def __initializeSANScreenEndPoint(self): try: ## Get SANscreen credentials sanscreenProtocols = self.framework.getAvailableProtocols(self.sanscreenIpAddress, "sanscreen") if sanscreenProtocols == None or len(sanscreenProtocols) < 1: logger.reportError("No SANscreen credentials found for [%s] destination" % self.sanscreenIpAddress) return None else: for protocol in sanscreenProtocols: soapPort = self.framework.getProtocolProperty(protocol, CollectorsConstants.PROTOCOL_ATTRIBUTE_PORT) or '80' soapProtocol = self.framework.getProtocolProperty(protocol, 'sanscreenprotocol_protocol') username = self.framework.getProtocolProperty(protocol, CollectorsConstants.PROTOCOL_ATTRIBUTE_USERNAME) password = self.framework.getProtocolProperty(protocol, CollectorsConstants.PROTOCOL_ATTRIBUTE_PASSWORD) ## Should have everything to try connecting... try: ## Try connecting ## Set URL and system properties serviceURL = soapProtocol + '://' + self.sanscreenIpAddress + ':' + soapPort + '/sanscreenapi' return SSApiWrapper().getEndpoint(serviceURL, username, password) except: excInfo = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('Will try next credential entry (if available) due to exception: ') logger.warn('[initializeSANScreenEndPoint] Exception: <%s>' % excInfo) # Try next credential entry continue except: excInfo = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') logger.warn('[initializeSANScreenEndPoint] Exception: <%s>' % excInfo) pass
def resolveIpFromDns(Framework, ipOrDnsOrAlias, localShell, dnsServers = None): normalizedIp = str(ipOrDnsOrAlias).strip() if not normalizedIp or normalizedIp == "localhost" or (ip_addr.isValidIpAddress(normalizedIp) and (ip_addr.IPAddress(normalizedIp).is_loopback or ip_addr.IPAddress(normalizedIp).is_multicast)): logger.debug('Skipped ip [', normalizedIp, '] for next hop, because it is empty or loopback or not a valid ip address') return None if dnsServers is not None: logger.debug('Trying to resolve ip using provided dnsServers names') dnsResolver = netutils.DNSResolver(localShell) for dnsServer in dnsServers: logger.debug('Trying to resolve ip using DNS Server [', dnsServer, ']') try: resolvedIp = dnsResolver.resolveHostIp(normalizedIp, dnsServer) if resolvedIp is not None: logger.debug('Resolved ip [', resolvedIp, '] from [', normalizedIp, '] using DNS Server [', dnsServer, ']') return resolvedIp except: Framework.reportWarning(logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('')) logger.debug('Failed to resolve [', normalizedIp, ']') try: logger.debug('Trying to resolve ip using local DNS server') resolvedIp = netutils.resolveIP(localShell, normalizedIp) if resolvedIp is not None: logger.debug('Resolved ip [', resolvedIp, '] from [', normalizedIp, '] using configured local DNS Server or hosts file') return resolvedIp else: errorMessage = 'Failed to resolve ip from [' + normalizedIp + '] using configured local DNS Server or hosts file' Framework.reportWarning(errorMessage) logger.warn(errorMessage) except: Framework.reportWarning(logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('')) logger.warn(errorMessage) return resolvedIp
def getProcListBySNMP(localClient): try: dbconnect_utils.debugPrint(3, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getProcListBySNMP]') procToPortDict = {} HOST_IP = localClient.getIpAddress() ## Not using SNMP HR scripts since they are not split into a main discovery and ## utils script. Using them will result in those discoveries being executed for ## this destination and host resource data will be added to the CMDB ## Not getting services using SNMP because only running services are ## available, and if a service is running, we would already have the database ## in the list of running processes. Service path, which would be useful, is ## not available by SNMP ## Not getting software either because only installed software names are ## available. Version and path information are not available. ## Get a list of processes try: resultSet = localClient.executeQuery(',,string,,string,,string,,string,,string,,string') while ## Name processName = resultSet.getString(7).strip() if processName == None or processName == '' or len(processName) <1: ## We don't care about nameless processes continue pid = resultSet.getString(2).strip() ## PID processPath = resultSet.getString(3).strip() ## Path processPath = string.replace(processPath, '"', '') processCmdline = resultSet.getString(4).strip() ## Command line processCmdline = string.replace(processCmdline, '"', '') ## Add this to the dictionary dbconnect_utils.debugPrint(4, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getProcListBySNMP] Got PROCESS <%s:%s> with path <%s> and command line <%s>' % (pid, processName, processPath, processCmdline)) ## {PID:[processName, listeningPort, ipAddress, path, version, status, processCommandline]} procToPortDict[pid] = [processName, dbconnect_utils.UNKNOWN, HOST_IP, processPath, dbconnect_utils.UNKNOWN, 'Running', processCmdline] except: excInfo = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') logger.debug('[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getProcListBySNMP] Unable to get a list of proceses: <%s>' % excInfo) pass ## Should have proc to port map if len(procToPortDict) > 0: dbconnect_utils.debugPrint(2, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getProcListBySNMP] Returning process to port dictionary with <%s> items' % len(procToPortDict)) return procToPortDict else: dbconnect_utils.debugPrint(2, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getProcListBySNMP] Returning EMPTY process to port dictionary') return None except: excInfo = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') dbconnect_utils.debugPrint('[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getProcListBySNMP] Exception: <%s>' % excInfo) pass
def getAIXpIDfromAddress(localClient, procAddress, USE_SUDO): try: kdbOut = '' kdbCmd = '' pidLine = '' kdbOutLines = [] try: kdbCmd = 'echo "sockinfo ' + procAddress + ' tcpcb" | kdb | grep ACTIVE' if USE_SUDO == 'true': kdbCmd = 'sudo ' + kdbCmd kdbOut = localClient.executeCmd(kdbCmd) ## Output: pvproc+00E000 56*inetd ACTIVE 003808A 00360AC 0000000001244400 0 0001 except: excInfo = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') logger.warn('[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getAIXpIDfromAddress] Error: Couldn\'t execute <%s>: <%s>' % (kdbCmd, excInfo)) return None ## if (kdbOut.find('do not allow') != -1): logger.debug('[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getAIXpIDfromAddress] Couldn\'t get info from kdb. Please set suid on /usr/sbin/kdb or use root credentials.') return None ## If output contains multiple lines, split them kdbOutLines = dbconnect_utils.splitCommandOutput(kdbOut.strip()) if kdbOutLines == None: kdbOutLines = kdbOut.strip() dbconnect_utils.debugPrint(5, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getAIXpIDfromAddress] kdbOutLines before extracting pidLine is <%s> (length=<%s>)' % (kdbOutLines, len(kdbOutLines))) ### We're only interested in the line with string "ACTIVE" in it if len(kdbOutLines) > 0: for kdbOutLine in kdbOutLines: if'ACTIVE', kdbOutLine): pidLine = kdbOutLine.strip() else: dbconnect_utils.debugPrint(3, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getAIXpIDfromAddress] Unusable KDB output for address <%s>' % procAddress) return None ## Extract process ID hex from output of kbd #m = re.match('\S+\+\w+\s+\d+\*\S+\s+\S+\s+(\w+)\s+\w+\s+\w+\s+\w+\s+\w+\s+\w+\s+.*', pidLine) dbconnect_utils.debugPrint(4, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getAIXpIDfromAddress] pidLine is <%s>' % pidLine) m = re.match('.*ACTIVE\s+(\w+)\s+.*', pidLine) if (m): #thePID = str(int(, 16)) thePID = str(int(, 16)) dbconnect_utils.debugPrint(4, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getAIXpIDfromAddress] Found PID <%s> for address <%s>' % (thePID, procAddress)) return thePID else: dbconnect_utils.debugPrint(2, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getAIXpIDfromAddress] Couldn\'t find PID for address [' + procAddress + ']') return None except: #excInfo = str(sys.exc_info()[1]) excInfo = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') logger.debug('[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getAIXpIDfromAddress] Exception: <%s>' % excInfo) pass
def DiscoveryMain(Framework): OSHVResult = ObjectStateHolderVector() urlString = Framework.getParameter(PARAM_URL) reportPoweredOffVms = 0 reportPoweredOffVmsValue = Framework.getParameter(PARAM_REPORT_POWERED_OFF_VMS) if reportPoweredOffVmsValue and reportPoweredOffVmsValue.lower() =='true': reportPoweredOffVms = 1 ipAddress = None try: urlObject = URL(urlString) hostname = urlObject.getHost() if not hostname: logger.debug("Hostname is not defined in URL '%s'" % urlString) raise MalformedURLException() ipAddress = vcloud_discover.getIpFromUrlObject(urlObject) if not ipAddress or not netutils.isValidIp(ipAddress) or netutils.isLocalIp(ipAddress): msg = "Failed to resolve the IP address of server from specified URL" errormessages.resolveAndReport(msg, vcloud_discover.VcloudProtocol.DISPLAY, Framework) return OSHVResult except MalformedURLException: msg = "Specified URL '%s' is malformed" % urlString errormessages.resolveAndReport(msg, vcloud_discover.VcloudProtocol.DISPLAY, Framework) except: msg = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace("") errormessages.resolveAndReport(msg, vcloud_discover.VcloudProtocol.DISPLAY, Framework) else: #configure how connections should be discovered/established connectionDiscoverer = vcloud_discover.ConnectionDiscoverer(Framework) urlGenerator = vcloud_discover.ConstantUrlGenerator(urlString) connectionDiscoverer.setUrlGenerator(urlGenerator) connectionDiscoverer.addIp(ipAddress) #configure how established/failed connection should be used connectionHandler = vcloud_discover.BaseDiscoveryConnectionHandler(Framework) topologyDiscoverer = vcloud_discover.createVcloudDiscoverer(Framework) topologyReporter = vcloud_report.createVcloudReporter(Framework, None, reportPoweredOffVms) connectionHandler.setDiscoverer(topologyDiscoverer) connectionHandler.setReporter(topologyReporter) connectionDiscoverer.setConnectionHandler(connectionHandler) connectionDiscoverer.initConnectionConfigurations() if not connectionHandler.connected: for errorMsg in connectionHandler.connectionErrors: Framework.reportError(errorMsg) for warningMsg in connectionHandler.connectionWarnings: Framework.reportWarning(warningMsg) return OSHVResult
def DiscoveryMain(Framework): OSHVResult = ObjectStateHolderVector() shell = None protocol = Framework.getDestinationAttribute('Protocol') try: try: try: hostName = Framework.getDestinationAttribute('hostname') msMqManagerUcmdbId = Framework.getDestinationAttribute( 'msmq_id') msMqManagerOsh = modeling.createOshByCmdbIdString( 'msmqmanager', msMqManagerUcmdbId) client = Framework.createClient() shell = shellutils.ShellUtils(client) msMqDiscoverer = MsMqDiscoverer(shell, msMqManagerOsh, hostName) if msMqDiscoverer: msMqDiscoverer.addResultsToVector(OSHVResult) finally: try: shell and shell.closeClient() except: logger.debugException('') logger.error('Unable to close shell') if OSHVResult.size() == 0: raise Exception, "Failed getting information about Microsoft Message Queue" except JavaException, ex: msg = ex.getMessage() errormessages.resolveAndReport(msg, protocol, Framework) except: msg = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') errormessages.resolveAndReport(msg, protocol, Framework) return OSHVResult
def getNetDeviceAndPortOSHVs(localFramework): try: netDeviceCmdbIdList = localFramework.getTriggerCIDataAsList('netdevice_cmdbid') netDeviceNameList = localFramework.getTriggerCIDataAsList('netdevice_name') portCmdbIdList = localFramework.getTriggerCIDataAsList('port_cmdbid') portNameList = localFramework.getTriggerCIDataAsList('port_name') portIndexList = localFramework.getTriggerCIDataAsList('port_index') portVlanIdList = localFramework.getTriggerCIDataAsList('port_vlan') portContainerCmdbIdList = localFramework.getTriggerCIDataAsList('port_container_cmdbid') ## Build OSHVs using input TQL data netDeviceOSHV = buildNetDeviceOSHV(localFramework, netDeviceCmdbIdList, netDeviceNameList) portOSHV = buildPortOSHV(localFramework, portCmdbIdList, portNameList, portIndexList, portVlanIdList, portContainerCmdbIdList) if not (netDeviceOSHV or portOSHV): localFramework.reportError('Unable to build NetDevice or Port CIs from Input CI data! Please check adapter input configuration') return None else: ciscoworks_utils.debugPrint(4, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getNetDeviceAndPortOSHVs] Got <%s> NetDevice and <%s> Port OSHs' % (netDeviceOSHV.size(), portOSHV.size())) ## Try OSH lookups #anOSH = ciscoworks_utils.getCiByAttributesFromOSHV(OSHVResult, 'physical_port', {'name':'Gi8/2', 'root_container':'bce192dd39319eefd4016166568a34ef', 'port_index':609}) #if anOSH: # print anOSH.toXmlString() return (netDeviceOSHV, portOSHV) except: excInfo = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') logger.warn('[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getNetDeviceAndPortOSHVs] Exception: <%s>' % excInfo) pass
def processARISXML(ARISfile, requestedObjectTypeList, requestedRelationshipTypeList, requestedLocaleID): try: builder = SAXBuilder() doc = rootElement = doc.getRootElement() objList = { } # Index object list by "object definition ID" because link ends are defined based on object definition id # ########################################### # Process all the ARIS components first # These will map to UCMDB CIs # ########################################### groupElements = rootElement.getChildren('Group') if groupElements: for groupElement in groupElements: if groupElement: objectElements = groupElement.getChildren('ObjDef') if objectElements: for objectElement in objectElements: if objectElement: ## Process objects theObject = processObjectElement( objectElement, requestedObjectTypeList, requestedRelationshipTypeList, requestedLocaleID) if theObject: objList[theObject.objectDefnID] = theObject return objList except: excInfo = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') debugPrint('[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':processARISXML] Exception: <%s>' % excInfo) pass
def getServiceNowRelTypeId(SNConnPropMap, relClass): try: table_name = 'cmdb_rel_type' stub = getStub(SNConnPropMap, table_name) if stub == None: debugPrint(2, '[getServiceNowRelTypeId] Unable to get SN API stub for table <%s>' % table_name) return getKeysAction = getAction(table_name, 'GetKeys') if getKeysAction == None: logger.error('[getServiceNowRelTypeId] Unable to get <GetKeys> SN action for table <%s>' % table_name) return None getKeysAction.setName(relClass) try: keys = stub.getKeys(getKeysAction).getSys_id() except: raise Exception('[getServiceNowRelTypeId] Error connecting to Service-Now while processing CIT <%s>' % table_name) if len(keys) > 1: logger.warn('[getServiceNowRelTypeId] Got <%s> sys_ids for relationship type <%s>...using the first one. More than one is not normal!' % (len(keys), relClass)) debugPrint(4, '[getServiceNowRelTypeId] Got SN sys_id <%s> for SN relationship type <%s>' % (keys, relClass)) return keys[0] except Exception, ex: raise Exception('[getServiceNowRelTypeId] ' + ex.getMessage()) excInfo = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') logger.warn('[getServiceNowRelTypeId] Exception: <%s>' % excInfo) pass
def findFile(localClient, fileName, rootDirectory, isWindows): try: findCommand = 'find -L %s -name %s -type f 2>/dev/null' % (rootDirectory, fileName) if isWindows == 'true': # findCommand = 'dir %s\%s /s /b' % (rootDirectory, fileName) findCommand = 'cd \"%s\" && dir %s /s /b' % (rootDirectory, fileName) # modified by Daniel La debugPrint(3, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':findFile] Going to run find command: <%s>' % findCommand) findResults = str(localClient.executeCmd(findCommand, 120000)) if isWindows == 'true': errorCode = str(localClient.executeCmd('echo %ERRORLEVEL%')) print 'ERRORCODE: ', errorCode, ' for command ', findCommand if errorCode and errorCode == '0': pass else: debugPrint(3, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':findFile] Unable to find <%s> in <%s>' % (fileName, rootDirectory)) return None # if findResults.find("File not found") > 0 or findResults.find("cannot find") > 0 or findResults.find("not set") > 0 or findResults.lower().find("permission") > 0 or len(findResults) < 1: if findResults.find("is invalid") > 0 or findResults.find("File not Found") > 0 or findResults.find("File not found") > 0 or findResults.find("cannot find") > 0 or findResults.find("not set") > 0 or findResults.lower().find("permission") > 0 or len(findResults) < 1: # modified by Daniel La debugPrint(3, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':findFile] Unable to find <%s> in <%s>' % (fileName, rootDirectory)) return None locations = splitCommandOutput(findResults.strip()) if locations != None: for location in locations: debugPrint(3, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':findFile] Found <%s> at <%s> with length <%s>' % (fileName, location, len(location))) return locations except: excInfo = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') debugPrint('[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':findFile] Exception: <%s>' % excInfo) pass
def findDatabases(localClient, procToPortDict, dbInstanceDict, isWindows='true', wmiRegistryClient=None): try: ## DB2 cannot be discovered through an SNMP/WMI agent localClientType = localClient.getClientType() if localClientType not in ['telnet', 'ssh', 'ntadmin']: logger.error('[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':findDatabase] DB2 discovery requires SSH/Telnet/NTCMD') return ## The best approach to find DB2 instances is to make a list of ## locations where DB2 may be installed and search through them. searchLocations = [] ## Extract information from process to port dictionary first ## For DB2, it is not possible to get database details from this ## dictionary. the best approach is to get possible install ## locations of DB2 and find databases later processProcToPortDict(localClient, isWindows, procToPortDict, searchLocations) ## Use the list of possible install locations to identify valid ## install locations instanceLocations = getInstancePaths(localClient, isWindows, searchLocations) # used for debugging purposes only - Daniel La for instancePath in instanceLocations: logger.debug('***********instance path is: ' + instancePath) ## Get databases using instance locations if instanceLocations: getDatabases(localClient, isWindows, instanceLocations, dbInstanceDict) except: excInfo = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') dbconnect_utils.debugPrint('[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':findDatabases] Exception: <%s>' % excInfo) pass
def DiscoveryMain(Framework): OSHVResult = ObjectStateHolderVector() try: hostId = Framework.getDestinationAttribute('hostId') hostOsh = modeling.createOshByCmdbIdString('host_node', hostId) snmpClient = Framework.createClient() try: cssDiscoverer = createCssDiscoverer(snmpClient, Framework, OSHVResult, hostOsh) cssDiscoverer.discoverContentRules() cssDiscoverer.discoverServices() finally: snmpClient.close() except NoCssException: errobj = errorobject.createError( errorcodes.CSS_NOT_FOUND_ON_TARGET_HOST, None, 'CSS was not found on target host') logger.reportErrorObject(errobj) except: errorMessage = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') logger.error(errorMessage) errormessages.resolveAndReport(errorMessage, 'SNMP', Framework) return OSHVResult
def buildRppOSH(deviceName, deviceAssetNumber, deviceSerialNumber, rowName, gridLocation, spaceName, floorName, buildingName, rppOshDict, datacenterOshDict): try: rppDictKey = '%s ** %s ** %s ** %s ** %s ** %s ** %s' % ( deviceName, deviceAssetNumber, deviceSerialNumber, gridLocation, spaceName, floorName, buildingName) if rppDictKey in rppOshDict.keys(): debugPrint( 3, '[buildRppOSH] Already processed RPP <%s>! Skipping...' % deviceName) else: debugPrint(2, '[buildRppOSH] RPP <%s> found' % deviceName) rppOSH = ObjectStateHolder('remote_power_panel') populateOSH( rppOSH, { 'name': deviceName, 'serial_number': deviceSerialNumber, 'floor': floorName, 'space_name': spaceName, 'grid_location': gridLocation, 'row_name': rowName }) rppOSH.setContainer(datacenterOshDict[buildingName]) rppOshDict[rppDictKey] = rppOSH except: excInfo = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') logger.debug('[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':buildRppOSH] Exception: <%s>' % excInfo) pass
def buildPduOSH(deviceName, deviceAssetNumber, deviceSerialNumber, rowName, gridLocation, spaceName, floorName, buildingName, pduOshDict, datacenterOshDict): try: pduDictKey = '%s ** %s ** %s ** %s ** %s ** %s ** %s' % ( deviceName, deviceAssetNumber, deviceSerialNumber, gridLocation, spaceName, floorName, buildingName) if pduDictKey in pduOshDict.keys(): debugPrint( 3, '[buildPduOSH] Already processed PDU <%s>! Skipping...' % deviceName) else: debugPrint(2, '[buildPduOSH] PDU <%s> found' % deviceName) pduOSH = ObjectStateHolder('power_distribution_unit') populateOSH( pduOSH, { 'name': deviceName, 'serial_number': deviceSerialNumber, 'floor': floorName, 'space_name': spaceName, 'grid_location': gridLocation, 'row_name': rowName }) pduOSH.setContainer(datacenterOshDict[buildingName]) pduOshDict[pduDictKey] = pduOSH except: excInfo = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') logger.debug('[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':buildPduOSH] Exception: <%s>' % excInfo) pass
def buildRackOSH(rackName, rackAssetNumber, rackSerialNumber, rowName, gridLocation, spaceName, floorName, buildingName, rackOshDict, datacenterOshDict): try: rackDictKey = '%s ** %s ** %s ** %s ** %s ** %s ** %s ** %s' % ( rackName, rackAssetNumber, rackSerialNumber, rowName, gridLocation, spaceName, floorName, buildingName) if rackDictKey in rackOshDict.keys(): debugPrint( 3, '[buildRackOSH] Already processed RACK <%s>! Skipping...' % rackName) return rackOshDict[rackDictKey] else: debugPrint(2, '[buildRackOSH] RACK <%s> found' % rackName) rackOSH = modeling.createCompleteHostOSH('rack', '') #rackOSH = modeling.createCompleteHostOSH('rack', str(hash(rackDictKey))) populateOSH( rackOSH, { 'name': rackName, 'serial_number': rackSerialNumber, 'floor': floorName, 'space_name': spaceName, 'grid_location': gridLocation, 'row_name': rowName }) rackOSH.setContainer(datacenterOshDict[buildingName]) rackOshDict[rackDictKey] = rackOSH return rackOSH except: excInfo = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') logger.debug('[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':buildRackOSH] Exception: <%s>' % excInfo) pass
def processARISXML(ARISfile, requestedObjectTypeList, requestedRelationshipTypeList, requestedLocaleID): try: builder = SAXBuilder() doc = rootElement = doc.getRootElement() objList = {} # Index object list by "object definition ID" because link ends are defined based on object definition id # ########################################### # Process all the ARIS components first # These will map to UCMDB CIs # ########################################### groupElements = rootElement.getChildren('Group') if groupElements: for groupElement in groupElements: if groupElement: objectElements = groupElement.getChildren('ObjDef') if objectElements: for objectElement in objectElements: if objectElement: ## Process objects theObject = processObjectElement(objectElement, requestedObjectTypeList, requestedRelationshipTypeList, requestedLocaleID) if theObject: objList[theObject.objectDefnID] = theObject return objList except: excInfo = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') debugPrint('[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':processARISXML] Exception: <%s>' % excInfo) pass
def DiscoveryMain(Framework): OSHVResult = ObjectStateHolderVector() jobId = Framework.getDiscoveryJobId() host_id = Framework.getDestinationAttribute('id') host_name = Framework.getTriggerCIData('host_name') dnsServers = Framework.getTriggerCIDataAsList('dnsServers') or None try: host_name = host_name.split(" ") ips = pi_utils.getIPs(host_name[0], Framework) if not ips: raise ValueError() hostOSH = modeling.createOshByCmdbIdString('node', host_id) modeling.addHostAttributes(hostOSH, None, host_name[0]) #OSHVResult.add(hostOSH) for ip in ips: ipRes = pi_utils.getIPOSHV(Framework, ip, None, dnsServers, False, True) if ipRes.size() > 0: OSHVResult.add( modeling.createLinkOSH('containment', hostOSH, modeling.createIpOSH(ip))) OSHVResult.addAll(ipRes) if OSHVResult.size() <= 0: raise ValueError() except Exception, e: msg = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace( "Error getting IPs for %s: " % (host_name), e) errormessages.resolveAndReport(msg, jobId, Framework) logger.error(msg)
def getMappingFileNames(mapingFilesListFileName): try: debugPrint( 5, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getMappingFileNames] Got mapping file list file name: <%s>' % mapingFilesListFileName) mappingFileNameList = [] mappingFilesListFile = open(mapingFilesListFileName, 'r') mappingFilesListFileContent = mappingFilesListFile.readlines() for mappingFilesListFileLine in mappingFilesListFileContent: mappingFileName = mappingFilesListFileLine.strip() debugPrint( 4, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getMappingFileNames] Got potential mapping file name: <%s>' % mappingFileName) if mappingFileName[0:1] != '#': mappingFileNameList.append(mappingFileName) else: debugPrint( 5, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getMappingFileNames] Ignoring comment: <%s>' % mappingFileName) return mappingFileNameList except: excInfo = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') logger.warn('[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getMappingFileNames] Exception: <%s>' % excInfo) pass
def getIpSubnetDict(localDbClient, ipAddressList, netDeviceID, netDeviceElementID, netDeviceName): try: ipSubnetDict = {} ipSubnetQuery = 'SELECT IPAddress, SubnetMask FROM dba.IPProtocolEndPoint WHERE NetworkElementId=%s' % netDeviceElementID ipSubnetResultSet = ciscoworks_utils.doQuery(localDbClient, ipSubnetQuery) ## Return if query returns no results if ipSubnetResultSet == None:'[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getIpSubnetDict] No IP Addresses found for Net Device <%s>' % netDeviceName) return None ## We have query results! while ipAddress = ciscoworks_utils.getStringFromResultSet(ipSubnetResultSet, 1) subnetMask = ciscoworks_utils.getStringFromResultSet(ipSubnetResultSet, 2) if ipAddress: ## Discard duplicate IPs if ipAddress in ipAddressList: ciscoworks_utils.debugPrint(4, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getIpSubnetDict] Duplicate IP address <%s> on Network Device <%s> with ID <%s>!! Discarding...' % (ipAddress, netDeviceName, netDeviceElementID)) continue else: ipAddressList.append(ipAddress) ## Create IP OSH if subnetMask: ciscoworks_utils.debugPrint(2, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getIpSubnetDict] Got IP <%s> with subnet mask <%s> for Net Device <%s> with ID <%s>' % (ipAddress, subnetMask, netDeviceName, netDeviceElementID)) ipSubnetDict[ipAddress] = netutils.parseNetMask(subnetMask) else: ciscoworks_utils.debugPrint(2, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getIpSubnetDict] Got IP <%s> without subnet mask for Net Device <%s> with ID <%s>' % (ipAddress, netDeviceName, netDeviceElementID)) ipSubnetDict[ipAddress] = '' return ipSubnetDict except: excInfo = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') logger.warn('[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getIpSubnetDict] Exception: <%s>' % excInfo) pass
def getFileContent(localClient, theFile, isWindows): try: ## Make sure the file exists lsCommand = 'ls -lA ' if isWindows == 'true': lsCommand = 'dir ' ## Change / to \ in file path theFile = string.replace(theFile, '/', '\\') debugPrint(3, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getFileContent] Windows config file path: <%s>' % theFile) debugPrint(3, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getFileContent] Going to run command: <%s>' % (lsCommand + theFile)) lsResults = str(localClient.executeCmd(lsCommand + theFile)) lsStr = lsResults.strip() debugPrint(3, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getFileContent] Result of file listing: <%s>' % lsStr) if (lsStr.find("No such file or directory") > 0) or (lsStr.find("File Not Found") > 0) or (lsStr.lower().find("error") > 0) or (lsStr.lower().find("illegal") > 0) or (lsStr.lower().find("permission") > 0): debugPrint(2, 'Unable to find file <%s>' % theFile) return None ## Get contents of config.xml catCommand = 'cat ' if isWindows == 'true': catCommand = 'type ' catResults = str(localClient.executeCmd(catCommand + theFile)) if catResults == None or len(catResults) < 1: debugPrint(2, 'File <%s> is empty or invalid' % theFile) return None catStr = catResults.strip() return catStr except: excInfo = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') debugPrint('[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getFileContent] Exception: <%s>' % excInfo) pass
def DiscoveryMain(Framework): OSHVResult = ObjectStateHolderVector() jobId = Framework.getDiscoveryJobId() host_id = Framework.getDestinationAttribute('id') host_name = Framework.getTriggerCIData('host_name') dnsServers = Framework.getTriggerCIDataAsList('dnsServers') or None try: host_name = host_name.split(" ") ips = pi_utils.getIPs(host_name[0], Framework) if not ips: raise ValueError() hostOSH = modeling.createOshByCmdbIdString('node', host_id) modeling.addHostAttributes(hostOSH, None, host_name[0]) #OSHVResult.add(hostOSH) for ip in ips: ipRes = pi_utils.getIPOSHV(Framework, ip, None, dnsServers, False, True) if ipRes.size() > 0: OSHVResult.add(modeling.createLinkOSH('containment',hostOSH,modeling.createIpOSH(ip))) OSHVResult.addAll(ipRes) if OSHVResult.size() <=0: raise ValueError() except Exception, e: msg = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace("Error getting IPs for %s: " % (host_name), e) errormessages.resolveAndReport(msg, jobId, Framework) logger.error(msg)
def DiscoveryMain(Framework): shell = None try: try: protocolName = __getProtocolName(Framework) discoverSharePointUrls = Boolean.parseBoolean(Framework.getParameter('discoverSharePointUrls')) reportIntermediateWebService = Framework.getParameter('reportIntermediateWebService') if reportIntermediateWebService: reportIntermediateWebService = Boolean.parseBoolean(reportIntermediateWebService) else: #set default value reportIntermediateWebService = 1 relativeCommandTimeoutMultiplier = Framework.getParameter('relativeCommandTimeoutMultiplier') relativeCommandTimeoutMultiplier = int(relativeCommandTimeoutMultiplier) client = Framework.createClient() shell = ShellFactory().createShell(client) logger.debug('getting SharePoint discoverer for protocol %s' % protocolName) discoverer = sharepoint_win_shell.getDiscoverer(shell, protocolName, relativeCommandTimeoutMultiplier) logger.debug('got discoverer') resources = _discoverSharePoint(discoverer) return, reportIntermediateWebService) except SharePointException: logger.reportError() logger.debugException('') except JavaException, ex: strException = ex.getMessage() errormessages.resolveAndReport(strException, protocolName, Framework) except: strException = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') errormessages.resolveAndReport(strException, protocolName, Framework)
def discoverStorageArrays(client): ''' Discover storage arrays and related topology @types: Client -> generator @return: generator of tuples witch such elements storage array osh list[tuple[Port, osh]] list[tuple[Hba, osh]] list[tuple[LogicalVolume, osh]] ''' try: arrays = _query_storage_arrays(client) for array in arrays: storageArrayOSH = _build_storage_array(array) ports = _query_ports(partial(_query_storage_array_ports, client, portOshs = (_report_port(storageArrayOSH, port) for port in ports) port_2_osh = zip(ports, portOshs) hbas = _query_storage_array_hbas(client, hbas = _drop("HBAs without ECC ID", Hba.ad_id.fget, hbas) hbasOshs = (_report_hba(storageArrayOSH, h) for h in hbas) hba_2_osh = zip(hbas, hbasOshs) logical_volumes = _query_storage_array_logical_volumes(client, volumeOshs = (_report_logical_volume(storageArrayOSH, v) for v in logical_volumes) volume_2_osh = zip(logical_volumes, volumeOshs) yield storageArrayOSH, port_2_osh, hba_2_osh, volume_2_osh except (JException, Exception): excInfo = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') logger.warn('[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':discoverStorageArrays] Exception: <%s>' % excInfo)
def processVlanPortMap(portVlanIdMap): try: returnOSHV = ObjectStateHolderVector() if portVlanIdMap: for portVlanIdMapKey in portVlanIdMap.keys(): vlanNameAndId = portVlanIdMapKey.split(':;:') vlanName = vlanNameAndId[0] vlanID = vlanNameAndId[1] ## Build VLAN OSH if vlanName and vlanName != 'N/A' and vlanID and vlanID != '-1' and type(eval(vlanID)) == type(1): ## Get a list of port IDs from the port OSH list in this map portOshList = portVlanIdMap[portVlanIdMapKey] portIdList = [] for portOSH in portOshList: portIdList.append(str(portOSH.getAttributeValue('port_index'))) portIdList.sort() ciscoworks_utils.debugPrint(2, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':processVlanPortMap] Got VLAN <%s> with <%s> ports, total VLANs <%s>' % (portVlanIdMapKey, len(portIdList), len(portVlanIdMap))) vlanUniqueID = str(hash(':'.join(portIdList))) if not vlanUniqueID: vlanUniqueID = 1 #vlanOSH = modeling.createVlanOsh(vlanID, None, portIdList) vlanOSH = ObjectStateHolder('vlan') ciscoworks_utils.populateOSH(vlanOSH, {'name':vlanName, 'vlan_aliasname':vlanName, 'vlan_id':int(vlanID), 'vlan_unique_id':vlanUniqueID}) returnOSHV.add(vlanOSH) ## Add a member link between this VLAN and all ports related to it for portOSH in portOshList: returnOSHV.add(modeling.createLinkOSH('membership', vlanOSH, portOSH)) return returnOSHV except: excInfo = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') logger.warn('[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':processVlanPortMap] Exception: <%s>' % excInfo) pass
def getEnum(localDbClient, tableName): try: if not tableName: logger.warn('[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getEnum] Invalid tableName specified!') return '' debugPrint(5, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getEnum] Got table name <%s>' % tableName) returnDict = {} enumQuery = 'SELECT * FROM ' + tableName enumResultSet = doQuery(localDbClient, enumQuery) ## Return if query returns no results if not enumResultSet: logger.warn('[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getEnum] No enumerations in table <%s>' % tableName) return None ## We have query results! while returnDict[enumResultSet.getString(2)] = enumResultSet.getString(1) debugPrint(5, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getEnum] Got <%s> items in enumeration from table name <%s>' % (len(returnDict), tableName)) return returnDict except: excInfo = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') logger.warn('[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getEnum] Exception: <%s>' % excInfo) pass
def DiscoveryMain(Framework): OSHVResult = ObjectStateHolderVector() shell = None protocol = Framework.getDestinationAttribute('Protocol') try: try: try: hostName = Framework.getDestinationAttribute('hostname') msMqManagerUcmdbId = Framework.getDestinationAttribute('msmq_id') msMqManagerOsh = modeling.createOshByCmdbIdString('msmqmanager', msMqManagerUcmdbId) client = Framework.createClient() shell = shellutils.ShellUtils(client) msMqDiscoverer = MsMqDiscoverer(shell, msMqManagerOsh, hostName) if msMqDiscoverer: msMqDiscoverer.addResultsToVector(OSHVResult) finally: try: shell and shell.closeClient() except: logger.debugException('') logger.error('Unable to close shell') if OSHVResult.size() == 0: raise Exception, "Failed getting information about Microsoft Message Queue" except JavaException, ex: msg =ex.getMessage() errormessages.resolveAndReport(msg, protocol, Framework) except: msg = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') errormessages.resolveAndReport(msg, protocol, Framework) return OSHVResult
def getFileContent(shell, theFile): try: ## Make sure the file exists lsCommandPattern = 'ls -lA %s' if shell.isWinOs(): lsCommandPattern = 'dir "%s"' ## Change / to \ in file path theFile = string.replace(theFile, '/', '\\') logger.debug('[getFileContent] Windows config file path: %s' % theFile) logger.debug('[getFileContent] Going to run command: %s' % (lsCommandPattern % theFile)) lsResults = str(shell.execCmd(lsCommandPattern % theFile)) lsStr = lsResults.strip() logger.debug('[getFileContent] Result of file listing: %s' % lsStr) if (lsStr.find("No such file or directory") > 0) or (lsStr.find("File Not Found") > 0) or (lsStr.lower().find("error") > 0) or ( lsStr.lower().find("illegal") > 0) or (lsStr.lower().find("permission") > 0) or (lsStr.lower().find("cannot be found") > 0): logger.debug('Unable to find file: %s' % theFile) return None ## Get contents of config.xml catCommandPattern = 'cat %s' if shell.isWinOs(): catCommandPattern = 'type "%s"' catResults = str(shell.execCmd(catCommandPattern % theFile)) if catResults == None or len(catResults) < 1: logger.debug('File [%s] is empty or invalid' % theFile) return None catStr = catResults.strip() return catStr except: excInfo = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') logger.debug('[getFileContent] Exception: %s' % excInfo) pass
def buildIntermediateCiXML(theCiElement, objectFromARIS): try: theCiElement.setAttribute('type', objectFromARIS.type) objectAttributeMap = objectFromARIS.attMap ## Add CI attributes if objectAttributeMap: for objectAttributeName in objectAttributeMap.keys(): if objectAttributeName and objectAttributeMap[ objectAttributeName]: fieldElement = Element('field') fieldElement.setAttribute('name', objectAttributeName) fieldElement.setText( objectAttributeMap[objectAttributeName]) theCiElement.addContent(fieldElement) else: debugPrint( 3, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':buildIntermediateCiXML] Skipping attribute <%s> with invalid value' % objectAttributeName) return 1 except: excInfo = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') debugPrint('[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':buildIntermediateCiXML] Exception: <%s>' % excInfo) return -1
def verifyDB(localDbClient, dbName): try: returnVal = -1 dbStateQuery = 'SELECT db_name()' debugPrint(4, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':verifyDB] Running query <%s>' % dbStateQuery) dbStateResultSet = doQuery(localDbClient, dbStateQuery) ## Return if query returns no results if dbStateResultSet == None: logger.warn('[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':verifyDB] Unable to get database name!') return returnVal ## We have query results! while databaseName = dbStateResultSet.getString(1).strip() if databaseName.lower().strip() == dbName.lower().strip(): debugPrint(5, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':verifyDB] Database name <%s> OK' % dbName) returnVal = 1 else: logger.error('[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':verifyDB] Database name mismatch!! Should be <%s>, got <%s>...' % (dbName, databaseName)) return returnVal return returnVal except: excInfo = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') logger.warn('[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':verifyDB] Exception: <%s>' % excInfo) pass
def buildNetDeviceOSHV(localFramework, netDeviceCmdbIdList, netDeviceNameList): try: returnOSHV = ObjectStateHolderVector() ## Check validity of provided lists if not netDeviceCmdbIdList: localFramework.reportError('Please check adapter parameter <netdevice_cmdbid>') return None if not netDeviceNameList: localFramework.reportError('Please check adapter parameter <netdevice_name>') return None if len(netDeviceCmdbIdList) != len(netDeviceNameList): localFramework.reportError('The lists <netdevice_cmdbid> and <netdevice_name> have different sizes: <%s> and <%s>! Please check adapter input configuration' \ % (len(netDeviceCmdbIdList), len(netDeviceNameList))) return None ## Build OSH and dict for netDeviceIndex in range(len(netDeviceCmdbIdList)): netDeviceCmdbId = netDeviceCmdbIdList[netDeviceIndex] netDeviceName = netDeviceNameList[netDeviceIndex] ## Check if attributes are good if not netDeviceCmdbId or not netDeviceName: logger.debug('Skipping invalid NetDevice name or CMDB ID in adapter input parameter...') continue ## Build OSH and add to OSHV netDeviceOSH = modeling.createOshByCmdbIdString('netdevice', netDeviceCmdbId) #netDeviceOSH.setAttribute('name', netDeviceName) netDeviceOSH.setAttribute('data_externalid', netDeviceName) ciscoworks_utils.debugPrint(4, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':buildNetDeviceOSHV] Built OSH for NetDevice <%s> with CMDB ID <%s>' % (netDeviceName, netDeviceCmdbId)) returnOSHV.add(netDeviceOSH) return returnOSHV except: excInfo = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') logger.warn('[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':buildNetDeviceOSHV] Exception: <%s>' % excInfo) pass
def connectToDb(localFramework, ipAddress, dbPort): try: theDbClient = None ## Get protocols protocols = localFramework.getAvailableProtocols(ipAddress, ClientsConsts.SQL_PROTOCOL_NAME) for protocolID in protocols: ## If this protocol entry is not for a Sybase DB, ignore it if localFramework.getProtocolProperty(protocolID, CollectorsConstants.SQL_PROTOCOL_ATTRIBUTE_DBTYPE) != 'Sybase': debugPrint(5, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':DiscoveryMain] Ignoring non Sybase protocol entry...') continue ## Don't bother reconnecting if a connection has already been established if not theDbClient: ## Set DB properties dbConnectionProperties = Properties() dbConnectionProperties.setProperty(CollectorsConstants.PROTOCOL_ATTRIBUTE_PORT, dbPort) # Establish JDBC connection debugPrint(5, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':connectToDb] Attempting connection to CiscoWorks database at port <%s>...' % dbPort) try: theDbClient = localFramework.createClient(protocolID, dbConnectionProperties) except: theDbClient and theDBClient.close() return theDbClient except: excInfo = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') logger.warn('[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':connectToDb] Exception: <%s>' % excInfo) pass
def DiscoveryMain(Framework): properties = Properties() properties.setProperty('timeoutDiscover', Framework.getParameter('timeoutDiscover')) properties.setProperty('retryDiscover', Framework.getParameter('retryDiscover')) properties.setProperty('pingProtocol', Framework.getParameter('pingProtocol')) properties.setProperty('threadPoolSize', Framework.getParameter('threadPoolSize')) virtualMode = Framework.getParameter( 'virtualModeDiscover').lower() == "true" byRangeFlag = Framework.getParameter("byScopeDiscover").lower() == "true" netAddress = Framework.getDestinationAttribute("netAddress") netMask = Framework.getDestinationAttribute("netMask") probeName = Framework.getDestinationAttribute("probeName") ignoreClientType = getGlobalSetting().getPropertyStringValue( 'pingClientTypeIp', "False").lower() == "false" try: client = Framework.createClient(ClientsConsts.ICMP_PROTOCOL_NAME, properties) try: ipRange = getRangeByNetwork(netAddress, netMask) if byRangeFlag: rangesList = icmp_utils.getProbeRanges([ipRange], probeName, Framework) else: rangesList = [ipRange]'Start working on range: ', len(rangesList)) totalReportedIps = 0 for aRange in rangesList: totalReportedIps += icmp_utils.pingIPsInRange( Framework, client, aRange, virtualMode, netAddress, netMask, ignoreClientType=ignoreClientType) Framework.saveState(aRange.toRangeString()) logger.debug('Total reported IPs %s ' % totalReportedIps)'Finished working on all ranges..') Framework.clearState() if not totalReportedIps: logger.reportWarning( "No live DataCenter IPs found in probe ranges") finally: client.close() except: msg = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') errormessages.resolveAndReport(msg, ClientsConsts.ICMP_PROTOCOL_NAME, Framework) return ObjectStateHolderVector()
def DiscoveryMain(Framework): properties = Properties() vector = ObjectStateHolderVector() properties.setProperty('timeoutDiscover', Framework.getParameter('timeoutDiscover')) properties.setProperty('retryDiscover', Framework.getParameter('retryDiscover')) properties.setProperty('pingProtocol', Framework.getParameter('pingProtocol')) properties.setProperty('threadPoolSize', Framework.getParameter('threadPoolSize')) ip = Framework.getDestinationAttribute('ip_address') domainName = Framework.getDestinationAttribute('domain_name') id = Framework.getTriggerCIData('id') ports = getUDAAvailablePorts(Framework) try: client = Framework.createClient(ClientsConsts.ICMP_PROTOCOL_NAME, properties) try: range_uda_status = {} range_result = pingIPsInRange(Framework, client, ip, ports) range_uda_status.update(range_result) for x in range_uda_status.values(): logger.debug(x) #build the udaStatus context = UdaState.Builder(x.ip).computerName( x.computerName ).alive(x.alive).portAlive(x.portAlive).isDDMI( x.isDDMI).isNative(x.isNative).isWin(x.isWin).osType( x.osType).agentVersion( str(x.agentVersion) + ('-fips' if x.isFIPSEnabled else '')).UDUniqueId( x.UDUniqueId).build() #save UdaStatusService.getInstance().saveUdaStatus(context) if Framework.getParameter('isCreateUDA') == 'true': if x.UDUniqueId: hostOsh = modeling.createHostOSH(x.ip) hostOsh.setStringAttribute( InventoryUtils.ATTR_UD_UNIQUE_ID, x.UDUniqueId) uda = ObjectStateHolder('uda') uda.setStringAttribute('application_ip', x.ip) uda.setStringAttribute('application_ip_domain', domainName) uda.setStringAttribute('discovered_product_name', 'uda') uda.setStringAttribute('version', str(x.agentVersion)) uda.setContainer(hostOsh) vector.add(hostOsh) vector.add(uda) finally: client.close() except: msg = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') errormessages.resolveAndReport(msg, ClientsConsts.ICMP_PROTOCOL_NAME, Framework) return vector
def DiscoveryMain(Framework):'Start Phase 1 ... Pull from ARIS') # Set global framework global theFramework theFramework = Framework ## Make sure we have an input data file from ARIS ARISfileName = Framework.getParameter('ARIS_XML_file') or None ARISfile = File(ARISfileName) if not (ARISfile and ARISfile.exists() and ARISfile.canRead()): excInfo = ('ARIS XML input file is not specified or is invalid!') Framework.reportError(excInfo) logger.error(excInfo) return None ## Check that the language parameter is set - default to US English requestedLocaleID = Framework.getParameter('ARISLocaleId') or '&LocaleId.USen;' if not requestedLocaleID: logger.warn('ARIS LocaleID parameter is not set...defaulting to US English') requestedLocaleID = '&LocaleId.USen;' # File and directory names userExtDir = CollectorsParameters.BASE_PROBE_MGR_DIR + CollectorsParameters.getDiscoveryResourceFolder() + '\\TQLExport\\ARIS\\' intermediatesDir = userExtDir + 'inter\\' mapingFilesListFileName = userExtDir + 'tqls.txt' mappingFileNameList = checkDiscoveryResources(mapingFilesListFileName, userExtDir, Framework, intermediatesDir) if not mappingFileNameList: return None ## Get attribute names from mapping file(s) ## This is a list of extended attributes to be retrieved from ARIS for mappingFileName in mappingFileNameList: (requestedSourceObjectTypeList, requestedSourceRelationshipTypeList) = getMapping(userExtDir + 'data\\' + mappingFileName + '.xml') if requestedSourceObjectTypeList and requestedSourceRelationshipTypeList: arisObjectMap = processARISXML(ARISfile, requestedSourceObjectTypeList, requestedSourceRelationshipTypeList, requestedLocaleID) intermediateXmlDoc = None if arisObjectMap: intermediateXmlDoc = buildIntermediateXML(arisObjectMap) intermediateXmlLocation = intermediatesDir + mappingFileName + '.xml' else: Framework.reportWarning('No CIs found in the ARIS XML file') if intermediateXmlDoc: try: xmlOutputter = XMLOutputter() xmlOutputter.output(intermediateXmlDoc, FileOutputStream(intermediateXmlLocation)) except: excInfo = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') Framework.reportError('Error writing intermediate file: <%s>' % intermediateXmlLocation) logger.warn('[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':DiscoveryMain] Exception: <%s>' % excInfo) pass else: Framework.reportWarning('Error creating intermediate XML') else: logger.warn('[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':DiscoveryMain] Unable to process mapping file: <%s>' % mappingFileName) Framework.reportError(' Unable to process mapping file: <%s>' % mappingFileName)'End Phase 1.... Pull from ARIS')
def addOshFromDictToOshv(oshDict, oshVector): try: for OSH in oshDict.keys(): oshVector.add(oshDict[OSH]) except: excInfo = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') logger.debug('[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':addOshFromDictToOshv] Exception: <%s>' % excInfo) pass
def getDbDirectory(localClient, listDbDirectoryCommand): try: DbDirectory = localClient.executeCmd(listDbDirectoryCommand) return DbDirectory except: excInfo = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') dbconnect_utils.debugPrint('[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getDbDirectory] Exception: <%s>' % excInfo) pass
def processException(errorsList, warnList, msg = None): excInfo = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') logger.error('AS400 Discovery Exception: <%s>' % excInfo) if msg: excInfo = msg else: excInfo = str(sys.exc_info()[1]) errormessages.resolveAndAddToObjectsCollections(excInfo, protocolName, warnList, errorsList)
def getPowerRoutes(localFramework, localsqlClient, datacenterOshDict, rackOshDict, pduOshDict, rppOshDict, hostOshDict): try: resultVector = ObjectStateHolderVector() ########################### ## JDBC SQL stuff ########################### ## Build query powerRouteQuery = '''SELECT Downstream_Device_Name, Downstream_Device_Asset_Number, Downstream_Device_Serial_Number, Upstream_Device_Name, Upstream_Device_Asset_Number, Upstream_Device_Serial_Number, Upstream_Grid_Location, Upstream_Space_Name, Upstream_Floor, Upstream_Building_Name FROM vista.dbo.VIP_DAL_PWR_Device_Power_Sources''' debugPrint(3, '[getPowerRoutes] Power route query is <%s>' % powerRouteQuery) powerRouteQueryResultSet = localsqlClient.executeQuery(powerRouteQuery) ## Do we have query results? if powerRouteQueryResultSet is None: debugPrint(1, '[getPowerRoutes] Empty result set for Rower Route query') localFramework.reportWarning('Unable to get a list of Power Routes') return None # Add all results to the OSHV addOshFromDictToOshv(datacenterOshDict, resultVector) ## We have query results! while deviceName = (powerRouteQueryResultSet.getString(1) or ' ').strip() deviceAssetNumber = (powerRouteQueryResultSet.getString(2) or ' ').strip() deviceSerialNumber = (powerRouteQueryResultSet.getString(3) or ' ').strip() pduName = (powerRouteQueryResultSet.getString(4) or ' ').strip() pduAssetNumber = (powerRouteQueryResultSet.getString(5) or ' ').strip() pduSerialNumber = (powerRouteQueryResultSet.getString(6) or ' ').strip() pduGridLocation = (powerRouteQueryResultSet.getString(7) or ' ').strip() pduSpaceName = (powerRouteQueryResultSet.getString(8) or ' ').strip() pduFloorName = (powerRouteQueryResultSet.getString(9) or ' ').strip() pduBuildingName = (powerRouteQueryResultSet.getString(10) or ' ').strip() ## Build keys deviceKey = '%s ** %s ** %s' % (deviceName, deviceAssetNumber, deviceSerialNumber) pduKey = '%s ** %s ** %s ** %s ** %s ** %s ** %s' % (pduName, pduAssetNumber, pduSerialNumber, pduGridLocation, pduSpaceName, pduFloorName, pduBuildingName) ## Make sure that the device is in the dictionary if deviceKey not in hostOshDict.keys(): debugPrint(2, '[getPowerRoutes] HOST with key <%s> not in dictionary! Skipping...' % deviceKey) continue ## Make sure that the PDU is in the dictionary if pduKey not in pduOshDict.keys() and pduKey not in rppOshDict.keys(): debugPrint(2, '[getPowerRoutes] PDU/RPP with key <%s> not in dictionary! Skipping...' % pduKey) continue debugPrint(2, '[getPowerRoutes] Creating USAGE link between HOST <%s> and PDU/RPP <%s>' % (deviceKey, pduKey)) ## Add USAGE link indicating power supply to OSHV pduOSH = pduOshDict[pduKey] or rppOshDict[pduKey] isPoweredByLink = modeling.createLinkOSH('usage', hostOshDict[deviceKey], pduOSH) isPoweredByLink.setAttribute('name', 'Is Powered By') resultVector.add(isPoweredByLink) return resultVector except: excInfo = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') logger.debug('[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getPowerRoutes] Exception: <%s>' % excInfo) pass
def checkDiscoveryResources(mapingFilesListFileName, userExtDir, localFramework, intermediatesDir): try: initialMappingFileNameList = [] mappingFileNameList = [] ## Get mapping file list mappingFilesListFile = File(mapingFilesListFileName) if mappingFilesListFile.exists() and mappingFilesListFile.canRead(): initialMappingFileNameList = getMappingFileNames(mapingFilesListFileName) if initialMappingFileNameList == None or len(initialMappingFileNameList) < 1: excInfo = ('No mapping files found in <%s>' % mapingFilesListFileName) localFramework.reportError(excInfo) logger.error(excInfo) return None else: excInfo = ('Error reading file <%s>' % mapingFilesListFileName) localFramework.reportError(excInfo) logger.error(excInfo) return None ## Make sure that at least one of the mapping files in the list above ## exists and is readable mappingFileExists = 'false' for mappingFileName in initialMappingFileNameList: mappingFileAbsolutePath = userExtDir + 'data\\' + mappingFileName + '.xml' mappingFile = File(mappingFileAbsolutePath) if mappingFile.exists() and mappingFile.canRead(): debugPrint(4, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':checkDiscoveryResources] Mapping file <%s> found!' % mappingFileAbsolutePath) mappingFileExists = 'true' ## Add file with path to mappingFileNameList #mappingFileNameList.append(mappingFileAbsolutePath) mappingFileNameList.append(mappingFileName) else:'Mapping file <%s> NOT found!' % mappingFileAbsolutePath) if mappingFileExists == 'false': excInfo = 'Error reading mapping file(s)!' localFramework.reportError(excInfo) logger.warn(excInfo) return None ## Make sure intermediates directory exists and is writable intermediatesDirectory = File(intermediatesDir) if intermediatesDirectory.exists() and intermediatesDirectory.canRead() and intermediatesDirectory.canWrite(): debugPrint(5, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':checkDiscoveryResources] Intermediates directory <%s> present and writable!' % intermediatesDir) ## Clean up intermediate XML directory ## TODO remove cleanUpDirectory(intermediatesDir) else: excInfo = ('Intermediates directory <%s> not found or is read-only' % intermediatesDir) localFramework.reportError(excInfo) logger.warn(excInfo) return None ## If we made it this far, all resources are good return mappingFileNameList except: excInfo = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') debugPrint('[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':checkDiscoveryResources] Exception: <%s>' % excInfo) pass
def handleProcessToPortByLsof(USE_SUDO, localClient, procToPortDict): try: pidToPortMap = {} # # We need a local pid to port map lsofCmd = 'lsof -n -P -i | grep -i listen 2>/dev/null' if USE_SUDO: lsofCmd = 'sudo ' + lsofCmd lsofStr = localClient.executeCmd(lsofCmd) lsofLines = dbconnect_utils.splitCommandOutput(lsofStr.strip()) if lsofLines != None: for lsofLine in lsofLines: if len(lsofLine) < 1: continue lsofLine = lsofLine.strip() m = '\w+\s+(\d+)\s+\w+\s+\w+\s+IPv[4|6].+TCP\s+(\S+):(\d+)\s+\(\w+\)', lsofLine) if (m): pid = ipAddress = # # Set the IP address to that of the destination if it is "*", "::", or "" ipAddress = dbconnect_utils.fixIP( ipAddress, localClient.getIpAddress()) serverPort = pidToPortMap[pid] = [ipAddress, serverPort] if pidToPortMap != None and len(pidToPortMap) > 0: for pid in pidToPortMap.keys(): if pid in procToPortDict.keys(): ipAddress = (pidToPortMap[pid])[0] # # Skip loopback IPs if'127.0.0', ipAddress): continue serverPort = (pidToPortMap[pid])[1] dbconnect_utils.debugPrint( 4, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getProcToPortDictOnHPUX] Found port <%s:%s> for pid <%s>' % (ipAddress, serverPort, pid)) (procToPortDict[pid] )[dbconnect_utils.IP_INDEX] = ipAddress (procToPortDict[pid] )[dbconnect_utils.PORT_INDEX] = serverPort else: dbconnect_utils.debugPrint( 3, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getProcToPortDictOnHPUX] No TCP port associated with PID [' + pID + ']: ' + lsofLine) else: dbconnect_utils.debugPrint( 2, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getProcToPortDictOnHPUX] Unable to make a process to port map using LSOF: ' + lsofStr) except: excInfo = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') logger.debug( '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getProcToPortDictOnHPUX] Unable to make a process to port map using LSOF: <%s>' % excInfo) pass
def handleProcessToPortByPFile(USE_SUDO, localClient, procToPortDict): # # Use PFILES to map each process to a port and create a dictionary ############################################ try: for pID in procToPortDict.keys(): pFilesCmd = 'pfiles ' + pID + ' 2>/dev/null | grep "sockname: AF_INET"' if USE_SUDO: pFilesCmd = 'sudo ' + pFilesCmd pFilesStr = localClient.executeCmd(pFilesCmd) if len(pFilesStr) < 1: continue pFilesLines = dbconnect_utils.splitCommandOutput(pFilesStr.strip()) if pFilesLines == None: dbconnect_utils.debugPrint( 4, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getProcToPortDictOnSolaris] Error: Invalid output from pfiles: ' + pFilesStr) continue for pFilesLine in pFilesLines: pFilesLine = pFilesLine.strip() m = '.+AF_INET\s+(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s+port:\s*(\d+)', pFilesLine) if'AFINET6', pFilesLine): m = '.+AF_INET6.*:(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s+port:\s*(\d+)', pFilesLine) if (m) and != '0': ipAddress = ## Skip loopback IPs if'127.0.0', ipAddress): continue ## Set the IP address to that of the destination if it is "*", "::", or "" ipAddress = dbconnect_utils.fixIP( ipAddress, localClient.getIpAddress()) serverPort = dbconnect_utils.debugPrint( 4, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getProcToPortDictOnSolaris] Adding port <%s:%s> for process <%s>' % (ipAddress, serverPort, (procToPortDict[pID] )[dbconnect_utils.PROCESSNAME_INDEX])) (procToPortDict[pID])[dbconnect_utils.IP_INDEX] = ipAddress (procToPortDict[pID] )[dbconnect_utils.PORT_INDEX] = serverPort else: dbconnect_utils.debugPrint( 4, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getProcToPortDictOnSolaris] No TCP port associated with PID [' + pID + ']: ' + pFilesLine) except: excInfo = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') logger.debug( '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getProcToPortDictOnSolaris] Unable to make a process to port map using pfiles: <%s>' % excInfo) pass
def getAction(table_name, action, useMultiple=False): try: act = SNHelper.getAction(table_name, action) debugPrint(4, '[getAction] Got SN action <%s> for table <%s> and UCMDB action <%s>' % (act, table_name, action)) return act except: excInfo = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') logger.warn('[getAction] Exception: <%s>' % excInfo) pass
def getServerName(localClient): try: returnHostName = None localClientType = localClient.getClientType() ## Try getting the servername from the OS if localClientType == 'telnet' or localClientType == 'ssh' or localClientType == 'ntadmin' or localClientType == 'uda': osHostName = localClient.executeCmd('hostname') if osHostName and len(osHostName) > 0: debugPrint( 3, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getServerName] Got OS hostname <%s> for SQL Server using SHELL client' % osHostName) returnHostName = osHostName.strip() elif localClientType == 'wmi': wmiHostNameQuery = 'select Name from Win32_ComputerSystem' hostNameResultSet = localClient.executeQuery(wmiHostNameQuery) if osHostName = hostNameResultSet.getString(1) if osHostName and len(osHostName) > 0: debugPrint( 3, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getServerName] Got OS hostname <%s> for SQL Server using WMI client' % osHostName) returnHostName = osHostName.strip() elif localClientType == 'snmp': hostNameResultSet = localClient.executeQuery( ',,string') while osHostName = hostNameResultSet.getString(2) if osHostName and len(osHostName) > 0: debugPrint( 3, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getServerName] Got OS hostname <%s> for SQL Server using SNMP client' % osHostName) returnHostName = osHostName.strip() ## If we don't have a name yet, try DNS if returnHostName == None or returnHostName == '' or len( returnHostName) < 1: dnsName = netutils.getHostName(localClient.getIpAddress()) if dnsName and len(dnsName) > 0 and dnsName.find('.'): debugPrint( 3, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getServerName] Got DNS name <%s> for SQL Server' % dnsName) hostName = dnsName[:dnsName.find('.')] if hostName and len(hostName) > 0: debugPrint( 3, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getServerName] Got host name <%s> for SQL Server from DNS name' % hostName) returnHostName = hostName return returnHostName except: excInfo = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') debugPrint('[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getServerName] Exception: <%s>' % excInfo) pass
def connectVfiler(wsConnection, vFiler): try: debugPrint(2, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':connectVfiler] Connecting to vFiler <%s>' % (vFiler)) if vFiler: wsConnection.setVfilerTunneling(vFiler) return wsConnection except: excInfo = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') logger.warn('[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':connectVfiler] Exception: <%s>' % excInfo) pass
def workOnIP(Framework, ip, ports): OPTION_UD_UNIQUE_ID = "UD_UNIQUE_ID" us = UDAStatus(ip) us.alive = True alivePort = None logger.debug("IP %s alive:%s" % (ip, us.alive)) if us.alive: for port in ports: us.portAlive = detectPortAvailable(ip, port) if us.portAlive: alivePort = port break logger.debug("Port alive %s on IP:Port %s:%s" % (us.portAlive, us.ip, str(alivePort))) #set computerName by ping -a us.computerName = detectHostnameWithPing(ip) if us.portAlive: client = detectUDAAvailable(Framework, ip) if client: us.udaAlive = True logger.debug("UDA alive %s on IP %s" % (us.udaAlive, us.ip)) try: us.isDDMI = detectDDMIAgent(Framework, client, us) logger.debug("UDA is DDMI %s on IP %s" % (us.isDDMI, us.ip)) if not us.isDDMI: us.isNative = True #detectUDANative(Framework, client, us) logger.debug("UDA is native %s on IP %s" % (us.isNative, us.ip)) us.isFIPSEnabled = detectFIPSMode(client) if isDupUDUniqueId(us.UDUniqueId): logger.debug("old uuid ", us.UDUniqueId) uduid = UUID.randomUUID() logger.debug("generate new uuid ", uduid) options = HashMap() options.put(OPTION_UD_UNIQUE_ID, str(uduid)) client.setOptionsMap(options) clientOptions = client.getOptionsMap() uduid = clientOptions.get(OPTION_UD_UNIQUE_ID) logger.debug("get new uuid ", uduid) us.UDUniqueId = uduid except: msg = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') errormessages.resolveAndReport( msg, ClientsConsts.ICMP_PROTOCOL_NAME, Framework) pass finally: try: client.close() except: pass return us
def doQuery(dbQueryClient, query): try: resultSet = None try: resultSet = dbQueryClient.executeQuery(query) except: logger.errorException('Failed executing query: <', query, '> on <', dbQueryClient.getIpAddress(), '> Exception:') return resultSet except: excInfo = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') logger.warn('[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':doQuery] Exception: <%s>' % excInfo) pass
def getIpSubnetDict(localDbClient, ipAddressList, netDeviceID, netDeviceElementID, netDeviceName): try: ipSubnetDict = {} ipSubnetQuery = 'SELECT IPAddress, SubnetMask FROM dba.IPProtocolEndPoint WHERE NetworkElementId=%s' % netDeviceElementID ipSubnetResultSet = ciscoworks_utils.doQuery(localDbClient, ipSubnetQuery) ## Return if query returns no results if ipSubnetResultSet == None: '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getIpSubnetDict] No IP Addresses found for Net Device <%s>' % netDeviceName) return None ## We have query results! while ipAddress = ciscoworks_utils.getStringFromResultSet( ipSubnetResultSet, 1) subnetMask = ciscoworks_utils.getStringFromResultSet( ipSubnetResultSet, 2) if ipAddress: ## Discard duplicate IPs if ipAddress in ipAddressList: ciscoworks_utils.debugPrint( 4, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getIpSubnetDict] Duplicate IP address <%s> on Network Device <%s> with ID <%s>!! Discarding...' % (ipAddress, netDeviceName, netDeviceElementID)) continue else: ipAddressList.append(ipAddress) ## Create IP OSH if subnetMask: ciscoworks_utils.debugPrint( 2, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getIpSubnetDict] Got IP <%s> with subnet mask <%s> for Net Device <%s> with ID <%s>' % (ipAddress, subnetMask, netDeviceName, netDeviceElementID)) ipSubnetDict[ipAddress] = netutils.parseNetMask(subnetMask) else: ciscoworks_utils.debugPrint( 2, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getIpSubnetDict] Got IP <%s> without subnet mask for Net Device <%s> with ID <%s>' % (ipAddress, netDeviceName, netDeviceElementID)) ipSubnetDict[ipAddress] = '' return ipSubnetDict except: excInfo = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') logger.warn('[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':getIpSubnetDict] Exception: <%s>' % excInfo) pass
def getSqlFiles(self, oshv, dbmap, hostId, users): try: self.getSqlFilesFromMaster(oshv, dbmap, hostId, users) except: exInfo = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') logger.debug("Failed to get sql file from master. ", exInfo) logger.debug("Collecting the details from each user databases.") itr = dbmap.entrySet().iterator() while (itr.hasNext()): entry = dbName = entry.getKey() dbObject = entry.getValue() self.getSqlFilesByDBName(oshv, dbName, dbObject, hostId)
def doQuery(oracleQueryClient, query): 'Perform a SQL query using the given connection and return a result set' try: resultSet = None try: resultSet = oracleQueryClient.executeQuery(query) except: logger.errorException('Failed executing query: <', query, '> on <', oracleQueryClient.getIpAddress(), '> Exception:') return resultSet except: excInfo = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') logger.warn('[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':doQuery] Exception: <%s>' % excInfo) pass
def connectVfiler(wsConnection, vFiler): try: debugPrint( 2, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':connectVfiler] Connecting to vFiler <%s>' % (vFiler)) if vFiler: wsConnection.setVfilerTunneling(vFiler) return wsConnection except: excInfo = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') logger.warn('[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':connectVfiler] Exception: <%s>' % excInfo) pass
def populateOSH(theOSH, attrDict): try: for attrName in attrDict.keys(): debugPrint(5, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':populateOSH] Got attrName <%s> with value <%s>' % (attrName, attrDict[attrName])) if not attrDict[attrName] or str(attrDict[attrName]).lower() == 'null': debugPrint(5, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':populateOSH] Got empty value for attribute <%s>' % attrName) continue else: theOSH.setAttribute(attrName, attrDict[attrName]) return None except: excInfo = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') logger.warn('[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':populateOSH] Exception: <%s>' % excInfo) pass
def processVlanPortMap(portVlanIdMap): try: returnOSHV = ObjectStateHolderVector() if portVlanIdMap: for portVlanIdMapKey in portVlanIdMap.keys(): vlanNameAndId = portVlanIdMapKey.split(':;:') vlanName = vlanNameAndId[0] vlanID = vlanNameAndId[1] ## Build VLAN OSH if vlanName and vlanName != 'N/A' and vlanID and vlanID != '-1' and type( eval(vlanID)) == type(1): ## Get a list of port IDs from the port OSH list in this map portOshList = portVlanIdMap[portVlanIdMapKey] portIdList = [] for portOSH in portOshList: portIdList.append( str(portOSH.getAttributeValue('port_index'))) portIdList.sort() ciscoworks_utils.debugPrint( 2, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':processVlanPortMap] Got VLAN <%s> with <%s> ports, total VLANs <%s>' % (portVlanIdMapKey, len(portIdList), len(portVlanIdMap)) ) vlanUniqueID = str(hash(':'.join(portIdList))) if not vlanUniqueID: vlanUniqueID = 1 #vlanOSH = modeling.createVlanOsh(vlanID, None, portIdList) vlanOSH = ObjectStateHolder('vlan') ciscoworks_utils.populateOSH( vlanOSH, { 'name': vlanName, 'vlan_aliasname': vlanName, 'vlan_id': int(vlanID), 'vlan_unique_id': vlanUniqueID }) returnOSHV.add(vlanOSH) ## Add a member link between this VLAN and all ports related to it for portOSH in portOshList: returnOSHV.add( modeling.createLinkOSH('membership', vlanOSH, portOSH)) return returnOSHV except: excInfo = logger.prepareJythonStackTrace('') logger.warn('[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':processVlanPortMap] Exception: <%s>' % excInfo) pass