class Handler:
    def __init__(self, powerLever, disconnect, realWorld):
        if realWorld:
            self.powers = {'Discover':95,'Race': 160, 'Brake':95, 'Turn':110, 'SpeedLimit':250}
            self.smoothGyroZThresh = 2200
            #Power increase per step when the car is not moving
            self.deltaPower = 0.2
            self.powers = {'Discover':105,'Race': 160, 'Brake':70, 'Turn':100, 'SpeedLimit':280}
            self.smoothGyroZThresh = 1500
            #Power increase per step when the car is not moving
            self.deltaPower = 0.2

        self.maxPower = self.powers['Race']

        self.requestedPower = ''

        self.powerlever = powerLever
        self.disconnect = disconnect
        self.discoveryPhase = True
        self.rediscoveryPhase = False
        self.trackTokens = ""
        self.filterM = 5
        self.filterSInv = 1.0/(1.0/2.0*self.filterM*(self.filterM+1))
        self.filterData = [0 for i in range(self.filterM)]

        self.tokenstream = ['0']
        self.tokendistance = [0]
        self.trackTokenPath = ['0']
        self.currentToken = ['0']
        self.lenTrackTokenPath = 0
        self.lenTrackTockenPathThresh = 60; #If the TrackTockenPath is larger than this, a new discovery will be triggered

        self.rediscoveryFlag = False
        self.rediscoveryCount = 0
        self.rediscoveryCountThresh = 3

        #Varaiables to recognize that the car has stopped
        self.carNotMovingFlag = False
        self.zeroGyroZthresh = 30
        self.zeroGyroZcount = 0
        self.zeroGyroZcountThresh = 20
        self.carNotMovingPiecewiseSpeedIncrement = 0
        self.carNotMovingPiecewiseSpeedIncrementThresh = 20
        self.carNotMovingSpeedBoostDuration = 0
        self.carNotMovingSpeedBoostDurationThresh = 50
        self.carNotMovingPowerName = ''

        self.discardedTokenstreamEntries = 5 #The first self.discardedTokenstreamEntries in TokenStream will not be considered for the mapping

        self.logger = Logger(realWorld)

        self.startTime = time()
        self.alphas = []
        self.timeRaceStart = 0
        self.racing = False
        self.lastTokens = ['','','','']
        self.itLastTokens = 0
        self.raceStartTime = 0

    def receive(self, msg):
        print("received: ", msg)

    def sensorDataArrivedEvent(self, msg):

        gyroZ = msg['g'][2]

        tmp2 = 0
        for i in range(1,self.filterM):
            tmp2 = tmp2 + (self.filterM-i)*self.filterData[i-1]

        for i in range(self.filterM-1,0, -1):
            self.filterData[i] = self.filterData[i-1]
        self.filterData[0] = gyroZ

        smoothGyroZ = self.filterSInv*(self.filterM * gyroZ + tmp2)

        if self.discoveryPhase:
            self.requestedPower = 'Discover'
            #print(gyroZ,' ',smoothGyroZ)

            if self.growTokenStream(smoothGyroZ):
                self.tokendistance.append((time()-self.startTime) * self.powers['Discover'])    # distance equivalent since start of vehicle

        elif self.rediscoveryPhase:
            self.requestedPower = 'Discover'
            self.rediscoveryFlag = True
            if self.growTokenStream(smoothGyroZ) and len(self.tokenstream) > self.discardedTokenstreamEntries:
                print('Looking for unique '+''.join(self.tokenstream[self.discardedTokenstreamEntries:])+' in '+ ''.join(self.trackTokenPath))

                # Finds indices of string we are looking for in bigger string. If there is only one index, we found the location
            tokenstreamOccurrences = [m.start() for m in re.finditer('(?='+''.join(self.tokenstream[self.discardedTokenstreamEntries:])+')', ''.join(self.trackTokenPath))]

            if(len(tokenstreamOccurrences) == 1):
                self.currentTokenKey = tokenstreamOccurrences[0]
                self.rediscoveryPhase = False
            elif len(self.tokenstream[self.discardedTokenstreamEntries:]) > len(self.trackTokenPath) or len(tokenstreamOccurrences) == 0:
                print('Rediscovery failed, attempting full discovery')
                self.rediscoveryPhase = False
                self.discoveryPhase = True

            # Save the 4 most recent tokens
            self.lastTokens[self.itLastTokens] = self.trackTokenPath[self.currentTokenKey]
            self.itLastTokens += 1
            if self.itLastTokens == 4:
                self.itLastTokens = 0

            # Detect current situation
            if smoothGyroZ >= self.smoothGyroZThresh:
                self.currentToken = 'R'
            elif smoothGyroZ <= -self.smoothGyroZThresh:
                self.currentToken = 'L'
            elif abs(smoothGyroZ) < self.smoothGyroZThresh:
                self.currentToken = 'S'

            # If the current situation changes, check whether the new state is the one we expected.
            if self.currentToken != self.trackTokenPath[self.currentTokenKey % self.lenTrackTokenPath]:
                if self.currentToken == self.trackTokenPath[(self.currentTokenKey+1) % self.lenTrackTokenPath]:
                    print('Changing to ',self.currentToken,' as predicted')
                    self.currentTokenKey = (self.currentTokenKey+1)% self.lenTrackTokenPath
                    if self.trackTokenPath[self.currentTokenKey % self.lenTrackTokenPath] == 'R':
                        expectedSmoothGyroZstr = '<= '+str(self.smoothGyroZThresh)

                    elif self.trackTokenPath[self.currentTokenKey % self.lenTrackTokenPath] == 'L':
                        expectedSmoothGyroZstr = '>= '+str(self.smoothGyroZThresh)
                        expectedSmoothGyroZstr = '|| < '+str(self.smoothGyroZThresh)

                    print('Failed to predict state. Expected '+expectedSmoothGyroZstr+', actual: '+str(smoothGyroZ)+' Going back to discovery')
                    self.tokenstream = ['0']

                    if self.rediscoveryFlag:
                        self.rediscoveryCount = self.rediscoveryCount +1

                    #If rediscovery fails repeatedly, try a full discovery
                    if self.rediscoveryCount > self.rediscoveryCountThresh:
                        self.discoveryPhase = True
                        print('Rediscovery failed '+str(self.rediscoveryCount)+' times, attempting full recovery')
                        self.rediscoveryCount = 0
                        self.rediscoveryPhase = True


                if self.currentToken == 'S' and not self.rediscoveryPhase:
                    self.timeRaceStart = time()
                    self.requestedPower = 'Race'
                    self.racing = True
                    print("Started racing")
                    self.requestedPower = 'Turn'
                    self.racing = False

            if self.racing:
                distanceAhead = self.tokendistance[(self.currentTokenKey+1) % self.lenTrackTokenPath] - self.tokendistance[self.currentTokenKey]
                if (time() - self.timeRaceStart) > self.alphas[self.currentTokenKey] * distanceAhead / self.powers['Race']:
                    self.requestedPower = 'Brake'
                    self.racing = False

            #print('We are at ',self.currentToken, ', next will be ',self.trackTokenPath[(self.currentTokenKey+1) % self.lenTrackTokenPath])

        #If the car does not move, augment smoothGyroZ,else decrease it
        if  abs(smoothGyroZ) < self.zeroGyroZthresh:
            self.zeroGyroZcount = min(self.zeroGyroZcount + 1,self.zeroGyroZcountThresh);
            self.zeroGyroZcount = max(self.zeroGyroZcount -1,0)

        #If the car has not moved for more than self.zeroGyroZcountThresh steps,raise a flag. If the flag has been raised, wait until the car
        # has been moving for at least self.zeroGyroZcountThresh/2 before removing the flag

        if not self.carNotMovingFlag:
            if self.zeroGyroZcount >= self.zeroGyroZcountThresh and time()-self.raceStartTime > 1:
                self.carNotMovingFlag = True
                self.carNotMovingPowerName = self.requestedPower
                print('Car is not moving')
            if self.zeroGyroZcount < self.zeroGyroZcountThresh/2.0:
                self.carNotMovingSpeedBoostDuration = 0
                self.carNotMovingPiecewiseSpeedIncrement = 0
                self.carNotMovingFlag = False
                print('Car is moving again')

        #If the car is not moving, increment its current speed
        if self.carNotMovingFlag:
            if self.carNotMovingPiecewiseSpeedIncrement < self.carNotMovingPiecewiseSpeedIncrementThresh:
                if self.carNotMovingPowerName == self.requestedPower:
                    self.powers[self.requestedPower] = self.powers[self.requestedPower] + self.deltaPower
                    self.carNotMovingPiecewiseSpeedIncrement = self.carNotMovingPiecewiseSpeedIncrement + self.deltaPower
                    print('Increasing '+self.requestedPower+' to '+str(round(self.powers[self.requestedPower],2))+' to get the car moving again')
                else: #Stop intervening if the speed changed
                    self.carNotMovingFlag = False
                    self.carNotMovingSpeedBoostDuration = 0
                    self.carNotMovingPiecewiseSpeedIncrement = 0
                    print('Speed changed, stopping intervention')
                #If speed was increased but still no movement, try to jerk speed up
                if self.carNotMovingSpeedBoostDuration < self.carNotMovingSpeedBoostDurationThresh:
                    self.requestedPower = 'Race'
                    self.carNotMovingSpeedBoostDuration = self.carNotMovingSpeedBoostDuration + 1
                    print('Trying to boost speed to get the car moving again')
                else: #Go back to increasing speed
                    self.requestedPower = self.carNotMovingPowerName
                    self.carNotMovingSpeedBoostDuration = 0
                    self.carNotMovingPiecewiseSpeedIncrement = 0
                    print('Going back to increasing speed')


    def growTokenStream(self,smoothGyroZ):
        if smoothGyroZ >= self.smoothGyroZThresh and self.tokenstream[-1] != 'R':
            return True
        elif smoothGyroZ <= -self.smoothGyroZThresh  and self.tokenstream[-1] != 'L':
            return True
        elif abs(smoothGyroZ) < self.smoothGyroZThresh  and self.tokenstream[-1] != 'S':
            return True

    def findPattern(self, s):
        i = (s+s).find(s,1,-1)
        return None if i == -1 else s[:i]

    def analyseTokens(self):
        if len(self.tokenstream) > self.discardedTokenstreamEntries:
            tmp = self.findPattern(''.join(self.tokenstream[self.discardedTokenstreamEntries:]))
            if tmp != None:
                if len(tmp) > 4:
                    print("Pattern detected!")
                    self.discoveryPhase = False
                    self.trackTokenPath = tmp
                    self.lenTrackTokenPath = len(tmp)
                    index = ''.join(self.tokenstream).find(tmp)
                    self.tokendistance = self.tokendistance[index:(index+self.lenTrackTokenPath+1)]
                    self.alphas = [0.6 for i in range(self.lenTrackTokenPath)]
                    self.currentTokenKey = self.lenTrackTokenPath - 1
                if len(self.tokenstream) > self.lenTrackTockenPathThresh:
                    self.tokenstream = ['0']
                    print('tokenstream length exceeds lenTrackTockenPathThresh, restarting discovery and reducing speed')
                    self.powers['Discover'] = self.powers['Discover'] - 10

    def setPower(self, power):
        if power > self.maxPower:
            print("ATTENTION: power saturation, requested "+str(power))
            power = self.maxPower


    def raceStoppedEvent(self, msg):

    def velocityDataArrivedEvent(self, msg):
        if (self.discoveryPhase or self.rediscoveryPhase):
            if msg['velocity'] < 75 and (time() - self.raceStartTime) > 0.5:
                #self.discoveryPhasePower += 10
                if self.powers['Discover'] + 10 <  self.maxPower:
                    self.powers['Discover'] += 10
                    print("Increased discovery phase power to",round(self.powers['Discover'],2))
            #elif msg['velocity'] > 3.0/4*self.powers['SpeedLimit']:
                #self.powers['Discover'] -= 5
                #print("Decreased discovery phase power to",round(self.powers['Discover'],2))
            if self.lastTokens[self.itLastTokens-3] == 'S':
                print("Just left",self.trackTokenPath[self.currentTokenKey])
                if self.alphas[self.currentTokenKey] < 0.95 and 0.9 * self.powers['SpeedLimit'] > msg['velocity']:
                    self.alphas[self.currentTokenKey] += 0.05
                    print('Increasing alpha '+str(self.currentTokenKey)+' to '+str(round(self.alphas[self.currentTokenKey],2)))
                if msg['velocity'] < self.powers['SpeedLimit']/2:
                    if self.powers['Turn'] + 5 <  self.maxPower:
                        self.powers['Turn'] += 5
                        print('Increased turn speed to',round(self.powers['Turn'],2))
                    self.powers['Turn'] -= 3
                    print('Decreased turn speed to',round(self.powers['Turn'],2))


    def penaltyReceivedEvent(self, msg):
        print("PENALTY", msg['actualSpeed'])

        # Adapt speed limit
        self.powers['SpeedLimit'] = 0.9 * msg['speedLimit']

        # Adapt current alpha
        if self.racing:
            if self.trackTokenPath[self.currentTokenKey] == 'S':
                self.alphas[self.currentTokenKey] -= 0.09
            elif self.trackTokenPath[self.currentTokenKey-1] == 'S':
                self.alphas[self.currentTokenKey-1] -= 0.09

        # Log

    def startReceivedEvent(self, msg):
        self.raceStartTime = time()

    def stopReceiveEvent(self, msg):