def save(frame_num, img): global current_frame_num ''' 1. generate path for an input sample 2. resize the image 3. store the down-sampled image to the path ''' ''' file_path = generate_path(frame_num) dst = cv.resize(img, dsize=(84,84)) cv.imwrite(file_path, dst) ''' start_time = time.clock() dst = cv.resize(img, dsize=(84,84)) if len(memory) == replaymem_size: memory.pop() memory.append(dst) logger.log_write_info('store one sample needs time ' + str(time.clock() - start_time)) current_frame_num = frame_num
def fill_memory_buffer(): global memory_buffer, current_frame_num, minibatch_actions, minibatch_rewards, minibatch_s0, minibatch_s1 memory_buffer = [] minibatch_s0 = [] minibatch_s1 = [] for i in range(minibatch_length): action = -1 while(action == -1): state_index = np.random.randint(0, current_frame_num / 4) if state_index >= len(actions) or state_index >= len(rewards): logger.log_write_info('state_index = ' + str(state_index)) logger.log_write_info('length of actions = ' + str(len(actions))) action = actions[state_index] minibatch_actions[i, 0] = actions[state_index] minibatch_rewards[i, 0] = rewards[state_index] stacked_data_St0 = get_stacked_input(state_index) stacked_data_St1 = get_stacked_input(state_index+1) minibatch_s0.append(stacked_data_St0) minibatch_s1.append(stacked_data_St1)
def save(frame_num, img): global current_frame_num ''' 1. generate path for an input sample 2. resize the image 3. store the down-sampled image to the path ''' ''' file_path = generate_path(frame_num) dst = cv.resize(img, dsize=(84,84)) cv.imwrite(file_path, dst) ''' start_time = time.clock() dst = cv.resize(img, dsize=(84, 84)) if len(memory) == replaymem_size: memory.pop() memory.append(dst) logger.log_write_info('store one sample needs time ' + str(time.clock() - start_time)) current_frame_num = frame_num
def fill_memory_buffer(): global memory_buffer, current_frame_num, minibatch_actions, minibatch_rewards, minibatch_s0, minibatch_s1 memory_buffer = [] minibatch_s0 = [] minibatch_s1 = [] for i in range(minibatch_length): action = -1 while (action == -1): state_index = np.random.randint(0, current_frame_num / 4) if state_index >= len(actions) or state_index >= len(rewards): logger.log_write_info('state_index = ' + str(state_index)) logger.log_write_info('length of actions = ' + str(len(actions))) action = actions[state_index] minibatch_actions[i, 0] = actions[state_index] minibatch_rewards[i, 0] = rewards[state_index] stacked_data_St0 = get_stacked_input(state_index) stacked_data_St1 = get_stacked_input(state_index + 1) minibatch_s0.append(stacked_data_St0) minibatch_s1.append(stacked_data_St1)
def save(frame_num, img, action, reward): global current_frame_num start_time = time.clock() if len(currnet_ovservation) <= state_dimension: dst = cv.resize(img, dsize=(84,84)) currnet_ovservation.append((dst)) logger.log_write_info('store one sample needs time ', time.clock() - start_time) current_frame_num = frame_num
def get_minibach_smaple(): ''' if memory_buffer == [] or memory_buffer_index == memory_buffer_size: print 'current frame num = ', current_frame_num fill_memory_buffer(current_frame_num) ''' start_time = time.clock() fill_memory_buffer() logger.log_write_info('get one minibatch states needs time ' + str(time.clock() - start_time)) #minibach_data = memory_buffer[memory_buffer_index : memory_buffer_index + minibatch_length] #memory_buffer_index = memory_buffer_index + minibatch_length return minibatch_s0, minibatch_actions, minibatch_rewards, minibatch_s1
def get_minibach_smaple(self): minibatch_s0 = [] minibatch_s1 = [] for i in range(self.minibatch_length): action = -1 while(action == -1): state_index = np.random.randint(0, len(self.memory)) action = self.memory[state_index].action minibatch_actions[i, 0] = action if self.memory[state_index].reward != 0: logger.log_write_info(' picked a none-zero reward state !') minibatch_rewards[i, 0] = self.memory[state_index].reward minibatch_s0.append(self.memory[state_index].observation_0) minibatch_s1.append(self.memory[state_index].observation_1) return minibatch_s0, minibatch_actions, minibatch_rewards, minibatch_s1
def choose_action(self, current_screen, total_frame): start_time = time.clock() #p_initial - (n * (p_initial - p_final)) / (total) if self.random_action_porb > self.random_pick_p_end: self.random_action_porb = self.random_action_porb - \ (self.random_pick_p_start - self.random_pick_p_end)/self.random_pick_peiriod logger.log_write_info('random_action_porb = ' + str(self.random_action_porb)) if np.random.rand() < self.random_action_porb: nextaction = np.random.randint(0, 5) logger.log_write_debug(' dqn, choose action rondomly, need time ' + str(time.clock() - start_time)) logger.log_write_info('random action ' + str(nextaction)) return [nextaction] else: nextaction = tf.argmax(self.model(self.current_screen), 1) logger.log_write_info('dqn select action ' + str(nextaction)) logger.log_write_debug(' dqn, choose action by DQN, need time ' + str(time.clock() - start_time)) return[nextaction], {self.current_screen : current_screen})
def add_reward(r): logger.log_write_info('frame =' + str(current_frame_num) + ', record reward ' + str(r) + ', rewards recorded = ' + str(len(rewards))) rewards.append(r)
def add_action(a): logger.log_write_info('frame =' + str(current_frame_num) + ', record action ' + str(a) + ', actions recorded = ' + str(len(actions))) actions.append(a)
def save(self,frame_num, img, action, reward): resized_img = cv.resize(img, dsize=(84,84)) if self.temp_state == None: #if frame_num % self.state_length == self.state_length - 1 and self.current_init == 4: if self.current_init == 4: self.following_observation[:,:,frame_num % self.state_length] = resized_img if self.current_reward == 0: self.current_reward = reward self.current_action = action self.temp_state = State(observation_0=self.current_observation, frame=frame_num) logger.log_write_info('frame =' + str(frame_num) + 'current_observation done, NOT record action ' + str(action) + ', reward = ' + str(reward)) return else: #self.current_observation.append(resized_img) logger.log_write_info('frame =' + str(frame_num) + ' recording current_observation no.' + str(frame_num % self.state_length)) self.current_observation[:,:,frame_num % self.state_length] = resized_img self.current_init += 1 return else: if frame_num % self.state_length == self.state_length - 1: self.following_observation[:,:,frame_num % self.state_length] = resized_img if self.current_reward == 0: self.current_reward = reward self.current_action = action self.temp_state.observation_1 = self.following_observation self.temp_state.action = self.current_action self.temp_state.reward = self.current_reward if self.temp_state.reward == 0 and np.random.rand() < 0.9: #if no reward, only recode 20% of the states. return else: if len(self.memory) == self.memory_size: self.memory.pop() self.memory.append(self.temp_state) logger.log_write_info('frame = ' + str(frame_num) + ' State into memory, numbers recorded ' + str(len(self.memory)) + ' action = ' + str(self.temp_state.action) + ', reward = ' + str(self.temp_state.reward)) self.temp_state = None self.current_observation = self.following_observation self.current_reward = 0 self.current_action = -1 self.following_observation = np.array(np.zeros((84,84,4))) else: logger.log_write_info('frame =' + str(frame_num) + ' recording following_observation no.' + str(frame_num % self.state_length)) self.following_observation[:,:,frame_num % self.state_length] = resized_img if self.current_reward == 0: self.current_reward = reward self.current_action = action return
def dqn_training(self, db_manager, frame_num): s0, actions, rewards, s1 = db_manager.get_minibach_smaple() s1_array = np.array(s1) if os.listdir('./ckp') != []: if frame_num == 3200: self.saver.restore(sess=self.s, save_path='./ckp/dqn') print('***************************check point loaded*******************************************') logger.log_write_info('***************************check point loaded*******************************************') q =,{self.s0 : s0}) for i in range(len(actions)): l = q[i] a = actions[i][0] if a == -1 or a == None: a = np.random.randint(low=0,high=4) self.q_result[i][0] = l[a] error, optimizer, l3_w, l4_w, q_max, y = [ self.error, self.optimizer_op, self.layer3_weights, self.layer4_weights, self.q_max, self.y ], { self.q_real : self.q_result, self.s1 : s1, self.actions: actions, self.rewards: rewards }) if frame_num > 4800 and frame_num % 20000 == 0: print 'check point saved ' logger.log_write_info('check point saved '), save_path='./ckp/dqn', #global_step=frame_num, latest_filename='latest_ckp') logger.log_write_info('q_result %f' +str(self.q_result)) logger.log_write_info('q_max %f' +str(q_max)) logger.log_write_info('y %f' +str(y)) logger.log_write_info('training error = ' + str(error))
def save(self,frame_num, img, action, reward, terminal): if self.load_memory == True: with open(self.pickle_name, 'rb') as f: m = pickle.load(f) self.memory_nonzero = m['nz'] self.memory_zero = m['zz'] self.load_memory = False if terminal == 1: if frame_num % 8 != 0: return ''' for p in range(img.shape[0]): print '****************************' print p[:20,:20, r] print p[21:41,21:41, r] print p[42:62,42:62, r] print p[63:84,42:84, r] print '****************************' ''' resized_img = cv.resize(img, dsize=(84,84)) resized_img = np.reshape(resized_img, (84,84,1)) ''' if frame_num % 10000 == 0: for i in range(4): cv.imwrite('./samples/c_' + str(frame_num) + '_' + str(i) + '_c.png', self.current_observation[:,:,i ]) ''' self.following_observation = np.append(resized_img, self.current_observation[:, :, :3], axis=2) ''' if frame_num % 10000 == 0: for i in range(4): cv.imwrite('./samples/f_' + str(frame_num) + '_' + str(i) + '.png', self.following_observation[:,:,i ]) ''' if terminal == 1: self.memory_zero.append((self.current_observation, action, reward, self.following_observation, terminal, frame_num)) else: logger.log_write_info(' get a non zero state ' + str(terminal)) self.memory_nonzero.append((self.current_observation, action, reward, self.following_observation, terminal, frame_num)) self.current_observation = self.following_observation if len(self.memory_nonzero) + len(self.memory_zero) == self.memory_size: if random.random < 0.05: self.memory_nonzero.popleft() else: self.memory_zero.popleft() if self.pickle_saved == False: with open(self.pickle_name, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump({'nz':self.memory_nonzero, 'z':self.memory_zero}, f, protocol=2) print 'pickle saved' self.pickle_saved = True if terminal == 0: img_init_array = np.array(np.zeros((84,84)),dtype=float) self.current_observation = np.stack((img_init_array, img_init_array, img_init_array, img_init_array), axis=2)