pydatetime()) self.db_session.add(rate_usd) logging.debug('commiting changes') self.db_session.commit()
def _read(self, directory, relative_path="", recursive=True, root_dir=False): # Avoid unexpected results if os.path.isdir(directory) is False: #print("Nada por hacer") logging.debug("Nothing to do") return for i_directory in os.listdir(directory): #print(i_directory) logging.debug(i_directory) if "recibos" == i_directory and root_dir is False: #print("Ya llegué a los recibos") logging.debug("All is done in this path") continue if "recibos" == i_directory and root_dir is True: logging.debug( "Is on root directory, let's try to check if has archives") self.directories[i_directory] = [] continue if ".DS_Store" == i_directory: logging.debug("There's no directory here") continue if "txt" in i_directory: #print("Ya llegue a los archivos") logging.debug("There's in the final folder") break if "pdf" in i_directory: logging.debug("There's in the final folder") break if "xml" in i_directory: logging.debug("There's in the final folder") break if root_dir is True:"Root directory") # self.directories[i_directory] = {i_directory: i_directory} self.directories[i_directory] = [] if root_dir is False:"Relative path: %s" % relative_path) self.directories[relative_path].append(i_directory) if recursive is True: i_dir = directory + "/" + i_directory i_dir = i_dir.replace("//", "/") self._read(i_dir, root_dir=False, relative_path=i_directory)
for fname in sorted(glob('{}/*.txt'.format(PWD_LISTS))): n = 0 # we use a dict to get O(1) performance, instead of O(n) with a list l = {} for line in read_file(fname): clear_text_password = line.strip() if len(clear_text_password) > 0 and clear_text_password not in l: # yes, files have duplicates and we don't want them cur.execute('execute p_select(%(clear_text_password)s)', {'clear_text_password': clear_text_password}) if cur.rowcount == 0: l[clear_text_password] = True n += 1 if n % 10000 == 0: logging.debug('Queued {} passwords'.format(n)) logging.debug('Queued {} passwords'.format(n)) stream = StringIO() writer = csv.writer(stream, delimiter='\t', escapechar='\\', quotechar=None, doublequote=False) for clear_text_password in l: t = (clear_text_password,) writer.writerow(t) if args.keep: dname = 'DEBUG_{}.csv'.format(os.path.basename(fname))
type=str, dest='hash_value', required=True) args = parser.parse_args() if args.hash_type == 'auto': args.hash_type = { 32: 'md5', 40: 'sha1', 56: 'sha224', 64: 'sha256', 96: 'sha384', 128: 'sha512', }[len(args.hash_value)] logging.debug('Assuming {} hash'.format(args.hash_type)) conn = psycopg2.connect('dbname=rainbows user=rainbows') cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute('select clear_text_password' ' from rainbows' ' where digest(clear_text_password, %(h_type)s) = %(h_value)s', { 'h_type': args.hash_type, 'h_value': '\\x{}'.format(args.hash_value), }) if cur.rowcount == 0:
def __exit__(self, _type, value, traceback): end_time = time.time() logging.debug("%s COST %.2f ms", self.profiler_name, 1000 * (end_time - self.begin_time))